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December 09, 1952 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1952-12-09

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The McCarran Act

T HE OMNIBUS McCarran-Walter Act, as
far as its regulations concerning for-
eign students go, contains "no radically
damaging changes," according to Interna-
tional Center officials. Those changes which
representatives of the center felt would
create technical "difficulties in educational
exchange" have been submitted to the regu-
lation-making Immigration and Naturaliza-
tion Service for consideration prior to Dec.
24, when the McCarran Act goes into effect.
But "technical difficulties" is an inac-
- curate term for the several discriminatory,
back-tracking regulations which INS has
drawn up. In cases where the huge bill
makes no really significant changes, it
commits a second blunder in perpetuating
some time-honored regulations that in
no way warrant becoming more time-hon-
ored. In this respect, the provisions con-
cerning foreign students reflect the char-
acter of the entire act, which at the out.'
set attempted a complete overhaul of the
nation's immigration and naturalization
Concerning the regulations in the Mc-
Carran Act which apply to foreign students,
some attempt at liberalization has been
made. However, such "liberalizations" are
generally superficial. They include revisions
like dropping the minimum age limit for
foreign student admittance, making it .pos-
sible for primary and secondary students to
go to school in the United States.
Aside from these revisions, a number of
the INS provisions are severely discrimina-
tory against students with little financial
backing. To list a few: "Students who wish
to remain in the U. S. for more than one
year, must post a bond of not less than
$500, unless the district director makes an
exception"; "No request for a stay of de-
portation will be granted by INS unless the
alien, or someone in his behalf, guarantees
to defray the costs of detention."
Other provisions are legally question-
able: "When a District Director refuses a

request for an extension of stay, no appeal
from his decision is permitted." And in
one instance, where the McCarran Act
itself permits foreign students to enter
the United States to take non-degree
courses, the INS has narrowly redefined
the status of schools which aliens may
attend, making non-degree studies im-
It would be a marathon job to go into the
other facets of McCarran Act regulations as
the International Center officials and the
National Association of Foreign Student
Advisers went into one division. The scru-
tiny, though, would not result in the con-
clusion that the act contains "no radically
damaging changes."
In October a group of 34 leading scien-
tists registered its objection to a McCarran
provision that the consular officer at boun-
daries be authorized to "use his judgment"
to keep out persons with "un-American"
influences. This regulation, the group felt,
harmed the security of this country more
than it helped it.
The least justifiable aspect of the Mc-
Carran regulations is the national origins
quota system based on the 1920 census, a
highly discriminatory criterion. President
Truman issued a criticism of the system
in June, and accompanied the statement
with his veto of the act. But Congress
later that month passed the bill.
If there is much similarity between the
McCarran Act provisions dealing with for-
eign students and the unnecessarily restric-
tive character of the act as a whole, there
remains one noticeable difference. The for-
eign student regulations, according to In-
ternational Center spokesmen, stand a goorl
chance of being revised by INS. The general
character of the act, judging from the large
Congressional majority to override President
Truman's veto, stands no such chance with
Congress. It is an attitude, in fact, that no
one institution can alter.
-Virginia Voss

Washington Merry Go-Round

WASH INGTON-Rotund Mike Di Salle,
the ex-price administrator called in by
Truman to make an emergency report on
whether to dump price-wage controls, has
written a vigorous recommendation that
they must be kept.
Before doing so, however, he conferred
with both Republicans and Democrats,
also went up to New York to lunch with
gaunt, gray Bernie Baruch, the father of
price controls. Baruch was adamant that
controls must be retained, said it would
be dangerous to drop them at this time,
that an emergency might develop during
the Eisenhower administration that would
make them absolutely necessary.
Conferring with Sen. Cabot Lodge, Eis-
enhower's liaison man in Washington, Di
Salle urged that a Republican be sent over
to the Office of Price Stabilization so. as to
becope familiar with that difficult problem.
Conferring with Secretary of Defense Lo-
vett, Di Salle was told that keeping 3,500,000
men under arms, even without new equip-
ment, would cost a total of $25,000,000,000
a year. Therefore some sort of controls must
be kept to guard against inflation.
In the end, Di Salle informed Truman
that it would be unfair to the Eisenhower
administration to drop controls at this
NOTE-The man who urged ending con.
trols and who canie within a hair's breadth
of putting his idea across was soft-spoken,
busybody John Steelman, assistant to the
President. He figured that by dumping all
controls, Mr. Truman would get off the
hook on granting the wage increase to John
L. Lewis. In other words, Steelman wanted
to kill the patient in order to cure an ailing
SECRETARY OF THE Air Force Finletter
- will recommend to Republicans as he
bows out of office that more atomic bombs
be rushed to Europe in order to discourage
Soviet aggression.
In the Far East, however, he will give the
opposite advice. He will warn against using
atomic weapons or taking any step that
might spread the Korean War. For, while
the atomic bomb can be used as a deterrent
in Europe, Finletter feels it might touch off
World War III if unleashed without provo-
cation in Asia,
HE PATTERN OF Eisenhower's operation
. when he takes over the toughest job in
the United States, on January 20, is now
becoming clear.
In brief, the new President will devote
his time chiefly to two main policies-de-
fense and foreign affairs. He will let oth-
er domestic matters be handled by his as-
sistant President or Chief of Staff, Gov.
Sherman Adams of New Hampshire.
Governor Adams, the only member of Ike's
staff or cabinet-except for Maj. Gen. Wil-
ton Persons-whom he has known well for
a year, has become extremely close to Eis-
enhower. He is also an able executive, knows
how to manage people, and will handle all
the detail of the White House.
Hitherto, every cabinet member has taken

members of his cabinet than in cabinet
meetings. To confer with each member of
the cabinet is a terrific drain on any Presi-
dent's time, and the Eisenhower plan is to
try to avoid this.
Therefore, conferences on domestic
problems involving the Secretaries of the
Treasury, Commerce, Interior, Agricul-
ture, etc., would take place with Chief of
Staff Governor Adams, leaving Eisen-
hower free to concentrate on defense and
foreign affairs.
Another drain on a President's time is a
steady stream of calls from members of the
House and Senate. It .is traditional that
any senator or congressman, no matter what
his party, shall have the right to call on
the President.
Under the Eisenhower administration,
liaison with Congress will be handled by
General Persons, an old army friend of Ike's
who handled Army problems with Congress
during the war. Persons was so good with
Congressmen that he won the nickname
Whether he can be good enough to avoid
the traditional "gright" of a congressman
to confer with the President, however,
remains to be seen.i
At any rate, the new President plans to
do his best to keephimself free to concen-
trate on major probelms.
The man who will be chief assistant to
the new President, Gov. Sherman Adams,
is as modest as he is efficient.
...On election night, as the joyous returns.
.kept coming ,into Eisenhower's headquar-.
ters, the General kept inquiring for the.
.man who had helped so much to make.
.those returns possible.
"Where's Sherm?" he asked. "Where's
Sherman?" -
But Sherman Adams was nowhere to be
Finally, Ike sent aides to search for hin
They found the governor of New Hampshire
sitting in the balcony of the hotel ballroom,
chin on arms, arms on the balustrade, look-
ing down peacefully at the giant election
scoreboard. He was not interested ini poli-
tical congratulations, only in political re-
** *
EPORTING BEHIND closed doors to
business leaders, Secretary of Defense
Lovett happily revealed the other day that
we are over the hump and breaking all rec-
ords on military production.
"In the last three months," he reported,
"we produced more aircraft than we have
lost in Korea since the beginning of the
war. And in July and August alone, we
produced more tanks than we have lost
in the Korean War."
Production of military hard goods, he an-
nounced, had been stepped up 6.7 times dur-
ing the past two years. But what was even
more impressive, the speed-up rate has been
higher than the best 12 months of World
War IL
Lovett pointed out that Russia had a
four-year head start, because "we walked
off and left our equipment all over the world
after World War II"
He called this a classic example of "haste

Huxley; Harper & Brothers.
dous Huxley has shown that he has the
ability to do it again and again-skillfully
mix historical fact, contemporary philoso-
phy and psychology and come up with a best
Readers whose past experience with the
author is limited to BRAVE NEW WORLD
will be surprised at his latest offering, but
not disappointed. Here is no speculation
about the future, no satire, but rather
hard, documented historical facts, present-
ed with background of the period and in-
terpreted in the light of 20th century
The elements of the book are in them-
selves fascinating. An none-too-scrupulous
priest is accused of witchcraft by a "pos-
sessed" convent of nuns and martyred at
the orders of Cardinal Richelieu. A saintly
mystic comes to cure the nuns and also be-
comes possessed by the very demons he had
challenged. Mystic Surin recovers enough to
leave one of the documents from which the
author drew his facts.
But it is not simply in recounting this
story that Huxley's historical narrative be-
comes a "good" book, it is rather in his
sympathetic, yet ironic, treatment of the
characters and the world in which they
live. Here is Cardinal Richelieu conducting
himself as if he were a demi-god, yet never
able to escape the humiliating knowledge
that he is to all around him an object of
physical abhorrence, never able to forget
the slight a young lay-priest paid him
when he had not yet attained greatness.
Superimposed on this background of
royalty, of persecution of the Huguenots,
of church and state corruption and intri-
gue, Huxley gives the reader Urbain Gran-
dier. He is a man of great ability, coup-
led with what proves to be a fatal fas-
cination for women and an enormous ca-
pacity for making enemies. A man who
preaches elouent sermons for the faith
and who writes a treatise against celibacy
for priests.
Life at Loudun was hard, particularly for
Sister Jeanne des Anges, a deformed girl of
superior intellect whose mind is as warped
as her body. Her only happiness in life
comes when she is "possessed"-for pos-
session by devils is an opiate, according to
Huxley, on a par with illusion-producing
drugs. Grandier does not really shun this
maiden as he does certain others, but he is
the target for her pent-up hostility toward
the world, and it is she who brings him to
Like Grandier, Mystic Surin goes down
only to come up again, so despite its ironic
overtones, the book expresses a generally
hopeful outlook.
-Diane Decker
NEW YORK-A solemn-looking man with
a long, early-American face, a penchant
for green-tinted suits, and a habit, when
deep in thought, of making small clicking
noises with his tongue, is now the great
enigma of every capital city, from Moscow
to Washington. As Secretary of State, John
Foster Dulles will be one of the world's key
figures. What manner of man is he? In his
term at the State Department, what pos-
ture will the United States present to the
Asdrecently reported in this space, Dul-
les looks to a great many Europeans like
a "fire-breathing warmonger who would

obliterate Europe with hydrogen bombs
in order to free Poland and so gain votes
in Hamtramck." It is hard to imagine a
man less fitted in appearance and man-
ner for this role,
To an American, Dulles looks and talks
much like the traditional American country
lawyer-shrewd (and perhaps downright
wily where need be),a cautious (he often
hesitates a full minute before answering a
question), highly intelligent and extremely
Yet the war-monger image does exist in
Europe, and its existence cannot be lightly
disregarded. This image derives largely from
the so-called "liberation policy." Some of
Dulles' campaign-time political speeches on
this subject no doubt sounded very fire-
breathing to Europeans. Actually, away from
the hustings, there seems to be little fire
and much sound sense in Dulles' views on
American policy toward the Soviet satel-
lite empire.
These views can be summarized, accord-
ing to reliable report, about as follows: first,
if the Kremlin successfully absorbs and con-
solidates its great new empire, it will then
be free without restraint to pursue its goal
of world dominion. This might well lead
either to hot war, or to defeat for the West
in the cold war.
Second, Dulles is reported to believe,
that the Soviet satellite empire, so mono-
lithic in outward seeming, is in' fact sub-
ject to very heavy internal strains. These
strains would be greatly eased by an East-
West agreement, recognizing on a per-
manent basis the Soviet overlordship of

"What's The Quickest Way Back To Korea?"
Defense of NA
(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following article is a discussion of the functions
ofth National Stud en Arssociation. Mr. Wicox, '52, last year's SL presi-
P HILADELPHIA--A recent issue of "The American Student," offi-
cial publication of Students for America, sharply criticizes the
United States National Student Association as "the most dangerous
of all the left-wing political pressure groups now operating on Am-
erican campuses."
The condemnation continues with the charges that USNSA
"'milks about $37,790 a year from students who are ignorant of its
existence; wants to eliminate fraternities which do not conform
to its desires; advocates letting Communists teach; and refuses
to ban admitted Communists from being officers of USNSA."
Students for America, whose national chairman is Bob Munger,
a student at the University of Southern California, was formerly the
MacArthur for President Clubs and claims over fifty chapters and
two thousand members on American college campuses. This organ-
ization is certainly entitled to its opinions including critical opinions
about student organizations and USNSA in particular. The liberty of
crticism becomes dangerous license when the truth is distorted to
serve the interests of a particular group and when scare-words are
used to create emotional and illogical exaggerations of fact.
Fortunately, most students who have heard these charges rely
upon their experience and knowledge about USNSA to dispel fear that
the Students for America might be right. Unfortunately, many stu-
dents are not as familiar as they should be with the existing policies
of USNSA and its current leadership,
In the first place, USNSA is composed of 300 colleges and uni-
.versities which is approximately one fourth of the eligible insti-
tutions. A school becomes a member of USNSA by vote of its
democratically constituted student government or by vote of the
student body. Michigan affiliated with USNSA in 1947 by vote of
the student body. Admittedly, USNSA cannot speak for 'the en-
tire American student community; It can speak for a segment of
that community through delegates -representing the member
schools selected by the student government. USNSA speaks today
for the largest single body of organized American students.
Because USNSA is composed of delegates from the member school
student governments, as a safeguard against unrepresentative opinion,
often only a part of the student body has full information on USNSA
activities. This is a serious weakness in the organization of USNSA
which is frankly recognized by its membership, and eyery effort is
being made to increase the numbers of students on the campus who
are familiar with the activities of USNSA.
USNSA is constitutionally prohibited from partisan political acti-
vities. It supports no political party or political candidates. Critics
speak of "infiltration into USNSA" with political implications. On the
basis of my four years experience with USNSA I can say without res-
ervation that there is no "infiltration" of left-wing elements into the
organization; if anything, USNSA is moving to the right in keeping
with the growing conservatism of the American student community.
USNSA's total budget (1951-52) raised from dues collected
from member schools and through the sale of publications and
services was $15,000. USNSA's international activities are financed

separately through grants from educational groups, such as the
Institute for International Education.
Dues are not "milked" from the member schools. Dues assess-
ments are voted by the delegates representing the member schools.
Dues are levied proportionally according to school enrollment. Mary-
grove College in Detroit pays $25. University of Michigan pays $150.
This is the only equitable manner to carry the financial burden of
maintaining a national association; every cent is budgeted; every cent
is accounted for in a yearly audit.
USNSA does not want to eliminate fraternities that do not con-
form to its wishes. Many leaders in student government and in US-
NSA are fraternity presidents and members. The issue here is whether
fraternities should maintain discriminatory structures in their con-
stitutions while being recognized on the campus. This is a highly
controversial issue among fraternity people themselves. USNSA by
its constitution can only recommend; it has no power to coerce or
demand conformity; a school can take or leave any policy or pro-
gram recommendation of the Association.
USNSA recommends that an educational program be develop-
ed on campuses toward the goal of eventual elimination of dis-
criminatory clauses where student governments favor such a pro-
gram. USNSA recommends that campus organizations be given a
period of time in which to effect removal of clauses from their
constitutions or face loss of recognition. This latter policy is rec-
ommended for the consideration of student governments where
the climate of student-faculty-administration opinion is ready
for such a step. These controversial policy recommendations are
intended for the use of student governments that desire to put
them to use.
USNSA upholds the principle of academic freedom, deeming it
essential to the educative process that complete freedom for study,
research, and discussion be allowed with consideration given to all
points of view provided they are expressed by individuals consistent
with federal and state law. The Communist Party is still a legally
recognized organization for Americans to join. It follows that until
such an organization is declared contrary to the laws of the United

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

L'Affaire Perry...
To the Editor:
ALL University Quadrangles are
"private" residences. As such,
the residences of these Quad-
rangles have the right, within lim-
its, to enact and enforce such leg-
islation as they please. Therefore,
candidates for the Student Leg-
islature do not necessarily have
any right to present their plat-
forms in the Quadrangles unless
such permission is specifically giv-
en to them!
However, individual House
Councils and Quad Councils have
long ago realized the benefits of
having respected Student Legisla-
ture to represent them. As a re-
sult, in past years, no restrictions
were placed on the candidates
other than those which were dic-
tated by common sense. Many
Houses and Quadrangle facilities
have been plastered with an un-
sightly mass of multicolored pos-
ters and large quantities of mimeo-
graphed propaganda in past elec-
This year, for the first time, in-
dividual Houses were encouraged
to pass such regulations concern-
ing campaign literature as they
deemed appropriate. These regu-
lations were created by the rep-
resentatives of the men in the
Houses. For this reason, they are
representative of attitude of the
men of the Houses as a whole.
The regulations which were
passed were reasonable. Although
some Houses conpletely forbid
literature to be placed in the
House limits, others only passed
mild restrictions. But, because the
Quads allowed candidates to use
their facilities to meet and talk
to the men, and because they sup-
plied bulletin boards in the main
concourses for posters, interest in
the elections among Quad men
ran very high. For example, in the
South Quad, Gomberg had a 100
per cent vote; Kelsey had a 99
per cent vote,'and Reeves had a
95 per cent vote.
When Mr. Perry deliberately
broke the regulations of 16 of the
Houses in the three Quadrangles,
the Quadrangle Councils were in-
structed by the rank and file of
the House Representatives to take
disciplinary action. It is very
plain that the "persecution" of Mr.
Perry was not a pet project of the
"bosses of the Quadrangle Gov-
ernments," but that it was an ac-
tion initiated and supported by
the Houses themselves that perpe-
trated the recommendation that
Mr. Perry be taken before the

Hurray for Hannah,..
To The Editor:
YOUR Sports Editor, a Mr. Ed
Whipple, has once again
proved himself to be a vitupera-
tive, vindictive disgrace to college
I am referring to Mr. Whipple's
Sports Slants column that ap-
peared in the Wednesday, Decem-
ber 3 issue of your newspaper. My
son is a student at Michigan State
and he scissored out the column
and mailed it to me.
Mr; Whipple complains about
Collier's magazine selections of
MSC's McAuliffe, Ellis, and Dek-.
ker as All-American football play-
ers.' He concludes, "To the victor
the spoils, no matter how much
they smell ... "
Why does he always pick on the
Spartans? He apparently is bitter
over MSC's recent rise to athletia
and academic excellence. He at-
tacked MSC's president, John
Hannah, once before too. Dr.
Hannah is a fine educator who
has done loads for his school. He
even turned down the job of\Sec-
retary of Agriculture so he could
continue his wonderful work at
East Lansing.
Hurray for Hannah and to H---
with Whipple.
--Eldon Peljoy
Traverse City
* * *
To The Editor:
I WOULD LIKE to place in nom-
ination for "Man of the Year"
the name of psuedo-legislator Bob
Perry who has distinguished him-
self in a most unusual manner.
This erstwhile engineer has
evolved a new theory of judicial
review which was best summed up
in the words of his, press agent,
Harry Lunn, when he said: "Perry
felt that the rule against cam-
paign literature was unnoessary."
Although a copy of these House
rules was presented to each S.L.
candidate, it occured only to Mr.
Perry that, they were "Unneces-
s ary."And so he embarked alone
upon a "crusade for natural
rights," and in one glorious night,
personally managed to violate
rules of 16 separate Quadrangle

I sincerely feel that Wr. Perry
deserves special recognition for the
example he has set as a represen-
tative of the Michigan student
body and wish him success in his
gallant struggle against any more
such oppressive laws which do not
happen to fit his particular desires.
-Bob Karp, '55

-John Harlan, '55 1


(Continued from Page 2)
Events Today
Literary college Conference. Steering
Committee meeting, 4 p.m., 1010 An-
gell Hall.
The J-Hop Committee will meet in
Room 3L of the Michigan Union at 7
Christian Science Organization. Tes-
timonial meeting, 7:30. Upper Room,
Mathematics Club will meet at 8 p.m.,
West Conference Room, Rackham
Building. Prof. J. A. Dieudonne will
speak on Integration Theory.
U. of M. Rifle Club will meet at 7:15
at the R.O.T.C. Rifle Range.
La Tertulia of La Sociedad Hispanica
meets today from 3:30-5:00 in the Rum-
pus Room of the League.
La Sociedad Hispanica will hold a
practice for the Christmas caroling par-
ty tonight at 7:30 at the Madelon Pound
House. f
Young Progressives. Meeting tonight
at 7:30 p.m. in Room 3-B Michigan
Union. Election of Officers. Discussion
of the Rosenberg Case. Discussion of
NSC. very Important meeting.
The Deutscher Verein will meet at
7:30, in Room 3-D, Union. Mr. and
Mrs. Koch will speak on the general
-topic of Austria. Also a short talk on
Switzerland will be given. Refreshments.
Everybody welcome.
Folk Dance Workshop. Tips, tech-
niques, and practices for those who
want to call squares and teach folk
dances. Everyone invited to come and
dance, Lane Hall, 7:30 p.m.
Congregational Disciples Guild. Tea
at Guild House, 4:30-6:00. Group study-
ing The Sermon on the Mount, 7:15-
ULLR Ski Club. Meeting at 7:30 pm.,
Room 3-M, Union. Movie, slides, and
free refreshments. New members wel-
Coming Events
The Speech and Hearing Association
will meet on Wed., 'Dec. 10, at 7:30 p.m.i
in the Speech Clinic. A social will fol-

fighter. There will be refreshments at
the close of the meeting.
Trigon invites all men to attend the
second in a series of information talks
by experienced men about their re-
spective fields. It will be given on Wed.,
Dec. 10, 7:15 p.m., at 1617 Washtenaw,
by Frazer Clark, Principal of Mum
ford School, Detroit. He will speak on
Secdndary Education.
Roger Williams Guild. Thursday at 7
a.m. we continue our morning Midweek
Meditations in the Prayer Room of the
First Baptist Church. We are especially
anxious to have you with us.

Sixty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Crawford Young........Managing Editor
Barnes Connable.........City Editor
Cal Sam ra ,.......... .Editorial Director
Zander Hollander...... Feature Editor
Sid Klaus.......Associate City Editor
Harland B~ritz........ Associate Editor
Donna Hendleman,....Associate Editor
Ed Whipple...............Sports Editor
John Jenks. Associate Sports Editor
Dick Sewell ..... Associate Sports Editor
Lorraine Butler........ Wowen's Editor
Mary Jane Mills, As'oc. Women's Editor
Business Staff
Al Green............. Business Manager
Milt Goetz........ Advertising Manager
Diane Johnston. . .. Assoc. Business Mgr.
Judy Loehnberg-.... Finance Manager
Tom Treeger.......Circulation Manager
T4lehne 23-24-1~L


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