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December 03, 1952 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1952-12-03

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New Rule --
No Change
BY AUTHORITY of a new University Lec-
ture Committee policy announced Mon-
day, recognized campus organizations will
be able in the future to hear any speaker
they choose so long as they restrict the
audience to club membership.
Ostensibly made to relieve the Lecture
Committee of unnecessary work and to
put into practice an existing distinction
between "private" and "public" meetings,
the policy may look like a newly opened
door to political groups. If they regard it
as such, the regulation, by definition of
the word "private," will work as a seri-
ous detriment to the press, The Daily in
"Private" as defined in the Sub-Commit-
tee on Student Discipline's ruling following
last spring's McPhaul dinner investigation
means "not open to the public" or "publicly
known." The presence of a Daily reporter
and photographer at the disputed dinner
was cited as one of the reasons the sub-
committee did not find the meeting "pri-
The new resolution, then, though it ap-
pears to be a liberalization of speakers rules,
makes possible and in that degree subscribes
to curtailment of the press. If the practice
of holding private meetings became wide-
spread, The Daily would be forced to keep
up its local coverage by attempting to get
second-hand information on the meetings.
Any newspaper would follow the same
policy, purely from the standpoint that
what is said by speakers in a certain lo-
cality is news, and readers are interested
in it..
But the practice of holding private meet-
ings will not necessarily become widespread.
When political clubs take a close look at the
definition of "private," they will logically
see that extensive use of closed meetings
will narrow their functions to those of a
study club. Politics exist by publicity, and
closed political meetings would neither al-
low spreading of the guest speakers' ideas
or encourage widening of club membership.
Both these factors are implicit in the pur-
pose of my political club's organization.
It will be up to political groups, espec-
ially those which have been restricted un-
der past regulations, to resolve the Lecture
Committee's new policy, and any judg-
ment of the ruling will rest on their use
or disuse of it. But whatever way it is re-
solved, evidence is that the Lecture Com-
mitee's attitude toward campus speakers
has not changed. Committee members
have repeatedly said they are not con-
cerned with who speaks on campus but
rather with what effects, community.
wise and state-wise, the speaker's pre-
sence has.
The new ruling is no liberalization but
evidence of the fact that effects of prin-
ciples and not the principles themselves are
the core of the speakers rights disputes on
this campus. And the new ruling does not
advance us at all toward the point of recon-
ciling what the administration sees as prac-
ticality and what political groups see as
academic freedom.
-Virginia Voss
At the Orpheum
THE PROMOTER, with Alec Guinness and
Glynis Johns.
THE APPEARANCE of Guinness pictures
has become as regular as clockwork; the
amazing thing is that they all maintain a
high level of quality and present the tal-

ented British comic in a slightly different
light. In "The Promoter" he is again cast
as a realtively unimportant nobody, but this
time he becomes a relatively unimportant
The story traces the development of a
lowly washwoman's son to the post of may-
or of a small city. His first "break"--like
those to come, just a little less than acciden-
tal-comes when he is granted a scholar-
ship to a gentleman's school. After this he
slowly but methodically works his way to
the position of a law clerk, then to that of
a rent collector, an entrepreneur, the head
of a credit union, and finally manages to
have himself appointed mayor.
Paralleling Guinness' ambition is Glynis
Johns'; while he strives for riches and fame,
she is content to aim only for a wealthy
husband. Although she does her best to
snore him, Guinness settles for her more at-
tractive and domestic dancing pupil, leav-
ing Miss Johns no course but to trap the first
rich man who comes along.
Guinness plays his role with his cus-
tomary adeptness, without once falling
out of character, the major fault of most
Hollywood comics. He is so completely
awkward and unsure of himself for most
of the picture that there is a tendency to
expect each of his wild schemes to fall
through, even after the pattern has been
well established. And while it is possible
to find extra-legal actions in every one of
his plans, the humorous and apparently
selfless way he goes about them outweighs
any consideration of scruples. As one of

Northwestern Walkout

"Don't Be Unreasonable-
Just Toss Us Those P. 0. W.s"


Daily Associate Editor
THE FRACAS at the Daily Northwestern
which temporarily, at least, has left
that university without a student newspaper,
once again focuses attention on the de-
creasing sphere within which the college
press can "safely" operate. For those who
believe collegiate newspapers should serve
as more than an extended "DOB," the trend
toward tighter controls, evidenced lately
throughout the nation, can only be recog-
nized as a grinding tightening of the pater-
nal reins.
At 'Northwestern, where a sudden and un-
explained firing of the editor last week
led to a mass resignation of the paper's
staff, the basic problems and conflicts
which confront the college journalist can
be seen. Ironically, this latest blow to the
collegiate press comes from the seat of one
of the nation's top journalism schools.
Officially, Rick Dubrow, the paper's
editor, was fired for "managerial incom-
petence, irresponsibility, inability to work
with his staff, technical inefficiency and
for failing to produce a newspaper ade-
quately and fairly serving the students
and the university." These accusations, so
vague that they are meaningless, were
all that the faculty-student Board of Pub-
lications would offer in explanation for his
Obviously, an entire staff, numbering
more than 100 people, would not walk out
to back up an editor they did not respect.
Actually, the story behind the firing is
simple-under Dubrow the Northwestern
Daily stepped on a few assorted toes. The
administration did not like it. The board
threw all their grievances together under
the heading of "incompetent" and "irres-
ponsible," but a close scrutiny of the se-
mester's dailys could not bear out their
general complaints.
Technically the paper has been good
this quarter-good enough for a nation-
ally recognized journalism society to rate
it recently as top-flight in mechanics. And
with Dubrow at the helm the paper un-
dertook many innovations aimed at pre-
senting the students with a more inter-
esting and newsworthy paper than pre-

Many NU people, who had not cared for
the paper before, felt it was a sheet to be
proud of this year. Dubrow and his staff
were concerned with serving the students
and the university needs. The emphasis was
put on the student, and this was evidently,
the real bane of the NU administrators.
The Northwestern editor did recognize
the dual responsibility which belongs to
every college newspaper. Fostered by the
university, it owes allegiance to it. Sup-
ported by the students, it likewise feels
itself a voice and a servant of that body,
which after all, is the excuse of any uni-
versity's existence. Perhaps the emphasis
on the student at Northwestern was over-
done in some cases, but it would be hard
to actually pin the tag of "irresponsible"
on the newspaper's handling of specific
Those who argue for censorship, or in this
case, firing, cry that the university is being
compromised by critical articles-either pub-
licity should be good or non-existent. The
other side notes that good institutions should
be able to stand up under criticism. This by
no means denotes-fire away at will. But
the other extreme, the one which the North-
western people would evidently impose,
would turn the paper merely into an exer-
cise in journalistic technique.
Here at The Daily, operations exist under
a student-compiled Code of Ethics. Set down
in black and white are a set of ideals, pur-
poses and inviolable prohibitions. The code
allows for editorial freedom, but never
freedom to violate the code itself.
The important thing is the ability it
gives The Daily to be a newspaper, rather
than a circulating bulletin board. It is
this ability which Dubrow wanted for the
Northwestern Daily. And it is for this
that the staff walked out.
The final irony on the Evanston campus
is that now everyone is losing. The univer-
sity, trying to avoid embarrasement, has re-
ceived more adverse publicity than a stu-
dent newspaper could or would ever promul-
gate. A vital communicative device has been
cut off, and a great learning device has
been squelched. What happens from now on
is up to the no-doubt disgruntled Board of
Publications. They have some figuring to do.

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The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the



Rosenbergs .. .
To the Editor:
Cal Samra's editorial on anti-
Semitism, Dec. 2:
1-Not everyone interested in
securing justice for the Rosen-
bergs is a member of the radical
Left, nor has he necessarily lost
his senses.
2-The death penalty in this
case is unduly harsh; it is way out
of step with penalties meted out
to perpetraters of equal or graver
crimes. Why? This question is
worth as much American consid-
eration and editorial comment as
are the "fictions" created by the
radical Left.
3-W h e n passing sentence,
Judge Kaufman definitely implied
that the Rosenbergs are respon-
sible for the death of Americans
in Korea. Such anti-defendant
prejudice and illogical association
on the part of the presiding judge
does not, I hope, "follow normal
court procedures."
4-There is evidence for reason-
able doubt of the guilt of the Ro-
senbergs. For one of many exam-
ples, the character of Glasgow,
chiof witness for the prosecution,
militates strongly against the va-
lidity of his testimony.
5-Amtericans do not want to
copy the people's court "justice"
of Czechoslovakia. Obviously, the
current Czech purge does not re-
late to the guilt or innocence of
the Rosenbergs.
-Howard Wolfe

Howard Fast .. .
To the Editor:

W[ELL, HERE we go again, boys.
The local YP's have invited
author Howard Fast here to speak,
and whatever the outcome, it's a
safe bet that all hell will break
loose in The Daily letter column
-if past performances are any in-
dication. Anyhow, I'm getting this
little epistle in before the rush.
It would do much toward clear-
ing the mudled atmosphere if Mr.
Fast could be allowed to say his
piece on campus (perhaps in Hill
Auditorium as an educational
speaker of at least the calibre of
Robert Raft) and to have his piece
stand or fall on its own merits
rather than on whether or not the
speaker has associated with the
Wrong People, belonged to the
Wrong Organizations, etc., etc.
Though I have a hunch that Fast
would fall fiat on his intellectual
face, I should rather like to hear
him do his best, even if it means
shivering on a hard bench for
close to two hours, as it did when
the Messrs. Hallinan aigd Robeson
brought their traveling vaudeville
show (too much talk, not enough
song) to Ann Arbor.
(The haunting strains of "The
Lesser Evil Blues" have faded
away, and I have not the strength
to continue.)
--Dave Tice


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NSA Accusations

THE CHARGES sound familiar.
In their most recent publication the
Students for America blasted the Nation-
al Students Association, a federation of
student governments, representing more
than one-fifth of the nation's colleges and
universities, as "leftist," pro-Communist,
"anti-fraternity," and "non-representa-
The usual charges have been made in the
usual McCarthy manner-by name-calling
quoting out of context, and blunt lies. The
fact these claims against the middle-of-the-
road NSA can easily be refuted with facts
seems to matter little to the SFA, which
proudly lists the accusations under the ban-
ner of "Truth! . . Loyalty! . . . Honor!"
One of the charges is that NSA is "an
insidious leftist pressure group." As a mat-
ter of fact, NSA's constitution specifically
states that the organization cannot take
any partisan political or sectarian religious
stand and therefore cannot be leftist.
The Students for America also claim that
NSA advocates letting Communists teach.
However, the actual stand taken by NSA is
to let any instructor teach so long as he is
not a member of an organization which is
illegal under civil statutes. Both Commun-
ist and Communist-front organizations are
illegal under these conditions.
Although SFA accuses NSA of "milk-
ing $37,790 out of students who are ignor-

ant of the very existence of NSA and who
benefit nothing in return," the total NSA
budget amounts to only $17,000. Of this
figure only $10,000 is collected in dues
from the member organizations.
Every effort is made by NSA members to
inform their student bodies of the existence
and purpose of the federation, and each
school benefits from the exchange of ideas
and techniques used by member student
governments throughout the country.
The right-wing SFA further claims that
NSA wants to "eliminate fraternities which
do not conform to its desires." As a point of
fact, however, NSA has never tried to pres-
sure any fraternity off any campus. It has
merely attempted to improve the fraternity
system by advising removal of undemocratic
discriminatory clauses from Greek consti-
While these vicious accusations will pro-
bably not cause any member organiza-
tions to resign, it seems evident that the
reason behind them is to discourage new
members from joining NSA.
It is discouraging that things have now
reached the point when a moderate organ-
ization like NSA is being assailed by right-
wing radicals, who, five years ago, would
have been shrugged off as misinformed
-Dorothy Myers

WASHINGTON-Though Senator Taft got credit for appointing his
distant cousin, Ezra Taft Benson, as Secretary of Agriculture,
actually it was another senator, Watkins of Utah, who worked back-
stage to put his fellow Mormon across.
Taft had first recommended Sen. Frank Carlson of Kansas
to be Secretary of Agriculture-some said because he didn't want
a man so close to Ike in the Senate where he, rather than Taft,
would be viewed as Presidential spokesman.
Ike in turn told Carlson he could have the Agriculture depart-
ment if he wanted it, though he preferred having him operate from
the vantage of the Senate.
So Carlson, who has never pushed himself forward, began pushing
Congressman Clifford Hope of Kansas, chairman of the House Agri-
culture committee, for the cabinet post instead. Meanwhile, Sen. Fred
Seaton of Nebraska pushed retiring Gov. Val Peterson of Nebraska.
However, Allan Kline of the Farm Bureau was opposed to
Congressman Hope because of Hope's views on parity, while
brother Milton Eisenhower had rowed with Hope when Milton
was president of Kansas State College. Finally Gen. Wilton Per-
sons pointed out that if Hope retired from the House Agriculture
Committee, Congressman Andresen of Minnesota, a dairyman,
would take over. This would be resented in the oleomargarine-
minded South.
Meanwhile, with Carlson deciding to remain in the Senate, Sen-
ator Watkins of Utah persuaded Taft to get behind Benson, also of
Utah. Taft cleared Benson with Milton Eisenhower, and the Presi-
dent-elect, figuring he couldn't go wrong with both his brother and
Taft behind a man, appointed Benson.
The appointment, however, has already stirred up a lot of
controversy among soil conservationists.
NOTE-By pushing Benson, Senator Watkins may have partly
blocked Marriner Eccles, former New Dealer, now a stanch Republi,
can, who ran against Watkins in the Utah primary, from getting
any important job under Eisenhower. Eccles, former chairman of the
Federal Reserve Board who won the undying enmity of Harry Tru-
man, has been under consideration for an Eisenhower appointment;
but no President can favor too many men from one state.
* * * *
CONGRESSMAN Thurmond Chatham, North Carolina Democrat
whose family manufactures the famous Chatham blankets, tried
to insert an ad, "For sale-by Democrat," in two well-known New
York publications.
Chatham wanted to sell his Georgtown house, figured he
could interest incoming Republicans by advertising in the Wall
Street Journal and the New Yorker.
Replied Melville Price, advertising manager of the New Yorker:
"We acknowledge with thanks your check for $155.40. Both Jack
Cogswell and I wish there was some way we could whack up the
agency commission between us, what with the approach of Christmas
and all. Of course, next year we won't need it when we have no more
taxes to pay and pie in the sky."
But the staid Wall Street Journal regarded the "For sale by
a Democrat" as a credit risk.
"Your ad as it now stands measures fourteen agate lines (the
minimum for the real estate corner) and at the rate of $1.10 per line
will cost $15.40 for one insertion," it wrote Chatham.
Then, to the scion of a family which operates one of the biggest
textile plants in the South, the Wall Street Journal suspiciously con-
If you are a subscriber, listed in Dun and Bradstreet, or have
previously established credit with our firm, we shall be glad to
open an account in your name. Otherwise, may we have pay-
ment with order?"
NOTE-Congressman Chatham was not defeated in the last elec-
tion. He is merely moving from a smaller house into a bigger one,
having bought the beautiful mansion once owned by the late James
Forrestal for $187,000.
* * * *
G ENERAL EISENHOWER had a significant meeting the other day
with early Ike-booster Wes Roberts, who helped win various GOP
primaries and who is now under consideration as new GOP national
Ike told Roberts that he was worried over the national com-
mittee's future, wanted to strengthen both it and state GOP
committees; planned to hand out plenty of patronage at below the
rank of cabinet. Jobs such as assistant secretaries of Defense,
Army, Navy, Commerce, Interior; Treasury will be given out
through state and national GOP committees-provided the com-
mittees, in turn, come up with good men.
Eisenhower especially stressed the fact that the job-holders must
have ability.
He also indicated that he wanted to use patronage to clean up
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(Continued from Page 2)
ence Building. Dr. Chase will speak on
"The Use of Plants in Soil Conserva-
All Pre-Business Administration Stu-
dents are cordially invited and urgedi
to attend the Business Administrationi
student-faculty tea from 3-5 in the
ninthe floor facutly lounge of the Bus-
iness Administration Building.
Trigon Invites all men to attend the
first in a series of Informative talks by
experienced men about their respective
fields. Speaker: Charles Remsperg. Top-
ic: Army Intelligence, Korea. Wed.,
Dec. 3, 7:15 p.m., 1617 Washtenaw Ave-,
ULLR Ski Club. Organizational meet-
ing for election of officers. Room 3-A,
Union, 7:30.
Board of Representatives. There will
be a meeting of the Board of Repre-
sentatives at 4 p.m. in the League. Dean
Bacon will be guest speaker.
Beacon, Banquet at 6:45 at the Union.
The British Consul from Detroit will
be the guest and will speak on "Great
Britain and the Commonwealth To-
day." Please call 6665 for reservation.s
Motion Picture. Ten-minute film,
"Microscopic Animal Life," shown Mon.
through Fri., 12:40 and 3 p.m., 4th
floor, University Museums Building.
Pershing Rifle. Regular drill meeting
for all actives and pledges 1925 hours,
ROTC Rifle Range. Ensan pictures will
be taken. Bring gym shoes.
Society for Peaceful Alternatives.
Meeting at 7:30 at the Union. The tech-
nicolor movie of the atomic bomb, "No
Place to Hide," will be shown. After-
wards there will be a discussion "Can
there be a cease fire in Korea?"
Hillel Social Committee meets at 7:30
p.m. at the new building. All members
and interested people are invited.
Wesley Foundation. Morning Matin
7:30-7:50, Wed., Dec. 3. Do-Drop-In Tea,
Westminster student Guild. Christ.
mas Vespers, 5 p.m., Sanctuary of First
Presbyterian Church. All students wel-
International Orientation Series. To-
night's meeting of the series will take
place at 8 p.m. at the Madelon Pound
House, 1024 Hill Street. Prof. Frank .
Copley will speak on "Manners and So-
cial Customs in the U.S.A." All stu-
dents are welcome, and refreshments
will be served.
La Sociedad Hispanica. Meeting to-
night at 7:30 in the Rumpus Room of
the League. Slides on Barcelona and
Madrid will be shown and a Spanish
dancer will perform. Dancing and sing-
ing to follow.
Student Legislature. There will be a
meeting this evening at 7:30 in the
dining room of Strauss House, East
Quad. The cabinet will be elected at
this meeting.
First Laborartory Playbill at the Lyd-
ia Mendelssohn Theatre tonight and
tomorrow night at 8 p.m. Directed and
staged by students in the advanced
theater classesand presented by the
Dept. of Speech, the playbill will In-
clude a comedy with song and dance,
a psycho-satire and a romance. There
will be no admission charge. Doors to
the theatre will open at 7:15.
Delta Sigma Pi. There will be a business
meeting at the chapter house at 7:30
The Newman Club is sponsoring a
coffee hour 4 to 5 p.m. In the club-
,ooms. All Ca" th ,,listudens. falt.

Coming Events
Graduate Student Council. Meeting on
Thurs., Dec. 4, 7:30 p.m., East Confer-
ence Room, Rackham Building.
Pre-Medical Society presents Dr. Jo-
seph, speaking on his experiences as
an intern at St. Josephs Hospital
Thurs., Dec. 4, 7:30 p.m., Angell Hall
Auditorium D. All pre-meds are in-
vited. Refreshments will be served.
Congregational Disciples Guild. Spahr
Hull, of the American Friends Service
Committee, will speak on Workcamps
following an international dinner in
the Congregational Church at 6:30
Thurs., Dec. 4. The talk will begin at
7:45. Call 2-0092 for reservations for
Ukrainian Students Club. There will
be a meetiig of all Ukrainian students
on Thurs., Dec. 4, at 7 p.m., at the
Madelon Pound House, 1024 Hill Street.
Guests are welcome.
La P'tite Causette will meet tomorrow
from 3:30 to 5 p.m. in the North Cafe-
teria of the Michigan Union.
The Modern Dance Club will meet
Thurs., Dec. 4, at 7:30 in Barbour Gym-
nasium. Will the members and all oth-
ers interested in the club please attend.
International Relations Club business
meeting, Thurs., Dec. 4, at 7:30 in the
Upper Room of Lane Hall. Members
please be present.
Wesley Foundation. Cabinet meeting
on Thurs., Dec. 4, at 8 p.m., at 1710
Cambridge Road.
Roger Willians Guild. Thursday at
7 a.m. we begin a series of morning
Midweek Meditations in the Prayer
room of the Baptist Church. A cost
breakfast on a co-op basis will be
Kappa Phi. Supper meeting for
pledges .and actives Thursday at 5:15 at
the Methodist Church.
U. of M. Sailing Club will hold a
meeting Thurs., Dec. 4, in 311 West
Engineering Building. "Colored amovies
on sailing and ice boating will be
shown. Mr. Boston will be guest speak-
er. Reports on the Chicago Regatta will
also be given, Bring your friends.
Soph Cab Floorshow Cast. Short
meeting of the cast (not dancers)
Thurs., Dec. 4, at 3:15 p.m. at th8
League. Call 341, Mosher, if you can-
not attend.
Soph Cab V loorshow Committee
Chairmen will meet Thurs., Dec. 4, at 5
p.m. at the League. All chairmen and
their assistants must attend.
Sixty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Crawford Young ......Managing Editor
Barnes Connable.........City Editor
Cal Samra..........Editorial Director
Zander Hollander....... Feature Editor
Sid Klaus.......Associate City Editor
Harland Britz.........Associate Editor
Donna Hendleman ....Associate Editor
Ed Whipple ....... ......Sports Editor
John Jenks....Associate Sports Editor
Dick Sewell....,Associate Sports Editor
Lorraine Butler........Wowen's Editor
Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor
Business Staff
Al Green............. Business Manager
Milt Goetz.......Advertising Manager
Diane Johnstonv....Assoc. Business Mgr.
Jd Trin fohnnr... Finane Manager



IF MEMORY holds good this is the first
program in the Arts Theater's three
years' struggle with drama which consists
of short pieces entirely. The benefits of this
accrue immediately to the audience, and
ultimately back to the group: for we don't,
unless we have been conscientious, feel forced
to wait through a tedious first act hoping
for a second to be better, or return to the
third act only to be bilked of a climax, as
we did for last season's "Othello," or this
fall's "Cross Purpose," and 'Colonel Woth-
erspoon." No, the one-acter promises to be
short; the next piece on the bill may be
better, or at least different: variety is good
not only in garnishing, but in the fare. And
so with the four plays in the Washington
Street arena.
The selection and arrangement of their
four plays is not bad. We begin on the sim-
ple plane of Saroyan, a naturalistic bit
with the usual Saroyan elements, set on
the desolate Texas plain.
Ruth Micheloff gives a fine perform-
ance as the somnabulistic kid who walks
unloved through the terrible Texas
universe. Gerry Richards, called Foto-
- finish, meets his end like a hero; nothing
but boxcars all his life long, and death
beats him to the line this time when the
stakes really count. The Arts people still
can do naturalism.
But Stein's "In a Garden," is a piece of,

place of this thing hurries it along and the
three pages of text are lost.
Pirandello's "The Man with the Flower
in His Mouth,' 'is a terrifying play. Two
men at a cafe talk late by night. They are
chance acquaintances. One is, though, of
the living, the other of the dead. The Man
with the Flower is a modern Hamlet, with
Yorick's skull in his hand, contemplating
life; he is outside and doomed, yet knows
and loves it so well. Strowan Robertson
loses a magnificent chance to do it as it
should be done, by racing the entire thing,
garbling the words, and blurring the ob-
session which should raise him and his
hearer to the sublime insight of death-
in-life, and life-in-death.
"The Only Jealousy of Emer" is, pat-
ently, created for the furniturless stage. The
poetry is most beautiful. Yeats, alas, wrote
it to be beautifully spoken, to be learned
and to be played with reverence and care.
Care, again, is lacking from the produc-
tion of it. The Actors move too much, too
violently, too clumsily.
We see that all the plays are concerned
with love, with death, each in their own
way. The arena theater is best suited for
this kind of programming: a naturalistic
play, a fantasy, the starkest poetry of real-
ism, the utter reality of mythic abstraction.
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