AGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1952 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2S, 1952 dtv'' 7lete By CRAWFORD YOUNG Daily Managing Editor AT THE beginning of each year, there seems to be a certain value in trying to define for both our readers and ourselves what we consider to be The Daily's role on campus, how we propose to carry out that role, and the fundamental ideals we set for ourselves. At any rate, a ponderous tradi- tion prescribes that the Managing Editor undertake this task in the first issue-far be it from me to play the role of iconoclast so early in the season. As the campus newspaper, our primary concern is in the ultimate betterment of the University community within which we operate-we recognize an abiding res- ponsibility to promote the long-range in- terests of the University. As a student newspaper in a college town, we feel a responsibility to present to a stu- dent body which perhaps may see no other paper the most significant national and in- ternational news in our columns-this in addition to as complete a coverage of stu- dent, faculty, administration and town news as'our space limitations will permit. In our search for the whys and wherefores, we shall endeavor to delve beyond glib super- ficialities through the sometimes devious paths of causation to discover the reasons behind the news. As a newspaper, we hold our freedom from control by either faculty, administration or student groups an essential prerequisite to fulfilling the customary role of the press as a safety valve in a democratic community. We are beholden to no group or interest; neither are we maliciously predisposed to- wards any. As a student newspaper, we operate as a non-profit enterprise. On the other hand, the economic facts of life make it impera- tive that we also be a non-loss enter- prise. Much credit is due Business Mana- ger Al Green, cohorts Milt Goetz, adver- tising sleuth, Diane Johnston, general trouble-shooter, Judy Loehnberg, finance expert, and Tom Treeger, circulation mo- gul, and a host of others who will toil in relative obscurity through the year to make The Daily possible. We believe in the fundamental maturity of the college student, that he deserves the full rights and privileges of a member of a democratic community, and is prepared to shoulder the responsibilities concomitant with those rights. We have a peculiar attachment to an old cliche known as academic freedom- and shall do our utmost to prevent it from degenerating into an academic ques- tion. But we hold no brief for those who, In the name of academic freedom, would undermine its very foundations. We believe in the democratic process- that the educational community with its tricotomy of student, faculty and adminis- tration can function as a model miniature of the democratic community the student of today will enter as the citizen of tomorrow. Let me again underline what Cal Samra explains in length elsewhere on this page -in giving editorial efpression to the abovementioned or other beliefs, the in- dividual writers will be expressing solely their own opinion. The Daily has no editorial policy save that impression that may be created by the collective impact of the individual opinions of the staff members. The University of Michigan is a big in stitution in many ways-big in sheer numer- ical size, big in physical and intellectual resources, big in academic prestige. We hope and trust that its bigness will be reflected in the policies it adopts. - BEHIND THE LINES "*Of Aborigines & Intellectuals By CAL SAMRA buffalo. Hide make tepee. No build dam. Daily Editorial Director No give a dam. All time eat. No hunt job. NOT LONG AGO, a disillusioned Columbia No hitch-hike. No ask relief. White man N professor went out of his pedantic way heap crazy!" to deplore what he called "the lack of ig- This bit of didactic sounding off on my norant people in the world." Said he: It own part is by no means meant to dis- is indeed much easier to convince an ignor- courage letters to the editor, nor, for that ant person of the truth than an educated matter, editorials. Rather, it is an attempt fool who believes he has a priority on all to impress readers and prospective editorial the answers. writers with the "fact" that no one has as yet cornered the "truth" market, though In light of all the dogmatic lecturing, everyone acts as though he has, and that editorializing, and cajoling that takes many of our sacrosanct opinions have no place annually on college campuses, it basis in fact but are evolved from a kind of doesn't seem the professor was far from primal stupidity. wrong. Many of us have found our niche Bearing the above considerations in in the limbo of educated fooldom, con- cocted our own special system of intel- mind, the editorial staff will strive this lectual madness, pampered it, and cher- year to approach all issues with an opti- ished it with an instinctive attachment mum of tolerance, objectivity, and re- befitting motherhood. In an age which examination. We will attempt to avoid the considers the word "perhaps" archaic, we pitfall which Huxley described so can- speak with certainty but with little dif- didly when he complained: "Too many fidence. Our ideas become so sacred that people fal to distinguish between fact, it is, at best, difficult to convince anyone hypothesis, theory, doctrine and dogma; t anythin too many seem to equate pronouncement with proof." What we don't realize-or at least won't T admit-is that the Ph.D and the student, The Daily's "editoial policy" is pecul- notwithstanding their greater reasoning sariy suited to accomodTe an open-minded powers, are as prone to the same overwhelm- spritsipolyb Theeail as- no ed- ing human frailties as is a banana-peeling tonal policy. There will be a sufficient va- aborigine. Our psychological reactions, our riety of opinion on the editorial page-right, rationalizations are similar, though per- center, and left-to give someone something haps ours are on a somewhat higher level. to disagree with every day, With few reservations, it seems that we Now and then, however, the senior edi- are all governed basically by what the Ger- tors, if by coincidence we can agree, will mans termed "Urdummheit," that is, a - no doubt become incensed enough over a tendency to believe what we want to be- principle to write a front-page editorial. lieve. This takes in the sorority girl who In that case we will spare no words. believes that drinking more than a glass If at times we fail to meet the high of water a day is fattening; the teach- aards we ai for thig ing fellow who believes that if women's standards we are aiming for this year, we clohin wee sandrdied y te Gver- ak olypatience and understandng from clothing were standardized by the Govern- our readers. As R. L. Stevenson put it, "It ment, they wouldn't spend their time gad- is as natural and right for a young man to ding aboutbthe country shopping for the be imprudent and exaggerated, to live in latetf ,bt wo ty h meandswoops and circles, and beat about his cage about politics; or the Cherokee Indian who like any other wild thing newly captured, as phiosoph : it is for old men to turn gray, or mothers "White man crazy. Indian no plow land. to love their offspring, or heroes to die for Keep grass. Buffalo eat grass. Indian eat something worthier than their lives." Pointed Pen By HARLAND BRITZ of this. Their effect on the gate is actually Daily Associate Editor too miniscule to make any difference. THE LONG SUFFERING U.S. fight fan The fans from outlying areas-and they once again takes it on the chin tonight, are in the great majority - would quickly While heavyweight champ Jersey Joe Walcott settle for a blackout within, say, a 75-mile mixes it up with highly-touted challenger, radius of the fight. Then, only the fans who Rocky Marciano, John Q. Fan will be left are potential ticket buyers would be denied holding the punching bag. The sports pages on-the-spot coverage. If this setup were tell the story briefly in those familiar boxed put into effect, as it has been on certain statistics: "No Radio; No TV.' occasions, it seems difficult to see how the gate would suffer. Of course, If the fan wants to lay out But even granting this tenuous assump- three to four dollars and he lives in one tion, the blackout is a dangerous and short- of the chosen cities, he can see the herald- sighted arrangement. Starving the fans ed Joust over theatre television. But for by denying them the meatiest fare will most citizens, that kind of money is a bit embitter them, and only add to the mount- too steep for second-hand fisticuffs. ing resentment against the dubious tactics The reason the promoters give for the of the fight game which have already cast radio-TV blackout is strictly business-they the sport into considerable disrepute fear a poor gate. There's no doubt that this around the land. is a sound reason in the area in which the The old argument that sports belong to fight is going to occur. But it is hardly the public is more than an adage, and the plausible that fans in the Dakotas or the sharpies that run big time boxing had better West Coast should be made to suffer because wise up to this fact. ' 'Rr ENT!MOVIE] "You Wanted Controls, Didn't You?" ~,f 3. MATTER OF FACT: The Governor's Wit Advantage or Not?. By STEWART ALSOP WITH GOVERNOR STEVENSON-Governor Adlai Stevenson, who regularly accuses General Dwight D. Eisenhower of stealing the Democratic platform, has been busily at work, all unobserved, stealing General Eisenhower's greatest single asset. This is the conclusion which stands out with somebody who has been campaigning with both candidates. The Stevenson campaign strategy precisely reflects certain outstanding characteristics of the Illinois Governor: intelligence, political boldness, and perhaps most notably, tough-minded and even rather wily calculations. His greatest political problem has been to get himself known, and to get people to listen to what he has to say. When he was nominated, he was "Mr. X" to the vast majority of American voters-the totally unknown quantity. During the campaign's incubating period last August, Stevenson 'and his advisors therefore shrewd- ly calculated that he must be very quickly established as a new and novel and easily identified person- ' ality in his own mind. The chief . .. + r, e "wsK.r s,. tMC. . ON THE WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND WITH DREW PEARSON ABOARD THE EISENHOWER CAMPAIGN TRAIN-Ike Eisenhower had settled down to whistle-stopping with the verve and gusto 'of Harry Truman when the $16,000 Nixon bombshell hit him. After a hesitant and faltering start during the first part of his trip, the General had really learned how to harangue the crowds and seemed to like the hustings. Then suddenly came word that his side-kick, the candidate for vice president and the man who had been held up to the public as the model young man of America, had received $16,000 a year for expenses from a "millionaires' club" in California while serving in the Senate. For a time it took most of the campaign wind out of Ike's sails. He looked pretty grim the next morning when he spoke at little Mid- west towns along the way. Ike went through the usual motions but you could see his heart wasn't much in it anymore. Back in the rest of the train, Eisenhower's advisers discussed the pros and cons of Nixon's "expense" gift. According to normal tax practice, income used for living expenses is taxable. It cannot be tax-exempt as Senator Nixon treated it, and, therefore, he opened himself up to a charge of income-tax evasion- if the Justice Department wanted to deal with Nixon the same way the Republicans have demanded that it deal with others. Likewise, those who gave the expense gifts to Nixon would be'vulnerable-in case they deducted the money from their own income taxes. --ILLEGAL GIFTS- Finally, it is against the law for any member of Congress to accept a fee or gift in connection with any claim, legislation or case against the U.S. Government. It is quite possible that some members of California's so-called millionaires club could have had government contracts, or could have filed for a radio or television station, or could have had other matters pending against the Government on which Nixon used his influence. In this case he would be open to criminal prosecution and a jail sentence of two years. Sen. Barton of Kansas once went to jail in such a case, while the criminal division of the Justice Department recommended the prosecution of Congressman Gene Cox of Georgia, a Democrat, for taking a gift of stock in connec- tion with a call he made to the Federal Trade Commission to secure a radio license in Albany, Ga. These and other possibilities were discussed on the Eisenhower train while the General was trying to make up his mind what to do. Pearson's 'Non-partisanship" WASHINGTON-Governor Stevenson complained recently about a one-party press and the fact that 75 per cent of the newspapers are against the Democrats. Unquestionably he has a point there, and to some extent I may have been partly responsible for lopsided newspaper coverage. When, over a period of years, a column has unearthed the extra-curricular activities of Maj. Gen. Harry Vaughan, the events which helped send John Maragon to jail, the income- tax finagling of internal revenue official Dan Bolich, the Egyp- tian cotton leaks which led to the indictment of Clovis Walker, etc.,.naturally it accumulates into a big stockpile of political am- munition. However, it so happens that my score-sheet contains quite a few Republicans, such as, the kick-backs that resulted in jail sentences fo" r-ngressmen Parnell Thomas of New Jersey and Walter Brehm of c 4 ; also the lobbying of Sen. Owen Brewster which led to his defea,; the $10,000 Lustron fee of Senator McCarthy and the tax finagling of Senate Republican leader Styles Bridges of New Hamp- shire. Covering the news consists not only of reporting what goes, on from day to day, but digging up the things below the surface which some people don't want dug up but which the public has a right to know about. In fulfilling this reporter's obligation, however, I personally shall do my best to be fair to both sides, and do equal digging regarding both parties and candidates. -THE GOVERNOR'S MAN- TO TIlS END, here is the result of some digging in the Stevenson entourage which shows one of his men was something of an influence- peddler; also the answer to questions asked by a great many readers regarding General Eisenhower's possible use of influence in paying only a capital-gains tax on his book, "Crusade in Europe." The man on Stevenson's staff who sold influence is Neal Roach, assistant treasurer of the Democratic National Committee,; and now organizer of train and airplane schedules for the Ste- venson campaign. He received a fee of $1,000 from the Builders'I Control Service of Los Angeles in 1950 for getting a rulinga changed by the Veterans Administration permitting the Builderss Control Service to charge a 1 per cent fee for securing and ad-1 ministering loans on housing projects. There was nothing illegal about this, but unquestionably influence was used. -IKE'S TAXES- THE FACTS regarding General Eisenhower's taxes are that- he was paid $1,000,000 for his book, written after his return from Europe. Ordinarily he would have paid taxes of around 77 per cent on this in- come, leaving him a profit (after taxes) of around $230,000. Instead, he paid a capital-gains tax of 25 per cent, leaving him a profit of $750,000. TO THE EDITOR The First Protest .. . To The Editors: 1 CAN'T HELP but feel that the following is merely one of a flood of critical letters that have deluged the Daily concerning the quality of the movies that the But- terfield chain has foisted off on the student body. "The Scarlet Angel" approached the nadir of such cinematograph- ic debacles. The accompanying short and cartoon descended far- ther yet. I have been given to understand that the University holds stock in the Butterfield Corporation, which maintains a monopoly over the theaters in Ann Arbor. If so, it would seem that the University has abandoned its program of ed- ucation in favor of the earning of the fast buck. I am a businessman too, and realize that there must be an out- let for such low-grade produc- tions. But could that outlet not be Ypsilanti or another of the less educated sections of our vast country? Finally, is this the same Mr. Butterfield who brought us "Mara Maru," "Macao," "The Winning Team," and other treasures of the screen? -Wilbur Harvey Friedman, '53 The Ann Arbor Ad Hoc Com- mittee for the Improvement of Cinematographic Quality (EDITOR'S NOTE: According to University Vice-President Wilbur K. Pierpont, the University does own stock in Butterfield Corp., as it does in many other corporations, but has no control over the operating policies of Butterfield, anymore than it has over General Motors or Dow Chemical.) instrument to this end was Gov- ernor Stevenson's own native and remarkable abilities as a wit and phrase-maker. And now Steven- son's reputation as a first-class entertainer has been given free advertising by the Republicans, who seem to be seized with the in- sane notion that American voters regard a sense of humor as re- prehensible. Stevenson still suffers from anonymity, in comparison with General Eisenhower, As prevolusly noted in this space, a good many voters seem to think his name is' "Stevens." But his reputation as a humorist is already, according to reporters who have covered his campaign from the start, begin- ning to draw the crowds. People want to find out if he is really as funny as he is cracked up to be. An observer, glancing back over one audience, could see Stevenson's listeners straining forward to try to understand Stevenson's polished and often difficult phrases. This part of the speech was actually not as brilliant to read as it was to hear, since It left out the essen- tial points-the Soviet Union's growing ,power of devastating surprise attack. And It was also subtly partisan. But it did not sound that way. Indeed, Steven- son sounded ,not like a eandi- date, but like a President, 'sol- emnly addressing all the people. And this, of course, is precisely the way it was intended to sound. Sounding this way ii the second part of Stevenson's bold, care- fully calculated campaign stra- tegy. This reporter, after a sever- al thousand mile tour of the coun- try, is strongly inclined tQ believe that it may turn out to be a very shrewd strategy. (Copyright, 1952, N.Y. Her. Tribune Inc. DORIS FLEESON: HST-Taft Campaigning Is A Risk for Both Parties At The Orpheum . ." THE RIVER. SL, Union Snub STUDENT LEADERS were conspicuously absent from the speaking platform last week, Monday, when freshmen were being welcomed to the University by administra- tive officers. It had been the custom in pre- vious years to have the 'Union Orientation Chairman speak to freshmen in the opent- ing session of orientation week and for the president of the Student Legislature to wel- come them on behalf of the student body in the first evening meeting. This ignoral of student leadership might seem merely an oversight on the Univer- sity's part, but the force of custom is not usually disregarded on this campus. At the end of the spring semester, there was a feeling in many quarters that student relations with the administration were deteriorating. Considering thishdevelop- ment, it is unfortunate to see the school year begun on a note of administrative disinterest in student leadership. If the action is actually a hint that stu- dents are going to be further ignored or re- buffed in their attempts at leadership and service, the move is indeed ominous. --Harry Lunn "THE MODERN world has suffered because inin mnv mtnite~rs nhilosonhvy ho~ rnf-. TVHIS PICTURE is exceptional, but in a way not usually expected of most films. Pictorially and philosophically it is uni- que, and perhaps it is with these two aspects in mind that we should judge it. Producer Jean Renoir exploits the pos- sibilities of technicolor to an unparallelled degree, making the picture one of the most beautiful ever to be filmed. A few shots of trees and flowers attain the per- fection of oil paintings, and are them- selves an experience worth taking time to see the movie. As a character study "The River" is frankly realistic and, at times, brutal. It pulls no .punches when revealing the inner aspects of personalities, which is in itself admirable when we consider the sugared- over emotions that are the subject of many current movies. From the picture we might gain a par- tial understanding of the oriental atti- tude of obdurate pacifism and personal meditation which is almost unknown to the western world. Arthur Shields, who portrays an Englishman who has chosen this existence in India over a life in "civil- ized" Europe, describes this philosophy in several fine speeches. However, "The River" is quite weak in "plot," at least as we customarily recognize it. The story concerns a very small part of At The Michigan... JUMPING JACKS, with Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis. THE MOVIE INDUSTRY seems to be try- ing the "if you can't lick 'em, join 'em" strategy in its competition with television. This latest Martin and Lewis vehicle re- sembles nothing so much as a series of TV sketches loosely patched together. It is especially disappointing to find the pair back in a formula routine when one, remembers "That's My Boy," a movie with logical characterizations and a reasonable plot that they made last year. In "Jumping Jacks" they play, strangely enough, a professional singer and come- dian enmeshed in the toils of the para- troops. The complications of the story fall neatly into the pattern established by the other two service pictures this team has made. We can only hope that this is not just the third in a series of armed forces movies which will reach its culmination with a portrayal by Martin and Lewis of a Wac and a Wave. This picture gives Lewis plenty of oppor- tunity to exercise his peculiar talent for sim- ian mimicry, and Martin sings several songs pleasantly enough. The supporting cast, which includes Monaj Freeman; is competent and unobtrusive. -Bob Holloway "MAN IS TIMID and apologetic; he is no longer upright; he dares not say 'I thingr''.TI m.' but mute oenma int nr ca " WASHINGTON-Two impulsive, bullheaded men who are not the candidates for President this year are about to embark on cam- paign tours for the nominees of their respective parties. In the words of the immortal Arno car- toon, the situation is fraught with interest. . President Truman says blunt- ly that Governor Stevenson must run on the Truman record. The Chicago, Tribune proclaims with equal candor that "Sena- tor Taft has written the brief for him (Eisenhoyer) but Gen- eral Eisenhower has yet to ar- gue it before the court of pub- lic opinion." The hazards would be greatly lessened if Governor Stevenson were better known and if General Eisenhower had been able to stamp his own clear brand on his campaign. Those acquainted with the Il- linois Governor °are certain he would make a stalwart Presi- dent. They insist that within a relatively short time Stevenson's Washington would bear little trace of the Trunan Washing- ton which produces the scandal headlines. Yet it is a fact that the two build upon the same base of so- cial reform and, of the two, Mr. Truman is by far the best known and best heeded. Also he speaks a catchy vernacular and people have learned to look for it and repeat it. In time, they will do the same for Stevenson's easy quips but there is little time left before election. General Eisenhower might well sympathize with his rival. Not for Taft is the General's inspirational approach. T h e Senator from Ohio knows ex- actly what he thinks about practically everything; his spe- cialty is the specific. He is also satisfied that he is not only right but Republican in his a long way toward closing their positions, for with the reduced ap- propriations there must be a re- duction of military expenditures here and of foreign aid." All this being said, the Tru- man-Taft campaigning is a cal- culated risk both candidates had to take. Mr. Truman is a hero to large blocs of voters to whom Stevenson is Adlai the Unknown. Senator Taft's many followers were sulking in their tents and hanging on to their pocketbooks. The presidential nominees can only hope that the crowds won't unduly excite the President and the Senator. Meanwhile, Demo- crats and Republicans alike will count that day gained whose cold descending sun sees not their own troops wounding their own party, (Copyright, 1952, by the Bell Syndicate) Sixty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Crawford Young ......Managing Editor Cal Samra ..........Editorial Director Zander Hollander ......Feature Editor Sid Klaus ..Associate City Editor Harland Britz........Associate Editor Donna Hendleman ....Associate Editor Ed Whipple ..............Sports Editor John Jenks ... Associate Sports Editor Dick Sewell ... .Associate Sports Editor Lorraine Butler . ......Women's Editor Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor Business Staff Al Green ............Business Manager Milt Goetz .......Advertising Manager Diane Johnston ...Assoc. Business Mgr. Judy Loehnberg....Finance Manager Tom Treeger...Circulation Manager '/ 4, T