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November 15, 1952 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1952-11-15

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Need for Matter Reestimation Denied

Cal Tech Professor Fritz
wicky's claim that cosmological
gures are in for a thorough over-
auling, was raked over the coals
its week by two University pro-
Prof. Zwicky, in revealing his
scovery of bridges of gas, dust
id other matter connecting many
ilaxies far out in space, said this
ould greatly increase our esti-.
ate of the total amount of mat-
r in the universe.
* * *
A KEY FIGURE to cosmologists,
pace bridges" would have to be
)nsidered in any attempt to de-
rmine the age- and origin of the
niverse, he claimed.

.1 4F qt

University astronomers how-
ever, denied the implications of
his discovery.
Prof. Stanley P. Wyatt, Jr., of
the astronomy ,department said
hat astronomers have known for
a long time of the possible exist-
nce of these bridges, but have
felt them of small importance in
osmological calculations.
Irof. Dean B. McLaughlin of
he astronomy department said.
that our present estimate of the
amount of matter in the universe
s so indefinite that as much as a
L0 per cent increase would make
no appreciable difference.
As to the possibility of a tail
:onnecting us to some other part
of the cosmos, Prof. McLaughlin
aid that one has not yet been
found, and probably would not be
for -quite a while.
U' Scientists
Attend Meeting
Seventeen University faculty.
members are now in Boston at-
tending the joint annual meetings
of the Geological and Minerologi-
cal Societies of America.
During the three-day meeting,
Professors Louis I. Briggs, Charles
W. Hibbard, Edwin C. Stumm,
James H. Zumberge, and James
T. Wilson, of the geology depart-
ment will -present reports on their
studies. Louis. F. Dellwig df the
geology department, Prof. Rey-
nolds M. Denning and Prof. E.
William Heinrich of the'mineral-
ology department will also present
Prof.-Edwin N. Goddard, chair-
man of the geology department,
Prof. Lewis S. Ramsdell, chairman
,f the mineralology department
and Prof. Kenneth K. Landes of
the geology department are pre-
siding over the meetings.

-Daily-Stu Rosa
Union Flags May Show
Result of Todayv's Tilt

U' Alumni
Win Seats
In Elections
University alumni held their own
in the recent elections.
Twelve former University stu-
dents were elected to Congress and
25 won posts in the State Legisla-
OF THE TWELVE gaining seats
in the House of Representatives,
four were elected for the first
time: C. Craig Hosmer of Colo-
rado and Kit Clardy, Alvin M.
Bentley and Charles Oakman of
Tight incumbents who were
reelected are: Paul Cunningham
of Iowa, Shepard Crumpacher,
Jr. and Charles B. Brownson of
Indiana, Leo Elwood Allen of
Illinois, Carl Hinshaw of Colo-
rado, Alvin F. Weichel of %Ohio
and George Meader and Gerald
Ford of Michigan.
No Michigan alumni gained
posts in the Senate. However, five
men now serving terms in the Sen-
ate-Alexander Wiley of Wiscon-
sin, Clinton P. Anderson of New
Mexico, Lister Hill of Alabama,
Homer Ferguson of Michigan and
William Fulbright of Arkansas are
former University students.
Thomas E. Dewey of New York
and G. Mennen Williams of Mich-
igan are the only governors who
are University graduates.
Alumni were also prominent in
State election results. Ten won
sents in the State Senate and 15
in the House.
SL Candidates
Work Busily
On Campaign
(Continued fro'm Page 1)
concerts, plays and exhibits which
all demand display rights around
Then too, many of the housing
units around campus have imposed
stringent rules upon poster-happy
candidates. Most of the dorms
have enacted rules governing dis-
tribution of posters and campaign
Only a few houses permit pam-
phlets and other material to be
slipped under room doors. The
quads provide bulletin boards in
their lobby's for the posters, but
individual houses often allow only
their own candidates to place signs
in the house.
Daily Classifieds
Bring Quick Results


* * *

* # *

* * *

Engineering Bldg. is a struc-
ture which although entered by
relatively few students houses ex-
periments which could vitally af-
fect their lives.
Randall Laboratory's four floors
and three basements are the
scene o physicists' projects in the
fields of bio-physics, atomic en-
ergy, spectroscopy and time meas-
urement-to mention only a few.
Tucked in a corner of the first
basement is a well equipped
laboratory for investigations in-
to the relatively new field of bio-
physics. A massive electron mi-
croscope aids the study of living
processes through methods for-
merly reserved for physics.
Another-baserhent holds a bat-
tery of delicate instruments for
the study of ultra-violet and in-
fra-red light waves. Results from
these studies aid in determining
the structure of the universe and
the composition of the stars and
Complicated experiments - with
the much-publicized synchroton
and cyclotron are expected to pro-
vide further insight into the struc-
ture of the atom and the whole
new field of atomic energy.
Elsewhere in the building, meth-
ods are being devised for measur-
ing time intervals as small as one-
millionth of a second.
Story by
Edna Carlson
and Mike Wolff
Photos by
Don Campbell



If good luck charms have any
effect on the outcome of football
games then the future of this aft-
ernoon's battle may rest on the
two flags flying in front of the
Union today.
The flags represent the Wolver-
ines and, this week, Purdue. Tradi-
tion has it that the last flag to be
flapping in the breeze before the
game starts designates the victor.
Working Week
To BeDebated
The controversial labor topic of
reducing the work week will be
debated at 2:30 p.m. tomorrow in
Rms. 3A and 3D of the Union
by four teams of Sigma Rho Tau,
National Engineering Speech So-
Michigan will take the affirma-
tive side of the public debate: "Re-
solved that the present standard
forty hour work week should be
changed to a standard thirty hour
work week," against the Detroit
Institute of Technology team.
Warren Norquist, '53E, Jim
Evans, '55E, John Kosinski, '53E,
Mike Hachigian, '53E and Morton
Fleishman, '54E will represent the
University team.

STRICTLY a Union tradition,
the "battle of the flags" dates
back to 1923 when the graduating
class of that year presented the
University with two large wooden
It was the duty of the Union
head houseman, Jens Westgard,
to hang up the flags of Michigan
and its opponent on the poles
each Saturday before the game
Westgard soon noticed that oft-
en one of the flags would become
entangled around its pole, and the
majority of the times the school
whose flag would do this lost the
day's grid tilt. He then began pre-
dicting the games' outcome.
Westgard's most amazing pre-
dictions were in 1929 and 1939.
"Nobody believed me on that Sat-
urday morning in 1929 when I said
we'd upset the highly favored Min-
nesota team," Westgard recalled,
"but the flags pointed to a Michi-
gan victory and we won 7-6.
Last year one of the flag poles
fell down and predictions had to
come to a halt. A few days ago
two new steel poles were erected
and to'day Westgard will again
raise the colors of the two oppos-
ing teams and once more resume
his predictions. '

GETTING STARTED-Physicists set up the University's powerful synchroton for an experiment
they plan to perform. Designed by Prof. H. R. Crane and Prof. D. M. Dennison of the physics depart-
ment, the "atomic racetrack" was built in 1946 unider a navy contract. The massive instrument oc-
cupies a room two stories high in Randall Lab. and produces millions of volts of electricity when call-
ed upon to emit its atom-smashing electrons.





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Write a Lucky Strike
No box topS! NO ENTRY BLANKS! It'S easy!


Just write a 4-Iine jingle based on the fact that

sa flein evrycmass"
the heard 4the and, ec'e
for cleaner,{rSrkbhe!

DIAL THROWER-A department scientist adjusts one of the SPECIALIZED ART-Gunther Kessler, the physics department's
numerous dials on the synchroton's intricate nerve center. At the glass blower blows a delicate piece of apparatus for a research
same time two other physicists were burrowing behind the con- project. He is often called upon to blow equipment for the engi-
trol panel looking for a "bug" in the system. neering and psychology departments also.



1. Write your Lucky Strike jingle on a plain
piece of paper or post card and send it to
Happy-Go-Lucky, P. O. Box 67, New York

Here's your chance to make yourself $25.
Just write a 4-line Lucky Strike jingle,
based on the fact that Luckies are made
better to taste better.*
Then, if we select your jingle, we'll pay
you for the right to use it, together with
your name,.in Lucky Strike advertising....
probably in this paper.
Read the sample jingles on this page.
Then get the gang together, break out the
rhyming dictionary, and start writing. It's
fun! And we're buying jingles by the bushel!
Hint-if you can sing your jingle, it's a
good one!
Hint-the more-jingles you write, the
more money you have a chance of making.
Hint-be sure to read allthe instructions!
To write a winning Lucky Strike jingle, you're
not limited to "Luckies are made better to
taste better." Use any other sales points on


li~ke a 4 necount withr4
so wren bu

i : -0F

.. :.:...._ r}. r ...: ........ .

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