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November 18, 1952 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1952-11-18

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See Page 4

C, I r

Latest Deadline in the State


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* *

* *

Lovett To Aid
Bomb Test
AEC Concerned
About Security
Lovett said yesterday the Defense
Department will co-operate in in-
vestigating the possibility of secur-
ity leaks from the. atomic tests
at Eniwetok, which included suc-
cessful experiments in hydrogen
bomb research.
The Atomic Energy Commission,
when it announced completion of
the tests Sunday night, disclosed
some concern about security.
This stemmed from the series
of letters which have come back
from the Pacific proving grounds
giving eyewitness accounts. .One
said an H-bomb was tested.
said an investigation would be
made "leading to possible disci-
plinary action or prosecution for
violation of task force regulations
or the law."
At a news conference yester-
day, Lovett said that as far as
he knew no postal censorship
was enforced from Eniwetok
during the tests.
He understood, he said, that all
observers and participants had
given assurances that they would
make no disclosures and that the
crews of all vessels in the force
had been briefed on the necessity
for safeguarding security.
s . M
IN ANNOUNCING the tests, the
{ AEC carefully refrained from say-
ing a hydrogen bomb had been,
tested. It said it had conducted
successfully "experiments contrib-
uting to thermonuclear weapons
Dr. Harold C. Urey, a scien-
tist and Nobel Prize winner who
helped develop the first atomic
bomb, said in Chicago the
AEC's technically worded state.
ment "sounds like official lan-
guage for a successful H-bomb."
And a private atomic scientist
in Washington, studying the state-
ment, said he believes the United
States should have practical H-
bombs ready for use within a year.
This scientist, who asked to re-
main anonymous, also expressed
the opinion that some kind of an
experimental hydrogen bomb was
exploded-possibly a bomb con-
tained within a "wrapper" made
of an orthodox A-bomb.
Letters from men who saw the
gigantic explosion - ship crew
members and others attached to
the secret task force-have been
published widely in the United

India Offers UN,
Peace Proposal
United States Spokesman Opposes
Compromise Plan as Unworkable
UNITED NATIONS, N.Y.-(A)-India offered the U.N. yesterday
a compromise proposal for an armistice in Korea and a settlement of
the prisoner of war issue.
But a United States spokesman immediately opposed it.
After days of secret conference with Western and Soviet bloc
diplomats, V. K. Krishna Menon, Indian delegate, put before the 60-
nation Political Committee of the U.N. Assembly a four-page resolution
which he hoped would meet all objections, including those of Red
The nub of India's proposal calls0 ------

POLNGPACS"Son bv o hemp fth pusaet he 6 o
i.T A Y E
*-- -U - -
POLLING PLACES--Shown above on the map of the campus are the 16 pol
will be open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. today and tomorrow. In case of rain, the bE

* * *
N .. :. . ..
...... . . .
Iling locations which
alloting tables will be

Threatened Rain
May Reduce Vote
37 Candidates Seek 23 SL Posts;
Driving Ban Referendum on Ballot
The old weather bug-a-boo, which has plagued so many Student
Legislature elections, may return again today and tomorrow to se-
riously cut down student turnout at the polls.
Legislators are hoping the forecasts will not prove true, but the
weatherman has predicted showers and thunder showers today with
high winds late in the day and colder temperatures tomorrow. A high
of 62 is the only favorable note.
'. * * *
ORIGINALLY hoping for a voter turnout of about 7,000, SL leaders
are scaling estimates downwards-
toward 5,000 because of the in-
clement weather forecast. FrenchA

for creation of a four-nation pris-
oner supervision commission to
be made up of Poland, Czechoslo-
vakia, Sweden and Switzerland.
This commission would super-
vise the non-forced repatriation of
all war prisoners after they have
been assembled in a demilitarized
At the same time the proposal
put off until later a decision as to
what should happen to those who
don't wish to be repatriated.
The resolution was laid before
a closed meeting of top-level dip-
lomats yesterday morning, in-
cluding Secretary of State Dean
Acheson, British Minister of State
Selwyn Lloyd and others.
Iron Curtain countries also have
been consulted on it privately.
While the non-Communists de-
clined immediate comment, one
Communist diplomat said it did
not go far enough.
An American spokesman said
that a repatriation body such as
the one proposed could not work.
He said the U.S. must be satis-
fied such an arrangement could
handle the tremendous job of tak-
ing charge of thousands of men in
a demilitarized zone, and feeding,
clothing and housing them.
U' Teachers
Win Awards
In Art Contest
Three faculty members of the
College of Architecture and De-
sign were announced as prize win-
ners at the annual Michigan Art-
ist Exhibit at the Detroit Insti-
tute of Arts.
Prof. Carlos Lopez won the Lou
R. Maxon Prize of $250 for his
painting "Men Waiting," Richard
Wilt won the Brooke, Smith,
French & Dorrance prize of $100
for his painting "The Aviary" and
Prof. Gerome Kamrowski won
honorable mention for his paint-
ing "White Dots."
The three were among 20 art-
ists who shared $2,700 in prizes
given in the 43rd annual competi-
tion among Michigan artists.



Will Close
SKA Series'

The Very
Dean of the
the Divine,

Rev. James A. Pike,
Cathedral of St. John
New York, will pre-

sent the last lecture of the SRA
"This I Believe" series at 8:30
p.m. today in the Rackham Lec-
ture Hall.
His topic will be "The Individ-
ual and-His Faith."
*' *

moved to the nearest indoor spot. The table
placed in the Natural Science Bldg. in event

at the corner of N.
of showers.

University and S. State will be

REV. PIKE is known,
for his position in the
religion, but also for his
ss s

not only
field of

. .. speaks today
* * *
in the legal profession. He gave up
a promising law career to "rep-
resent the same clients before a
higher tribunal."
As a lawyer he was a member
of the bar of the U. S. Supreme
Court, attorney for the Secur-
ities and Exchange Commission,
member of the California bar
and of the bar of the U. S. Court
of Appeals,
During World War II he served
as a naval officer, first in the of-
fice of Naval Intelligence, then as
Attorney for the U. S. Maritime
Commission and War Shipping Ad-

No Grid Trip
The Wolverine Club will not
run a trip to Ohio State this
weekend because of the impos-
sibility of obtaining game tick-
ets, Larry Bloch, '53, Wolverine
Club president announced.

Set ToOpen
A gigantic headsman's chopping
block and a replica of the Tower
of London will furnish authentic
medieval background when the
Gilbert and Sullivan Society's pro-
duction of "Yeomen of the Guard,"
opens its four day run tomorrow
at Lydia Mendelssohn.
There won't be any blood spilled,
however, during the musical story
of a strolling entertainer and his
girl friend who attempt to save
the eck of a gentleman about to
"get the axe."
Tragic and comic themes inter-
lock in the operetta which in-
cludes the usual G&S humor and
patter songs. "Musically this is one
of G&S's best" commented David
Murray, '53SM, the show's director.
Tickets for the production which
will run through Saturday are on
sale at the Mendelssohn box of-
fice. Prices are $1.20 and 90 cents.
All performances begin at 8 p,m.
Famed Pianist
To Play Here
Vladimir Horowitz, playing his
25th concert tour in the United
States, will be heard .at 8:30 p.m.
tomorrow in Hill Auditorium.
Since January 12, 1928, when
the famed pianist made his debut
performance with the New York
Philharmonic Orchestra, conduct-
ed by Sir Thomas Beecham, his
name has become a by-word in
musical circles as being synony-
mous with pianistic achievement.
For his Ann Arbor performance,
Horowitz will play Toccata in C
major by Bach-Busoni; Sonata in
E major and Sonata in G major
by Scarlatti; Arabesque, Op 18 by
Schumann; and Sonata in B-flat
minor, by Chopin.
Following intermission his pro-
gram will consist of Sonata No. 9,
Etude in B-flat minor, and Etude
in C-sharp minor by Scriabin;
"The Little Shepherd" and "Sere-
nade for the Doll" from "Chil-
dren's Corner" Suite by Debussy;
and "Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2"
by Liszt-Horowitz.
Galens To Sponsor
l A 1r 7.

16 IDucats
Don McAuliffe of the Michigan
State football team yesterday
acknowledged publicly that he
had been robbed at gunpoint
last week of 16 tickets to the
sell-out Notre Dame-MSC foot-
ball game,
Stevens Cites
Great Britain' s
Although England has made
great economic progress since the
war, it still faces serious problems,
according to Robert Stevens of
the Mutual Security Administra-
tion staff in London.
Stevens, who was an instructor
in the University's economics de-
partment in 1948-49, spoke last
night at a meeting of the eco-
nomics club.
IN SPITE of Britain's devalua-
tion of the pound, the British
economy was "bleeding to death"
from loss of gold and dollar re-
serves last year, Stevens said.
He quoted an English weekly
which summed up the situation
by saying, "We are unable to
sell enough of what we can sup-
ply and we are unable to supply
enough of what we can sell."
In a question and answer period
after his talk, Stevens expressed
the fear that rising protectionist
sentiments in the United Staes
might possibly worsen the dollar
shortage throughout the world.

Rain Brings
The downpour of rain on Sun-
day night may have brought bad
visions of the spring monsoon
season to many Ann Arborites but
county farmers heaved a sigh of
relief when the torrential rains
A month long drought preceded
the rain and county agricultural
authorities credit the deluge with
saving the winter wheat crop
which was having a slow start be-
cause of the lack of water. The last
substantial rain fell on Oct. 14
and 15.
Washtenaw county's need for
rain was similar to that through-
out the midwest. Rain fell in most
areas but on the large winter
wheat producing areas only Neb-
raska reported enough precipita-
tion to crack the drought which
is the greatest the midwest has
seen since the dust bowl days of
the 1930's.
More rain is in store for Ann
Arbor today but the Willow Run
weather bureau says it will not be
as heavy as Sunday. Rain and
thunder showers are expected dur-
ing the afternoon with more ar-
riving tonight. Winds will accom-
pany the rain with colder weather
setting in tonight.
Following the rain today the
weather man predicts we will be
able to put away our umbrella for
at least a month. By that time
snowshoes will be the order of the

However, the 16 booths placed
around campus have been lo-
cated so they can be easily shift-
ed indoors if the foreboding
predictions prove true.
Thirty-seven candidates are in
the race. for 23 open posts. The
first 20 elected under the Hare
system will serve full one-year
terms, while the next three to go
over the quota will get half-year
ALTHOUGH the SL positions
are the only elective jobs to be de-
cided in the all-campus voting,
considerable interest has centered
around a series of referendum
questions on the University driv-
ing ban.
Requested by the Office of
Student Affairs for statistical
purposes, the referendum will
ask what students think of pres-
ent driving regulations, wheth-
er they presently have a car in
Ann Arbor and whether they
would have one if rules were re-
More than 700 students will
man the polling tables on hourly
shifts from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. both
today and tomorrow.
* * * .
A CONTINUAL check on the
balloting process will be main-
For helpful information at the
polls, see The Daily's special can-
didate questionnaire on page 6.
tained by members of Men's Ju-
diciary who will regularly patrol
the polling places.
The marathon ballot tally
will get under way at 7 p.m. to-
morrow in the Union ballroom.
Radio coverage of the long
count will be provided by the all-
quadrangle radio network and
station WHRV.
Although both the Interfrater-
nity Council and the Inter-House
Council contributed $25 apiece to
help put out SL's "Know Your
Candidates" booklet, the IHC is
carrying out the tradition of de-
funct AIM by publishing a sep-
arate pamphlet on independent
men candidates.
Campaign material on the sev-
en independent hopefuls is in-
cluded in a brochure which has
been placed in quadrangle lounges.
In addition, the IHC is offering
a $15 award to be divided among
every quadrangle house which
succeeds in casting a 100 per cent

Attack. Rips
Red Troops
HANOI, Indochina--(mP)-French
aircraft from bases in Saigon and
Hanoi and from the aircraft car-
rier Arromanches launched round-
the-clock bombing yesterday of
big Vietminh troop concentrations
in the vital Red River delta.
At the same time the French
high command said 40,000 to 50,-
000 Communist-led rebel regular
and regional guerrilla troops are
already inside the delta defense
bastion, and more are driving in
from the outside.
FRENCH PLANES flew 100 sor-
ties in opening the bombardment,
aimed at crushing enemy concen-
trations within and ouside of the
south-eastern rim of the delta
defenses and blocking a further
buildup behind French lines.
As the air offensive opened in
an area around Phat Diem,
about 65 miles southeast of
Hanoi, the rebels captured two
more French Union posts, one
eight miles north of Phat Diem,
Phat Diem is a main point on
the southeastern tip of the delta
defense. Fall of the delta, the home
of six to eight million Vietnamese,
would give the Vietmlinh the key
to all Indochina.
Patrick Mai.
To Talk Today
On Freedom4
Patrick Murphy Malin, national
director of the American Civil Lib-
erties Union, will speak at 8:30
p.m. today in Kellogg Auditorium
on "Ordered Freedom: Democra-
cy's Answer to Tyranny and An-
Sponsored by the Civil Liberties
Committee, the talk will be open
to the public.
The speaker has had a very ex-
tensive background. The son of
one of the first English Quakers
to settle in the Philadelphia area,
* * *

Radio Politics

Two Biology
Phi Sigma, biological club, pre- fi:>:..
sented a program of two talks last
night in Rackham Amphitheatre.
The fourth in a series of Phi
.Sigma lectures to show the rela-
tion between biology and other .
fields, the program included a talk
by Prof. Merle Laurence of Phys-
iological Acoustics on The Physi-
ology of Hearing, Illustrating his
talk with slides, Prof. Laurence
commented about the technique
used to record potentials gener-
ated by the middle ear. "These
potentials can be recorded as much
as five hours after an animal's
death," Prof. Laurence said.
Speaking next on the program,{
Prof. Lloyd L. Kempe of the en-"
zineerinp enlg a~k + n n t +s

Phoenix Balances Research Projects

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first
in a series of articles dealing with
Phoenix project progress designed to
give a picture of research efforts in
both the physical and social sciences.
Today's article explains the policy of
Phoenix Project directors in includ-
ing in their program a broad scope
of research activities.
The concentration of research
funds in physical science fields to
the exclusion of social sciences and
the humanities is a post-war de-
velooment which has bothered ed-

$140,000 already spent in peace-
time atomic research has gone into
such programs as legal and public
-administration aspects of atomic
The situation nationally was
brought out in a meeting of an
American Council on Education
sub-committee set up to crystal-
lize policy on university re-
According to a New York Times
report, the committee emphasized
+hn.t +h arninanni nf incinstrial

But even this portion did not
effect a policy attachment, since
"we don't take money unless it's
for something we want to do," he
Dean Sawyer added that near- .
ly all of the requests for social
science research projects turn-
ed in to the Phoenix executive
committee in the past two years
have been accepted.
Another executive committee
member,.Dean E. Blythe Stason of
thA TawS ohno1 nnintedo ut that

* * *

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