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December 02, 1952 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1952-12-02

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_ _ _


The U.S., Russia, & Anti-Semitism


Daily Editorial.Director
THE PAST WEEK must have been ex-
ceedingly embarrassing to American
Communists. Someone evidently got his sig-
nals crossed. Just when the Daily Worker
and auxiliaries were howling charges of
"anti-Semitism" in the Rosenberg espionage
case, their Soviet cousins were inW the pro-
cess of purging fourteen Czech Communist
leaders, eleven of them Jews..
Prior to the Czech trials, it may be re-
membered, the American' Communist press
had launched a vociferous crusade de-
signed to prove that Julius and Anna Ro-
senberg, the two convicted atomic bomb
spies, were victims of anti-Jewish, capi-
talist chicanery. Some even went so far
as to draw a parallel between the Rosen-
berg case and the Affair Blum, in which a
Jewish industrialist was nearly framed in
Mein Kampf -minded Germany-the impli-
cation being that facism is fermenting in
United States.
When the case is looked at from a more
discolored perspective, the essential fact re-
mains that the Rosenbergs would have been
convicted had they been Muslims, Catholics,
Seventh Day Adventists, AnaBaptists, athe-
ists or pagans. Even allowing for the pos-
sibility that the death penalty may be un-
duly harsh, the Rosenbergs were still ac-
corded a fair trial, following normal court
On the other hand, the people's court
"justice" meted out to the fourteen Czech
Communists has been the most revolting pro-
cess witnessed since the 1936, '37, and '38
Trotsky trials, and if any parallel is to be
drawn, the atmosphere of the Czech trials
is reminiscent of the Blum outrage and its
prototypes in Nazi Germany.
Rudolf Slansky, Vladimir Clementis and
the nine others accused, among other,
things, of "plotting with Israeli and Zion-.
ist capitalists," are now facing the death
penalty. As in the Blum Affair, their trials
were accompanied by anti-Semitic demon-,
strations. In Bratislava the familiar hate
signs were smeared on the doors of Jew-
ish homes and synagogues: "Jews;" "Jews
Live Here;" "Down with the Jewish capi-
Anti-Semitism is nothing new in the So-
viet Union. There were strong indications of
such bigotry in the Trotsky purges of the
late 30s, since many of Trotsky's disciples
were Jews.
Lumped together, the attacks on both
Zionists and Trotskyites in the Czech trials
signify mounting bitterness against Jews.
Though this anti-Semitism is political in
nature, and not grounded in blood myths, it
may be recalled that Hitler's jaundiced opin-

ions arose largely as a result of the "Jewish
Left" opposition in pre-Nazi Germany. In
short, German anti-Semitism had its source
in political opposition, and, perhaps, eco-
nomic competition. The warped prejudices
and rationalizations of the "Aryan" mind
stemmed from this source.
At the Czech trials, the same type of
Communist "justice" apparently prevailed,
as was demonstrated in the Trotsky trials
-strange confessions, self-repudiations,
the singular brittleness of the defense, a
lack of concrete evidence, and the intro-
duction of evidence seemingly contradic-
tory in nature.
The Prague trials will certainly take their
place along with the Trotsky purges and
the Blum Affair as vicious examples of what
a totalitarian-minded nation can do to a de-
fenseless minority.
* * *
AS REGARDS the United States, the fact
that there is anti-Semitic sentiment in
this country, is hardly a secret. Nazi youth
clubs have occasionally been organized, and
the Ku Klux Klan and the Christian Na-
tionalists are still forces to be reckoned with.
The McCarran immigration act also has
anti-Semitic overtones.
Yet, within this year, steps have been
taken to crush these terrorist grouns. The
Nazi youth clubs have been "busted" where-
ever they have arisen and top leaders of
the Ku Klux Klan have been prosecuted
and imprisoned by the Federal Govern-
ment. Meanwhile, the McCarran act has
been coming under the fire of both Re-
publicans and Democrats.
Since American society is capable of re-
cognizing and wiping out its own blemishes,
efforts towards amelioration will undoubt-
edly continue as long as we are a free people.
On the other hand, there are those whose
purpose it is to destroy, not to improve; to
aggravate and magnify differences between
racial and religious groups; to create fic-
tions (as in the Rosenberg accusations); to
exploit both actual and fictitious differences
for their own ends.
It is the opinion of this writer that
this breed of Leftists is as much of a men-
ace to the Jewish people, and to other
minorities, as is Gerald L. K. Smith's
Right.' For while Smith and cohorts are
representative of anti-Semitism in its
most radical expression, the opposite wing,
by exaggerating and distorting, are cre-
ating the conditions in which anti-Semi-
tism may thrive.
In conjuring up fictions, the latter are
committing an injustice to the very people
they purport to defend.

MISS BIDU SAYAO is a singer of great
charm with a voice of exceptional tim-
bre and even more exceptional expressivity.
Last night she sang opera and art song with
the intelligence that comes from experience
and understanding, and with the grace that
comes from a sympathetic temperament.
With the exception of two arias from Mo-
zart's The Marriage of Figaro, and an un-
fortunate selection of songs in English, Miss
Sayao sang music by composers of Latin
origin. Her style is, in the best sense of the
word, classical: it is passionate and meticu-
lous; it is attentive to the form of a piece
of music, yet never neglectful of the smallest
detail. It would be impossible to quarrel
with any of her interpretations.
Her program was catholic and showed
great versatility within certain limits:
opera in Italian and art songs in the
French nineteenth century tradition. Mo-
zart opera, which comes under a special
heading, is also within the range of Miss
Sayao's sensitive musicianship. and dra-
matic power. Her renderings of Deh, vieni
non tardar and Non so pin from The Mar-
riage of Figaro have been familiar to me
on records, and last night's performances
came up to what I expected. Miss Sayao
was equally effective in arias by Rossini
and Puccini; I found especially delightful
Rossini's Selva Opaca from William Tell.
This was an aria in Rossini's best lyrical
and decorative manner, tenderly and ex-
pertly rendered by Miss Sayao.
In the first half of the concert Miss Sayao
sang songs by Duparc, Poulenc, and Rey-
naldo Hahn. Her French enunciation was
flawless; her singing of Duparc's setting of
Baudelaire's L'Invitation au voyage was a
model of exquisite declamation and expres-
sive phrasing. Equally impressive was her
singing of two works by her countryman
Villa-Lobos: the familiar, haunting Bachia-
nas Brasileiras No. 5 and a wild song titled
Lundu da Marquessa de Santos.
One wonders why she sang the six songs
in English. All, with exception of Niles' ar-
rangement of Go 'Way fro mMy Window,
were of the maudlin kind typified by Pale
Hands I Love. While the great song litera-
ture in English rots in the libraries-the
songs of Dowland, Campian, and John
Danyel-sopranos sing the works of Robert
Fairfax Birch, John Duke, and Graham
Peel. Who are these guys, anyway?
-Harvey Gross
"MYSELF WHEN young did eagerly fre-
Doctor and Saint, and heard great Argu-
About it and about: but evermore
Came out by the same Door as in I went."
-Omar Khayyam

The Bookworms

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the
" .The case is not closed, although
Bring Back I cannot predict what the results
To the Editor: may be. In any case, I do not
ONE PARTICULARLY pleasant think that Michigan House will
memory of my years at the give in to such ridiculous action.
University is that of hours spent' -James B. Rupprecht, '55
in the International Center with
friends from many lands. Troubled Waters .
The other day, being in the vi- To the Editor
cinity of the IC, I went in, on theTt E o
half-chance that I might find BRITAIN HAS not the right to
there some of these friends. Ap- point her finger at the Afri-
parently this type of browsing is can peoples and accuse them of

no longer allowed, as my quest
was cut short by some woman,
who rather rudely accosted me
and accused me of being some type
of malefactor from the South
Quad. I stated that I was not a
student, therefore hardly a Quad
resident, and was thereupon told
to leave "as this place is for stu-
dents only."
Several questions arose in my
mind as to the bearing of either
Quad residency or studenthood
upon one's presence in the Center,
but being somewhat daunted by
the formidable manner of this
woman, I quietly crept out.
My comment on the incident is
this: Bring back the good old
days, when a certain amount of
international spirit was to be
found, in of all places, the Inter-
national Center, and even those
aliens, the quadders, were allowed
to meet their American friends in
the IC.
-Richard Quinlan, '50
L'A faire Perry .,..
Tin thr ifr




WASHINGTON-To those who have long studied the Korean stale-
mate, the chances of Gen. Eisenhower's breaking it, following
his trip to Korea, seem just about nil.
However, luck sometimes plays a hand in international af-
fairs, and Eisenhower all his life has been lucky. His army career
has shown some extraordinary lucky breaks, and he has always
had the ability to capitalize on them. Korea might be such a
Barring luck, however, the odds are heavy against Ike in Korea,
and here are the reasons why-reasons which were sent Eisenhower
during his election campaign as part of the weekly intelligence re-
ports from the Pentagon:
1-The Korean war gives the Chinese an excuse for demanding
military equipment from Russia, thus increasing China's military
2-The war also gives the Chinese an excuse for consolidating
their military power in Manchuria where they have long been in
competition with the Russians. Thus, a buildup of their military
strength in Manchuria puts them in good position to keep the Rus-
sians out later.
3-Korea also gives Chinese Communist leaders a war against
the hated foreigners to use as an excuse to arouse the populace
and make them forget their low living standards still unimproved
by Communism.
4-As far as Russia is concerned, Korea gives the Kremlin a
chance to cause dissension inside the United Nations, wage hate
propaganda against us, and keep a large part of the U.S. Army and
Navy pinned down in a remote and uncomfortable part of the world.
* * * *N

. o the Eh or:


1-He claims he had a "legal,
moral and ethical right" to pass
out campaign literature in several
houses which had rules forbidding
such actions. Was he exempted
from house rules just because he
lived in the dorms for 4 years?
What moral or ethical right does
he have to take advantage of the
other candidates?
2-He states that his method
"was the only possible way to get
my experience and platform
among the dorms ..." Didn't he
see the back page of the Daily on
November 18? Didn't he have his
platform stated in the pamphlets
that were distributed giving in-
formation about all the candi--
dates? Did he feel that he was
such a poor candidate that he
needed a handicap over the others
who were running for SL?
Why does he sneer at the "apa-
thetic attitude of the dorm lead-
ers toward the election? Perhaps
because they believe in fair play.
It might be interesting to note
that the U.S. Congress has often
kicked out -members for unfair






terroristic activity as is now being
done to smear the East Africans
in Kenya.
We wonder how much truth
there is in the charges made by
Her Majesty's government that
anti-white feelings are reaching
alarming proportions when we al-
so read contradictory statements
in the press concerning the dis-
turbances in Kenya.
The Chicago Tribune and the
New York Times published con-
densed versions of the on-the-spot
investigations by two Labor Mem-
bers of Parliament, Fenner Brock-
way and Leslie Hale, who at the
invitation of the Kenya African
Union, flew over.
They "disagree profoundly with
Lyttelton (The Colonial Secretary)
when he says that social and eco-
nomic grievances are not the cause
of Mau Mau."
Columnist Horace Clayton in the
Negro weekly, Pittsburgh Courier,
writes,'"..... the Africans in Ken-
ya find that the English settlers
have taken over their country, re-
legated them to the bottom of the
social economic and political
heap. . ."
From Kenya's capital, Nairobi,
Mrs. Elspeth Huxley in a dispatch
to the London Daily Telegraph, ob-
serves, "Here is the classic frame-
work for a revolution, with racial-
ism added to the class resentment
usual and natural in such circum-
Still interesting are the puzzled
remarks of 'critic' in the London
New Statesman and Nation,"I can
get no clear account of Mau Mau;
no one seems to have heard of
this organization until recently
and the words are said to have no
significance in African dialect.
Large numbers of people have
been arrested; they include, ap-
parently, many peaceful and con-
stitutionally minded African lead-
ers. This sounds like the old fam-
iliar police policy of removing mo-
derates who might restrain terror-
ism with the result of uniting all
the nationalist groups against the
Power and letting terrorism rip.
Are the examples of Palestine and
Ireland already forgotten?"
-L. V. Naidoo
* * *
Young Democrats
To the Editor:
Carstensen to the presidency
of the Young Democrats is a for-
warning to liberal Democrats in
the Jeffersonian tradition that the
time has still not approached when
they can return to their party's
club on this campus.
It was the association many
people believe existed between the
Americans for Democratic Action
and Governor Stevenson which
had a great part in causing the
defeat of the best candidate the
Democrats have had since Thomas
Jefferson. Many candidates for
state and local offices also found
that an ADA endorsement was a
"kiss of death" to their chances of
Apparently not content, the
ADA has done enough damage this
November, Mr. Carstensen now ac-
cepts the presidency of the Young
Democrats. As a result liberals in
the party must continue to re-
main apart from their club. Per-
haps the radicals, confronted with
small attendance over a long per-
iod of time, will resign, having re-
alized they are simply not wanted.
-Bernie Backhaut
Sixty-Third Yea?
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.

Editorial Staff
Crawford Young ....Managing Editor
Barnes Connable ......... City Editor
Cal Samra......... Editorial Director
Zander Hollander......Feature Editor
Sid Klaus........ Associate City Editor
Harland Britz.........Associate Editor
Donna Hendleman ... Associate Editor
Ed Whipple...... ...... Sports Editor
John Jenks .....Associate Sports Editor
Dick Sewell....Associate Sports Editor
Lorraine Butler.......Woen's Editor
Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor



At the Michigan ...
Gregory Peck, Susan Hayward, and Ava
"THE SNOWS of Kilimanjaro" is an adap-
tation of a Hemingway short story and
is distinguished for three things: its loca-
tion shots, its principals, and its principles.,
Twentieth Century Fox is clearly proud of
all three. With them they have concocted
one of the most brightly colored goulashes
in memory, and also one of the most taste-
There is about as much Hemingway in
the film as there was in the famous Bal-
lantyne's Beer ad. What lasts only serves
to make the film more phony, for nothing
is. more deadly perhaps than a Heming-
way line or a Hemingway character out
of context. '
Clearly, the man most to blame for the
mistake is Casey Robinson, the film writer,
who has taken a story of futility and made
it one of vapid hope. He has taken char-
acters profoundly frustrated and made them
superficial cynics. He has compounded Hem-
ingway's functional flashbacks into an oil-
and-water mixture of Scott Fitzgerald and
James-Fitzpatrick. And, apparently because
there was something vaguely nedical about

the whole affair, he has finished off with a
dash of Doctor Kildare.
Looking more lovely and more handsome
than ever in Technicolor, which is more
lovely and handsome than before, are
Gregory Peck, Susan Hayward, and Ava
Gardner. Peck often remarks "what a
wonderful book this would make" where-
upon one of the two ladles nods and
smiles. When they stop nodding and
smiling, he displays "Weltschmerz" and
writes a book that is not wonderful, but
sells a million copies. All three principals
fulfill their respective functions.
Like the leopard in the story, no one has
explained what Twentieth Century Fox was
seeking at this altitude.
-Bill Wiegand
* * *
At The State...
THE QUIET MAN, with John Wayne and
Maureen O'Hara
WITH JUST ABOUT every Irish actor in
Hollywood and a few imports from the
Abbey Theater Players in its cast, this pic-
ture could easily have become a morass of
Begorrahs and Top o' the' mornings. For-
tunately, it was made with some sense of
proportion, and the Emerald Isle setting is
kept secondary to the story.

John Wayne plays an ex-boxer who
goes to Ireland to buy back the ancestral
cottage and escape the sordid scrabbling
of Pittsburgh. A local sheperdess, Maur-
een O'Hara, catches his eye, and he de-
cides to win her in the direct American
Balked at every turn by local customs and
Miss O'Hara's uncooperative brother, Victor
McLaglen, Wayne engages Barry Fitzgerald,
a marriage-broker, to negotiate the match.
Fitzgerald, the town clerics, and several
other influential citizens join in hoodwinking
McLaglen, who refuses to pay his sister's
"fortune" when he discovers the plot. There-
by hangs the tale; to placate his importun-
ate wife and comply with ironsided local
tradition, Wayne must force his brother-in-
law to pay the dowry.
John Ford, who directed the picture, did
a remarkable job in getting convincing,,
individual characterizations from two ac-
tors who usually don't vary an inch from
their types. Without a single pirate ship
to lean on, Miss O'Hara at first seems out
of place, but her performance is unexpect-
edly good. Although Wayne slips occa-
sionally into his lean Texan habits, he too
fits into the picture's whimsy.
-Bob LHolloway

THESE ARE THE reasons why the Russian-Chinese axis is not -JimaDening
.--Jim DeLand
likely to want a truce, and why the Eisenhower mission, barring * . *
extreme good luck, is not likely to pave the way for peace. .,a .
In fact, Pentagon intelligence summaries which have been
sent the President-elect show that the Chinese have been en- To the Editor:
T couraged by the demands of our recent political campaign to THE WEST QUAD Council met
withdraw U.S. troops from Korea. As a result, the Chinese are again last week, and, as was
now likely to stiffen their truce terms to include complete U.S. expected, refused to seat our re-
withdrawal from Korea. presentative, Bert Braun. In part,
So the American public should be prepared for the probability the meeting was a farce. If the
that Ike's chances in Korea are somewhat less good now than they Council didn't abide by the con-
were before the presidential debate started. In effect, his speeches in stitution, it violated Roberts
October probably made more difficult his mission in December. are to be conducted. It seems to
The lucky break which Eisenhower might possibly get involves a be that the chair has the decisive
complete change of policy inside the Kremlin, and this will be dis- power, which should not be the
cussed later. case.'
The West Quad Constitution



states that the individual houses
a~rPfn pI~ t their representtie



London Eyes Ike's Korean Trip

LONDON-Dwight D. Eisenhower's trip to
Korea, plus the reactions to it here in
London, add up to an interesting composite
symbol. In fact the Korean problem stands
for a whole class of problems which will be
sitting on the Presidential doorstep, ticking
away like so many time bombs, when Eis-
enhower enters the White House.
First of all, overestimating the explosive
political possibilities is really impossible.
Whatever decision Eisenhower takes at
Seoul, unless it is a decision to do nothing
at all, is quite likely to touch off a major
explosion in Britain and on the Continent.
Loss of confidence in American good
sense and good intentions has gone very
far and very deep. Bad trouble can only
haanru Ai iptna avnla llne U--- -ha h

to the whole world, Eisenhower will neces-
sarily have to limit these advance consulta
tations to our major allies. This will run
counter to the State Department's passion-
ate belief in the prime rule for being a bad
host-never invite anyone to a party unless
you invite everyone. But the fact remains
that unilateral American action in Korea,
taken without advance allied discussions, is
now capable of shaking the Western Alliance
to its foundations.
Second, however, there are signs that an
intelligent and bold program of action in
Korea, if wisely presented, will be welcomedj
end supported in London. Among the small
number of British government leaders who
know the facts, the feeling is reluctantly
growing, so to speak, that it will be down-
right dangerous to prolong the present Ko-

viously lacked. They have accumulated huge
forward stocks of supplies of all kinds.
Above the Yalu, meanwhile, the Chinese
armies in position to enter the Korean fight-
ing have been increased to at least half a
million men, by the always conservative Bri-
tish estimate. And the Soviet-Chinese air
forces have been strikingly augmented, by
at least two-hundred of the new Russian
twin jet medium bombers among other ele-
The continuity of the enemy build-up
is the impressive point. Recruitments of
additional South Korean forces will of
course somewhat redress the balance. But
the fact remains that the enemy looks like
it is gaining power much faster than we
can gain power. Obviously if this is al-
lowed to go on indefinitely, a time will
---- .- 476-_- -amd oan-

BARRING HEAVEN-SENT LUCK, however, here are some definite aeu' "' 'G"'
in any way that they see fit, and,
results which Eisenhower can score: furthermore, that the removal of
A-The use of two, or possibly three, divisions of Chiang said representatives may come'
Kai-Shek's troops on Formosa. about only through the action of
B-or the equipping of two more divisions of South Korean troops. the individual house, in this case,
C-A definite policy for next spring, probably involving a heavy Michigan House. In removing
UN offensive. Braun, merely by passing a motion
Inside fact is that General Mark Clark hadn't been in the Far to this effect, the Council has fail-
East more than a month before he began urging that Chinese Na- ed to abide by its constitution, and
tionalist troops on Formosa be allowed to fight in Korea. (That is one ands to do so henever it sees it
reason Eisenhower is certain to stop on Formosa, review Nationalist It was evident that the Council
troops and confer with Chiang.) had no defense, and to remove it-
Clark's recommendation, however, ran squarely up against a self from embarrassment passed a
counter-recommendation by General Van Fleet that South Koreans; motion to the effect that the case
be equipped instead. of Bert Braun "would not be
What most people don't realize is that South Korean and I brought up for discussion," after
Chinese Nationalists cannot be put into battle at the same time. discussion had already taken place
This is purely a matter of equipment. There just has not been for several minutes. This seemed
enough equipment for both. to indicate that the Council re-
The Pentagon agreed last year that South Korean troops should wrong, and served as a cover-up
be put into battle as soon as they could be trained and equipped, and for their predicament. The vote,
for 'a time it was even proposed to cut down on the flow of equipment by secret ballot, was 9-8, with the
to U.S. troops. Michigan House President voting
Gradually, more equipment became available for the ROK's and in place of Braun, as the consti-
two more divisions were put into the front line on Oct. 15. tution provides; the deciding vote
Meanwhile, the Chinese Nationalists have two divisions in fairly being that of the chair because of
good shape, and given new equipment they could be transported to a tie. In a sense this is a moral
Korea. However, this means slowing up the use of more ROK troops, victory over the vote of last week's
plus the time of 'transporting the Nationalists from Formosa, plus meeting, when Braun was removed
the question raised by some strategists as to whether they will fight I from his post by a vote of 11-3. It
is evident that some members wish
with the same fervor as the ROK's. to abide by the Constitution, and
Most Pentagon strategists believe they will, though some point to realize what representative gov-
the heavy surrender of Chiang's forces during the Communist Civil ernment means.
war; also point to the opposition of our UN allies to the use of I, and a vast majority of the
Nationalist troops. The State Department has even predicted, con- members of Michigan House, con-
fidentially, that some of our UN allies will pull out of Korea if Nation- tinue to support Bert Braun and
alist troops are used. to contest the action of the West
Another worry is that Chinese Communists might celebrate Quad Council. To deny a seat to
. -__._ . . _.7. ..... - -__._ one representative means that this


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Al Green.. ....'Business Manager
Milt Goetz.......Advertising Manager
Diane Johnston .. Assoc. Business Mgr.
Judy Loehnberg .... Finance Manager
Tnm TrPz Cimiatn ang.


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