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November 21, 1952 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1952-11-21

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Latest Deadline in the State





Set To Start
Ballot Probe
Vote Certification'
Planned Today
By The Associated Press
Welford H. Ware, assistant
counsel to the Senate subcommit-
tee on elections, and Allen Good-
man, an investigator, were en
route to Detroit last night to be-
gin a probe into the recent sena-
torial race between Sen. Moody,
Democratic incumbent and Rep.
Potter, winner of the election.
The three-member-two Demo-
crats and one Republican-sub-
committee ordered the investiga-
tion today on charges of irregular-
ities made by Neil Staebler, Demo-
cratic state chairman.
* * .
STAEBLER filed an 11-page,
single-spaced letter detailing what
he termed irregularities and er-
Moody, Democratic appointee
of Gov. G. Mennen Williams, lost
to Congressman Potter, a Re-
publican, by 44,936 in a tabula-
tion of the official canvass of
the Nov. 4 balloting.
National interest hinges on the
outcome of the investigation. Pot-
ter's vote would berequired for the
Republicans to organize the next
MEANWHILE, the State Board
of Canvassers has confirmed the
k unofficial results of the Nov. 4
general election.
Meeting today, the board will
certify all winners except for
the governorship. That will be
held until next Wednesday when
the contestants, Gov. Williams
and Fred M. Alger, Jr., have re-
turned to Michigan.
The board's final report will
show that Williams defeated Alger
by 8,618 votes. The vote was Wil-
liams 1,431,893 and Alger 1,423,-
Informed sources in the state
capitol said that some outstate
Republican leaders have urged Al-
ger not to ask for a recount, and
to accept defeat.
Before leaving Michigan, Alger
said he felt "duty bound" to ask
for a recount if the margin were
less than 10,000 votes.
World News
By The Associated Press
DETROIT-Police reported last
night they had broken a $4,000,000
a year Detroit-Itailan numoers
syndicate in a series of raids in
Detroit and suburban Warren
Township today.
PHILADELPHIA - A coroner's
jury decided yesterday a Univer-
sity of Pennsylvania student,
found hanged in the basement of
his home, died "as the result of
hypnotic research."
LONDON - Prime Minister
Churchill's Conservative govern-
ment got a majority of only
eight votes-one of the smallest
margins since the Conservatives
' came to power more than a
year ago-on a routine division
in the House of Commons last
LANSING - Michigan's schools
will have to shut in six months

unless they can borrow more
months unless they can borrow
money, Auditor General John B.
Martin, Jr., declared yesterday.
Martin said that in January the
schools will receive $25,000,000 less
in state aid than they expect to
carry them through to March.
COPENHAGEN - A trail-blaz-
ing airliner reached Copenhagen
last night at the end of a flight
across the top of the world.
The two-stop flight of nearly
6,000 miles from Los Angeles to
Copenhagen took barely 23 hours'
flying time.
Buses Chartered.
By Wolverine Club
In an effort to straighten out
the student's Thanksgiving trans-

British Support
Indian POWPlan
U.S. Approves of Plan Basically,
But May Insist on Certain Changes
UNITED NATIONS, N.Y.-(W)-Britain yesterday threw its sup-
port to an Indian plan designed to solve the prisoner of war issue in
The United States also believes the plan is basically satisfactory,
informed sources said, but may insist upon certain changes.
BRITAIN MADE KNOWN her approval-with some questions-
when Anthony Eden, foreign secretary, spoke soon after he conferred
with President-elect Eisenhower.
<*> * * *

Dulles, W



to Cabinet

Both the United States and
French delegations were re-
ported to agree with Eden's
stand, but officially the U.S. del-
egation merely called the Brit-
ish declaration "constructive."
Russian bloc sources said it
was "too early" to react.
Eden spoke for 12 minutes to
the U.N. Political Committee. He
brought into the open Britain's
position which had been stated in
several meetings of a subcommit-
tee of Western delegations study-
ing Korean resolutions. He did not
refer to or comment on the talk
with Eisenhower.
There had been reports that the
United States had insisted in pri-
vate talks with Western delega-
tions on having the Indian resolu-
tion spell out in detail provisions
for repatriation of prisoners of
war and eventual disposition of
those still in camps 90 days after
an armistice.
Apparently these difficulties
were solved. for, after Eden's
speech, informed sources said the
U.S. position was almost identical
with that of Britain.
EDEN, speaking slowly and with
great emphasis, said the Indian
resolution, presented by V. K.
Krishna Menon, should not be
viewed too legalistically.
"This resolution Is, in my
view, a timely and constructive
attempt to resolve this dead.
lock," Eden said.
Menon 'has proposed that a
four-nation repatriation commis-
sion be set up to supervise repatri-
ation of the prisoners and to de-
termine the views of the prisoners.
This commission would choose an
umpire to vote in cases of tie de-
Menon also proposed that the
repatriation commission refer to a
peace conference those prisoners
who have not been repatriated or
disposed of otherwise within 90
days after armistice.
Garg Donates
Profit of $737
To Owen Fund
A check for $737.58 was turned
over to the Wendy Owen Memor-
ial F'und by Gargoyle, campus hu-
mor magazine, which published a
special issue to raise money for
the fund.
Established for research on
aplastic anemia, the fund was set
up as a memorial to Wendy Owen
who die of the disease in 1951.
A literary college student, Miss
Owen was active in many campus
activities. She was a Daily night
editor and a member of the Garg
With total contributiins of $5,-
316.04, the fund has surpassed its
original goal of $5,000.

. ..supports Indian plan
Reds Dent
ROK Ridge
SEOUL-(/P)-More than 700
Chinese IFeds briefly dented South
Korean positions on Sniper Ridge
last night in bloody hand-to-hand
Later four Red tanks sprayed
the South Koreans with machine-
gun bullets before Allied artillery
routed the armor.
* * *
A U. S. EIGHTH Army Staff
officer said that all positions yield-
ed temporarily to the attackers
were restored on that frozen Cen-
tral Front sector.
The Chinese Reds attacked in
battalion strength after earlier
undergoing a great Allied rocket
barrage and a furious air bom-
The attack on Sniper, where
fighting has raged daily for 39
straight days, opened after 8 p.m.,
supported by mortars and artillery.
The Allied staff officers said it
was definitely blunted by 10 p.m.
In today's early darkness Chi-
nese Reds hurled hand grenades
at South 'Koreans, huddled in
Sniper Ridge foxholes while the
temperature sank to 10 above
The Reds made small scale but
vicious stabs at other points with-
in a two-mile segment of this Cen-
tral Front sector and also in the
east and west.
Philosopher Dies
NAPLES, Italy-{P)-Benedetto
Croce, 86, noted Italian philoso-
pher and statesman, died at his
palatial home here yesterday.

HST Claims
U.S. Foreign
WASHINGTON - () - Presi-
dent Truman yesterday pro-
nounced America unified "in its
policy toward the rest of the
It was against a background of
Democratic defeat in the election
and the historic conference at the
White House Tuesday with Presi-
dent-elect Eisenhower that the
Chief Executive made his apprais-
TRUMAN told a news confer-
ence-his first in two months-
he was "very happy" that Eisen-
hower is supporting the American-
United Nations position against
repatriation of Korean war pris-
oners against their will.
Pulling aside the curtains for
a bare glimpse of what went on
at his meeting with the man
who will succeed him next Jan.
20, Truman said the repartia-
tion issue was "one of the main
things about which we talked."
In answer to a question, he said
the Iranian problem also was
The talk with Eisenhower was
principally, but not altogether, de-
voted to foreign relations, the
President said.
He declared incidentally that if
he had it to do over, he still would
call the U.N. intervention in Ko-
rea a police action and he doesn't
care who chlenges t #xpres-
sion. It was a police action of the
U.N., a stop aggression, and noth-
ing else, he said.
Decontrol Plan
Seen for Steel
WASHINGTON - (P)--A start
on steel decontrol by Jan. 1 seemed
assured yesterday.
In sight was an end of civilian
allocations by April 1, or at the
least July 1.
The steel industry submitted to
the National Production Authority
a program for removal of controls
by April 1 except on military and
atomic deliveries. It asked NPA
to take "immediate" action.
NPA's staff presented at the
same closed meeting with indus-
try spokesmen a slower-paced plan
under which allocations would last
three months longer-until mid-
night 1953.
G&S Production
Tickets Available
A few tickets are still available
for the last two performances of
"Yeomen of the Guard," which will
be presented at 8 p.m. today and
tomorrow in Lydia Mendelssohn
Tickets for the Gilbert and Sul-
livan Society production are on
sale at the Mendelssohn box of-
fice. Prices are $1.20 and 90 cents.

First Key Men
In New Regime
By The Associated Press
President-elect Dwight D. Eisen-
hower named his secretaries of
state, defense and the interior yes-
terday in a swift series of cabinet-
making moves before he takes off
secretly for Korea on a journey
that will be blacked out in the
THE FIRST three appointments
in the new GOP administration
which will take over the reins of
government on Jan. 20 went to:
John Foster Dulles, 64, Repub-
lican foreign affairs expert, as
secretary of state succeeding
Dean Acheson.
Charles E. Wilson of Detroit, 62,
president of General Motors, as
secretary of defense succeeding
Robert Lovett.
Gov. Douglas McKay of Oregon,
59, as secretary of the interior suc-
ceeding Oscar Chapman.
* * *
WITH THESE three .appoint-
iments, Eisenhower made his first
step toward forming the top eche-
lon of his regime and carrying out
an "orderly transfer" of authority
from Democrats to Republicans.
This was in line with the agree-
ment reached between him and
President Truman ,in their White
House conference Tuesday.
Shortly before the appoint-
ments were announced, the De-
fense Department in Washing-
ton disclosed that wartime sec-
recy will shroud the general's
movements from the time he
leaves the United States until
he is safely out of Korea.
Defense Secretary Lovett said
Eisenhower had agreed to this
news black-out as a security meas-
- - *

-Daily-Alan Reid
FOREIGN AFFAIRS PANEL-Members of the "World News Council" discuss United States foreign
affairs informally after their appearance at Hill Auditorium last night. The panel members (left to
right) are: Cuneyd Dosdogru, Camille Chautemps, Melchior Aquino and John Metcalfe.
P r s , P * * * * ,
PanelA ffirms U.S. Foreign Policy

The United States will not have
trouble with "allies who fade away
into thin air," according to mem-
bers of the "World News Council,"
who aired their views in a panel
discussion presented in Hill Audi-
torium last night.
Melchior Aquino, representing
the Far East, predicted that a shift
in emphasis towards alliances with
younger, stronger nations, would
tend to eliminate this problem.
* * *
CUNYED Dosdogru, the Turk-
House Council
Votes Braun
Back to PostI
The Michigan House Council
voted late last night to reappoint
Bert Braun, '54, to his seat on the
West Quad Council.
The motion, which maintained
that Braun was and would con-
tinue to be one of the two Michi-
gan House representatives to the
Quad council, was passed unani-
mously after a lengthy discussion.
THE MOVE to reinstate Braun
resulted from the West Quad
Council's Tuesday night decision
to remove him from his post. Pass-
ed by an 11-3 vote, the motion
would automatically havemcost
Braun his seat on the Inter-House
Council as well.
Michigan House president Jim
Friedman, '54, said the House
Council and many men in the
house were united in feeling the
Quad Council did not have the
legal right to remove a represen-
tative from its ranks.
He expressed the opinion that
individual houses were not subor-
dinate to the Quad Council and
could choose their representatives
in any way they saw fit.
Braun said the House Council's
decision would be presented to the
West Quad Council Tuesday night.
He plans to ask for a hearing be-
fore the IHC, which will meet di-
rectly after the Council, if he is
turned down.
Czech Leader
Admits Guilt
VIENNA, Austria -%)-- Rudolf
Slansky, deposed secretary general
f +he ( 7chsnlovar Cnmmiist

ish delegate, spoke of his coun-
try's strength and will to fight,
commenting that in the past,
there has been a strong enmity
between Turkey and Russia.
Camille Chautemps, the
French representative, cited the
French contribution in attempt-
ing to stave off Communist ag-
gression in Indo-China.
The UN, Chautemps said, was
particularly important in keeping
peace, especially since "as long as
you're talking, you're not fight-
THE MEMBERS of the panel
were agreed that if Russia leaves
the UN, a third world war will not
be far off.
On the subject of communists
representing the United States
in the UN, Aquino, who is a
member of the Philippine dele-
gation, said that this was not
the case with any of our dele-
gates. However, he claimed that
supposedly American members
of the secretariat do have com-
munist affiliations.
"If I were Secretary-General,"
he said, "I would have booted them
out long ago."

A CONFLICT arose, during the
audience questioning period, over
the French position in Tunesia
and Morroco.
While Chautemps justified the
French policy on the grounds
that the colonization had been
beneficial and not tyrannical,
the delegates from Turkey and
the Philippines took a dim view
of any extended colonization.
Commenting on the results of
the recent election, Dosdogru re-
markedt on General Eisenhower's
popularity in the Middle East.
He predicted little change in
policy, especially with regard to
the tariff policy, the all-import-
ant question in foreign trade.
Connable Wins
Journalism Prize
The first place national prize for
undergraduate straight news writ-
ing was awarded by Sigma Delta
Chi, honorary journalism frater-
nity to Daily City Editor Barnes
Connable, '53.
Former Daily sports editor, Ted

Papes, '52, took third
sports writing.

place in

TWO Disputes Come Up
Over Campus Elections
Only two incidents marred the otherwise uneventful voting in the
record-breaking all-campus election which ended in the early hours
yesterday morning when the last ballot was redistributed.
But this final ballot has caused a controversy which may result in a
recount between the last two candidates left in the race.
AT 1:35 A.M. yesterday only two men remained in the Student
Legislature count, Ron Mauer, '55, and Joe Schwartz, '56. Another
candidate had just folded and his ballots were redistributed with the

Study Finds U.S. Schools Need Funds

-Results .of a nation-wide three-
year study of higher education in-
stigated by the Association of
American Universities indicate
that United States schools must
have more money.
University administrators would
go along with this conclusion.
However they do not object as
strongly as the survey group, the
Commission on Financing Higher
Education, to increased federal
government support which was re-
ported to be threatening educa-
tional independence.

"There is always a danger when
you receive federal support that
you might also get something
you don't want." he said.
As for the survey's conclusion
that universities were in "serious
financial trouble," President
Hatcher said that all institutions
were faced with the serious prob-
lem of recovering from the strain
of the post-war veteran bulge and
of meeting increased living costs.
But he indicated that federal
support tends to bring disparity
between national and state insti-

gaard of the literary college
pointed out that the Northwest
Ordinance which gave this Uni-
versity its first impetus was fed-
eral aid.
Generally, however, adminis-
trators saw no immediate threat
to education through federal mon-
etary assistance.
Though President Hatcher fixed
main financial responsibilities with
the state legislature, the admin-
istration is making a strong bid
to strengthen the University fi-
nancially through a recently set
un pro.iect known as the Develop-

result that both Mauer ands
Schwartz ended up with 255 votes,
but only one seat had to be filled.
Under the rules of SL's count-
ing procedure, the candidate re-
ceiving the largest number of
ballots in the redistribution is
elected. Since Mauer pulled in
moce tallies than Schwartz, he
was announced the winne.
However, the results left
Schwartz and his campaign man-
ager, Alan Strauss, '53, feeling that
a possible mistake might have
been made along the line, which
would swing the vote the other
Therefore. they consulted Men's


he would ask SL for a check
of both Schwartz's and Mauer's
votes. However, he will not
charge irregularities in the
The other controversy revolves.
around victorious candidate Bob
Perry, '53E, who distributed cam-
paign literature throughout the
quads in violation of house rules.
The South Qaud Council has
sent a letter to the Men's Judici-
ary regarding the violations, and
Judic president Biller said yes-
terday that he will present the
facts to the Council on Monday,
at which time they will decide

. . named Secretary of State
ure taken to safeguard the life of
the President-elect since he is
going into a war zone.
The time and place of Eisen-
hower's departure will be secret.
EISENHOWER'S selection of
Dulles, Wilson and McKay fol-
lowed close on the heels of a con-
ference between Dulles and the
general and a report that Wilson
had been selected for the key de-
fense job.
The brief announcement was
made by Eisenhower's press sec-
retary, James C. Hagerty, at the
general's Commodore Hotel
headquarters in New York.
The big surprise was the name
of McKay, who had not been re-
garded generally as being among
the front-runners for the job.
Meanwhile, in Washington,
Eisenhower's announcement of
his first three Republican cab-
inet appointments drew wide-
spread applause from members
of Congress.
Republicans and Democrats

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