C, L S &IAI L'AFFAIRE BRAUN See Page 4 :4Iati4 - i Latest Deadline in the State SHOWERS VOL. LXIII, No. 56 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1952 EIGHT PAGES 0 I I IkeNae Cabinet Man, Capital Aide Benson, Adams To Fill Posts 'NEW YORK-(IP)-Driving at top speed, President-elect Eisen- hower chose Ezra Taft Benson of Utah as his secretary of agricul- ture yesterday and then named Gov. Sherman Adams of New Hampshire as his White House assistant in the new GOP admin- istration. The general thus moved with history-making swiftness to form the top echelon of his administra- tion before going to Korea in an effort to find a key to peace in thatunhappy land. Badgers Chosen, For Bowl Game Trojans To Represent Pacific Coast In Annual Tournament of the Roses CHICAGO-(P)--Wisconsin, ending its role as wallflower of Big Ten football, became the conference's choice yesterday to face South- ern California in the Rose Bowl New Year's Day. In an unprecedented vote, Big Ten athletic directors selected Wisconsin over Purdue for the Pasadena classic after the two teams finished their regular season Saturday as co-champions. Wisconsin, winding up with a 21-21 tie against Minnesota, and' Purdue, with a closing 21-16 victory over Indiana, each posted league records of winning four games, losing one and tying one. It was the wildest wind up in Big Ten history after a season of BY GIVING Benson the nod tc succeed President Truman's sec- retary of agriculture, Charles F Brannan, Eisenhower carried ou a campaign pledge to the nation's farmers that he would bring farm 1 leaders into government to help work out new farm programs while improving old ones. Benson was the second man who favored the nomination of Sen. Robert A. Taft of Ohio, Eisenhower's chief GOP con- vention opponent, to be placed in' the cabinet. The other was Humphrey. The three cabinet posts remain- ing are secretaries of labor and commerce and postmaster general Benson is a 53-year-old Mormor church leader, youth leader, anc farm marketing specialist who has worked with farmers and farn problems for years. He told re- porters he never had met Eisen- hower before yesterday but was in agreement with his farm policy atements. HE SERVED for eight years as an economist and state farm mar- geting specialist for the University of Idaho Extension Service. Since 144 he has been executive drector of the National Council of Farmer Co-operativ He b the Executive Committee and chairman of the board of the American Institute of Co-opera- tives, an educational organization for farmer co-ops. Adams, who managed the Eisen- hower presidential campaign, will go into a job that is expected to carry more influence and prestige c than any president has hereto- fore given to an assistant. State Recount Dispute Still Not-Resolved DETROIT--(P)-A wait and see attitude was still in control over Michigan's possible Nov. 4 vote recounts yesterday. There was no sign of any deci- sion either in the gubernatorial or senatorial disputes. * *: * AT WASHINGTON the Senate elections subcommittee said it wanted further time to "digest" the results of its inquiry into Re- publican Charles E. tiotter's vic- tory over Democratic Sen. Blair Moody. r The official canvass showed Potter won by a margin of 45,- 936 votes. The result has a direct bearing on control of Congress. With respect to the governor's jrace, Republican Fred M. Alger Jr. said there would be no final decision on a recount until to- morrow. * * * INCUMBENT Democratic Gov. Williams beat out Alger by 8,618 votes, according to the canvass. The Republicans have been expected to ask for a recount. Alger was careful, however, to say there has been no decision. "I tend to think we will ask for a recount," he said, but he wouldn't go beyond that. YPs Invite Author Fast Erich A. Walter, Dean of Stu- dents, yesterday confirmed earlier reports that the Young Progres- Lost Plane Still Sought Near Alaska By The Associated Press Two new military plane crashes were reported yesterday while ef- forts to find the missing C-124 Globemaster and its 52 passengers only produced a false alarm. An Air Force plane, searching for the C124 that disappeared on a flight from McChord Base, Wash., to Anchorage, Alaska, flashed word that it had sighted wreck- age in the Gulf of Alaska. A coast Guard cutter sped to the area and only found driftwood and seaweed. * * * THE FALSE ALARM, which aroused a flurry of excitement at Elmendorf base search headquar- ters in Anchorage, was the last phase of yesterday's searchhactiv- ities. Meanwhile, in Edgewood, Md., a four-engine, B-50 Air Force bomber carrying eight airmen and a civilian, crashed near the Army Chemical Center Monday, killing five of the crew mem- bers. A Royal Canadian Air Force four-engine Lancaster bomber crashed 90 miles northwest of Van- couver, B.C., last night, killing 12 of its 14 passengers. An . ambulance .crew .which fought its way through heavy' brush to the crash scene pulled the pilot, co-pilot and another man alive from the wreckage. The third man died en route to the base hos- pital. Airport Buses Students planning to fly home from Willow Run will have their last chance to sign upf ro special bus rides to the airport from 1 to 4 p.m. today in the Administration Bldg. Sponsored by the Wolverine Club, the chartered buses will take the students to the airport for 75 cents. Scheduled so that they will arrive in time for ma- jor flight departures, the buses will leave the Union at 12:15, 2:30, 4:15 and 5:30 p.m. to- morrow. tremendous upsets. Four teams were bidding for the title on the final day. KENNETH L. (Tug) Wilson an- nounced Wisconsin as choice of the 10 electors yesterday after tab- ulating their votes on the basis of "what team best would represent the Big Ten in the Rose Bowl." The voting margin was not revealed but there was strong speculation that Wisconsin had at least a 7-3 edge. Wisconsin's co - championship with Purdue was the Badgers' first title taste in 40 years. Wisconsin, with an overall 3ea- son record of 6-2-1 compared to Purdue's 4-3-2, will carry the Big Ten's hope of remaining all-vic- torious in the Rose Bowl. * * * IN THE six games played since the Big Ten-Pacific Coach Con- ference began the series in 1947, Michigan and Illinois have won twice and Ohio State and North- western once each to dominate the rivalry. See BIG TEN, Page 3 World News RoundupI By The Associated Press LONDON - Prime Minister Churchill announced early today a surprise reshuffle of his gov- ernment team involving two pres- ent Cabinet ministries. Ailing Lord Woolton steps out of the important post of lord president of the council and will be succeeded by Lord Salisbury, present secretary of state for Commonwealth relations. TOKYO-The Far East Air Forces yesterday charged Staff Sgt. Guiseppe Cascio, 34 years old, of Tucson, Ariz., with con- spiring to sell; secret flight test data on the top U. S. jet war- plane in the Korean Theater. COSHOCTON, O. -- William Green, AF of L president was bur- ied here yesterday as nearly 5,000 people attended the funeral ser- vices in the Grace Methodist Church. * *, * COLUMBUS, O.-Sen. Robert A. Taft (R-Ohio) said yesterday he didn't recommend any of the first four Cabinet appointments made by President-elect Eisen- hower, but that he doesn't object to any of them. Price, Wage Control End Considered Woods Resigns As OPS Chief WASHINGTON-M)-Sen. May- bank (D-SC), chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, said last night he had information President Truman is considering doing away with price and wage controls shortly by executive order. The White House made no im- mediate comment. M 4 * MAYBANK'S statement, made in a broadcast from Charleston, S. C., came a few hours after Tighe Woods had resigned as gov- ernment price stabilizer. Woods said he would rather quit than try to administer a "weak" price controls law. "I think the law needs a thor- ough overhauling," he told a news- conference. * * * WOODS SAID he had submitted his resignation to President Tru- man and asked that it become effective at the end of the month. Woods, 42 years old, has been price boss since Sept. 1 when he succeeded Ellis Arnall, former governor of Georgia. Before that he served as rent controller. Even if Woods had decided to stay on in the Office of Price Stabilization he would have been subject to replacement by the incoming Eisenhower adminis- tration. Woods said he thought Congress would vote a new program of di- rect controls when the present law expires April 30. "CONGRESS should take out some of the special interest amendments and substitute for them some equality of sacrifice," he told his news conference. One special interest provision in the law, Woods said, is the Harrison Amendment Exempt- ing fruits and vegetables from price control. This amendment became effective last July 1. Woods told Congress last week that canned fruits and vegetables have advanced 3.1 per cent since July and that fresh fruits and vegetables have also begun to rise in price. WOODS SIGNED an order ear- lier Monday removing wholesale price ceilings on pork. He also authorized a relaxation of restrictions on new slaughter- ers of livestock, permitting them to enter the trade merely by reg- istering with the nearest OPS of- fice and obtaining a registration number. YD's Exhibit Post-election Strength,_Unity A turnout of about 35 people at last night's Young Democrat's meeting the YD's hopes that they have weathered the storm of elec- tion results. Guest speaker at the meeting, Prof. Samuel J. Eldersveld, of the political science department, stressed the need for a conserva- tive program of party action from the grass roots level on up to the National Committee. Although he emphasized Eisen- hower's personality as a large fac- tor in the Republican landslide, Prof. Eldersveld maintained that there was no single explanation for the victory. "The newspapers hurt us more than ever before, in terms of the amount of news cov- erage," he said. The medium needed to offset this newspaper bias is a regular fireside chat-type television show by Adlai Stevenson to keep the public informed of the work of the party in Washington. Following the talk, election of certain officers was held: Blue A. Castenson, Grad., president; El- len Hyman, '54, recording secre- tary; Judith Wolfe, '55, corres- ponding secretary; Leonard S. Sandweiss, '53, and Charles A. Sleicher, Grad. members of the executive committee. Maurice H. Oppenheim, '54, was appointed executive assistant to the-nresi- Reds Turn Compromise 'S MODEL CARPORT-This is what the proposed Maynard St. parking structure will look like if given final approval by city council at its next session. ' ' * * * * * * Parking Structure Ordinances Secure Council Endorsement onFirst Reading II Down Peac Indian e Plan By GENE HARTWIG The Ann Arbor City Council gave unanimous endorsement to two ordinances required to finance the proposed $400,000 Maynard St. parking structure in a first reading before a special session of the council last night. Final council approval is ex- pected to come at a second read- ing of the proposals Dec. 1. Pass- age of the ordinances at this time will permit issuance of $465,000 worth of bonds to finance the 350- car structure and the recently ac- quired "Moose property." OPENING discussion on the or- dinances Mayor William E, Brown, jr. outlined the history of the parking system in Ann Arbor and went on to urge immediate action by the council so that construc- tion can begin in early spring. Brown said that in his opinion the entire bond issue could be retired in less than ten years through revenues from the park- ing system. The bonds as now described in the ordinances are all callable by Sept. 1, 1954 when the city can pay off the entire debt if it chooses. Parole Board Rejects Hiss' Request for Prison Release WASHINGTON - (A') - The Federal Parole Board yesterday voted unanimously to reject Alger Hiss' bid for freedom. The board ruled that Hiss, 48- year-old former State Depart- ment official, must remain behind prison bars until he completes his [five-year sentence or until the board may decide to review his case favorably sometime in the in- definite future. Flash .. . Gargoyle, the campus humor magazine, yesterday received the following letter from the New York Daily Mirror: Dear Students: Please take Mr. Winchell's name off your mailing list. We receive so many publications that it is not possible to read them all. Sincerely, Rose Bigman, for Walter Winchell Diane Johnson, '53, Gargoyle editor in charge of reading Walter Winchell, has turned in her resignation. BOARD CHAIRMAN Dr. George' C. Killinger said the board reached its decision "after a careful con-f sideration of the official record." It would have required ap- proval by three of the five board members to grant Hiss' request for parole. Hiss was convicted on Jan. 25, 1950, on charges of lying under oath when he swore before a Fed- eral grand jury that he had'never passed secret government docu- ments to Whittaker Chambers, ad- mitted courier for a pre-war So- viet spy ring. THE ONE-TIME diplomatic ad-' viser, who attended the Yalta con- ference with the late President Franklin D. Roosevelt and helped in framing the United Nations charter, began serving his sen- tence on March 22, 1951. He became eligible for parole last Friday after serving one-thirdI of his five-year term at the Lew- isburg, Pa., Federal Penitentiary. Dr. Killinger, who interviewed Hiss at the prison 10 days ago, emphasized in a statement that the parole board voted "unani- mously" to deny Hiss' application. Answering a question by Council President Cecil O. Creal who ex- pressed concern over reduced parking facilities in the State St. area during construction of the carport, Brown said that he has secured the support of the mer- chants in the area of the sacrifices that will temporarily have to be made. A DISCUSSION of the possible effect of the University's lifting the driving ban arose when it was pointed out that about 3,000 more cars would be in use in the State St. area. Brown commented.that re- moval of the driving ban would result in a "terrible situation" in that part of town, and urged that this possibility as all the . more reason for the additional parking space. Herbert G. Watkins, secretary [and assistant vice president of the University, later commented that he saw little reason to fear such a large increase in student owned cars on campus if the ban were lifted. "With the amount of parking space limited in the campus area and with little prospect of acquir- ing any more property in the near future because of high cost, there is little hope for a solution to the problem," he said. According to Walter M. Roth, of' the plant department, the Univer- sity now provides space for more than 2,000 cars on campus. This space is now almost entirely taken up by faculty and University per- sonnel. In an early action the council also moved unanimously to accept a bid for $157,000 from an Ann Arbor Construction firm, subject to the approval of the Michigan Municipal Finance Commission for the fire station to be erected on Stadium Blvd. just each of Packard Rd. Plan Called Unacceptable By Vishinsky Acheson Tries To Smooth Rift UNITED NATIONS, N. Y.-)P- Russia's Andrei Y. Vishinsky turned down yesterday as "unsat- isfactory and unacceptable" In- dia's compromise plan for ending the Korean War. Secretary of State Acheson re- plied that the U. S regards the Indian proposal as "important and statesmanlike" but that there are some drafting changes need- ed before Washington can accept it completely. IN AN OBVIOUS attempt to smooth over a serious rift with Britain and India over the much- debated proposal advanced by V. K. Krishna Menon of India, Ach- eson told the UN Political Com- mittee that there is a "wide area of agreement" on what needs to be done in Korea. He outlined some points on which the U. S. asked clarifi- cation and then said: "We all want the same thing. If those difficulties are met, my government will support the In- dian resolution and will loyally and faithfully attempt to carry it out." * * * MENON HIMSELF, before Vish- insky tore up the pet project put up at the direction of Prime Min- ister Nehru of India, had said h could not accept further changes. But the committee m y y te them into the resolution in a move .to get complete agreement among the majority members. Regardless of what the coin - mittee does, delegates generally agreed that Vishinsky's uncom- promising stand made unlikely any break here in the long stalemate' in Korea. Acheson praised the Indian res- olution for containing the West- ern stand against forced repatria- tion of prisoners. Vishinsky as- sailed it on that very count, sa- ing that it went against the Gen- eva. Convention providing that all prisoners must be repatriated im- mediately upon cessation of hos- tilities. "I deeply regret that Mr. tish- insky has seen fit in the course of one sweeping speech to reject all resolutions before the commit- tee on Korea," Acheson said. Vishinsky's appearance before the committee was a surprise. Po- land had been expected to speak but Vishinsky, without notice, took over the spot allocated to the Moscow satellite and dismissed the Indian plan with chill finality. 1 , Election Case To Go Before Men's Council By a unanimous vote yesterday, the Men's Judiciary Council decid- ed to hear the case of Bob Perry, '53E, who has been accused of vi- olating quadrangle rules in cam- gaigning for the Student Legis- lature, Council president Joel Bil- ler, '53L, announced last night. Judiciary action came as a re- sult of charges by the South Quad Council that Perry, who-won re- election to the Legislature, stuffed campaign literature under the doors in the quadrangles in vio- lation of house rules. On the basis of this complaint Biller said, the Judiciary felt a hearing was warranted. The hear- ing will probably take place next Tuesday, he indicated. PERRY, meanwhile, has admit- ted distributing the literature but has also questioned the legality of the rules. ' "I have participated in four CONCERT AT HILL: South American Pianist Arrau To Play Tonight World-famous Chilean pianist, Claudio Arrau, making his twelfth consecutive tour of the United States will appear at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium in the Extra Concert Series. Long before Arrau madehis American debut, there had been talk of a fabulous South American who had been brought up in Ger- many, had a fantastic repertoire and memory, could play everything on sight and was at ease in every period of style of music. * * HAILED BY critics as the "No. 1 pianist of our times" Arrau is the first major pianist of his gen- eration to achieve the record of renown on five continents. Audiences have admired not only his style mastery but his repertoire and memory. If every- thing he plays were put end to end he could give different re- FARE SAVING OFFERED: Student Seeks Third for Train Trip CLAUDIO ARRAU . . . pianist By JON SOBELOFF Finding two students to go to Utica, New York, for Thanksgiv- ing proved a perplexing problem for Alan Strauss, 53. yesterday. Strauss was trying to take ad- vantage of substantial railroad fare reductions being offered groups of three going and return- ing together by coach within they gan telephoning all students from the Utica area listed in the Student Directory.t At last report, Strauss still lack-1 ed the money-saving third man. * * * THE BARGAIN group rate, int effect until December 31, will al-t low three students travelling to New York, for examnle. to make area are St. Louis, Mo., New Jer- sey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Ontario, Pennsylvania, Que- bec, Virginia and West Virginia. For more information on the special rates, interested students can call 23131, the New York Cen- tral station in Ann Arbor. American Called If