'U' FRATERNITIES j I 10 "1 4c Latest Deadline in the State :4IaitjI# See Page 4 CLOUDY, COLDER VOL. LXIII, No. 65 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1952 SIX PAGE, U.S. To Hike Auto Quotas During'53 Army to Reduce Tank Production WASHINGTON-(P)-The gov- ernment yesterday authorized a speedup in the automobile and construction industries, while the Army turned the tables, announc- ing a slowdown in tank and trucl production. According to the government authorization, the automobile in- dustry may step up its productior s to 1,500,000 cars in the second quarter of 1953. Restrictions have also been eased on building of homes, schools, hospitals, recrea- tional and other projects effective n Jan. 1. " a * THE NUMBER of automobiles authorized represents an increase of 250,000 over the ceiling set by the National Production Authority for the first three months of the new year. NPA chief R. A. McDonald said the increase requested by the auto industry does not mean the government will guarantee enough steel, aluminum and cop- per to produce that many cars. He said the output will depend on future allotments, plus any con- versions or foreign steel the in- dustry is able to obtain. * * * EXPLAINING the army produc- tion slowdown, a spokesman said the immediate needs of the Army are close to being met. At the same time strong production lines have been established to meet fu- ture needs, although some plants will have to close as a result of the dcision. Affected in Michigan will be General Motors, Chrysler and Ford tank production and mili- tary cargo truck production by GM and Reo Motors. Production of medium tanks will be cut back to a point about 45 per cent below the original goal set for tmhe spring of 1954 the Army said. There will be a 22 per cent re- duction in the output of light tanks and the manufacture of 2% ton trucks will be slowed down. .05 OFF: New Proof Backs Theory Of Relativity New proof has been found for Albert Einstein's theory of rela- tivity. A field team of the National Geographical Society, which stud- ied an eclipse of the sun last win- ter in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan found the noted physicist on the beam in his predictions 37 years ago. a a a HOWEVER, Stanley P. Wyatt, Jr. of the astronomy department said yesterday, "This new proof is only an extra confirmation, for there was little doubt before con- cerning the validity of Einstein's theory. The society reported that Ein- stein was just five-onehundreths of a second of arc off in his computations-a tiny fraction of one degree of a circle. "Einstein's theory of relativity had been already substantiated by the motion of the planet Mercury. Under the old Newtonian theory Mercury was not moving the way it was supposed to, but the rela- tivity theory allowed for the shift of movement the planet makes through the centuries," Wyatt said. Announcing his theory of rela- tivity in 1915, the physicist cal- culated that a beam of starlight just missing the edge of the sun would bend 1.75 degrees of arc. Students Address SpeechAssembly Yesterday's speech assembly saw the six top speech 31 students pre- senting demonstration addresses on a variety of topics. Hugh Anderson, '55, began the r series with a discussion of the stu- -Daily-Don Campbell RECOUNT BEGINS-Ann Arbor election officials sort the Nov. 4 ballot in the Board of Supervisor's Room at the County Court- house. County Recount Begins; Williams Adds 16 Votes By ERIC VETTER The Washtenaw County recount moved into its second day today in the County Courthouse while observers called it a virtual duplicate of the 1950 recount edition. As in the last check, Gov. Williams added to his county total on the first day by picking up 16 votes while Alger added two. In 1950 Williams netted 22 votes on the first day of the recount and had 32 when the check was ended. The recount is being held in the same crowded Board of Super- * * * "visors room and with the same TVJ set of legal help except for two V o e-oo three changes in the steno- Vo ies n graphic and clerical help. In ad- 1e i edition both the Democrats and the /' 7E /y I f I+Republican challengers and ob- SL Presents Lecture Plan Clarification Stress Individual Responsibilities By HARRY LUNN A reinterpretation of the Lec- ture Committee proposal which would place responsibility for sponsoring speakers with the mem- bers of the sponsoring group as well as the organization itself won easy affirmation from the Stu- dent Legislature last night. Consideration of a motion on the Student Affairs Committee recom- mendations to the Young Pro- gressives, student book store mo- tions and committee appointments also highlighted the crowded SL agenda. * * * GREATEST modification in the SL lecture plan passed in Novem- ber came through fixing responsi- bility on both the sponsoring or- ganization and its members if "a speech violating any of the Re- gents' by-laws is given on campus" after a written guarantee to the contrary is submitted by the group. Presented by Ted Friedman, '53, one of the four student rep- resentatives to speak on the SL motion before the Lecture Com- mittee Saturday, the statemnt of principle also pointed out that "membership in a Communist Sor Communist front organization or espousal of some particular fact of that party's program does not, of and by itself, mean that every speech of the individual' will be subversive." The clarification also stressed that in judging an individual's speech, actual content and mean- ing of the talk is the essential factor to be considered. Basically the SL plan, currently being discussed before the Lecture Committee, calls for postjudgment of speeches which allegedly violate the Regents' criteria on campus lectures, rather than the present method of prejudgment of speak- ers by the Lecture Committee. EARLIER in the evening a pro- longed debate started over the SAC action of Tuesday which mandated the Young Progressives to tighten internal proceedings. A motion in- troduced by Paula Levin, '55, ask- ing the two SL representatives on the SAC to seek repeal of Tues-. day's action was soundly defeat- ed. The widely publicized book- store motion by Bob Perry, '53E, which asked the Legislature to urge establishment of a book- store by the Union in their pro- posed addition, was brought to the floor again last night only to have another proposal substi- tuted for it. The substitute motion reaffirmed the SL's opinion that a non-profit bookstore be established on cam- pus, and charged the Campus Ac- tion Sub-Committee studying the proposal to continue its work on a brief requesting the by-law change from the Regents. The motion asked that the brief be completed in time for presentation to the April Regents' meeting. Committee chairmanships ap- proved last night included Janet Netzer, '54, as head of the Campus Action group; Chris Reife, '55, as chairman of the Culture and Ed- ucation Committee; Sam Davis, '54, as Human Relations chair- man; Audie Murphy, '53Ed., as International committee head, and Barb Mattison, '54 as head of Pub- ic Relations. HST To Asks M Reveal Peace Plan --Yhoto by Jack Bergstrom PRESIDENT HARLAN H. HATCHER POSES WITH TWO OF THE OPERA "BEAUTIES" Capacity Crowd Views Opera ac Arthur I In 'Recount By the Associated Press Fred M. Alger Jr., the Republi- can candidate for governor, slip- ped farther behind in the third day of recounting gubernatorial ballots yesterday, but he insisted he was not discouraged. Gov. Williams, the Democratic candidate, had gained a net of 332 new votes in the recount so far. ELSEWHERE, talk of calling the whole thing off was rife, and counting in outstate counties be- gan to lag as officials kept one ear open for a possible cancella- tion. Even Republican workers were showing signs of losing in- terest. Democratic state chairman, Neil Staebler, said "the recount is going well from our stand- point and that the next move is up to the Republicans if they want to call it off." Alger was slipping in Wayne (County. where he had hoped for his greatest strength, and Williams was surging away ahead outstate. .* * * THE WILLIAMS gain, based on reports from 376 precincts from 29 counties, increased his lead in total votes over Alger to 8,950. servers are the same as in 1950. A QUESTION was raised over the legality of a number of ballots initialed by three inspection offi- cials who had not taken the offi- cial oath of office. According to Hugh E. Wilson, chairman of the county canvassers board, the ques- tion is whether "we should disen- franchise the voters because of the officials' error." Wilson said the error was dis- covered before the board could tell which candidate would be affected if the ballots were thrown out. The matter will be sent to the State Canvassers Board in Lan- sing today to see if any similar in- stances have arisen in the past. * * * GEORGE WINES, Chairman of the Washtenaw County Republi- can Committee, said he doubted if any substantial change would result from the county recount. "Any mistakes," Wines said, "are probably an honest matter of in- terpretation as to whether the bal- lot was properly marked and not a matter of irregularities." Democratic State Chairman, ,Neil Staebler, looked for Wil- liams to gain more votes in the county because the "precincts checked yesterday were ones where Alger was given the best chance to gain votes." Unofficial sources place the cost of the recount at $2,000. By BOB APPLE Playing before a jam-packed house, the Union Opera's musical comedy, "No Cover Charge," got off to its first performance last night with all the color and array of a Broadway production. From the close of the first num- ber to the final curtain the show was received with cheers and laughter by a highly receptive audience. PROMINENT figures in the crowd were University President Harlan H. Hatcher and Mrs. Hat- cher. Both appeared very enthus- iastic about the show even be- fore it began. It is the second one they have seen. During the intermission Presi- dent Hatcher visited backstage and posed for a few pictures with members of the chorus. COMMENTING on the per- formance, President Hatcher said, "The whole show was excellent. I thought the chorus did especial- ly well." Charter Group Elects Ouimet At a kick-off meeting of the Citizens Committee for .Charter Revision attended by about 150 representatives of Ann Arbor ser- vice clubs, labor groups and civic organizations Tuesday, Lawrence H. Ouimet, Third Ward alderman was elected president of the group's executive committee. Named to other posts on the executive committee were Cecil 0. Creal, vice - president; Fran c e s Hannum, secretary and Herbert P. Wagner, treasurer. Ald. John S. Dobson, acting as temporary chairman for the meet- ing, stressed that the committee is seeking the election of a charter study commission to review the' present charter and submit a re- port. According to .Dobson the reportj will recommend either (1) the re- tention of the present charter, (2) changes in the present charter or (3) a new form of city govern- ment. Several Injured Mrs. Hatcher was all smiles and heartily applauded through- out the show. Because of a special session with the legislature, Gov. G. Mennen Williams was not able to attend. This was the first time he has missed an Opera since its post- war revival. HOWEVER, he had written the Opera previously expressing his regrets at not being able to at- tend and wishing the entire or- ganization the best of luck. Backstage before the comedy began there was an air of ner- vousness and tension. But af- ter the final curtain descended the cast beamed with the en- joyment of seeing a job well done. Yet there was little confusion. It seems as though the exper- ience of the five years since the Opera's comeback has accustomed the cast to taking success in their stride. Book writer Howard Nemerov- ski, '54E, said "the production sur- passed my greatest expectations. I want to express my appreciation to the cast for doing such a won- derful job." Director Fred Evans, who was attempting to relax after sweat- ing out the two hour and 15 min- ute show, remarked, "The cast was great. We were a little be- hind schedule in rehearsals, con- sequently I didn't expect as fine a performance as was given. I could hardly ask for more." Many veterans of the Opera claimed itvwas the best production they had seen since the twenties. 1~ -F._7 JAT>__ "No Cover Charge" continues tomorrow and Friday. Both shows are completely sold out but there are still plenty of tickets available for the road per- formances. Saturday the cast travels to Lansing and then moves to Cleve- land Dec. 26. Court Hears I Segregatwn - Issue Argued WASHINGTON-(P)-The Su- preme Court heard warnings and denials yester'day that abolition of race segregation in the public schools would deal a heavy blow to the educational system in the South. The high tribunal is grappling with the question whether the Constitution forbids states to put Negro and white children in sep- arate schools. Virginia's attorney general, J. Lindsay Almond, contended in vigorous tones that a ruling against segregation would "destroy the public school system in Virginia as we know it today." Arguing on the other side of the question, Thurgood Marshall, a noted Negro lawyer, said: "I for one do not believe the people of South Carolina are a lawless peo- ple. I believe the rank and file of' people in the South will observe whatever decision is handed down." Eisenhower Will Confer With General No Time, Place Set for Meeting By the Associated Press President Truman called on Gen. Douglas MacArthur yesterday to disclose to him "at once" if he has an air-tight plan for ending the Korean War. In effect, the President prodded MacArthur to deal directly with the White House-and now-with- out waiting to confer with Repub- lican President-elect Eisenhower. "IF WE CAN cut this fighting in Korea short by one day, we should do so," Truman said in a terse written statement. "I think if anyone has a rea- sonable plan for ending the Ko- rean fighting in an honorable way that will not lead directly into a great war, that plan should be presented at once to the President." Less than two hours after Tru- man issued his statement, a reli- able source reported that Eisen- hower and MacArthur will meet in New York shortly after the President-elect returns to this country from his visit to the Ko- rean War zone. AN INFORMANT aboard the cruiser Helena, which is bringing Eisenhowerback across the Pa- cific, said the meeting will be held to discuss MacArthur's views on ending the Korean War. Eisenhower expects to leave Hawaii by plane Saturday night and arrivein New York Sunday night. The source, who is close to Ei- senhower, said no time or place had been set for the meeting but it probably would be at Eisen- hower's Morningside Heights resi- dence or his Commodore Hotel headquarters. This source also said that Mac- Arthur would be- consulted fre- quently on Far East affairs al- though he would not be asked to take a place in the new Republi- can administration. Meanwhile, Eisenhower and his advisers continued talks aboard the cruiser yesterday. Law Students To Debate TV Can a theater owner screen television play-b~y-plays of foot- ball games for his customers with- out permission? This will be one of the interest- ing issues raised when sixteen law .school juniors, quarter finalists in the Henry M. Campbell competi- tion, present their oral arguments before four courts of Law School faculty members at 7:30 p.m. to- day In each of four .Hutchins Hall courtrooms, two twoiman teams will square off on the appelate case. The public is invited to hear the verbal battle in Rms. 138, 218, 116 and the practice courtroom of Hutchins Hall in the Igw School, American 'Risks' Still Work in UN NEW YORK-(P)-Senate prob- ers were told yesterday the State Department labeled 40 Americans bad security risks in the United Nations but 12 still are on the job. John D. Hickerson, assistant sec- retary of state for UN. affairs, testified the UN dropped 28 em- ployes after his department ques- tioned their loyalty. The UN has only admitted firing 18. He refused to name any of the 40 cases publicly, saying the mat- ter was confidential between the State Department and the UN. NATIONAL SURVEY: University Ahead in Social Research By VIRGINIA VOSS The University came out way ahead of 36 other colleges and uni- versities in a survey conducted by the New York Times to determine how much social science research is being done on the nation's cam- puses. According to the Times report, the University has allocated $2,- 441,755 for research in the social sciences and humanities for the 1952-53 period. The next highest spender in this field was the Uni- versity of Illinois with slightly more than a million dollars. THE SURVEY determined that sciences was about seven to two, proportionately more balanced than comparable ratios for other large universities and most of the smaller ones. * * PROF. ANGUS Campbell of the sociology and psychology depart- ments and director of the Survey Research Center, said he was pleased with the University's re- search status. He felt that the University's greater expenditures in natural science studies were to be ex- pected in an "age of research" when social science is still in Only to the extent that literary college faculty members work to get grants for specific research projects does the University cons- ciously try to keep a balance be- tween the two research divisions, Pierpont said. THE TIMES survey showed that nearly seven million dollars out of a $9,466,322 research total for the University came from the federal government, a slightly less than average ratio comparatively. Most of this money finances military studies at the Willow Run Re- search Center, Pierpont ekplained. w orta s dounaup By The Associated Press SEOUL-Chinese Red troops launched their biggest attack in a month early today on the Western Front. South Korean soldiers fought doggedly in a subfreezing weather to hold Nori Hill and another outpost against the Communist onslaught. * * * * WASHINGTON-The United States yesterday demanded that Russia return an American cargo plane which Red fighters forced down in Communist Hungary last year. DENVER-Sen. Henry Cabot Lodge, designated United States Ambassador to the United Nations, last night called for an Amer- ican foreign policy grounded on moral ideas-and not dollars or bullets.