GE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1952 * OWN* The ACLU's Status IN RECENT YEARS the American Civil Liberties Union has, unfortunately, been confused with questionable civil liberties groups. It should be clear by now that ACLU has no affiliation with such organizations as the Civil Rights Congress. ACLU can trace an untarnished history back to the latter 20's when it first came into prominance by actively defending Sa- cco and Vanzetti, the renowned anarch- ists. Since that time this organization has been the most militant, highly respected civil liberties group in the country. , One of the reasons the group continues to command such high esteem is ACLU's en- forcement of its constitution barring com- munists and fascists from its staff and councils. For this and other stands, the ACLU has been praised by FBI director, J. Edgar Hoover. At the same time, the Civil Liberties Un- ion has fought for the civil rights of all Americans, including communists and fas- cists, for it considers both minority and ma- jority groups, regardless of opinion, equal before the law. One of the most effective actions which ACLU takes is-to supply legal aid for min- 'rity groups. In this field the group has taken a leading part in such cases as the Scottsboro trial, the case of the Trenton six, the Peekskill riot and countless other incidents where civil rights were violated. In the labor field ACLU successfully challenged yellow-dog contracts, labor in- junctions and the violation of the CIO's right to political action in Mayor Hague's New Jersey. In more recent times, it has taken a stand agailst the Smith Act, and has defended teacher's rights. ACLU has upheld the show- ing of such films as "The Miracle," "Birth of a Nation" and has fought for the right of the publication of such books as "Strange Fruit" which was banned in Boston. The consistency of the Union's stand is evidenced by its defense of Joe McCarthy's right to speak on the radio, although the group considers McCarthy one of the.most dangerous threats to civil liberties in this country. The national committee list of members consists of such notables as Thurman Ar- nold, Henry Commager, George Counts, J. R. Oppenheimer, Archibald McLeish, Max Lerner, Robert Sherwood and many others. The appearance of Pat Malin, ACLU na- tional director, on campus next week to or- ganize an ACLU chapter here should, in the light of violations of free speech in Ann Arbor, be greeted enthusiastically by stu- dents as well as conscientious townspeople. -Alice Bogdonoff and Mark Reader + ART+ HE TWO EXHIBITS now on display at the horns and of the observer peering over the University Museum of Art's galleries the clean, low wall. "White Building," by on the second floor of Alumni Memorial Hall Renzo Vespigiani, is also very good; the will continue until the end of this month. forms are well arranged, and his technique "Europe: The New Generation" is cir- of modelling in heavy pigments contributes culated by the Museum of Modern Art, greatly to the success of his painting. New York. The contributors are from Bri- If someone had told me that "Snack for tain, France and Italy, vintage 1901 to Two," by Jean Dubuffet, was by George 1928, and their work constitutes a samp- Grosz, I would have been fooled (easily ling rather than a survey, as the MMA done). Style, technique and, to some ex- people point out. tent, coloring, certainly bear an amazing Many of the names are familiar, especially resemblance to Grosz's paintings, but I those included in the Penguin Modern Pain- am not prepared to guess the extent to ters series, but it is all too seldom that we which Dubuffet is indebted to his fellow. have an opportunity to see their work in In any case, it is an excellent piece of the flesh. Happily, too, most of the artists' whimsy, the only grotesque in the exhibit, selections sustain or ,surpass expectation, and should amuse most gallery-goers. and these gentlemen should be in great de- Inand in the near future. It is perhaps natural, but worth mention- To my eye, the most impressive canvas in ing, that many of the samples in both gall- the North Gallery is John Piper's "Glyders eries are neo-cubist and constructivist, and Rocks," done in 1950. Thick layers of pig- generally these are not so good as the re- ment, massive forms, and some unlikely col- presentational and free abstract canvasses. ors in unlikely places are combined to make The show as a whole is extremely pleasing, a vivid and forceful composition. as well as instructive. Maurice Esteve, Nicolas de Stael and Hans The large West Gallery houses "South- Hartung have appeared on the premises be- western Textiles and Retablos," from the fore, last spring, in a show of advancing collection of Alfred Barton, circulated by French art. None of them gives me reason the American Federation of Arts. Without to revise my opinion of his work: de Stael's exception, so far as I noted, the components "Painting" is a large, dark, thickly smeared, of the show are all late 19th century. dully conceived abstraction. Hartung does The retablos are approximately equiva- about as nicely as ever with his swash- lent to the ikons of the Greek Orthodox brushing and colorful style, and Esteve falls Church-they are religious paintings, all somewhere between his confreres.Cuc-hyaerlgiu anigal soewherebtwGery'hisconfes. eye- In a similar, "anonymous" style, done on The South Gallery's biggest eye-catcher pn or.Tetxie r ubo aa is doubtless Bernard Buffet's "Self-Por- pine board. The textiles are Pueblo, Nava- trait." He neatly conveys an agony both garments and blankets. This display should spiritual and physical; the forms are be.of paticlakbtsbyhnodmeanshoxlu greatly elongated and slenderized, per- be of particular (but by no means exclu- gratly logaed n slnderiede- sive) interest to anthropologists, and to baps to suggest the strain he feels in a otesiertdinhecluefte distressing world. Monotony is present in others interested in the culture of the the coloring, which is almost exclusively in American Southwest. whites and dull variants of green, and his Finally, the display cases in the mezza- awkward nudity contributes to his em- nine contain a nice assortment, including barassment. I don't wish to give the im- prints by Picasso and Chagall, ceramic ware, pression, however, that these verbalized and a Greek Orthodox ikon. The Japanese qualities are anything but subsidiary to Festival was the museum's most ambitious an excellently composed painting. undertaking of the year, and the current The stark simplicity of Marcello Muc- showing certainly ranks close behind it. For cini's "Bull" deserves some sort of prize; their fine organizational work, the mem- even in a rear view, the immense power OC bers of the staff are to be warmly com- the beast is apparent, intensifying the help- mended. lessness both of the matador slung across -Siegfried Feller SL Elections AFTER THE EFFORT being eXerted by the SL candidates in making their views known to the campus, it is disappointing to find letters appearing in The Daily claiming that "hardly anyone seems to be interested in the qualifications of the candidates, or in their stands on specific issues." Though the candidates' posters may seem to exhibit only their physical qualifications, many of them actually bear a condensed statement of the candidate's platform. 'In addition, the SL booklet, "Know Your Candidates," will be distributed through- out campus today. This pamphlet can tell students at a glance how candidates feel on key issues, as well as outlining their past experience in campus activities. Candidates have also been making the rounds of open houses and many students have learned their stands on issues in this manner. Finally, on Tuesday morning, The Daily will publish its own candidate question- naire, complete with answers from the various aspirants. The questionnaire will ' provide a handy guide to take to the vot- ing booth. With all this information and publicity showering the campus, it seems impossible that students could remain unilformed on the Student Legislature elections. -Harry Lunn DREW PEARSON: Washington. Merry-Go-Round WASHINGTON-Senator ,Taft telephoned General Eisenhower last week with a gentle reminder that he would like to make some recommendations for the cabinet. Taft didn't press the matter or go into detail. Nevertheless, he left the implica- tion that the Morningside Heights break- fast pledge of Taft patronage in the Eis- enhower Administration had not been for- gotten. The General promised to consider care- fully any suggestions Taft would like to make and also said he was anxious to work closely with Taft on a legislative program. Taft also suggested that one of the new administration's first aims should be to strengthen the judicial system and transfer to the courts some of the power now held by commissions. If Taft gets the green light from Eisen- hower on this, it will touch off about the bitterest legislative battle any recent Con- gress has seen. For, though Taft didn't spell it out, what he has in mind is a plan long discussed by representatives of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the National Associa- tion of Manufacturers to undercut and by-pass such agencies as the Federal Pow- er Commission, Federal Trade Commission, Securities and Exchange Commission, In- terstate Commerce Commission, and Fed- eral Communications Commission. These regulate power companies, gas- transmission lines, natural gas, the stock exchange, fair trade and competition, the railroads, bus and trucking lines, radio, tele- vision, telegraph and telephone. Most of these are branded as New Deal agencies, though all but two-the FCC and SEC- were actually established on the foundation of Herbert Hoover's old Federal Radio Com- mission. TRUMAN CRONY FOR SOME YEARS, big business lobbyists have proposed shifting power from these agencies to the courts with the idea of weakening their power. Actually, most court dockets are too crowded to handle work of this kind; second, Federal judges are the last ones to relish handling regulatory ques- tions. Already the efficiency of some of these commissions has been undermined dur- ing the Truman Administration, especially the Federal Power Commission. Truman appointed as its chairman, his old crony, ex-Sen. Mon Wallgren of Washingt6n State, and Wallgren, an ex-jeweler, knew far less about electric power and natural gas than he did about poker. After Wallgren's friend in the White House had the courage to veto the Kerr bill per- mitting a price increase of natural gas to northern cities, Wallgren turned around and reversed the President. He gave Phillips Pe- troleum what Truman had refused to give. Since then Wallgren has been replaced by a new chairman, Thomas Buchanan, who had the courage to crack down on the big gas companies. As a result, friends of the big gas and oil companies in the Sen- ate, led by Sen. Lyndon Johnson of Texas, blocked his confirmation. He is now ser- ving on an interim appointment and will be one of the first conscientious public servants sure to get the ax. If Eisenhower, who has promised to keep the 5-percenters out of Washington, also watches the 27-percenters, he can do a real job for the public. However, it will be through the appointment of good men to the commissions, not by weakening them. IKE NOTES EISENHOWER WAS swamped with about ,.A9,000 letters and telegrams shortly after he arrived in Augusta. While touched at the tribute he was also dismayed regarding re- plies. He hadn't had so much mail since this writer served as the funnel for sending Ike 18,000 Christmas cards last December. They were delivered by special airplane cour- ier in Paris .... In the case of the Augusta mail, Ike got Senator Seaton of Nebraska to ACLU.. To the Editor: IN REGARDS to Diane Decker's article about the American Civ- il Liberties Union in the Nov. 14 Daily: Abner Green who was banned from campus last spring belonged to the Civil Rights Con- gress and not the American Civil Liberties Union. There is quite a difference between the two groups. In my opinion, the ACLU is a bona-fide civil liberties organiza- tion, the CRC is not. The ACLU, wisely, has put its membership to the test of consistency in de- fense of civil liberties in all as- pects and all places. The ACLU has long occupied a respected position in our country. Its reports have been cited often in writings, and in speeches in Congress. But to dispel any doubts about the organization, let the quote part of a resolution adopted by ACLU on Feb. 4, 1940. It states: "The Board of Directors and the National committee of the American Civil Liberties Union therefore hold it inappropriate for any political organization which supports totalitarian dictatorship in any country, or who by his pub- lic declarations indicates his sup- port of such a principle." "Within this category we in- clude organizations in the United States supporting the totalitarian governments of the Soviet Union and of the Fascist and Nazi countries, (such as the Commu- nist Party, the German-American Bund and others); as well as na- tive organizations with obvious anti-democratic objectives or practices." Even McCarthy has not dared to call ACLU more than a "pink" organization. Of course, ACLU, like any other fighter for civil liberties doesn't think much of Joe either. I hope this letter has cleared up some of the vagueness about ACLU which might have been the result of The Daily article. Though the Daily usually de- serves praise for its accurate news coverage, it is to be strongly crit- icized for this mistake. With the present national crisis in civil lib- erties, an error of this kind can not be lightly over looked. -Joe Savin, Chairman of the Civil Liberties Committee EDITOR'S NOTE: The Daily stands corrected and apologizes for any em- barassment the reporter's error may have cause.) s . . Quo Yadis*?*... To the Editor: VARIOUS reactions to the re- sults of the election have been expressed in The Daily during the past few weeks. The Young Pro- gressives feel that it is time to evaluate the results of the elec- tion in an open forum of all in- tested organizations. The Young Progressives invited all campus groups to take part in a forum on "Where Do We Go From Here?" to be held on Tues., Dec. 3.In the interest of all Uni- versity students we especially in- vite the Young Republicans and the Young Democrats in the hope that solid, unified action can be established. All interested persons should contact Don Van Dyke as soon as possible. Phone 31351. -Don Van Dyke for Young Progressives First Tee Trueblood... op J {J. att 4. , cMC .aa 15.a I;, " ZLe?1kp6 tO the c&ditov "!-, .\ -C This I Don't Believe ... To the Editor: THIS I DON'T BELIEVE: "The Lord's Prayer is a simple reminder." "You can not live without God." "True happiness is obtained through Christian charity." "His commandments guide my daily decision and action." " ... and in this way worship God, who created me to know Him and worship Him." "The teachings of Christ pro- vide the only means" to a "uni- versal moral and ethical order." And so on, ad nauseam! -Shirley Danielson Anti-Intellectuals ... To the Editor: One thing established by the new American democracy of the twentieth century is that Ameri- cans will never accept a disrepu- table form of tyranny. We will ac- cept, even at the extreme, only a respectable dictatorship. The re- cent European and Asiatic forms of totalitarian government are un- thinkable to the American mind. We restrict freedom only on prin- tiple and our social philosophy is eclectic. Even our most outspok- en, reactionaries have no social philosophy. For these reasons Americans have never heeded the Marxist motion that capitalism goes to fascism in times of stress. Those who view the defeat of Stevenson as a growth of anti- intellectual sentiment in this country, as some liberals appear to do, have not taken into account that Americans have always been anti-intellectual, not consciously, perhaps-but what we like is good sound common sense from a man of experience in practical affairs. There is nothing that can match the cold reason of a Bingay edi- torial. And we are not narrow in our sentiment of distrust for in- tellectual concoctious-if we hate fascism, we hate anarchy and evo- lution as well. It is our lot to approve the re- pectable and the practical. We shall walk thru the rest of history with our closest ally, the English, holding ourselves aloof to the pit- falls of social philosqphy. --Patrick H. Doyle, Grad. * * * Football TV... To the Editor: READ with interest the new views of Mr. H. O. Crisler in re- gard to the problem of televising collegiate football games. It seems that the change which Mr. Crisler has undergone in the last three years as to this subject is founded on expediency and the self-interest of this university's athletic de- partment. In the past, he had asserted that television was a danger to the fi- nancial prospects of NCAA mem- bers-particularly such members as were arddwrawing no 7t nonn week after week. At the time, this university was such ,a member. Now he asserts that television on a limited scale-by district--will be an asset. To whom? To those members which no longer draw large crowds and would profit from the sale of television rights. Michigan now is one of such mem- bers. Mr. Crisler, when he participated in the committee investigation of the inroads of television on foot- ball attendance for the NCAA, made much of an altruistic ambi- tion to benefit the colleges in gen- eral. Now he would focus attention on the "bargaining power" of such schools as Michigan which are un- lucky enough to have fallen down in their ability to draw. Criticism of the hypocrisy of Michigan State's John Hannah in regard to athletics can no longer sound too telling when viewed in the light of Mr. Crisler's new idealism. Both seem to be agreed on one thing. Idealism in regard to money-making sports like foot- ball is a great thing-for the oth- er guy.- -George S. Flint To the Editor: WEDNESDAY, November 12, I went to Rackham Institute to hear a speech since I had to make a report on it. I expected to be bored. Rather I was more fa- vorably impressed than I have been for a long time. I heard Dr. Elton Trueblood talk on "The Basis of the Life We Prize." The occasion was a De- partment of Speech Assembly. I of course don't expect to impress you as I was impressed byhim. Yet in case many of you didn't hear the speech, I would like to relate to you some of the main points of interest in it. In his introduction he told us that the main difference between the Eastern and Western is not political in nature but rather re- ligious. Many of these communists believe in their theories so thor- oughly that to them its a religion -a personal philosophy, a way of life. The main crisis we face is that of opposing this perverted faith of theirs. It seems that many of the intelligent commu- nists are able to logically discuss their theories. They are able to answer questions about them. Yet are we able to answer questions about this society of ours in which we believe so strongly? What's freedom? What's equality? We must be able to answer the ques- tions others may ask of us. In describing the nature of the danger in our opposition to the Eastern World, Dr.Trueblood says we face not war, as neither side wants to fight. Rather our danger is in the lack of morality on our part. We're going to pieces inside. We have no faith in ourselves, no faith in social progress. We're too much like the common conception of Epicureanism - have fun to- day, tomorrow we may die. We sell ourselves to gain the most in physical goods. He concluded with the state- ment that the main problem we face is the task of making our- selves conscious of the fact that the individual is precious. We must realize that the ultimate value in lift is the human per- sonality. -Jim Greenlee Now, Really... To the Editor: NOW, REALLY, Miss Bryan, this is all so very amusing, the in- cipient hypothesis that the Demo- cratic minority has a monopoly on good sense and reasoning power. Allow me to bring to your at- tention the fact that millions of Americans, Republicans, Demo- ocrats and independents did take the election more seriously than the Rose Bowl. The score rolled up was much bigger than any score the Wolverines might hope to roll up next January 1. I recently received a nice let- ter from Mr. Larry Bachman in which he exorted me to "walk in the light" by embracing the Dem- ocratic tradition. My reply end- ed with a quote which seems somehow apropos in your in- stance, too, Miss Bryan. A great American by the name of Adla Stevenson recently said, "In the long run the judgements of man- kind and history are pretty sound." I shouldn't worry too much if I were you, Miss Bryan, about how well we shall do in the test of man's civilization," which you think may come within the next four years. After all there are still many able Democrats to guide us on our way. In the meantime you must ex- cuse me while I divert my atten- tion to studying for a bluebook in Poll. sci. -Louis R. Zako, '53 "HER BLUSH is guiltiness, not modesty." -Claudio in "Much Ado About Nothing" MATTER OF FACT: French Giving U.S. Headache DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN By JOSEPH ALSOP PARIS-One of the first things President Eisenhower will find on the White House doorstep is a really dire threat to his own great post-war handiwork, the defense of Western Europe. This threat takes the form of what may be called the Saigon-Paris- Bonn chain reaction. It has already engen- dered the kind of anti-American feeling in France that must be seen to be believed. It is entirely capable of bringing the whole NATO structure crashing down into ruin. To begin at the nearest end of the chain, the existing defense of Western Europe amounts to a fifty-foot rope for drawing water from a ninety-eight foot well. There are fifty divisions, ready and reserve, to do the work of ninety-eight. German divi- sions are urgently needed to complete a serious defense system. The twelve German divisions which are West Germany's planned contribution are now to be provided within the framework of a European army and a European Defense Community. As a practical matter, the European De- fense Community now equals the German divisions for NATO, plus a long step in the road to European unity and several other things as well. NATO will get no German divisions if the participating nations refuse The French warned Acheson that the vote in the Chamber would depend upon one main point. The deputies and French opin- ion in general must not be allowed to think that Germany would out-weigh France in the new European army and thus dominate the new European Defense Community. This need for an equal French contribu- tion to the European army in turn extends our chain teaction to Saigon. In brief, the French are now engaged in Indo-China be- yond their own strength and resources. They cannot make their European contribution and carry their Indo-Chinese burden with- out substantial American aid. They had been allowed to hope for $650,000,000 of such aid this year. In the end, they were offered only $525,000,000. To make matters worse, the State De- partment has also been trying to hunt with the hounds and run with the hare in the Franco-Tunisian crisis. Hence many responsible Frenchmen now actually ac- cuse America of seeking to "drive France from North Africa." There are other grave complications, such as the strong tendency of the French So- cialists to vote against the European De- fense Community unless the British will also join it. Adoption of a strict hands-off policy in North Africa and announcement of spe- (Continued from Page 2) on social probation for 7 days and warned. For Participating in Unauthorized Party and Giving False Information to Investigating Officer: 1 student fined $25 and warned. For Disturbing the Peace: 1 student placed on probation for misconduct and warned; 1 student fined $15 and warned: 1 student (woman) placed on social probation for 7 days and warned. For Falsifying University Records: 1 student fined $15 and warned; 1 stu- dent fined $10 and warned; 3 students warned. For Living in Unregistered Apart- ment: 2 students warned. --Sub-Committee on Discipline Late permission for women students who attended "Brigadoon" on Nov. 13 will be no later than 11:10 p.m. Late permissionr for women students who attended the Danish State Orches- tra concert on Nov. 13 will be no lat- er than 11:20 p.m. Union Opera Faculty-Block Section. The special faculty-staff block ticket sale for Dec. 10, opening night of thia year's Union Opera production, No Cov- er Charge, closes Mon., Nov. 17. All fac- ulty and staff are reminded to send their orders, including self-addressed stamped envelopes, with checks to No Cover Charge, Michigan Union. Ann Arb. Tiket prices are12.25. 11.75. Prof. C. C. Craig, Dep't. of Mathemat- ics; "The Michigan Digital Automatic Computer," Mr. John Deturk, Willow Run Research Center. Sociology 51, Section 1, will meet in 3409 Mason Hall instead of Auditorium D on Monday. Review session. Films will be shown on Wednesday. Game Theory Seminar. Mon., Nov., 17, 3220 Angell Hall. Events Today Michigan Christian Fellowship. Im- portant meeting for all members and interested students, 7:30 p.m., Fireside Room, Lane Hall. Hillel Services, Sat. morning at 9 a.m. at 1429 Hill. Beacon. Lunch at noon in League Cafeteria. Adjourn at 1:15 to Profes- sor Price's studio in Burton Tower to read a play. Newman Club. There will be a Pur- due Dunkers' Hour after the game in the clubrooms of St. Mary's Chapel on East William Street. All Purdue and Michigan Newmanites and friends are invited. Congregational Disciples Guild. Open house for all after the game. Come and bring your friends. Fireside dis- Coming Events Engineers, Chemists, and Physicists. A group meeting at 7 p.m., Mon., Nov. 17, will be held in 1042 East Engineer- ing Building by representatives of the Humble Oil Company of Houston. Job opportunities in all phases of the pe- troleum industry will be discussed. Volunteer Naval Research Reserve Unit 9-3. Meeting Mon., Nov. 17. 7:30 p.m., 2082 Natural Science Building. Professor Peter Smith, of the Chem- istry Department, will give an illus- trated lecture on New Zealand and sur- rounding islands. The Economics Club will meet on Mon., Nov. 17, at 8 p.m., in the West Conference Room of the Rackham Building. Dr. Robert Stevens, who has recently returned from service with the Mutual Security Administration in London, will talk on Britain and the world economy. All staff members and students in Economics and Business Administration are invited to attend. Others who are interested will be wel- come. Newman Club. Father Canfield of the Sacred Heart Seminary in Detroit will speak on "The Development of New- man Thought" at the Communion Breakfast to be held at St. Mary's Chapel after 9:30 Mass Sun., Nov. 16. Everyone is welcome and tickets are available at the Newman Club Office, Faculty Luncheon with The Very Rev. James A. Pike, Dean of the Cathe. i t s a 1 i s . e 9' ffiir14an iat Sixty-Third Yea? Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan. under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staf Crawford Young.......Managing Editor Barnes Connabie............City Editor Cal Samra.........Editorial Director Zander Hollander......Feature Editor Sid Klaus........ Associate City Editor Harland Britz.......Associate Editor Donna Hendleman.....Associate Editor Ed Whipple...............Sports Editor John Jenks......Associate Sports Editor Dick Sewell.....Associate Sports Editor Lorraine Butler.......Wowen's Editor Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor Business Staf Al Green..............Business Manager Milt Goetz.......Advertising Manager Diane Johnston.... Assoc. Business Mgr. Judy Loehnberg......Finance Manager Tom Treeger.......Circulation Manager