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November 25, 1952 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1952-11-25

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L' Affaire Braun

, ii

"Come In-Good To See You"


'HE WEST QUAD Council's action in
kicking off representative Bert Braun
t week has added to the fears of many
ad men that something rather fishy is
ing on in the still new Inter-House Coun-
The Quad Council's maneuver, which
ill automatically cost Michigan House.
0 percent of its representation on the
HC, was accompanied with charges that
Vest Quadders were dissatisfied with the
HC "because it had become so bogged
own in parliamentary procedure that
ery little was being accomplished."
Braun has a record with members of Quad
vernment of constantly opposing issues
at are of interest to council leaders. He
bed against seating, the representatives
m the two East Quad women's houses
d had the "audacity" to move for the im-
achment of the West Quad president.
lis followed a visit by the W Q president
the Michigan House president a few
eks ago with the request that Braun be
ieved of his duties.
The former AIM vice-president has claim-
that he was removed because he voted
o" too many times. He has charged that
Lncil members who oppose the will of the
ajority are considered as "disrupting the
ganization" and are gradually eased into
state of relative inactivity.
Since West Quad council members have
efused to give any explanation for their
ctions or to comment on these charges,
t would seem that Braun was dismissed

solely because of his opposition.
It is difficult to see how one representa-
tive's vote can threaten the foundations of
a council of 46. Apparently the difficulties
lie elsewhere.. Whether Braun is being made
a scapegoat is hard to tell. What is only too,
apparent, however, is that this theoretically
useful and powerful body is suffering from
some sort of malady which unseating a
house representative for such an untenable
reason as ' opposing the majority can only
make, worse.
The ordinary way to remove opposition
is through the electoral process-not purges.
If members of Quad government feel Braun's
actions are harmful, it is their duty to per-
suade Michigan House of this. Then the
men who are being represented can make
their decision accordingly.
As the Michigan House Council has unan-
imously voted to reappoint Braun and ap-
pears to feel he is satisfactorily representirg
the views of the house, Braun evidently hAs'
every right to take his seat on the IHC-.
Perhaps tonight the West Quad Council
and the IHC will pull themselves out of
this mess, vote Braun back in, and then
settle down to some more constructive ef-
For, when students begin to lose faith in
a council they suspect of crushing the di-
vergent views of their individual houses, the
consequences could be disastrous to Quad
-Mike Wolff

The Daily weigomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are net in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the



MQ'0 /It fi


the Orpheum..

SEINE, directed by Julien Duvivier.
THIS NEW French film lives up to slmost
all expectations. It makes use of the
'slice of life" design in covering the ac-
tions of six or seven Parisiens for one day.
The people, from diverse classes and profes-
sions, are connected in some way in differ-
ent portions of the story, so that the picture
becomes closely integrated while preserving
the episodic manner of treatment.
Jean Brochard, memorable for his role
as the priest in "God Needs Men," por-
trays a man whose factory is on a "sit.
down" strike on his twenty-fifth wedding
anniversary. Since he cannot leave the
plant, his whole family first tries to eat
dinner with him there, and finaly goes
home to await his arrival that night when
the strike is to end. On his way home he
is -shot by a policeman chasing a homi-
cidal maniac (another of the major ac-
tors), who has murdered still another of
the stars, a young lady just arrived from
the provinces. This is actually as close as
the various lives come to one another.

one of the finest roles is that of an im-
poverished old woman whose only remaining
solace is her garret full of cats. The woman
resorts to begging to get the 64 francs for
two quarts of milk;- for she refuses to eat
herself until her cats are provided for. The
role is played with such subtlety that there
is not a bit of sentimentalism or melodrama
in her portrayal.
Another fine performance, although it
does lapse occasionally into over-emotion-
al staring, is that of the young sculptor
who can't resist slashing the throat of
any beautiful woman he happens to meet.
He proves, however, that he is not wholly
insane; for he meets a small run-away
girl near the Seine and gently persuades
her to return home.
The other characters-the girl from the
provinces, the medical student and his fian-
cee, the schoolboy-are all convincingly
done, and through their uniformly capable
acting the picture sustains an atmosphere
of suspense unbelievable for the nature of
the story. The tight construction, counter-
pointing the different emotional states of
the episodes, and the almost technically per-
fect photography, heighten the impact
formed by the story itself.
--Tom Arp

I' '
FOUR SONATAS for viola and piano, by
Biber, Finney, Honegger, and Mozart
were featured, Sunday afternoons in the
first faculty recital of the season. The Per-
formers, Lydia and Robert Courte, again
displayed the versatility and musicianship
that makes them such a worthy addition to
the University community. The difficulties
of projecting the viola, because of its range
half-way between the violin and cello yet
without the individuality or same degree of
flexibility of these two more famous rivals,
were easily overcome by Courte's facile tech-
nique and brilliant tone.
Of particular interest were the two con-
temporary works on the program, the
Sonata in A minor by Finney, an early
work, and the Sonata by Honegger. Both
works are in the French tradition as far
as their mood is concerned, and surpris-
ingly enough the Finney, by virtue of a
greater rhythmic and melodic subtlety,
seems even more so than the Honegger,
which,'of course, actually is French.
Both works are rhapsodic with long melo-
dic lines, providing ample vent for Courte's
sustained tones, and both are lyric. Their
difference lies in a classical, strict form in
the Finney, and a more open, free and ro-
mantic structure in the Honegger.
This type of rich, sensuous music is
Courte's specialty; hardly ever is a con-
cert given by him without the inclusion
of a modern French work. Above all this
music brings out the best in the instru-
ment, which is not too effective in highly
rhythmic passages. And Courte's instru-
ment was always singing with a lustrous
vibrancy, a tone of extreme beauty and
The final selection, the Mozart sonata,
was a highly interesting novelty. It is com-
monly accepted that all of Mozart's com-
position is rooted in the opera, but in this
sonata it is not the roots, of opera, rather
opera itself. There was always the feeling
that in a moment characters would appear
and start singing. It was a delightful work,
elegant in its simplicity, and sparkling in
-Donald Harris
Ike's Cabinet
WASHINGTON - General Eisenhower's
first cabinet appointments-John Fos-
ter Dulles, Secretary of State; Charles E.
Wilson, Secretary of Defense, and Gov.
Douglas McKay of Oregon, Secretary of In-
terior-definitely belong in the conciliation
and conservatism category of his Adminis-.
They are immensely significant because,
in the opinion of many people, these ap-
pointees hold the top posts. The Attorney
Generalship certainly crowds them closely
and so does the Secretary of the Treasury
Of late, however, what the Secretary of
the Treasury does-indeed, must do-is lar-
gely determined by the commitments the
State and Defense Departments make and
insist are necessary for the security of the
country. The Treasury has had to find, the
best way it could, the huge funds required
by the Government.
It could be that under an Eisenhower Ad-
ministration the Secretary of the Treasury
will be given greater latitude to insist upon
what the country can afford. Eisenhower
indicated as much during his campaign.
The importance of State and Defense
is obvious. West of the Mississippi, In-
terior's jurisdiction is not as well realized.
Interior administers vast properties, in-,
cluding the great public power dams, tide-
lands, and much coveted grazing area. All
are the object of intense pressure by pri-

vate interests.
If the three Eisenhower secretaries-des-
ignate are not on the suggested list handed
to the President-elect by Senator Taft, at
least the Senator has nothing to complain
about. Governor McKay belongs to the Taft
wing of the party in Oregon, Dulles has
taken good care to clear with the Senator
from Ohio, and Wilson is from the business
Only one of the three is well known
here. When Dulles takes over;-he will be
dealing with a department he knows well
and with many men and women with
whom he has served amicably. He also has
the advantage of experience and acquain-
tance with the Senate, in which he ser-
ved briefly by appointment of Governor
He represents recognition to New York
though less to Governor Dewey personally
than would have been the case several years
ago. Business will be pleased; Dulles' law
firm represents the Rockefellers and other
big interests. What probably counted most
was that the General knows him well and
has worked with him in Europe.
Wilson, president of General Motors, is
the type of successful businessman, com-
petent in large affairs, that General Eis-
enhower admires. Many Army and Navy
men do; they find such men easy to work
wit h A mnri vy a++,a aivpD

WASHINGTON-Eisenhower's top advisers have hatched smart stra-
tegy for dealing with Democrats in the Senate. Through it, they
expect to control a majority of Southern Democrats in the Senate
for at least two years, possibly longer.
Their strategy is to play ball with the Southern Democrats
and not attempt to build up the Republican Party in the deep
South. Ike-advisers figure that if they butter-up men like George
and Russell of Georgia, Eastland and Stennis of Mississippi, they
will cooperate on Eisenhower's legislative program.
However, they will employ a completely different strategy in the
border states, plus Florida. For in these states-Kentucky, Tennessee,
Maryland, and Oklahoma-Eisenhower either rolled up sizable mar-I
gins or won.
In these states, therefore, Republican strategy will be to. or-
ganize locally as diligently as possible with the hope of making
them definitely Republican in the next election.
But in Virginia, where Eisenhower will seek to keep the favor of
Senator Byrd's friends, and in the deep South, GOP strategists figure
that Democratic senators think and vote pretty much as Republicans
anyway, so the best strategy is to court their favor.
* * * *
IT'S JUST leaked out that the only man who can talk turkey to
General MacArthur and get away with it-General George Kenny
-made an eleventh-hour plea to the proud MacArthur to let bygones
be bygones and endorse his former military aide, Dwight Eisenhower,
for President. But MacArthur shook his head, sat sullen and silent
in his Waldorf Tower until the last election returns were in.
Only a few insiders know about General Kenny's last-min-
ute appeal, which .Je made three days before, the election. He
was put up to it by New York's Governor Tom Dewey, who had
already tried to win MacArthur over to the Eisenhower band-
wagon through such GOP stalwarts as ex-President Herbert
Hoover and House leader Joe Martin. Both had failed to heal
the old rift between MacArthur and his onetime aide.
However, the man who has always been able to tell off MacArthur
and still make him like it, is the runt-sized, weatherbeaten Kenny,
MacArthur's air commander in the South Pacific. So Dewey dis-
patched the retired Air Force general to MacArthur's Waldorf Tower
apartment to make a final appeal.
"Boss," urged Kenny, "why w'on't you come out for Eisenhower?"
MacArthur spoke grandiloquently of his obligation to his loyal
followers who were still supporting him for President.
"Those California radicals?" snorted Kenny. "If you string along
with that gang, you couldn't be elected dog-catcher."
The blunt-talking Air Force general argued, pleaded, and cajoled.
"Look." he said, "it's only a five-minute walk from here to Eis-
hower's suite at the Commodore."
"And it's only a five-minute walk from the Commodore here,"
replied MacArthur.
That ended the conversation. Probably the breach between the
two men now never will be healed.
(Copyright, 1952, by the Bell Syndicate)

Red Anti-Semitism . ..
Io the Editor:
IN RE ROBERT Schor's letter of
Nov. 22, I agree also that "The
Affair Blum" contained in it a
worthwhile message. Certainly
none of us should ever become
complacent in the belief that "it
can't happen here"; it is no se-
cret that there are Facist hate-
groups and even a Fascist-orien-
tated senator who regard Hitler's
machinations with envy.
Aside from the fact that the
Rosenbergs and Blum are Jewish,
I cannot, however, see any similar-
ity between the Rosenberg case
and the Blum affair which Mr.
Schor implies to be of the same
nature. Schor has been harping
on the Rosenberg case for quite a
while now; I wish he would pre-
sent his "facts" or forever hold
his peace. And while Schor is pre-
paring his rebuttal, I wonder
whether we might have his com-
ment about the anti-Semitic
purge trials in. Czechoslovakia in
which Rudolf Slansky "confessed"
to the court that he was a "Jewish
capitalist" (Slansky was the Sec-
retary General of the Czech Com-
munist Party). Slansky said he
was in touch with an "interna-
tional Jewish conspiracy." As a
memeber of this "conspiracy"
Slansky confessed, "I deliberately
shielded (the Zionist conspirators)
by magnifying the danger of anti-
Semitism." Altogether fourteen
defendants have been named, of
which eleven are Jews. Zionism
has been an official indictment.
Perhaps, Mr. Schor, Jews are
used as scapegoats by any dicta-
torial regime whether Communist
or Fascist.
-Leonard Sandweiss
', * *
Rosenbergs ...
To the Editor:
THE SUPREME Court (with
Justice Black dissenting) has
just refused to review the last ap-
peal of the Rosenbergs. Their exe-
cution date has been set for the
week of January 12. These hap-
penings should make us stop to
Many people in this country be-
lieve that the Rosenbergs are in-
nocent and thousands of those
who have investigated the circum-
stances surrounding the trial be-
lieve that there is reasonable doubt
concerning the guilt of the de-
fendents. (The facts are available
to those who are interested.) But
for the purposes of this letter let
us assume that these people are
mistaken and that the Rosenbergs
are guilty of what they have been
The charge is that during 1944,
the Rosenbergs transmitted m-
formation "relating to the nation-
al defense of the United States"
to the Soviet Union. At that time
the U.S.S.R. was our full-fledged
ally in the war against the Japa-
nese-Nazi Axis. Now compare the
Rosenberg's death sentence to that
of the four men in the Mulzahn
case who gave vital secrets to the
Germans in the Fall of 1941 and
sentenced to 5-15 years. Look at
Axis Sally and Tokio Rose who re-
ceived ten years each. Even other
"atom bomb spies" have received
only prison terms for their "es-
pionage." In fact, of the Green-
glasses who, by their own testi-
mony, are supposed to have col-
laborated with the Rosenbergs,
David received a fifteen year
sentence and his wife was never
brought to trial.
Finally this is the first time in
the history of our country that a
civil court has imposed the death
sentence for a charge of espionage.
Evenhno person committingtrea-
son has ever been sentenced to
death by such a court. We should
ask Truman to intervene in this
case to stop the execution.
-Steve Smale, Howard Wolfe,

Luther Buchele, Arthur Da-
vidson, Ed Klein, Paul Dor-
mont, Jim Syfers
McConnable .,..
To the Editor:
THOUGH I AM in general agree-
ment with Barnes Connable's
Sunday editorial on the Young
Progressives, I would like to take
issue with him on certain particu-
First, it seems that Connable
has developed a personal malice
toward local partisans of the
Marxist left, which if not to be
condemned is at least superfluous
Thus in connection with his re-
cent remarks on "goon squads ir
the outfield" at the Robeson ral-
ly, and the congressional cam-
paign of David Luce, I felt com-
pelled to sympathize with the sub-
sequent reactions of Luce ant
Chandler Davis. His phraseolog3
in the former case is, in fact, rem.
iniscent of the Chicago Tribune.
In the present editorial he move;
nn +fr +rp+h.P.. Vn _e onA ~with ref.

I am disturbed at this connection,
but it is nonetheless a connection.
Finally, I object to the final par-
agraph of the editorial, on se-
mantic grounds. Connable seems
to be saying that it is possible to
equate Marxism with idealism. I
believe it highly important to real-
ize that Marxism is essentially ma-
terialist, while the faith of the
liberal is idealist. Within this dis-
tinction are the basic grounds for
liberal opposition to Marxism it-
self, and by extension the red
fascism of the Soviet Union.
-Jack Danielson
Opprobrium .. .
To the Editor:
IN THE LETTERS to the Editor
(Nov. 18) appeared a vitriolic
epistle in which my name was
mentioned with numerous append-
ents, none of them flattering, and
which "was signed by one Sidney
His intellectual and emotional
maturity is in full evidence and
his love of humanity with color-
ful epithets is in full blazonment.
The value of a social enterprise
is usually determined by its char-
acteristic role in society. Here is a
student with, I presume, at least
five years of college schooling. Do
we need five years of college to
produce an individual with such
tolerance of ideas and such deli-
cacy of expression as was dis-
played in his communication?
I should like to remind Mr. Ep-
stein that in the final analysis it
is the general reader who will
form mental judgments on our
respective presentations and who
will further decide which of the
two of us is the more deserving of
such colorful opprobrium.
-Marc Laframboise
G&S Thft ,..
To the Editor:
T HE STEALING of our diag bill-
board last Saturday night has
somewhat incensed us cll and
prompted us to draft the following
in hopes that it may result in the
sign being returned:
"We of the Gilbert and Sullivan
Society fully appreciated the fact
that our diag billboard advertising
"Yeomen of the Guard" was a
good piece of work, and well we
might, since it cost us $25 for ma-
terial and certainly the equiva-
lent in our own labor. But frankly,
we didn't think it so good that
anyone else would possibly want
to carry it off; end when exactly
that happened last Saturday night
we were all a little taken aback.
Hence, we humbly beg the mis-
creants to reconsider, and return
their booty to us c/o The Diag.
-Incensed Yeomen
-Stephen S. Anderson,
Treasurer, Gilbert and
Sullivan Society
* * *
The Compass.. .
To the Editor:
ONLY the sonorous bellow of the
Michigan Marching Band, only
the rugged grandeur of a Bach
Tocata, only the sylvan quiet of
the Little Shepherd, only the itchy
scratches of the city editor's pad
give us the strength to write this
We too,'Mr. Lodigani, are "for"
many things. But we are "cer-
tainly not for the ruthless dicta-
torship of one man or even one
party, certainly not for slave labor
camps." But never the less, we re-
gret the loss of the liberal Daily
No longer fear this "devil
mouthing scripture." Now lift
thine countenance upward, and
behold-The Daily News!
-Shelly Estrin
Ester Mark

"NOTHING great in the world
has been accomplished with-
out passion."- Hegel
Sixty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board n Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Crawford Young. Managing Editor
Barnes Connable. .. .....City Editor
Cal Samra..........Editorial Director
Zander Hollander......Feature Editor
Sid Klaus.......Associate City Editor
Harland Britz... ......Associate Editor
Donna Hendleman.....Associate Editor
Ed Whipple...............Sports Editor
John Jenks......Associate Sports Editor
Dick Sewell.....Associate Sports Editor
Lorraine Butler.......W..Wowen's Editor
Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor
Business Staff
Al Green..............Business Manager
Milt Goetz.......Advertising Manager
s Diane Johnston.... Assoc. Business Mgr.
Judy Loehnberg. Finance Manager


Eisenhower & McCarthy

ASHINGTON -- President-elect Eisen-
hower is being urged, by Sen. Henry
Cabot Lodge and other wise advisers, to
seize the initiative on the Communist issue
at the very outset of his administration. He
is being advised- to appoint, as soon as pos-
sible, a non-partisan commission modeled on
the Canadian Royal Commission which
broke the Canadian spy ring. This com-
mission would have full access to the facts,
would study these facts in secret and in
detail, and would then issue a sober, non-
political report on internal subversion to
the President and the. country.
One reason Eisenhower is being urged
to take this course is that otherwise Sen.
Joseph R. McCarthy and his imitators
will themselves seize the initiative. Mc-
Carthy's next step is rather obvious. For
a couple of years, McCarthy has been
loudly demanding the security files on
government employees. He will now al-
most inevitably take the line that Eisen-
hower, as a good Republican, should ac-
cede to this demand which was refused
by President Truman.
Eisenhower's choice, as between the pro-
posed non-partisan commission and a Mc-
Carthy field day with the files, is a matter
of the utmost importance to the future of.
the Eisenhower administration. To under-
stand why, it is necessary to understand
what these famous files really are.
Any individual who has taken a govern-
ment job, particularly in a sensitive agency,
is security-checked in great detail by the
Federal Bureau of Investigation and also in
most cases by the Security Branch of his
own agency or department. Security agents
interview large numbers of people who have
known him, or known something about him,
in the past.
These people are assured that their
identities will be kept secret from the in-
dividual under investigation. What they
say is then repeated verbatim, and includ-
ed in the "raw files," which are what Mc-
Carthy waypts to get his hands on.
Often, at some point in the investigation,
the security agents collect information
which is based on personal enmity, or sheer
malice, or simple stupidity. In the raw files

reports of radicalism or subversion turn out'
to be utterly false. It is their job simply to
report what they are told-as F.B.I. chief
J. Edgar Hoover has often said, it is no
business of the F.B.I. to interpret or assess
what information it collects.
Yet it is easy to see what use McCarthy
and his imitators could make of material
from the raw files. One can almost hear
McCarthy-"I have in my hand an offi-
cial report from the Federal Bureau of
Investigation," and so on. He would use
the raw files to "prove" what he has con-
spicuously failed to prove heretofore-that
the American government is crawling with
If McCarthy is given a free hand with the
files, he will certainly have a stick with
which to beat the dead horse of the Tru-
man administration, but he will also under-
mine the Eisenhower administration in the
process. This is for three reasons. First, as
Eisenhower has said, he wants and needs
really able public servants in all echelons of
the government. But, despite McCarthy's
kind words about John Foster Dulles, good
men are going to hesitate to serve in the
State Department, for example, which is
McCarthy's favorite target, when any per-
sonal enemy or malicious tale-bearer can
blacken their names in perfect safety, via
Second, poliitcal use of the raw files will
undermine internal security procedures.
This is why J. Edgar Hoover has consis-
tently opposed opening the files. Final-
ly, the surrender to McCarthy of a vital
executive prerogative in the matter of the
files of the executive branch would be tak-
en as a green light for McCarthy and all
his imitators. The confidence of the coun-
try in the integrity and loyalty of govern-
ment servants, already badly shaken,
would then soon be destroyed in the Mc-
Carthy circus which would ensue.
The non-partisan commission proposed by
Lodge and others would be designed to re-
store confidence in the government. It is
not, of course, a new idea. The same thing
was proposed to Truman, and Truman's
rejection of the idea was a tremendous bo-
nanza for McCarthy. Eisenhower is cer-
tainl uwel wara that Mcarthy i sno mnre




(Continued from Page 2)
Exhibition of Japanese Maps, spon-
sored by the Center for Japanese
Studies and the Department of Geog-
raphy, Central Galleries, Rackham
Building, 9-12, 2-5, 8-9, Nov. 17 through
Events Today
Conference on Higher Education. Dr.
George Boas, Professor of Philosophy,
The Johns Hopkins University, will give
the opening address at the Conference
on Higher Education, to be held at the
Michigan Union on Tuesday and
Wednesday, November 25-26. Professor
Boas' topic is "Education-General and
Special." The lecture will be givenin
Room 3R, Michigan' Union, at 2:30
p.m., Tues., Nov. 25.
Wesley Foundation. Turkey Roast.
8 p.m., Wesley Lounge.
Christian Science Organization. Tes-
timonial meeting, 7:30, Upper Room,
Lane Hall,
Motion Picture. Ten-minute film,
"Fun with Bluegills," shown Mon.
through Fri., 12:40 and 3 p.m., 4th
floor, University Museums Building.
Literary College Conference. Import-
ant Steering Committee meeting, 4

The J-Hop .Committee will meet in
Room 3M of the Union at 7 p.m.
Student Legislature. Meeting tonight.
in the Strauss Dining Room, East
Quadrangle, promptly at 7:30. All fac-
ulty and students are welcome.
La Tertulia of La Sociedad Hispanica
meets today 3:30-5:00 in the Rumpus
Room of the League..
U. of M. Rifle Club will meet at 7:15
at the R.O.T.C. Rifle Range. The first
shoulder-to-shoulder match of the sea-
son with Ann Arbor Rifle Club will be
fired. All who hope to fire in the Ohio
State match be sure to attend.
Deutscher Verein. Meeting, 3 Tap-
pan Hall, 7:30 p.m. Program by gradu-
ate students and teaching fellows.
Political Science Graduate Round Ta-
ble will hold its second meeting in the
Rackham Amphitheater at 7:45 p.m.
Morris Janowitz will speak on Recent
Developments in Political Sociology. A
social hour will follow. All interested
persons invited.
S.R.A. Electorate Meeting, Lane Hall,
7:30 p.m.
New Folk Dance Workshop. Tips,
techniques, and practices for those who
want to call squares and teach folk
dances. Tonight, Miss Betty Meyers:
"Teaching Techniques."Everyone ih-
vited to come and dance, Lane Hall,
7:30 p.m.

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