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Latest Deadline in the State
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Stu dents Opposed to Presen Driving Regui
2,702 Ask
Full Lifting
Of Car Ban
Majority Votes
To Modify Rules
Removal of the driving ban re-
ceived only qualified approval from
the campus in this week's elec-
Of the 7,324 students who reg-
istered their opinions in the re-
* erendum, 2,702 voted for complete
removal. Another 2,840 asked for
modified restrictions, and 1,782
voters favored maintaining the
status quo.
* * *
THE RESULTS showed that
1,230 more cars would probably
be brought into Ann Arbor if the
ban were removed. In contrast
5,909 students said they would not
bring additional cars to campus.
The secret ballot revealed that
there are almost as many illegl
cars now on campus as those
which are permitted. Seven-
hundred and eight students said
they now possess cars with per-
mits, while 575 admitted they
drove cars here without Univer-
sity sanction.
The group which voted for com-
plete removal .of the restriction
possesses the majority of illegal
cars, 336. Of those who approved
the current ban only 43 own il-
legal cars.
The "with modification" group
registered 170 without permits.
On the other hand, the group
which approved the ban has the
largest number of legal automo-
biles on campus, 273. In compari-
son, the modification group owns
215 and the opposition, 229.
* * *
AS WOULD be expected, if the
restriction were lifted, the great-
est number of cars, 655, would be
brought to campus by those who
voted for removal of the ban, in
contrast to only an additional 159
cars from the status quo group,
and 412 for the middle of the
The tabulation also showed that
1502 of the group which favored
restrictions do not normally have
cars on campus now in comparison
with 2404 for the modification
group and 2039 for these who op-
posed the ban.
** *
REQUESTED for statistical pur-
poses by the Office of Student
Affairs, the referendum results will
form part of a report on present
driving regulations which is to be
eventually submitted to the Re-
Always a controversial issue,
the regulations had recently been
termed "unenforceable" by a
University official. The voting
has borne out the contention
that a great number of cars are
illegally on campus.
Opponents of removal of the re-
strictions point to the chronic cam-
pus-city parking problem and ar-
gue that abolishment of the ban
would only intensify an already
bad situation.
Originally instituted in 1927 at
the request of President Clarence
E. Little, the ban was imposed aft-
er several deaths and serious ac-
cidents attributable to student
driving had occurred.
Wolverine Club
To Charter Buses
The Wolverine Club will o'tempt
to smooth out Thanksgiving trans-
SL Returns Show
46 Per Cent High
Gupta, Beers, Perry Top Previous
Totals for Individual Candidates
For the second semester in succession a record breaking vote was
recorded in the all-campus elections, as 7,426 students, representing
46 per cent of the eligible voters, swarmed to the polls in the two-day
Honors for the top individual vote also changed hands this time
when three Student Legislature candidates surpassed the 353 ballot
tally rolled up last spring by Jim Youngblood, '54, to be elected on the
first ballot.
* * * *
RAJESH GUPTA. Grad., accumulated a 431 total to lead the field
-Daily-Don Campbell
-Daily-Don Campbell
-Daily-Don Campbell
Allied Fighter Bombers
Attack Near Manchuria
SEOUL-(A)-Thunderjet fight-
er-bombers leveled a Communist
military headquarters and oil stor-
age plant only 25 miles from the
Manchurian border yesterday leav-
ing them in rubble and flames.
The air blows overshadowed the
ground fighting, which was vir-
tually frozen in the most bitter
cold so far of the new winter cam-
Lie May Deny
Jury Invitation
-A United Nations source said
yesterday Secretary General Tryg-
ve Lie will reject an invitation to
appear before a New York federal
grand jury investigating subvers-
ive activities.
Lie himself was not available to
reporters seeking comment from
him direct.
The grand jury invited Lie in a
telegram Tuesday to amplfy his
accusation that some American
employes in his secretariat had
been subjected to "indiscriminate
smears and extravagant charges."
The telegram was said to be
merely an invitation and not in-
tended as an order to testify. The
grand jury has no power to sub-
poena anyone such as Lie, who
enjoys diplomatic immunity.
THE RAIDERS, including new,
improved Thunderjets, struck
Kanggye, important North Korean
rail and supply point. Pilots said
they wrecked 25 buildings and left
smoke and flames boiling up from
the target.
Sabre jets flying protective
patrol for the raiders tangled
with four Communist MIGs near
the Yalu River frontier of Man-
churia and damaged one, the
Fifth Air Force said.
It was the third straight day of
air battles, in which the Reds had
seven MIGs destroyed, one prob-
ably destroyed and three damaged.
Allied losses, if any, are announced
The top boss of the United
States Air Force, Gen. Hoyt S.
Vandenberg, touring Korea, dis-
closed that new and improved jet
types, including speedier Sabre
interceptors and Thunderjets cap-
able of heavier bomb loads are now
in action.
Released on Bond
A 20 year old Ann Arbor wom-
;an was released on $1500 bond yes-
terday after being arraigned ge-
fore Municipal Judge Francis
O'Brien on the charge of kidnap-
ing two year old Barbara Peter-
son, daughter of a University med-
ical student, Tuesday night.
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - President
Truman said last night the Eisen-
hower administration must take
action to meet the health and oth-
er social and economic needs of
the American people if it is to give
the people what they want.
* * *
CHICAGO - Defense attor-
neys yesterday began an effort
to knock the legal props from
under the government's anti-
trust suit against the du Pont
family and six major companies.
* * *
LANSING - The $7,000,000 an-
nual rate increase, that will hit all
its customers, was granted to the
Michigan Consolidated Gas Co.
yesterday by the State Public
Service Commission.
LANSING -- Alarmed at the
large number of deer hunters killed
this year-eight since the season
opened Saturday-Michigan Con-
servation Director G. E. Eddy,
urged yesterday that hunters in-'
crease their caution while in the
Hunting violations continued toj
run normal with 585 arrests to
* * *
NEW YORK-(A)-Gen. Dwight
D. Eisenhower was reported in
agreement last night with top
Republican leaders on the broad
outlines of a tax-cutting economy
program and to be standing firm
against forcible repatriation of
prisoners in the Korean War.
Sen. Alexander Wiley (R-Wis),
who will be chairman of .the Sen-
ate Foreign Relations Committee
in the next Congress, told report-
ers after a meeting with Eisen-
hower that the general "re-em-
phasized his agreement with the
principle of no forcible repatria-
tion of Communist prisoners."
been used by the Communists as
their main reason for refusing the
Allied terms for an armistice in
Wiley, a United Nations dele-
gate, had asked Eisenhower for
Jackson Riot
Trio Moved
To Marquette
JACKSON, Mich. - () -
Three escape-minded inmates of
Southern Michigan Prison, scene
of Tuesday night's rioting, were
transferred to the penitentiary at
Marquette yesterday "for the good
of the prison."
Described by Southern Michi-
gan Prison officials as "escape
risks," the triofwaswhisked away
to Marquette early yesterday.
THE THREE inmates, two with
records of prior escapes, were:
Harold A. Klatt, 22, years old sen-
tenced from Monroe County to
serve from four to 15 years for
breaking and entering; William
Lamerato, 34 years old, serving
concurrent sentences of 19 to
20 years for robbery armed and
one to 15 years for breaking and
entering from Detroit; and Don-
aid L. McDowell, 37 years old,
serving one and a half to lour
and a half years for prison es-
Meanwhile, officials, keeping
six men in solitary confinement,
sought to fix the blame for the
big prison's third riot within a
period of eight months.
a statement on the
it was essential to
tions discussions
issue, saying
United Na-
seeking an
Ike Takes GOP Stand
On Tax Cut, Repatriation
Earlier in the afternoon, Eisen-
hower had discussed the new leg-
islative program for the Republi-
can-controlled 83rd Congress with
top GOP leaders who reported a
"harmonious" meeting and no ap-
parent disagreement on objectives.
TODAY, the President-elect has
scheduled a luncheon meeting at
his headquarters with Anthony.
Eden, British foreign secretary.
Earlier he is to see John Foster
Dulles, Republican advisor on
foreign policy, and Harold E.
Stassen, former governor of
Rep. Joseph Martin of Massa-
chusetts-prospective leader of
the new Republican-controlled
House-told reporters after a
meeting with Eisenhower, Sen.
Robert A. Taft of Ohio and Sen.
Styles Bridges of New Hampshire:
"Our goal is to cut taxes at the
first opportunity. But before that,
the first emphasis must be on cut-
ting spending." He added he hop-
ed the budget could be balanced
in the coming year.
Group To Meet
The first meeting of the recent-
ly appointed Committee to Study
Campus Reorganization will be
held at 3:15 p.m. today at the
Student Legislature Bldg.
State Senate
Vote To Be
vestigators of a Senate elections
subcommittee will arrive today in
Detroit to begin a probe of Michi-
gan's crucial senatorial election.
The investigation could result
in a recount of votes in the Nov.
4 victory of Rep. Charles E. Potter,
Republican, who led Democratic
Sen. Blair Moody by 46,000 votes
in the official tally.
- *
CHARGES of irregularities were
made by Neil Staebler, the Demo-
cratic state chairman, last week
in a 14-page letter to the sub-
Staebler wrote the committee
that "the recorded Democratic
vote represents only a portion
of the Democratic vote that
could, and should, have been re-
He listed the following alleged
1. Although Michigan law re-
quires bi-partisan boards to sup-
ervise the voting in each precinct,
many boards contained no Demo-
crat, and some had only one Dem-
ocrat and as many as 10 Repub-
licans. Staebler said instances of
this occurred in Genesee, Eaton
and Arenac counties.
2. An excessive number )f
votes were disallowed, particul-
arly in Wayne County.
3. Incorrect instructions to elec-
tion boards in some cases resulted
in the throwing out of some solit
ballots cast by those who voted for
the Republican state ticket but
crossed over to the Democratic
column to vote for Moody and
4. Officials, in some instances,
refused to admit qualified Demo-
cratic challengers to the polls.
of 37 aspirants while Keith Beers,
Grad., with 371 votes and Bob
Perry, '53E, with 363 also passed
the old mark. Others elected on
the first round were Tony Bon-
adio, '54, with 304 tallies and Duna
Magoon, '54, with 291. The quota
was originally set at 287.
SL officials were jubulant over
the record smashing vote.
Rainy weather which forced
election workers to move ballot
tables inside all yesterday morning
was expected to reduce the count,
but an estimated 3400 - students
still braved the showers to cast
their votes yesterday.
Ballot counting got off-to- a
speedy start promptly at 7 p.m.
in the Union with the first re-
turns heard by 9:30 p.m. and
the whole count through by 1:40
The brisk count was one of the
fastest in recent years.
Joel Biller, '53L, president of
Men's Judiciary Council reported
SL Race
The following list shows the
23 new Student Legislature
members in the order they were
Rajesh Gupta, Grad,
Keith Beers, Grad.
Bob Perry, '53E
Tony Bonadio, '54
Dunc Magoon, '54
Shirley Cox, '54
Pete Dow, '55
Mary Jo Gibbs, '54
Lisa Kurcz, '53
Robin Renfrew, '55
Dudley Chapman, '56
Lee Fiber, '54
Chris Reifel, '55
Audie Murphy, '53Ed
Enid Stenn, '55
Sam Davis, '54
Steve Jelin, '55
Paula Levin, '55
Leah Marks, '55L
Barbara Mattison, '54
Bud Strout, '53 BAd.
Ned Simon, '55
Ron Mauer, '55
The last three members will
serve half-year terms.
no irregularities connected with
the voting. Only 195 ballots were
invalidated because of improper
marking or punching, an unus-
ually low number compared to the
size of the vote.
HOWEVER, controversy arose
over the electioneering of victor-
ious candidate Perry who slipped
campaign literature under quad-
rangle doors Monday night in vio-
lation of house rules in several
Irate dorm leaders moved,
swiftly into action with the re-
sult that letters of censure are
'being sent to the legislator by
both the East Quad and West
Quad Councils.
In addition the South Quad
governing body has sent a com-
plaint to Men's Judiciary, accord-
bilizer Tighe Woods nformedI
gress yesterday the time
come to lift price controls
all clothing, some kinds of7
and a few other products.
Panel To Debate world Problems
* *
west Quad Council Vote
Takes B~raun from Post;
An over-the-table style debate
will take place at 8:30 p.m. today
when the "World News Council,"
composed of prominent represen-
tatives of four major portions of
the globe, meets on the Hill Audi-
torium stage, in this year's third
Oratorical Series Lecture.
Instead of a panel or symposium
type of discussion, the Council
will feature speakers from Paris,
Manila, Ankara and Washington
in a four-way debate on the latest
world developments.
THE EUROPEAN representa-
tivPe, enil C pmq.is na-.
House Committee on Un-Ameri-
can Activities.
S * *
will be Melchior Aquino, a mem-
ber of the Philippine delegation
to the United Nations. His journ-
alistic and diplomatic experiences
in Far Eastern affairs give him
background information on this
vital area.
The fourth member of the
group, Cuneyd Dosdogru, a Tur-
kish journalist and political
scientist, will represent the Near
and Middle East.
A founder of the Ankara News
Agency, he has also served in the
Bert Braun, '54, lost his seat on
the West Quad Council by a vote of
11 to 3 at the council's Tuesday
night meeting, it was learned last
This will automatically cost the
Michigan House representative his
vote on the Inter-House Council as
CHICAGO House delegate Bob
Adding that he had sometimes
expressed sentiments "that new
council members felt but were
afraid to utter." Baun said he be-
lieved he had been merely voicing
the opinions of the men in his
house on most occasions.
West Quad Council president
Sam Alfieri, '54A, spoke for the
council in refusing to comment
on Braun's dismissal or his