0 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1952 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE 'V U Annual Sweater Hop Planned for Saturday Prize Awaits Most Original Couple at Dance; Clare Shepard's Orchestra To Be Featured With blizzard time drawing near the Union social committee has slated the annual Sweater Hop from 9 p.m. to midnight Saturday in the Union Ballroom so that students may display their fin- est and warmest knits at the pre- season party. Sweaters of any variety from baggy, beat-up Army cast-offs and decorative ski sweaters to fancy beaded formal ones will be the wearing apparel for the evening. * * * COEDS, skillful with knitting and pearling, still have time be- fore the dance to whip up an orig- inal woolen creation and perhaps make one for their dates too. As part of the intermission program a prize will be offered by a local merchant to the con- ple showing the best originality in their sweater attire. Either similarity or contrast of dress will be appropriate. Featured on the half-time pro- gram will be Diane Mowrey, '55, in her presentation of the hula dance. I Accpc'4 Camnpo HATCHER TEA-The second of the bi-monthly Hatcher teas will take place from 4 to 6 p.m. to- day at the president's home. The informal tea will honor Al- pha Delta Pi, Sigma Nu, Green House in East Quad, and Palmer House in Alice Lloyd domitory. All students are invited to attend. RECIPROCITY BOARD-Mem- bers of the Reciprocity Board and all non affiliated PEO's will meet at 8 .pm. tomorrow at the home of Mrs. John Enns, 2780 Heather- way. Those desiring transporta- tion call 30829. * * * BADMINTON CLUB-Badmin- ton Club members will meet from 7 to 9 p.m. today in Waterman Gym. Both men and women are invited to join the club, which is sponsored by the Women's Ath- letic Association. BOARD OF REPS-There will be a meeting for all members of the Board of Representatives at 4 p.m. today in the League instead ofy the usual 4:30 p.m, starting hour. MICHIGAN DAMES - The Swimming Group of the Michigan Chapter of the University Dames will meet at 7 p.m. today at the Y.M.C.A. JUNIOR PANHEL -There will be a Junior Panhel meeting at 5 p.m. today in the League. The room number will be posted on the schedule at the main desk in the League lobby. COED TRANSFERS-All affili- ated transfer women whose so- rority is not active on the Uni- versity campus are requested by f Panhel to contact Bev Arble at 22539or leave their name in the Panhel box at the League before Saturday. * * . BRIDGE NIGHT - The weekly Union-League "sponsored bridge night will be held at 7:30 tonight in the Union. The room number will be desig- nated on the bulletin board on the first floor of the Union. MISS MOWREY, formerly of Hawaii, has had the opportunity to learn the specialty dance from native Hawaiians. She will don a grass skirt to make her interpre- tation authentic. This will be Miss Mowery's first appearance on this campus as an entertainer. Decorations will be based along the theme of woolen wear and will include such items as knitting needles, shanks of brightly colored yarn, bobbins and imaginative sweater designs. *' * * CLARE SHEPARD and his band will give forth with some "hot" music in keeping with the dance's theme. A large cut-out of a sweater will form the backdrop for the band. Also included on the dance music program will be such pop- ular hits as "Wish You Were Here," "Somewhere Along The Way" and "Blue Moon" for the couples' dancing pleasure. Tickets for the dance are priced at $1 per couple and may be pur- chased either before the dance or on Saturday at the main desk in the Union lobby. Art Bublits, councilman in charge of the Sweater Hop, urges all students who are unable to fol- low the team to Ohio State to at- tend the dance to celebrate the U's victory. As usual a variety of refresh- ments will be on tap in the Union Tap Room in the basement to pro- vide couples with favorite dishes throughout the dance time. Students, Faculty To HoldMeeting This week's student-faculty cof- fee hour will be with the psychol- ogy department and will be held from 4 to 5:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Terrace Room of the Union. All students are invited to at- tend. The coffee hour gives stu- dents a bi-weekly opportunity to promote friendlier student-facul- ty relations. "Students can show their in- terest by coming-not just talk- ing and complaining about facul- ty relations," explains Mary Hel- deman,hwho is chairman of the coffee hour. Two weeks ago the history de- partment was honored. Club To Slate TalentShow 'Novelaires' Featured At Newman Gathering As a welcome relief after a week of study and bluebooks. the New- man Club is planning a talent show for 8:30 p.m. Friday in the Newman clubrooms. The feature of the evening's en- tertainment will be the "Nove- laires." This well-known quartet. composed of Bob McGrath, Dave Calahan, Dick Frank, and Ara Bergerian, has appeared in sev- eral campus programs, including Varsity Night and the Michigan- Cornell Glee Club Concert." The rest of the talent will be provided by club members. Among the acts scheduled is a dance rou- tine by Jack Lawyer, '55E. Arthur Rogers, '54, Harvey Dean, '53L, Dave Socha, '53, James Laidlaw, '53D, Irving Fieber, '53D, Pat Reilly, '54E, Ronald Humph- rey, Grad., and Anthony Steimle, '53E, are carefully guarding de- tails of their novelty act, which is to be the surprise event of the evening. Nora Granito, '55, and her trio will present vocal variety, as will soloist Doris O'Driscoll, '55Mu. Also included in the program is a minstrel act. Emcee Jack Gilbert, '54E, has promised a program varied enough to suit every taste, whether high or low brow. The entertainment is a special feature and not one of the weekly parties sponsored by the club. Records for dancing will be on the turntable before and after the show. Refreshments will be on hand for all guests. All Newman Club members and their friends are invited to at- tend. There is no charge. ISA To Give Monte Carlo At Rackham Bldg. Friday To gamble or not to gamble- this question has bothered the ma - jority of studentsbat one time or another in their lives. On many of these occasions in- dividuals with the gambling urge held back from the practice be- cause of limited finances. * * 4 HOWEVER, this need not be the procedure at 8 p.m. this Fri-s day evening when the Interna- tional Student Association spon- sors their annual Monte Carlo Ball at the Rackham Hall. Here students may feel the general atmosphere of a gam- bling casino and enjoy the thrills of gambling without los- ing any money from their wal- lets. At the door the ISA will start everyone's evening off successfully by furnishing all partygoers with a large sum of cash, of the coun- terfeit variety. WHETHER the evening will end as successfully financially is en- tirely up to the luck and "skill" of the individual. Chants of "place your bets" will echo through the room as operators prepare to whirl two large roulette wheels. Two oth- er gambling games, "jack pot" and "21" will also be featured. As in past years, the lucky play- ers who win the most money will receive a special prize. Fortnight There will be a Fortnight Central Committee meeting at 4 p.m. today in the League. The room number will be posted. -Daily-Larry Wilk DANCE PREPARATIONS - Donna Winsted, '56, and Marke Northwood, '56N, are helping a young University enthusiast to don a sweater. They want to be sure that he will be ready to go to the Sweater Hop .from 9 p.m. to midnight Saturday in the Union Ballroom. The annual dance is spon- sored by the Union social committee. Kleinstueck, Scott House Sponsor Dance; KelseyHouse Schedules Annual Formal GAMBLING ANTICS: November Nocturn . . -Kleinstueck House and Scott House, brother and sister dormi- tories, are planning a vacation send-off party from 9 p.m. to mid- night Friday in Alice Lloyd Hall. The dance was formerly called "November Nocturn" and was pre- sented by Kleinstueck, but this year the two dorms are co-spon- soring the event. Members of the two houses and their guests are invited. Paul McDonough and his com- bo will be on hand to provide the music. He has played at several events on campus recently, in- cluding I-Hop and Panhel Ball. The five-man combo specializes in requests, including popular hit tunes, Latin American numbers, Dixieland and waltzes. Music for the combo is arranged by McDonough, who composedthe 1952 Union Opera song "Can't Imagine" and has also been work- ing on the score of this year's opera. Intermission entertainment will be provided by Mark Ferrelli, a Scott House man, playing the ac- cordion. Ferrelli, who is from West Virginia, will entertain couples at- tending the dance with popular numbers as well as western hits and hillbilly tunes. General chairman for the dance is Dan Peterson. Members of the committee are Joyce Lane and John Sheperd, publicity and Mar- ilyn Stelt, social chairman of Kleinstueck House. Kelsey Formal ... Transforming the Van Tyne Dining Room into a Parisan Cafe, the men of Kelsey House will hold their annual fall formal from 8 p.m. to midnight Saturday. The Kelsey Kafe will feature French Menus as programs, deco- rations of the sidewalk cafe mo- tif and the music of Paul McDon- ough's Orchestra. While the orchestra takes its break, students attending the dance will have a special oppor- tunity to see a sneak preview of this year's Union Opera "No Cover Charge." Also on tap to entertain the guests, the Kelsey Quartette will give their own renditions of fa- vorite barbarshop tunes. r .1 This dance is open to all res- idents of Kelsey House and Kel- sey House alumni. They may pur- chase their tickets priced at $2.50 per couple anytime this week. Art Rooks has been appointed general chairman for the formal. He will be assisted by Don Rock, Publicity Chairman; Joe Vinneri, refreshments chairman and Tom Bleah, entertainment chairman. HOWEVER, gambling will not monopolizethe entirehevening's program. For those who wish to dance, Jim Alden's Quartette will be on hand to play popular dance tunes. There will also be a floorshow of foreign songs and dances performed by various members of the French, Spanish, Rus- sian, and German Clubs. The French Riviera look will also prevail at the party by the appearance of cigarette girls who will mingle among the guests. Tickets for the Monte Carlo Ball. priced at 75 cents a person or $1.25 per couple, may be pur- chased at the International Cen- ter or from members of the French, Russian, German Span- ish, and Arabian Club. Friday evening ticket sales will also be held at the Rackham Building. Delta Honors 3 Members An initiation ceremony for Del- ta Sigma Theta pledges was held in the League Chapel Saturday morning. After the ceremony - members of Nu chapter gave a luncheon in the Golden Apples room for the new initiates and other guests. The initiates Loretta Brown, Shirley Browne and Alfreda Dus- ter attended a Delta party in De- troit the same evening given In their honor. Also present were Wayne Uni- versity members of Delta Sigma Theta. Y't~ w eyor41 e Prepare for the Holiday Season Now Rave your hair slylec Haircuts $1.50 '20 Permanents $15 $15 Permanents $12.50 "t e6/lel BEAUTY SALON 601 East Liberty ',W .: ' t a a° ." ' ( I Tweed-Boucle Knitfor JANUARY 2-31 COEDS! HAIRCUTTING to please you. 4 Stylists The Dascola Barbers Near the Michigan Theater a Brilliant New Season *1 4. I I * STAR CLEANERS * 1213 S. University DRY CLEANING SPECIALS FOR THE PRICE OF Save $1.00 on Every $3 of Cleaning 2-HOUR CLEANING AT REGULAR PRICE IL Couple your WHERE TO WORK? 9ivinal 4eparate4 for custom-made holiday originality D. With so many positions available today, this is a problem that faces many young women. These are a few of the things that you may require of your job: Good wages Regular salary increases Congenial co-workers Pleasant surroundings Chance for advancement $3500 A fashion-touch of genius in the high roll collar, new banded armhole, pushup sleeves . . . all prettily piped to perfectly match the slim contrasting skirt. Luxurious all-wool boucle. In combinations of navy and royal, forest green and grey, charcoal and grey, praline and grey. Sizes 10 to 18. Take a blouse, add a skirt , . . a chic formal of your own design, to transform as often as you wish with another blouse or skirt. I II= A. Black rayon jersey blouse; sizes 1 0 to 1 8........................ . ........14.95 Iii m,1