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December 11, 1952 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1952-12-11

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Concert Set
For Today,
A Christmas concert by the Wo-
men's Glee Club combined with
the Arts Chorale, will be present-
ed at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill Au-
Composed of a program telling
the story of Christmas, the con-
cert will begin with "Regina Co-
eli" by Lotti.
THE TALE of the shepherds
will be told in the selections, "The
Morning Star" by Praetorius, and
"While Shepherds Watched Their
Flocks by Night."
Following these will be "The
Snow" by Edward Elgar;
"Through the Dark the Dream-
ers Came" by Mabel Daniels;
and "Magnificat" by Ralph
Vaughan Williams.
Arlene Sollenberger of the
School of Music will'sing the con-
tralto solo in the "Magnificat,"
accompanied on the flute by Fran
Brown, '54SM.
** *
A GUEST TRIO of School of
Music faculty members will per-
form Heinrich Schutz's oratorio,
"The Christmas Story." They in-
clude Prof. Harold Haugh, tenor;
Norma Heyde, soprano; and Prof.
Phillip Duey, bass.
Accompanying the group will
be Marilyn Mason Brown, or-
ganist, and William G. Dopp-
man, harpsichordist.
Prof. William Stubbins and Nel-
son Hauenstein, both of the School
of Music will play 16th century re-
corders, instruments which cor-
respond to the present-day flute.
The joint concert will be assist-
ed by an orchestra made up of
faculty members and students.
Prof. Maynard Klein will conduct
the concert, which will be open to
the public.
Lloyd House Plans
Musical Program
Lloyd House of the West Quad-
rangle will'present its annual mu-
sical program at 6:45 p.m. today
in the main lounge of the West
The guest. artists will be Clar-
ence Brady, grad, SM,. pianist,
Dolores J. Lowry, '53 SM, soprano,
David Murray, '53 SM, baritone
and Helen R. Karg, '53 SM, ac-
Read Daily Classifieds


The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceding publication (before
11 a.m. on Saturday.)
VOL. LXIII, No. 65
T.LA.A.-C.R.E.F. All applications for
participation in the College Retirement
Equity Fund must be returned to the
Retirement Records Office, 3511 Admin-
istration Building, by Dec. 17, 1952.
Faculty members who do not desire to
participate are asked to return the
applications, indicating thereon that
they wish to have all of their premium
payments credited to T.I.A.A.
Holiday Policy. The University policy
regarding time off on the Fridays fol-
lowing Christmas and New Year's Day
will be as follows:
Wherever possible, permanent, sal-
aried, and hourlynon-academic em-
ployees will be given their choice of
either the Friday after Christmas or
the Friday after New Year's Day off
with pay. All University units must
maintain a skeleton workforce by pro-
viding that employees who take the
Fri., Dec. 26, off will work on Fri., Jan.
2. Conversely, those employees who
work December 26 will not Work on
January 2. For an employee to receive
pay for the holidays and his extra day
off, he must have worked the regularly
scheduled work days immediately pre-
ceeding and following the holiday and
extra day off.
The Naval Reserve Officer's Training
Corps Testing Program will be given on
Sat. Dec. 13. Candidates taking this ex-
amination are requested to report to
140 Business Administration Building
by 8:45 a.m.
Camping Personnel. The Director of
Camp Charlevoix, Michigan, (a boy's
camp), is seeking counselors and all
other types of camp personnel for the
summer of 1953. He will be interview-
ing for these positions Monday, Tues-
day and Wednesday, December 15, 16,
and 17, 1952. Those persons interested
in obtaining a position will please con-
tact the University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information,
3528 Administration Building, telephone
University Extension 2614, now for ap-
Foreign Study and Research Grants.
The Ford Foundation is offering a num-
ber of foreign study and research grants
for 1953-54. These fellowships will be
available to younger American men and
women who wish either to begin or con-
tinue study or research concerning Asia,
the Near East, or the Middle East. Ap-
plicants must be U.S. citizens who are
35 or under, and who are: a) students
completing undergraduate studies this
year; b) or persons who have had ex-
perience or are now engaged in busi-
ness, government, agriculture, labor re-
lations, education, engineering, com-
munications, or law, regardless of
whether they have lived and worked
in the areas; c) or men and women
who are doing graduate work relating
to the specified areas or having specific
application to the stated areas.
Awards will be made for periods of
from one to three years, and in amounts
determined by individual circumstances.
Applicants may propose programs to be
carried out in the United States or
abroad, starting prior to January 1,
1954. Programs need not be limited to
work in colleges or universities, and
may involve foreign travel if the ap-
plicant possesses the necessary lan-
guage competence. Each fellowship ap-
plication must be accompanied by a
comprehensive statement of the ap-
plicant's proposed plan of work and
study. This should include his purposes,
the institutions or groups, If any, with
which he hopes to be associated, his
travel requirements, and the relation-
ship of this plan to his intended life
work. In a limited number of excep-
tional cases the Foundation will con-
sider providing funds to enable the
immediate family of the applicant to
accompany him.
Application forms may be obtained
from The Ford Foundation Board on
Overseas Training and Research, 575
Madison Avenue, New York 22, New
York. Applications must be completed

and returned by January 31, 1953. lowships and Loans. Detailed informa-
Awards will be announced on or about tion may be obtained.
April 15, 1953. Several companies have contacted the
Bureau of Appointments announcing
Student Sponsored Social Events that they are interested in students vis-
listed below are approved for the com- iting them during the holidays. Those
ing week-end. Social chairmen are re- interested should contact the Bureau
minded that requests for approval for for further details.
social events are due in the Office of The Portsmouth Naval Shipyard,
Student Affairs not later than 12 o'clock Portsmouth,N.H., has openings for
noon on the Monday prior to the event. Electrical and Electronics Engineers for
December 12 their Design Division to work on Sub-
Alpha Phi marines under construction, overhaul,
Alpha Phi Alpha repair, or conversion at the shipyard.
Alpha EpsilonPh Application blanks and further infor-
Alpha EpilonlPa mation may be obtained at the Bureau
Alpha XiDelta Pof Appointments.
Beta Theta P1
India Students Assoc. The Bendix Aviation Corporation,
Jordan Hall Research Laboratories, in Detroit, have
Kappa Kappa Gamma available positions for Electrical, Aero-
Martha Cook Bldg. nautical, and Mechanical Engineers, in
Michigan Christian Fellowship addition to Physicists and Mathema-
Mosher Hall ticians.
Nelson Int. House For appointments and further infor-
Phi Kappa Tau mnation concerning these and other
Pi Lambda Phi openings contact the Bureau of Ap-
Stevens Co-op House pointments, 3528 Administration Build-
Theta Chi Fraternity ing-
December 13
Acacia FraternityL
Alpha Chi Omega
Alpha Delta Phi University Lecture, auspices of the
Alpha Epsilon Pi Department of Botany, "Pacific Coral
Alpha Kappa Kappaj Atolls" (illustrated), Dr. P. Raymond
Alpha Omega Fosberg, Director of the Pacific Vege-
Alpha Omicron Pi tation Project, Natural Research Coun-
Alpha Rho Chi cli, and Research Association in Bot-
Alpha Sigma Phi any, Catholic UniversityofAmerica,
Alpha Tau Omega Thurs., Dec. 11, 4:15 p.m., Rackham Am-
Beta Theta Pi phitheater.
Chi Phi
Delta Chi Fraternity University Lecture, auspices of the
Delta Gamma Department of Mineralogy, "Mineral-
Delta Sigma Delta ogy of Silicate Sciences," Dr. Wilhelm
Delta Sigma Phi Eite!, Head of the Graduate Institute of
Delta Tau Delta Silicate Science, University of Toledo,
Inter-cooperative Council formerly of the University of Berlin,
Kappa Sigma Thurs., Dcc. 11, 4 p.m., 2054 Natural
Phi Delta Phi Science Building.
Phi Gamma Delta
Phi Kappa Sigma University Lecture, auspices of the
Phi Kappa Tau Department of Zoology, "Time's Arrow
Phi Rho Sigma and Man," Dr. Harlod F. Blum, Profes-
Pi Beta Phi sor of Zoology, Princeton University,
Pi Lambda Phi Fri., Dec. 12, 4:15 p.m., Rackham Am-
Psi Omega phitheater.
Sigma Phi Epsilon
Sigma Nu
SgaPhi; Academic Notices

eli by Lotti, The Morning Star by Prae-
torius, While Sheperds Watched Their
Flocks (17th century German melody),
The Snow by Edward Elgar, Through
the Dark the Dreamers Came, and
Vaughan Williams' Magnificat with Ar-
len Sollenberger, contralto, as soloist.
After intermission the Arts Chorale
will sing The Christmas Story by Hein-
rich Schutz, with Harold Haugh as the
Evangelist, Norma Heyde the Angel, and
Philip Duey as King Herod. The roles
of the Shepherds will be sung by Sophia
Fedonis, Miriam Broderick, and Esther
McGlothlin; The Wise Men by Leslie
Bennett, Charles Wingert, and Thomas
Griffing. An orchestra composed of
members of the School of Music fac-
ulty and students, and Marilyn Mason
Brown, Organist, will accompany the
group. Concert is open to the public.
Opera Scenes by the Opera Workshop
class will be presented at 8:30 Friday
evening, Dec. 12, in Auditorium A, An-
gell Hall, under the direction of Josef
Blatt, and ValentinedWindt. Excerpts
from the operas Rigoletto, Fidelio, Car-
men, and Pagliacci will be sung by
Robert Kerns, Douglas Stott, Joan St.
Denis, Miriam Broderick, Robert Mc-
Grath, Mary Ann Tinkham, David Mur-
ray, Allegra Branson, Ruth Orr, Do-
lores Lowry, and Russell Christopher.
The program will be open to the gen-
eral public.
Events Today
Student Affiliate A.C.S. Meeting this
evening at 7:15 in 1300 Chemistry Build-
ing. Dr. Vaughan will talk on a "Chem-
ist's View of Enzyme Synthesis." There
will be a business meeting afterwards
at which an amendment to the consti-
tution will be voted upon. All members
please attend. Public invited. Refresh-
ments served.
The Russian Circle will present its
Christmas evening tonight at 8 o'clock
sharp. The program will be held at the
Union in Room 3D. Following the pro-
gram, refreshments will be served in
the International Center. All members
are urged to attend.
Hillel Social Committee will meet at
7:30 p.m. The Dec. 14th Chanukah Par-
ty will be planned at this time.
U. of M. Sailing Club will hold a
meeting in 311 West Engineering at
7:30. There will be a discussion on fiber-
glass dinghies.
Romance Language Coffee Hour from
4 to 5:30 in the Terrace Room of the
Union. All students are cordially invit-
Scroll meeting today at 5 p.m. in the
League. It will take place during din-
ner. All members are requested to at-
La P'tite Causette will meet today
from 3:30 to 5 p.m. in the North Cafe-
teria of the Michigan Union.
The Anthropology Club will meet at
8 p.m. in the West Conference Room of
the Rackham Building. Dr. Marston
Bates of the Zoology Dept. will be the
guest speaker.
Economics Club will meet at 8 p.m.
in the Rackham Amphitheater. Profes-
sor Milton Friedman, of the University
of Chicago, will talk on "TheClassical
(Continued on Page 4)

LOST - Monday, wool-lined pigskin
glove, between Follett's, chem. bldg.,
New Dorm. Ph. 3002 Alice Lloyd. )69L
LOST-Wallet in Michigan Union or
Michigan Theater. Money in wallet
unimportant. Must have cards and
papers. Reward offered. 3-8955. )68L
2 END TABLES, contemporary wrought
iron and walnut designers' models';
reasonable mahogany bowls and oil
painting. 9455, Mr. Hoffman. )2
2% x 3 PACEMAKER speed graphic,
fully equipped, like new. Phone Henry
Arnold 3-4141. 40L
PARAKEETS, babies and breeders, ca-
naries, singers, cages and supplies. 305
W. Hoover. Phone 2-2403. i85
HALL SEAT with storage compartment,
small drop leaf table, oak rocker.
562 S. Seventh. )118
HAND MADE unborn calf wallets, beau-
tifully designed. Burt Patts, 1209 S.
University. )119
CHEVROLET 46 club coupe. Good con-
dition, $625. 437 Hamilton Place.
Phone 3-5068. )121
ASSORTMENT of Xmas Trees $1.50
and up. Kates Place, Phone 8134.
Drive in, free parking, Pontiac Road
at the railroad tracks, one block west
of Broadway Signal Light. Open 9
a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays and evenings.
SINGLE breasted tuxedo for sale. Size
38. 20. 2-0805. )123
TABLE MODEL RADIO-$12. 3 speed
deluxe manual phonograph-$35. Call
Russ 3-1841, 4 to 6 p.m. )122
NEW TUX-Size 40. $45. 3617 Taylor,
SQ ext. 194. )124
MEN'S Raccoon Coat. In superb condi-
tion, large size. Phone 3-4707. )127
FOR SALE-Mouton Coat. Three piece
gabardine suit. Cashmere sweaters.
Size 12-13. Call 3-8449 after 6 p.m.
REMINGTON Standard .Typewriter -
Good condition, reasonable price. Call
2-3016. )128

SINGLE ROOM-Newly decorated, Hol-
lywood bed, large desk and bookcase.
Linens furnished. 2-0218. )11F
SINGLE ROOM for a girl in private
home, location convenient to campus
and downtown Ann Arbor. Every-
thing furnished; laundry privileges
granted. 415 S. Fourth Ave. )35
NEAR CAMPUS-Small single room for
male student. $5.50 per week. 813 E.
Kingsley. )34R
ROOMS for couples, only 1 block from
campus. Very desireable clean rooms.
Reasonable rent. 116 Church, Mrs.
Smith, Mgr. Ph. 2-4744. )37R
TWO ROOMS for 2 or 3 men. Close to
Rackham, School of Music, Hospitals.
Phone 3-0746. )36R
SERVICEMAN driving to Norfolk, Va.,
Sunday, Dec. 14, will accept passen-
gers for any intermediate point. Ph.
MEN who are looking for meal jobs
after Christmas vacation to start
work on Jan. 5. Contact Ron Fort at
2-4551 or Phi Delta Theta. )56H
WAITER and pots and pans man. Board
fraternity house. Immediate employ-
ment. Call Sherb Brown, 3-4707. )58H
Call 6007 for gift subscriptions. We
handle special gift rates for all peri-
odicals. Student Periodical Agency.
STUDENTS-Contemplating a European
trip. For information on S.I.T.A.'s
itinerary call their student represen-
tative. 2-3016.

GENERAL alterations and remodeling.
Tailormade button holes. Ph. 2-6673.
TYPEWRITERSI Portable and Standard
for rent, sale and service.
314 S State St., Phone 7177. 18B
Auto - home - Portable
Phono & r. V
Fast & Reasonable Service
"Student Service'
1215 So. Uni., Ph. 7942
11 blocks east of East Eng. 1158
WASHING - Finished work, and hand
ironing. Ruff dry and wet wrshing.
Also ironing seprately.'Free pick-up
and delivery. Phone 2-9020. !t
FREE delivery service on orders of $2
or more or 25c service charge on or-
ders under $2. No increase in prices.
Topper Restaurant. Phone tonight,
8073. )24B
CHRISTMAS shopping made easy. Call
6007 for gift subscriptions. We handle
special gift rates for all periodicals.
Student Periodical Agency.
BEEN MEANING to find out about our
student faculty and regular specials,
haven't you? Well, if you are not do-
ing anything why not inquire now.
Student Periodical Agency, 6007. )17M
ARE YOU spending a lonesome holiday
in Ann Arbor? We want a couple to
keep house for our two well behaved
teenagers from Dec. 26 to Jan. 4. We
believe you'd' have a happy time.
Everything provided, horses, car. 5
mi. out of Ann Arbor. References ex-
changed. Call 3-0994. )23H

South Quadrangle
Tau Delta Phi
Tau Kappa Epsilon
Theta Delta Chi
Triangle Fraternity
Wenley House
Zeta Psi
December 14
Phi Delta Phi
Theta Xi
Personnel Interviews.
The Russell Kelly Office Service, of
Detroit, will have a representative
here on Tues., Dec. 16, in the afternoon
to interview men and women inter-
ested in part-time Christmas office
work. The positions would involve cler-
ical work, typing, running office ma-
chines, and stenography.
Personnel Requests.
The American National Red Cross is
in need of individuals to fill the fol-
lowing positions: 1. Assistant Field Di-
rectors (male) to work in the field of
social welfare services. One must be a
citizen and hold a degree, preferably
with courses in the Social Sciences or
in Public or Business Administration.
2. Recreation Workers for Military Hos-
pitals (women), One must have a de-
gree with a major in Recreational Lead-
ership or another field if one has a year
of relative experience. 3. Assistant Field
Directors (Social Workers) for Military
Hospitals (women). Applicants must
have had one full year completed grad-
uate Social Work. 4. Secretaries or Ste-
nographers for Overseas Hospitals,
Camps, and Administrative Offices
(women) for which one must have a
knowledge of and shorthand. For de-
tails-and further requirements contact
the Bureau of Appointments.
The Okonite Company, of Passale,
N.J., has openings for Electrical En-
gineers to design and manufacture elec-
trical power cables and work in asso-
ciation with the Sales Office for their
application and installation.
Radcliffe College, in Cambridge, Mass.,
is now receiving applications for their
Management Training Program. This
is a one-year course designed to pro-
vide basic training for young women in
the various fields of administration. A
number of Full Tuition Fellowships are
available and also several Partial Fel-

Doctoral Examination for Darwin
Alonso, Bacteriology; Thesis: "A Com-
parative Study of the Metabolism of,
Leucocytes from Guinea Pigs and Rats,"
Thurs., Dec. 11, at 1:30 p.m., 1566 East
Medical Building. Chairman, W. J.
Seminnar in Applied4Mathematics.
Thurs., Dec. 11. 4 p.m., 247 West Engi-
neering Building, Mr. R. K. Getoor will
speak on "Classical Limit Theorems of
Probability Theory." Refreshments at
3:30 in 274 West Engineering.
Psychology Colloquim will meet on
Fri., Dec. 12, at 4:15 p.m. in Auditorium
D, Mason Hall. Dr. J. R. Wittenborn,
of Yale Child Study Center, will speak
on "Predicting the Development of the
Adoptive Child." Refreshments at 3:45
in 3415 Mason Hall.
Course 401, the Interdisciplinary Sem-
inar in the Application of Mathematics
to the Social Sciences, will meet on
Thurs., Dec. 11, at 4 p.m., in 3409 Mason
Hall. Mr. Wilson Tanner of the Psy-
chology Department will speak on "Util-
ity and Uncertainty in a Physiological
Geometry Seminar will meet Thurs.,
Dec. 11, 4:15 p.m., 3001 Angell Hall. Mr.
D. Kazarinoff will speak on "Quadratic
Pencil of Spheres."
Analytical Inorganic Seminar. Mr. R.
I. Libengood will speak on "Acid-Base
Titrations in Non Aqueous Solvents" on
Thurs., Dec. 11, 7:30 p.m., 3003 Chemis-
try Building.
C oncerts
University Women's Glee Club and
Arts Chorale, Maynard Klein, Conductor
will be heard in a concert at 8:30 Thurs-
day evening, Dec. 11, in Hill Auditor-
ium, The Women's Glee Club will sing
the first half of the program: Regina Co-


Reserve rooms now at The Campus
Tourist Homes. 518 B. William (near
State). Phone 3-8454. )2R

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Ia Coaa

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presented by
Ann Arbor High School
Senior Class


for the best
in town.
122 W. Washington

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NOW!44c until 5 P.M.
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