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November 15, 1952 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1952-11-15

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tr uja
Latest Deadline in the State






Basic in Life
EDITOR'S NOTE: In conjunction with the lecture series "This I Believe,"
The Daily is presenting statements of belief from prominent members of
the University community.
Mead, a pre-theology student, is on the Board in Control of Intercollegiate
Athletics and has varsity letters in Track and Basketball.
Considering all the events in my life, the greatest thing that hap-
pened to me was finding God through Christ. However, to be perfectly
-4 honest, I cannot accept credit for it. For a long time I had been exposed
to the Christian influences of my family and church, but I had never..
really come to the crossroads of decision. Like most young fellows, I did
little serious thinking about any matter, especially about religion or
any topic of world importance. But eventually God got through to me
and gave purpose to living.
The wonderfulness of this revelation is that it has reoccurred with
increasing frequency since the initial experience. Knowing God has
become a growing process. Each time self is conquered, a little better
glimpse of the Eternal Purpose is seen. I marvel at the graciousness of
God and what He can do through me when I let Him. In utter sin-
cerity I can testify that God has never let me down when my action
was in accord with His will.
Some people rebel at a faith that is demanding because they
feel it is not worth the effort or frustration involved in setting high
goals: But from my experience, I have found that playing the game
of life according to strict rules and with God as a partner is fascin-'
ating. If religion creates frustration and guilt feelings, it also pro-
vides abundant power to overcome them.
It seems that this struggle between sin and uprightness is the
point where most of us fall down. Temporary set-backs discourage
us, and slamming the door in Satan's face seems to be contrary to
group norms. A Christian should live on a higher plane than society
in general; however living God's way is not easy, so why try? The
answer is that living rightly does give ultimately the greatest satis-
faction, but more important, God needs each one of us to bring
lils Kingdom on earth.
Believing that our world also needs Him, forces me to conclude.
that lknowing God is the best thing that has happened in my life, and
following Christ's pattern has been the greatest challenge ever of-
fered me. I expect to make mistakes, but my faith is that God will
somehow use each experience to eventually make me better qualified
to serve mankind.
Reapportionment Seen
As HoldingLittle Change
Commenting on the recently passed State reapportionment pro-
posal number three, two University state government experts said that
the new plan "will not make too much difference in the present set
Prof. Daniel McHargue of the political science department an-
ticipated that the number of representatives in the Legislature's
House will not reach the set maxi-
mum of 110, but "will probably!- .
only go to 107 or 108 members." Vietminh Fail
Before the proposal was passed
in this month's election, the max-
imum number of representativesZn NAt ch
was 100. ._

SL Booklet
The Student Legislature's
information packed election
handbook, "Know Your Candi-
dates," will be distributed to-
day in housing units through-
out the campus.
Containing the candidates'
platforms and a summary of
their experience in campus ac-
tivities, the booklets are in-
tended as a handy guide in the
Tuesday and Wednesday all-
campus elections.
Information about the driv-
ing ban referendum will also
be included.
H"ST, Ike
To Discuss
Vital :Issues
By The Associated Press
The White House gave a tip-off
yesterday that vital foreign polic,
defense and money matters will
dominate next Tuesday's White
House talks between President
Truman and President - elect
Dwight D. Eisenhower.
This was indicated in the an-
nouncement of the key figures who
will sit in on the talks after Tru-
man and Eisenhower first meet
* * *
ON THE administration side,
the list includes Secretary bf State
Acheson, Secretary 'of Defense
Lovett, Secretary of the Treasury
Snyder and Mutual' Security Ad-
ministrator W. Averell Harriman.
At Eisenhower's side will be
Sen. Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. of
Massachusetts and Detroit bank-
er Joseph M. Dodge.
Lodge is already gathering "top
secret" information from the Tru-
man administration in his role as
advance scout for Eisenhower;
Dodge is busy consulting with bud-
get officials.
Meanwhile in Augusta, Ga., Eis-
enhower said that Gov. Thomas
E. Dewey had "emphatically re-
affirmed" at a policy conference
that he is not available for a cab-
inet post in the new Republican
ROK's Win Back
Sniper Ridge Tap
By The Associated Press
Indominatable South Korean in-
fantrymen early today won back
the crest of Sniper Ridge on the
Central Korean Front for the 15th
Front reports said the sturdy
Republic of Korea soldiers fought
through the night and regained
the crest-Pinpoint Hill-at dawn.
Details were lacking.
In Munsan the United Nations
Command charged yesterday that
a Communist bullet killed a U.S.
Navy medical corpsman on neutral
soil near Panmunjom, and Red of-
ficers angrily broke off an inquiry
after the Allies refused to produce
the body.

Conference Title
Hangs in Balance
Samuels To Flowers Combination
Holds Key to Boilermaker Offense
Associate Sports Editor
A probable Big Ten title and a Rose Bowl trip will go on the
line this afternoon when Michigan meets Purdue in a real "blue chip"
battle before 55,000 Stadium fans.
The winner of today's clash will be favored to tie for the confer-
ence crown at worst, while the loser will drop out of the running well
into the column of also-rans.
* * * *
BOTH CLUBS are expected to be keyed up to sky-high pitch for
the tilt, which accounts for the fact that the odds have steadily
"dropped from a 13 point Boiler-
1 maker advantage a 'Week ago to
Localpoliceeven money at kickoff time.
Purdue is looking for its first
conference title since 1943 (when
it divided honors. with Michi-
gan), its first conquest of the
Wolverines since 1929, and its
first Ann Arbor victory In the
Grid Crowd 13-game series, which currently
stands_11-2, Michigan.

--Daily--Don Campbell
S * * * * *t * * * *
Three Thousand Cheer at Pep Rally

Steady chants of "Roll 'em up"
and "beat Purdue" by three thous-
and football fans rang through
the air at last night's Rep Rally
as students and townspeople an-
ticipated today's clash with t1ie
Cheering and half-heartedly
hindering cars, the fans, spurred
on by the band, marched down
YSP's Increase
Meet 'U' Quota
Campus Young Progressives,
who earlier in the week feared loss
of recognition because of under-
quota membership, announced last
night that the 30-member require-
ment had been fulfilled.
A number of students who pre-
viously "had been doubting join-
ing the club" added their names
to the 20 members listed Tuesday
to meet the quota, according to
Marge Buckley, '53, YP chairman.
YP members at the Tuesday
night meeting expressed the feel-
ing that membership had dropped
since a University policy allowing
campus political clubs to keep
membership lists secret was res-
cinded in October.
Accovding to the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs, no deadline had been
set for the YP's fulfillment of the
membership quota and as soon as
the completed list is turned in, the
group will have officially renewed
their recognition for the semester.

State St. to Feriry Field. Here em-
cees Howard Nemerovski, '54E,
and Leroy Miller, '56A&D, began
the entertainment with a take
off on the well known pre-game
interview with one of the star
DICK SMITH, '53BAd, the nigh
stepping drum major, gave a peppy
demonstration of his baton twirl-
ing. Cheers, such as the Wolver-
ine Chant and the Speller Loco-
motive, preceeded two of the star
features of the program.
Last year's football captain
Bill Putich gave a pep talk illus-
trated with .experiences of his
own football career. "Michigan
will rise to great heights," he
said, predicting a Wolverine vic-
In response to "Roll 'em up" J.
Fred Lawton, composer of "Var-
,sity," revealed a flashy pair of
argyle socks. In response to the
same chant - he went further by
removing his tie and one of the
two plaid shirts he was wearing.
Lawton continued' his enter-
tainment by leading the band and
fans in an enthusiastic rendition
of "Varsity." To finish his part in
the program, Lawton introduced
'Affair JBlum9 . .
One of the most celebrated films
to come out of Europe since the
end of the war, "The Affair Blum"
will be presented at 5:30, 7:05 and
9:10 p.m. today and ,8 p.m. Sun-
day at the Architecture Auditor-

Charles A. Baldwin of the class of
1911 and then presented Prof. Wil-
liam D. Revelli who ended the pro-
gram by introducing the assist-
ant band director and leading the
fans in the "Yellow and Blue."
Levin Gives
Future Plans
Of LocalSDA
Sander Levin, national presi-
dent of the Students for Demo-
cratic Action, yesterday outlined
a prospective program for the com-
ing months at a meeting of the
campus SDA.-.
The Columbia University stu-
dent told local members that "it
is essential that liberals stick to-
gether," and maintained "positive
measures must be presented in
the next few years.'"
Chief among the issues SDA
must tackle is the McCarran Act,
dealing with immigration, Levin
said. He felt the group should work
toward rescinding the "anti--Dem-
ocratic" bill and substitute the
Lehman-Humphries bill.
He outlined a two-fold plan for
implementing the bill's retraction:
(1) A campus speakers program,
which will be handled through
both the national and local chap-
ter, and will aim at bringing pres-
sure to bear on Senators Charles
Potter and Homer Ferguson.
(2) Distribution of a pamphlet,
to be printed nationally, which an-
alyzes the bill.

Local, county and state police
will drain their manpower barrels
to police the football game today.
Everyone on the Ann Arbor po-
lice force, from the chief down to
the patrolmen will be on duty to
help direct the expected crowd of
55,000. Coupled with the 54 Ann
Arbor police will be 50 Michigan
State police, and 18 from the
Washtenaw County Sheriff's of-
S * *
IN ADDITION to directing traf-
fIic, they will put up No Parking
signs prior to the game on the
main streets and those within a
five block radius of the .stadium.
To cope with the floor of traf-
fic entering the city the police
have set up a "point control"
plan. This plan, operative on the
city's main arteies, allows driv-
ers to move faster on these
crowded thoroughfares. This is
done by coordinating the more
than 100 officers directing traf-
fic on these streets so that all
east-west traffic will be halted
while the north-south traffic is
moving and vice-versa.
After the game gets underway,
the policemen-who had previously
been directing the traffic in the
"point control" system, will sta-
tion themselves by the aisles and
on the stadium field.
The police will resume their pre-
game stations after the game to
help direct the outgoing crowd.
Hatcher To Attend
College Council
President Harlan H. Hatcher
will .represent the University at a
meeting of the Michigan Council
of College: Presidents Monday at
Michigan State Normal College.,


To obtain what it is seeking,
Purdue will call on veteran quar-
terback Dale Samuels, end Bernie
Flowers and fullback Max Schmal-

Flowers LE
Whiteaker LT
Hager LG
Cudzik C
Houston RG
Panfil RT
Kerr RE
Samuels QB
Brock LH
Heniger RH
Schmaling FB


PROF. McHARGUE explained
that the same system will be used
for determining representation.
The main feature of this system
is the moiety clause which en-
titles each district to °a represen-
tative which has over 50 per cent
of the population required for a
full district. r
"In this way," Prof. McHar-
gue said, "the outstate counties
are assigned representation first
and then areas such as Wayne
County gets what is left." The
x political scientist pointed out
that . Wayne County has always
been "cut short," but by this
proposal will make a little gain
in representation.
Prof. Ferrel Heady, also of the
political science department,
agreed that Wayne County would
receive the "whole gain" from the
new amendment. He added that
using population as the sole basis
of representation, Wayne County
will still not have its due represen-
Pointing to one of the major
improvements resulting from the
new plan, Prof. Heady commented
that Pow a city can be divided
into districts instead of having the
representation, elected at large.
He also explained that as regards
+ te Rnsaip amham, t W-v.

HANOI, Indochina-(/P)-French
Union forces smashed a strong
Vietminh attack yesterday on the
Roman Catholic city of Phat Diem,
at the southeastern rim of the
Red River delta's defenses.
The French said this was the
most important action in the delta
in a year.

ing to lead it out of the desert and
into the promised land.
ALL THREE have contributed
substantially to the Boilermakers'
success thus far, which includes
three wins, two loses, and two
ties, the losses being to Notre
Dame and Michigan State, two of
the more potent outfits in the area.
In seven games Samuels has
completed 80 of 145 passes for
a .551 average, good for.890
yards and nine touchdowns.
* * *
'U' Flashcard
Group To End
Season .Today
The Block M flashcard section
will bow out on its longest season
in many years today.
The final appearance will in-
clude a welcome to Purdue and a
salute to Michigan. In hopes that
the Wolverines or its opponent will
be the Big Ten champion, the sec-
tion will display "Big. 10" perched
on a gold crown.
Off and on since 1910, the Uni-
versity has boasted of a flash-
card section, but this is the first
time in a. long time that it has
given more than two perform-
Arriving in the middle of the
football season four years ago, the
flashcards saw little use..
This year they have been action
in four games where the section
has executed many stunts entirely
under student direction. In this
respect the University's group dif-
fers from many flashcard sections
which are athletic club supported,
and have professionals design their
Sponsored - by the Wolverine
Club, the section is under the dip
rection of Jack Gray, '53BAd, nd
Dorothy Fink, '55.
Looker. Wants-

SL Candidates Work Hard on Campaigns, Poster Stunts

As the SL election campaign moves into the home stretch, candi-
dates are intensifing their effdrts to bring their names and platforms
before the students.
"We do everything but sleep," one candidate remarked. For the
average prospective legislator the day really begins about 3 p.m. He
will probably spend the afternoon visiting one or two dormitories,
meeting students by the informal method of knocking on doors, and
introducing himself.
* * * *
THIS IS A GOOD method for contacting people individually, but
the candidate tries to see as many as possible. Since the best time to
find a large group of students at home is during the dinner hour,
many candidates give up their own meal in order to talk to students
at this time. One female candidate commented that she has lost five
pounds since she decided to run for SL.

* * * *

Student Legislature candidates have managed to dig up all the
traditional poster ideas and create a few zany, original designs for
this fall's campaign.
It's impossible to walk down any of the streets in campus-town
without running into a colorful barrage of campaign signs staring you
in the face from a store windlow.
* * * *
WHILE MANY aspirants flocked to campus printers with their
campaigning ideas, others decided to cut costs by producing home-made
The signs, on the whole, are remarkably staid, although one
candidate advertises himself as a "fighting" future legislator, while
others have outlined their platforms in brief on the posters.
Most of the female candidates took care to include pictures of
themselves on the literature, but "personality" shots of the men

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