THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1 U I .......... p A CAMPUS - Divided Against Itself L AST APRIL, crowded housing facilities forced University officials to turn two of the eight houses in the East Quad over to women. This move came amid somewhat violent protests from a number of proud males. Now, after several months have passed with men and women living in peaceful proximity on University property, the ex- periment has, contrary to expectations, wiped away the apprehensions of skeptics that a mingling of the genders would bring about conflict and disorder. In many quarters, there is even the feel- ing that the innovation is the greatest im- provement in University policy since co- education was introduced in 1870. Of course, there have been quite a few unusual situations arising as a result of the experiment. For instance, Tyler, the house of graduate and transfer women, has requested the men to close their drapes in the evening. Yet, the satisfaction of the East Quad women with these housing facili- ties was reflected by the small percentage of them pledging sororities. As for the men, living in such an at- mosphere is very much a change from the more conventional conditions. It takes a while for the studious male to become ac- customed to the dulcet soprano shrieks that echo across the court every so often. Nonetheless, the relationship seems to be quite satisfactory and if anything, this rea- listic set-up contributes to the social con- sciousness of the residents while breaking the wall of social taboo. At the same time, enough conservatism is retained for the par- ticipants to remain civilized. Assuming that fraternization between men and women should be a regular part of the social atmosphere, it is now plain that no line need be drawn requiring housing in separate buildings. As a success, the East Quad experiment might be put to more practical use on a broader scale. Presently, the campus is divided into factions and segments, precluding a con- genial atmosphere between men and co- eds. As it is, the Union and League are separate institutions, sacred sanctuaries for their respective sexes. In addition, the men's dormitories are separated from the women's dorms by a good span of walk- ing territory. This situation is hardly conducive to the social life of the campus, and accounts for the numerous collegiates who sit home on weekends twiddling their thumbs. If the University would extend its East Quad plan to other dormitories, there is a good chance that a healthy rapport would be established between the opposite sexes. Then perhaps this institution would not turn out so many introverted personalities. -C. Thomas Nakkula MAGAZINES I, GENERATION, Volume 4, Number 1. THE YEAR'S FIRST issue of the campus inter-arts magazine arrives today. Be- cause of certain mechanical delays, it had no cover when I saw a copy yesterday. Like the Venus de Milo, however, being uncovered did not detract from its general interest. A familiar competence was found which indi- cates its new editor, Eleanor Hope, will re- main committed to the general format and editorial policy of her most recent predeces- sors. The issue steps off on a very good foot with what is probably the most thor- oughly satisfactory piece of writing print- ed: Joseph Savin's architectural discus- sion of Angell, Mason and Haven Halls. Admirably stated in terms whichthe unin- itiated will understand, it is appropriate to both the interests of its readers and the legitimate scope of the magazine. Even though the article may possibly have only opular interest, Savin's was a nat- ural, and gives space in the magazine to a branch of the arts, usually neglected by the staff. The other essay in the magazine, "Yeats' Alternative to Naturalism" by Eleanor Hope is a workmanlike explication, although it may be somewhat diverse and uncritical. The fiction, as usual, is the most uneven department in the issue. Of the three stories printed, easily the most interesting is Mat- thew McGregor's "Who Could Not Know" a highly experimental story about a convoy attacked by a submarine pack. The style is extremely involved and difficult, although, on rereading, the design is plain. McGregor's problem is largely in finding a climax for the story when constructed as it is, none exists. In avoiding the obvious pathos, in employing an epical remoteness to save the event for its purely "realized" meaning, he has attempted something that is successful almost by its very daring. "A Day's Catch" by Anthony Buesser is a more traditional story about a young boy. It has some interesting perceptions, but is extremely loose, consequently sacrificing im- pact. Allen Hanna's "Death and Transfigura- tion" is essentially sentimental and super- ficial. It also attempts to embrace a con- siderable amount of time and space, mak- ing much of the story largely a report which its Maugham-like narrator passes on. Itp characters are particularly weak. The poetry in the issue was generally good. Joseph Greene's two satiric efforts were perhaps the best. Of Jaseha Kess- ler's contributions, "Recognition is the Mother of Necessity" stood out. Ruth Misheloff's "The Vision" was tight and vivid. William Matheson's work lacked tightness and seemed unnecessarily diffi- cult. A drama questionnaire which takes up a good part of the issue was somewhat dis- appointing in that the various drama and movie groups interviewed were largely ver- vose, repetitious, and somewhat self-satis- fied. d-Bill Wiegand The Ailing Quad Councils A SERIES OF superficially unrelated in- cidents in the last few weeks have rais- ed a serious question as to the responsibility of the Inter-House Council and several of the other quadrangle governing bodies. The- oretically the councils serve as representa- tives of the men in the dorms and are granted legislative powers to be used in car- rying out this function. Recent actions of the IHC and the West Quad Council, how- ever, have shown that these powers are ex- tremely nebulous and are seemingly limited only by the judgment of quad leaders. The action of the West Quad Council in unseating council member Bert Braun, the measures taken against Bob Perry by the quad councils over illegal distribution of campaign literature and the IHC refusal to support the Student Legislature's plan for liberalizing hours for late parties seem to be steps which were decided by a few quad leaders rather than the residents themselves. The three incidents do not merely involve bad judgment, since the Braun debacle has apparently been handled by the West Quad Council in violation of their own constitu- tional authority. According to the quad laws, each house is empowered to select its own representatives and is the only group that can remove the representatives. Thus in voting to kick Braun from his post on the West Quad governing body, the Council vi- olated its own rules and insulted the Michi- gan House Council which had voted Braun into his post and which has stood behind him in this matter. By taking the action they did, the West Quad Council members have shown that they consider purging a member superior to dal- lying with constitutional methods. In the Perry case, the quad governments once more demonstrated their authoritarian inclinations. To begin with, many of the houses enacted rules which severely cur- tailed the rights of SL candidates to pre- sent their case to voters in the dorms. Though a good case can be made for some restrictions on placing posters around the quads, there is little validity in banning campaign literature from the dormitories. Feeling that the rule against campaign literature was entirely unnecessary, Perry proceeded to distribute material as he had in three previous elections and won a handy victory, being one of the few suc- cessful quad candidates. In this incident the councils acted in the worst interests of dorm residents by hindering the cam- paigning. of the quad candidates who wanted to represent the independents on SL. Then, instead of merely reprimanding Perry for violating the unfortunate rules, the councils decided to create an issue by bringing the victorious candidate before the Men's Judiciary Council. Again the feelings of dorm members were not consulted. A great many residents thought the whole in- cident absurd and did not believe Perry should be punished. But the most irrational action of all was the IHC refusal to pass SL's hours plan. Sent to various campus groups as a matter of courtesy, the recommendation had re- ceived unanimous approval from the Wo- men's Judiciary and approval from Dean Bacon and the Interfraternity Council. The plan had originally been passed with a unan- imous vote from SL. It provides that au- thorized parties may last until 1 a.m. on late permission nights instead of ending at midnight as is now the case. There was no conceivable reason for IHC opposition to this plan. It is hardly possible that quad residents would be opposed to such a move since it would al- low them to have later parties. This lack of responsible leadership has reflected badly on the men in the dorms since it has thrived on their tolerance. The councils cannot be criticized for attempting to take a greater influence in campus af- fairs, but the method and motives sur- rounding this bid for power bear closer scrutiny. Perhaps the main trouble is that the quad groups are trying too hard to make their presence felt and have gained an exaggerated impression of their potential importance on campus. A little soul searching by,the independent leaders who staged the Braun purge and led the fight against the SL hours plan would be a healthy thing for quad government. By coming out of the clouds and pursuing a course more consistent with their repre- sentative function and their own place in the over-all campus scene, these men could restore a note of rationality and responsi- bility to quad government. -Harry Lunn "JN SPITE of the extension of the critical . spirit to every sphere of thought, and of the boldness with which every categorical assumption is challenged, there never was an age so moral, in the strictest sense of the term as the present one. Whatever indict- ment may be brought against it, it is cer- tain that the appeal of sentiments of justice, equity, humanity, has never been so powerful and so general, that sensitiveness to wrong, oppression, injustice have never been so keen, that the conscience of human society !I tteA64TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. MONDAY TUESDAY (at (at (at (at (at (at (at (at (at (at (at (at (at (at "Relax -They Only Think About Us At Election Time" FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATION SCHEDULE University of Michigan COLLEGE OF LITERATURE, SCIENCE, AND THE ARTS HORACE H. RACKHAM SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES COLLEGE OF ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION SCHOOL OF NATURAL RESOURCES SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH COLLEGE OF PHARMACY SCHOOL OF EDUCATION SCHOOL OF NURSING SCHOOL OF MUSIC January 19 - January 29, 1953 NOTE: For courses having both lectures and recitations, the time of class is the time of the first lecture period of the week; for courses having recitations only, the time of the class is the time of the first recitation period. Certain courses will be ex- amined at special periods as noted below the regular schedule. 12 o'clock classes, 4 o'clock classes, 5 o'clock classes and other "irregular" classes may use any examination period provided there is no conflict (or one with conflicts if the conflicts are ar- ranged for by the "irregular" classes). Each student should receive notification from his instructor as to the time and place of his examination. In the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, no date of examination may be changed without the consent of the Committee on Examina- iton Schedules. Time of Class Time of Examination 8 9 10 11 1 2' 3 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 Epstein's 'Tirade' ..** To the Editor: = READ Sidney Epstein's tirade (letter, 18 Nov.) with much interest, some sympathy, little sol- emnity. True, Mr. Epstein, all reli- gious (your's too, incidently, but lets not change the subject) al- ways need good criticism, criti- cism that combines intelligence, scholarship, and passion. You have the passion, all right; but if you brought your full intelligence to bear, you might be able to ar- range and present your material with more telling logic. And your facts are mostly hearsay, mostly inaccurate. If you're still eager to serve us, as the flail of the Lord for our chastisement, that's fine. But for Heaven's sake (Relax, Editor- it's not a naughty word in this context!) come over for tea some Friday afternoon and let us bring you up to date on your facts! Your ego may rest satisfied with the ap- plause of those who already agree with you. But for our own good, we of the Church would like to see your criticism also command the respect of those at whom it is directed. Or if in the meantime you have heeded the advice of our Bahai friend (Daily, 23 Nov.) and have decided investigating might be more fun than criticising, that's fine too. We urge you, by all means, to study Mr. Hawley's religion, and cordially invite you to study ours too while you're at it. You too, Mr. Hawley-you write a good letter and we'd like to know you. -Helen M. Kuhns 'This I Believe' . ., To the Editor: NOW THAT THE "This I Be- lieve" speakers series has been completed we of the Student Reli- gious Association would like to thank the entire campus for the unprecedented support and coop- eration we received through the duration of the program. We especially want to thank The Daily for its excellent "This' I Believe" series of articles which stimulated interest in our work and helped to make our program an unqualified success. Again to all who helped us in our efforts to make people take stock of their individual beliefs, we say thank you. -Mort Friedman, President, SRA Jeffersonians ... To the Editor: Democrats because of the election of ADA'er Blue Carstenson as president of the YD's. His rea- soning makes little sense. If the "Jeffersonians"-and this assumes that there are others beside Back- haut who delight in such a label- are sincerely devoted to the wel- fare of the Democratic Party they should participate in the activi- ties of its local compus organiza- tion. They would be duty bound to attempt to change it back to "Jef- fersonian Democracy," or, for that matter, to -any other ideology which the versatile Backhaut may choose to espouse at any particu- lar moment. Backhaut blames. "the associa- tion many people believe existed between the Americans for Dem- ocratic Action and Governor Ste- venson" as having had a great part in causing the defeat of the Governor. His statement makes about as much sense as would a claim that Stevenson was defeat- ed because of Backhaut's own de- fection to the Republicans. It is common knowledge that what won the election for Eisenhower was his superior appeal as a father image. Neither Backhaut nor ADA had anything to do with the po- tencyof this sortdof appeal. Will Hansen, Grad. Squabbles.. . To the Editor: IT WOULD appear that several extended debates are currently being carried on in the "Letters to the Editor" column. I happen to glance at certain of these let- ters on November 25, and could only come to the rather uncertain conclusion that a Mr. Laframboise, with the aid of his Thesaurus, was requesting that a Mr. Epstein watch his language. The other let- ters were more or less incoherent. Therefore, I request that the Daily publish a resume (say-every Fri- day) of the current literary battles in some obscure corner so that people like myself, who have no subscriptions and must rely on wastebasket scavenging for their copies, can read the "Letters" sec- tion with some degree of compre- hension. --Persse O'Reilly "EVERY man is to be respected as an absolute end in him- self; and it is a crime against the dignity that belongs to him as a human being, to use him as a mere means for some external purpose." -Kant 04r e Wednesday, January 21 Saturday, January 24 Tuesday, January 27 Monday, January 19 Tuesday, January 20 Thursday, January 29 Thursday, January 22 Friday, January 23 Monday, January 26 Wednesday, January 28 Tuesday, January 20 Thursday, January 29 Thursday, January 22 Monday, January 19 9-12 9-12 9-12 9-12 2-5 9-12 2-5 9-12 9-12 9-12 9-12 2-5 9-12 2-5 These regular examination periods have precedence over any special period scheduled concurrently. Conflicts must be ar- ranged for by the instructor of the "special" class. SPECIAL PERIODS LITERATURE, SCIENCE, AND THE ARTS Chemistry 1, 3 English 1, 2 Psychology 31 English 112 Economics 51, 52, 53, 54 Great Books 1, Section 9 Sociology 51, 54, 60, 90 Political Science 1 French 1, 2, 11, 12, 31, 32 61, 62 Spanish 1, 2, 31, 32 Russian 1 German 1, 2, 31, 11 Zoology 1 Monday, January 19 Wednesday, January 21 Wednesday, January 21 Wednesday, January 21 Friday, January 23 Friday, January 23 Saturday, January 24 Saturday, January 24 Monday, January 26 Tuesday, January 27 Tuesday, January 27 Tuesday, January 27 Wednesday, January 28 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-5 SPECIAL PERIODS SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Business Administration 22, 122, 223a, 223b Business Administration 1 Business Administration 73, 105, 143 Business Administration 13 (Econ. 173) Business Administration 255 Business Administration 162 Monday, January 19 7-10 P.M. Tuesday, January 20 7-10 P.M. Wednesday, January 21 2-5 Wednesday, January 21 7-10 P.M. r Friday, January 23 Friday, January 23 9-12 2-5 L ± MUSIC + LATE HAYDN, late Beethoven and early Bartok comprised the final concert of this semester by the Stanley Quartet last night in the Rackham Lecture Hall. Oddly enough, the early work fared best of the three. The opening quartet was Haydn's Opus 77, No. 1, which, with the other quartet in that opus, constitutes the most cogent state- ment of Haydn's final solution to the prob- em of writing for this combination. Struc- turally this was probably the soundest of the three works presented, but it suffered from a rather poor start. One had the feel- Pro paganchi PROPAGANDA is as essential a function of mass democracy as advertising of mass production. The political organizer takes a leaf out of the book of the com- mercial advertiser and sells the leader or the candidate to the voter by the same meth- ods used to sell patent medicines or refriger- ators. The appeal is no longer to the rea- son of the citizen, but to his gullibility. A more recent phenomenon has been the emergence of 'what Max Weber called the "charmismatic leader" as the expression of the general will. The retreat from individualism seemed to issue at last-and not alone in the so- called totalitarian countries-in the exal- tation of a single individuat leader who personified and resumed within himself the qualities and aspirations of the "little man," of the ordinary individual lost and bewildered in the new mass society. But the principle qualification of the leader is no longer his capacity to reason correctly to choose the best experts to rea- son for him, but a good public face, a con- vincing voice, a sympathetic fireside man- ing that the players began without having sufficiently tuned their instruments. This situation was rectified between the first and second movements, however, after which things went more smoothly. Deficiencies of intonation in the opening movement were compensated for, however, by the vigor with which it was dispatched. Although some- what coarse, this enthusiasm was modified to a fitting sprightliness in the Minuet, re- solving to the dash and bravura which the closing movement deserves. The deficiency of the Beethoven Opus' 135 lay more with the composer than the performers, and the first 'movement was again the source. This last of his 16 quar- tets remains one of Beethoven's most enig- matic in intent, from the seeming triviali- ty of the opening movement to the words "Must it be?" "It must be!" inscribed over the last movement. The result is a work that doesn't quite cohere as a unified whole. The performers wisely did not at- tempt to make something more of the first movement than it actually is. They stated it in a straight-forward manner and allowed the listener to make of it what he wished. The rhythmically intricate second move- ment would have been more enjoyable had some of the opening passages of sustained syncopation been more sharply accented. The third movement, with its almost prayer- like serenity, could hardly have been more deftly rendered. That the fourth movement sent the audience out to intermission hum- ming the theme speaks well for the properly triumphant interpretation. Bartok's First Quartet displayed the Stan- ley at its artistic finest. The composer un- derstood his medium well and knew how to utilize its possibilities. Although some may attack this, his first venture (Opus 7), as merely exploiting the sonority of the mo- ment, the work does have definite form and remains one of his most accessible SCHOOL OF EDUCATION Courses not covered by this schedule as well as any neces- sary changes will be indicated on the School bulletin board. SCHOOL OF MUSIC Individual examinations by appointment will be given for all applied music courses (individual instruction) elected for credit in any unit of the University. For time and place of examina- tions, see bulletin board in the School of Music. SCHOOL OF NATURAL RESOURCES Courses not covered by this schedule as well as any necessary changes will be indicated on the School bulletin board. . SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH Courses not covered by this schedule as well as any necessary changes will be indicated on the School bulletin board. * * * * UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN College of Engineering SCHEDULE OF EXAMINATIONS January 19 to January 29, 1953 NOTE: For courses having both lectures and quizzes, the time of class is the time of the first lecture period of the week; for courses having quizzes only, the time of class is the time of the first quiz period. Certain courses will be examined at special periods as noted below the regular schedule. All cases of conflicts between as- signed examination periods must be reported for adjustment. See bulletin board outside of Room 3209 East Engineering Build- ing between January 5th and January 10th for instruction. To avoid misunderstandings and errors each student should receive notification from his instructor of the time and place of his ap- pearance in each course during the period January 19 to Jan- uary 29. No date of examination may be changed without the consent of the Classification Committee. A NEW phenomenon has ap- itd imanaged Year peard o th Miciga ca- te an maage bystudents of peared on the Michigan cam- the University of Michigan under the pus-the "liberal Democrats in the authority of the Board in Control of ,, Student Publications. Jeffersonian tradition" which were StudentPublications. cited by one B. Backhaut in a re- Editorial Staff cent letter to The Daily. Crawford Young.. Managing Editor Who are these "liberal Demo- Barnes Connable........Man.City Editor crats"? Are they of the sort typi- cal Samra..........Editorial Director fled by Senator Byrd or Governor Zander Hollander......Feature Editor Byrnes? Or, perhaps, survivors of Sid Klaus_......Associate City Editor the people who voted for William Donna Hendieman.....Associate Editor Jennings Bryan in 1896? Or, go- Ed Whipple............Sports Editor ing back even farther, are they a John Jenks......Associate Sports Editor residue of the voters who turned Dick Seweli...Associate Sports Editor out the Federalists in 1800? Lorraine Butler..........Wowen's Editor It's my hunch that these "Jef- Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor fersonians" are simply the prod- Business Staff uct of Backhaut's notoriously Al Green.,..........Business Manager freakish political imagination. If Milt Goetz.........Advertising Manager this should be the case we can Diane Johnston ....Assoc. Business Mgr. afford to dismiss them as just an- Judy Loehnberg .... Finance Manager Tom Treeger...Circulation Manager Time of Class MONDAY TUESDAY (at (at (at (at (at (at (at (at (at (at (at (at (at (at 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 Time of Examination Wednesday, January 21 Saturday, January 24 Tuesday, January 27 Monday, January 19 Tuesday, January 20 Thursday, January 29 Thursday, January 22 Friday, January 23 Monday, January 26 Wednesday, January 28 Tuesday, January 20 Thursday, January 29 Thursday, January 22 Monday, January 19 9-12 9-12 9-12 9-12 2-5 9-12 2-5 9-12 9-12 9-12 9-12 2-5 9-12 2-5 1 1-11- 1 4- f" G* h1 I)q , *hNn"Antr Ton7lartr la