CIVIC PROGRESS See Page 4 C, , r SAita ~03ait1 , " .+ P R O Q" 'l1 Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LXIII, No. 47 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1952 CLEAR AND COOLER SIX PAGES THIS I BELIEVE: Free Thought Seen1 as Vtal EDITOR'S NOTE: In conjunction with the current lecture series "This I Believe" The Daily is presenting statements of belief of prominent mem- bers of the' University community, Today's author is Prof. Wilbert J. McKeachie of the psychology depart- ment. Prof. McKeachie is a recently appointed member of the Board of Student Publications. The next "This I Believe" speaker will be Rev. James Pike, Dean of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York. He will talk on "The Indi- vidual and his Faith at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday at Rackbam Lecture Hall. By WILBERT J. McKEACHIE Professor in the Psychology Department My Presbyterian background emphasized a rational approach to religion-the responsibility of each individual to think through his beliefs for himself. In qrder to gain new religious insights and to better integrate my beliefs, I have always been active in the Christian church and have been greatly interested in reading and discussing religious ideas. Yet,-to state my beliefs publicly is a difficult task, for they are still incomplete and often confused. Despite the lack of finality in any statement of my beliefs, certain basic aspects of my faith have generally remained unshaken. First of all, I believe that there may be certain values which are "best" not only in our culture but for any human society. It may be that these values are demanded by the nature of the human infant's dependence upon his parents, and by the inter- dependence of human beings in society. In any case, I believe that Jesus had an unusual degree of insight into the nature of these ultimate values (which we ordinarily call God), and I am impressed by similarity between the teaching of Jesus and that of great religious thinkers in other cultures, such as Buddha, Hosea, Zoroaster, and the prophets whose ideas are recorded in the book of Isaiah. Second, I believe in, the worth of the individual and in the right and responsibility of the individual to choose for himself the values by which he governs his life. ' I suppose that this belief is almost inevitable in our culture. Cer- tainly my parents, teachers, pastors, and reading all emphasized this principle not only in words but also in actions. Theologically this belief is expressed by the term "freedom of the will." The emphasis in many religious groups upon the necessity for conversion is another expression of the belief that each person must make his own choice. Essentially it implies to me a faith in man's own ability to choose right from wrong when he understands the possible outcomes of his deci- sion., This belief has far reaching implications for my life. It means that I oppose ignorance, for ignorance not only prevents the individual from knowing the outcomes of his choices but robs him of the knowledge of some of the alternatives among which he may choose. It means that I oppose any efforts to restrict the ideas which people hear or read, to prevent people from thinking by appealing to their fears, or to restrict permissible thoughts to those which are compatible with a particular political or eco- nomic philosophe. It means that I value curiosity and rational thought; that I value science, because it embodies our most dependable methods for in- creasing our knowledge about the physical, biological; and social world in which we live. Third, I believe that each of us should express love in his rela- tionships with his fellow human beings. By this I mean that each of us should doall he can to express to others his acceptance of them and his concern for their welfare. To me, it implies that I should en- deavor to make the greatest contribution to society of which I am capable. I realize that my life falls far short of my ideals, but I find re- assurance in the words of the prophet Micah: "What doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God." Governor's Lead Increases As MoreIrregularitiesArise ROK Charge of Gas 'War Found False Expert Blames Picric Fumes SEOUL - WP) - A sensational charge by South Koreans that Chi- nese Communists used gas shells early today in capturing Pinpoint Hill was termed unfounded by a1 United States chemical warfare expert. Lt. Col. Harrison A. Markham, chemical officer of the Ninth Corps, said after an investigation at the front that one soldier was made ill fronm;. icric acid fumes from a regular artillery shell. * * * EVEN AS the charges were laid to rest, the never-give-up South Koreans returned to the counter-t attack and swept up to the top of Pinpoint Hill from which theyr were knocked a few hours before. A little less than four hours1 after they lost the crest, the Ko- reans struck back in the dark and by 6 a.m. were locked in sav- age hand-to-hand combat withl Chinese Reds on Pinpoint's sum- mit. A front dispatch said that thei counterattack was powered by the troops who had been forced from Pinpoint in what they said was' a Red gas attack.y * * * THE CHARGE of gas warfare has been bandied by both sides, with repeated denials. The Ge- neva Convention outlaws gas in warfare and both the Allies and the Communists maintain they obey these rules. The Korean survivors told their superiors that after the shells exploded they experienced great difficulty in breathing. The struggle for the Kumhwa ridges showed no sign of diminish- ing on the 32nd day of battle for the Central Front heights, Band To Play At PepRally Hopeful speakers, students and band members will combine forces in a pep rally tonight to promote their cause: "Beat Purdue." Leaving at 7:30 p.m. today from the Union, the marching band will lead the rally parade to Ferry Field where Howard Nemerovski, '54, master of ceremonies, will take charge of the program. Speakers featured in the program are last year's football captain, Bill Putich, '52, and Fred Lawson, composer of "Varsity." Under the direction of the cheer- leaders, students will get in prac- tice for the game tomorrow. The marching band will play a number of selections to further the "Beat Purdue" spirit. SDA President Sander Levin, national presi- dent of the Students for Demo- cratic Action, will be on campus today. Students will have a chance to meet him at 3 p.m. today in the League. 3 Petitions Petitioning for the Engineer- ing College Steering Committee has been extended through 5 p.m. Tuesday, Pete Lardner, '53E, announced yesterday. Petitions may be-picked up on the bulletin boards of East and West Engineering Build- ings and should be returned to the box on the bulletin board outside the office of the secre- tary of the college. To Confer Top UN Aide Plummet s Twelxve Stories To Death Lie Blames Breakdown Oii'mas In Georgia By .The Associated Press President-elect Dwight D. Eis- enhower and Gov. Thomas E. Dewey meeting in Georgia today, will talk over international and domestic problems likely to come up for discussion at the general's conference with President Tru- man Tuesday. Eisenhower aides said there probably will be no formal agenda for the session with the New York governor, but that matters ex- pected to be explored at the White House meeting will be studied. * * * THE GENERAL'S press secre- tary, James C. Hagerty, announc- ed yesterday that the President- elect will leave Augusta Tuesday morning by plane for Washington. The conference. with Truman is [set for the afternoon. In Washington, meanwhile, qualified informants said Secre- tary of State Acheson and other Cabinet officials will sit in at the Eisenhower-Truman meet- ing. Hagerty said he did not know whether Eisenhower plans to have any of his aides at the conference. Immediately after the meet- ing Eisenhower will fly to New York and go to his Columbia University residence at 60 Morn- ingside Drive. Present indications are that he will remain in New York until he leaves -for Korea-and the date of departure for the war zone still Chas not been fixed, Hagerty re- peated in ,a reply to a fresh bar- rage of questions from newsmen. * . *. ALSO IN Washington, Joseph M. Dodge, budget adviser to Presi- dent-elect Eisenhower, yesterday called on a Democratic senator for advice on. money matters under the new administration. lHalan's Court RuledIllegal BLOEMFONTEIN, South Africa -(P)-Prime Minister Daniel F. Malan's high court of parliament was declared illegal by the South African appeal court yesterday, opening a possibility he may try a senate-packing scheme to put across challenged race laws. The five judges on the highest tribunal of South Africa's regular judiciary agreed unanimously with a lower court ruling that parlia- ment-dominated by Malan's na- tionalist, white supremacy sup- porters - acted unconstitutionally in setting itself up last spring as a supreme court to rule on con- stitutional questions. They dismissed the government's appeal. I I Y t I , t A 1 1 { C { -Daily-Alan Reid SINK GETS AWARD-Chairman of the Danish National Symphony Johan Bentzon (right) presents a silver medal bearing the coat of arms of Denmark to president of the University Musical Society Charles Sink. The award was given to Sink out of gratitude for the orchestra's performance here last night. U v B Red Quiz Straii Prompts Suicide NEW YORK-(P)-Abraham H. Feller, a right hand man to Trygve Lie in the United Nations, tore himself from his wife's arms yes- terday and plunged to death from his 12th floor apartment. Lie, secretary general of the UN said Feller killed himself because of the strain of defending UN em- ployes "against indiscriminate smears and exaggerated charges." *. * * FELLER, 47-year-old former New Deal lawyer in Washington, was described as a buffer man be- tween the UN and twin federal probes of Communist activity among American personnel of the international organization. Robert Morris, counsel for the McCarran Senate subcommittee probe of UN Communism, said Feller, himself, was not a tar- get of the investigation.,y Feller was an $18,000 a year general counsel and principal di- rector of the UN legal department since 1946. UN circles credited him with writing some of the most import- ant statements of Lie, who re- signed earlier this week as UN secretary general. Lie left a luncheon honoring United States Secretary of State Dean Acheson to hurry to Mrs. Feller's side. He called Feller's death "a great loss to the United Nations." Later, the secretary general re- turned to his office and issued a statement in which he said of Feller: "Because of his responsibilities as general counsel of the United Nations, he has had to assume heavy additional burdens in recent weeks as my representative in matters connected with the investi- gations of the grand jury and the Senate Internal Security Sub- Committee into charges of subver- sive affiliations directed against American members of the Secre- tariat." Mental Check For U' Grad Follows Row By MIL PRYOR Voters in next week's all-cam- pus elections may help determine revisions in the University's driv- ing regulations. In cooperation with the Office of Student Affairs, the Student Legislature is placing three "ref- erenda dealing with the driving ban on the ballot. According to Assistant to the Dean of Students, Karl D. Streiff, the big stumb- ling block in revising the regula- tions has been the lack of a voiced student opinion. * * * THE FIRST referendum. "Do you approve of the driving restric- tions?" will have space for "Yes," "No," and "With modification" answers. The second question is "Do Hearings Set On CoalWages WASHINGTON - (P) - Eco- nomic Stabilizer Roger Putnam yesterday notified John L. Le.w- is and the soft coal industry that he will hold a public hearing Mon- day on their appeal for approval of a full $1.90 daily wage boost for 375,000 miners. Some persons close to the situ- ation said any decisions result- ing from Monday's hearing would have an impact which would reach beyond the soft coal case. you have a car in Ann Arbor; now?" The third referendum asks "Would you have a car in Ann Arbor if the restriction were lift- ed?" IN ADDITION to these refer-' enda, the Office of Student Af- fairs is making a careful study of all other Big Ten Schools' driv- ing regulations. The main reason for studying removal of the regulations is that as the situation now stands the ban reportedly is unenforc- able. Several Washtenaw County officers keep a check on as many student drivers as possible, but these men only work part-time on the job. With this in mind many Uni- versity officials feel that the pres- ent law is "hypocritical." Another objection to the ban is that auto- mobiles have become much more a part of daily life than they were. Wreckage of Lost NavyPlane Found SHELTON, Wash. - (-) - The Mason County sheriff's office re- ported late yesterday the wreck- age of a missing four-engine Navy Privateer plane which had 11 men aboard had been found in rugged Olympic Peninsulta county. Chief Deputy Sheriff Ford Mey- er said "at this time we don't know of any survivors." at the time stituted. the ban was first in- Election irregularties continued to pop up as state canvassers filing official returns on the Nov. 4 elec- tion increased Gov. Williams' lead over Fred M. Alger to nearly 8,- 000. With all but Wayne county's re- turns in, the official count gave Gov. Williams 1,430,407 votes to Alger's 1,422,483. The latest in the series of ir- regularities came out of Flint where itwas disclosed that about 360 votes were given Alger when traditionally Republican Genes- 'U' Faculty Members Get Ford Awards Six members of the University faculty were granted awards of $5,500 each by the Ford Founda- tion for research in fields related to human behavior, President Har- lan H. Hatcher announced yester- day. The six were: Prof. Donald G. Marquis, of the psychology depart. ment; Prof. Kenneth Boulding of the economics department, Prof. David F. Aberle of the anthro- pology department; Prof. Clyde H. Coombs of the psychology de- partment; .Pr of. Samuel J. Elders- veld of the political science de- partment, and Prof. Morris Jano- witz of the sociology department. Forty other grants were issued bringing the grand total in mone- see county had gone for Williams. The votes were taken away from Alger when a recheck disclosed the error. TWO SLIGHT irregularities were reported in Washtenaw county by state police yesterday when it was discovered that seals were missing on ballot boxes in Salem and Ypsilanti townships. County Clerk Luella M. Smith said that the lack of seals on the boxes may have been due to forgetfulness by election of- ficials after finishing the night long count of ballots. Earlier she had received a report from state police saying the boxes were in good order. The county ballots are now un- der the custody of the city and township clerks who are instruct- ed to report any irregularities found. Meanwhile State election direc- tor Edward W. Frey is expected to report to Gov. Williams today on the irreguarities. He implied yes- terday that he thought the gover- nor had exaggerated the serious- ness of the police reports. At the same time the Detroit city election committee announced it is drawing up plans to equip the entire city with voting ma- chines at an expected cost of five million dollars to speed up the re- turns from Wayne county. Veep In Hospital s * * AFTER THE referendum results have been studied there are sev- eral proposals that can be made to the Regents. Some of the pos- sible alternatives under considera- tion by the Office of Student Af- fairs are to allow 1) graduate students, 2) students more than 21 years old, 3) upperclassmen, 4) students with' good grades, or 5) anybody the' right to drive and keep a car in Ann Arbor. Opponents to any change in driving regulations point out that the local traffic and park- ing problem will become even more acute than it is now if stu- dents are allowed to have cars. According to George Sanden- burgh, City Engineer, with the ex- ception of a 350-car parking gar- age, the city is not contemplating building anymore parking facili- ties. With the possible driving ban removal, the on-street parking which would occur might make snow and leaf clearing in many places impossible. In this case Sandenburgh said he saw no rea- See DRIVING, Page 6 PROGRESS: New Business Machines Out On Exhibition Hundreds of modern business machines' capable of performing "unbelievable" feats and costing more than $175,000 will be on dis- play between 1 and 5 p.m. and 7 and 9 p.m. today in the Rackham Bldg. The display represents the sev- enth annual business machine and supply exhibit sponsored by the School of Business Administration and being shown through the com- bined efforts of 25 different com- panies. ** * AMONG the most interested ma- chines are: 1.) A statistical calculator that also extracts the square root of any number at the touch of one button. 2.) An automatic typewriter that runs without an operator. 3.) A machine that computes complete state and federal taxes. Originally this work had to be donne on seveal 1machines taking l i DIRECTOR TO SPEAK: ACLU To Form New Local Chapter Special to The Daily NEW YORK--Val Johnson, pres- ident of the University's literary college class of ' 1949 and a former Michigan track star, was under medical observation last night in the psychiatric ward of this city's Bellevue Hospital. Johnson, a former United Na- tion's employee in New York and Paris, was entered into the hospital after security officers reported that he had "created a disturbance" Wednesday in seeking an inter- view with UN Secretary-General Trygve Lie. REFUSED admittance by Lie's secretary, Johnson became excited and was forcibly removed from the 38th floor anteroom of the Secre- tariat Building by security officers and New York police. United Nations sources said that Johnson had just returned from Europe Saturday. (In Detroit last night, Joe Hayden, who ran on the same Uni- versity relay team with Johnson, said that he'd last heard from his friend about two weeks ago. Then, according to Hayden, Johnson sent a postcard from Budapest, Hun- gary.) Johnson's outburst attracted notice primarily because it came in the wake of a series of events at the UN headquarters-includ- ing Secretary-General Lie's pro- jected resignation, the suicide last night of one of Lie's ton aides. By DIANE DECKER Patrick Murphy Malin, national director of the American Civil Liberties Union, will come Tues- day to Ann Arbor both to deliver a public speech under the auspices of the campus Civil Liberties Com- mittee and to form a local chap- ter of ACLU. According to Prof. Kenneth E. Boulding of the economics depart- ment, there are already more than 60 members of the national as- sociation living here. ALTHOUGH NO local chapter exists, ACLU has a long history on the national level. Founded in 1920," the Union was established, quiry and expression-for every- one. (2)Specific rights guaranteed to the people, such as due process of law and fair trial. (3) Equality before the law- for everyone, regardless of race, color, creed, position or political opinions. " * * * PROF. BOULDING, who is a prominent member of , the group and sponsor of the campus CLC, explained that the Union recently has concerned itself mainly with legal aid to people whose rights were being infringed upon. It has also taken stands -__4 f1 . -441 .a . _ that certain liberties may be lost because of the existing national hysteria," and that the Union serves a valuable function. * * * HOWEVER, several other ac- ulty members felt the group laid too much emphasis on civil lib- erties and paid too little attention to civil responsibilities. ACLU has been accused by Sen. Joseph McCarthy (R-Wis) and others of being a "pink" organization. In response to this the group maintains, "All anti- Democratic influences - Com- munist, Fascist and others whose opinions and allegiance are bas- 4-11o - -i - arl o t e ninn' ner Green, was banned by the Lee- ture Committee last spring at the same time as Arthur McPhaul. There were extenuating cir- cumstances then, however, for Green was also the executive secretary of the American Com- mittee for Protection of the For- eign Born, labeled a "Commun- ist Front" organization by the Attorney, General. It is doubtful that any action will be taken to bar Director Malin. Plans for formation of a local chapter will be laid at a luncheon to be held at noon Tuesday in the Union. Anyone interested in at- tending may call Prof. Boulding at q_1.511 _ .#:_ 3(1nr i -11in before I I sI I I rI