PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1951 NO" k. Thirty-Seven Candidates Race for S L Positions Y - Questions on Chief Issues Answered by All Aspirants With their hectic election campaigns behind them, 37 Student Legislature candidates must now wait the verdict of student voters who will go to the polls today and tomorrow. Altogether, 23 open positions will be filled in the all-campus elec- tions. The first twenty aspirants elected will get full one-year posts, while the next three to go over the quota will only serve half-year terms. IN ORDER TO summarize the campaign and issues involved in it, The Daily has once again asked each candidate to answer a series of five questions pertaining to Legislature issues and to present a brief summary of aims. Due to space limitations, the first three questions could only be answered "yes" or "no" and the last two with only a few words Since the questions are quite clear-cut, the short answer is ade- quate. The questions are: 1. Do you favor SL pressing for a coed student union in the for- seeable future? 2. Do you favor the present SL recommendation to the Re- gents in regard to the Lecture Committee? 3. Do you believe action should be taken toward reorganization of student government? 4. How many hours of work do you plan to devote to SL each week? 5. What specific projects or committees would you most like to work on? *. * * Beers, Keith, Grad. 1. no, 2. yes, 3. yes, 4. six to 30, 5. I would like to continue work on leadership training, the stu- dent government reorganization committee, the Lecture Commit- tee brief group, Student Book Exchange Board and Campus Action Committee. "I desire a fourth term on the SL because I believe that experi- ence and maturity are more than ever needed to solve such prob- lems as SL reorganization and leadership, Lecture Committee pol- icy, driving ban and discrimina- tion." in. * * * Bonadio, Tony, '54 1. no, 2. yes, 3. yes, 4 twelve, 5. I feel that getting SL to the students and vice-versa is a vital responsibility of SL, and I would like to work on pub- lic relations projects to meet this responsibility. "I desire to become a member of SL in order to devote my time and effort on necessary committee work within SL, and to see to it that the student government of this University always is truly rep- resentative and never is a campus political arena for airing individu- al and group prejudices." Boyce, Jack, '54 1. no, 2. yes, S. yes, 4. fifteen, 5. Having seen the lack of un- derstanding of SL by both stu- dents and faculty, I would like to work on the Public Relations Committee. The Culture and Education Committee also seems to need a stimulus which I would like to contribute. "I have a sincere desire to place SL on a sound basis in coordinat- ing the efforts of the students and the faculty in solving mutual prob- lems." time, SL needspeople whoare not only interested in pushing their own interests. SL needs members to work for the establishment of a real, a meaningful, student gov- ernment." * * * Dow, Pete, '55 1. no, 2. no, 3. yes, 4. fifteen, 5. Campus Action and Interna- tional Committees. "My desire to serve on SL is motivated by two convictions: First that 'students must partici- pate in shaping their own edu- cation, and secondly that there is a great deal of room for im- provement in the functioning of SL*"* Fiber, Lee, '54 1. no, 2. yes, 3. yes, 4. eigh- teen, 5. Reorganization com- mittee, Public Relations Com- mittee and Dorm Chairman Committee. "Because I believe that students should take an active part in the shaping of their own education. and because I believe representa- tive student government is the means for most fully realizing this philosophy, I hope to utilize my past experience in SL and pres- ent knowledge of student prob- lems toward making student gov- ernment at Michigan stronger and more effective during the coming year." * * * Gibbs, Mary Jo, '54 1. yes, 2. yes, 3. yes, 4. ten, 5. Public Relations Committee, particularly the freshman ori- entation .program. "Since SL is the representative of the student body, I desire to serve on SL to promote a campus wide awareness of the functions of the Legislature and to create a greater student interest and par- ticipation in campus government. On the basis of my past experi- ence in student government and my interest in SL, I feel I am qualified to represent the student body." Gilman, Ricky, '55SN 1. no, 2. yes, 3. no answer, 4. as many as are needed, 5. Text- book lending library, Student Book Exchange and Campus Ac- tion Committee. "Since all freedom depends ul- timately upon political freedom, it is to the best interest of every cit- ment that serves them. I am pre- izen to contribute to the govern- pared to contribute in an active representative capacity." Gupta, Rajesh, Grad. 1. yes, 2. yes, 3. yes, 4. ten to 15, 5. International and Pub- lic Relations Committees. "Since SL is supposed to be a body representative of all the stu- dents on campus, and because in the near past time there has been no member of the SL from among the foreign students, who are 900 strong on this campus, I felt that the interest of the foreign stu- dents must be represented on this body, and it can best be done by a foreign student, especially by a person who has been quite active in ISA. * * * Jacobus, Phil, '55 -1. yes, 1. yes, 3. yes, 4. twenty, 5. Reorganization Committee and Public Relations Commit- tee. "I desire to serve on the SL be- cause I am extremely interested in student government. Not only should students have a voice in their affairs, but I feel an active participation now makes better citizens for tomorrow." * " * Jelin, Steve, '55 1. no, 2. yes, 3. yes, 4. twenty to 25, 5. I should like to continue my work on the Culture and Education Committee, the Cam- pus Action Committee and the committee for evaluation of campus organizations. I should also wish to further my investi- gation of the potentialities of a cafmpus leadership training pro- gram. "Having already served a semes- ter on the Legislature, I feel that I can see areas in which change and improvement can and must be effected; i.e., coordination of ac- tivities and expansion of student endeavors. I strongly believe that student government must function on our campus, but I feel that much of the effort now expended is wasted on administrative trivia." * *, * Kornbluh, Dave, '54 1. yes, 2. no answer, 3. yes, 4. as much as necessary, 5. Com- - mittee on Reorganization, Cam- pus Action Committee and Cul- ture and Education Committee. "I believe that I can bring to SL the idealism and experience that will be needed to help guide toward becoming a living and ef- fective element within the Uni- versity and an efficacious over- seer of student welfare." Kurcz, Lisa, '53 1. yes, 2. yes, 3. yes, 4. maxi- mum amount, 5. I would like to continue working on foreign student integration into cam- pus life, intercultural programs and a sister-university program with a school abroad, through the International Committee. "I wish to be re-elected to the SL to continue my work on foreign student orientation and integra- tion into campus life, cultural ex- change between foreign and American students and a sister- university plan with an overseas school." * * * Levin, Paula, '55 1. yes, 2. yes, 3. no, 4 ten to 15. 5. To work toward a much stronger motion on the Lecture Committee and to break down discrimination on campus, es- pecially regarding housing and job opportunities. "Because I feel that SL can be effective in gaining student rights and because I want to help in building SL to a powerful position, I am seeking election. A legislature whose members will actually fight for the things they feel import- ant can dispel the apathy among the student body and gain real advances from the administra- tion." * * * MacKay, Dorothy, '53 1. yes, 2. no, 3. abstain, 4. min- imum of seven, 5. International Committee, greater integration of foreign students, programs given to promote appreciation of other cultures and a recom- mendation for stronger action on the Lecture Committee. "To fight on the issue of the Lecture Committee-to promote international understanding and friendship-to represent the inter- ests of students and not those of the administration when these in- terests conflict." Magoon, Dunc, '54 1. yes, 2. yes, 3. yes, 4. ten, 5. Campus Action and Dorm Committees and SL bookstore. "I want to serve on the SL be- cause I am interested in campus affairs and have the time both to learn and express student opin- ion-which is the primary func- tion of student government." * * * Marks, Leah, '55L 1. yes, 2. yes, 3. yes, 4. fifteen, 5. I hope to work on the Cul- ture and Education Committee in order to push the Literary College Conferences and aid in setting up similar programs in other colleges within the Uni- versity. "I wish to serve on SL in order to keep SL from confusing the good of SL, as an organization, With the good of the educational community." * * * Mattison, Barbara, '54 1. no, 2. yes, 3. yes, 4. fifteen to 20, 5. I am particularly in- terested in the reorganization committee and the public re- lations program and in expand- ing the services and financial otential of the Cinema Guild and the Student Book Exchange. "I desire to serve on SL because I believevthat the student should have a voice in the government of his community and the formula- tion of his education and that SL, by its very nature, is the organ most suited to perform these func- tions. Since I have had some con- nection with SL for the past sev- eral months, I am familiar with its projects and its problems, and I am more than willing to devote the time and energy necessary to establish a more effective student government on this campus." * * * Mauer, Ron '55 1. no, 2. no, 3. yes, 4. as much as 50, 5. Campus Action Com- mittee, Student Book Exchange, better relations with other or- ganizations and reorganization of student government. "I would like to serve on SL be- cause I am interested in the serv- ices the Legislature performs. I have worked with SL for a year, and I feel that the experience I have gained may prove profitable in assisting various committees. McArthur, Bill, '55E 1. no, 2. yes, 3. yes, 4. twenty, 5. Campus Action Committee, Student Book Exchange, non- profit bookstore and student government reorganization. "I desire to be on SL because I have the time, desire and, I be- live, the ability to contribute to its effectiveness and thus help the average student gain more from his education." * * * McClelland, Don, '54 A&D 1. no, 2. yes, 3. no, 4. seven, 5. Public Relations, International and Culture and Education Committees. "I think that I have something to offer the SL and I want to repre- sent student opinion. I also hope that I can build a better relation- ship between SL and the student body." * * * Murphy, Aud ie, '53Ed . 1. no, 2. yes, 3. yes, 4. ten to 15, 5. International Committee Take This To the Polls In this issue The Daily has presented a comprehensive sur- vey of the all-campus elec- tions today and tomorrow. Clip it out and use it as a reference in selecting your candidates and voting on the driving ban referendum. Sixteen voting tables have been placed in convenient spots around campus and will be op- en from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on both days. Only pre-requisite for cast- ing a vote is your I-D card. Voting tables will be set up at the Women's Athletic Bldg.; the front of University Hospi- tal; the corner of N. University, E. University and Washtenaw, near Waterman Gym; the Lea- gue's N. University entrance; corner of N. University and S. State; front of Angell Hall; front of the Union; between Tappan Hall and the Romance Languages Bldgs.; front of Mason Hall; center of the diag; inside of center arch of the Law Quadrangle; campus end of the Engineering Arch; E. University end of the Engineer- ing Arch; E. University and Monroe St. entrance of East Quadrangle; front of the Busi- ness Administration Bldg. and the corner of Madison and S. State near the South Quad- rangle. I believe the SL should be much more powerful that it is now." * * * Perry, Bob, '53E 1. yes, 2. yes, 3. no, 4. as much as necessary. 5. Sudent non- profit book store, better dorm living conditions, stronger and more forceful action and im- provement of present SL sys- tem. "If re-elected to a third term on SL, I will continue to urge SL to pursue, without compromise, the high goals demanded by the students. I would suggest SL ac- complish these goals through use of allavailable methods. It is only then that they can realize their potential strength." * * * Ploeg,. Robert, '54 BAd. 1. yes, 2. no, 3. yes, 4. eighth to twelve, 5. Human Relations Committee and Book Exchange project. "I am interested in serving on SL for several reasons. 1) I am interested in democratic govern- ment where everyone has a say and a vote. 2) I am interested in serving in such an organization which fosters such a type of rep- resentation. 3) I am more than willing to give my time in support of such an organization whose aim is to represent all the students in all matters pertaining to their well being." Legislature because I would like to be a working part of that or- ganization which recognizes that sttidents must participate in shaping their own education, and work, guided by this philosophy." * * *. Renfrew, Robin,'55 1. yes, 2. no, 3. yes, 4. 15, 5. Public Relations Committee, particularly the Speakers Bu- rea. "I'am in favor of the principle behind any student government- allowing students to participate in their own administration and education. I would like to help Student Government achieve a position whereby it could accur- ately and effectively represent student opinion to the administra- tion." Rossner, Ruth, '55 1. no, 2. yes, 3. yes, 4. 10, 5. Reorganization study commit- tee and Public Relations Com- mittee. "I would like to continue serv- ing on SL because I sincerely be- lieve that it is the logical body through which students can pre- sent a united viewpoint- to the administration on issues which concern them. It has not yet quite attained this idea. I intend to help it do so." * * * Schwartz, ,Joe, '56 1. no, 2. yes, 3. no, 4. as much as necessary, 5. Campus Action and Public Relations Commit- tees (telephone situation and speakers bureau). I'd like to: 1)aRepresent student desires most effectively through a stronger SL. 2) Foster present worthwhile campus organizations by encouraging student interest and participation in them. 3) Pro- mote campus spirit in sponsoring legislation and projects aimed in that direction. 4) Establish within the structure of SI4greater organi- zation, flexibility co-ordination and co-operation in securing greater unity and assisting facul- ty-student relations. Simon, Ned B., '55 1. no answer, 2. yes, 3. de- pends on report of committee now studying the problem, 4. at least 10, 5. Campus Action, Hu- I I man Relations and Culture and Education Committees. "From my limited experience with various committees of the SL, I have found a disheartening lack of enthusiasm exhibited by some SL members and by workers on its committees. This apathy can only result in the disinterest of the en- tire student body. I hope that I cane be part of a new movement, that through its enthusiasm can gain for SL the interest and re- spect that it deserves on the Mich- igan campus. Stenn, Enid, '55, 2. yes, 3. yes,.4. minimum 15 to 20, 5. Student Book Ex- change, internal re-organiza- tion and Public Relations Com- mittee. "SL is at a critical stage of its development. It can grow into a stronger campus organization or slip backwards. I am interested in the work done by SL and want to do my part to help further its de- velopments." * * * S trout, .Bud, '53BAd 1. yes, 2. yes, 3. yes, 4. 15, 5. Human Relations, public rela- tions and University relations. . "I, like all the other candidates, desire to be a part of the 'voice of the students'." Thomas, Dick, Grad. 1. yes, 2. no, 3. yes, 4. ten to 12, 5. Public Relations and Hu- man Relations committees. "Being a fraternity man and now living in the dormitory system I can better understand the prob- lems of both." * * *. Wilson, Catherine, '54 1. no, 2. no, 3. yes, 4. 10, 5. Public Relations Committee and reorganization. "I wish to serve on SL mainly because of my firm belief in the good afforded by student govern- ment. My interest is keen and I believe I can safely say that it is matched by my determination to do a good job." Y, s fK. 4 of which I served as chairman this semester. "One of my interests during my past year's work on SL has been the international phase of cam- pus life. I am running for re- election so that I may continue my work along this line and build up the international field to the prominent place it deserves on this campus." Ottati, Mark, '55 1. yes, 2. no, 3. yes, 4. twenty, 5. Campus Action Committee. I would like to have dormitories sell meal tickets on basis of num- ber of meals taken there, rather than the present "pay for the semester whether you eat there or not" system. "I want to serve on SL because Reardon, Bob,'54 1. no, 2. yes, 3. yes, 4. 15, 5. Alumni-student relations, reor- ganization, Campus Action Com- mittee. "Having been a member of SL for nearly a semester, I realize the vital role that SL plays in this University. Because of the experi- ence I have, I think I am quali- fied to, and I certainly desire to, help fulfill SL's purpose, that of representing the students." Reifel, Chris, '55 1. yes, 2. yes, 3. no decision until study now being made is completed, 4. 30, 5. Reorganiza- tion committee, Culture and Ed- ucation committee. "I wish to serve on the Student * "19 I C' and Accessory- Organs not Adversely Affected by Smoking Chester fields Chapman, '56 Dudley, 1. yes, 2. yes, 3. yes, 4. at least four or five, 5. The Culture and Education Committee and the Public Relations Committee. "Utilizing my experience in working with the Public Relations Committee of SL, I want to take the initiative in making direct, personal contacts with you, the students. The purpose of these contacts would be to determine your opinions, complaints and de- sires for action by SL." Cox, Shirley, '54 1. no, 2. yes, 3. yes, 4. ten to 20, 5. Committee on evaluation of campus organizations and the Culture and Education Com- mittee. "This fall SL is passing through a real crisis, and vitally needs stu- dent support and active sincere legislators. If re-elected I will continue my fight for a closer SL- student relationship which is nec- essary for progress in the direction of real student government." Davis, Sam L., '54 1. yes, 2. yes, 3. no, 4. twen- ty-five, 5. Human Relations Committee or International Committee. "My primary interest is in stu- dent government. At the present L---------------------------------ao o 4' CO 4, Ile 4. 4,o 40 le PRINTING KING SIZE SERVICE Card to a Catalog by A responsible consulting organization has reported the results of a continuing study by a competent medical specialist and his staff on the effects of smoking Chesterfield cigarettes. A group of people from various walks of life was organized to smoke only Chesterfields. For six months this group of men and women smoked their normal amount of Chesterfields - 10 to 40 a day. 45% of the group have smoked Chesterfields con- tinually from one to thirty years for an average of 10 years each. At the beginning and at the end of the six- months period each smoker. was given a thorough , - . rr ----- - - ASK YOUR DEALER F t- FOR CHESTERFIELD- EITHER WAY YOU examination, including X-ray pictures, by the medical specialist and his assistants. The exam- ination covered the sinuses as well as the nose, ears and throat. 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