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November 26, 1952 - Image 1

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Latest Deadline in the State




VUL. LXI, No. 57





I W.,

F SAC Votes New
YP Re-evaluation
Daily Managing Editor
The Young Progressives will be summoned again before the Stu-
'dent Affairs Committee for a hearing on the group's "responsibility," it
was decided yesterday.
The SAC, by a unanimous vote, agreed to undertake a re-evalua-
tion of YP at a special meeting called for Tuesday.
* * * *
ON JUNE 5, THE SAC conducted a similar inquiry, at the request
of the Lecture Committee. At that time, the group was cleared, but

IH""C Votes
aTo- ChallengE
Perry's Acts
The Inter-House Council votes
last night to protest to Studen
Legislature the campaign method
of Bob Perry, '53, in the recent SI
Action was also taken at th'
r meeting not to support the SL plar
to allow authorized parties to con
tinue until 1 a.m. on late permis
sion nights.
IT WAS moved that the actior
taken by Perry, who admitted tc
charges that he had slipped cam
paign literature under the doo m
of rooms in the residence hals ir
violation of house rules, be pre
sented to SL and from there to the
Joint Judiciary. The motion wa
passed by vote of 34-5 with one
In support of his actions,
Perry told the group that "this
is the fourth election in which
I've employed this practice"
and 'that it was the first time
that such action had been ques-
He also said that "this was the
only way to get my platform be.
fore the quad men" and that he
wished to "get elected on platformx
and not on personality."
Perry, who said that the quads
haven't shown much interest ir
the present student government
went on to say that there were
others also guilty of infringement
of the quad regulations.
Following a discussion of Per-
ry's case, a motion was made and
passed for further "unbiased" in-
vestigation into the election meth-
ods of other candidates.
Perry was the only student poli-
tician discussed at the meeting,
Although Bert Braun, '54, recent-
ly deposed member of the West
Quad Council and the IHC, had
originally planned to appeal his
case at the meeting, no action
was taken.
Earlier in the day, however, at
the West Quad Council's meet-
ing, Braun's plea for further dis-
cussion of his appeal was voted
down when Council president,
Sam Alfieri, '53A, cast the tie-
breaking vote against continuance
of the discussion. The meeting
was attended by a large contin-
gent of Michigan House men, the
group which Braun represents.
Students Name
Ten Engineers
To Committee
Membership of the first Engi-
neering Steering Committee was
announced last night following a
meeting by a committee of Engi-
neering College students in which
petitions for the newly formed
group were reviewed.
Named to places on the embryo
group were Bob Erf, '53E, Thad
Epps, '53E, Norman Thal, '53E,
Bill Diamond, '57E, Stanley Pinel,
'53E, Joseph Yope, '54E, John
Munn, '54E, Henry Moravec '55E,
Tom Benner, '55E, and George
Gryka, '54E.
As spokesman for the group of
Engineering students who took
initial steps toward organizing the
committee, Pete Lardner, '53E,
announced that an organizational
meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m.

Tuesday in the Union to pick a
chairman and outline a program
for the group.
The steering committee will
work closelv with the mit Schoo

<several recommendations were
made to the organization on im-
proving its internal procedures.
The new investigation was pre-
cipitated by a YP petition to hear
controversial author Howard Fast
speak on campus Dec. 6. The peti-
tion had been submitted, as per
standard procedure, to Dean of
Students Erich A. Walter, who,
under normal circumstances,
would have certified that the spon-
soring group was a recognized stu-
dent organization and passed the
petition on to the Lecture Com-
However, Dean Walter had
earlier requested from the YP's
a report on what action had been
taken on the SAC suggestions.
Monday, Dean Walter dispatch-
ed a letter to the Progressives stat-
ing that he would not forward the
petition until' adequate explana-
* * *
tion was forthcoming.
THREE OF last June's sugges-
tions in particular came into ques-
1) "That YP should obtain a
new faculty advisor."
This was made because.the pres-
ent advisor, Prof. John S. Shep-
ard, emeritus of the psychology
department, was felt to have fail-
ed to fulfill his function. At the
time of the McPhaul dinner inves-
tigation, it was reported that he
did not know who the YP officers
were, and was completely out of
touch with the organization and its
However, the YP's declined to
change their advisor. It is reported
that Prof. Shepard has been keep-
ing in closer contact with the
group this year. He addressed a
recent meeting.
2) "That YP should restrict
its membership to students."
At present, there are four non-
students on the YP rolls. If these
were subtracted, YP membership
would fall below the required mini-
mum of thirty for continued recog-
3) "That YP should cooperate
more closely with University
These aspects of YP's opera-
tions presumably will come in for
SAC scrutiny next Tuesday. The
above were recommendations, not
Meanwhile, the Committee in-
structed Dean Walter to forward
the Fast petition to the Lecture
Committee. It was felt that, inas-1
much as YP is still a fully recog-
nized group, they should not be
deprived of their rights and priv-
ileges as such before their case
had been judged.
The Lecture Committee did not
have a meeting scheduled for con-
sideration of the Fast request. It
seemed likely no meeting would be
held before the SAC meeting next
Most campus observers agreed
that the Lecture Committee, if it
used the criteria employed last
year in banning four speakers and
restated on the revised petition
forms, would not permit Fast to
make a 'campus speech.
SL leaders were privately con-
cerned over the possibly disas-
trous effects another banning at
this stage might have on the
chances for effecting a change in
the Lecture Committee operations.

Book Dealer
Drops IFC's
Cut-Rate Plan
Supply Savings
Program Halted
An interfraternity Council plan
which would have allowed affiliat-
ed students to purchase school
supplies at cut-rate prices fell
through yesterday when the book-
store owner who was to supply
the merchandise refused to com-
plete the agreement.
A long-term contract arranging
for the discount plan was to have
been agreed on last night in a
meeting between the IFC Execu-
tive Committee and the owner of
the State St. firm.
* * *
THE proposed contract, which
would have brought about dis-
counts ranging upwards of 20 per
cent on all school supplies except
textbooks, would then have been
submitted to the House Presidents'
Assembly for ratification.
Intended only to bring savings
to affiliates, the arrangement
would yield no profit to the IFC,
but would pass on all the sub-
stantial discounts to purchasers,
IFC president Pete Thorpe, '53,
The IFC learned through in-
vestigation that only organizations
which are not subsidized by the
University could enter into such
an agreement, IFC treasurer, John
Messer, '53, said. Since the IFC
receives no such financial aid, it
was eligible under this interpre-
tation, he added.
* * *
THE bookstore owner declined
at the last minute to go along
with the plan because of a lack
of personnel and facilities needed
to handle the large volume of bus-
iness, Messer said.
Although he was offered IFC
personnel and guaranteed that
the Council would. provide the
necessary facilities, the dealer
still would not agree to the
plan, the IFC treasurer related.
When questioned by The Daily
yesterday, the bookstore owner re-
fused to release his name and
would not comment on the IFC
plan or the reasons for his sudden
withdrawal from the proposed ar- t
An attorney who was consulted 3
by the IFC on the proposed con-
tract also refused to commentI
HOWEVER, the sudden reversal
of IFC's plan will not halt theirf
efforts to secure cheaper schoolI
supplies, Thorpe reported. The1
Council now plans to investigatet
prospects of dealing with whole-
salers outside of Ann Arbor to
bring savings to affiliates.
See IFC, Page 6r
i .
I Go Perigo
Michigan's Varsity basketball1
squad defeated the Freshmen,t
81-70, last night in a tuneup
for Monday's opener with Mar-
quette in Yost Fieldhouse.
The Marquette -Wolverine
clash marks the debut of Till
Perigo as Wolverine cage men-
To insure an inspiring crowd
at the opening game, the cam-
pus will be flooded Monday withr
tags that read "I Go Perigo."

If you "Go Perigo" Monday
night you'll see a cage team
that is vastly improved over the
1951 outfit.

Merger Bid Made
By AFL's Meany
Green's Successor Confident That
Union Differenees Can Be Settled
WASHINGTON-OP)-George Meany, stocky 58-year-old former
plumber, yesterday became president of the American Federation of
Labor, and his first act was to renew a merger bid to the CIO.
Meany expressed confidence that the nation's two big union
organizations could sit down and bury their past differences to work
out a merger satisfactory to both.
* * * *
A VETERAN union leader with 30 years in various labor posts,
Meany was unanimously selected by the AFL's 14-member Executive
Council to succeed the late William Green as the AFL's president.
Green died last Friday after serv- -

--Photo by Bernie Lis
FOR QUAD APPETITES-A University cook prepares one of the many turkeys to be served to
hungry quadders on Thanksgiving tomorrow. Many students, however, saw fit to leave Ann Arbor
for the delights of a holiday at home.
* * *- * * * *s *o *
Studets Mke Lgal ass.xodu

More than 12,000 students will
make the great exodus from Ann
Arbor today to spend the first
University - sanctioned four - day
Thanksgiving weekend with their
families all over the nation. t
Although some of the students
have already left by bus, train,
airplane, or the old stand-by of
'U, President
Upholds Costy
Of Education'
"The cost of education is some-
thing we must look at as a year
to year natural investment in the
welfare and safety of the nation,"
University President Harlan H.
Hatcher said yesterday at the sixth
annual conference of higher edu-
Speaking before 230 delegates
from colleges all over Michigan,
President Hatcher blasted the
present financing of higher edu-
cation in this state.
PRESIDENT Hatcher pointed
out that Michigan seems com-
mitted to the earmarking of funds
for elementary education. Al-
though he said he did not ap-
prove of this principle, he did ex-
press the belief that the state must
put its entire educational program
under the same system.
He described the needs of
higher education as "nicro-
scopic" compared to the 87 bil-
lion dollars spent for foreign aid
since the end of the war and the
60 billion proposed for the de-
fense program.
"It has taken 75 years for the
size of our educational system to
reach its present dimension. I will
allow fiveyears to finding the sol-
ution to this vast expansion," he
The President said that the
shift of our population from

"thumbing," the large majority of
them have abided by the Students
Legislature's plea to stay through
their last Wednesday classes.
Bob Neary, '54, SL treasurer,
made the plea Monday, saying, "If
classes are cut excessively the
chances of having the holiday re-
newed will not be good."
* * *
!THE FOUR-DAY weekend is
the first in a two-year trial period.
After next year's Thanksgiving
holiday, the plan will be reviewed
and a decision made on whether it
will become permanent.
The University residence halls
will keep their dining rooms open
throughout the holiday, in spite
of the fact that few students will
be present to eat their food, and
are making plans for gala Tur-
key - Day dinners. Residence
halls dietitians are preparing the
gobblers with stuffing and all
the trimmings for the big day.
Reduced train rates have been
offered for groups of three and a
"special" train will leave for Chi-
cago tonight. Railroad officials re-
ported a good many students left
Ann Arbor last night on their reg-
ularly-scheduled trains.
The Greyhound bus company
has made arrangements to accom-
modate the added crowds of stu-
dents on special busses leaving for
Lansing, Grand Rapids, Chicago
and Toledo. The busses will leave
the Union at 4:15 p.m. today.
* * ,
THE FEW sorority women who
stay here will be able to eat at
their own houses, while most fra-
ternities have decided not to serve
meals at all during the holidays.
More than 100 foreign stu-
dents have been invited for
Thanksgiving dinner to homes -of
Ann Arbor townspeople through
a plan arranged each year by
the International Center. The
Center has encouraged local cit-
izens' groups and churches, as
well as individuals, to extend in-
vitations to the 150 foreign Uni-
versity students who requested
The Ann Arbor Council of

Churches has planned a special
Thanksgiving service to be held at
the Congregational Church, 608
E. William. Dr. William P. Lemon,
pastor emeritus of -the First Pres-
byterian Church will deliver the
sermon, entitled "Thanks-living."
Lane Hall has made arrange-
ments for a festive Thanksgiving
breakfast for any students and fa-
culty members who remain on
campus. Singing and a short pro-
gram will follow the free break-
fast, scheduled to begin at 9 a.m.
tomorrow. Interested persons may
calil Lane Hall for reservations.
University libraries will be closed
all Thanksgiving Day and Sunday,
but regular hours will be main-
tained on Friday and Saturday.
Tickets Available
For Airport Buses
Students who were unable to
sign up to ride on the special buses
to Willow Run can still buy tick-
ets today at the bus.
The buses were chartered by the
Wolverine Club to take students
to the airport in time for major
flight departures, for 75 cents.
They will leave from the front of
the Union at 12:15, 2:30, 4:15, and
5:30 p.m. today.
As a convenience for returning
students, the Wolverine Club has
arranged to have buses meet the
major flights coming in Sunday

ing more than a quarter century
as the AFL's top leader.
Meany had been the AFL's
secretary-treasurer under Green
and, during the past several
years of Green's declining
health, had been the major
leader of the AFL's eight mil-
lion members.
Named by the AFL council to
succeed Meany as secretary-treas-
urer was William F. Schnitzler,
46, of Chicago, president of the
AFL Bakery and, Confectionery
Workers union.
.* * * .
MEANY'S proposal for a re-
union of the labor giants drew a
friendly response from Emil' Rieve,
senior vice president of the CIO.
Rieve said in New York: "I wel-
come his optimism about unity
between the CIO and the AFL and
I hope his optimism will bring sat-
isfactory results." Rieve is presi-
dent of the Textile Workers of
Given Position
WASHINGTON -- () - Arthur
E. Summerfield, chosen yesterday
to be the next postmaster general,,
said in taking over the job his
main objective would be to im-
prove all branches of the Post-
office Depaftment and increase
"its morale."
Summerfield, who was Presi-
dent-elect Eisenhower's personal
choice for chairman of the. Repub-
lican National Committee at the
conclusion of the party's national
convention last July, said he will
call a meeting of the committee
around inauguration time-Jane.
20-to choose a successor as chair-
Speculation over a new party
chief tonight included such names
as Sinclair Weeks, Massachu-
setts national committeeman; Sen.
Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. of Massa-
chusetts, an Eisenhower adviser
recently defeated for re-election;
and Tom Coleman, Wisconsin par-
ty leader who was convention floor
manager for Sen. Robert A. Taft.

Ten Million
Asset Jump
University assets for the fiscal
year ending June 30, 1952, have
jumped 10 and a half million over
the previous year's record to a
total of $158,144,762,
Items of the financial report,
made public yesterday by Vice-
President Wilbur K. Pierpont fol-
lowing acceptance by the Regents,
total out to the largest asset sum
yet recorded by the University.
SIGNIFICANT divisions in the
gigantic accounting job show that:
1. The 20 million dollar General
Fund narrowly exceeded breaking
even, with income totalling $24-
751 more than expenses. The near-
balance was achieved only by rigid
budgeting and restrained pur-
chases, Pierpot said.
Most rudimentary of the Un-
versity's seven separate fund divi-
sions, the General Fund covers
basic teaching, research, public
service activities, feral business
opei'ations and normal plant func-
2 The human factor, in the
form of salaries and other funds
for University teaching staff and
personnel, stood out about the
maze of figures to account for
72 per cent of the institution's
total expenditures.
3. Investment in land, buildings
and equipment rose nearly nine
million dollars over the previous
year's sum to $107,450,499, thus
bearing o it in figures what stu-
dents had seen and heard happen-
ing on campus with the comple-
tion of South Quad, Angell Hall
additions an other structures.
* * *
ience, University money is divided
into the General Fund and all
other sums, a grouping compris-
ing six separate funds.
The General Fund drew the
bulk of its finances-$14,845,000
-from state appropriations.
Student fees accounted for $4,-
Non-general funds include trust
funds and research projects; Uni-
versity Hospital "and. affiliated
units; publication, athletic and
other student activities; residence
halls; food service, laundry, air-
port and non-investment property.
These activities chalked up i
total income of $26,242,014, about
four million more than the 1950-
51 sum. Part of the increase was
attributable to expanded research
activities, according to Pierpont.
A fund of $44,426,000 was desig-
nated for operating expensess for
both general and non-general
funds, as against $39,126,928 for
the preceding year. Total income
'exceeding operating expenses by
approximately two million dollars,
virtually the same as in 1950-51.
Dawson Raps
McCarran Act
Prof. John P. Dawson lashed
out at the McCarran Act last
night, charging that "the only
group on whom Sen. McCarran
looks with favor is the Basque
sheepherders-who are needed in
his state."
Speaking at a meeting of the
Students for Democratic Action,

World News
By The Associated Press
United States and 20 other coun-
tries agreed yesterday to urge
priority in U. N. voting for an In-
dian compromise plan to end the
Korean War.
The action came amid indica-
tions that more changes demand-
ed- by the United States would be
made before a final vote is taken
in the U. N. Political Committee,
perhaps later this week.
SEOUL-Fighting warmed up
as the temperature climbed yes-

SL To Renew Support of Phili

SL Members Receive
Good Financial Report
Presentation of a healthy financial report and passage of several
motions on organizational changes highlighted the shortest Student
Legislature meeting of the term last night."
Reflecting the whopping $2450 profit made on the Autumn Noc-
turne dance, the, budget estimated income for the year leaped to
$5,514.70 while the actual income to date climbed to $4,632.70.
Treasurer Bob Neary, '54, reported that thus far SL has spent
Oa total of $705.88. This money has
gone mostly for publicity, main-
tenance and National Student As-
sociation membership.
,n e THREE motions which altered
ppine s'iainU'meshp
the composition of the Cinema
Guild Board, the Student Book
Exchange Board and the Central
has, according to Prof. Roy S. Pep Rally Committee received SL
Swinton of the engineering col- approval:
lege, sponsored substantial sup-
port since 1945 when an all-cam- Previously, various cabinet
pus vote established the Univer- members had been ex-officio
sity of the Philippines as this members of these groups, and
University's sister institution. the motions were designed to al-
The long mysterious .$900 sum leviate the cabinet's duties by
was returned to Prof. Swinton a eliminating the ex post facto po-
few months ago by the New York sitions and substituting more
Charity organization. It is now be- general requirements for mem-
ing used for a magazine and news- bership.
paper exchange project.
One of the founders of the Relnuisng ,e I

The University has had a sis-
ter institution for seven years, but
the filial relationship thus far
hasn't extended much farther
than an international handshake:.
In an attempt to strengthen the
family tie between this campus
and its sister school, the Univer-
sity of the Philippines, the Stu-
dent Legislature voted overwhelm-
ingly last night to renew support
of the Manilla institution.
PRELIMINARY plans for the1

department, spoke at last night's
meeting, enthusiastically urging
renewal of Philippine University
Prof. Hall pointed out that
members of this University have
thus far given some 100,000
books to the Philippine institu-
tion. We have an obligation to
continue this support since the .
Allies were forced to bomb the
university and destroy much of
its campus during World War II,
he said.

SL had, in the third of a se-
ries of bucket-passing campus
fund drives, collected. $1,078 to
donate to the Philippine pni-
versity. But a previous experi-
ence, in which $900 sent to Ma-
nilla through a New York char-
ity organization never made it
further than New York, taught
the University to dispatch funds
across the ocean with caution.
As a result, the $1,078 lay dor-
mant and in the frequent turnover
of SL treasurers somehow got list-



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