PAGE. TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1952 PAGE TWO SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1952 ILLINOISSURVEY:-"and June graduates in Mechanical, In- er: Our Counselor, Ada Mae Ames, dustrial and Chemical Engineering. The speaking on "Advent-Its Meaning and firm makes such items as hospital Use." equipment, children's vehicles, wheel chairs and other things. Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student Summer Positions. f Club. Supper-program, 5:3 p.m. Talk: The Detroit Civil service Commission Luther and Baugh. announces examination for the follow- M ~iore A ctive o n C am pus ing summer openings: Playleader-male Wesleyan Guild. 9:30 a.m. Discussion- and a female, closing date Dec. 22; Base- Class: Understanding the Christian - -_ball Instructor-male, closing date Dec. Faith. 5:30 p.m., Fellowship supper. MIC H IGA N DAILY 27; Life Guard-male, and Swimming 6:45 p.m., Worship and program: Stu- Phone 23-24-1 By MIKE WOLFF ered that friends and immediate Instructor-male and a female, closing dent Panel: "What Christmas Means HOURS: 1 to 5 P.M. Fraternity men hold higher po- family are mainly responsible date Dec. 22, The date of examination to Me." CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING si tionitcamen rgnzain for these openings is Dec. 29. In add- CASFE D ETSN sitions in campus organizations for fraternity attitudes held by tion there is an examination given for Congregational-Disciples Guild. 7 RATES and participate in social activities the majority of students. It was Public Service Attendant and Assist- p.m., Congregational Church, packing, to a greater degree than indepen- also shown that few men chang- ant Public Service Attendant open to mending, and sorting cloths for Ko- LINES 1 DAY 3 DAYS 6 DAYS dents. ed their preconceived opinions both males and females, with the clos- rea. The twlve who are in Cleveland on 34 leasteirthisecosctheedopinionons. ing date Dec. 16 and examination date the Workcamp at the Settlement House, 3 70 1.78 .84 least ths is he opinion held even-after four years at school. Dec. 23. will be back to tell of their experience.,.1-84 by a majority of men on the Uni--___ 4 .90 2.24 3.92 versity of Illinois camnpus, accord- Apparently' Illinois fraternity for urther information concerning Lutheran Student Association. 7 p.m., Figure 5 average words to a line. Ver~tiyOf lliois amps,.accrd-these and other openings, contact the ing to a recent survey by their In- men are more satisfied with their Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin- Rev, Heist, Missionary station in New Classified deadline doily except terfraternity council. lot than independents. Although istration Building. Guinea, will speak on his experiences Saturday is 3. P.M., Saturdays, * * , 27.2 per cent of the contacted in- there. 11:30 A.M., for Sunday issue. ALTHOUGH 54 per cent of the dependets admitted they would LectusesSt. Mary's Student Chapel. Annual respondents felt the independent prefer living in a fraternity house, Retreat under direction of Father LOST AND FOUND student has as much chanceas only 3.3 per cent of the Greeks University Lecture. Dr. Hans David, Leonard Colley, Catholic Chaplain of t tenty an taance in felt the urge to leave their house. Professor of Music, will lecture at 4:15 University of Minnesota. Begin with BROWN tortoise - shell tropical fish- he fraternity lan to advance in 'Tuesday afternoon, Dec. 9, in the Rack- Mass on Dec. 7, and end on Dec. 9 with shaped pin-before Thursday going campus groups, 57 er cent believ- he esults of the survey will be ham Amphitheater, on "Heinrich Solemn Benediction. All Catholic stu- on State between Liberty and Wil- ed'the Greek eventually lands in a useful to the. local IFC in their Schutz and his Christmas Historia." dents and faculty are urged to partici- liam. )66L higher position, public relations work, according to The University Choir plans to sing pate.F publicity chairman Sam Sirporin, Schutz' Christmas Story during its con- FOR SALE Seventy-two per cent of those cert on Dec. 17. Sponsored by the School Unitarian Student Group. 7:15 p.m., Seventy-twopercentofthose__ corntacted iaintained that affil- 4 of Music, the lecture will be open to Unitarian Church. Group discussion on fated men had more of a social the public. McCarty-ismrsons onoIron and walnut designers' models; life while an even. greater num-.N t s frhap tnm t n reasonable mahogany bowls and oil be said that .iore fraternity DAILY A cademic Notices Hall, 7 p.m. painting. 9455. Mr. Hoffman. 2 nen1 than.independents partici-r Logic Seminar in Mathematics. Tues., C tn E e s2%4 x 3' PACEMAKER speed graphic, gated in social functions. O - OFFICIAL Dec. 9, 3:10 p.m., 3001 A.H. Mr. Prins fully equipped, like new. Phone Henry The IFC'S p01 was conducted will speak on A. A. Robinson's "Mathe- Arnold 3-4141. )40L Te. po wa cnue matics of Algebra." Volunteer Naval Research Reserve among 400 undergraduate nen se- U LUa iUnit 9-3. Meeting at 7:30 p.m., Mon., PARAKEETS, babies and breeders, ca- lected by random sampling meth- Seminar in Mathematical Statistics. Dec. 8, 2082 Natural Science Building. naries, singers, cages and supplies. 305 ods from a total of 11,000. Of the Tues., Dec. 9, 2-4 p.m., 3217 Angell Hall. Professor George Kish, of the Depart- W. Hoover. Phone 2-2403. 185 169 wh returned their question- The Daily Official Bulletin is an Prof. Craig and Mr. Wine will speak. ment of Geography, will speak on "Eval- uations of New Problems in Italy." FOR SALE-Size 42 tails and accessor- nalres, 47.9 per cent belonged to official publication of the University Correction of previous notice of In- les. Also combination Philco table fraternities and 52.1 per cent did of Michigan for which the Michigan terdepartmental Seminar in Methods Mathematics Club will meet Tues., model radio and phonograph. Call 10tailty. Publication in it orial responsi- of Machine Computation. Meeting of Dec. 9, 8 p.m., West Conference Room, 2-8465. )109 tive notice to all members of the Mon., Dec. 8, postponed because of Rackham Building. Prof. J. A. Dieu- CANARIES and Baby Parakeets, $10 and tive notconflict.,Many may be interested in at- donne will speak on Integration Theory. THE SURVEY also showed that University. Notices should be sent in tending a session of the Mathematics ds k I g T y up. Bird supplies and cages. 562 S. ineednscnie rtriy TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552Cooqim301AglFal,3p.Dr Seventh. )113 gradesndonestyfraternlty Administration Building before 3 pm Coloquium, 3011 Angell Hall, 3 p.m. Dr. Michigan Actuarial Club. Meeting grades lower than they actually the day preceding publication (before T. S. Motkin of the Institute for Nu- Mon., Dec. 8, 4 p.m., Room 3-B Union. TUX with shirt and accessories, worn are and believe that Greek house- 11 a m. on Saturday.) meis A y Los Angelesu(whic Mr. Richard Henne from the Gleaner only 3 times. Size 38. Ph. 3-0658. )115 ____r__n__a hge hnoperates the SWAC, National Bureau of Life Insurance Society of Detroit will ubll recnsdral hgerthn SUDYDCEBR ,192 Standard's Computer) will talk on spa~n"gnyPolm. 4x5 DEJUR professional enlarger with the true expenses. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1952 "Convexity and Approximation." speak on "Agency Problems."negative carrier. 4.5 flex lens. Also The pollsters further discov- American Society for Public Admin- Amglo Strobo Unit with 2 lights, Ameriastudents of public administration, - o-18lterE 6cpem. ndto Cl N o t i c e s C o n c e r t s i s t r a t i o n , U . o f V, . C h a p t e r , i n v i t e s a l l 3 -1 8x1ea fne rc6n dim ,o n . 2 FC gr Student Recital. Jerome Jelinek, cel- litical science, and their friends to its Faculty of the Cortege of Literature, list, will be heard at 8:30 Monday eve- social seminar Mon., Dec. 8, 7:30 p.m., ROOMS FOR RENT Science, and the Arts. The December ning, Dec. 8, in the Rackham Assem- East Conference Room of the Rackham ~ m~eti ef the fauty for the aca- b d nmi ye'ar 195253 will be feld Mon., bly Hall, playing a program in partial Building. Mr. James M. Mitchell, Pres- ROOMS FOR OVERNIGHT GUESTS- / s1.n AA fulfillment of the requirements for the ident, American Society for Public Ad- Reserve rooms now at The Campus .ed'0 :3. to t 3 at :1 degree of Master of Music. It will in- ministration, and a member of the Tourist Homes. 518 E. William (near et3lude compositions by Frescobaldi, U.S. Civil Service Commission, will State). Phone 3-8454. )2R AM N ..4c- of Freshmen. Brahms, Tchakovsky, and Bohusav speak on "Trends in Personnel Man- _ TAR_____Dy !ns grader~ ri ENINERNGMartino, and will be open to the gen- agement." NEAR CAMPUS-Small single room for I STARTS ~ A~'''1 'n-week. grades for all ENGINEERING ie :MrJenkisapilo FRESY) duein the Secretary's eral public. Mr, Jelinek s a pupil ofale student. $5.50 per week. 813 E. .angineering ulding, on rDeutscher Verein. Meeting, Tues., Kingsley. )34R - *. l ee,8.x Dec. 9, at 7:30 p.m., Room 3D, Union. SINGLE ROOM for a girl in private .Events Today Singing, refreshi ents. Everyone we- home, location convenient to campus -er.eleRequests,,come and downtown Ann Arbor. Every- - .Qk I Owenso - Glass Company thing furnished; laundry privileges t'let4, QhiQ hav pezrigs in their Graduate Outing Club meets 2 p.m. La P'tite Causette will meet tomor- granted. 415 S. Fourth Ave. )35 - ales Department for meoiwith back at the rear entrance of the Rackham row from 3:30 to 5 p.m. in the North -S grotud'in Chemistry, Engineering, and Building for hiking and ice skating. Cafeteria, Union. TWO ROOMS for 2 or 3 men. Close to - 4Architecture. Rackham, School of Music, Hospitals. Merril nch, Pierce, .Fenner and Hillel Foundation. Supper Club 6 U. of M. Club will meet at 7:15, Tues., Phone 3-0746. )36R Beaelf eW or thascontacted 7 p.m to be followe by evening Dec. 6, at the R.O.T.C. Rifle Range. the -Btreau; oi Appointments concern- -mPERSONAL g :penings in their Financial De- Hillel Foundation. Graduate social Dr. James R. Squires of the Depart- partnentt Txosee-interested in a ca- ment of English will read selections MEN-This is for you: Mistletoe at 602! reer3 tinyvstmenti'Banking, and Se- get-together. Dancing, refreshments, from his poetry on Tues., Dec. 9, at )39P Tfti tf and ominodities, Brokerage gms 8 p Come eare r ored- 4:15 in the Kellogg Auditorium. Every- may obtain further information at the beef supper. All grad students invited, one invited. he Trane Company of LaCrosse, Young Republicans. Board Meeting, Motion Picture. Ten-minute film, Dal lsse s isconsin, -hasopenings for Cngineers 4 p.m., League. Consult bulletin board "Marine Animals and Their Food, -ol Wtheir Training rogramfo inaddition for room number. All Club members shown Mon. through Fri., 12:40 and 3 B gQ ik Re lt Lto positions available for Chemical and may attend and partIcipate. p.m., 4th floor, University Museums Mechanical Engineers in their Heat Roger Williams Guild. 9:45: continua- Building. Transfer Sales Department. .tion of 1st' Samuel in Student Bible Collins Radio Company of Cedar Rap-Y Class will present the study of the oung.Demorats will meet on Mon. tions:ec.ngineering Development,-Beof-th ids, Iowa, has open the following post- early life of David. 7 p.m. Rev. Kul- Uno. T, will be comittee ots tions: Engineering Development, Re- ngPeberaMnstrwlspk Union. There will be committee reports I search, Design, Industrial Engineer- zenga, Presbyterian Minister, will speak an icsino h lbsftr C oming ,concerning the question, "Can Human and discussion of the club's future ac- ing and Accounting. This company is Nature Be Changed?" Presbyterian tivities. A l those interested are invited ". st. engaged in a widely diversified field of Euild will be r guests.o attend. TECHNICOLOR Electronic Engineering and in addition ou DmrsEete a to Cedar Rapids there are branches in! Evangelical and Reformed Student Young Democrats, Executive Board Yvonne D .r.-Rockk d Burbank, California, and Dallas, Tex- Guild. ane Hall, 7 p.m. Speaker: Dr. and Coordinating Committee, will as. February graduates may make ap G. J VanWylen of Engineering School. meet on Mon., Dec. 8 at 7 p.m. in the -- Added Cartoon -- plication Discussion Topic: "Problems Engineer- League, Tom Payne, President of Mich- "Scent-1-Mental Romeo" The Coldson Corporation of Elyria ing Cannot Solve." igan Young Democrats, and George' Ohio has openings for both February McCready, State Central Committee - Canterbury Club. 6:45 p.m. Speak- man, will be there. Continuous HILLEL Today From 1 P.M. jpresents Adults 65c * Corned Beef Capers \ s Regutar Sunday Night Supper Club 6-7 P.M.. .TODAY... 50c members, 75c non-members fresh from his triumph MUSICALE 7:30-Discussion of music will be presented in"The Greatest Show on Earth" 4 HILLEL FOUNDATION ... 1429 Hill St. o TONIGHT at 8:00 Only th DANCE FILM FESTIVAL - 8:00~ BANK DICK - 9:00 } Jose Limon - Valerie Bettis - Ulanova in DANCE FILM FESTIVA "Moor's Pavanne" (color) - "Desperate Heart" "Swan Lake" - "Fable of the Peacock" (color) ntro edag "Interesting, important, entertaining"-Saturday Review - ALSO~ ife calls her C n' " 7 a -AND SEXY" o e oil C FIEDS PERSONAL CHRISTMAS SHOPPING made easy - Call 6007 for gift subscriptions. We handle special gift rates for all peri- odicals. Student Periodical Agency. )36P GENERAL alterations and remodeling. Tailormade button holes. Ph. 2-6673. )40P BARBER SHOP Harmony-Ann Arbor Chapter. SPEBSQSA, meets 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, Schwaben Hall, 217 S. Ash- ley. Students cordially invited. )38P HELP WANTED MEAL JOBS - Professional fraternity. 1502 Hill, Phone 3-1959. )55H BUSINESS SERVICES TYPEWRITERS! Portable and Standard for rent, sale and service. Morrill's 314 S. State St., Phone 7177. )8B RADIO SERVICE Auto -hHome - Portable Phono & TNV ast & Reasonable Service ANN ARBOR RADIO & TV. "Student Service' 1215 So. Uni., Ph. 7942 12 blocks east of East Eng. 115B WASHING - Finished work, and hand Ironing. Ruff dry and wet wshing. Also ironing separately. Free Dick-up and delivery. Phone 2-9020. )R EXPERT TYPIST - Rates reasonable. Prompt service. 914 Mary St., 3-4449. )12B GOOD Rental Typewriters available at reasonable rates. Office Equipment Company, 215 E. Liberty. Phone 2-1213. )4B $400 MONTHLY possible, we will se- lect a reliable person from this area to refill and collect money from our New Automatic Merchandising Ma- chines. No selling. To qualify appli- cant must have car, good references and $600 working capital which is se- cured by inventory. Devoting 8 to 10 hours per week may net up to $400 monthly with an excellent opportu- nity of taking over full time. We will allow the person we select liberal financial assistance for expansion. For interview, write, giving full partic- ulars, name, address, age and phone number to National Sales & Service Co., 3406 Monroe St., Fort Wayne 5, Indiana. )25B MISCELLANEOUS BEEN MEANING to find out about our student faculty and regular specials, haven't you? Well, if you are not do- ing anything why not inquire now. Student Periodical Agency, 6007. )17M MAWK OF DIME Starts Wednesday e4 1'7/ 4 ,¢x x I dl . is greatesf role! ince ling the Academy Award iri"The Lasi Weekend" ad& Pith MARTIN GABEI -y" leteased #hru UNITED ARTISTS Leave after your last class-- FLY UNITED -BE HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS IN A FEW HOURS Detroit: for reservations, cai WOodward 2-5330' or an authorized travel agent. COMPARE THE FARE AND YOU LL GO BY AIR I ~rph ~uM IEMA Held Over As Expected SDily Hang on to your hats. From 1:30 Admission El - I ove l L r t Al t with AJ.A i i hGLYNIS JOHNS 'VALERIE HOBSON -PETULA CLARK Screenplay by Eric Amblet Directed by Ronald NIame Artbur lank Orgamzation Presentation - * Unrversa-I.nternatlont Release The ad man is running out of "bIurbs" ... but ) I'm jolly well still here! Alec Guinness now os I Miniature Unusual "THE STORY OF TIME" - - A 'Va tJVTODAY Continuous from 1 P.M. ii m w~ ~ a ILI .~A C'~ u~