See Page 4
Yl r e
Latest Deadline in the State
:4Ia ii4
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U.S. Jury Indicts
Owen Lattimore
Far East Specialist Held on Seven
Counts of Perjury In Hearing
WASHINGTON-(IP)-A federal grand jury indicted Owen Latti-
more yesterday on seven counts of perjury.
He was accused, among other things, of testifying falsely that
he had never been "a sympathizer and promoter of communism and
Communist interests."
Rm nThe chargesagainst the Far Eastern specialist arise from his
testimony before the Senate's internal security subcommittee last
The president of Johns Hopkins University, Detlev Bronk, said
One part
Gets Denial
Editor Campbell
Daily Feature Editor
Charges that a "one-party press"
gave the American people a dis-
torted view of the recent election '
campaigns drew an emphatic re-
buttal last night from Brewster
Campbell, executive editor of the
Detroit Free Press and a former
editor of The Daily.
Campbell, who said his own
newspaper had been accused of be-
ing partial to both Republican and
S* * *
Concedes Race to
he had sent a letter last night to
VA Hospital
Local officials yesterday said
that they neither knew anything
nor had authority to do anythin
concerning a proposal to convert
the newly-constructed Veterans
Hospital into a TB hospital to re-
lieve a shortage of beds for ailing
state veterans.
Statement of the proposal came
after a smeeting in which Gov. G
Mennen Williams gave a "no mon-
ey" answer to pleas for more beds
for the State's veterans, charging
that Michfgan has been "discrim-
inated against" by the VA in th
past and that this policy is being
continued with recent VA budget
The governor said that Michi-
gan has 197 veterans for every bed
available compared to the coun-
try's average of one bed per 146
JOSEPH W. M1ANN, service of-
ficer for the Veterans of Foreign
Wars, said that veterans groups
State physicians and others have
advocated converting the new hos-
pital to a TB hospital, but that
the VA proposed to devote only 40
beds to TB patients.
He claimed opposition by the
University had blocked use of
the local building for TB pa-
tients, according to the Associat-
ed Press. Later, Mann told The
Daily he did not know which
agency of the University had
done the blocking. His statement
had been made, he explained, on
information supplied by the Vet-
erans Administration medical
staff in Washington.
University Vice-president Mar-
vin Niehuss had told the Associat-
ed Press earlier in the evening
that the use to which veterans hos-
pitals are put is a matter to be
decided in Washington.
And University Hospital asso-
ciate director Waldo Buss said the
matter "has never been discussed.'
Donald C. Bachmann, State
legislative officer for the Disabled
American Veterans, observed, "The
situation will be even more con-
fused as it goes on."
Joint Talks Set
? Students for Democratic Action
and the Civil Liberties Committee
last night progressed in their plans
to have joint discussions during
the second semester on topics re-
lating to civil rights.
Among the topics suggested for
discussion were "Civil Liberties and
Future Employment,' "Was Due
Process Used in the Stacy Case?"
and "The McCarran-Walters Bill."
CLC postponed election of new
officers until its first club meet-
ing of the spring semester.
Train Ducat Sales
End Tomorrow
'Tomorrow marks the last day
on which tickets for the special
Vulcan trains leaving Friday for
Chicago and New York will be
Tickets will be sold from 9 a.m.
to 4:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Ad-
ministration Bldg., according to
John Knudson, '53E, a member of
the Vulcan senior engineering so-
Lattimore giving him a leave of ab-
sence, with salary, from his uni-
versity duties "until the federal
court shall have passed upon the
"I have done this with the ad-
vice of a committee comprising
members of the several faculties
of the university and with the
approval of the board of trustees,"
Bronk's letter added.
* *
LATTIMORE, director of a
3 school of international relations
at Johns Hopkins University in
g Baltimore, was grilled by the sen-
t ators for 12 days about Commun-
s ist connections and what influ-
- ence he wielded on America's post-
war policy in the Far East.
"I am, of course, innocent,"
e Lattimore said at the office of
" his attorney here, where he was
- informed of the indictment.
s "That innocence should have to
g be so long defended against such
- vengeful harrassment as I have
been subjected to for three years
is something that can better be
commented on by others than by
I THE GRAND JURY, after going
- over the record of the Senate hear-
s ing with government prosecutors,
charged that Lattimore lied about
seven "material" matters. The
- jurors reported:
1. That he testified he had
never supported communism,
e whereas he "had been a sympa-
- thizer and promoter of commun-
a ism and Communist interests."
2. That he testified falsely he
did not know until 1950 Ch'ao Ting
Chi was a Communist. Chi was a
man Lattimore worked with at the
Institute of Pacific Relations, ac-
cused by the subcommittee of be-
ing a Red agent.
3. That he swore that he did not
know until the late 1930s that a
person who used the pen-name of
"Asiaticus" was a Communist,
knowing this testimony to be un-
true. "Asiaticus" contributed to
"Pacific Affairs," a magazine Lat-
- timore edited for the institute.
4. That he swore falsely that,
aside from Russian contribu-
tions, he had never published
articles in "Pacific Affairs" by
persons whom he knew to be
5. That he testified he lunched
in 1941 with a Soviet ambassador
in Washington after Hitler's in-
vasion of the Soviet Union, where-
as the fact was that he met the
ambassador before the invasion oc-
curred and while Russia and Nazi
Germany were still allies.
6. That he swore that he never
handled the mail of Lauchlin Cur-
rie, an aide of the late President
Roosevelt. The grand jury said
there is evidence that he did so on
occasions when Currie was away
from Washington.
7. That he testified he visited the
Chinese Communist headquarters
at Yenan in 1937 without making
any advance arrangements.
-Daily-Larry Wilk
Executive City Editor
of the Detroit Free Press
* * *
Democratic candidates, spoke at
the initiation banquetrofSigma
Delta Chi, national professional
journalism honorary.
"The majority of American
newspapers did an honest job,
and a good many did an excel-
lent job in covering the cam-
paign," the Detroit editor main-
Campbell, who graduated from
the University in 1922, assertedI
that he had looked into the chargesI
and knew "there were newspapers'
which did a very bad job of cov-
ering the campAign."
"But I know this in newspaper
offices all 'over the country there
was a of soul-searching
in the course of the election cov-
INDICATING that "newspapers
were on trial in the election cam-,
paign," Campbell went on to de-,
clare the majority of the Ameri-
can press stands on "a solid ethi-
cal basis.",
But he warned the American,
press has been "too long compla-
cent, satisfied to do a good-]
enough job to get by, bound too
greatlysby tradition and old
"Whether we like it or not those,
days are gone," Campbell said,
"and our competition, which has
come on a dozen new fronts, has
done them in. But journalism is
by no means a dying field."
Those who bewail the advent ofI
radio and television in the news-
gathering field will not survive, hec
asserted. _
'U' Alumnus Diest
Dr. Earl W. May, chief of the1
pediatric staff at Grace and Her-
man Kiefer hospitals and a Uni-1
versity alumnus, died yesterday ats
Grace Hospital in Detroit.
He was 61 years old.a
HOST Makes
DiSalle New
Price Boss
dent Truman yesterday brought
Michael V. DiSalle back into the
government as economic stabiliz-
er to help maintain a "strong"
anti-inflation program until the
new Republican administration
takes over on Jan. 20.
DiSalle made it clear that he
feels controls over prices and
wages will be necessary to ward off
threats of inflation for some time
to come. The former price direc-
tor added he is sure the new Con-
gress will study the situation
carefully before deciding to aban-
don the program.
DI SALLE probably will be
sworn in Monday to succeed Rog-
er L. Putnam. Putnam resigned as
economic stablizer yesterday to re-
turn to his private business in
Springfield, Mass. DiSalle, in his
new post, will have direct super-
vision over prices and wages.
In a letter to DiSalle, Tru-
man said that DiSalle's service
as reorganizer of the Office of
Price Stabilization should be of
great help in keeping the con-
trols program going.
Immediately after the an-
nouncement, administration sta-
bilization leaders held a "united
front" news conference presided
over by Defense Mobilizer Henry
* * *
FOWLER said the purpose of
the joint meeting was to make
clear that the price and wage con-
trol program will be maintained.
Besides DiSalle, Fowler and
Putnam, others present were Jo-
seph H. Freehill, who was sworn
-in as new director of the Office
of Price Stabilization, and
Charles C. Killingsworth, new
head of the Wage Stabilization
The group joined in pledging to
continue "strong and vigorous
controls" in the waning days of
the Truman administration.
Fowler said that instead of
quitting as he had planned to do
Jan. 1 he will stay on until -Jan.
20, or until President-elect Eisen-
hower names his successor as di-
rector of thehOfficeof Defense
Mobilization. Fowler plans to re-
turn to private law practice in
Sabre Jets Shoot
Down Four MIGs
SEOUL-(/P)-Sabre jet pilots
clashed 13 times with Communist
MIGs high above Northwest Korea
yesterday and shot down at least
four Red jets, probably destroyed
another and damaged one, the
Fifth Air Force announced.
Ground fighting along the frigid
155-mile frot was the lightest in
several days. The Eighth Army
reported only brief patrol contact
at most points.
GO A-WASSAILING--While officials of the U.S. weather bureau predicte
north of a line from the Texas Panhandle to Virginia, a contingent of Unive
coming Yule season with carols and holiday greetings on a tour of campusi
Navy Rescues 13 from Suppi
LEGHORN, Italy-(2P)-Four I.
S. Navy helicopters starred yester-
day in the last act of a drama of
the sea, removing the last of 39
crewmen from a broken, storm-
swept U. S. supply ship to safety
after 36 tense hours of rescue op-
The helicopters snatched the fi-
nal 13 of the crewmen from the
wave-lashed decks of the Groin-
Detroit Area
A discussion by a four man panel
of the findings obtained from a
recent study of political behavior
in Detroit, highlighted the Poli-
tical Science Roundtable meeting
last night.
Participants in the panel talk
were, Prof. Samuel Eldersveld of
the political science department,
Prof. Ronald Freedman of the so-
ciology department, Richard W.
Dodge, Grad, and Sid Belanoff,
formation derived from the survey
met Reefer and flew them to shore.
Breeches buoy and small boat op-
erations earlier had rescued 23 of
their fellow sailors, and three oth-
ers swam ashore.
* * *
TRUE TO THE tradition of the
sea, the last to leave the 3,800-ton
Navy refrigerator ship was her
skipper, Capt. Henry P. Saukant of'
Brooklyn, N. Y. A helicopter set
him down in safety just 36 hours
after the ship, battered by gusts
of wind up to 110 miles an hour,
crashed on the rocks in Leghorn
Harbor and broke in two Monday
200 yards off shore.
Bus Trips
Students may sign up for
reservations aboard Friday's
Wolverine Club sponsored
busses to Willow Run Airport
from 1 to 4 p.m. today and to-
morrow in the Administration
Busses will leave from the
Union at 12:15, 2:45, 4 and
5:15 p.m. and arrive at -the
airport in time for major flight
departures. Additional buses
will be run at 11 a.m. and 1:30
p.m. if enough students need
transportation at those times.
U M ecount off
As Williams
s Gets Office
SInciu mbent Takes
10,586 Margi
.< B theAssociated Press
X Republican Fred M. Alger, Jr.,
late yesterday called off the re-
count of votes in the Nov. 4 guber-
natorial election, conceding de-
feat by Democratic incumbent G.
Mennen Williams.
Alger threw in the towel as Wil-
liam's margin swelled from the of-
ficial canvass margin of 8,618
votes to 10,586 after 1,654 pre-
cincts had been re-tabulated.
ALGER'S statement conceding
defeat was announced shortly be-
fore 11 p.m. from his recount
headquarters in Detroit.
In his prepared statement Al-
ger said, "With the margin so
close, we felt there was good
purpose in a recount of the votes
cast for governor so there would
no doubt in the minds of the
people and so every last step
-Daily-Larry Wilk would be taken to give people a
ed a white Christmas final determination of the elec-
rsity students hails the tion results.
residnce hlls."I do not believe now- that a
residence halls. continuation of the recount is
warranted. A pattern has been
set, and I am sure there will be no
major changes from the original
ulating' Gov. Williams on "his
y Sh1P THE GOP Secretary of State
went on to thank the many citi-
_ . - - - . -__ . _ _ . _ . _ _ _ . _ . _z e n s w h o d e v o t e d t h e i r t i m e a n d
9 crew members, all civ- effort in the recount of votes
ere in good health. Some and ended his statement congrat-
ated for exposure. ulating Gov. Williams' on "his
ur helicopters which ar- personal victory."
the climactic stage of the The announcement came only
Mme from the U. S. air- a few hours after Alger had said
merom thdey Und LS. no decision would be made un-
iers Midway and Leyte. til today on halting or continu-
ing the recount.
r1d e ws"It alsocame close on the heels
rrld News of a rejection by the State board
of canvassers of a Democratic pe-
O nd p tition demanding that Williams'
election to a third term be certi-
the Associated Press Williams. in Detroit, issued a,
NGTON-Lt. Gen. Lewis statement saying, in part:
:hief of Army Engineers, "With the long period of inde-
edgonethe kicklnes bye cision over, we can all buckle down
ped on the knuckles by now to the many big problems
of the Army Pace in con- gpolm
ith the huge North Af- which confront the state. It will
bas costucton obbe my purpose to work with the
base construction job legislatureand all citizens of good
ngressmen sharply crit- will regardless of partisan poli-
* .~ , ,tics to solve those problems in the
-The Atlantic Allies yes- best way possible. There are some
Tmed British Adm. Earl legal questions as to procedure for
ten boss of the Mediter- terminating the recount. Until our
alaes butef thepdiow-attorneys have had an opportunity
a lanes, but left the pow- to consider these questions I can-
in that sea under U S not say what the next step will
ert B. Carney. _ _be."
EGAS Nev Another HST orders
st series in Nevada, pos-
y' in 1953, was indicated
by an Atomic Energy Loyalty Plan
En announcement.o y RKy Pa n
" * NEW YORK - (A) - President
A. Switzerland-The In- Truman has ordered that a plan
al Red Cross released cor- be drawn to provide a maximum
ice yesterday in which it guarantee that disloyal Ameri-
he UN command in Ko- cans are not employed by the
iolating the Geneva con- United Nations, Atty. Gen. James
n war prisoners by using p. McGranery announced last
iwithholding food and night.
Koje Island. McGranery told newsmen Tru-
ters included replies by man had ordered the State and
k Clark, the UN com- Justice Departments and the Civil
who said "the control Service Commission to collabo-
... have been necessary rate in working out the plan.
illy justified." The attorney general said Tru-
man issued the directive as a re-
sult of the recommendations made
to UN Secretary General Trygve
Lie by a panel of three interna-
in tional lawyers, but gave no other
i Samedetails.
The lawyers recommended that
S - - - -disloyal Americans in the UN be
bitants make the long fired and any other UN em-
unch than those in Alice ployes, whether Americans or not,
is might be attributed to be dismissed if they were guilty
y greater distance to the of subversive activities of espio-
m, Schaadt speculated. nage against the U.S.
and May were chosen f "
The 39
ilians, we
were trea
The fou
rived for t
rescue ca
craft car
A. Pick, c
and two
been rape
nection w
rican air
which co:
terday na
ranean se
erful Ame
pendent i
Adm. Rob
atomic tes
sibly early
Stat us of Japan's Women Improving
"The greatest change in post-
war Japanese society has been the
improvement in the status of wom-
en," Japanese League of Women
Voters president Fusae Ichikawa
claimed yesterday.
In the middle of a four-month
tour of the United States spon-
sored by Columbia University's
East Asia Institute, Miss Ichikawa
said that since Japanese women
were first given the vote in 1945
they have made big strides in pol-
Twenty-one women now have
litics is not quite respectable," she
The problem of improving the
status of Japanese women is
an economic and educational
one, Miss Ichikawa said, reflect-
ing the state of Japan as a
Japanese politicians must con-
cern themselves with decreas-
indicated a great degree of in;- GENEV
stability in party allegiance by the Reuther Rests ternationa
Detroit voter. The newly collected responder
data revealed voters tend to over- A fter charged t
evaluate their party allegiance, he rea with v
claimed. -vention or
Dodge concluded the program DETROIT - (A) - Walter Reu- force and
with a general survey of the rela- ther, the CIO's new president, was water on]
tive participation of labor unions operated on yesterday for the re- The let
'in politics. He said the survey moval of his gall bladder. Gen. Mar
showed the greatest Democratic An official report afterwards mander,
union strength came from the CIO said the operation was successful measures
rather than the AFL. and that Reuther was resting well. are are fu
Meal-Skipping Trend Rema
ing Japan's crowded population By MIKE WOLFF
through such means as birth con- n The spasmodic agitation for bet-
trol if- the economic crisis is to ter dormitory meals appears to
be cleared, she explained. have little bearing on the number
The League of Women Voters of students who skip meals, ac-
president felt this must be done cording to Leonard A. Schaadt,
of the residents missed breakfast,
10 per cent cut lunch and slightly
less than 20 per cent failed to show
up for dinner.
These totals, however, are
well inha
climb to l
Lloyd. Thi
the slightl
latter dor