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November 16, 1952 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1952-11-16

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VOL. LXIII, No. 49






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God Teaches
EDITOR'S NOTE: In conjunction with the lecture series "This I Believe,'
The Daily is presenting statements of belief from prominent members of
the University community.
Jo Sanders, '53, is president of Mortarboard, senior women's honorary.
In our world of uncertain futures and disheartening pasts, there
has been a resurgence of religion. Looking for something tangible to
believe-that which will reveal the purpose in his hectic life and enable
him to grasp that which is firm and strong and illumnating, man is
again turning to God and the faith which comes from knowing Him. I,
too, have felt this need to find a purpose in life.
Upon examining myself for my own personal ideology, I find
that there are a few basic tenets to which I adhere. First, I be-
lieve in a Supreme Being who has created the world, and then man
in His own image. Man, who has a difficult time sustaining his
own life and solving his own immediate problems does not have
the power and divine insight to accomplish the gigantic feat of
In answer to those who point to the strife, suffering, and hostilities
which permeate; the earth and thus question the existence of a Su-
preme Being, I reply that He is ever-present to show man the straight
and narrow path. No, my God has not lost His pattern, nor has He
neglected man. But when man accepts God's gift of free choice, he
must also accept both the penalties as well as the rewards which ac-
company free choice. I have faith in my.God because I know He is just.
Since I try to believe that there is a spark of Him in each of us,
I feel that to love man is to love God. Through parental guidance and
personal experience I try to realize that the intrinsic value of each man,
despite countless shortcomings, cannot be minimized. By practicing
the Almighty's teachings of patience, charity, and above all, love, to-
ward our fellow men, we develop an indomitable faith in man. With
this faith, the future looks brighter and more penetrable.
Because I have faith in God and in man, I believe that everything
happens for the best. I believe insindividual challenges and mistakes.
They are God's teachers. Problems and temporary barriers are a good
thing; they build character and minds; precipitate invention, and ev-
entually motivate progress We cannot expect others to live up to our
expectations always, nor can we expect ourselves to achieve all our
goals. But given responsibility and independence, the unselfish, open-
minded individual who persists can make a positive contribution to
the world. Although perfect performance can be achieved only by
Him, man can follow in His footsteps, and thus become closer to the
ideals He symbolizes, Our vistas, like the Almighty's, must envisage
all mankind-they must go beyond the self, family, community, na-
tion, religion, race, ethnic group-to circumscribe the universe. It is
only then that His love, brotherhood, and divine peace can flourish.
When the whole world is one nation and all its inhabitants brothers
-God's ideals will be attained. To those who scorn such an all-em-
bracing UN as an impossible actuality, I can only reply that without
such world-oriented goals and ideals man's whole purpose in life lacks
the substance and permanence necessary to support him through the
trials and tribulations of life.
Since there is so much for man to do in the achievement of
these ideals and goals in this life, I do not concern myself with an
afterlife. Because God is a rigid and just taskmaster and teacher,
I believe that He rewards and punishes us throughout our lives.
However, I try to live my life, not in expectation of reward, but
rather in the sincere hope that in word, thought, and deed I may
make my own small positive contribution,
All these things I believe.
Women's Choir, Michigan
Singers to Give Concert

Wolverines Gain
Tie with Badgers
Associate Sports Editor
"Michigan is a football success because it rarely loses the big ones."
This statement, a sportswriter's observation several years ago,
was born out in full yesterday afternoon when the never-say-die
Wolverines spotted powerful Purdue 10 points and then rallied to
edge the Boilermakers, 21-10, in a crucial conference tilt in the
* * * *
THE ALL-IMPORTANT win moved the Maize and Blue into a
first place tie with Wisconsin, which took the measure of Indian,
37-14, and dropped Purdue into * *
third place tie with Minnesota in
the Big Ten standings.1
A crowd of 54,376-small con-V c
sidering the game's implicationsB c
-sat awe-struck as the Boiler-
makers raced to an early 10
point spread via a touchdown
and a field goaln early
But it was soon up on its feet
cheering enthusiastically when
Michigan pushed over scores in EDITOR's NOTE: The writer Is a
the second and third periods to go former Daily city editor, just returned
out in front to stay. It was the from a hitch in Korea with the Army.
first time the Wolverines haveByPTRH TN
come from behind to win since the By PETER HOTTON
Rose Bowl game two years ago. Fifteen minutes after the kick-
* * * off, two years in the Army and
A FUMBLED pass from center overseas began fading in this ex-
on a punt was the break that GI's mind, and by the time yes -
Michigan needed to climax its terday's drag-'em-out football
comeback drive. Withthescore game ended, it seems as if we've
10-7 early in the third quarter Pur- never left Michigan.
due's Norm Montgomery bobbled About the only things different
a direct pass from center and from a couple of years back are
Herb Geyer recovered for Michi- the new faces and buildings, and
gan on the Boilermaker 44 yard they don't seem too important in
line. the light of the Wolverine's de-
Wolverine fullback Dick Balz- feat of threatening Purdue.
hiser first passed to Perry on the
37, then bulled his way up the ROSE BOWL fever climbed an-
middle for 10 more yards. Tail- other notch, too, with Purdue's
back Ted Kress lofted a long championship hopes fading. Noth-
one into the waiting arms of ing could dampen Boilermaker
end Tad Stanford which ad- spirits, though, and after the game
vanced the ball to the five yard gold - and - black bedecked cars
marker. drove around town emitting "we
don't care" remarks and songs
play and hit quarterback Ted To- that sometimes outdid Wolverine
por in the end zone for the win- victory celebrations.
ning score. The Wolverines tried Still sharp in the memory of
for the game clincher later in the this alum, was the precision
period when they marched 43 strutting of Drum Major Dick
See EARLY, Page 7 Smith, '53, making his last
gambol in the Michigan Stad-
CIO elecs Iium.
Smith'sChigh stepping and bob
St l hiefbing shako made his last home
e Cshow one fans won't forget.
Smith still has a performance
PITTSBURGH-(P)-David J. at Ohio State next Saturday, and
McDonald, the late Philip Mur- is hoping, along with 18,000 other
ray's right-hand man the last 30 students, to make his final appear-
years, took over yesterday his old ance in the Rose Bowl.
boss' job as head of the CIO Unit- In its parting gesture, the
ed Steel Workers. Marching Band disappointed no
The USW's 35-member execu- one with their unique halftime
tive board named McDonald act- show telling of the discovery of
ing president. He will serve until therocket, the wonder chemical
a president is named by the 1,100,- chlorophyll, the atom and of all
000 members of the union in a thgs, the Phoenix Project.
rank and file referendum to be to he band's samba act, providing
held next Feb. 10. the rhythm of the maracas and

--Daily-Malcolm Shata

SL on The Air
Student Legislature candi-
dates will appear in a special
radio broadcast at 8 p.m. to-
morrow over the quadrangle
radio station.
The program will be con-
ducted as a roundtable discus-
sion in which the aspirants will
get an opportunity to air their
views on campus issues such as
the Lecture Committee, cam-
pus reorganization and discrim-
inatory scholarships
Staebler Asks
Potter, Moody
Vote Recount
DETROIT - ( P) - Michigan
Democrats last night countered an
expected Republican demand for
a recount of the Governor's race
with a request for a Federal probe
of Charles E. Potter's victory over
U. S. Sen. Blair Moody.
State Democratic chairman Neil
J. Staebler requested an investiaa-
tion of alleged irregularities in the
Senate race as the official can-
vass of Wayne County's vote was
An unofficial tabulation of tae
official canvass in all 83 Michigan
counties, including Wayne and De-
troit, showed no important changes
in previous unofficial totals.
The Wayne County canvass add-
ed a few votes to Democratic Gov.
G. Mennen Williams' slim margin
over Republican Fred M. Alger,
Jr. Williams now has an edge of
8,618. It- stood at 7,790 before
Wayne's canvass made - a few
The Wayne canvass also cut a
few votes off Rep. Potter's ma-
jority over Democratic Sen.
Moody, an appointee of Gov. Wil-
liams. Potter's majority now is
46,221. It had been 47,721.
South Koreans
Stave Offf Reds
SEOUL, Sunday, Nov. 16-(A)-
Dug-in South Korean infantry-
men on Pinpoint Hill, crest of
Sniper Ridge, threw back a sharp

MSC Mashes Notre Dame, 21-3

unexpected offensive weapon, the
Notre Dame fumble, gave Michi-
gan State Capt. Don McAuliffe-
once a freshman at Notre Dame-
a chance to score the two touch-
downs that were the meat of Mich-
igan State's 21-3 victory over the
Irish yesterday.
Michigan State recovered seven
Notre Dame fumbles during the
defensive thriller watched by a
record crowd of 52,472 in Macklin
* * *
NOTRE DAME's field goal also
was set up by a fumble - for a
change by Michigan State.
The Irish bobbled the ball
three times in the first half but
Michigan State couldn't make
its scoring magic work and the
game was a goose-egg tie at the
Michigan State recovered four
Irish fumbles in the third quar-
ter, where most of the scoring was
concentrated, and scored twice.
* * k *
DICK TAMBURO recovered
when Joe Heap dropped the ball
to put MSC in position for the

first score. Michigan State took!
over on the Notre Dame 14 yard
line, worked the ball down to the
nine, was helped to the one by a
penalty and then McAuliffe bust-
ed over through left guard.
Hank Bullough grabbed the
second important fumble, byj
Three Purdue
Staff Men .die,

Francis Paterra, On the Notre
Dame 21. Four plunges put
Michigan State down to the
Irish five, a penalty gave an as-
sist to the one yard line and
McAuliffe was able to throw
himself over again.
* * *
DEFENSEMAN Jimmy Ellis in-
tercepted a pass by Ralph Gugliel-
mi and sprinted to the Notre Dame
25 to set the stage for the final)
score. Fullback Evan Slonac, who
had a perfect day with his extra
point tries, raced around end for

Three Purdue University busi- the score.
ness office staff members were;
killed and two others injured in a Billy Wells fumbled for Mich-
head-on collision on their way to igan State as the second half
the football game here yesterday, opened and John Lattner re-
the Associated Press reported. . covered. Notre Dame got down
The collision which took place as far ast the Michigan State
about five miles south of Auburn, six but had to try for a fourth
Ind., resulted in the deaths of Pur- down field goal. Sophomore Bob
due housing director Gordon O. Arrix split the goal posts to put
Arbuckle, chief accountant How- ! Notre Dame briefly in the lead
ard Jesse Boyle and Robert D. by 3-0.
French. Coach Biggie Munn's famous
Howard D. Williams, assistant offense, which has been averaging
to the Purdue treasurer, and Rush better than 440 yards a game, was
Holmes were hospitalized in criti- held to 128 yards rushing and 41
cal condition. yards through passes.

A joint program of distinguished
choral music will be given by the
University Women's Choir and the
Michigan Singers with.Prof. May-
nard Klein of the School of Music
conducting, at 8:30 p.m. today in
Hill Auditorium.
Presenting a complete history of
music with representative types
from each period, the Women's
Choir will present the first half
of the program. They will open
with Brahms' "The. Death of Tre-
nar," which will feature Margaret
Milks, harp, and Neilsen Dalley
and Robert Ricks, horns.
Following this will be "Adora-
muste" by Orlandus Lassus; "Bois
Epais" by Jean Baptiste De Lully;
"Serenade, Op. 135" by Franz
Schubert, featuring Ruth Orr,
mezzo-soprano; "The Gardner" by
Johannes Brahms; "A Snow Le-
gend" by Joseph Clokey; and
"Dirge for Two Veterans (Walt
Whitman) " by Harl McDonald,
starring Beatrice Meyer, soprano.
t. *
FOLLOWING intermission, the
Michigan Singers will present a
coverage of choral music from
the fifteenth century through the

the program with two numbersr
by School of Music faculty mem-
bers. First performances of Les-
lie Bassett's "The Lamb (from
the poem by William Blake)" will
be sung by the Tudor Singers,9
along with Prof. Ross Lee Fin-
ney's "Pilgrim Psalm: O God,
Be Gracious To Me." Basset ist
instructor in theory and compo-
sition, and Prof. Finney is pro-
fessor of composition and com-
poser in residence at the Univer-
Other songs by the Michigan
Singers will be "Gloria" by Guil-j
lermus Dufay; "Sanctus (from
Missa Papae Marcelli)" by Gio-r
vanni Peirluigi Da Palestrina; and1
"Cantate Domino" by Heinrichg
They will continue with "Rise
Up My Love, My Fair One" by
Healy William; "Arbolucu, to se-
queste (Tree of Sorrow)" by Car-I
los Chavez; "Kyrie and Sanctus
(From Mass in G major)" by Fran-
cis Poulenc; and "Songs of Fare-
well (Walt Whitman)" by Fred-1
erick Delius.r

Union Opera Tickets To Go on Sale
.> A * * *

Mail orders for tickets to any
of the three Ann Arbor perform-
ances of the 33rd Union Opera,
"No Cover Charge," will be ac-
cepted beginning tomorrow, Harry
Blum, '53, Opera promotions chair-
man, announced yesterday.
Checks and mail orders should
specify the date desired and should
be addressed to "Michigan Union
Opera, Michigan Union."
$1.25, $1.75 and $2.25 tickets are
available for the Dec. 10 and 11
shows "but only $1.25 tickets are
obtainable for the Dec. 12 per-
formance," Blum said.
"All orders will be recorded ac-
cording to the date received and
will be filled before Dec. 1. Any
seats left will then go on sale in
the Union lobby," he added.
"Because of heavy civic and
alumni demands, students are urg-
ed by the Onera committee to nlace

reacts typically for a man of his
society and threatens to eliminate
the dean unless she relinquishes
her half of the club to him.
By means of a well calculated
hoax, the dean manages to trans-
form the hoodlum from a "tough
guy" to a gentleman in the true
sense of the word.
After expending much mental
and physical energy in overcom-
ing several complications, the two
partners decide to cooperate and
remain the joint owners of the
Gangsters, gun molls and unique
Union Opera show girls all con-
tribute to the peculiar atmosphere
of the nightclub.
* * *
THE BOOK was written by How-
ard Nemerovski, '54E, with music
by Harold Johnson, "55SM, Paul
McDonough, '55 and Pete Katz,

the marimba in "Brazil." It also
provided the "explosion" for the
atomic routine.
Giving the Michigan musicians
a competition rarely seen in a vis-
iting band, the Purdue ROTC ag-
gregation entertained in top style
with its contingent of glocken-
spiels (bells to the unintiated),
and a pistol-packing trumpeter
who emphasized each change of
maneuver with a shot from one
of the weapons he carried cowboy
fashion slung on his hips.
* * *
SENIORS playing their last
game in the home staduim yes-
terday included: Bruce Barthol-
omew, Bill Billings, Robert Ding-
man, Wolverine Captain Merritt
Green II, Frank Howell, Laurence
LeClaire, Robert Matheson, Wayne
Melchiori, Donald Oldham, Bern-
hardt Pederson, Lowell Perry, Roy
Pella, Russell Rescorla, Ralph
Stribe Jr., Richard Strozewski,
Robert Timm, David Tinkham,
Ted Topor, Thomas Witherspoon
and Roger Zatkoff.
Plane Crashes


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