PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY T UESDAY, NQVEIVI"k 18, 1952 U AN ALTERNATIVE: The Hare System BOTH OPPONENTS and supporters of the Student Legislature seem to agree on one essential point--that the idea of student government is highly desirable. The major differences of opinion arise either from the advisability of certain actions taken by SL, or from a general dissatisfac- tion with the internal composition of the group. Most critics of SL, however, pass over the fundamental weakness of the group, namely, the Hare system. The system as used on campus results in the election of 50 or so legislators, each one claiming to represent the entire campus body. Defenders of the system justify this mode of voting as being the fairest means of choosing student leaders. However, under the present SL set-up it merely serves as a way to dodge accountability to the students on the part of the legislator and removes all effective contact between the two. Since the legislator does not represent any specific sentiment on campus because, vaguely enough, he represents all sentiment, he owes his only responsibility to God and his conscience. Too often the legislator acts on what he believes to be the desires of the students, while in actuality he is only ex- pressing his own views. To the voter, the greatest problem faced is the ridiculous fact that he can never be certain that his choice of representative will act in his interest. He casts his ballot and that is the last contact he has with SL during the semester. A new plan based on representation through living districts would be preferable to the highly confusing Hare system. It would work along lines similar to the national House of Representatives' 10-year re-apportionment, with the legislature fix- ing the number of legislators each year, so that the size of the assembly would change in proportion to the total University enroll- ment. The plan might work something like this: A candidate would -campaign for office in a resident district (resident districts here include fraternities, sororities, League houses, Quads, co-ops, etc.) Each residence group would be entitled to the amount of representation based on the number of people living within its domains as compared wiht the total campus popula- tion. Smaller residence groups may band to- gether (e.g. combination of fraternities) so that no group is entirely left out of the picture. This would mean that fraternities would select a certain number of represen- tatives, and that co-op houses would come together and do the same thing. Persons interested in running for leg- islative posts would be nominated merely by filing their intentions to do so at the SL Bldg. This would continue the present policy of encouraging the more capable people to seek office, but would remove the unnecessary procedure of having a nomination petition circulated by candi- dates. Candidates may then announce their in- tention to seek the support of any one of the resident districts. Campaigning would be done exclusively in the group chosen. Elections for office then would take place wit hall members of the district partici- pating in the vote. Election here would mean that the candidate has become a mem- ber of SL by virtue of having defeated other nominees who were striving to represent the same resident district. This procedure would not only return a representative legislature but would finally give the legislator responsibility to a definite group. Furthermore, another advantage to the plan is the fact that the representative would be in constant contact with his con-. stituents, so that he may more accurately reflect their opinion on the floor of the Student Legislature. Two essential difficulties resulting from this plan must be considered. Provisions of representation must be made for stu- dents living off campus (this group in- cludes independents, veterans, affiliates, and grads), and secondly, some might argue that, under the new plan, SL will divide up into factions. The first obstacle might be met by pro- viding independents with a special ballot by which they may choose their representa- tives. Since a person may run for office who is not directly a member of the resi- dence district, the difficulty in obtaining people to represent independents would be reduced. Under such a system non-affiliates would enjoy greater representation than they have had in the past. As for the second objection, even if SL does divide into cliques, it would be only a healthy and accurate reflection of a variety of student opinions. The time to start worrying is when SL never shows any differences of opinion whatsoever. This perhaps is not the only alternative to the Hare system but it may be the most desirable improvement. It is to be hoped that those nominees who are elected today and tomorrow will keep this in mind when the first new session of the legislature con- venes. -Mark Reader SL Election IF NO ONE had bothered to vote in the all-campus election a year ago last spring, the students would not be looking forward to a Thanksgiving weekend next week, nor would they be able to make as extensive use of library facilities as they do now. Without a reasonable percentage of the student body voting, the Student Legislature would not have had enough influence to even attempt gaining these measures from the adminis- tration. Today and tomorrow the all-campi1s elections will be held once again. Thirty- seven candidates are running for 23 open positions. Every candidate has worked hard to present his views to the student body. By merely looking on page six of today's Daily you will be able to see how each aspirant stands on several key is- sues, as well as find out how many hours a week he plans to devote to SL and what he intends to work on. The 37 candidates represent nearly every possible campus viewpoint-it is up to you to decide which one most nearly fits your requirement for a good legislator. Remember that this election will also give you a chance to express your opinion on the controversial University driving ban. The Office of Student Affairs is anx- ious to have everyone register his ideas on present driving regulations. Your vote may help decide University policy on the question. It should be clear by now that student government can only be effective if a large segment of the campus gets out and votes and gives the Legislature its needed man- date. -Teri Youngman and Harry Lunn CURRENT MOVIES At theMichigan .. THE PRISONER OF ZENDA, with Stew- art Granger and Deborah Kerr THE RASH of Technicolor costume pic- tures that has broken out in the last month or two may, in general, be grouped into three very irrelevant and immaterial categories. Like alcoholic beverages, they come either straight, mixed, or liberally diluted. "The Prisoner of Zenda" belongs in the middle group, and is a colorful and entertaining example of same. It is at least the equal of the Ronald Colman version of the story which was made around 1940. Labelling the film "mixed" means (a) that it is not the painfully deadpan non- sense that showed up in last week's "Yan- kee Buccaneer," nor is it, (b) the carefully contrived nonsense of the recent "Crim- son Pirate." In particular, it is best when it comes closest to the wit and spirit of the Burt Lancaster film, weakest when it falls into the earnest melodrama of "Buccaneer." Since MGM has used its most civilized British contract players in the cast here, the light touch wins out, and we may ignore the rest. The plot involves the kidnapping- of a Ruritanian king on the eve of his coronation, threatening the country with the evil men- ace of a usurper. Happily, however, an Eng- lish cousin of the king arrives on the scene at the same time, and is employed by the king's friends as a temporary substitute while they get about rescuing the true mon- arch. The imposter is, of course, no Alice- sit-by-the-fire, and lends a hand as well. Also, falls in love with the princess, who ab- solutely doesn't recognize him. But her en- thusiasm seems tepid at best anyway. In the cast, Stewart Granger is every inch the imposter, also briefly the king. James Mason steals the show in his several ap- pearances as Rupert of Hentzau, a rogpish mercenary. Louis Calhern and Robert Doug- las do all right too. Deborah Kerr, however, seems to deserve Mason's estimate of her as an "insipid wax doll." But the swordplay helps the audience to forget her. Sic semper princesses, Deborah. -Bill Wiegand "CONQUER YOURSELF, rather than the world." -Descartes "IT CAN NOT BE granted that a man may make a judgment about man. Existen- tialism spares him from any such judgment. The existentialist will never consider man as an end because he is always in the making." -Sartre "THE YOUTH gets together his materials to build a bridge to the moon, or, per- chance, a palace or temple on the earth, and, at length the middle-aged man con- cludes to build a wood-shed with them." -Thoreau "IT WOULD SEEM that religion cannot be a mere anachronism and survival, but must exert a permanent function, whe- ther she be with or without intellectual con- tent, and whether, if she have any, it be true or false." -William James "ATOTHING IS so much to be feared as * * q ",Lie tier6 tO the 6dcooj r Concert Manners -. - To the Editor: FOR SOME TIME I have felt that our students and towns- people alike are most discourteous at the close of concerts and lec- tures in Hill Auditorium. While performers are still taking bows and receiving recognition due them, and before the lights are turned on indicating that all is over, quite a number of folks leave the auditorium. I realize that stu- dents are required to be in their rooms at certain times, but is this the reason for leaving early, or is it just lack of consideration for others? We all lead busy lives, but I for one feel there should still be time for courtesy. -Mrs. Kenneth N. Westerman On Romantics .. . To the Editor: IN SUPPORTING his love for ro- mantic music Mr. Zakariasen has revealed some peculiar ideas on the role of the intellect in mu- sic. First of all he forgets that the composer of the 18th century de- pended largely on patronage, a thing that had been accepted for a long time before Haydn began composing. These patrons were cultivated listeners and often tal- ented performers. Their intellects probably played a more prominent part in listening than it does for the audiences that must be "im- mersed in sound" before it can respond to music. Perhaps if Mr. Zakariasen would listen intelli- gently to the music of the great 18th century composers he would realize that it was meant to be listened to and not only felt, and that there is a great deal more sub- stance to it than superficial lis- tening will uncover. If Mr. Zakar- iasen fails to understand these ele- ments in Haydn and Mozart it is hard to see how he can fully un- derstand the "Eroica" and the 9th symphonies of Beethoven which evolved so gradually from this background. According to Mr. Zakarasen music really became an art only with the advent of romanticism. Only then was music elevated from the "business" enterprises of the 18th century composers. Only then did composers write because they really wanted to, and only then did men develope the new art of lis- tening. Apparently this new art of listening died a sad death when composers turned away from the monster orchestras of Berlioz and Mahler and the five hour produc- tions of Wagner. In his last paragraph Mr. Zak- ariasen, in complaining about the brevity of many contemporary symphonies states that, "The lis- tener of today cannot become im- mersed in the sound of music be- fore the piece is all over." This is typical of the attitude of many listeners whose approach to mu- sic is more visceral than intellec- tual. These people would increase their listening enjoyment if they would use their minds more in the listening process. Music is a two dimensional thing involving both the intellect and the emotions. It can lean rather heavily on the side of intellect without becoming emo- tionally sterile. This of course re- H-Bomb Commentary "Courage, Ewald! We're approaching civilization!" quires more of the listener than the blissful luxury of sitting back and passively letting oneself be- come "immersed in the sound of music." It is the more rewarding of the two approaches however, and will do much to increase ones' enjoyment of music. Even of the music of the romantic composers. -Rolv Yttrehus * * * 'Sickened'.. . To the Editor: I AM CERTAINLY glad that this country allows free thought and speech and we are not forced to accept Mr. William Zakariasen's views and critical remarks con- cerning the time span of musical works and his absurd statements and brandings of Haydn and Mo- zart Symphonies as "a series of degenerate dance tunes and comic effects," "short, impeccably tai- lored, and showing a lack of deep expressive feeling." Mr. Zakariasen also maintains that we should pity Mr. Gross be- cause "he hasn't the time or pow- ers of mental concentration to un- dergo a true musical experience." If it takes Mr. Zakariasen two and one half hours to absorb the thick, stodgy, banal syrup which pours from his Bruckner (an contem- porary's) Symphonies, he is the person to feel sorry for. As I further consider Mr. Zakar- iasen's letter, I find that the sick, stammering feeling it left me with was not worth the effort which I employed to read the thing in the first place. -Gordon Mumma , * South Africa .. . To the Editor: WITHIN THE PAST week the UN discussed the Korean war and the South African situation. On these issues our government has made its position clear. It has, in effect, said that it is determined to continue its war against the non-white peoples of Asia and that it will do nothing to stop Ma- Ian's war against the non-white peoples of Africa. According to the New York Times of November 15, we reject- ed a Pakistani proposal for an im- mediate cease fire. Sir Mohammed Zafrullah Khan, Pakistan's for- eign minister stated that war "can and should be stopped, even fail- ing an immediate agreement on these points (PW exchange) and pending their more leisurely con- sideration." But we rejected this suggestion on the grounds that we would not "stand for a cease-fire that left United State's soldiers captive. ..." On the South African situation, however, we have reversed our po- sition. Charles A. Sprague, US representative, not only stated that the US "does not intend to point an accusing finger" -at Ma- lan, but he also argued against taking any action on the grounds that such action is likely to fail. "We have no power to enforce change," he said. Where is the consistency of our position? In Korea we reject the only immediate, possible solution: cease-fire nowv, discussion of the prisoner issue later. In that part of the world we seem determined to "enforce change." In South Africa, on the other hand, we seem unwilling to "enforce change." We have in fact become completely oblivious to the aggressive policies of the Malan regime. Perhaps we cannot expect a bet- ter position from a government which condones racism in its own capitol. Yet those Americans who still believe in the principles on which this country was founded can ill afford to remain silent. For our own future welfare we must demand an immediate cease fire and we must support the African peoples in their struggle for in- dependence. -Ed Shaffer * * * This I Believe. To the Editor: FOR SOME TIME now I have been annoyed by the intellec- tual garbage that continues to. ap- pear in the 'Letters' section of The Daily - the super-stupid mental junk contributed by various re- ligious writers. In his latest masterpiece, Mr. Laframboise sounds like Senator McCarthy who deliberately and falsely equates atheism and com- munism. This is a fashionable de- vice in religious propaganda to. day and is indicative of the intel- lectual dishonesty of religious propagandists. I would like to point out to Mr. L that the char- acteristics of communism which menace us are their (the Rus- sians') governmental and econom- ic systems, not their lack of relig- ion. The basic tenet of communism is totalitarian socialism and not atheism. Either can exist without the other and it is quite possible to be an atheist without being acom- munist (as if Mr. L didn't know). Being an atheist and not a com- munist, I am sick and tired of hearing religious propagandists capitalize on the hatred of com- munists by equating the two. As for the higher moral tone of religious civilizations, I would like to ask Mr. L where is the high moral tone of Spain, a country where religion is rampant? The real reason why the true believer boys find atheism 'sinful' and evil is that it threatens their own comfortable little beliefs (for which they need all the social support they can get since there can be no intellectual support for such nonsense) and challenges the cheaply won prestige and power of the professional superstitionist. The morality of atheism is based on enlightened self interest, in- tellectual and emotional matur- ity, and the love of humanity. The morality of religion is based on superstitious, craven fear and an infantile hope for pie in the sky by and by. It is time these self esteemed and self righteous knotheads ceased telling the rest of us how to live. -Sidney Epstein * * * I Believes.. . To the Editor: SUGGEST you run this letter in your "This I Believe" series. THIS I BELIEVE: Suggested Editor's Note: In con- junction with the lecture series "This I Believe," The Daily is pre- senting statements from promi- nent members of the University community, particularly if they know how to write believably. By Alan Ternes (Ternes is an unbe- lievable character often seen wan- dering about campus.) This I believe stuff has, I be- lieve, gone too far. I believe that when we start reading I Believes from almost every believer on this unbelievably believing campus, it's time for a change. I further believe with strong be- lievability that few people believe the I Believes worth reading and that, furthermore, when they do read the I Believes they don't be- lieve them. I believe I would much rather see a believable news story in place of the almost unbelievably nu- merous I Believes that I see and don't believe each unbelievably dull day. -Alan Ternes "VIRTUE IS of so little regard in these costermonger times that true valor is turned bear-herd." -Falstaff i~r.ig~tn ttI 41 } WASHINGTON-It's been 20 years almost to the day that another President- elect called on an outgoing President, as Dwight D. Eisenhower calls on Harry S. Truman today. President Hoover was bitter then, just as President Truman is today. All sorts of charges had been hurled at his ad- ministration, just as charges have been hurled at Truman by the man he once proposed for President of the United States. However, for the good of the country, as today, they sat down together. With them sat grave, long-faced Raymond Moley, top Roosevelt brain truster who lat- er quarreled with his boss and has been bit- terly against the Democrats since; also cherub-faced Ogden Mills, Secretary of the Treasury. Hoover talked in a monotone, at times plaintively. He reviewed the tobog- gan slide of British finances, told of the dangerous economic state of the world. The President-elect listened, talked little. Finally Mr. Hoover said: "Now, Governor Roosevelt, I wonder if I could speak to you alone." The others withdrew, Hoover talked long- er to the President-elect regarding Britain's desperate condition. Coming out of the White House later, Governor Roosevelt told Moley: "We're not going back. I don't want to get mixed up in this." Today, 20 years later, Eisenhower like- wise declines to share responsibility for de- cisions until he assumes office. But the time between election and inauguration is shorter now, and at least two of his repre- sentatives are working with the outgoing Administration, IKE'S BUDGET ADVISER IT'S A 100-to-1 bet that Joseph Dodge, the Eisenhower adviser on budget prob- lems, will not become Secretary of the Treasury or budget director, as some ob- servers have speculated. For some of Ike's advisers aren't at all happy about the discovery that Dodge borrowed money from the RFC for his Detroit Bank in 1933 and did not pay it back until this year. They feel that with the Republican Party having talked loud- ly about "keeping out of the red," Eis- enhower couldn't afford to appoint a man whose bank has been in the red to the government for 19 years. Dodge has been president of the Detroit Bank since 1933. On Dec. 31. 1933. the bank NEW SERGEANT-AT-ARMS W ASHINGTON'S lame-duck Sen. Harry Cain is so reluctant to leave the Senate that he is pulling strings to get the relatively unimportant job of sergeant-at-arms. This has brought him into a backstage clash with New York's powerful congress- man Dan Reed, who is boosting his son, Bill, for the post. The junior Reed is now deputy sergeant-at-arms and is counting on his daddy to help him move up. Congressman Reed will pack a lot of weight in the next congress as boss of the House Ways and Means Committee, which fixes the nation's taxes. But the Senate is known to be sympathetic to ex-members of its exclusive club; so senatorial courtesy will probably prevail and the ex-Senator may get the job. Senator Cain has whispered that he is anxious to take the step-down job for the sake of his wife, whom he almost divorced to marry a Senate secretary four years ago. Mrs. Cain prefers the Washington so- cial whirl to the humdrum life of Tacoma, Wash. NOTE-Senator Cain has told friends he can't figure out why he was defeated in a state that gave Eisenhower an easy majority. Chief reason was the drive and personality of his opponent, newly elected Senator "Scoop" Jackson. Another reason was Cain's close political liaison with Senator McCar- thy. Whenever McCarthy needed anyone to speak for him on the Senate floor, Cain was always the first to do so. CAPITAL NEWS CAPSULES RUSSIANS AND PRISONERS - Madame Pandit, head of the Indian delegation to the United Nations, believes there is no chance whatever of arranging a truce in Korea even with Eisenhower directing the negotiations. Madame Pandit has talked secretly with Foreign Minister Vishinsky. Each time the Russians flatly refused to listen to any concession regarding prisoners of war. COMMUNISTS IN IRAN - The young Shah of Iran is making emergency plans to flee to Switzerland and eventually the United States. The Shah is so worried the Communist Tudeh party will seize the Government that he has an Iranian air force plane on a 24-hour alert to fly him out of the country. CIA CHIEF-Gen. Walter Bedell Smith, [".-n a iir ir or-. ,- nn- haf of afF DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) Lectures University Lecture, auspices of the Department of History. "Stubbs the Man and Stubbs the Historian," G. O. Sayles, Professor of History, Queen's University, Belfast, Northern Ireland, Tues., Nov. 18, 4:15 p.m., Rackham Am- phitheater. Cancellation. The University Lecture schedule in the Weekly Calendar to be given by Professor T. Kobayashi, under the auspices of the Departments of Geology and Mineralogy, on Fri., Nov. 21, at 4 p.m., has been cancelled. How- ever, the two lectures announced for Professor Kobayashi on Thurs., Nov. 20, at 4 and 7 p.m., will be given. The Roman Letter. A demonstration- lecture will be delivered by James Hayes, calligrapher, at the Clements Library on Thursday afternoon at 4 p.m. Architecture and Design and Li- brary Science students and faculty especially invited. The Research Seminar in Quantita- tive Economics is sponsoring a lecture by Mr. Colin Clark, Wed., Nov. 19, from 3-5 p.m. 101 Economics Building. His topic will be, "The Lone Run Rela- tionship between Economic Develop- ment and Population Growth." Faculty and students are cordially invited. Academic Notices Mathematics Colloquium. The next meeting will be at 4:10 p.m. on Tues., Nov. 18, in 3011 Angell Hall. Mr. Jesse Wright will speak on "COPOINT GE- OMETRY." 1.ozie .Sma in Mathnatics. Tuee fare Field," Wed., Nov. 19, 4:10 p.m., Rumpus Room, Michigan League. Ev- eryone welcome. Organic Chemistry Seminar. Mr. Don- ald I. McCane will speak on "Problems in the Use of Carbon 14," Tues., Nov. 18, 7:30 p.m., 1300 Chemistry Building. Geometry Seminar. Wed., Nov.19, 4:15 p.m., 3001 Angell Hall. Mr. W. Ai-Dhahir will speakon "The Tetrahedral Com- plex by Grassmann's Methods." Concerts Concert. Vladimir Horowitz, pianist, will be heard in the fourth concert of the Choral Union Series Wednes- day evening, Nov. 19, at 8:30, in Hill Auditorium. He willtplay the follow- ing program: Toccata in C major (Bach-Busoni); Sonatas in E major and G major (Scarlatti) Arabesque, Op. 18 (Schumann); Sonata No. 2 in B-flat minor (Chopin); Scriabin's Sonata No. 9, Etude in B-flat minor and Etude in C-sharp minor; Jittle Shepherd and Serenade from "Children's Corner" Suite by Debussy; and the Liszt Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2, arranged by Horowitz. Tickets are available at the offices of the University Musical Society in Burton Memorial Tower daily; and may also be purchased at the Hill Audi- torium box office on the night of the performance after 7 o'clock. Exhibits Exhibition of Japanese Maps, spon- sored by the Center for Japanese Studies and th Department of Geog- raphy, Central Galleries, Rackham Building, 9-12, 2-5, 8-9, Nov. 17 through 29. 3A Union, at 7:30. Singing of German Christmas carols. Christian Science Organization. Tes- timonial meeting, 7:30. Upper Room, Lane Hall. U. of M. Rifle Club will meet at 7:15 p.m. at the R.O.T.C. Rifle Range. Congregational Disciples Guild. Tea at the Guild House from 4:30 to 6. Study group on the Sermon on the Mount from 7:15 to 8:15. All invited. U. of M. Ice skating Club. Social meeting tonight at 7:30 in the Women's Athletic Building. Men and women who wish to join the club are urged to come. Refreshments will be served. Ballet Club. Meeting tonight in Bar- bour Gym Dance Studio; Beginners: 8:15-9:15; Intermediates will work on Christmas program in place of the reg- ular class. La Tertulia of La Sociedad Hispanica meets today 3:30-5:00 in the Rumpus Room of the League. Square Dance Groupdmeetsat Lane Hall, 7:30 p.m. All students invited. SRA Council meeting, Lane Hall, 5 p.m.. A.A.U.P. Meeting. A panel discussion on "The Faculty Member and the Col- lege Retirement Equities Fund," 7:30 p.m. on Tues., Nov. 18, in the East Con- ference Room of the Rackham Build- ing. Open to non-members. Coming Events Undergraduate Botany Club meets Wed., Nov. 19, at 7:30 p.m. in 1139 Natural Science Building. Dr. Clover , n laP. o f h,. ,.rin wn th Sixty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Crawford Young.......Managing Editor Barnes Connable.........City Editor Cal Samra........... Editorial Director Zander Hollander. ......Feature Editor Sid Klaus.......Associate 'City Editor Harland Britz.......... Associate Editor Donna Hendleman.....Associate Editor Ed Whipple...............Sports Editor John Jenks.....Associate Sports Editor Dick Sewell.....Associate Sports Editor Lorraine Butler......... Wowen's Editor Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor, Business Staff Al Green..............Business Manager Milt Goetz.......Advertising Manager Diane Johnston..... Assoc. Business Mgr. Judy Loehnberg......Finance Manager Tom Treeger. Circulation Manager