I THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1962 UU THIS I BELIEVE: Sic Transit Credo By ZANDER HOLLANDER Daily Feature Editor WITH THE termination of what threaten- ed to be an interminable procession of "This I Believe's" it seems appropriate to say a few words over the grave of the series. Its life was blameless, but because its days were often wearying, with few sparkling mo- ments, its passing cannot occasion great re- gret; rather we say with Samuel Butler that, so great was the suffering, we "could not wish it prolonged." To drop the personification,the "This I Believe" series may have accomplished some good if the lessons to be drawn from its effects are recognized in the right quarters. Before the articles had progressed very far it became painfully apparent that there is such a thing as talking the very life and heart out of even the greatest truths. The incessant and repetitive bandying of the same platitudinous terms, the reliance upon the same catchwords which satisfy the hometown believers, and the aura of mystic fog which marked and marred so many of the articles likewise helped to make the ef- fect of the series largely irritating. And even discounting the possibility that in a few of the pieces the authors were less than honest, the expression of views was somewhat unconvincing on still another count: most of the articles made only a feeble effort to persuade or explain, much less proselytize. We should have known, and more of the authors should have realized, that a re- ligion of blind faith is not acceptable to a mind in any sense mature-unless that mind has acknowledged that faith before it has attained maturity. To achieve anything pos- itive along lines of persuasion, or even to hold reader interest, "This I Believe" would have had to consistently show evidence of a rational approach, explaining the "why" as often as it revealed the "what" and the "how" of the individual beliefs. This, unfortunately, was not often done. Too many of the authors were content with proclaiming that they believed thus-and- so, embroidering their dicta with suitable french-knots and lacework, and letting it go at that. The result: so did the reading pub- lic. A perhaps less grave but more subtle effect was that the series was embar- rassing. Ineptness and naivete frequent- ly made this writer uncomfortable and uneasy on the author's behalf. The gravity of the subject in hand only made matters worse. It was almost as if we had gone to see grand opera and instead were con- fronted with burlesque-amusing but em- barassing. To belabor the analogy, a few of the ar- ticles were upsetting in that they became a kind of mental-disrobing in public, show- ing portions of the mind which had better be reserved for intimate and more careful inspection. Stripping is as outre and inap- propriate in print as it is in public streets. These are by no means to be construed as blanket condemnations. Several state- ments of belief were extremely well-done, even noble, efforts. These, undoubtedly, have had a worthwhile effect on the read- ing public not only in the power of their arguments but in stimulating thought on subjects which are generally lost in the limbo of the taken-for-granted. To single out "This I Believe" authors who were out- standing in this respect might do some the injustice of undeserved omission. And in a sense, these authors merit no special commendation; the series was a unit; the contribution it made to all our educa- tions was a unitary one. Taken as a whole it outlines in stark relief the strengths and weaknesses of belief in the contemporary scene and perhaps beyond. I + MUSIC [HAT VLADIMIR Horowitz played a bril- has been given just as careful preparation liant piano recital last night to a capa- by Mr. Horowitz as their execution, but this city audience at Hill Auditorium is about as preparation must have been equally as scien- newsworthy an item as dog bites man. tific, with the result that the interpretation Though his program ranged from the banal has been reduced to -a rigid formula. The to the unusual, the spectacular aspect of the formula was most obvious in the slower event was, as always, inherent in the play- passages, employing a great deal of rubato, ing itself, which never ceases to amaze for such as Schumann's Arabesque, and the its sheer virtuosity. Funeral March and middle portion of the Scherzo from Chopin's Second Sonata. The Busoni's arrangement of Bach's C Major highest note in the phrase was nearly al- Organ Toccata began the concert. Divided ways held, which produced the effect of con- into Prelude, Intermezzo and Fugue, this cave instead of convex phrases, moving from piece covered the wide range of Bach's highest note to highest note, thereby caus- keyboard style, and the first and last see- ing a feeling of unrest in the listener. That tions came off well with the voices of the most listeners ascribe this unrest to excite- fugue coming out clearly. It was in the 1n- ment is probably the desired and calculated termezzo marked adagio that the weakness effect. of the strict virtuoso became evident. Rem- The Scriabin group was refreshingly un- Iniscent of Bach's smaller keyboard suites, familiar, basically Russian, and the Etudes this portion called for an evenness and smacked somewhat of Rachmaninoff. The serenity which was not accorded it. This selections from Debussy's "Children's Cor- lack was compensated for in the first of ner" were a welcome respite from all the two Scarlatti Sonatas, which was a marvel nr'vurahtadonespbefr, ad ped of control. The only thing that might be bravura that had gone' before, and paved sof co nstThesonthingthsatwightase the way for the crashing climax afforded said against the second of these two was by Mr. Horowitz's arrangement of Liszt's that it tended to exceed the dynamic Second Hungarian Rhapsody. One can't bounds one usually assigns to these smaller help thinking that if Liszt were alive today pieces which were the germ from which the he would probably "arrange" this music in sonatas of Mozart, Haydn and Beethoven much the same manner, and in Vladimir grew. Horowitz we probably have the closest ap- The remaining selections on the program proximation of the acknowledged master of were all drawn from the 19th and early 20th the past century. centuries. Apparently their interpretation -Tom Reed 0 PIER ETTIA Guilt by Leer THE SOUTH usually manages to add cur- ious twists to justice. Last week in North Carolina a 45 year old Negro farmer was con- victed of assault on grounds that he "leered" at a young white girl. The story behind this incredible bit of legal nonsense is that the Negro was driv- ing his car slowly up a country road look- ing for someone to ask where he could borrow a trailer. The man, who is mar- ried and has nine children, spotted a young person, dressed in blue jeans, hoe- ing in a field by the road. As he got out of his car and started to walk towards the field, the person became frightened and ran home before the Negro had gotten within 25 yards. It was then that the Negro realized the person was a girl. Later the girl filed a complaint, and her "seducer" was hauled into court. At the ,trial, the girl said that he eyed her with a "curious look," which she took the liberty of translating into "leer." Since assault under North Carolina law does not have to include touch, the Negro .was convicted. It seemed that the court considered itself quite capable of interpreting when a look is a leer. Not only is this southern concoction of guilt by leer absurd, but in this case one also finds that the South is up to its old tricks. The Negro's' first appeal went be- fore a jury composed of both white and Negroes, and this jury declared a mis- trial. An all white jury was called for the re-trial and the abused fellow was con- victed. And so another noble page in Southern law has been unsteadily written. -Alice Bogdonoff Union Opera Tickets IN A RECENT LETTER to the editor, stu- dent officials of the Union were accused of playing "favorites" with various frater- nities in the distribution of Union Opera tickets. The specific charge made was that a member of Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity had been the first one to order fraternity bloc tickets, but that his request was filled only after 13 other fraternities, having. certain "connections," received their tick- ets first. The letter went on to say that if this can happen to campus organizations, it could also happen to independent individuals. However, neither the specific nor the gen- eral charge is true. First of all, the Union business manager's office, not the Union student activities office nor the Union Opera itself, handles all the financial affairs of the Opera, including the administering of Opera tickets. Secondly, there were not 13 fraternities ahead of the individual in question, but rather 13 orders placed by the Opera cast, alumni, advertisers and similar in- dividuals who legitimately receive ticket priorities. (The Lambda Chi's realized this and, did not complain about the mat- ter.) Finally all ticket orders, whether mailed in or presented in person, are immediately numbered in chronological order by the business manager's office to facilitate a first- come first serve basis for issuing them. The complete procedure is operated by full- time, non-student and impartial employees of the Union who make every effort to com- ply with all the rules of honesty and fair play. It would be ridiculous to say that mis- takes have not been made. One fraternity's order was inadvertently accepted before the official date set for receiving such or- ders, but the mistake, upon discovery, was then rectified. At any rate it should be realized that these mistakes do not constitute elements of "favoritism" towards any organized cam- pus group. -Bob Apple "JT MAKES no difference what one's po- litical expression may be. That man who closes his mind even to listening to what other men have to say for fear that they may convince him to the contrary has made himself a non-functioning member of the democratic community. Not only does he tear down the democratic principle, but he also assumes unnatural opinions, and be- comes merely the tool of somebody else. -Wendell Willkie Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writer only. This must be noted in all reprints. NIGHT EDITOR: VIRGINIA VOSS "'ello, Ike---How Are You At Baby-Sitting?" .etteP4 TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. I 7/ ' i, -w. t oct ;_, _ irl roMOCtirr aa. ' _. " -- " _ _ _._ a .. ON THE WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-MOUND WITH DREW PEARSON W ASHINGTON--General Eisenhower has received two invitations to visit Latin America and is considering the possibility of mak- ing a good-neighbor trip there before his inauguration Jan. 20. The two invitations are from Mexico and Chile, both among the few remaining democracies in the Western Hemisphere. Though Chile is now under the presidency of General Ibanez, he was elected in a free election and has shown no tendencies toward dictatorship, though he staged an anti-U.S.A. campaign to get elected. The Eisenhower trip would help to melt Ibanez' frigidity.7 Some of Ike's advisers urge that since Latin Americans generally hoped Stevenson would be elected, he should go; thus dispelling Latin-American predictions of a return to isolationist imperialism under the Republicans. FRICTION AMONG DEMOCRATS SEN. LYNDON JOHNSON of Texas will be the new leader of Senate Democrats all right, but some Democratic senators aren't at all happy about it. They figure that "lyin'-down," as he is nicknamed, will follow a pro-Republican line and there won't be much Demo- cratic opposition to GOP policies. What Senator Johnson did to ensure his selection was to start a telephone barrage the day after election to line up votes for himself. When freshmen senators such as "Scoop" Jackson of Washington and Mike Mansfield of Montana were pressured by Lyndon there wasn't much they could say except that they would support him. Later, Mansfield was asked by an older southern senator why he had been stampeded into endorsing Johnson. The new senator from Montana didn't have much of an answer. "Don't you think it's healthy to have Texans leading the party in both houses of Congress-Sam Rayburn in the House and Johnson in the Senate?" Mansfield was asked. "I thought Lyndon was Sam Rayburn's boy," Mansfield re- plied. "And if there's anything I can ever do- to repay Rayburn for the favors he's done me I'd like to do it." Senators Paul Douglas of Illinois, Hubert Humphrey of Minne- sota, and Guy Gillette of Iowa tried to organize opposition to Johnson with Gillette urging Senator Lister Hill of Alabama to become minor- ity leader. Senator Pastore of Rhode Island also urged Senator Cle- ments of Kentucky to serve. When Senator Fulbright of Arkansas sounded out Lister Hill, however, the Alabama solon replied: "No, sir, I had enough of being Senate leader. If Lyndon wants that job let him have it. "I don't know but what he's making an awful mistake, though," philosophized Hill. "He's up for re-election two years from now and look what's happened to McFarland in Arizona and what happened to Scott Lucas in Illinois. TRUMAN AND ADLAI IT ISN'T SUPPOSED to be known, but Governor Stevenson will come to Washington on or about Dec. 1 to spend an evening with Presi- dent Truman and chart the future course of the Democratic party. Truman will pretty much turn over the party to Stevenson at that time. One thing they will discuss is the chairmanship of the Demo- cratic national committee, now in the hands of Stevenson's form- er law associate, Stephen Mitchell. There are a lot of divergent views among Democrats as to what lost them the election, but one thing they all agree on is that Mitchell didn't help. Mitchell did not call one meeting of the Democratic national committee during the campaign, though urged to do so repeatedly., He would not even call regional meetings. He antagonized so many local leaders that many refused even to call him on the phone. Stevenson may insist on keeping Mitchell, but Truman and every- one around him will urge that he be eased out. (Copyright, 1952, by the Bell Syndicate) DAILY OFFICIAL -BULLETIN . " McConable... To the Editor: IF I HAD known that it might provoke Barnes Connable's dis- favor, of course, I would never have been willing to be a Con- gressional candidate at all; but once having been nominated for the office, I felt it was fitting and proper to wage a campaign. -David R. Luce * * * A Poem... To the Editor: I HAVE BEEN reading your "This I Believe" articles lately and also the many replies concerning such in the "Letters" section. On the whole I think there were some very good thoughts presented, al- though naturally I could not agree with all of them. However, throughout the wide variety of arguments presented for, and against a belief in God, I notice one thing that most of them had in common, and that was their method. It seems the popular method by which to approach re- ligion is the rational one. Thus to those of us who like this approach, I would submit the following poem by Edwin Mark- ham. I believe that if one would like to succeed in this dialectical attempt to find God it might prof- it him to give careful considera- tion to the thoughts embodied in this little poem. When in the dim beginning of the years God mixed in man the raptures and the tears And scattered through his brain the starry stuff, He said, "Behold, yet this is not enough, For I must test his spirit to make sure That he can dare the vision and endure. "I will withdraw my face Veil me in shadow for a certain space And leave behind only a broken clue, A crevice where the glory glim- mers through, Some whisper from the sky Some footprint in the road to track me by. "I will leave man to make the fateful guess. Will leave him torn between the 'No' and 'Yes,' Leave him unresting till he rests in Me, Drawn upward by the choice that makes him free- Leave him in tragic loneliness to choose, With all in life to win or all to lose." -Jack Vander Velde * * * . . This I Bereave , . . To the Editor: This I Bereave: IN CONJUNCTION with your present "This I Believe series, may we suggest that you run the stories of Hans Christian Ander- son for those of your subscribers whose realistic approach to life requires a less fantastic type of fairly tale than your current fare which is not fair at all. --Conrad Fazoo and wife Bertha * * * This I Believe.. .. To the Editor: SEVERAL contributors to "This I Believe" have suggested means to encourage church-going in America. Last week Augusta, Georgia, famous for its peaches and golf tournaments, solved their church attendance problems in a manner so unique it is worth men- tioning to those interested in the- ological problems. General Eisenhower arrived in Augusta two weeks ago for a short vacation. The following Sunday he was scheduled to attend some church in the city, but his staff refused to disclose which one would have the honor. Apparently most of the town's citizens be- lieved Ike would visit -their own house of worship for each was filled to capacity. New attendance records were set in every church throughout the city. The general finally attended the Second Presbyterian Church. All seats were taken two hours in ad- vance of services. An additional two hundred people were waiting outside to wave as he entered. Augusta has certainly presented us with a very unique solution. A presidential tour of churches throughout our country would pro- duce the sharp rise in attendance so badly wanted. Who knows-we might even get a few people to re- main in church after seeing the President and visit a while with God. -Bernie Backhaut */* * hus on his most clear, effective and painstaking way he wrote his an- swer. I hardly agree with what he has to say, but I respect his opin- ion as being founded on careful consideration of the facts, and ad- mire his calm and thoughtful method of expression. Mr. Mumma's missive, on the other hand, was less than half the length of his colleague's, and, like so much of modern music, ex- pressed a shameful lack of orig- inality of expression. He spent nearly half the letter quoting me (brazenly misquoting me, I might add) and in the section of it cre- ated by his own mind, he dwelt on a few cluttered and confusing deprecatory phrases which only succeed in making him look ridic- ulous. By this letter, he showed an apparent lack of the powers of mental application and patience that are so important in under- standing great music. I now wish Mr. Mumma a pain- less recovery from the violent ill- ness he apparently has suffered because of my previous letter, and hope that when he is recovered, he will be able to formulate his answer to me in language befitting the intelligence of a music stu dent at this university. -William Zakariasen Matter of Reason... To the Editor: WAS VERY disappointed in the "This I Believe" article which appeared in the November 16 Dai- ly by Jo Sanders. The errors I find here are typical of the articles which have appeared thus far. The error to which I refer is that+ "beliefs" are stated, as in accord- ance with the theme of the series, but with little or no reason behind them. It is my contention that n' belief should be held without good reasons simply because man is a reasonable being, and it is this ability which sets man apart from the lower animals. To deny reason is to assume subhuman standards. Let us examine just one of Miss Sander's paragraphs in this light. First, let us define 'reasonable' in the way the term is ordinarily used: A person is reasonable if he offers valid and applicable rea- sons in support of his beliefs. Now to Miss Sander's beliefs: "Upon examining myself for my own personal ideology, I find that there are a few basic tenets to which I adhere. First, I believe in a Supreme Being who has created the world, and then man in His own image. Man, who has a diffi- cult time sustaining his own life and solving his own immediate problems does not have the pow- er and divine insight to accom- plish the gigantic feat of crea- tion." This paragraph raises the fol- lowing questions: 1. Has anyone ever seriously contended that man created the universe? 2. Must the universe have been created? 3. Does "man in His own image" mean that God too has arms, legs, a body? 4. Is the ordinary concept of God, one in which He is considered corporeal and thus existing in time? There are answers to these questions. 1. No such contention has ever received any serious at- tention. This contention is irrel- evant to the problem at hand. 2. No, the universe need not have been created. The 'law of causal ity' is an injunction to look for causes, not a principle to which the notion of truth or falsity ap- plies. 3. This statement, taken lit erally, means just that. A figura- tive interpretation can lead to al- most anything. 4. The concept of God, which we ordinarily use, is not one in which God is consid- ered to have a body. -Victor Bloom Sixty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Cafr Editorial Staff Crawford Young.......Managing Editor Barnes Connable.........City Editor Cal Samra.. ....Editorial Director 'Zander Hollander ....... Feature Editor Sid Klaus..... ...Associate'City Editor Harland Britz.........Associate Editor Donna Hendleman.....Associate Editor Ed Whipple.............Sports Editor John Jenks.....Associate Sports Editor Dick Sewell.....Associate Sports Editor Lorraine Butler.......Wowen's Editor Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor Business Staff Al Green,.............Business Manager Milt Goetz.........Advertising Manager Diane Johnston.... Assoc. Business Mgr. Judy Loehnberg......Finance Manager Tom Treeger......Circulation Manager . At Lydia Mendelssohn . . YEOMEN OF THE GUARD-Present- ed by the Gilbert and Sullivan Society. WHEN A CAMPUS group like the Gilbert SandSullivan Society has a tradition of excellence behind it, audiences and critics, remembering that student group member- ships are not static, usually wonder if the new contingent can "keep it up." Last night's performance of "Yeomen of the Guard" dispelled any doubts in these quarters that the G&S people could offer a sub-standard production. The "Yeomen," slightly wordier (but just as funny) and less of an extrava- ganza than last semester's "Ruddigore," demands the same careful timing and close coordination which are so essential to the execution of tricky G&S shenani- gans. The chorus, generally good, fell just below this line of precision a couple. of times, but the principals, without exception, were un- qualified successes. Their lively and artful characterizations did full justice to the uniquely delightful art which is Gilbert and Sullivan. Especially outstanding was Richard Stillinger, as the semi-moronic Head Jailor and Assistant Tormentor. His wonderfully plastic interpretation of a love-sick goon (who get's his woman, as only a G&S goon could) nearly stole the show. Vivien Milan, as the playful Phoebe, should perhaps, take second honors. To- gether with Wilfred she neatly executes one of the most comical wooing scenes the operetta stage offers. As usual, the costumes and setting added polish to an already smooth production. In short, for combined musicianship, ar- tistry and comic spirit, the Society's "Yeo- man" stands happily as another in its ever- lengthening line of successes. -Donna Hendleman f i (Continued from Page 2) + CURREN. T AU/ 9 MQVMONS, Kappa Phi. Supper meeting for all pledges and actives at 5:15. Publicity Committee of Sophmore Cabaret will be meeting in the League at 3 Thurs., Nov. 21. All members are urged to come as plans for stunts will be discussed. Anyone interested in working on publicity is also urged to attend. Coming Events Department of Astronomy. Visitors' Night, Fri., Nov. 21, 7:30 p.m. "The Face of the Moon" will be the subject of the lecture by Dr. Hazel M. Losh. After the illustrated lecture in 2003 Angell Hall, the Students' Observatory on the fifth floor will be open for telescopic obser- vation of the Moon and Jupiter, if the fik is r ,. rnr fn,.is,.rt+ of t+a +i _ ervations to Lane Hall by Friday aft- ernoon. Wesley Foundation. Game night, Fri- day, Nov. 21, at 8 p.m., Wesley Lounge. Roger Williams Guild. I. M. Party, Fri., Nov. 21, at 8 p.m. Meet at the Guild House to go in a group. Bring your ID cards, tennis shoes, and swims suits if you want to swim. We will return to the Guild House for refresh- ments. Newman Club is sponsoring a talent show at the regular Friday night par- ty in the clubrooms of St. Mary's Chap- el from 8 to 12 p.m. Some of the best campus entertainers will be in the spotlight. All Newmanites, friends, and faculty are asked to join in the fun. Hillel. Special Sabbath Services will At The State. *.. THE MIRACLE OF FATIMA TN A PTCTTTRE deaing with mieol1ae nA ions was expressly forbidden. Both the government, to keep the populace emotion- ally subdued, and the Church, to preserve ia namiz o++a.n+ + ha.4 .. alr A ' lr + - presented with the usual welter of nug- get peasant-type faces, bathed in varying degrees of radiant conviction. Mho h.:~i4- v~,+f-ra rn 'nn r ma, nfn i. S