THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 19"3 State FEPC Reports EPORTS OF effective compulsory laws forbidding job discrimination at the te and local levels are not necessarily in- :ations that national legislation of the nie sort would work harmoniously. Oppo- ats to a federal Fair Employment Prac- es Commission on a compulsory basis uld be the first to point this out. Nevertheless, a recently issued report awn up for a 'Senate Labor sub-com- ittee, which indicates that state and cal FEPC laws with teeth have proved be "healthy," piesents some convinc- Lg observations to answer anti-federal PC arguments. The study contrasts compulsory FEPC ih voluntary laws, a distinction which in e long run is more significant than divi- n- over state and national lines. Director the study, Prof. Monroe Berger, of Prince- i University's sociology department, re- rted that two states having laws witho t forcement provisions "have not presente ta showing an equal degree of success' as e seven states which used a compulsory in. FEPC researchers compiled some sound tistics to back up the conclusion. The areas covered, though they were ecessarily centered in the North, rep- resented a third of the nation's popula- tion, an eighth of its non-white residents and two-thirds of its Jewish people. The enforcement agencies in the seven states and two cities, which according to Prof. Berger did their jobs "cautiously," have handled 5,200 cases of alleged discrimina- tion since 1945. Determining 2.800 cases of actual discrimination among the re- ports, the administrative agencies found it impossible to settle only six cases by conciliation. Five of the six were settled with court orders to the employers to "cease the disputed practices." Of course, statistics are by no means proof-positive that the ungrounded ill-feel- ing behind discriminatory cases is being al- leviated. In this light, Prof. Berger's conclu- sion that enforced FEPC laws have not re- sulted in the difficulties wary employers had expected far outweighs the numerical evi- dence he compiled. If the survey does not present conclusive evidence that national FEPC on a compul- sory basis would work, it does indicate that the objections of skeptical employers to such a plan are groundless. Congress might well consider this report in 1953. -Virginia Voss i + MUSIC + .q THE PROGRAM selected by Claudio Arrau was as demanding, both musically as well as technically, as any heard hereabouts since the all Beethoven concert given by Myra Hess several years ago. Last night, however, Mr. Arrau-was not quite up to the task set before him. Particularly in the first half of the program was the music out of his reach; he seemed lost and unable to conquer its hidden secrets. Opening with the Mozart, Fantasy in D minor, Arrau was at odds with his instru- ment. The piano didn't respond to his attack, with the result that the dynamic curve of the piece was too contained. The music wanted to burst forth, but was kept on an even level. In the lyric passages his tone. was metallic, and his slow tempo also hindered the effectiveness of the work. There Is n oquestion that AIrau is a virile pianist. His style is bombast, a quality not at all harmful when kept within decent, limits. But in the Beethoven sonata, Opus 31a, "Les Adieux," some of the bombast pervaded the tranquil section. This thwart- ed a sonorous tone, so important in melodic passages. Again the dynamic curve was thrown off balance, but here because of lack of lyric contrast. Not yet warmed up to his instrument, Arrau forced the music. En the last movement, Vivacissimente, this difficulty began to be overcome, as fiamboy- ance took full reign. The best playing of the evening was in the final two selections, the Schumann Fantasy in C major, and the Beethoven "Appassionata" sonata, Opus 57. In the Schumann, musical interest was lacking. A tedious phantasie ,a composer's imagin- ation let run wild, the work has no organ- ic coherence, but rambles unrelentlessly for over forty minutes. Though it stum- bles onto beautiful moments, it desperately needs stabilizing elements, external along with internal, to give a completeness of expression. As it stands it shows a failure on the composer's part to plan his music properly. The Appassionata sonata was the only redeeming part of the program. Arrau fin- ally at peace with his instrument, succeeded in delineating the dynamic curve of this work, so essential in realizing its dramatic and expressive power. The driving rhythm of the first movement, giving way to a sub- dued second movement, and gradually reaching a climax again in the last move- ment, was studiously portrayed by a keen sense of dynamic balance. A truly pianistic tone, such as is necessary in a composer like Chopin, while not absolutely demanded in this work, could still be beneficial here as well as in the whole program. A little more definition in the melodic lines would have added the projection of the program im- measurably. -Donald Harris MATTER OF FACT By JOSEPH ALSOP PARIS--This most wonderfully beautiful of all beautiful cities seems somehow even finer,. this year, than it has at any time since the war. Life in Paris, and in- deed in France, has finally lost the flavor of hectic insecurity that characterized the post-war years. Here and there, after the long night of dark hopelessness, one even finds a brave glimmer of hope for the future. An American, preparing to take his leave of Paris, may properly feel a modest pride in this return of a more moral and healthy atmosphere. Without the great initiatives of American post-war policy, the night of Europe's post-war hopeless- ness would surely, by now, have ended in final catastrophe. Yet there is poison in this French atmos- phere also-a poison that expresses itself in the truly venomous criticism of the Unit- ed States and all its works that can now be heard everywhere in France. The pursuit of love, the struggle to be liked by foreigners, are cardinal errors of foreign policy. The richest nation on earth, bearing on its shoulders the entire final responsibility for the fate of the Western World, cannot expect to be held in affection by partner nations which must now acknow- ledge this new leader. But it is also very dan- gerous if dislike and distrust reach such a pitch that calm discussion of common prob- lems becomes all but impossible. This is close to being the state of affairs today be- tween France and America. It is easy enough to see the superficial causes of this grave trouble. The French after all think, not incorrectly, that the great American policy initiatives which have saved France were also designed to serve the interests of America. Gratitude, like love, is never a dependable interna- tional emotion. Meanwhile, the French are depressed by our deplorable habit of sending vaster mis- sions to administer our foreign policies than the Germans used to send to control their satellites. They are angered by such illogi- cal vagaries as our attempt to hunt with the French hounds and run with the Moslem hares in the Tunisian controversy. They are badly over-strained by the effort to rearm, to which we have summoned them. They cannot see why, in dealing with such prob- lems as Indo-China, "the Americans always give just enough to keep our noses above water, so we always feel as though we are drowning," as so good a friend of America as Defense Minister Rene Pleven is rumored to have remarked. Add to all this the current tactics of the Kremlin and its faithful here in France. Anti-Americanism is now the only Commun- ist touchstone. Failure to appreciate this fact is one of the cardinal reasons why French Communism's senior hero, Marty, and its great resistance fighter, Tillon, are about to be ignominiously expelled from the party. One of Marty's crimes was suggesting an "anti-Fascist front" against the followers of General De Gaulle. The Gaullists are anti- American too, and are therefore really hard- ly Fascists any longer. To some extent among the workers, and to a very great extent among the intel- lectuals, the Communist propaganda against America is making headway. Sig- nificantly, Jean-Paul Sartre, the exist- entialist philosopher and man of letters who has loomed so large on the post-war intellectual scene, is now going to Vienna to attend the next Moscow-sponsored "peace congress." Until very recently, Sar- tre has stoutly condemned totalitarianism in all its forms, But now, in tactful prep- aration for his Vienna visit, he has had to prevent the Viennese from putting on the stage his own bitingly satiric anti- totalitarian play, "Les Mains Sales." There are plenty of other signs of the same trouble here in France. There is the widespread French conviction that Presi- dent Eisenhower will be a mere smiling false front for Sen. Robert A. Taft. There is the even more deeply rooted and still more nonsensical belief that the future Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles, is a fire-breath- ing warmonger, who would obliterate Eur- ope with hydrogen bombs in order to free Poland and so gain votes in Hamtramck. But the symptoms of the disease, and even the superficial causes of French irritation against America, are far less important than the true sources of France's anti-American- ism. The first, and least important of these sources, is the simple fact that Europe, although returning to normality, is still tired. Tired men often prefer self-delusion to further effort. The Kremlin, by winding up its performance as the Terrible Temper- ed Mr. Bang, has encouraged this European tendency to self-delusion. It is not Soviet propaganda, but Soviet quiescence, which makes the French hanker to forget about all the ugly problems and requirements that the Americans keep talking about. Even this would not have mattered much, however, if American policy had not succumbed to a creeping paralysis shortly after Korea. After all, the respon- sibilities of leadership cannot be put in cold storage for very long. To be relied upon, to inspire confidence, a leader must lead. But our responsibilities as leader of the West have been utterly forgotten ever since the first roars of campaign politics J tl i 3, U.LO *.Wz ~:i RR!Tgl "Easy, Now - Just A Minute - Don't Crowd -" 7a I T-- DORIS FLEESON: The GOP in the South AUSTIN, TEX.-A foray into the South, admittedly brief, produces a general impression that General Eisenhower's electoral in- roads there represent in the .thinking of the people more a punish- ment for the Truman Administration than any constructive desire to build up the Republican Party starting at the courthouse level. Political observers do not credit any of the bolting Democrats with anything more than a desire to regain control of their own party. There is some slight evidence to support this opinion in the refusal of Sen. Harry F. Byrd of Virginia to respond to overtures from General Eisenhower in connection with a cabinet post. Sources close to the senator say that such overtures ended with his decision that he did not want to be Secretary of the Treasury. Senator Byrd votes the Republican Party line more consistently even than Senator Taft, but perhaps he was not thinking of him- self. His son, Harry Flood Jr., is a rising political star in Virginia and the Senator may not have wished to prejudice his future. It seems a fair. guess that the Senator, satisfied with the consefvative trend of the inconging Republican Administration, prefers to bore from within his own party, possibly producing a climate in which the son may gain the national preferment denied the father by the New and Fair Deals. Gov. Allen Shivers of Texas is vacationing in Nassau from his labors which turned his state to the President-elect and will send to Washington a Senator, Price Daniel, who says he will be an "independent" Democrat. Daniel makes it clear that he will be independent of the Fair Deal; he does not say what other interests and philosophy he will be independent of. Governor Shivers, attractive, articulate and wealthy, is credited by some Texans with ambitions to be the leader of a "reformed" Demo- cratic Party. They expect him to fish in the troubled waters of the new minority with increasing authority. If Gov. Shivers fulfills these expectations he must inevitably come in conflict with the senior Senator from Texas, Lyndon Johnson. Senator Johnson is set for leadership of the Senate Democratic mi- nority and appears confident that he can steer a successful course between the pressures of his homet Rose Bowl . *. To the Editor: IF THE WESTERN Conference played a complete round-robin schedule, then perhaps champion- ship ties would be less likely. But Purdue didn't meet Wisconsin, which might have been a toss-up. However, Purdue's chances of beating seventh-place Northwest- ern would be better than Wiscon- sin's against Michigan, so chalk one up for Purdue. Wisconsin's only conference loss was to Ohio State, who lost to Pur- due. Purdue's loss was to Michi- gan, against whom, to repeat, Wis- consin's chances would be so-so. Chalk another one up for Purdue. Each team had a tie with Min- nesota, Purdue's at Minneapolis, Wisconsin's at Madison. Since a team enjoys an advantage on its home grounds, Purdue comes off better here, too. Southern Cal over UCLA over Wisconsin is a matter of record. So Wisconsin goes to the coast to meet an evident superior. Why not Purdue, whose ability does not suf- fer in comparison with coast teams? Look at the rest of the out-of- conference records: Wisconsin beat Rice, an also-ran in the Southwest, and Marquette, scrappy but minor league. Purdue tied Penn State, a leader in the East, and lost to high-ranking Notre Dame and top-ranking Michigan State, the latter by a single touchdown. More glory to Purdue on this point. Purdue's tie with Minnesota came the week after that bruiser with State, and their loss to Mich- igan a week later. Wisconsin's loss followed their Illinois game, and their tie followed their Indiana game. Chalk up one more for Pur- due, whose accomplishments are in the face of adversity. Note that a vote for Wisconsin implies that the Badgers could lick Michigan. That's doubtful. No matter which way you slice it, Pur- due is the better team. So who goes to the Rose Bowl? Wisconsin. Not because. of what the young men did out there on the gridiron, but by a vote of athletic directors, sitting in their offices. They say it's not what you know, (or do) it's who you know. The Harvard Law School has a good motto-"A government of law and not of men." Too bad it could not apply here, too. One univer- sity had to be disappointed. It's all the more bitter when it's un- justifiable, due to the subjective whims of Nine Old Men. Let's hope that Fritz didn't admit that Wis- consin could have beaten Michi- gan. -Charles H. Hubbell Absentee . . To the Editor: MUCH HEATED discussion has been going around about an adequate absentee ballot system in our 48 states. Our own campus election is the one place we can do something constructive about a similar situa- tion. As a student with an active in- terest in SL affairs, I think it is a gross injustice that no absentee ballot ,system exists for those of us who are forced to remain in Health Service and U. Hospital. Surely something can be done about this situation. -Paula Brandes Ward 3E, U. Hospital Anti-Semitism. . . To the Editor: THE POLITICAL confusionis%., both of the Right and the Left, are clumsy virtuosoes in the art of the phony analogy and the grandiose appeal to history. Mr. Robert Schor sees in the Rosen- berg case evidence of an insidious anti-Semitic plot, and he attempts, very delicately and almost reluc- tantly, to. parallel * the Affair Bloom and the Affair Rosenberg. Unfortunately there is no parallel. If Mr. Schor< would have us be- lieve that our judicial system is corrupt, that Judge Kaufman is (to use that favorite Progressive phrase) a '"white Fascist," and that the Supreme court is in the pay of Gerald L. K. Smith, I must conclude that Mr.rSchor is either mad or suffering from an excess of "The .National Guardian" and "Masses and Mainstream." Mr. Schor's strategy neither fights anti-Semitism nor helps win sympathy for the Rosenbergs. If there is any reason for a com- mutation of the Rosenberg sen- tence it is on the grounds of mercy and simple humanity. And if Mr. Schor is really interested in anti- Semitism I refer him to the pres- ent trial of eleven Czechoslovak Jews in the People's Democracy of Czechoslovakia. They are being tried for "Zionism" and being linked with "an international Jew- ish conspiracy." (Quotes from N. Y. Times, Nov. 23) Or let Mr. Schor investigate the relations between Don Surine, McCarthy's chief agent and Gerald L. K. Smith. There is enough dirt to be dug. -Harvey Gross MORALITY, said Jesus, is kind- ness to the weak; morality, said Nietzsche, is the bravery of the strong; morality, said Plato, is the effective harmony of the whole; morality, said Briffault, is Justice. A XietteP' TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters or general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. rr r rrrr o i irnr w ri r r r r 4, ON THE Washington Merry- Go-Round a . with DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON.-.Oregon's Independent Sen. Wayne Morse paid an unusual call. on the Bureau of Internal Revenue the oth- er day. Most people fight shy of this tax- collecting agency; some people get heart failure when its agents even telephone. But the Oregon Senator ambled down to the bureau and said he wanted to meet with the officials who were running it. Accordingly, Harold Swartz, acting as- sistant commissioner, sat down with him, plus David Gatzenmeier and Frank Cohen of the chief counsel's office, plus E. I. Mc- Larney and Leonard Boyd of the Audit division. "I would like to ask the Bureau of In- ternal Revenue," Senator Morse told them, "to make a careful audit of my income-tax returns." .The tax officials couldn't believe their ears. The bureau makes it an unwritten rule not to look too closely at the tax returns of members of Congress. So for a Senator to come in and ask for an audit was revolu- tionary. Morse went on to explain that, when he was elected to the Senate in 1945, he had a campaign deficit of about $16,000 which had been paid partly by him, partly by contributions from friends; and that recent- ly Oregon politicians had been circulating charges that the handling bf this deficit had violated the tax laws. He said the money was not paid to him, and he was certain the tax laws had not been violated. But to make sure, he asked that his tax returns be thoroughly audited. "But we can't audit them prior to 1949," said Assistant Commissioner Swartz. "The statute of limitations has expired." "Then I'll waive the statute of limita- tions." "You'll what?" asked Swartz incredulous- ly. "Well, we'll have to have written author- ization for that." "You'll get it," replied Morse, who prompt- er this letter as being my official request for an audit of my income-tax returns since I have been in the Senate, starting with the 1945 returns." Note-when this columnist in 1946 sug- gested to Senator Morse that members of Congress and all top government officials file a statement of outside fees received, in-j come from law practice, stocks and comodi- ties purchased, he immediately introduced a bill to this effect. Had it passed, the Nixon fund would have been required to be regis- tered so the public could know about it be- fore Nixon's nomination to the important office of vice president. * * * -WASHINGTON PIPELINE- LAME-DUCK Senator McFarland of Arizo- na is planning a final fling at the tax- payers' expense. He is making arrangements for a round-the-world trip during his last month as Senator.... Senator Ferguson of Michigan is so anxious to take over the Senate appropriations committee that he can't wait. He is second to Senator Bridges of New Hampshire in seniority. But, if Bridges accepts the job of majority leader, there's a chance he will be too busy to head the appropriations committee too. So Fer- guson has been pestering Bridges' office to find out whether he is giving up the appro- pritions chairmanship. ...Secretary of De- fense Lovett has invited his successor, Charles E. Wilson, to attend the North At- lantic Pact conference in Paris Dec. 15. .. . General Eisenhower has invited Army Chief of Staff General Collins to fly to Korea with him-after Collins hinted broadly for an invitation.... President Truman is plead- ing with defense boss Joe Fowler not to quit until Ike is inaugurated. The President wants the mobilization program going full steam when Ike takes over. . . . Eisenhower will appoint a special commission, headed by Vannevar Bush, to study the reorganization of the Defense Department. . . . Senator Lodge of Massachusetts has told friends he won't be in the cabinet but will probably serve as an assistant president and trouble state and the stated aims of the National DemocraticParty. Johnson obviously views the Senate leadership as a weapon. in his fight to be re-elected in 1954. States' rights forces are already putting him, on their list to be axed. Whatever their aims, Democrats will not have the whole say about the South's future. General Eis- enhower and the Republican na- tional committee now are in a position to provide Republican leadership in the South with some of the real sinews of war. In the past such sinews have been used only to build private power and fortune;/ most South- ern Republican leaders deliberately kept the party small, cooperated with the Democrats locally, and swallowed what crumbs fell from the gable. Those who successfully supported General Eisenhower at Chicago declaimed loudly against such practices and affirmed pas- sionately their intention of build- ing a two-party systtem in their states. It should not take too long to tell which will triumph, now that the General is elected-- the crusading or the club spirit. The business interests, especially oil, which so vehemently .sup- ported the Eisenhower campaign in the South, do not, of course, care greatly about a party label; they work both sides of the street in the South as elsewhere. The Southern primaries did show that great numbers of young people and women were interested in the presidential campaign. They are the raw material of a strengthened GOP, if their nomi- nal leaders and the victorious Re- publican hierarchy in Washing- ton care to undertake the hard, slow task of organization. The two-party system will not evolve spontaneously. (Copyright, 1952, by the Bell Syndicate) 96 T1iVffA nrr a a nn. huli m DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN rA (Continued from Page 2) The Divisional Libraries will be closed on Wednesday evening and open on shortened vacation schedules Friday and Saturday. Notices will be posted on the doors and information concern- ing service can be obtained by tele- phoning Ext. 652. There will be no Sunday service on Nov. 30. Women Students. A team of women officers from the U.S. Navy will be avail- able for interview in the Michigan League on Tues., 2 December 1952, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. This team will answer questions concerning the Reserve Of- ficers' Training Program for women. Freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors are requested to attend, as candidates must complete two sum- mer sessions at some large Naval Sta- tion before receiving their commission after graduation. Faculty Members who are participants In the Teachers' Insurance and Annu- ity Association Retirement Plan are asked to return their College Retire- ment Equities Fund applications to the Retirement Records Office not later than Nov. 30, 1952. Housing applications for graduate and undergraduate' women students now registered on campus and wish- ing to move for the spring semester of 1953 will open on Mon., Dec. 1, ONLY THOSE WITH NO HOUSING COMMIT- MENT MAY APPLY. Applications will be accepted for both Residence Halls and League House accommodations un- til the number of available spaces are filled. California Needs Teachers: The Uni- versity Bureau of Appointments has been notified of vacancies in various fields within various levels in the State of California and other West Coast. States. Persons interested in teaching in this area are advised to contact the University Bureau of Ap- pointments and Occupational Informa- tion, 3528 Administration Building or telephone University extension 2614. Personnel Interviews. A representative from American Air- lines will be at the Cadillac Hotel in Detroit on Thurs., Dec. 4, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. The gentle- man will be talking to women inter- ested in becoming airline stewardesses. Contact the Bureau of Anointments on preparing students of superior ap- titudes for the conception and design of advanced types of nuclear reactors, nuclear reactor complexes, and their components. Applications as well as detailed information may be obtained at the Bureau of Appointments. Pepsodent, Division of Lever Broth- ers Company, in Chicago, has an open- ing for an Engineer Trainee. They are interested in employing a Mechanical Engineer to fill the opening. EUi Lilly and Company, of Indianap- olis, Ind., has written that they have an opening for a mechanical mainte- nance engineer. February graduates may make application for the position. The Michigan Steel Casting Company, of Detroit, has available positions on their Sales Training Program for Engi- neers. Men graduating in February, majoring in engineering are eligible to make application. Backus ,Crane and Love, (Architects) of Buffalo, N.Y., have an opening on their staff for a Mechanical Engineer. Men receiving their degrees in Febru- ary may apply for the position. The practical experience gained here will aid one in obtaining a professional en- gineering license as soon as it would be possible. The National Seal Company, of Van Wert, Ohio (subsidiary of the National Motor Bearing Co.) is interested in se- curing Industrial and Mechanical En- gineers for a training program. For further information on these and other openings, and to make appoint- ments, contact the Bureau of Appoint- ments, 3528 Administration Building, Ext. 371. Adcademic No tices Doctoral Examination for James Cal- vin Wygant, Chemistry; Thesis: "Un- saturated 'Sulfonic Acids: Diels-Alder and Bromination Reactions," Wed., Nov. 26, 3003 Chemistry Building, at 8:30 a.m. Chairman, C. S. Rondestvedt. Doctoral Examination for Elba Jack Wilcox, Psychology; Thesis: "The Con- forming Behavior of the Authoritarian Adolescent," Wed., Nov., 26, 7611 Haven Hall, at 3:30 p.m. Chairman, R. W. Heyns. Physical Chemistry Seminar. Mr. Thomas Stengle will speak on "Struc- tural Investigations by Means of Nu. clear Magnetic Resonance" Wed., Nov. 26, 4:10 p.m., 2308 Chemistry Building. gue" (Debussy); Selva Opaca from "william Tell" (Rossini) Bachianas Brasileiras No. 5 (villa-Lobos); and Triste and Gato by Ginastera. Tickets are on sale at the offices of the University Musical Society during the day; and will be on sale at the Hill Auditorium box office on the night. of the concert after 7 o'clock. Events Today Congregational Disciples Guild. Mid- Week Meditation, Douglas Chapel. 5:05- 5:30 p.m. No supper discussion meeting this week. Coming Events Thanksgiving Breakfast at Lane Hall, 9:00-10:15 a.m., Thursday. Singing and short program. Cost 50c. Call reserva- tions by Wednesday noon. All students and faculty who remain on campus welcome. Motion Pictures, auspices of Univer- sity Museaums, "Fish Is Food," "The Sunfish," and "Trout Factory," 7:30 p.m., Fri., Nov. 28, Kellogg Auditorium. No admission charge. Sixty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Crawford Young..Managing Editor Barnes Connable.........City Editor Cal Samra........... Editorial Director Zander Hollander......Feature Editor Sid Klaus .......Associate City Editor Harland. Britz ......... Associate Editor Donna Hendleman ....Associate Editor Ed Whipple............Sports Editor John Jenks...Associate Sports Editor Dick Sewell..Associate Sports Editor Lorraine Butler.......wowen's Editor Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor Business Staf Al Green.... .........Business Manager Milt Goetz.......Advertising Manager Diane Johnston.... Assoc. Business Mgr. Juv. oe T .hnbehr. he Winance Manage t 9