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December 16, 1952 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1952-12-16

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European Unity
Discussed by Ike
Weighs Korean Plans with World
Picture as Seen by Dulles, McCloy
NEW YORK-0P)-President-elect Eisenhower, just back from his
Korean "look and learn" trip, plunged yesterday into talks on European
unity against communism.
Eisenhower conferred with John L. McCloy, former United States
high commissioner in Germany, and John, Foster Dulles, who will
be his secretary of state.
* * * *

THE NATURE OF the talks indicated
weighing whatever plans he might have

the President-elect was
concerning Korea with

Alger Waits
For Wa ye
By the Associated Press
Secretary of State Fred M. Al-
ger Jr. Yesterday awaited recount
results in 53 key Wayne County
precincts while Democrats readied
plsans to demand today that the
State Board of Canvassers certi-
fy the reelection of G. Mennen
Williams as governor.
Alger, Republican candidate for
governor, is expected to base his
Sdecision on whether to continue
the recount on retabulated re-
turns in the 63 East Side De-
troit precincts which gave Wil-
liams heavy margins in the elec-
Meanwhile, James C. Allen, re-
count attorney for Williams, said
he will appear before the State
Board of Canvassers at 2 p.m. to-
day to demand that Williams be
certified to his third term in of-
ALGER both slipped and gained
as big chunks of votes changed
hands today.
In Washtenaw County, the
recount was completed yester-
day with the exception of two
Ypsilanti Township precincts
where an irregularity concerning
inspection officials arose. On
the basis of the other 30 coun-
ties checked, Williams gained a
total of 61 votes.
The question of the inspectors
will probably be decided tomor-
row when the County Board of
Canvassers will hold a hearing on
whether the inspections had taken
the oath of office before assum-
ing their duties. If the ballots af-
fected are invalidiated Alger will
gain a net of 186 votes.
* * *
ALGER received a boost when
the Wayne County Board of Can-
vassers credited 300 votes due to
an error in the official canvass.
The error was uncovered in
an adding machine audit of the
Wayne County canvass, which
showed Alger had been short-
changed 100 votes and Williams
given 200 votes too many.
This shift changed Williams'
official canvass lead over Alger to
Detroit Editor
To Talk Today
Brewster Campbell, executive
city editor of the Detroit Free
Press and former managing editor
of The Daily, will speak at the
initiation banquet of the profes-
Ssional journalism fraternity, Sig-
ma Delta Chi, to be held tonight
in the Allenel Hotel.
Campbell, who graduated from
the University in 1922 was a mem-
ber of Sigma Delta Chi while in
school and is now vice president of
the Detroit chapter.
Political Science
Roundtable to Meet
The Political Science Round-
tble will meet at 7:45 p.m. today
in the Rackham Amphitheater.
The topic for discussion will be,
"Political Behavior Research in
the Detroit Metropolitan Area."
Participants will be Prof. Sam-

uel Eldersveld of the political

the rest of the world picture.
McCloy, who lunched with
Eisenhower and Dulles, said "we
talked about the steps that
might 'be taken in relation to
European unity, a subject we
have all been engaged in and in-
terested in for a number of
McCloy was high commissioner
in the former enemy country for
three years marked by tension be-
tween Soviet Russia and the West,
with Berlin as the focal point. He
retired last August.
NO DATE was announced for
Eisenhower's expected meeting
with Gen. Douglas MacArthur,
former Far Eastern commander
who was fired by President Tru-
MacArthur said recently there
was a "clear and definite solution"
to the Korean fighting, and Eisen-
hower messaged to MacArthur an
expression of interest in his plan.
Prior to his luncheon meeting
witheMcCloyand Dulles, Eisen-
hower conferred with Harold E.
Stassen, former Minnesota gover-
nor who has been designated as
foreign aid chief in the new ad-
Court Kills
preme Court knocked out Okla-
homa's loyalty oath law yesterday
on the ground that it does not pro-
vide adequate safeguards for the
Justice Clark, who wrote the
court's 8 to 0 decision, said that
under the act association alone
determines loyalty-"it matters
not whether association existed in-
nocently or knowingly."
* * *
tion of innocent with knowing
activity must fall as an assertion
of arbitrary power," Clark said. "It
offends the due process of law."
The Oklahoma law required
state officers and employes to
swear, among other things, that
they had not belonged to any
group listed by the U. S. attor-
ney general as subversive or as a
Communist-front for five years
prior to taking the oath.
In Oklahoma City, the author of
the law, Rep. Bill Shibley, said
he will introduce a new loyalty bill
in the Legislature next year, draft-
ing it to meet the Supreme Court's
IN OTHER cases yesterday, the
1. Ruled for the first time that
use of wire-tap evidence in state
courts does not violate the Federal
Communications Act.
2. Refused to interfere with a
federal grand jury investigation of
an alleged world oil cartel.

Ike Elected
nation's Electoral College yes-
terday chose Dwight D. Eisen-
hower as the 34th U. S. presi-
dent-presumably by a 442 to
89 count.
This carries out the mandate.
of last Nov. 4, when the na-
tion's voters chose the electors
in casting 33,927,549 votes for
Eisenhower, the Republican
presidential candidate, to 27,-
311,316 for Gov. Adlai Steven-
son, the Democratic standard
But Eisenhower's selection as
the next president still won't
be official until Jan. 6 when
Congress meets in joint session
for the Electoral College vote
to be counted by the president
of the Senate.
No Decision
On Lecture
No decision was reached yester-
day on the Student Legislature's
Lecture Committee proposal which
is being discussed by the lecture
group, according to Prof. James
K. Pollock, Committee chairman.
Although reliable sources indi-
cated an impasse had been reached
in the talks. <Student Legislature
president Howard Willens, '53, said
last night further discussions will
be held with Prof. Pollock if pos-
sible before tomorrow night's SL




Put Korea Peace
Hopes up to Reds
UNITED NATIONS, N. Y.-(A)-The United States last night
laid down a "no compromise" policy on a Korean truce and served
notice it cannot see any purpose in sending fresh plans to the Reds for
settling the prisoner of war issue.
"The responsibility for whether there shall be peace in Korea
clearly lies with the Chinese Communists and North Korea authorities
and their supporters," the State Department said in an official
statement after Red China rejected the UN plan for ending the
Korean War.
* * * *





carefully the blunt rejection by
Red China of the UN Assembly's
Korean peace plan and Peiping's
stiff counter-prqposals.
The terms laid down by the
Chinese Reds are identical to
those put forward earlier by
Russia's Andrei Y. Vishinsky and
rejected by the Assembly in a
one-sided vote.
V. K. Krishna Menon, Indian
delegate who wrote the Assembly
plan, commented that the situa-
tion is "not hopeless." He said the
Red Chinese reply does not show
that they are not willing to nego-
tiate. He would not comment fur-
ther until he had a chance to ex-
amine the 3,000-word cable from
all angles.

ent came as

UN delegates studied

WILLENS admitted that some
"stumbling blocks"arose in the dis-
cussions, but would not elaborate
on his statement. Difficulty has
reportedly arisen in writing a
pledge which sponsoring groups
would be required to sign before
bringing speakers to campus.
Under the Legislature plan,
the group and its members would
certify that the proposed speaker
would not violate any Regents'
criteria governing campus talks.
Several faculty members of the
Committee reputedly advanced al-
ternative plans which would re-
quire sponsors to guarantee that
the speaker's reputation and back-
ground were free from a subversive
This suggestion is in conflict
with the SL proviso asking that
content of a speech rather than
speaker's background be the chief
criterion in judging a talk.
** *
THE WHOLE emphasis of the
Legislature proposal has been
directed at post-judgment of
speeches and not pre-judgment of
Willens declined comment last
night on the possibility that SL
would withdraw the plan from
Lecture Committee considera-
tion if the "stumbling blocks"
were not cleared away within
the next few days.
Composed of five voting facul-
ty members, the lecture group also
has two non-voting student ob-
servers who are given speaking
rights at meetings. Willens and
Phil Berry, Grad., are serving as
representatives at the present
In addition, two other students,
Ted Friedman, '53, and Dave
Brown, '53, have participated in
discussions of SL's plan. Both have
done extensive work on the meas-

-Daily--Chuck Kelsey
RECEIVES PLAUDITS-Pianist Lois Gauger, '53SM, takes a bow following her performance of
Brahms Concerto No. 2 in the University Symphony Orchestra's program of Concertos and Arias
last night. Conducted by Prof. Wayne Dunlap, the University Symphony participated in a program
of performances by senior and graduate music school students who were winners of the music
school concerto contest.
Illinois Smothers Wolverines 96-66

Special to The Daily
CHAMPAIGN - They ran and
they shot and they hustled all the
way, but the Wolverine cagers
couldn't come close to power-laden
Illinois in their meeting here last
The highly-touted Illini, rated
by many observers as the top col-
lege outfit in the country, led from
Loyalty Board
Fires Vincent
WASHINGTON-(')-The State
Department yesterday suspended
career diplomat John Carter Vin-
cent after a government board
found "there is reasonable doubt
as to his loyalty."
At the same time, the Depart-
ment announced that the U. S.
Civil Service Commission's Loyal-
ty Review Board has found "no
reasonable doubt about the loyal-
ty" of John Paton Davies Jr., an-
other key State Department ca-
reer officer.
The department only suspended
Vincent, however, and announced
that President Truman will dis-I
cuss the case with Secretary of
State Acheson when Acheson re-
turns from the NATO Conference
at Paris this week end.4

- - - -+

the opening minutes of play and
easily coasted the rest of the way
to a lop-sided 96-66 decision.
** *
COACH HARRY Combes' de-
fending Big Ten champions build
up a 10-1 margin with 2:45 gone
in the opening period, expanded
it to 21 points at halftime and
went 30 points to the fore in the
final session on the road to their.
second win in two starts.
Michigan's best chance to
make a game out of it came
early in the first stanza. With
Illinois leading, 24-15, and
thirty seconds remaining in the
quarter. Milt Mead converted
on the end of a fast break and
John Codwell canned a free
throw to narrow the gap to 24-
18 after ten minutes.
Guard Don Eaddy 'threw in a
jump shot as the next round
opened, but that was an close as
the Maize and Blue got. With 6-9

center John ' (Red) Kerr and
guard Irv Bemoras hitting from
all over the floor, the Orange and
Blue reeled off a string of 11 suc-
cessive markers to go ahead 35-
** *,
Then, after Mead meshed a
tip-in, Illinois cashed in on ten
more points in a row to go on
top, 43-24. The Champaign five
lead at halftime by a 49-28 count.
Coach Bill Perigo's quintet
showed a surge of power as the
second half began. Codwell
funnelled in a one-hander, Ead-
dy counted a foul toss, and
Lawrence dented the twines
with a long set shot. That made
the score 51-33 and things were
looking rosier.
Kerr, the red-topped Illini piv-
ot-operator, drew his fourth per-
sonal foul with two minutes gone
in an over-zealous guarding ma-
neuver on Michigan center Paul
* * *
WITH KERR sitting on the
bench, Grofisky got hot..The Ma-
plewood. New Jersey sophomore
caged four field goals and two
foul shots in the third stanza as
See KERR, Page 3
Parting Banned
On South, East U
A ban on parking on S. Univer-
sity to E. University was put into
effect last night when the Ann
Arbor City Council passed a r'eso-
lution prohibiting parking on the
south side of the street.

PRESIDENT Lester B. Pearson
of the Assembly received the Com-
munist Chinese reply yesterday
morning and began work on a re-
port to the General Assembly. The
problem uppermost in the minds
of the delegates is: What next?
The indication grew that the UN
will mark time on the Korean is-
sue until after the inauguration of
President-elect Eisenhower. A new
United States delegation, headed
by Sen. Henry Cabot Lodge Jr.
will take its seat then and the
prospects are that the Assembly
will resume considation of the Ko-
rean problem in February.
Red China's rejection was broad-
cast last night by the Peiping
" The Peiping statement called
the Assembly peace plan "unjust,
illegal and unreasonable.",
Eighty -Four
Reds Killed
In Escape Try
PUSAN, Korea-(P)-The Unit-
ed Nations Prisoner of War Com-
mand reported today two more
Communists had died of wounds
when Allied guards quelled a mass
breakout attempt on Pongam Is-
land Sunday.
It brought to 84 the announced
prisoner dead in the organized riot
by 3,600 die-hard North Korean
Reds. The UN Command said
many died of bayonet wounds.
Some 120 prisoners were wounded.
TWO U.S. AND two South Kor-
ean soldiers also were injured by
rock-hurling Reds who ignored all
orders to halt and charged the
guardsinwaves, the UN command
It was the bloodiest uprising yet,
exceeding by one the number of
Red prisoners killed in a Feb. 18
riot on Koje Island.

U.S., Europe
Collide Over
NATO Plans
PARIS-(/P)-American demands
for more fighting strength in Eur-
ope collided head on at the North
Atlantic Treaty Conference yes-
terday with the European disposi-
tion to take it easier.
American Gen. Matthew B.
Ridgway,.commander of European
forces of NATO, walked into the
1952 review meeting of NATO and
asked firmly for quick approval of
a 428 million dollar defense build-
ing program. He got a soft re-
LORD ISMAY, NATO secretary
general, told correspondents after
the meeting that,it was quite pos-
sible no buildi : program would
be approved this session despite
the wishes of Ridgway and his
staff to get it going with the first
good weather.
The afternoon meeting was se-
cret andLord Ismay declined
to say what Ridgway has asked,
but sources close to the general
said he was prepared to make
"a strong speech." Only last
week the SHAPE commander
said the need for stronger
forces was as great now as it
ever had been and Europe now
was not adequately defended
against possible Russian inva-
Forty-two ministers from the
fourteen countries-those for for-
eign affairs, finance and defense
-attend the NATO session.
Still Missing
Results of a check with state
and local police as well as Univer-
sity and residence hall officials
revealed nothing more of the
whereabouts of Barry K. Branch,
'56, Reeves House freshman, who
has been missing since Dec. 5.
According to state police no new
reports have come in on the 18
year old student since he was last
seen at the Detroit Institute of
Arts on Dec. 7 by a former high
school friend, Brewster Campbell.
Dean of Men Walter Rea, re-
ported that the Missing Persons
Bureau in Detroit'is still working
on the case but has as yet turned
up no clues.
CLC Will Choose
The Civil Liberties Committee
will meet at 7:30 p.m. today in
the Union.
Officers for the spring semester
will be elected. Preliminary plans
for a student-faculty discussion
program will be formulated.

Economic Base for Cold War Sought

World News
By The Associated Press
Truman dedicated a magnificent
new shrine for the Constitution,
the Declaration of Independence
and the Bill of Rights yesterday
and warned that the ideals of lib-
erty they representhare in a world
struggle for survival.
SEOUL-Clearing weather
touched off a series of 10 air bat-
tles high over Northwest Korea
yesterday in the first appearance
of the Communist .Air Force in
five days.
WASHINGTON - The govern-
ment put its wage controls pro-
gram in the hands of a new Wage
Stabilization Committee yesterday
and Chairman Charles C. Killings-
worth promised fast action on a
backlog of 12,000 pay increases,
awaiting approval.!
NEW YORK - Martin P. Dur-
kin, union leader named by Presi-
dent-elect Eisenhower as his sec-
r-nr o a . -Pfim+P8 1A+

Associated Press News Analyst
The British Commonwealth Con-
ference just ended in London and
the NATO andmEuropean Economic
Co-operation meetings now under
way in Paris are all tied together
in a search which, fundamentally,
is just for one thing-a balanced
economic base from which to con-
duct the cold war.
Canadian and American repre-
sentatives are there too-consulta-
tively in the council of the OEEC
and actively in NATO.

armed forces for 1953, must
await the economic balance
sheet and the inauguration of a
new administration in the Unit-
ed States.
Europe is talking about a NATO
program for the year which would
back still further away from the
manpower goals originally set and
concentrate on quality. This is an-
other way of relying primarily on
the help of the United States,
which has just announced plans
for placing a billion dollars worth
of defense contracts abroad. And

But it will be a one-legged system
unless balanced with consumer
production and monetary stabiliza-
A large part of the European
economic studies now under way
is devoted to. this monetary
problem, usually working around
to demands for lowered Ameri-
can tariffs to promote the dollar
earnings of Europe.
They argue that the United
States, as the world's greatest
creditor, is in an entirely different
position from the United States

ISA Membership Put"
On NewRegional Basis

Members of the International
Students Association last night
adopted a new constitution which
will put membership in their or-
ganization's legislative body on a

r .,.

Officers on this new commit-
tee are Garen Balekjian of
Egypt, Shigeo Immamura, Spec.,
of Japan, Juan Azcarate, '53, of
Venezuela, Eugen Curti, 154L, of




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