THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1952 11 Cditoe 77ote The Anti-Intellectual Trend " CEC BN O L . L ON By CRAWFORD YOUNG Daily Managing Editor ANOTHER OUTSTANDING college daily lost ground last week in the struggle against administrative censorship, as the Minnesota Daily was deprived of its right to endorse political candidates editorially by the University of Minnesota Board of Stu- dent Publications. The situation differs somewhat from the Michigan campus. The Minnesota Daily runs unsigned editorials which pur- port to represent the views of the pa- per. The Michigan Daily editorials are all signed by individuals, and, of course, represent the views of the writer only. The Minnesota ruling grew out of a squabble over the recent political campaign. T h e publications b o a r d, incidentally staunchly Republican in political orienta- tion, got wind of a possible Stevenson en- dorsement by the Minnesota Daily. On Oc- tober 27, the board forbade the paper to take a stand on the presidential election. But on October 28, the editors, quite pro- perly incensed over what they felt to be an in asion of their editorial prerogative, car- ried out their original plan to come out for Stevenson. Although it was disguised as a biographical. sketch of "An Outstanding Candidate" in effect, as both the board and the editors were well aware, it was an en- dorsement. Under pressure, the Minnesota paper printed on October 29 a rebuttal from the small minority (one out of nine) of staff members who supported the victorious General. Then on November 6, the publications board sealed the encroachment on the Min- nesota Daily's freedom by resolving that henceforth, the paper could take no stand on political candidates or parties unless ap- proved in advance by the board. We do not agree with the Minnesota custom of maintaining an editorial policy by the paper. When the Michigan Daily senior editors backed Stevenson's candi- dacy, the editorial did not represent the viewpoint of the entire paper, but only the six individuals involved. However, operating under the procedures they employ, the Minnesota editors must be given the privilege of making their own judgments on which editorial position to as- sume if the paper is to be a free institu- tion. And the prior censorship of a publi- cations board cannot be interpreted as any- thing but a serious infringement on the freedom of the paper. Under the dual impact of the present wave of hysteria and 100 percent Ameri- canism and pressing financial problems, the college press faces enormous difficul- ties today In maintaining its basic free- dom and integrity. Above all else we at The Daily value the tradition of indepen- dence we have always enjoyed; it is our most priceless advantage. It is with a peculiar distress we observe the contemporary pattern of censorship else- where; it is with pride we can point to an administration which has refused to sub- scribe to a policy of expediency and sacri- fice of the basic ideals of an educational community. % B ooksat the Library Bankhead, Tallulah-TALLULAH. New York, Harper, 1952. Bradna, Fred and Spence, Hartzell - THE BIG TOP. New York, Simon and Schuster, 1952. Baynes, Dorothy J.-THE YOUTHFULI QUEEN VICTORIA. New York, Putnam, 1952. Flores, Maria - THE WOMAN WITH THE WHIP: EVA PERON. New York, Doubleday, 1952. Hall, James Norman - MY ISLAND HOME. Boston, Little, Brown, 1952. Oursler, Will and Smith, Laurence D.- NARCOTICS: AMERICA'S PERIL. New York, Doubleday, 1952. Saroyan, William-THE BICYCLE RID- ER IN BEVERLY HILLS. New York, Charles Scribner, 1952. Steinbeck, John, EAST OF EDEN, New York, The Viking Press, 1952. Turner, E. S., ROADS TO RUIN, London, Michael Joseph Ltd., 1950. Wymer, Norman, SPORT IN ENGLAND, London, George G. Harrap & Co. Ltd., 1949. ONE OF THE surest symptoms of the fas- cist disease is active anti-intellectualism; among the first things the Nazis did in 1933 was to discredit and then smash prominent German eggheads. Since the Eisenhower campaign and election various elements have been bleating about a new treason of the clerks: with an overwhelming majority at their backs the anti-intellectual rabble (and this includes Time Magazine) have been ver- bally hanging the intellectuals, the profes- sors, the eggheads from lampposts. Time complained (November 10) that the eggheads along with "scores of intel- lectuals, journalists, Hollywoodians and other opinion makers," deserted the Eis- enhower crusade. This represents, ac- cording to Time, an "unhealthy gap be- tween the intellectuals and the people. And since Eisenhower won, the intellec- tuals'obviously must be unhealthy. Time Magazine (run, by the eggheaded boys in the Brooks Brothers' suits) and its less sophisticated sister, Life, have been do- ing their best to widen the "unhealthy gap between intellectuals and the people." They have vilified and insulted the intellectual: none have used more joyfully that term which so happily unites description and ridicule-egghead. They are helping to create a fetid at- mosphere of opinion in which it will be easy for McCarthy, Jenner, Potter, and Nix- on to start cracking open eggheads. Un- fortunately the shell-like heads of the edi- tors of Time will be cracked in the process. The boys who reach for their guns when they hear the word culture won't be able to tell a Time editor from a college graduate. Individuals, taking their cue from Time, have been writing editorials and letters in The Daily attacking the eggheads. This is part of the emerging movement to dis- credit the intellectual, and will eventually, if not checked, destroy the universities. We here at the University are all eggheads, either by vocation or association. If we, through fear or inner corruption, deny the values of intelligence and clamor for the hides of the intellectuals, we shall only succeedin ruining ourselves. If we have any instinct of self-preservation we have no business scenting the fashionable trend and crowding the fire-hydrant of anti-intellec- tualism. -Harvey Gross Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writer only. This must be noted in all reprints. NIGHT EDITOR: HARRY LUNN M urray & The CIO THE SUDDEN DEATH of Philip Murray, president of the CIO, came as a shock not only to the millions of workers he head- ed but also to those on the opposite side of the fence. The wiry little labor leader had come to be regarded as much of a labor institution as the eight-hour day. Although some regarded Murray as a virtual dictator leading the nation down the road to socialism, none could deny that in his more than fifty years as a labor leader, he always was sincere in his efforts to help the working man. Beginning his career in the coal pits of Pennsylvania, Murray led his first strike at a youthful age. When he was fired for get- ting into a fight with a weighmaster, six hundred men followed him out of the mines -only toreturn humiliated four weeks la- ter on the brink of starvation. This was indeed a far cry from the uncompromising personality who could later cripple a na- tion's industry with a single word. The workers he led demonstrated their faith in him in the last steel strike with- out pay. He was able to unite the steel- workers by reassuring them in his fierce Scittish manner that though it would be a long hard struggle they would win. Their trust was not misplaced and they did win. With the passing of Phil Murray, a new era of labor leadership may come to" the scene of labor-management relations. The younger men coming up on the labor scene harbor none of the galling memories of per- secution which their forerunners suffered for belonging td a labor union. Although the new labor leaders will be no less relentless in their fight for benefits, they will perhaps be less bitter and more willing to seek com- promise. The death of Murray may also pave the way for the merging of the CIO and the AFL, especially since AFL president Wil- liam Green may resign this winter. Both Murray and Green had actively encourage ed the breach between the two organiza- tions. Now, with both absent from the labor scene, the chances of a merger seem probable. Although there are many ob- stacles to such a merger, primarily relat- ing to organizational structure, tl"Qse could conceivably be surmounted, 1 4 .it will mean complete re-organization of both unions. The combination of the CIO and the AFL would bring a much more powerful labor in- fluence onto the political and economiq scene. Whether this would be better or worse for the nation would depend on how this new labor force would be channeled. -Helene Simon SL Elections.. . To the Editor: THE STUDENT Legislature all-I campus elections will be held next Tuesday and Wednesday, No- vember 18 and 19. Your vote in this election is' important to the SL. It is a re- flection of student interest in the services offered by the Legislature, and a talking point when your opinions as students are presented to the Administration. More than that, your vote is im- portant to you. Members of the Legislature are elected from the campus at large. So you as an in- dividual are represented to the de- gree that the people elected re- flect your views. It is therefore important that you vote for those candidates who agree with your opinion on issues. A winning smile and an assuring manner are not enough in a candidate who will be your representative on the SL. Know the candidates by their stand on basic issues, by their comprehension of the role and scope of the Student Legislature and by their willingness to work. The means are available to dis- cover this information. The Daily prints a statement from each can- didate, expressing his opinions. The candidates visit houses either individually or at an open house. You have the opportunity then to question them. Furthermore, the "Know Your Candidates" booklet will be distributed Saturday so that you can vote according to what a candidate stands for. The rest is up to you. When you know the candidates, vote for the one who reflects your opinions in the election next Tues- day and Wednesday. All it takes is an I-D card. -Janet Netzer SL Election Committee SL's Soul .. . To the Editor: ]JURING campaigning the cam- pus hears much about the in- efficiency and, incompetence of Student Legislature. Certainly SL has many prob- lems, but no more than any organ- ization which works for change. It is because SL forever reviews cam- pus problems, because SL has open, democratic, fully publi- cized discussions that it may seem to be faced with insoluble prob- lems. SL is always honest in allowing its bad side to be shown as well as its good points. This sometimes gives the campus a poor impres- sion of an organization which is sincerely working for the best in- terests of the campus, as seen by your elected representatives. -Leah Marks * * *. This I Believe... To the Editor: IN THE November 6th Daily, Mr. Victor Bloom questioned four "Hey- Looka Me!" \;:- 4-- Ma , j..aa ~ cw POE1e. I statements from an October 30th letter of mine. If my letter had been presented in its entirety, I would let it speak for itself. In the Editor's conden- sation, continuity of thought was disturbed. Let us take Mr. Bloom's objec- tions on by one: (1) Following this statement my paragraph closed thus: "Civil laws are the application of divine law promulgated in the commandments and of the nat- ural law which is inherent in the individual." The system, of moral laws which Mr. Bloom speaks of, all frown, for example, upon mur- der and/or theft, which were out- lawed already by the law of God and the unwritten law in man. (2) The paragraphing was not mine and it was not intended to be an argument, but a statement of fact. My following sentence was: "Cicero in his oration on old age 'De Senectute' states his reasons for believing the soul to be immor- tal and his views are not the tra- ditional Christian ones nor are they religious." Cicero was hardly ignorant and superstitious. (3) If the Allied soldiers in Ko- rea believed that death brought oblivion with no reward for devo- tion and sacrifice, they would have to be moved to blind hatred and fanaticism just as the enemy is moved. (4) There is a country today re- cruiting party members through- out the world, whose basic tenet is that there is no God, and hence, no after-life. In that system where this philosophy is carried to its logical conclusions, men and wom- en fare worse than cattle. Few of us would care to live in that coun- try or under that system. Concepts of God and immortality impart a higher moral tone to any civiliza- tion. I would that Mr. Bloom could have read my entire letter as de- livered to the Editor. My only in- tention is to stimulate thought and discussion, because it is here at the University, when youthful minds are plastic, that ideas crystallize and form part of one's philosophy of life. -Marc Laframboise - * * * This I Believe.. . To the Editor: SOME statements made by Mr. Marc Laframboise in a letter to the editor on October 30 are commented on by Mr. Victor Bloom in another letter of No- vember 6. Mr. Bloom quoted Mr. Laframboise, who was attempting to prove the immortality of the soul, as follows: "As for the im- mortality of the soul, this is a view held not only by Christians in the main but also by peoples of eras prior to the birth of Christ," whereupon Mr. Bloom states that "this is no argument for the im- mortality of the soul." I quite agree with Mr. Bloom. Simply be- cause one believes in something, it does not necessarily follow that what he believes in exists. But Mr. Bloom comments again, this time on a question raised by Mr. Laframboise, namely, "Are we to assume that the most virtuous saint and the most vicious rep- robate both fall into the same blissful oblivion after departure?" and Mr. Bloom's reply is, "Though it may be unfair to the saint, the answer is yes. Death has long been considered the hand under which all are equal." Now should you not, Mr. Bloom, apply the same rea- soning to your own statement that you applied to that of Mr. Lafram- boise? Just because death has long been considered the hand under which all are equal does not prove that death is this hand, does it? Your proof for equality in death is, by your own reasoning, no more valid than Mr. Laframboise' proof for the immortality of the soul. I say, let us state our beliefs freely but refrain from trying to prove them when we haven't got a dead man to back us up. We're liable to fall into the error typified above. -Philip Hunt * *I * Good Sport ... To the Editor: THROUGHOUT the election it seemed to me that most people who voted Republican did so be- cause they didn't quite understand what they were doing. Now I am sure of it. For, since the election, Republicans have continually de- nounced the disappointment and anxiety of Stevenson supporters as "unsportsmanlike." It seems necessary to point out to these Republicans that the na- tional event that has just occurred is slightly more important than a football game and that there is, in some respects, more at stake than the Rose Bowl. What do they mean by "sports- manlike" anyway? For some, Ste- venson represented their deepest convictions and most sincere be- liefs. One does not change these like underwear-even in the in- terests of "sportsmanship." Do they mean that we are to look with confidence upon a Congress head- ed by such men as McCarthy, Bricker and Jenner? Do they mean that we are to develop an implicit belief in the mystical power of Eisenhower to end the war in Korea? There are, after all, some limits to the charm of his smile. The next four years may con- tain the test of man's civilization. Many of us believe improperly equipped men are at the helm to lead us through these four years. Nevertheless, we will try to live as best we can because there is nothing else sensible people can do. But, you Republicans, stop telling us to be "good sports." This campaign was more than a game. -Joan Bryan * * * Chap Named Adlai..*. To the Editor: THERE IS a chap named Adlai Who ran, at first not gladlai, But then he tried quite madlai And got beaten very badlai. Now prof backers ponder sadla. -W. A. Paton 'The M1enace' ... To the Editor: HALBY contends, and I agree, that each should be free to ex- press his point of view. On this, at least, we are in joint opposition to his grisly idol. My point of view is as follows: Halby, because of his point of view, is a greater men- ace to democracy than any Red. All kidding aside, Mr. Halby. I might add that in deference to, your feelings, the chaste editors of The Daily also deleted the more forceful phrases of my recent let- ter. -Jack Danielson ti MATTER OF FACT: Ike Already Taking Reins Of Govt.; Cabinet Uncertain .I i By STEWART ALSOP THE PRESSURE ON EISENHOWER WASHINGTON - President-elect Dwight D. Eisenhower's plans for a worry-free and badly needed vacation have been shat- tered, for a reason easily visible to the naked eye here in Washington. To an extent which has to be seen to be believed, the 'govern- ment of the United States, which has been in a coma throughout the campaign months, has now been seized with total paralysis. No one in the government has any real authority to make any decisions whatso- ever. Meanwhile, decisions of immense importance, which have been filed and forgotten pending the outcome of the elec- tion, urgently need to be made. Thus there is very heavy pressure on the presi- dent-elect to assume responsibility before he assumes office. It is to Eisenhower's great credit that he has responded to this situation as he has. Instead of simply letting the Truman Ad- ministration flounder along somehow (as Franklin D. Roosevelt let the Hoover Ad- ministration flounder) he has quickly agreed to a sort of tandem arrangement for re- storing the government's authority. Eisen- hower representatives in the State and De- fense Departments will fly dual-control, as it were, with the Truman-appointed offi- cials, during the interim period before Eis- enhower takes office. Neither Eisenhower himself nor the re- presentatives to the State and Defense De- partments whom he names, of course, can take full responsibility for decisions, until Eisenhower is in fact President of the United States. Yet this tandem arrangement will at least restore some sense of direction to the government. The representatives named by Eisenhower will not necessarily be his final choice for chiefs of the key depart-. ments, but Eisenhower is expected to make known his final choice soon, almost cer- tainly before he goes to Korea. In short, circumstances are causing the President- elect, very soon after the election, to begin to choose the key men who will deeply ef- fect the future course of his administration. But, as to who these men will be, all they can offer is certain rather negative clues. On the basis of the personal rela- tions between the two men, for example, certain astute Eisenhower advisers do not believe that New York's Governor Thomas E. Dewey is necessarily a front runner for one of the key posts. Moreover, for what it is worth, other Eisenhower intimates believe that the relationship between Eis- enhower and John Foster Dulles is not as close as would normally be expected be- tween a President and his Secretary of State. Eisenhower is also quoted as re- marking that he did not want a "Wall Street man" in the Treasury, and that he would like to see a businessman in the Defense Department, which may offer some indication of his intentions. But trying to guess the President-elect's intentions at -this point is a pretty fruitless business. What is really important is that Eisenhower, after his tremendous personal triumph at the polls, is potentially very much in the driver's seat where foreign and defense policy are concerned. He has a great opportunity to form a decisive, co- herent policy, free of the sterile wrangling with Congress which has characterized the DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN' (Continued from Page 2) lege, will speak on "Astrometric ries." Bina- 8 CINEMA Seminar in Applied Mathematics. Thurs., Nov. 13, 4 p.m., 247 West En- gineering Building. Prof. R. V. Church-. ill will speak on "Lengendre Trans- forms." Refreshments will be served at 3:30 in 274 West Engineering. Sociology Colloquium. Dr. David F. Aberle will speak on "Social Structure and Mental Disease: the Puzzle of La- tah," Wed. afternoon, 4:10 p.m., East Conference Room, Rackham Building. Everyone welcome. CM 363 Seminar. Mr. R. G. Deissler, of the National Advistory Committee for Aeronautics, will speak on Wed., Nov. 12, at 4 p.m., in 1072 East Engi- neering Building, on Athe subject of "Heat 'Transfer in Turbulent Flow to a Fluid with Temperature Dependent Properties." All interested persons are invited to attend. Engineering Mechanics Seminar. On Wed., Nov. 12, Mr. J. L. Edman will speak on "General Solution to Simul- taneous Nonlinear Differential Equa- tions" at 3:45 p.m. in 101 West Engi- neering Building. Geometry Seminar. Mr. W. Al-Dhahir will talk on "Proj ectivities as Grass- mann'sExtensives," Wed., Nov. 12, 4:15 p.m., 3001 Angell Hall. Course 401, the Interdisciplinary Sem- inar on the Application of Mathematics to the Social Sciences will meet on Thurs., Nov. 13, at 4 p.m. in 3409 Mason Hall. Mr. Keith Smith of the Psychol- ogy Department will speak on "Use of Markov Processes in Learning Models." Physical Chemistry Seminar. Dr. W. H. Pearison, "Discussion of Fiuoro- chemicals," Wed., Nov. 12, 4 p.m., 2308 Chemistry Building. Concerts The Danish National Orchestra, of Copenhagen, will be presented by the University Musical Society, on its first American tour, Thurs. evening, Nov. 13, at 8:30, in Hill Auditorium, in the Choral Union Series. Erik Tuxen, its conductor, will present the following at East University. Dean Sarah L. Healy will be the speaker. Refresh- ments will be served. All students are welcome. Faculty Luncheon with Dr. Vera Mi- cheles Dean, Eidtor and Director of the Foreign Policy Association. Congregational Disciples Guild. Breakfast group will discuss the tech- niques of meditation, 7 to 8 a.m., Guild House. All invited. Mid-week Medita- tion, Douglas Chapel, 5:05-5:30. Sup- per Discussion on The Mature Mind, 5:45-7:15. Discussion begins at 6:30. Pershing Rifles. All actives and pledges report for regular drill at 1925 hrs. at the Rifle Range. Bring gym shoes, A.C.S. Lecture. Dr. W. H. Pearlson will speak on "Fluorochemicals," Wed., Nov. 12, 8 p.m., 1300 Chemistry Build- ing. There will be a dinner for the speaker at the Union at 6 p.m. Modern Poetry Club. Meeting at 8 p.m., Michigan League. The poetryrof W. H. Auden will be discussed. Prof. Donald R. Pearce will be the guest speaker. Poems to be discussed will be taken from Oscar William's Anthology. Meeting is open to the public. Hillel Social Committee. An import- ant meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m., in the new biilding, Room will be posted. It is imperative that you be there. La Sociedad Hispanica will hold a meeting at 7:30 p.m. in the Rumpus Room of the League. There will be en- tertainment, dancing, and the taking of the 'Ensian picture. All members invited to attend. The Hillel Music Committee will have Nov. 12, at 8 p.m. In the League. Slides of France will be shown, and plans will be made for the 50th Anniversary Banquet to be held on Dec. 4. Michi- ganensian pictures will be taken. Union Bridge Night will be held on the Second Floor Terrace in the Union at 7:30. For tournament competition, rubber bridge, and refreshments, ev- eryone is cordially invited. Coming Events Student Affiliate, American Chemical Society. Meeting Thurs., Nov. 13, at 7:15, in 1300 Chemistry Building. Prof. Willard will speak and show movies about Indians of the Southwest. There will be a short -meeting to make ar- rangements for the coming Convention. La P'tite Causette will meet tomor- row from 3:30 to 5 p.m. in the North Cafeteria of the Michigan Union. Alpha Phi Omega service fraternity will hold a pledge meeting in the Union at 7 p.m., Thurs., Nov. 13. All pledges will please attend. Kappa Phi. Important business meet- ing for all active members (not pledges) Thursday at 5:10. It is imperative that all actives be present. Society for Peaceful Alternatives. Meeting on Thurs., 7:30, Michigan Union. The Ford Foundation movie "World Affairs Are Your Affairs" will be shown and there will be a discussion following it. U. of M. Sailing Club will hold its meeting Thurs., Nov. 13, in 311 W; En- gineering at 7:30. Shore School. Elimi- nations for the Chicago regatta will be ol 4r ffilr4igau :43alig I :30 Sun. evening, Nov. 23, will be pre-+U. of M. Aviation Club. Regular meet- sented at 4:15 that afternoon in Lydia ing at 7 p.m., in 1500 East Engineering Mendelssohn Theater. The program of Building. music for piano and viola will be open to the general public. Wesley Foundation. Morning Matin Wed., Nov. 12, 7:30-7:50. Do-Drop-In Events Toddy Tea, 4:00-4:30. Int Ce t Student Legislature. Meeting this rinternat onal Cent Socrie ustomsi evening in the Strauss House dining the American Home" will be the sub- room in East Quadrangle. ulty, stu- ject of this week's International Se- dents, and guests are welcme. ries program, tonight at 7:30, at the C Madelon Pound House. 1024 Hill Street Le Cercle Francais will meet Wed., At the OrpIheum ... ENCORE, with Kay Walsh and assorted Maughamian characters. THIS LITTLE Somerset Maugham trilogy, filmed last year. seems to be for the most part well done. The three stories are not unusual, bit sensible acting and direc- tion make them at least worth seeing. The first episode, from "The Ant and the Grasshopper," tells the old tale of brothers, one a lazy spendthrift and the other a hard-working businessman. After continued borrowing and swindling, the ne'er-do-well manages to marry the "third richest woman in the world," subjecting his plodding brother to no end of chagrin. soon have silence. Finally, desperately try- ing to restore peace on board, they force the ship's French steward to provide her with romance; the quiet that follows is al- most too much for them. However, when they have arrived back in England she con- fides to the captain that she appreciated his little gesture, and really found it rather amusing. Miss Walsh makes the role both humorous and pathetic, and with her flighty, spinster- ish mannerisms raises her portrayal to the high point of the picture. Unfortunately the last story, "Gigolo and Gigolette," is the most disappointing of the three. It concerns a high-diver and her husband and their family troubles. It tends to be maudlin and sentimental, and Sixty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Crawford Young.....Managing Editor Barnes Connable............City Editor Cal Samra............Editorial Director Zander Hollander......Feature Editor Sid Klaus........ Associate City Editor Harland Britz........Associate Editor Donna Hendleman.....Associate Editor Ed Whipple...............Sports Editor John Jenks...Associate Sports Editor Dick Sewell..Associate Sports Editor Lorraine Butler.......Wowen's Editor Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor Business Staff Al Green..............Business Manager Milt Goetz.......Advertising Manager Diane Johnston.... Assoc. Business Mgr. Judy Loehnberg......Finance Manager Tom Treeger.......Circulation Manager