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December 03, 1952 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1952-12-03

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_________________________________________________________________________ U I U I

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Barth To Deliver Third
Talk In Journalism Series'


* * *

Alan Barth, editorial writer for
The Washington Post, will give the
third in a series of University lec-
tures in journalism at 3 p.m. to-
day in Rackham Amphitheater.
His topic will be "Fourth Es-
tate and the Government."
BARTH HAS worked as editorial
assistant to the Secretary of the
Treasury and in the Office of War
Information. His articles have
been published in numerous mag-
azines and he was a contributor
to a widely-read symposium
"Years of the Modern," published
in 1949. His first. book, "The Loy-
alty of Free Men," published last
year, received the Hillman Foun-
dation Award.
Barth has also received many
awards for his work in the news-
paper field. Among these were
the. Harvard Nieman Fellow-
ship for 1948-49, the Heywood
Broun award for editorial writ-
ing in 1948, and the Sigma Del-
ta' Chi award for distinguished
service to American journalism.
He has been called by critics,
one of the-most reflective men in
American journalism today."
Concerning his book, it has been
said that "he has performed sig-
niflcant service in analyzing the
post-war government loyalty pro-
Following Barth's talk there will
be a coffee hour in Rm. 1443 Ma-
son Hall which will be open to the
Creal Declines
Mayoral Bid
City Council President, Cecil O.
Creal announced yesterday that
he will not be a candidate for may-
or of Ann Arbor.
Creal who had been consider-j
ing opposing Mayor William E.
Brown, Jr. in the Feb. 16 primary
said he would not run in order to
avoid a pre-election split in the lo-
cal Republican party. Both Creal
and Brown are Republicans.
Meanwhile, Judge James R.
Breakey, jr. circuit court judge in
Washtenaw county since 1945, an-
rounced his candidacy for re-
election yesterday.
If Judge Breakey is unopposed
for the office, or only has one op-
ponent, neither his name or the
name of an opponent will have to
appear on the Feb. 16 primary
ballots, County Clerk Luella M.
Smith said.

Three New
'Schools Join
Despite attacks from such papers
as "The American Student," the
National Student Association has
been picking up substantial
strength on the nation's cam-
Recently three universities,
Notre Dame, Ohio State and Iowa,
becone members of the federation
of student governments which is
made up of more than one seventh
of the nation's colleges and uni-
Official news organ of the Stu-
dents for America, "The American'
Student" has asked its readers to'
agitate against the NSA on their
individual campuses. The news-
paper's charges, which termed
NSA a "leftist group," have been
heatedly denied by local Student
Legisuature leaders who have been
active in the national organization.,
With Ohio State and Iowa in-'
cluded in the NSA, six Big Ten
schools are now members of the
group. Other Big Ten members
are the SL on campus and the
Universities of Minnesota, Illinois
and Wisconsin.
The new additions bring student
governments representing more
than 30,000 students into the NSA.
Music Critic.

-Washington Post
. . . journalist
Choral Union
Will Perform
'The Messiah'
The well-known Christmas ora-


torio, Handel's "Messiah," will be
presented by the University Musi- rT G iv 11
cal Society at 8:30 p.m. Saturday, O e a
and 2:30 p.ni. Sunday in Hill Au-
ditorium. Dean Raymond Kendall, of the
With Prof. Lester McCoy con- University of Southern California
ducting the University Choral Un- School of Music and music critic
ion and Musical Society Orches- for the Los Angeles Mirror, will
tra, the performance will feature give a public lecture on "Music
soloists Nancy Carr, soprano; Eu- Criticism as a Factor in Ameri-
nice Alberts, contralto; David can Music Life" at 4:15 p.m. to-
Lloyd, tenor; and James Pease, morrow in Angell Hall Auditorium
bass. The organ accompaniment A.
will be played by Mary McCall Former professor of musicology
Stubbins. at the University, Prof. Kendall
Tickets for the performance may has served in the national office
be obtained at the offices of the of the U.S.O. and as music coor-

University MusicalSociety in Bur-
ton Tower. They are priced at $.70
for main floor and first balcony
seats and $.50 for top balcony.
Fisher To Speak
To Beacon Society
British consul general J. M.!
Fisher will address a meeting of
the Beacon Society at 8 p.m. to-
day in Rm. 3B of the Union.
He will speak on Great Britain
and the Commonwealth.
Fisher will also attend a dinner
to be held by the society at 6:45
p.m. in the Union. Price of the
dinner is $2 a plate. It will be
open to anyone who wishes to

TFSTARTS TODAY I111Read Daily Classifieds

Fnnier IMar"The Paleface
&d~*i' p.

Should go down in history
as one of the greatest
ever made.

dinator for the U.S.O. program
services throughout the country.
He also was music consultant to
the Armed Forces Institute and
was appointed music consultant to
the Secretary of War.
His lecture tomorrow will be
open to the public.
Fraternity Awaits
Judiciary Action
Recommendations of the Joint!
Judiciary on a recent in-
fraction of University regulations
by Delta Tau Delta fraternity were
sent to the Judiciary Sub-Com-
mittee on discipline yesterday for
Any penalties to the fraternity
must be approved by the sub-com-
mittee which is expected to meet
this week to handle the case. Pub-
lic announcement on the Judiciary
recommendations will not be made
until the fraternity has had a
chance to appeal the decision.
Crib Meeting
Fred G. Stevenson, consultant
in leadership training for the Uni-
versity Extension Service and lec-
turer in parliamentary procedure,
will speak to a meeting of the
Michigan Crib, a pre-law society,
at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the Hussey
Room of the League.
Cinema SL Guild
Starting Fridpy at 5:30

SL Agenda
The following topics will be
on the agenda when the Stu-
dent Legislature meets at 7:30
p.m. today in the Strauss din-
ing room of East Quadrangle:
Cabinet elections
NSA report
SAC report
Motion on committee change
Committee reports
All interested students and
faculty members are invited by
the SL to attend the meeting.
State Linguistic
Group To Hold
Winter Meeting
The Michigan Linguistic Soci-
ety will hold its winter meeting
at 1:30 p.m.Saturday on the cam-
pus of the Michigan State College
in East Lansing.
Prof. Hans Kurath of the Uni-
versity English department who is
editor of the Middle English Dic-
tionary will speak on "Recent Re-
search in Linguistic Geography."
Topics to be reported on by Michi-
gan State College professors in-
clude"Slang and Cliche" and "Se-
mantic Change in Proverbs."
The society, a non-profit organ-
ization is dedicated to improving
,the methods used in teaching lan-
guages throughout the world.
Those who are interested in at-
tending a luncheon to be held be-
fore the meeting at Lansing may
obtain reservations from Prof.
Hide Shohara in Rm. 2019 Angell
Hall or Prof. Yao Shen in Rm.
1522 of the Rackham Bldg. before
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceding publication (before
11 a.m. on Saturday.)
VOL. LXIII, No. 58
Student Tea. President and Mrs.
Hatcher will be at home to students
from 4 to 6 o'clock, Wednesday, Decem-
ber 3,
Regents' Meeting. Friday, December
19, at 10:00 a.m. Communications for
consideration at this meeting must be
in the President's hands not later than
December 11.
Selective Service Examination. Stu-
dents taking the Selective Service Col-
lege Qualification Test on Dec. 4, are
requested to report to 100, Hutchins
Hall, Thursday morning at 8:30.
The Committee on University Lec-
tures, at a meeting held Nov. 19, 1952,
reviewed the procedure to be followed
by recognized student groups in apply-
ing for permission to sponsor speakers
at meetings to be held on the campus.
The Committee decided to adopt the
distinction between "public" and "pri-
vate" meetings and dinners made by
the Sub-Committee on Student Disci-
pline in the McPhaul matter last Spring
as shown by a memorandum on file in
the Office of Student Affairs. With this
distinction in mind, the Committee
on University Lectures decided that ap-
plication for permission to sponsor a
lecture is required only when the meet-
ing or dinner is to be "public," i.e., not
"closed" or "private." The committee
also decided that permission is required

only when the speaker is to be an
"outside" or "guest" speaker. This
means that permission is not required
when the speaker is to be a person
presently employed by the University
or a student presently enrolled in the
University. As in the past, an applica-
tion is not required for meetings spon-
sored by organized faculty groups.
Committee on University Lectures
James K. Pollock, Chairman
Ushers for Union Opera. Anyone in-
terested in ushering for one or more
of the Union Opera shows at the Mich-
igan Theatre on Dec. 10, 11, and 12
may sign up in Room 3G of the Union,
now. There will be a meeting with the
jobs assigned Thurs., Dec. 4, at 7:15 in
Room 3G of the Union. All prospective
ushers must be there. All ushers must
wear tuxedos.
Applications for Fellowships and
Scholarships in the Graduate School
for 1953-54 are now available. Applica-
tion for renewal should also be filed
at this time. The competition will close
Feb. 14, 1953, Blanks and information
may be obtained in the Graduate School
Offices, Rackham Building.
Summer Schools in British Univer-
sities. Students interested in attending
summer schools in British universities

may confer with Mr. Allen Parker of
the Institute of International Educa-
tion in the East Council Room of the;
Rackham Building on Wed., Dec. 3,
from 10 am. until 12 noon and from
2 to 3:30 p.m. Programs will be of-
fered at Edinburgh, London, Oxford,
and Stratford-on-Avon. The subjects
offered are literature (Shakespeare and
Modern English Literature), economics
(at the London School of Economics),
and European history. Appointments
may be made by calling Miss Hay at
Ext. 372.
Dance Pictures. Photographs taken at
Panhellenic Ball and "Autumn Noc-
turn" will be on final sale Thurs., Dec.
4, from 9 a.m. to noon and from 1:30 to
5:30 p.m. in the Undergraduate Office
of the League. This is the only day they
will be sold in that office.
Hillel. Kosher meals. There are now
complete accommodations for any stu
dent who wishes to eat kosher meals.
Reservations accepted for any number
of days during the week. Professionally
home-cooked meat meals are served
every night at nominal rates. Please
call 3-4129.
Personnel Interviews.
A representative from American Air-
lines will be at the Sheraton Cadillac
Hotel in Detroit on Thurs., Dec. 4, be-
tween the hours of 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.
The gentleman will be talking to wom-
en interested in becoming airline stew-
ardesses. Contact the Bureau ,of Ap-
pointments for further information.
The Liberty Mutual Insurance Com-
pany is sending a representative from
Detroit on Thurs., Dec. 4, to interview
engineers interested in training as
safety engineers. February graduates
may make an appointment.
Swift and Company, of Chicago, will
be here on Thurs., Dec. 4, and the
representative would like to see men
for Sales, Accounting, Production, and
Office Management as well as Civil,
Mechanical, Electrical, and Architec-
tural Engineers.
The Girl Scouts of America will have
a representative here on Thurs. and
Fri., Dec. 4 and 5. Women graduating
in February and June with some study
of Social Studies and experience in
group leadership and camp counselling
experience may make appointments.
InternationalBusiness Maehine Cor-
poration will have a representative here
from Detroit on Fri., Dec. 5. He is in-
terested in men for positions in Sales,
Industrial Administration, Industrial
Management, and Applied Sciences
(Physics, Science, and Mathematics).
Appointments may be made at the Bu-
reau of Appointments.
There will be a representative here
from the Washington National Insur-
ance Company on Friday morning, Dec.
5, to see individuals interested in this
type of work for placement in any part
of the country.
Massachusetts Mutual Life Insur-
ance Company, of Grand Rapids, will
have a representative here on Fri., Dec.
5, to interview interested candidates.
Contact the Bureau of Appointments,
for an appointment.
The Canada Life Assurance Company,
of Jackson, Mich., is sending a represen-
tative to the campus on Tues., Dec. 9.
of Jackson, Mich., is sending a repre-
sentative to the campus on Tues., Dec.
9. The gentleman would like to talk to
men interested in life insurance sales.
On Tues. and Wed., Dec. 9 and 10,
there will be an interviewer at the Bu-
reau of Appointments from Michigan
Bell Telephone Company to speak to
women, February graduates, interest-
ed in their Training Program.
Montgomery Ward and Company, of
Detroit, will be interviewing on Wed.,
Dec. 10, men and women graduating in
February. Those interested in their re-
tail training program or positions as
Retail Management Trainees should
call the Bureau of Appointments, Ext.
United States Gypsum Company, of
Chicago, will have representatives here
on Fri., Dec. 12, to talk to accounting

majors or graduate students in the
School of Business Administration
about opportunities in their Financial
Division; also men with Liberal Arts.
and Commerce degrees, interested in
sales of building materials for posi-
tions in their dealer sales organiza-
tions; in addition to seeing Engineers
and Chemists for openings in Sales
Engineering, Research and Develop-
ment, and Production.
Personnel Requests.
United Air Lines, of Chicago, has
available positions for young women
interested in becoming stewardesses for
this line. Application blanks and fur-
ther information is available at the
Bureau of Appointments.
The Federal Social Security Agency
at present has openings in Michigan
and nearby states for Claims Assistant
Trainees at the G.S. 7 level. There is
one immediate opening in Jackson,
Mich. Claims Trainees handle various
phases of field work, such as old age
assistance. Applicants must be quali-
fied to take the Junior Professional As-
sistant examination under which So-
cial Science Analyst is listed as an op-
For further information, applications,
and appointments, contact the Bureau
of Appointments, 3528 Administration
Building, Ext. 371.
University Lecture. Dr. Raymond Ken-
dall, Dean of the School of Music of the
University of Southern California, will
lecture at 4:15 Thursday afternoon, Dec.
4, in Auditorium A, Angell Hall, on
"Music Criticism as a Factor in Ameri-
can Music Life." Open to the general
Academic Notices
History 11, Lecture Group II Exami-
nation. Dec. 5, 10 a.m. Bring bluebooks.
Cassels' and Slosson's sections in 348
West Engineering Leslie's, McLarty's,
Donaldson's in 1025 Angell Hall.
Sociology Colloquium. Dr. Josephine
Williams will speak on "A Pilot Study
in Philanthropic Giving," Wed., Dec.
3, 4:10 p.m., East Conference Room,
Rackham Building. Everyone welcome.
Engineering Mechanics Seminar. Dr.
Kurt Frey will speak on "Some Con-
siderations of Paravane Design" at 3:45,
Wednesday afternoon, in 101 West En-
gineering Building.
Geometry Seminar. Thurs., Dec. 4,
4:15 p.m., 3001 Angell Hall. Mr. W. Al-
Dhahir will discuss "Collineations and
the Tetrahedral Complex by Grass-
mann's Methods."
Chemistry Colloquium. Dr. L. C. An-
derson will speak on "Some Studies of
Chemical Reactions in Gamma Radi-
ation," Wed., Dec. 3, 4:10 p.m., 1400
Chemistry Building.
Course 401, the Interdisciplinary Sem-
inar on the Applications of Mathemat-
ics to the Social Sciences, will meet on
Thurs., Dec. 4, at 4 p.m. in 3409 Mason
Hall. Dr. Samuel Eldersveld of the Po-
litical Science Department will speak
on "Some Remarks on Election Sys-
Appied Mathematics Seminar Thurs.,
Dec. 4, 4 p.m., 247 West Engineering
Custom Haircutting
to please you in latest styles
" Five Stylists
" No Appointments needed
The Baseola Barbers
Next Michigan Theater

Building. Professor R. V. Churciil will
speak on "Legendre Transforms."
Bacteriology Seminar. Wed., Dec. 3,
at 4:30 p.m. in 1528 East Medical Bldg.
Speaker: Dr. William Ferguson, Michi-
gan Dept. of Health. Subject: Infant
Diarrhea and its Etiology.
Stanley Quartet, Gilbert Ross and
Emil Raab, violinists, Robert Courte,
violist, and Oliver Edel, cellist, will be
heard at 8:30 Wednesday evening, Dec.
3, in the Rackham Lecture Hall, in the
second and final program to be played
by the Quartetduring this semester. It
will open with Haydn's Quartet in Gt
major, Op. 77, No. 1. Beethoven's Quar-
tet in F major, Op. 135 follows, and aft-l
er intermission the group will present
Bela Bartok's Quartet No. 1, Op. 7.
The general public will be admitted
without charge.
String Orchestra Concert Canceled.!
The concert by the University String
Orchestra, Gilbert Ross, Conductor,
previously announced for Tuesday eve-
ning, Dec. 9. in Auditorium A Angell
Hall, has been canceled. The program
will be given during the second semes-
ter, but no definite date has been set.
Events Today
The Undergraduate Botany Club
meets at 7:30 p.m., in 1139 Natural Sci-
(Continued on Page 4)

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bonded agenfs for all lines, has
rendered efficient travel service
on a business basis since 192
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. . . . . . .lsiid
Read DailyClassijieds






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