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Latest Deadline in the State CLOUDY
VOL. LXIII, No. 60
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Union Opera To Give Preview on TV
x f
* * *
BEAUT ;IFUL University Union
Opera "chorus girls" and their
handsome male co-actors will pre-
sent a sneak preview of the coming
Opera, "No- Cover Charge," at 6
p.m. Saturday on WWJ-TV, De-
A chorus line of eightmen and
five soloists from the all-male cast
will present some of the highlights
of the musical comedy, which
opens here Dec. 10.
Probably the things longest
remembered by Opera audiences
are its songs. Among the best
Fast To SpeT
' Gathering3
Controversial author, Howard
Fast, will speak to a private meet-
ing at 3 p.m. tomorrow at the Uni.
tarian Church under the sponsor-
ship of a group of interested stu-
Due to space limitations, no
more than 100 people will be able
to attend the meeting at the
Church and admission will be by
invitation prior to the meeting,
Rev. Edward H. Redman an-
nounced. He emphasized that if
large numbers of uninvited per-
sons show up, the talk would be
LAST WEEK the Young Pro-
gressives had submitted a petition
to hear Fast to Dean of Students
Erich A. Walter. The petition was
then turned over to the Lecture
Committee according to regular
However, the group was un-
able to get permission for the
author since the chairman of
the Lecture Committee, Prof.
James K. Pollock, chairman of
the political science depart-.
ment, is testifying before a Con-
Judic Takes
No Measures
No disciplinary action will be
taken against Student Legislature
member, Bob Perry, '53E, who vio-
lated several dormitory house
council rules in his successful
campaign for SL, Men's Judici-
ary Council president Joel Biller,
'53L, announced last night.
The Council ruled that "a can-
didate for the Student Legislature'
is not legally bound to obey the
campaigning rules handed down
by a dormitory house council un-
less he happens to be a member
of that house," Biller said.
HOWEVER, the Judiciary also
felt that "there is a moral obliga-
tion upon a visitor to a housing,
unit to conduct himself in accord
with the rules of the unit," he
The decision was announced
after Biller had read Perry a
copy of the letter describing the
Cnuei'2ati+nnTlast ni p-h.4,4in...
* * *1
known tunes from past Operas
are "College Days," "Friars'
Song" and "Drinking Song."
Many professors and alumni
still remember "When Night Falls
Dear," from the first Union Opera,
and "Michigan, Goodbye."
And those who saw last year's
Opera, "Never Too Late," will
probably be humming for a long
time to come the tunes of "Can't
Imagine," and "Never Too Late."
This year "No- Cover Charge"
will present 18 new songs. Some
-Courtesy Ann Arbor News
* * *
that will probably become popular
among Opera fans are "The Illu-
sion is You," "Why Can't I Kiss
Her Goodnight?" and "You, Just
All the songs for the musical
were written by six University stu-
dents composing the Opera niusic
Red Johnson '65SM heads the
staff and Paul McDonough, '56L,
Pete Katz, '55SM, Roger Cole, '53,
Bernie Kahn, Grad. and Howard
Nemerovski, '54E, make up the
rest of it.
ak at Private
gressional committee in Wash.
ington and cannot return to Ann
Arbor in time to arrange a meet.
ing before tomorrow.
Originally planning to bring
Fast here either In March or
April, the political club moved up
their request when it was learned
that he would be in Detroit this
THE SUBJECT of his talk is
not definitely known, although in
a letter to the YP he suggested
that he would speak "on the over-
all state of literature in America
today and censorship as practiced
in the publishing industry."
The Young Progressives were
also forced to cancel a meeting
slated for last night at which
Rabbi Abraham Cronbach was to
have spoken, according to Marge
Buckley, '53. The Rabbi wired that
he would be unable to attend,
Miss Buckley said.
The club also had difficulty in
finding a room for the meet-
ing, she added.
Rabbi Cronbach, author of "Re-
ligion and Its Social Setting," is
still expected to speak on "An
Amateur Looks at the Talmud" at
8:15 p.m. today in the Hillel
Foundation, under the auspices 61
Hillel. The Rabbi is a member of
the Cincinnati University faculty.
At 10 a.m. and again at 1:15
p.m. tomorrow, he will speak be-
fore members of the Fellowship
of Reconciliation at theiWesley
Foundation on "Patriotism of
Intern Tells
The life of an. intern can be
tough, but it can also be interest-
ing, Dr. Alfred Joseph, intern at
St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, told a
group of pre-medical students last
Speaking on "Experiences as an
Intern,"'Dr. Joseph gave the med-
ical hopefuls a picture of the grad-
uate's life during his first year in
a hospital.
One of the intern's chief dif-
ficulties, the doctor said, is be-
ing relegated to the status of a
technician while the resident, or
second year graduate, takes over
the interesting, more educational
But equally as bad, he pointed
out, is the intern's being given too
much responsibility, and having to
make diagnoses for which he is not
properly qualified.
Dr. Joseph recommended that
any student who could do so con-
tinue working in a hospital as resi-
dent after finishing his year of in-
ternship. However the doctor
pointed out that low salaries given
to interns and residents often cre-
ate a problem.
Brandt Remains
On Critical List
Prof. Carl G. Brandt, chairman
of the engineering English de-
partment was reported last night
to be improved but still on the crit-
ical list.
Prof. Brandt has been confined
to the hospital since August.
British Plan'
New Cutback
Of Defense
Cuirb Inflation
LONDON-(A')-Prime Minister
Winston Churchill announced yes-
terday a new cutback in the Brit-
ish defense effort -to minimize the
entanglement of the nation's econ-
omy in an inflationary spiral.
He did not specify the size of
the cut in his statement to a
packed House of Commons. But
he made it clear the action was
designed to protect Britain's finan-
cial solvency.
"Some curtailment must now be
made," Churchill said. "This will,
to some extent, involve' the can-
cellation or modification of con-
tracts already placed.
"THE REDUCTIONS will, so far
as possible, be brought about by
spreading deliveries of equipment
over a longer period. It will, how-
ever, not be possible to solve the
problem entirely by spreading de-
liveries into future months or
This was the method used in the
first cutback.
Churchill's Conservative Gov-
ernment announced last winter
that Britain's long-range 13-
billion-dollar rearmament pro-
gram, first put forward late in
1950, had been extended a year
because of manpower and steel
shortages and the effects of the
nation's economic crisis.
Last July Churchill warned that
a further curb would be necessary
to prevent "a plunge into bank-
Referring to aircraft, Churchill
said yesterday his Government will
reduce somewhat "the production
of types now in service, but we
shall continue to press forward as
rapidly as possible with the intro-
duction of the newer and still
more advanced types"
Churchill stressed that Britain
is as determined as ever-to-carry
her full share in the efforts of the
North Atlantic Treaty Organiza-
$4,093,000,000 a year for defense.
More than a third of this goes for
new weapons.
Under the original defense pro-
gram, the prices would have push-
ed to a total of $4,620,000,000 this
year, Churchill said, and to $5,-
040,000,000 next year.
World News
By the Associated Press
WASHINGTON-President Tru-
man last night accepted the resig-
nation of Archibald Cox as chair-
man of the Wage Stabilization
Board and named Charles . Kill-
ingsworth to replace him.
Cox quit in protest against Tru-
man's decision to overrule the
board in the soft coal wage in-
crease case.
South Korea turned down an In-
dian compromise proposal for end-
ing the Korean War as the Presi-
dent of the U. N. Assembly wrote
an appeal to the Communists to
accept it.
SEOUL,sKorea-The Chinese
Communists broke off their at-
tacks on Sniper Ridge on the Cen-
tral Front yesterday after 24 hours
of close-in battle in the coldest
weather of the year.
WASHINGTON--The govern-
ment gave the controversial case
of Owen Lattimore to a federal
grand jury, asking the jurors to
decide whether the Far Eastern
expert should be indicted for per-
WASHINGTON-A federal court
Thursday set a 20-day deadline for
the Office of Price Stabilization
to act on a petition to abolish price
controls on a long list of food pro-
ducts processed from fruits and
Trial Warran ted
In Kidnap Case
Sugar Ray
NEW YORK-(A)-The New
York State Athletic Commis-
sion this morning vacated Sug-
ar Ray Robinson's midlleweight
Chairman Robert Christen-
berry of the commission in a
statement said that the title
was being vacated because of
Robinson's not complying with
a rule that says a champion
must defend his crown every
six months.
Christenberry said he had
given Robinson an extra month
to decide whether to continue
his boxing or go into a career
as an entertainer. Up to now,
he has not had an answer from
Lie Ejects
U.S. Aides
From Jobs
By The Associated Press
Secretary General Trygve Lie has
fired seven of his American em-
ployes who refused to answer U.S.
Senate queries about alleged sub-
versive activities, it was learned
last night.
Nine other American UN. em-
ployees were fired later in the
night for refusing to answer ques-
tions on alleged subversive activi-
ties and nine more are expected
to be dismissed today.
Seven of those already fired
have been discharged since the
U. S. Senate internal security sub-
committee, headed by Sen. Pat
McCarran (D-Nev) began hear-
ings in New York in October. The
other two were fired earlier in the
* * *
THE NINE pending cases in-
volve American employes who have
been on special leave with pay
under orders of Lie since their
McCarran Committee appearances.
Lie had previously announced
the firing of four of those in.
eluded in the total of nine al.
ready dismissed; three were new.
It was the first disclosure of this
A U.N. spokesman recalled that
Lie said when announcing four
previous firings that he acted not
only because of their refusal to
testify but on further evidence
supplied to him by American se-
curity agencies.
* * *
THE TWO staff members dis-
missed earlier in the year-Eu-
gene Wallach and Irving Kaplan
-were fired after refusing at pre-
vious committee hearings to an-
swer questions about alleged sub-
versive connections.
The jurists recommended that
Lie fire any employe who refused
to answer questions about alleged
links with the Communist party
or anti-American espionage be-
cause such refusal created a "cli-
mate of suspicion."
A U.N. source said Lie would
have a statement on the issue
this morning.
Stevenson Talks
To Pre-Law Group
Fred G. Stevenson, consultant
in leadership training for the Uni-
versity Extension Service and not-
ed authority on parliamentary
procedure, spoke last night on
"The Club and the Gavel" before
a meeting of the Michigan Crib,
a pre-law society.
In his talk Mr. Stevenson out-
lined the priorities of motions and
discussed the several subsidiary
motions which can be made while
a main motion is pending.
-Daily-Ken Tootell
.* * * *
Galen Society To Solicit
Funds for Charity Pd arty
Members of the Galen Society will be out in full force today
collecting funds for their twenty-fifth annual Christmas Drive.
Funds obtained today and tomorrow will be used by the society
to support the Galen Workshop and to contribute to the Christmas
Party given for the children in University Hospital.
The Galen Workshop, sponsored by the Galen Medical Society,
fills the need of the children in the hospital for edeucaonal, and
recreational activities.
Each day, the children come to the shop where they learn to do a
variety of things. Included in the program are crafts, weaving and
Reuther Gets
Post* Haywoo
Vice-Pre siden
Sti~al /Spot
Detroit Man
Given Place
AfterF ight
Election Climax
To Convention
By ,the Associated Press
Dynamic Walter P. Reuther was
. elected president of the CIO yes-
terday in a political scrap winding
up the labor group's annual con-
vention at Atlantic City, N. J.
Reuther, 45-year-old chief of the
CIO's million-member auto work-
ers union, was selected in a hotly-
contested balloting over Allan S.
Haywood, veteran 64-year-old ex-
X ecutive vice president of the organ-
a '«"~r TYV n'TV" fra I!11*10 *~
Of Recount
Officials Told
The State Board of Canvassers
appointed 182 State attorneys to
act as the official, neutral super-
visors of the governorshiprecount
starting next week, the Associated
Press revealed yesterday.
Appointments for Washtenaw
county checkers havesnot been
made but are expected shortly, ac-
cording to County Clerk Luella M.
THE ATTORNEYS were chosen
by the State Bar of Michigan and
were named special assistant at-
torney generals by Attorney Gen-
eral Frank G. Millard. The system
to be used is the same as that
which was followed in the Kelly-
Williams recount two yearsago.
At the same time the board
finally determined that there
are 1,019 voting machine pre-
cincts in the State. Since 'these
are not included in the recount
petition of Republican Fred M.
Alger, Jr., or Gov. Williams, the
winning Democrat, that leaves
about 3,463 precincts to be re-
counted out of the state's 4,479.
The board ruled today that theI
three "oversight" precincts must
also be recounted.
the use of both electrical and
hand tools.
Records, games, tools, craft ma-
terials and a teacher who directs
the educational program are pro-
vided for the shop by Galen funds.
Last year's Christmas drive bought
a tool chest on wheels which makes
it possible for each child to choose
the tools he wants to use.
In addition to providing work,
the Galen Workshop allows the
children to have companionship
with others of their own age.
Noted owneri
Of RedWings
CHICAGO-(A?)-James Norris,
73 years old, one of the nation's
leading -grain operators and own-
er of the Detroit Red Wings died
He entered Passavant Hospital
Tuesday. Physicians said his death
was caused by a heart attack.
In addition to owning the De-
troit Red Wings of the National
Hockey League, he had interests in
numerous sports arenas. ,
A native of Montreal and grad-
uate of McGill University there,
Norris held directorships in five
sports arena corporations-Chi-
cago Stadium Corp., Madison
Square Garden Corp., St. Louis
Arena Corp., Indianapolis Coliseum
Corp., and Olympia Stadium Corp.,
THE VOTING was 3,079,181 for
Reuther, and 2,613,103 for Hay-
wood, based on the CIO's claimed
membership of 5,692,284. Reuther
thus won by 466,078 votes.
The red-haired Reuther, per-
haps best known for his many
proposals for social change in
the United States, succeeds the
late Philip Murray who had
guided the CIO for a dozen years
before his sudden death Nov. 9.
Despite the bitter battle between
the opposing Reuther and Hay-
wood forces, both sides pledged
afterward to bury the hatchet and
work together in the future.
AFTER REUTHER was elected
CIO president, Haywood, amid
much-praise for ,Imis long work in
the labor movement, was unani-
mously re-elected as executive
vice-president. James B. Carey,
head of the CIO's Electrical Work-
ers union, was re-elected secretary-
Reuther, who in 25 years has
thus risen from a tool bench at
the Ford Motor Co. to the head
of the world's greatest labor or-
ganization, grinned broadly as
he was congratulated by his sup-
His election was almost an anti-
climax to the 26 tumultous days
that have ensued since the death
of Murray, Nov. 9.
FOR A TIME the battle between
the Reuther and Haywood forces
threatened to split the CIO per-
manently. Despite the hatchet
burying, some scars still remained,
particularly between Reuther and
David J. McDonald, head of the
United Steel Workers. It was Mc-
Donald, whose union is second in
size only to Reuther's UAW, who
spearheaded the Haywood fight.
He carried his opposition to
Reuther to the bitter end on the
convention floor, although he
knew several days ago that Hay-
wood did not have a chance.
From the opening day of the
convention Monday, the coming
showdown was uppermost in the
minds of the 700 delegates, to the
detriment of other convention bus-
Men's Glee Club
To Sing at Banquet
The University Men's Glee Club,
will entertain diners at a civic
testimonial banquet for former
State GOP leader Arthur E. Sum-
merfield today in Flint.
2.150 persons are expected to at-
tend the dinner at which the re-
cently appointed Postmaster Gen-
eral will be honored by fellow
townsmen. Michael A. Gorman,
editor of the Flint journal will
serve as toastmaster, and Arthur
H. Sarvis, Flint civic leader, will
give the testimonial.
The 70-member Glee Club, di-
rected by Prof. Philip Duey of
the music school, will give a half-
hour performance beginning at
7:30 p.m.
Main Electrical Wire
Snaps in 13 linding Flash
Musical Society To Present' Iessiah'
A 4800 volt primary electrical
wire on the corner of Washtenaw
and South University broke in a
spectacular blaze of green and red
flashes last night, causing more
hubbub than damage.
A few men from Gomberg House,
South Quad, invoked a standing
joke and rumored that the flash
was a contrived signal for a re-
peat "panty raid."
Gomberg House president, Jerry
., x ..
Continuing a Christmas tradi-
tion of many years' standing, the
University Musical Society 'will
present Handel's "Messiah" at 8:30
p.m. Saturday and 2:30 p.m. Sun-
day in Hill Auditorium.
Tickets for the 'concerts may be
obtained at the offices of the Uni-
versity Musical Society in Burton
Tower and at the box office just
whom have been heard in Ann
Arbor on previous occasions.
Nancy Carr, soprano, has won
wide acclaim both for her ora-
torio appearances in major cities
and for her extensive radio per-
The contralto, Eunice Alberts,
was selected several years ago by
Serge Koussevitzsky as a soloist
for performances at the Berkshire
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