See Page 4
Latest Deadline in the State
-- _ _. I
VOL. LXIII, No. 68
Russian Employe
Dismissed by UN
Aide Had Access to Top Political
Documents. on Atomic Energy
UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. - (-P) - The United Nations has fired
a highly placed Russian employe who was tagged as a Soviet spy by
the American State Department.
He is Nikolai Skvortsov, who was personal and confidential aide
to Constantin E. Zinchenko, a now-absent U.N. assistant secretary-
general who was the highest ranking Soviet national in the Secre-
tariat here. Skvortsov was boss of the Soviet's state farm system before
he came here in 1950.
RUSSIANS HAVE always held the assistant secretary-general)
post for Security Council affairs since the council first met in 1945.
Ike Assured
Korean Visit
Got Results
En Route Home with Eisenhower
-(P)-President-elect Dwight D.
Eisenhower left for home yester-
day, confident his 15 day survey
of Korean and Far. East war prob-
lems had got results, despite the
criticism of President Truman.
Eisenhower and his party de-
parted aboard an Air Force Con-
stellation at 4:53 p.m. scheduled to
* bring him to New York today after
a single stop in California.
* * *
THE GENERAL drove, to the
Kanoehe Air Base looking fit and
ruddy. Three days of golf followed
his dramatic survey of the battle-
front, and intensive conferences
aboard the cruiser Helena between
Guam and Hawaii.
Just before taking off, Eisen-
hower told Adm. Arthur W. Rad-
ford, Pacific Fleet commander,
that "we may be sending for
you again to talk over some of
the things we have discussed."
Radford and a group of cabinet
designates and key advisers accom-
panied the general to Korea.
* * *
A PLANE carrying five secret
service men, an extra flight crew,
maintenance crew and baggage,
blew a tire on the takeoff and re-
turned to Kaneohe. No one was
The party winged toward the
West coast amid reports that
President Truman's charges of
"demagoguery" had cooled per-
sonal relations between the two to
the freezing point.
Ford Fights
Free Inquiry
NEW YORK-(P)-The Ford
Foundation has set up an inde-
pendent organization, the Fund for
the Republic, to combat restric-
tions on freedom of thought, in-
quiry and expression in the Unit-
ed States.
Announcement of the new body
set up as a membership corpora-
tion in New York state, was made
by Paul G. Hoffman, president of
the Foundation.
* * *
HE SAID trustees of the founda-
tion have outlined the objective as
"The foundation will support
activities directed toward the
elimination of restrictions on
freedom of thought, inquiry and
expression in the United States,
and the development of policies
and procedures best adapted to
protect these rights."
Hoffman continued:
"In the opinion of the Founda-
tion, the many controversial prob-
lems in this area can best be acted
on by an organization that has
complete independence. The foun-
dation, therefore, has asked a dis-
tinguished group of men and wo-
men to form such an independent
organization and to study the
problem and outline a program."
Hoffman said that if a satisfac-
tory program and organization are
achieved, "a substantial grant" will
be made to carry on the work.
The establishment of the organ-
ization follows upon the heels of
O The means both Zinchenko
and Skvortsov were in position
to see some of the most restrict-
ed U.N. political documents-
from the council's Atomic En-
ergy Commission, the Military
Affairs Committee, and the Dis-
armament Commission, which
have held many closed meetings
attended by selected personnel.
The United States, however,
has made clear that it never fur-
nished the U.N. confidential mili-
tary or atomic information. There
was some talk in the U.N. last
summer that Lie was restricting
Zinchenko's activities then.
described him as a jovial blond
Russian who mingled freely with
other secretariat people, an un-
usual thing for a Russian to do
here.- i
'They said he had served at
various times in the past in So-
viet embassies at Ottawa, Cana-
da, and Tehran, Iran. They said
he spoke English and French1
Both Ottwa and Tehran have
been the scenes of Russian under-
cover activity.
* * *
THE U.S. STATE Department
said Skvortsov was fired by the
U.N. after the department told
Sevretary-General Trygve Lie that
Skvortsov had "violated a U.S.
law." Lie was told in September,
a State Department source said.
According to U.S. sources
here, this is the chronology of
the Skvortsov case:
For over a year the U.S. has
received secret reports on the
Russian's espionage. These re-
portedly took place outside the
U.N. and did not involve Skvort-
sov's U.N. job. Last July he went
home to Moscow on leave.
Shortly thereafter the State
Department notified the embas-
sy in Moscow to deny him a re-
entry permit if he should ask for
one. The U.S. notified Lie of the!
situation in September and in Oc-
tober he terminated Skvortsov's
employment allegedly because the
Russian represented an "admin-
istrative loss" since he was unable
to return to headquarters here.
A high U.N. official said-be-
fore the State Department an-
nouncement - that Skvortsov's
job had been terminated after heI
was unable to get a re-entry visa
after his home leave.
The State Department denied
this. "We never refused a visa as
he was fired before the question
, came up,"
'M' Cagers
Drop 85=77
Iowa Gets 16-0
Six Minute Lead
Special To The Daily
IOWA CITY-For 34 minutes
last night Michigan looked like a
winning basketball team.
But in the opening six minutes
of play red-hot Iowa scorched the
nets with 16 successive counters
while the stone-cold Wolverines
were held scoreless. Thereafter
the fast-breaking Hawkeyes coast-
ed to an impressive 85-77 triumph
in the conference opener for both
The Maize and Blue first period
attack was so futile that when
the stanza ended with Iowa on
top, 21-12, the visitors had hit
the cords on only four of 23 at-
tempts from the floor.
S * - ~
Thompson, high scorer for the
home forces with 21 points, and
flashy guard Ken Jarnagin ignited
the surge which began with a long
one-hander after 90 seconds of ac-
When Wolverine guard Don
Eaddy found the range on a
one-hander almost five minutes
later, Coach Bill Perigo's charg-
es seemed hopelessly outclassed
in front of the partisan Iowa
Nevertheless, the scrappy Mich-
igan five fought to within five
points of the winners midway
.through the second quarter and
within six points early in the final
session before succumbing to its
first defeat in three outings this
* * * .
A LAST-GASP drive in the
waning seconds of the third per-
iod and the opening minutes of
the final chukker stunned the ca-
pacity 9,000 fans in the Hawkeye
Field House.
Iowa had gone ahead, 46-26,
at halftime, and maintained
that advantage for the first two
minutes of the third quarter.
Then 6-4 forward John Codwell
notched six quick markers be-
fore fouling out at 7:02 to close
the gap to 49-36.
Codwell had the tough job of
guarding Iowa's high-scoring for-
ward Deacon Davis. The Houston,
Texas junior held the vaunted
Hawkeye marksman to two field
See IOWA HANDS, Page 3
Atomic Energy
Report Released
of atomic energy instead of coal
or other standard fuels to pro-
duce electric power economically
still may be anywhere from ten
to fifty years away.
That wide range of estimates by
some of the top nuclear physicists
and industrial experts of the na-
tion appeared last night in a 400-
page report of the joint Congres-
sional Committee on Atomic En-
'Easy There, Boys'
-Daily-Bruce Knoll
Washington Newsmen Kid Politicos
Wolverines Stop
Toronto Icemen
Matchefts, McKennell, Keyes Shine
In 6-3 Win; Thompson Cup Secure
Michigan's top-ranked hockey squad blasted to its eleventh
straight win last night by dropping a rugged University of Toronto
squad, 6-3.
The Wolverines' first line of Captain John Matchefts at center
with seniors John McKennell and Earl Keyes again made the differ-
ence, garnering nine points. Matchefts led the scoring with four
tallies scored on a goal and three assists.
McKENNELL got three counters on a pair of goals and an assist
and Keyes got two with one score and one assist. Other Wolverines
WASHINGTON - (P) - Demo-
cratic refugees from the "Mutiny
against the Bounty"-the 1952
presidential election-are landing
from their long boat on a remote
In the far away Catskill Moun-
tains the thunder of last month's
election has just awakened Rip
Van GOP Winkle from a slumber
of 20 years.
The electoral college is getting
Branch Seen
By Detroiter
Last Sunday
Barry K. Branch, '56, who is still
missing from the University was
last seen at the Detroit Institute
of Arts on Dec. 7 by one of his
former high school friends, The
Daily learned last night.
Branch left his room in Taylor
House, South Quad Dec. 5 to visit
his father in Flint. However, he
never arrived at his proposed des-
tination. Police were informed of
his disappearance when he failed
to return for his classes Monday.
ACCORDING to the missing
boy's mother, Mrs. 'T. W.,
Branch met Brewster Campbell at
the art institute last Sunday where
they conversed for some time.
Campbell informed Mrs. Hoover of
this when he heard that a state-
wide search had started to trace
the whereabouts of the student.
"Campbell claims that Barry
seemed quite content with school
when he spoke with him," Mrs.
Hoover said. Although Branch
appeared to be alright at the
time, she felt that something had
happened to him in the interim.
In an effort to find Branch the
police have checked with armed
forces recruiting stations but they
have been unable to come up with
any further information.
Earlier yesterday, Dean of Men,
Walter Rea said he had not heard
anything further on the matter.
SWorld News
By the Associated Press
A Republican Spokesman yes-
terday flatly repudiated talk of
discontinuing the recount and de-
manded an immediate precinct
audit by adding machine from ev-
ery county in Michigan.
With 1,053 precincts through-
out Michigan finished, Gov. Wil-
liams, Democratic candidate seek-
ing his third term, yesterday led
Alger by 9,223 votes.
a new faculty and a new football
team, thanks to the voters.
f:* * *
ALL THIS was enacted last
night at the hotel where the Grid-
iron Club, an organization of
Washington newspaper corres-
pondents, held its winter dinner.
It was the 67-year old club's first
post-election gathering and in tra-
ditional style leaders of both par-
ties were toasted and then roasted
in musical and humorous skits.
About 500 guests attended, in-
cluding foreign diplomats, mem-
bers of the Truman cabinet and
of the Eisenhower cabinet-to-
be, supreme court justices and
leaders in fields of government,
journalism and business.
Vice president-elect Richard M.
Nixon and Gov. Adlai E. Stevenson
were speakers. By tradition their
remarks were off-the-record. Vice-
president Barkley was the ranking
The traditional speech made in
a darkened room, the "speech in
the dark," was by Paul R. Leach,
Washington bureau chief of the
Chicago Daily News and the
Knight newspapers, the 1952 club
Leach said some people believed
Wage Head
Truman, balked in his quest
for business men to serve on the
Wage Stabilization Board, yes-
terday authorized Economic Sta-
bilizer Roger L. Putnam to take
over the task of controlling wages.
Putnam, in turn, will delegate
the authority to the four men now
representing the public on the
wage board. He said they will
tackle a pending logjam of thous-
ands of wage raise cases as soon
as the necessary documents are
The wage board is a three-part
agency, consisting of public in-
dustry and labor members. It has
been paralyzed for a week because
seven industry members resigned
with a hot blast at Truman's ac-
tion in granting John L. Lewis' soft
coal miners a $1.90 daily wage
Santa Claus had been shot, at last,
on Nov. 4 by the voters. But he
added Santa Claus merely was in
hiding as John L. Lewis soon found
out. (After the election President
Truman granted Lewis' soft coal
miners a $1.90 daily wage increase,
overruling the Wage Stabilization
As a take-off on General Eisen-
hower's campaign "crusade" theme,
members of the gridiron chorus
were costumed as crusaders and
marched solemnly upon the stage
to set the 1952 gridiron theme.
Four Named
To Fill Posts
On Judiciary
New appointments to the Men's
Judiciary Council have been an-
nounced by the Student Legisla-
ture Cabinet.
The four vacant posts will be
filled by David Wood, Grad., Stan-
ley Weinberger, Grad., Leonard
Sandweis, '53, and David Brown,
David Wood, who has been ap-
pointed for a full year, is a mem-
ber of the Executive Council of
the Lawyers Club and a student
member of the Board of Gover-
nors of the Lawyers Club. A grad-
uate of Miami University, he par-
ticipated in student government
on that campus.
Stanley Weinberger previously
served on Men's Judiciary Coun-
cil for one semester a year ago.
Now attending Law School, he
has also been appointed to a
full year term on the council.
Leonard Sandweis, who will
serve for one semester, is a mem-
ber of the Kelsey House Council,
a board member of the Students
for Democratic Action and has
actively participated in the Young
Democrats and Students for Stev-
David Brown was reappointed to
the Judiciary after serving a year's
term. Prior to his work on the
Men's Council, he was a member
of Student Legislature.
The four men were selected from
a total of 22 who were interviewed
by the SL cabinet yesterday..
who hit the scoring column were
defenseman Jim Haas with two
assists, wings Telly Mascarin and
Doug Mullen with one goal each
and Bert Dunn and Alex McClel-
lan, with one assist apiece.
Conspicuous in its absence
from the scoring column was
the second line of Doug Phil-
pott at center flanked by George
Chin and Pat Cooney. The unit
just didn't seem to click-but
fortunately for Coach Vic Hey-
liger the first and third lines
made up the breech with quite
a bit to spare.
Toronto, a little road-weary af-
ter playing four games in Colo-
rado and tying Michigan State,
6-6, at East Lansing on Friday
night didn't look much like the
Canadian powerhouses that have
invaded Ann Arbor in the past.
The James Thompson cup, the
"little brown jug" of the Toron-
to-Michigan ice rivalry never even
quavered on its shelf in the tro-
phy case down at the Coliseum.
S. ,
EARL KEYES, last year's cap-
tain, opened the scoring with only
2:52 gone in the first period when
he caged a short shot from in
front of the nets after a brilliant
passing play by his tnemates
Matchefts and McKennell.
Toronto came right back as
center Bob Primeau picked up
a loose puck on a blind pass
from Michigan defenseman Reg
Shave and beat goalie Willard
Ikola at 3:18. But the great
Wolverine first line punched out
in front again as Matchefts
slammed in a pass from Keyes
at 14:04, allowing Coach Hey-
liger's charges to leave the rink
with a 2-1 first period lead.
Toronta-born McKennell then
skated down the right side in daz-
zling fashion and slipped the rub-
ber past the Blue's goalie. From
here on in, Heyliger began to count
more and more on his third line,
while resting the first two trios.
THE MULLEN-Mascarin-Dunn
combination came through too.
Defenseman Haas took one along
the left Toronto boards and cen-
tered over to Mascarin who blast-
ed it into the twines at 12:23. Less
See 'M' ICEMEN, Page 3
SL Proposal
To Be Aired
The Lecture Committee and four
student representatives will meet
tomorrow to discuss and possibly
reach a decision on the Student
Legislature's proposal to end
speaker bannings on campus.
At the committee's last meeting
Dec. 6, "mutually satisfactory pro-
gress" was reported in discussion
of the SL plan. Administration of
the proposal, which would insti-
tute post-judgment of speakers
under existing Regents' rules, ap-
peared then to be the chief point
of contention.
As in the last meeting, Dave
Brown, '53, and Ted Friedman, '53,
will join regular non-voting stu-
dent representatives Howard Wil-
lens, '53, and Phil Berry, Grad.,
to discuss the plan with the five-
man Lecture Committee.
Rose Bowl
Pact Still
CHICAGO-(iP)-There is grow-
ing indication the Big Ten will
renew its Rose Bowl football pact
with the Pacific Coast Conference,
a confidential Associated Press
poll of high conference officials
disclosed yesterday.
Three surprising features of the
poll were, expressions that:
1. Some league members feel
powerful Michigan State will
vote for renewal despite persis-
tent anti-bowl talk by Spartan
President John Hannah.
2. Iowa, both pro-and-con the
past year, now has "an open mind"
on the bowl.
3. Wisconsin may get bowl "reli-
gion" on its Pasadena junket
Jan. 1.
THE P.C.C. Thursday asked the
Big Ten to sign a new three-year
contract to replace the current
three-year pact which expires with
the 1954 bowl game. An answer
was asked by next June 5.
Despite reports the Big Ten will
let- the agreement die with the
1954 game, the AP survey showed
the renewal ballot might carry by
the same 6-4 vote that approved
the present series.
It was reported that the Uni-
versity will go into the Rose
Bowl meetings "with an open
mind" and make a decision on
basis of discussions. However,
President Harfan H. Hatcher re-
cently said the University in two
Rose Bowl visits found nothing
Michigan State, Iowa and Wis-
consin, only 19 days from a Rose
Bowl debut will be the key school
in balloting, the poll indicated.
* * *
WISCONSIN voted against the
current pact as did Minnesota,
Northwestern and Purdue, all
three firmly opposed to renewal.
But a prominent Wisconsin of-
ficial told the Associated Press:
"If the student body finds the
Rose Bowl experience good and
wholesome, then a favorable
vote may come. It's hard to pre.
diet now.
Indiana stated outright favor
of renewal, while Illinois, Mich-
igan and Ohio State left the im-
pression they haven't changed
their previous favoring position.
Airport Bus
Ducats on Sale
Students may sign up from 1 to
4 p.m. tomorrow through Thurs-
day in the Administration Bldg,
for reservations aboard Wolverine
Club sponsored buses to Willow
Run Airport on Friday.
Buses will leave the Union at
12:15 p.m., 2:45 p.m., 4 p.m. and
5:15 p.m. reaching the Airport in
time for major flight departures.
The charge will be 75 cents per
person and students should allow
about 30 minutes for the trip.
According to club member Bud
Charlip, Spec., two additional
buses will be scheduled at 11 a.m.
and 1:30 p.m. if enough students
want to go to Willow Run at those
Charlip also announced that
there would be buses returning to
Ann Arbor at 8:30 p.m., 9:30 p.m.
IFC Throws a Party
Fair Sex Has More Eye Trouble
Women have more trouble with
their eyes than men-at least on
the Universit'y campus.
This is revealed in a Health
Service report which shows that
while 60 per cent of campus wo-
is that while in 1920 farsighted-
ness was much more common than
myopia, or nearsightedness, today
the figures for the two eye ail-
ments are nearly equal.
Since overuse of the eyes in close
work is an acknowledged cause of
a man's appeal. Doris Bengtsson,
'56, commented, "Glasses can make
a guy look real intellectual, even
if he isn't."
* * *
FOR COSMETIC and practical
reasons, a few students own con-
Mi i... . -.--. .