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Latest Deadline in the State
Quad Groups
Ask Delayed
IHC Opposes
The Inter-House Council voted
last night to allow fraternity men
the use of South Quadrangle's Club
600 and the common lounges dur-
ing the spring rushing period, if
the fraternities would agree to a
system of deferred pledging.
The vote was actually one of
confidence for Ted Bohuszewicz,
'54A&D, the IHC's represesntative
to the residence halls' board of
governors. Bohuszewicz suggested
the plan, whereby first semester
freshmen would not be allowed to
S pledge a fraternity, as a starting
point in the series of talks that will
cil officers starting today.
THE TALKS were decided upon
yesterday at a meeting with Dean
of Students Erich Walter as a pos-
sible way to resolve the frequent
controversy over fraternity men
entering the residence halls dur-
ing the two-week formal rushing
In presenting his motion,
which was passed almost unani-
mously, Bohuszewicz said that
pledging freshmen during their
first few months at the Univer-
sity did not allow them sufficient
time to get properly .oriented to
the campus as a whole.
Booth Tarkington, '5E, of
Reeves House in the South Quad-
rangle said that a' poll of the men
n his house who pledged frater-
nities showed a strong lack of
participation in house activities
during their pledge periods.
When informed of the recom-
mendation by the 35 house pres
idents and representatives, IFC
president Pete Thorpe, '53, said
that "in order to establish the
open-minded spirit which must
prevail at these conferences, the
IFC refuses to comment at this
time on the IHC proposal. How-
ever, in the conferences we can-
not and will not compromise any
of the principles which are' basic
to the University fraternity sys-
Other action at the IHC meet-
ing included extending temporary
voting privileges to the women rep-
resentatives from Prescott and Ty-
ler House in the East Quadrangle
and establishing a $15 prize to be
divided among the quadrangle
houses having 100 per cent voting
records in the coming SL elections.
Eden Asks That
Lie Be Retained
Foreign Secretary Also Proposes
Four-Point Korean Settlement Plan
UNITED NATIONS, N. Y.-0P-British Foreign Secretary An-
thony Eden yesterday touched off a movement to keep Trygve Lie
on as U. N. secretary-general.
Lie announced his resignation Monday in a moment of drama
in the U. N. General Assembly. Only a few top delegates had known
beforehand of this well-kept secret.
AT THE SAME meeting Eden also offered Andrei Y. Vishinsky a
four-point plan for settling the prisoner of war deadlock in Korea.
He appealed to the Soviet foreign minister to take "one crucial step"
U Y 1.. CU L.l .A 1 ttl U m nt a.nd ~.-
HST, io Ask
$85 .billion
154 B udge t
President Truman will hand the
83rd Congress a fiscal 1954 budget
of an estimated 85 billion dollars
with roughly 75 per cent ear-
marked for defense and related
programs, the United Press re-
ported yesterday.
This is 400 million less than
the President requested last Jan-
uary for the current fiscal year
which ends next June 30. It
is some six billion more than
the outgoing Democratic-control-
led Congress finally voted after
months of hearings.
* * *
THE PROPOSED budget, which
will go to the Capitol only a few
days before Dwight D. Eisenhower
takes over as President, also is
considerably higher than the 71
billion ceiling proposed by GOP
Congressional leaders for fiscal
The 85 billion figure for the
new budget, which will cover
Federal spending during the 12
months ending June 30, 1954,
was based on preliminary un-
official- estimates. These could
be changed before the spend.
ing proposals actually are sub-
mitted to Congress.
As it stands now, the Truman
budget will include from 55 to 58
billion for military spending; seven
and a half billion in foreign aid;
more than three billion for atomic
energy; 15 billion for "fixed"
charges such as veterans benefits
and interest on the national debt,
and more than two billion for
"general government costs."
Eisenhower, committed to trim
the budget to 60 billion, will be
free to revise the budget as he sees
fit by sending further recommen-
dations to Congress after he takes
over the White House.
v VW dZQi la l se bbelelbau ac-
cept the British idea.
Vishinsky sat grimly silent in
the U. N. Assembly as the Brit-
ish foreign secretary spoke and
there was little hope in Western
circles that the Russian would
take the one step.
Eden outlined his set of prin-
ciples as follows:
"First: That every prisoner of
war has the right, on the conclu-
sion of an armistice, to be re-
"Second: That every prisoner
of war has the right to be speed-
ily repatriated.
"Third: That there is a duty on
the detaining side to provide facil-
ities for such repatriation.
"Fourth: That the detaining side
has no right to use force in con-
nection with the disposal of pris-
oners of war."
* * * _
MEANWHILE, jockeying was al-
ready going on to find a succes-
sor to the Norwegian who was the
U. N.'s first chief executive.
Brazil's Foreign Minister Joao
Neves da Fontoura opened the af-
ternoon session with another
tribute to Lie. Then, turning to
the assembled delegates, he said:
"I hope his decision is not irre-
Andrei Y. Vishinsky, the fiery
Russian foreign minister, had al-
ready slammed the door shut on
Lie, whom the Russians have hated
and sneered at because he helped
rally the U. N. in 1950 against
Communist aggression in Korea.
Vishinsky made it clear he con-
sidered Lie a closed chapter and
was ready to seek a new candidate
for the job.
ROKs Take
By The Associated Press
South Korean infantrymen in
five hours of savage fighting Wed-
nesday captured the crest of shell-
ripped Sniper Ridge from Reds
who had pushed them off Tuesday
night for the 13th time in 29 days.
Meanwhile published reports
that President-elect Eisenhower
probably will spend Thanksgiving
Day in Korea with front-line
American troops were denied yes-
terday by his press secretary James
C. Hagerty.
"As we have said repeatedly,
no date has been set for the
Korean trip. The time just has
not been decided," he said.
There were indications there
may be no advance official an-
nouncement of the date Eisenhow-
er will leave for Korea-or any-
thing on how he will travel.
And thehsecrecy will be tight re-
garding his exact whereabouts
once he arrives in Korea.
There will be no advance word,
either, on how long he plans to
remain in that war-torn conntry.
Eisenhower promised during the
campaign that if elected he would
go to Korea in an effort to find
a way to end the conflict there.
Shall I?
UTICA, N.Y. - (JP) - Gen.
Douglas MacArthur remained,
mum yesterday on any question
about his military future.
MacArthur, chairman of the
board of Remington Rand, Inc.,
was asked by a reporter wheth-
er he would consider returning
to active military duty in the
Far East if called upon by Pres-
ident-elect Eisenhower.
"I am not talking politics,"
MacArthur replied.
Dean Urges
"International cooperation
should be a basic policy of the
United States." Mrs. Vera Micheles
Dean said last night.
Speaking in the This I Believe
Series, Mrs. Dean, editor of the
Foreign Policy Bulletin, said that
the United States should adjust
its foreign policy to embrace the
United Nations more'fully by not
trying to impose our will upon the
world body.
IN ORDER to achieve a mature
foreign policy we should not try
to dominate the affairs of our
western allies, she pointed -out.
"The United States," Mrs. Dean
said, "is prone to boast of its lib-
eral domestic policy which an-
tagonizes foreign powers."
The' trouble spots of Korea,
Germany and Western Europe
were cited by the foreign affairs
expert as typical of the dilemma
in which the United States finds
The issue in Korea can be settled
in one of two ways, she said. The
first is by extending the war, while
the second involves an all Asian
decision of that area's needs and
Settlement can not be accom-
plished, she feels, by a high level
agreement with the Russians on
Korea alone.
* * *
CONFLICT between French in-
terest and those of German unity
constitute the major problem in
Western Europe, Mrs. Dean com-
mented. On one hand the Ger-
mans desire unity and control of
the former states along the former
German northeast border, she
added. "This movement is cen-
tered in the non-communist forces
in Germany.'"
The French see this as a
threat to their power, on the
other hand, and are becoming
restless at the terms of the
Western European Defense plan,
she continued.
Another aspect of the problem
in Western Europe is that of for-
eign aid to these European coun-
tries, Mrs. Dean indicated. Europe
desires trade with the United
States rather than aid as a factor
in speeding their recovery for the
war, she concluded.
Atomic Tests
ficials of the Atomic Energy
Commission persisted in tight-
lipped silence yesterday in the
face of reports that the first
American-made hydogen "hell"
bomb has been exploded in the
South Pacific.
"We will have absolutely no
comment until the current se-
ries of atomic tests is conclud-
ed," an AEC spokesman said.
"Then we will make an an-
-Daily-Larry Wilk
SL OPEN HOUSE-Residents of Victor Vaughn House and SL candidates got together last night
for a discussion of campus issues. Each candidate got an opportunity to air his views and answer
questions from the co-eds. Sixteen other housing groups are holding similar meetings as the can-
didates enter the hectic round of campaigning which will end with the all-campus election one week
from today and tomorrow.
YP's May Face Loss of Recognition
Hatcher Requests Record
7'Higher Costs
Cause Rise*
Crisler Proposes More
Television for Grid Fans
ANN ARBOR, Mich.-(P)-Give the armchair football fans eight
games on television every Saturday instead of just one.
That proposal came yesterday from University Athletic Director
Fritz Crisler. Fritz's proposal came on the heels of a new fiareup of
the controversy over the NCAA's controlled-televising program.
* * * *
CRISLER'S PLAN: Divide the nation into eight districts. Let the
colleges in each district select one of their own games for televising
within the district each Saturday.
Prof. Emeritus Vernon Shepard
last night spoke at what may be
the last meeting of campus Young
President Marge Buckley, '53 re-
vealed that unless the group can
add 10 more members to its mem-
bership list before the end of the
week, YP will lose recognition. At
present, the club has about 20
BOTH MISS Buckley and secre-
tary Don Van Dyke, '55, felt that
the membership had dropped since
a University policy allowing cam-
pus political clubs to keep their
Dems May Ask
Senate Probe
Of State Vote
State Democrats last night wxere
reportedly exploring the possibil-
ity of a United States Senate in-
vestigation of purported* election
irregularities in the Moody-Potter
Senate race.
Incumbent Sen. Blair Moody
was defeated by Republican Char-
les E. Potter by a margin of 47,000
votes in the Nov. 4 election on the
basis of unofficial returns.
State Chairman Neil Staebler told
The Daily that the Democrats
were planning to call a recount in
the Senate race if Republicans
contest the narrow victory won
by incumbent Democratic Gov. G.
Mennen Williams in the same elec-
At that time Staebler reported
that party watchers at county
canvasses had been told to be
on the look-out for all voting
discrepencies in initial tabula-
With the canvass completed in
77 of the state's 83 counties last
night, Williams was leading Alger
by a mere 6,843 votes out of near-
ly three million cast.
Republicans were expected to
request a recount almost immed-
The hinted-at Senate investiga-
tion would be tied in with the
gubernatorial recount. Approval
by Sen. Hennings (D-Mo.), chair-
man of the elections committee, is
membership lists secret was res-
cinded in October.
The Student Affairs Commit-
tee rescinded a policy, which was
adopted at the request of the
Young Progressives - in 1948,
reading, "membership in poli-
tical groups shall not be re-
leased except by specific request
of the individual student con-
At the time the policy was res-
cinded, YP officials predicted that
there would be no drop in mem-
bership. However, the group has
been unable to gather the neces-
sary quorum of 10 for any of its
meetings since the ruling- was
* * *
SPEAKING on "Why I am a
Progressive," Prof. Shepard gave
two main points: the failure of old
parties, both GOP and Democratic
to safeguard basic civil liberties,
and their failure to face the reality
of the revolutionary movement in
the world today.
He maintained, "During the
last 20 years, we have witnessed
the destruction of the U. S.
Constitution. Absolutely notoing
in the Constitution means any-
thing today."
"Another depression will cause
leaders: from both parties to join
together in a fascist movement,"
he predicted.
* * *
PROF. STIEPARD'S .other main
reason for being a Progressive is
based on his belief that the un-
derprivileged people of the world
are attempting to reyolt. "This
movement cannot be stopped by
militarism," he continued. "We
must accept it for a peaceable
He explained the movement us-
ually was toward Communism be-
cause Asiatic people could see suc-
cess in Russia, "where the people
have pulled themselves up by their
bootstraps," and failure in . the
Philippines under capitalism.
In 'U' Needs
Up Four Million
Over Last Budget
A record operating budget of
$20,631,233 for' the 1953-54 fiscal
year will be laid before the State
Legislature's next session as part
of the largest general expenditures
fund ever drawn up by the Uni-
Now in the hands of the Budget
Division of the Department of Ad-
ministration at Lansing, the op-
erating budget request tops last
year's appropriation by more than
three and a half million.
* * *
PRESIDENT Harlan H. Hatcher
cited two chief reasons for the
substantial operating budget boost:
spiraling living costs, and a resi-
dent credit enrollment increase of
1,000 over the 16,000 figure pre-
viously used in estimating budgets.
The 20 million dollar operat-
ing fund added to an anticipated
$5,600,000 from student fees and
miscellaneous income totals out
to a General Funds budget of
$26,231,233. This is four million
higher than last year's sum.
Several weeks ago the University
put a $7,640,000 capital outlays re-
quest before the'Budget Division,
making the total legislative re-
quest for 1953-54 more than $28
New projects earmarked for cap-
ital outlays funds are expanded li-
brary facilities, a Medical Science
Building and the music division of
the fine arts center on the North
The legislature last year cut
the first two items from its final
allotment as part of a restricted
appropriations policy eliminating
all new construction requests
PAYROLL boosts totalling near-
ly two million dollars contributed
the heaviest to the operating bud-
get increase. The,sum would allow
for cost-of-living adjustments for
faculty and staff, a subsequently
larger fund for retirement and in-
surance programs and payroll in-
creases to meet "special competi-
tive conditions."
The addition of 41 teachers,
more instructional materials and
replacement of obsolete equip-
ment accounts for nearly a mil-
lion-dollars of the increased bud-
get proposal.
President Hatcher explained that
"the leveling off of our enrollment
at 17,000 students, and this figure
does not include evening classes
and extension credit courses.
means that our teaching staff
must be enlarged."
Freshman enrollment is up 30
per cent this fall and the 7,000
students total in the high-cost
graduate and professional pro-
grams is comparable to the figure
in the post-war peak, he pointed
See HATCHER, Page 6
World News
By The Associated Press
LONDON-Prime Minister
Churchill's Conservatives yester-
day easily defeated a Labor mo-
tion of non-confidence in his Con-
servative government. It was the
first test of strength in the new
session of Parliament.
BONN, Germany - The leader-
ship of West Germany's powerful
Social Democrat party yesterday
adopted a resolution to call on
Saarlanders to boycott the Nov.
30 elections in the disputed terri-
Adenauer's government has
announced that it considers the
elections illegal because the
Prof. Boulding Gives
Philosophy of Pacifism
"We're going to have to live with television from now on,"
Crisler said. "I think we should give television a chance.
"I think we can do it better if
we split the program up into eight
districts -- the already-established
' National Collegiate Athletic Asso-
ciation~s eight districts-and not
go across district lines."
Currently the NCAA restricts
its program to a single game tele-
viased nationally each Saturday.
CONTROVERSY over this pro-
gram flamed 'anew Sunday when
Athletic Director Fran Murray of
the University of Pennsylvania, a
proponent of unrestricted televis-
mng, debated the issue on a nation-
ally-televised program with Bob
Hall. Hall is chairman of the.
NCAA's television committee.
Crisler said one of his biggest
objections to the NCAA program.
was a provision for substitution
. rf nll-n rama an~ a meal~ TV
Brigadoon To Open at Mendelssohn
Featuring "the"n lundered $'
programs in existencehl" the Stu-
-dent Player's production of the « :
hit musical tBrigadoon" opens its
four day run at 8 p.m. today in.h ..
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Cast members hand cut twenty
rolls of Stewart-plaid wallpaper ~-
into 1600 programs which will help
set the mood for the lighthearted
tale of a spectral Scotch village
that comes to life for one day each ;
century.!#* -..}
Prof. Kenneth Boulding of the
economics department gave his
answer " to the question "Why I
Am a Pacifist" last night before
the Pacifism Discussion Oroup in
CIO Leaders
To HoldMeet
By The Associated Press
CIO lieutenants from all sec-
tions of the nation met yesterday
at the bier of their fallen leader,
Philip Murray, in Pittsburgh.
Today they'll hold a closed ses-
sion at which the labor group's
future course will be charted.
Nine CI0 vice presidents will
confer with Allan Haywood, ex-
ecutive . vice president of the CI0,
on the mechanics of electing a new
president to succeed Murray.
Meanwhile, in Detroit, the ex-
ecutive board of the CIO United
Auto Workers at a special meet-
the Wesley Lounge of the First
Methodist Church.
He answered the question quite
simply: "I am a pacifist because
I am called to be so." ?
* * *
"PERSONAL pacifism is heroic.
It doesn't have to be a noble ges-
ture," he added. "The conse-
quences of it- are not calculated
or commonplace, and the decision
is not necesarily advantageous to
the individual."
Prof. Boulding reaffirmed his
belief that war is wrong and
pointed out the difficulties fac-
ing the present generation in
peace. He stated that at one
time a nation cold fight a de-
fensive war at the perimeter
of the civilization without in-
juring the love for peace at its
core. This is no longer the case,
he claimed.
"We can't preserve the peace in-
ternally if we have war on our per-
imeters. The problem we face is
organizing a society without en-
emies,'' he said.
Prof. Boulding added that so-