THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, WOVEMZhER 12, 195t R CLUB FORMED: Flight Instruction Offered By MARK READER tith six airplanes at its dispos- the recently formed Aviation b is now offering flight instruc- tat Washtenaw Airfield to stu- ts and faculty members. he purpose of the club, ac- ling to its president, Michael don, '53, is to obtain pilot li- ses for interested persons from Civil Aeronautics Administra- i and to provide flight time, i dual and solo, for* aspiring nen at a reduced training rate. HE GROUPhas at hand two Piper Cub training planes, an onca Champion, a Luscombe aire, one Cessna 140 and a co bi-plane, for use by mem- of the organization.- The Waco bi-plane is a stunt ip which may be used in a angular air-meet planned for is spring with the University Purdue and the University of inois. , side from offering advanced beginners courses, members, he club may also be trained in raft and engine mechanics in' the future, instrument fly- * * * ORDON pointed out that pri- flight instruction throughout country is quite high and that of the group's major aims is reduce the cost of training spective flyers. The club rate solo time is just over eight ars per hour as compared with nationally, prevailing rate of 50. I club house at the Washte- w Airfield, located a few miles tside of Ann Arbor, will be, erved for use by club mem- rs. The airport is easily ac- sable either by car or bus.. mong the requirements' for ing the organization are par- s permission for anyone under mty-one who wants a. license, a certified copy of the indi- tal's birth certificate. he Civil Aeronautics Adminis- ion offers three basic pilot's nses: a student's license, a ate one, and a commercial li- e. To qualify for a student 11- se the trainee must receive the royal of an instructor. The in- ctor's permission is based on criteria of experience gained a)gh constant flying. regular club meeting will be I at 7 p.m. today in 1500 East Ineering Bldg. ima Xi Tall t for Today -Daily-Alan Reid WIND 'ER UP-Three members of the Aviation Club examine one of the six airplanes used by the group in offering flight instruc- tion to students and faculty members. 'U' EVENTS VIEWED: .Perry Discusses,,Newvs On Weekly Broadcast Q* * * 'Ow Bout It? LONDON-(R)-A Conserva- tive member of Parliament shocked the House of Commons Monday by declaring that the old British custom of taking time out for a cup of tea was "completely crazy." Brig. Ralph " Rayner said hard-working Germans, Bel- gians and Americans don't do it, and neither should the Bri- tish. New Pastor To Assume Duties Here In an evening installation ser- vice at 8 p.m. Today, Rev. Dr. Henry Kuizenga will officiallybe- come minister of the Ann Arbor Presbyterian Church. Dr. Kuizenga will succeedRev. William P. Lemon who retired last year. Rev. Lemon will continue to live hli Ann Arbor and will be Min- ister Emeritus of the church. ' The installation will be conduct- ed by Rev. Harold Fredsell of Northville, moderator of the 'De- troit Presbytery. The Invocation will be given by Rev. Harold Paul Sloan of Ferndale and the speaker will be John A. Mackay, President of the Princeton Theological Sem- inary. Born in Zeeland, Michigan, Rev. Kuizenga graduated from Princeton Theological Seminary in 1938, and received his doc- torate from Yale in 1940. He instructed at Princeton and then served in the Air Force as a chaplain. Following his stint in the armed forces he became Dean of Men and Associate Professor at Carroll College located in Wau- kesha, Wisc. He came to Ann Ar- bor after serving as minister of the Presbyterian, Church in East Orange, N. J., and has been preaching here for several months. Hatcher Asks Record Budget Appropriation (Continued from Page 1) The total class load this .sem- ester stands at 25,500, including 3,000 persons in extension courses and another 5,500 enrolled in classes not set up on a credit basis. * * * THE THIRD item to be increas- ed in the operating budget break- down was plant operation ex- penses. Enlarged maintenance funds for present buildings and proposed new constructions made up the 385,800 increase. Other items marked for por- tions of the proposed budget are consumable supplies and mater- ials, student services and coun- seling, instructional costs for 50 additional Medical School students admitted in 1951, and expansion of off-campus educa- tional services, including the new Battle Creek center and broadcasting and televising pro- gramming. As approved by the Regents, the operating expenditures re- quest will be studied by the Bud-, get Division and will subsequently go to ,the administrative Budget Office, to the governor and to the legislature. Though the legislature rarely passes appropriations until the end of its session earlier hearings in the House Ways and Means Committee and the Senate Finance Committee generally determine the bill's final outcome. Concert Set By Danish Symphony Favorite works of Denmark's foremost composer, Carl Nielsen, will be performed by the Danish National Orchestra, which will make its first appearance in Ann Arbor at 8:30 pm. tomorrow in Hill Auditorium. Touring the United States for the first time on a good will visit, the orchestra will introduce the worksof Nielson, whose sympho- nies are considered by many to rank with those of Sibelius. It was a performance of the Nielsen symphonies that won first acclaim for the Danish or- chestra in their visits to the Fes- tival of Britain and the Festi- val of Edinburgh. The 96-man orchestra will be conducted by Erik Tuxen and Thomas Jensen. Maestro Tuxen is already known in the United States, having conducted both the Philadelphia and Boston Sym- phonies on visits here. Jensen, who will be making his American debut, is one of Den- mark's most important musicians and a protege of composer Niel- sen. Tickets for tomorrow evening's performance by the Danish Na- tional Orchestra may be pur- chased at the offices of the Uni- versity Musical Society in Burton Tower. They are priced at $2.50, $2.00 and $1.50. Baha'i Speech Slated Today Pearle Easterbrook, well-known Baha'i lecturer, will speak on "The Promised One of All Religions" at 8 p.m. today at the YWCA. Baha'is are currently celebrat- ing theirkcentennial year and to- day marks the birthday of their founder, Baha'u'llah, who follow- ers of the faith feel has given the message for the unity of the hu- man race, and principles for a peaceful society on earth. Although there are only 10,000 Baha'is in America, their num- ber throughout the world runs into the millions. Basis of Our Life To Be Discussed Elton Trueblood, professor of philosophy at Earham College, Richmond, Indiana, will speak at the Speech Assembly, at 4 p.m. today, in the Rackham Lecture Hall. In discussing "The Basis of the Life We Prize" Prof. Trueblood will utilize information acquired during his study both in the United States and in Great Britain, as well as material from his many books. _a - - 1. - - I n - . p r IltChlc 1 31E {atl uual taa MtEi01N6 NWarsgMf " Hilo own s --= --- TRUCCR ~ARO* 0*s$L1.01.19 wwt snrntOv t ,FAIC~HI On(5 !u 1 ' we think ENGINEERS are people... That may be an odd statement, but you'll find there's a tendency in some companies to treat engineers like engines ... You're so much high priced machinery, just another highly-polished cog in a big gear. Not to us, though. We know that you're probably looking for a job that will let you and help you learn and grow. You want a chance to prove that you can create, engineeringwise, and handle responsibility. If you think we're right, write our Training Director today for a free booklet describing the opportunities for engineers with Harnischfeger. we wa n t;E N G I N E E R S electrical, mechanical, mining, civil,industrial or general. For: Sales, design and industrial engineering positions ?53 ENGINEERS! Our representative will be here, on campus. See your Placement Director for an appointment today. HARNISCHFEGER CORPORATION Headquarters in Milwaukee, Wis., 9 plants in 5 states; 18 district sales offices plus export offices. Established 1884. Over 4,000 employees. ABOVE-Silk velour rib- bon trimmed profile hot 1,.. $10.95. NEWEST CHARMERS that will make our Few student leaders have the op- portunity to air their views as regularly and before as large an audience as does Bob Perry, '53E, Student Legislature member who conducts a weekly radio program at 7 p.m. on Wednesdays. The show features Perry's com- tnents on the campus scene, and discussions with campus leaders who act as guest speakers. i the past there have been debates on such topics as discriminatory scholarships, the lecture commit- tee, the Union's student services and many SL issues. TODAY'.S participants will be the presidents of the three men's quadrangles. Perry is particularly anxious to discuss with them the Inter-House Council, which he feels "has a great deal of unreal- ized potential." This statement is ivery closely related to Perry's aims in gen- eral. By bringing issues to the spotlight and discussing them before A large audience, he tries to arouse enough interest to get the student bodv to "do some . Hat Box your fashion headquarters. our budget-wise collection. See I RICH VELOURS, velvets, velveteens, felts .,. Prof. Bradley M. Patten, chair- thing." man of the medical school anato- Perry goes to great lengths to any department, will speak on "The get the best possible sources of First Heart Beats and the Begin- information. An instance of this ning of the Embryonic Circula- occurred during a broadcastwhen tion" at 8 p.m. today in the Rack- the SL Human Relations commit- ham Amphitheatre: tee was being discussed. Someone Prof. Patten will illustrate the was sent down the hall to get two lecture with moving pictures, tak- members who lived nearby, and en with a movie camera in which the unexpected guests were happy a compound microscope was sub- to air their views. stituted for the lens. A chick em- Last year an outstanding feature bryo was used for the movie. of the program was the Perry Work on this subject was start- Prediction of the week, in which ed 20 years ago by Prof. Patten and Prof. Theodore C. Kramer,A u e also of the anatomy department, ootrf A b c tn It Is still being continued. P er i.n e The lecture is open to the pub- To.Be Discussed lic. The Modern Poetry Club will Crib To Meet meet at 8 p.m. today at the Mich- igan Union to discuss the poetry "Preparations for Law," will be of W. H. Auden. the topic of an informal discus- Prof. Donald R. Pearce will be sion by Prof. William A. Leslie at the guest speaker. Poems to be dis- the Michigan Crib meeting at 8 cussed will be taken from Oscar p.m. tomorrow-in the Hussy Room Williams' Anthology. The meeting of the League. is open to the public. HEY MATES! Qet in the Swim! Tropical Fish are in Fashion. UNIVERSITY AQUARIUM 328 East Liberty To the Voters of the 2nd District of Michigan: may shicere thanks and ), E 5' 2 a i r r i BOB PERRY. ... Quad broadcaster * * * the genial announcer forecast a total of 35 events. Eighty-eight per cent of the predictions proved accurate, including a six out of seven average on the SL cabinet elections. While the predictions have been less frequent this year, Perry still expects to make them from time to time, particularly on referendums and other mat- ters of general interest. Heard, until this week, on only the East Quadrangle and women's residence radios, the hook up has been expanded to. include the two other men's quadrangles as well. DU Scholarship Grant Announced The Trustees of Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation have an- nounced the $500 regional Leader- ship Scholarship to be awarded on or about December 15, 1952. Applications will be received until December 1, and should be mailed to Delta Upsilon Educa- tional Foundation, P.O. Box 1633, Columbus 16, Ohio. There are no application forms. Further information may be ob- tained from the University schol- arship office, Rm. 113, Adminis- tration Bldg. 1 ; 0 ista S I 9 Coill ~ Cl~Ck o r prI OS ~ ~ioSe OChlevrolet advant~ages beloTO you buy'. Come in..-check ur price and thee exclu *STAR CL EAN ERS * 1213 S. University DRY CLEANING SPECIALS FOR THE PICE OF Save $1.00 on Every $3 of Cleaning 2-HOUR CLEANING AT REGULAR PRICE See the NEW FRIDEN Ca lator extract SQUARE ROOT at the touch of a SINGLE BUTTON at the Business The Styleline DeL uxe 4-Door Sedan. (Continuation of standard equipment and trim illustrated is dependent on avail. ability of material.) SEE WHAT YOU GAIN WITH THESE EXCLUSIVE rUVIJDEF T WFATIMME More Powerful Valve-in-Head Engine with Powerglide Automatic Transmis- sion (optional on De Luxe models at extra cost) i* Rnciv hbyFisher Ceter poise Power " Safety Plate Glass all around, with E-Z-Eye plate glass (op- tional at extra cost) * Largest Brakes in it fit-Id TTn7Ii W"PP_ A fA ~ r% V AA. I