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November 14, 1952 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1952-11-14

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I m


Civic Progress

THE PAST TEN DAYS has been a very
fruitful period for the City of Ann Ar-
bor. During this time the voters of Wash-
tenaw County approved construction and fi-
nancing of a new County Court House, and
the City Council and Ann Arbor Township
Board completed annexation of the 267 acre
plot where the University is building its new
North Campus.
When the new courthouse is completed the
county will have one of the finest buildings
of its type in the nation. Modern, fireproof,
and with ample parking facilities, the struc-
ture is planned in such a way that additions
can be made in the future.
The annexation of the north campus
territory provides the city with the oppor-
tunity to plan the expansion of the city
in a systematic fashion. Ann Arbor's
growth has been as haphazard as most
cities. By annexing the land the city will
be able to plan residential districts in the
area, public works, and business develop-
ment which is certain to take place.
These two projects highlight the develop-
ments undertaken at this time to improve
Ann Arbor. The construction of a new fire
station on Stadium Blvd., almost through
the planning stage, and the widening of S.'
University between Washtenaw Ave. and
State St. In the spring will also add to Ann
Arbor's improvement.
Still in the planning stage is a new Ypsi-
lanti-Ann Arbor Metropolitan Area Plan
which in the distant future will link the two
cities with a beautiful system of drives and

Ann Arbor at present boasts one of the
finest parking setups in the country. It is
cited throughout the nation as an excel-
lent solution to the parking problem. In
line with this a parking garage is plan-
ned for construction next year and a new
parking lot in the downtown district will
be opened tomorrow.
A final project, not undertaken by Ann
Arbor but by the State Highway Depart-
ment is the bypass of U.S. 23 around Ann
Arbor. Most of the pressure on the High-
way Department for the cutoff has come
from Ann Arbor.
In the future the city can look forward
to replacing the present City Hall with a
larger modern building. Other projects
should include a slum clearance program
and an increase in recreational facilities.
These endeavors will go a long way to-
ward making Ann Arbor a leader among
small cities in Michigan and the nation. Pro-
gress is sometimes slow but Ann Arbor is
making rapid strides.
-Eric Vetter
" WANT freedom for freedom's sake
and in every particular circumstance..
And in wanting freedom we discover that it
depends entirely on the freedom of others,
and that the freedom of others depends on
"IT IS wrong always, everywhere, and for
every one, to believe anything upon in-
sufficient evidence."
-William James

IT IS ALWAYS an occasion when an or- proficient, they did display an imperfection.
chestra visits the campus, afid it is es- This was in their overall tone, which was not
pecially noteworthy when that orchestra as beautiful as our top orchestras, such as
comes from across the sea, as did last night's the Philadelphia or Cleveland. The cello
performers, the Danish National Orchestra section and winds sounded weak, and were
under the direction of Erik Tuxen. From often guilty of faulty intonation. But though
the opening measures of the Star Spangled the sound was not as sensuous as it might
Banner and the Danish national anthem, it have been, it did not prevent Mr. Tuxen,
was apparent that this was a different the conductor, from giving sensitive inter-
sound from what we are accustomed to hear pretations to the two major works of the
in American symphony orchestras. evening, the fifth symphony of Carl Niel-
The Danish orchestra plays with a very sen, and the Firebird Suite of Igor Stravin-
marked, staccato precision. Even in slow, sky.
tranquil passages, the tendency is towards The Nielsen work, written ten years
delineation rather than elongation. This after the Stravinsky, is not as contem-
sharply defined style seems very European; porary, and is more in the Mahler tradi-
a very methodical appraisal of the music tion than Sibelius as the program notes
which is the antithesis of the more lethar- indicated. It is in the Mahler tradition
gic style of certain of our orchestras, partic- because here again is a composer desiring
ularly on a bad night. to work in the symphonic form, yet, be-
But this is not to say that their per- cause of philosophical and environmental
formance was dry; it was the opposite, and conditions, unable to grasp the form's
actually had an over abundance of en- meaning. Nielsen tried to write an epic,
thusiasm which provided a different, monumental work, and as is so often the
though not unwarranted interpretation. case with symphonists after Beethoven
This was explicit in the Overture to Eur- and Brahms, he tried to outdo them, to
yanthe by Weber which began the, pro- even yet increase the proportions of the
gram. The work became rollicking, bois- symphony already stretched to its limit.
terous, almost humourous. It was an over- The result is more of fabrication and ster-
ture in every sense of the word. iity than inspiration.
The Grieg Symphonic Dances, of which But as in Mahler there are moments of
three were played, were performed similarly. beauty in the Nielson symphony. In the
Musically they are not as interesting as the Adagio of the first movement he ceased to
Weber overture, too often they border on the demand the epic, and upon a simple folk
banal in their attempt to become folksy and melody he weaved an imaginative and strik-
orchestral at the same time, yet they do have ing counterpoint. Certainly the commenda-
a melodic charm, now commonly associated bility of performing Danish music in a for-
as Nordic. eign country cannot be denied, and it is
Whil techdiclearnestly hoped that American orchestras
While technically the orchestra was quite will do the same and perform native com-
posers on their foreign tours.
"THE 'SENTIMENTALIST fallacy' is to shed In the Stravinsky the orchestra was at
tears over abstract justice and genero- its best. The music is sensitive and romantic,
sity, beauty, etc., and never to know these the orchestra flawless in performance. Mr.
qualities when you meet them in the street, Tuxen should be congratulated, particularly
because the circumstances make them vul- for this performance, and also for the whole
gar." program which interpreted excellently.
--William James -Donald Harris

YP Demise
REGARDLESS OF the political sentiments
of any student, he should view the ap-
proaching end of the Young Progressives as
a campus tragedy.
The group is being forced off campus be-
cause some of its members do not want their
names placed on a membership list avail-
able to the public. In this period of national
hysteria, it is understandable that a mem-
ber of a liberal group might prefer that fu-
ture employers not know his political back-
ground. This is unfortunate, but it is true.
At present, the club has nearly twenty
members who are willing to make their
names public; the Student Affairs Com-
mittee demands a membership list of thir-
ty before a political group can be recog-
During its stay on campus, YP has in-
curred some disfavor. It has been accused of
rabble-rousing, and this is probably a fair
indictment. However, one of the basic tenets
of Democracy is, "I disagree with what you
say, but I will fight to the death for your
right to say it." YP, although a small group,
has been a spokesman for a liberal element,
and, as such, deserves to be championed.
But the real tragedy of YP's demise lies
not only in the fact that one shade of opin-
ion no longer has a vehicle for expression.
It is a tragedy because it is a symptom, a
symptom of the end of an era when a man's
political beliefs were his own and when he
was not afraid to adhere to them publicly
nor prevented from holding them privately.
--Diane Decker
WASHINGTON-Pentagon planners have
held several nervous huddles regarding
security for the President-elect on his trip
to Korea. They realize that if anything
should happen to General Eisenhower on
this trip it might prove another Sarajevo.
Less than three months ago, Russian
MIGS, based on Tsingtao in North China,
shot down a navy patrol plane while over
the Japan Sea. This is approximately the
route which Eisenhower's plane will have
to take from Japan to Korea.
In the north also, the Russians have MIGS
based in Sakhalin, well within range oftraf-
fic across the Japan Sea. Furthermore, So-
viet planes from Sakhalin have been picked
up on radar as far as 53 miles inland over
northern Japan.
Considering all these factors, the air force
has come up with several means of guarding
the President-elect on hi strip. First the
Eisenhower route can and will be carefully
patrolled by sabre jets. Second Eisenhower
could be flown at night. These precautions
will be taken.
It is regarding the time, date, and other
details of his trip that this columnist urges
other newsmen to maintain a complete news
However, another aspect of the Eisenhow-
er trip is equally worrying. Ike has promised
to ride through the streets of Seoul with
President Syngman Rhee. The streets nat-
urally will be packed. And since both North
and South Koreans look alike, it would be
easy for the Communists to place a fanatic
in the crowd willing to make an attempt on
Eisenhower's life.
With even the most expert policing, it
would be difficult to detect such a fanatic
in advance. That is why the trip of the
President-elect is so dangerous.
NOTE-It was a trip by Archduke Franz
Ferdinand to the Bosnian city of Sarajevo
in 1914 where he was killed that touched off
World War I. It was also the assassination
of King Alexander of Yugoslavia and Pre-
mier Barthou of France when riding in a
parade through Marseilles that helped pave

the way for World War II.
* * *
EN. EISENHOWER is being urged by
Bernie Baruch to appoint Charles E.
Wilson, former head of General Electric, as
Secretary of Defense. This puts him in a
tough spot with his old friend, Senator Ca-
bot Lodge of Massachusetts, who hitherto
was considered a sure bet for the defense
Wilson resigned as defense mobilizer dur-
ing a row with Truman over increased steel
wages. In the recent war he was Vice-
Chairman of the War Production Board un-
der Roosevelt. As such he has always leaned
toward the military, and during the bitter
wartime battle when the military wanted to
take over civilian controls, Wilson threw
his weight against his chief, Donald Nelson,
and with the brass hats.
Some businessmen feel that with Wilson
as Secretary of Defense, the generals would
have too much power; that army-navy or-
ders would gravitate completely to big busi-
ness, with little business left out in the cold.
* * *
PAUL HOFFMAN left the Marshall Plan to
join the Ford Foundation and to head
up the Citizens for Eisenhower Committee.
Believing that Eisenhower presented the best
chance of retaining an even-keeled, non-
partisan foreign policy, Hoffman was in-
strumental in getting the General nomi-
Since then, and since Eisenhower has
embraced those same senators who caused
VonrAanhar,. r 1.ra.ans, f nffmn, s I.c in

To the Editor:
A CRUSADER, by name Eisen-
Girded up for the long ride to
With his squires fore and aft,
Sirs McCarthy and Taft,
He made knighthood in flower go
-Louis and Carol Orlin
* * *
Music Criticism. ..
To the Editor:
IT SEEMS the fashion nowadays
for musicologists, in order to
seem "intellectual" to scorn all
romantic music in general for be-
ing long-winded, repititious, and
pompous. It seems that today if
a music lover likes Wagner, Ber-
lioz, Sibelius, Richard Strauss et
al, he is immediately branded
musically ignorant and reaction-
ary. Mr. Gross' review of the
Cleveland Symphony is a good
example of this trend as reflected
all too often on this campus.
With all due deference to the
greatness of men like Haydn and
Mozart, let me explain why I
cannot share Mr. Gross' views.
Music of the eighteenth century
was a business: composers wrote
for specific occasions and in a
manner that would please their
noble patrons. The music writ-
ten largely had to be short, im-
peccably tailored, and steer clear
of expressing deep feeling--they
simply didn't want to be bothered.
Hence we have for instance the
104-odd symphonies of Haydn,
which instead of progressing in-
tellectually to new media of ex-
pression, degenerate to a mere
series of dance tunes and comic
effects. It is strange to note that
Haydn's symphonies circa no. 50
are actually more interesting har-
monically, rhythmically and or-
chestrally (as well as possess-
sing far more genuine depth of
thought) than such works as
"The Clock" and "The Drumroll."
Romantic music changed this-
men wrote because they wanted
to, and despite the fact that many
died in abject poverty, they con-
tinued to create sound for those
truly intellectual people who were
willing to concentrate on it, not
keep it in the background as din-
ner music. Mozart's Vienna would
have cringed before the mighty
frame of the "Eroica" and Ninth
Symphonies, but after Beethoven,
men learned the new art of listen-
What has happened of late is
truly regrettable, as the progress
of music as an independent art
has been thrown back two-hun-
dred years. This is the age of ten-
minute symphonies, which actu-
ally bore because of their vapid
brevity. The listener of today can-
not become immersed in the sound
of music before the piece is all
over. The art of listening to music
has faded. Music must sound, and,
as Saint-Saens put it, "If the
composer does not recognize it, he
does not understand the art of
music." I must say this to Mr.

Home Of The Brave
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Gross, who, because of his nega-
tion of romantic music, does not
understand it either, and he rep-
resents, for me the real musical
reactionary, who hasn't the time
or the powers of mental concen-
tration to undergo a true musical
experience. He is a man to be
-William Zakariasen
* * *
Music Review ...
To the Editor:
T AM NOT a strict reader or be-
liever in program notes, though
certain facts are worth retaining.
To call the Sibelius Second Sym-
phony a "Romantic dinosaur-a
musical beast" indicates the pos-
sibility that your music critic did
not comprehend the symphony in
its entirely. Perhaps it was the
fact that the entire main theme in
the fourth movement does not ap-
pear until the recapitulation, caus-
ed the critic to be bored, stunned
or what have you. In any event,
a lack of understanding is evident.
I have listened to and played
this work with symphony orches-
tras several times, and never once
deprived of a strong feeling very
etheral in character when the
sweeping theme is reached at the
beginning of the fourth movement.
Regardless of who interprets
this symphony, if they stay with-
in the limits of interpretation as
applied to music, this work could
not help but convey to any in-
telligent listener the composer's
own magnitude as a man, and his
understanding of life.
Recommended reading for any-
Jean Sibelius, by Karl Ekman.
-Edward A. Knob, Grad.


SL Elections ...
To the Editor:
NOW THE American people have
made their decision and the
tumult and shouting have died.
But the tumult and shouting may
indeed find their reincarnation on
this campus in the near future.
Soon we students, exercising our
supreme heritage of free expres-
sion, will go to the polls and elect
those we think worthy of repre-
senting us on the Student Legis-
The decisions ahead are grave.
There are no electoral colleges
or whistle stop tours inthis cam-
paign. But the representatives we
the electorate choose are as vital
to our welfare as Congress is to all
the people of the United States.
Therefore we must know our can-
Which if any candidates have
expense funds? Who pays for all
those posters? Which candidates
are backed by the Young Republi-
cans, Young Democrats, Young
Progressives, the "M" Club, the
Civil Liberties Committee, the In-
terfraternity Council, the Newman
Club, the Hillel Foundation, Mi-
chifish and the Flying Club?
Which of the candidates has the
initiative, cleverness and courage
to find a way of overriding a presi-
dential veto on such vital matters
as next year's homecoming dance
and/or extending Christmas va-
cation until Easter? Which of the
candidates (if any) has a wife
named Checkers and an Irish Set-
These and other important ques-
tions must all be answered before
the big day so that every vote will
be the result of some individual's
informed, mature judgment. I'll
have no second raters on my Stu-
dent Legislature.
-E. Sterling Sader
* * *
SL Elections..
To the Editor:
'HERE IS A good deal of talk
these days about elections to
the Student Legislature. We are
being urged to volunteer for duty
at the polls, to vote on election
day, and so forth. The pictures of
the various candidates, more or
less photogenic, adorn an ever in-
creasing number of walls.
In spite of all of this agitation,
however, hardly anyone seems to
be interested in the qualifications
of the candidates, or in their
stand on specific issues. This tends
to make voting extremely mean-
ingless. I, for one, have decided to
cast my ballot for a couple of the
more attractive girl candidates
and let it go at that.
Would it be possible, perhaps,
to make brief digests of each can-
didate's qualifications and views
available by posting them at se-
lected locations? Those of us who
want the Student Legislature to
be a more effective force in cam-
pus affairs would then be able to
see which candidates seem better
suited for the job.
-Willard B. Hansen
Graduate School
The Compass .. .
To the Editor:
us' Second Symphony give us
the strength to write this letter.
That great medium of liberal,
free-thinking expression, "The
N.Y. Daily Compass," has passed
into the hands of the receivers.
The incisive debates between I.

is analogous to the bankruptcy of
G. Seldes' weekly, "In Fact." These
same provocateurs of numerous
falsifications maintain that Sel-
des' sheet capitulated because his
pro-Tito stand instigated a mass
cancellation of subscriptions. That
a divsion of political opinion over
the question of political action in
the recent elections could have
precipitated similar consequences
seems inconceivable, since the
death of the Compass obviously
examplifies the inability of a lib-
eral newspaper to survive for any
great length of time unless it be-
comes a brass check of the war-
mongering monopolists.
And besides, we bet Stone's sor-
ry that he supported Stevenson.
-John Leggett
Henry Eisner
* * *
Int'l Teas
To the Editor:
THESE DAYS "International-
ism" is the order of the day.
Everybody talks about it. All the
peace loving nations strive for an
international understanding. In-
ternationalism was one of the ba-
sic arguments of both the major
parties during the presidential
elections. Both candidates prom-
ised to do their best for interna-
tional understanding and world
peace, and according to some peo-
ple the main reason for the elec-
tion of Eisenhower as president
was his better understanding of
international problems.
At this University we have about
900 foreign students from 83 dif-
ferent countries. When the fact
that the American students on
the campus represent all the
states, is considered, one can eas-
ily see the great possibility of an
international understanding at
this University. We the future
leaders of the various countries
can understand each other and
know about each other. There is
a vast field of learning present on
this campus, which we should con-
sider ourselves fortunate to have.
But in spite of the presence of
this potential wealthon this cam-
pus and in spite of the efforts of
the various campus national, in-
ternational, and community
groups, the presence of the foreign
students has not been very effect-
ively utilized. Many of the foreign
students live with their fellow
countrymen and do not even try
to mix with people of other na-
tionalities. The American students
and the community in general al-
so do not seem to be taking much
interest in these foreign students.
To promote a better interna-
tional understanding in Ann Ar-
bor, and to be better acquainted
with the countries represented on
this campus, the various Ann Ar-
bor community clubs have a pro-
gram of occasionally sponsoring
a tea where the community people
can meet the foreign students and
have a friendly chat. This pro-
gram has great potential advan-
tages in as much as it brings to-
gether the Ann Arbor community
and the foreign students and thus
furthers the cause of international
In the past the response to these
teas has not been very encourag-
ing (that applies to both the com-
munity people and to the foreign
students). These teas are held on
some Sundays from 3-5 p.m. at
Madelon Pound House, 1024 Hill
St. The next in this series of teas,
sponsored by the Westside Wo-
men's Club is scheduled to be next
Sunday, Nov. 16, at the usual time
and place. The members of the
club have offered to get home-
made cookies for the foreign stu-
dents, so as to create a homely at-
mosphere. Foreign students are re-
quested to attend this tea in large

-Rajesh Gupta
Chairman, Ann Arbor Commun-
ity Teas Committee,
International Students
t ' t 4afi
Sixty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Crawford Young.......Managing Editor
Barnes Connable.........City Editor
Cal Samra........... Editorial Director
Zander Hollander......Feature Editor
Sid Klaus.......Associate City Editor
Harland Britz........Associate Editor
Donna Hendleman.....Associate Editor
Ed Whipple...............Sports Editor
John Jenks......Associate Sports Editor
Dick Sewell. Associate Sports Editor
Lorraine Butler........Wowen's Editor
Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor
Business Staff
Al Green...........Business Manager
Milt Goetz.......Advertising Manager
Diane Johnston....Assoc. Business Mgr.
Judy Loehnberg. inance Manager
Tom Treeger...Circulation Manager






Architecture Auditorium I At the Michigan .


N ORDER to make anti-Semitism their
rallying cry for the German people, the
Nazis had first to lay a groundwork of
hatred. Set in the Germany of the 1920's,
this picture is concerned with one incident
in that campaign of insinuation and lies.
A strutting, scar-faced war veteran
murders and robs a man, and buries him
in his cellar. For even a moderately effi-
cient justice department, the conviction of
the killer would be a simple matter. But
the pro-Fascist investigators choose to
ignore the facts and allow the man to
incriminate a prominent Jewish manufac-
turer. Their carefully fabricated case is
almost complete when a detective is sent
from Berlin by the rapidly weakening
Socialist government. Denied access to the
official reports on the case, he goes to
work on his own.
The picture's main defect lies in the stock
characterizations of the Nazis. Their single-
minded concentration on convicting the Jew
is not relieved by even one glimpse of weak-
ness or indecision. As a result, this inhuman
force fails to sustain itself, and at times
even becomes boring. Aside from this, there
is a good deal of suspense built up. The

YANKEE BUCCANEER, in technicolor,
with Scott Brady and Jeff Chandler.
FOR THE second time within the week,
it's pirate time again. Unfortunately, the
latest episode in the eternal series is not a
spoof, as was Tuesday's "The Crimson Pi-
Taken seriously "Yankee Buccaneer" of-
fers slight rewards to local cinemaviewers.
Universal-International has put all the old
forms together, plank walking and all, and
has come up with a grade C picture that
should only please that segment of the au-
dience which goes all out for buccaneer days,
regardless of quality.
Scott Brady portrays proud and rugged
Davis Farragut in his pre-damn the tor-
pedoes days. As a young naval officer he
joins the crew of Captain Jeff Chandlers
U.S. Naval frigate and they masquerade as
pirates and catch real jollie roger boys in
the act.
Not to be outdone in the festivities, the
script writers have even managed to con-
trive a luscious noblewoman on board the
make-believe corsair and her appearance
n . +1,si +- h nf lm f. i n nrlApall o. f 4ia.r -

(Continued from Page 2)
er trainees, advertising trainees, in-
dustrial engineers, lawyers, and retail
store management trainees.
Personnel Requests.
The Trane Company, of LaCrosse,
Wis., has available positions for Engi-
neers interested in their Graduate
Training Program. The work would be
in connection with air conditioning.
Application blanks are available at the
Bureau of Appointments.
A Financial Organization in Ann Ar-
bor has an available position for an as-
sistant manager. The applicant must
have his own car and be under 30 years
of age.
For appointments and information
concerning these and other positions
contact the Bureau of Appointments,
3528 Administration Building, Ext. 371.
Academic Notices
Preliminary Examinations in Lingu-
istics. The examinations in Linguistic
Science and in Romance Linguistics
will be given on Fri., Nov. 14, 9 to 12
a.m., 2021 Angell Hall. The examination
in the Structure and History of the
English Language win be given on Sat.,
Nov. 15, 9 to 12 a.m., in the same room.
University Women's Choir and Michi-
gan Singers, under the direction of
Maynard Klein, will be heard at 8:30
Sunday evening, Nov. 16, in Hill Audi-
torium. The program will include mu-
sic by Palestrina, Dufay, Schutz, Las-
sus, Lotti, Lully, Schubert, Brahms,
Clokey, Willan McDonald, Delius, Poul-
ene, Chavez, Finney, and Basset. The
general public is invited.
Events Today
Graduate Mixer Dance. From 9 to
12 p.m. Paul McDonough's Orchestra,
Admission 'charge.

Hillel Sabbath Service Friday night
at 7:45. Following servies Rabbi
Herschel Lymon will give a book re-
German Coffee Hour, Union Cafeteria
3:15 to 4:30. Informal German conver-
Congregational Disciples Guild. Sup-
per hike from 5:15 to 7:30. Leave from
Guild House. Square Dance with Rog-
er William's Guild, at their church.
(Huron near State) from 8 to 12. We
will leave from Guild as a group at
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student
Club, will have a square dance at 8:30,
at the Center, 1511 Washtenaw Avenue.
Students for Democratic Action will
hold an informal meeting in the North
Cafeteria of the Union today at 3 p.m.
We will have as our guest the Nation-
al Chairman of SDA.
Joint meeting on operations research,
co-sponsored by the Michigan Section
of the American Society for Quality
Control and the Detroit Area Chapter
of the American StatisticalAssociation,
Fri., Nov. 14, 8 p.m., in the Amphithe-
ater of the Rackham Building. Mr. Ed-
ward C. Varnum of the Barber-Colman
Company will speak on Decision IDe-
vices. All interested are welcome.
Coming Events
The Intercooperative Council invites
its alumni and friends to a square
dance to be held at the Women's Ath-
letic Building on Sat., Nov. 15, from
8:30 to 12. Usual square dance attire.
No admission charge.
Newman Club. Father Canfield of the
Sacred Heart Seminary in Detroit will
speak on "The Development of New-
man Thought" at the Communion
Breakfast to be held at St. Mary's
Chapel after 9:30 Mass Sun., Nov. 16.
Everyone is welcome and tickets are

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