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November 13, 1952 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1952-11-13

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____________________________________________________ I I

I I - no"

THE UNIVERSITY does -ot sta..d up too
favorably in comparison with 24 colleges
and universities contacted in a Daily sur-
vey of speakers regulations on various na-
itonal campuses. Granted that this institu-
tion has to start with the problem of re-
conciling state legislature pressure with a
higher than average degree of political ac-
tivity, the almost complete neglect of stu-
dent representation in administering Re-
gent's rulings stands as the most discourag-
ing aspect of the comparison.
At least from a comparative viewpoint,
the University could not be expected to
compete with privately-supported institu-
tions for liberality of regulations. But
another consideration, that of the resec-
tive attitudes of student and administra-
tion groups, shows enough contrast to
merit note. Where five of the six private
schools contacted reported few evidences
of marked administration-student con-
flict over speakers rights, that conflict
here has revealed itself in an a priori atti-
tude which hinders any attempts to
smooth out both sides' ruffled feelings.
In contrast to a recent situation at Yale
where President A. Whitney Griswold back-
ed students who wanted to hear leftist au-
thor Howard Fast, the administration and
the student body on this campus appear at
least overtly to be sharply aligned entities
whose lines never cross.
Even among schools supported by public
funds, this alignment was generally not as
prevalent on other campuses as here. Uni-
versity of Wisconsin administrators, for in-
stance, stood up against a deluge of outside
criticism to actively support students in-
terested in bringing Carey McWilliams, as-
sociate editor of The Nation magazine to
speak on their campus.
Anal In all except one college where
some form of lecture committee was vest-
ed with regulatory powers, students were
represented on the boards with a voting
voice. In some cases the ratio was five or
seven faculty members to two students; in
some it was equally apportioned; in all
except Oregon State University and this
University, where no one other than a fa-
culty member is given voting representa-
tion, students had some say.
The schools which indicated a less restric-
tive policy than that on this campus were
distinctly in the minority. A political speak-
ers ban, which was lifted here in 1949, still
cramps the activities of two campuses. At
both Michigan State and Ohio State, the
administration has exercised arbitrary power
over student political freedom.
Taking Into acount merely a compara-
tive status, the Regents could raise the
prestige of the University if they approved
a proposal passed last week by. the Stu-
dent Legislature, which would Institute
post-judgment of speakers and eliminate
disputable bannings.
But at best, this comparative "they-have-
it-why-can't-we" approach is somewhat ado-
lescent. The Regents would do better to give
their serious consideration to the more con-
crete arguments that the present lecture
committee set-up is unnecessary and detri-

0 This I Don't Dare Believe .. .
Daily Editorial Director REGARDING GENERAL beliefs, The Daily
TElVARIOUS articles which have ap- recently received a letter from one Ralph
peared in The Daily under the "This I Donnangelo which is quite uncommon as op-
Believe ..." heading have been quite en- inions go. It came from Bridgeport, Conn.,
lightening. Each writer has boldly offered and this writer is including it here as an
his own prescription for happiness, and yet item of special interests:
one wonders if he really is. I am reminded Dear Editor:.
of Joshua Loth Liebman, who, after writing "I am a prophet preaching the end of
his best-seller "Peace of Mind," died of a the world because I know the end is in
nervous disorder and a bad case of ulcers. 1956. Ps. 4:2,3 Rev. 22:11, 12.
"I am a virgin living in punity. Luke 12:31
All of the writers,- both atheists and Rev. 3:2.
moralists, construct their philosophies of Prophetic time is ending. Rev. 10:6 and
life around the assumption that there is time of the Gentiles is finished. Luke 22:24
such a thing as happiness. Just for the Duet. 4:27-30.
record, it would be interesting to chal- "In the last 10 years the Communists,
lenge this assumption. Atheists, Rebels, and other scoffers have
been persecuting me because I prophesied
For instance, one might believe with Em- this rotten filthy world would be des-
erson that all things are compensatory, that troyed. Matt 22: 1-14 Luke 14:16-24.
where there is pleasure there is pain, that "I found out that Christianity is dead.
a chronic drinker has to face the morning- Mat. 22:29 Rev. 1:5 Heb. 7:27.
after, that the moralist has to suffer the "People go to church and the Bible is a
pangs of conscience." One might also be- best seller but religion is dead.
lieve, this time with Schopenhauer, that "This whole area has been persecuting me
pleasure is counterbalanced by ennui (bore- ever since I came up here. John 15:25 Luke
dom), and that even those who can afford 11:23.n
the more expensive pleasures will eventually "I am a thorn in their Godless and ma-
"suffer from surfeit" (over-indulgence). terialistic way of life. Mark 15:12-13. The
Consequently, happiness is not real, pleasure men idolize women to the point where it
is nullified by pain, boredom, or over-indul- n sarligeo. Luke i13 Therel
gence, and all life cancels out t.o zero. devils assaulted me in a bar. The family
Finally, one might seriously doubt if across the street with her goons assaulted
contemporary man is any happier than me after a few demonstrations. Next door
his hairy ancestors, who could at least neighbors assaulted me in my own house.
amuse themselves with pulling each oth-- Luke 9:23-24 Matt 15:14. The police re-
ers' tails. fused to bring them in. At Columbia Re-
cords I had to fight the whole plant and
Unfortunately, though it does have a sem- the women and they were fighting the
blance of logic about it, such a philosophy whole plant and me.
is not too practical, and if carried to ex- "But the scum couldn't scare me, stop me
tremes, would carry the metaphysician to or shut me up. Ps 3:6; Ps 2:1-4.
the brink of nihilism and cynicism. Besides, "In two recent surveys by the Adven-
there are few sane people in this world who tists, 1,000 out of 1,000 were indifferent
would dare believe it. or antagonistic to religion. Luke 17;26-30.
Tim II 3:1-5.
What the preceding goes to illustrate is "Before any big event God gives a warn-
the fact that so-called logic can be em- to the people as in Gen. 19:12-16 Peter
ployed in the proof of just about anything, II 2:2-9. Through me the end is being given
so that each respective belief can be ra- 11 2:2s9.houghymslyhe knd is g en
tionally justified by the owner. Hence it to those who joyously look to His Second
it quite futile to attempt to reason any- Advent.
one out of his cherished beliefs, as many Then there will be weeping and gnashing
letter writers have tried to do. The dis- Tpnga gn g
.of teeth.
puted fellow can always muster suffi- o
cient logic to hold his own, and the con- "Dawn, Happy Day, Dawn. Rev. 16. Joel
troversy can go on endlessly. 3:9-14."
Whatever the case, the "This I Believe" SL ELECTIONS
series has been quite profitable to all con- So as to avoid any confusion, it should be
cerned, and the beauty of it is that each made clear that The Daily will follow its
writer is both tolerant and tolerated, rather usual policy this year of not supporting in-
than being dragged before an inquisition or dividual candidates in the Student Legis-
whisked off to the salt mines. lature elections.
A t Lydia Aendelssohn.. Ethel Atlas, as Meg, a vivacious, loquacious
Ethel Merman type character drew a well-
BRIGADOON-With the Student Players. deserved encore from the crowd for a very
THE DELICATE, yet lively and very hu- funny, "Love of My Life.'
man world of Brigadoon, the charming Plaudits for the male players must go
Scottish town which appear on earth one to Art Jones who did a wonderfully bouncy
day in every hundred years, unfolded at study of Charlie Dalrymple, a happy Brig.
Lydia Mendelssohn last night in a pleasingly adoon bridegroom.
colorful and sometimes even stirring manner. Dancing plaudits belong primarily to Don
In their second undertaking of this sort, Rosenberg, who, as the unhappy Harry
the Student Players didn't come up to the Beaton made some breathtaking appear-
overall excellence of their first musical ances.
success, Finian's Rainbow. They are to be
commended, nevertheless, for doing a good The female lead, Marilyn Pefferly as
job on a difficult production.Fiona should be mentioned for her sparkle.
Brigadoon's storypisdsimple. The little It did not show particularly in her lines,
town was wished off the earth in 1752 by but her songs were rendered with poise
its pastor, with the stipulation that it and warmth.
come back every hundred years for one Notable for non-musical performances
day. The people simply go to sleep, and were Joe Gadon as a cynacle American and

wake up every hundred years, just one Sidney Bader who dw a feeling job as town
day older. What happens when two trav- schoolmaster, Mr. Lundy.
eling Americans wander on the town dur- Stage effects for the various scenes var-
ing its one day, and how they share in ied from good to tremendously effective. The
the lives (and, of course, loves) of the setting for the Brigadoon wedding, the
townspeople make up the context of the lighting for the funeral scene and some
play. shadow play during Harry's pursual were
With the plot loosely woven through song most outstanding.
and dance routines, the burden fell upon The total effect was one of color, beauty
the musical principals and the chorus to and sincerity of purpose which makes the
keep the show moving. Some truly excellent Student Players' Brigadoon one of the best
numbers by the songsters and dancers were of the year's productions.
the outstanding feature of the production. -Donna Hendleman
Adlalas Party Chairmian?

"Why, Yes -In Fact, I've Been Ready For 20 Years"!


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The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words In length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the


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Ak*ss vim WwAojf aw Poor.



I =7Tm
WASHINGTON-It's an ironic twist of fate that the first Supreme
Court vacancy President Eisenhower will have to fill will prob-
ably be that of an ardent New Dealer, Justice Felix Frankfurter.
Day after tomorrow, Frankfurter has the right to retire on
full salary, having then reached the age of 70.
However, a strange thing has happened to Justice Frankfurter.
Though he's accused by Republican critics of being an architect of
the New Deal and the man who's inspired the Acheson policies, actu-
ally he's become a strong Eisenhower man.
Gradually he's drifted away from the Truman Administration,
now has few friends left high up in government except the Sec-
retary of State. Meanwhile, some of his old friends, such as Jack
McCloy, former high commissioner for Germany, and Kenneth
Royall, former Secretary of War, have become Ike's strongest
And with McCloy slated high on the list to be Secretary of State,
Frankfurter may end up being just as close to the State Department
under the Eisenhower Administration as during the Truman Ad-
THE MAYFLOWER management isn't talking, but the mysterious
new apartment it's fitting up is for the ex-President of the United
Harry Truman will occupy it until he can find a house in
old-fashioned Georgetown and until he comes back from his trip
around the world.
This means the ex-President is going to be a potential thorn in
the side of the Eisenhower Administration for some time to come.
HOSEWHO HAVE talked to the President-elect about cabinet
posts come away with the distinct impression that he is not going
to appoint John Foster Dulles as Secretary of State, and that this all-
important post is more likely to go to Paul Hoffman, the Marshall
Plan administrator, or John J. McCloy, former high commissioner to
Germany. Both are extremely able, with competent know-how in
foreign affairs.
While Dulles also has a rich foreign-affairs background, Eis-
enhower doesn't seem quite comfortable with him. Their rela-
tionship is similar to that of Truman and Jimmie Byrnes, who
was so aggressive and had so much know-how that he sometimes
overshadowed his boss.
Paul Hoffman, on the other hand, has been taken back into the
full favor of the Eisenhower smile. For a time Hoffman was on the
outs. One of the original Ike-rooters and chairman of the Citizens
for Eisenhower committee, Hoffman soured a bit when the General
embraced McCarthy and all the other isolationists.
But toward the end he flew back from California and came
out strong for Eisenhower.
Jack McCloy probably has the best of all backgrounds to be Se-
cretary of State. He served as Assistant Secretary of War under
FDR, then head of the world bank, then took over the tough job of
administering Germany, knows his European onions thoroughly.
(Copyright, 1952, by the Bell Syndicate)

Meisel's Letter ...
To the Editor:
ALTHOUGH it was addressed to
Governor Stevenson, I take
the liberty of replying to Profes-
sor James Meisel's open letter.
Governor Stevenson has a mis-
sion only in so far as his affirma-
tion that "the people are wise"
constitutes a positive and total
commitment to the democratic
process. Without the assumption
that his avowal was in truth a
credo, we should have no choice
but to view his campaign as a
mad exercise in disassociating
means from ends.
It follows that no useful aim is
served by laying his defeat to
some species of brutalized mass-
man, rather than to a well-inten-
tioned electorate - perhaps mis-
taken, perhaps warranted in its
decision. The degree to which he
allows for this latter contingen-
cy is the real measure of a liber-
Nostalgic for a more aristo-
cratic era, Professor Meisel finds
martyrdom for Stevenson in an
"age of sub-articulate men." But
the cost of romanticism is the
distortion of fact, and so Profes-
sor Meisel invokes "the untapped
energies of the young, tired of the
old phrases and the old deals"-
energies which have indeed been
profitably tapped these past three
months, for it was among the
young, responding mightily to his
"old phrases," that Eisenhower
found his greatest trength.
The 26 million votes which Ste-
venson received do not attest to
such an age. Neither do those he
did not: Governor Dewey is
no "sub-articulate" mass-creature,
nor is Paul Hoffman, nor the for-
mer Mrs. Stevenson, nor the edi-
torial directors of the New York
Times, nor Henry- Cabot Lodge,
nor Professor Pollock. Not with
angry words shall we convince
Stevenson of our need, as men of
good will, for his continued lead-
Our people did not knowingly
vote for "legal fascism," and that
this, regardless, is to be their lot
remains to be seen. Their votes
can be more significantly under-
stood in terms of traditional prag-
matic values: of trial-and-error
procedure, of meeting pervasive
problems with a variety of possible
remedies, discarding those which
appear fruitless for others yet un-
tried. If in this process they have
erred, they are not by virtue of
their error beasts.
The greater tragedy lies in the
liberal intellectual's sudden dis-
enchantment with the democrat-
ic dream: after twenty years in
power, it took but one defeat. Yet
the liberal cause, which Governor
Stevenson must truly lead, can
prevail again once the intellectu-
al rediscovers his place among the
people, responsive to their doubts
as well as their hopes, bridling
his chronic bent to remake them
in his own image, ever aware that
he must serve their designs, and
not they his.
-Ernest Lilienstein
On the Senate .. .
To the Editor:
jN HIS PIECE "The Congress
t Ike Faces" which appeared in
Friday's Michigan Daily Mr. Mark
Reader writes: "William E. Jen-
ner will control the all-important
Rules and Administration Com-
mittee in the Senate. The com-
mittee is the dominant group
which reports legislation to the
floor of the chamber and deter-
mines the rules that will govern
Congressional (sic) action in the
future." While it is true that pri-
marily because of the seniority
system Mr. Jenner will be chair-
man of the Senate committee on
Rules and Administration, it is

not the case that this committee
is in the Senate, as opposed to the
House, a particularly powerful
one. For example in the first ses-
sion of the 82nd Congress I find
that Mr. Hayden, the Committee's
chairman, spoke for his commit-
tee on only a few occasions. Once
he reminded the Senate about the
deadline on insertions in the Rec-
ord and again he referred to the
sub-committee on Privileges and
Elections, an important sub-com-
mittee which looked into the
Maryland and Ohio elections of
1950 and the Benton effort to un-
seat Mr. McCarthy-an ouster, by
the way, which the sub-committee
may not entertain too seriously in
the 83rd congress. But to assert
that "this committee determines
"the type of legislation to be con-
sidered by the Republican Con-
gress (Senate)" is a misapprehen-
sion. The most authoritative re-
cent work on Congress, "Congres-
sional Procedure" by Floyd Rid-
dick, does not even list the Sen-
ate Rules Committee in the index,
though it does have many refer-
ences to the House Rules Commit-
tee. Other recent works on Con-

Wing of the Capitol and of the
Senate Office Building. It super-
vises the arrangement of rooms
for the use of Senators. .It assigns
committee rooms, has general ap-
proval of the heating and venti-
lating of the Senate Wing, and the
control of all matters connected
with the Senate restaurant, even
to regulating the price of its vi-
ands. Aside from these extraneous
tasks, Senator Hoar, long a mem-
ber of this committee, declared
that it 'had not, in general, much
to do'."
An older work by Lauros Mc-
Conachie, Congressional Commit-
tees, published around the turn of
the century remarks: "Its (the
Senate's) Committee on Rules, be-
yond looking after janitors and
the restaurant is a nonentity; it
is, to repeat a favorite figure of
radical congressmen, little more
than a graveyard for. proposed
parliamentary reformed."
This does, I believe, clarify the
record concerning the duties and
significance of the Senate Com-
mittee on Rules and Administra-
-Geoge Peek, Jr.
* * *
Please, God...
To the Editor:
'M SO STUPID. It grieves me
deeply to find this out. By vot-
ing as I did, in the last election I
have become associated with that
great, ignorant mass of humanity,
the majority of the American vot-
ing public. Shame on me. If I ever
vote again (the right should be
denied me for my head has not
been candled as gradeA) it will
not be for a person who speaks
in generalities, shuns the truth,
and above all who is not a gradu-
ate of one of our better Eastern
Please God, save us from this
ogre who is our president-elect
and help me to rise from the
depths below the gutter to which
I have sunk.
-Bill McIntosh '53
* * *
Memorial .. .
To the Editor:
IN THE PROCESS of altering
the concrete apron. at the foot
of the General Library steps last
summer, one of the oldest and
deepest traditions of Michigan
was unavoidably destroyed-the
yellow and blue U-M design,
across which thousands of stu-
dents passed each day. Around
this emblem, honoraries initiated
their neophytes, freshmen assem-
bled in orientation groups, and
Michigan men evaluated the cur-
rent group of passing coeds.
After the removal of the maize
and blue bricks, students, alumni,
faculty members and University
officials alike expressed a com-
mon desire to see the emblem re-
placed. Thus the Senior Board of
the Class of 1953 has voted to re-
place a plaque on the "Diag" as
a class memorial to the Universi-
The success of this project de-
pends upon the members of the
Senior Class of 1953. The design
to be incorporated into the plaque
must come from the Senior Class.
Literary, Engineering, Music, Bus-
iness Administration, Architecture
-seniors from any college of our
university may see their creation,
monumented in bronze or granite,
become an integral part of Mich-
igan tradition.The rules govern-
ing these designs have been print-
ed previously in The Daily; any
information concerning these rules
may be obtained by telephoning
Each and every senior should
take an active interest in this
project. The memorial will be our
memorial to the future students
of Michigan.
-Thad D. Epps
Donald D. White

Gift Committee
Sixty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Crawford Young.......Managing Editor
Barnes Connable........... City Editor
Cal Samra............Editorial Director
Zander Hollander......Feature Editor
Sid Klaus.......Associate City Editor
Harland Britz......... Associate Editor
Donna Hendleman. Associate Editor
Ed Whipple...........Sports Editor
John Jenks...Associate Sports Editor
Dick Sewell..Associate Sports Editor
Lorraine Butler........Wowen's Editor
Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor
Business Staff
Al Green..............Business Manager
Milt Goetz........Advertising Manager
Diane Johnston....Assoc. Business Mgr.
Judy Loehnberg......Finance Manager
Tom Treeger.......Circulation Manager


mental to student, and
University interests.

in the long run,
-Virginia Voss

Daily Managing Editor
Less than a week remains till the fall Stu-
dent Legislature elections will be held.
Yet little more than a ripple of excitement
has been created around campus. The irony
of the situation lies in the fact that SL now
needs a demonstration of support from the
student body perhaps more than ever before.
Beleaguered legislators have watched the
prestige painstakingly built on the success
of such long-term projects as the Thanks-
giving holiday weekend crumble under the
impact of a series of unfavorable admin-
istration decisions and a shortage of ef-
fective personnel. The veto of small SL tui-
tion allocation request after much larger
grants had been given the Union, League and
athletic department, and the rejection of
the legislature's approach to the frater-
nity bias question were two serious slaps
from which the group has not yet recovered.
Be this as it may, there is no gainsaying
the fact that SL's efforts have been consis-
tently constructive and it has been unflag-
ging in its attempt to effectively and accur-
ately represent studen opinion and serve
the student body. This is not to say the
organization has not taken some rather ridi-
culous actions; but an examination of the
statute books of any democratic community
will reveal its share of inanities. It is unfair
to generalize from occasional .absurdities in
characterizing SL.
There has been no obvious crisis situation
to stimulate interest immediately preceding
this election, as there has been the past two.
But rather the crisis is a more subtle one--
the fate of SL itself. Without the solid
backing of the student body in the elec-
tion, the vultures which have for some time
been circling above may swoop down with
cries of "Reorganization!"-and precipitate
a hasty and unwise realignment of campus





W ASHINGTON -- Influential Democrats
are urging Gov. Adlai Stevenson to take
over as national chairman of the party fol-
lowing General Eisenhower's inauguration
January 20 next.
President Truman will leave Washington
for Independence immediately after his
successor takes the oath of office. His
later plans have not jelled. He wants to
travel abroad.
His departure will leave a great vacuum
in the field of democratic policy and pro-
paganda. It is the contemplation of that
vacuum which led to the unusual proposal
that the defeated candidate for President
should assume the nati6nal chairmanship.
Democrats making this proposal start
with the premise that Governor Stevenson's
voice, so inspiring and so lucid, should not

Sen. Warren Austin-as head of the U.S.
mission to the United Nations, General Eis-
enhower should name a Democrat, with Ste-
venson being the obvious choice. But an in-
ternational post of that sort, even if the
General were agreeable, would also preclude
political activity.
The news centers of this country-indeed,
of the world-are New York and Washing-
ton; few men can attain national promi-
nence who do not have ready access to their
headlines. Should Mr. Stevenson return to
the private practice of law in Chicago he
would be out of the main stream of news.
Stevenson admirers pushing the party
chairmanship idea believe that, with all
his eloquence, a defeated presidential no-
minee out of any office and out of the
political arena would be soon out of mind,

(Continued from Page 1)
TTA," Thus., Nov. 13, 7:30 p.m., 3003
Chemistry Building.
Events Today
Michigan Crib, pro-law society, will
meet at 8 p.m. in the Hussey Room of
the League. Professor William A. Leslie,
who teaches English Constitutional
History, will speak on "Preparations for
Law." All members and interested peo-
ple are urged to attend.
Student Affiliate, American Chemical
Society. Meeting at 7:15, in 1300 Chem-
istry Building. Prof. Willard will speak
and show movies about Indians of
the Southwest. There will be a short
meeting to make arrangements for the
coming Convention.
Society for Peaceful Alternatives.
Meeting at 7:30, Michigan Union. The
Ford Foundation, movie "World Af-
fairs Are Your Affairs" will be shown
and there will be a discussion follow-
ing it.
The Modern Dance Club will meet to-
night -at 7:30 in Barbour Gymnasium.
Will the members and all other inter-
ested in the club please attend.
International Relations Club meet-
ing at 7:30 in the Union. All inter-
ested persons are welcome.
U. of M. Sailing Club will hold its
meeting in 311_W. Engineering at 7:30.

Sophomore Cabaret Central Commit-
tee. Meeting in the League at 4 p.m.
Positions are still open on Finance,
Publicity, and Refreshments. Those who
are interested can sign up in the League
at the Undergraduate Office.
La P'tite Causette will meet today
from 3:30 to 5 p.m. In the North Cafe-
teria of the Michigan Union.
La Sociedad Hispanica. Dr. Carlos Lo-
pez Navayez, Director of Cultural Ex-
tension of the University of Colombia,
will give an informal talk in Room
3D of the Union this afternoon at 4
p.m. All interested invited.
Coming Events
Roger Williams Guild. Special "4th
Square" Square dance, Fri., Nov. 14, at
8 p.m. The Congy Guild and our high
school Baptist Youth Fellowship are
our special guests. Leisure dress is cer-
tainly in order.
Wesley Foundation. Semiformal in
the Wesley Lounge, Fri., Nov. 14, 8 p.m.
Newman Club is presenting an I 'M
Party Friday at 8 p.m. We will meet in
the clubroom and from there proceed
to the I M Building. Afterwards we will
return to the Club for refreshments.
Graduate Mixer Dance. Fri., Nov. 14,
9 to 12 p.m., Paul McDonough's Orches-
tra. Admission charge.
Hillel Sabbath Service Friday night
at 7:45. Following services Rabbi

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