srx TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 195~
SL Hopefuls. 'Big'Ten'Art Takes
To Speak at
Open Houses
A full round of open houses and
other campaigning activities will
occupy the spare hours of 35 can-
didates for the 23 Student Legis-
lature posts.
The positions will be decided in £
the all-campus elections next q
Tuesday and Wednesday.
* * *,
FROM TODAY through Sunday
the aspirants will have a chance
to present their views at 17 open ||||
houses which have been arranged .
on campus.
Here is. the schedule for this
From 5 to 6 p.m. today, Helen
Newberry residence, Betsy Bar-
bour residence and Sigma Phi . :.
fraternity will have open houses.
Then from 6:15 to 7:15 p.m.a
Lloyd House in the West Quad-
rangle and Alpha Delta Phi fra-
ternity will play host to can--Y
didates, and from 7:30 to 8:30
p.m. Fletcher Hall residents will the aspirants.
COLLEGE taking to the shown above, have their works in
The Stevens Co-op at 816 Forest road this year in a circulating the exhibit.
will hold open house from 5 to 6 show exhibiting forty selected Originating at the University of
p.m. tomorrow while Mosher Hall, paintings by staff members of Big Illinois in conjunction with the
Stockwell Hall, Jordan Hall and Ten art departments, including annual meeting of the Midwestern
Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity four from the University. Art Conference, the show is now
have scheduled candidate meet- Profs. Carlos Lopez, Gerome on display at the University of
ings from 6:15 to 7:15 p.m. Kamrowski, Chet LaMore and Wisconsin and is slated for display
On Thursday, Chi Psi frater- Richard Wilt, .a detail of whose here March 4 through 25.
nity and Kappa Kappa Gamma painting, "The Defenders," is The idea for the exhibit origi-
sorority will have open houses
from 6:15 to 7:15 p.m., with Pi
Lambda, Phi fraternity and Mrs. s'ofthe YW eek
University meeting the candidatesT
from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. TUESDAY -
The Yost League House at 328 SRA This I Believe Series-"A Foreign Policy for Peace" by Vera
E. Williams will have an open Micheles Dea'n. 8:30 p.m., Rackham Lecture Hall.
house from 5 to 6 p.m. on Friday Prof. Kenneth Boulding of the economics department will speak
and Alice Lloyd Hall will wind up on "Why I am a Pacifist" before a Pacifism Discussion Group, 7 p.m.,
the program with an open house Wesley Lounge of the First Methodist. Church, State St. at Huron.
from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. on Sunday.
SL Meeting-7:30 p.m., Anderson-Strauss dining room, East Quad.
Yana gi T alks John Scott, editor and foreign correspondent for "Time" and'
"Life" magazines will speak on "Europe: The Rebirth of a Continent,"
About Buddhist 3, Rackham Amphitheatre.
ABson Trueblood, professor of philosophy at Earlham College, Earl-
de of e t ham, Ind., will speak on "The Basis of the Life We Prize" 4 p.m.,
By ackham Lecture Hall.
Pearle Easterbrook, Baha'i lecturer and world traveler, will speak
"The great difference between on "The Promised One of All Religions" 8 p.m., YWCA.
the God of Christians and that of Student Players production: "Brigadoon," 8 p.m., Lydia Men-
the Buddhist is that, to the Christ- delssohn Theatre.
Ian, God is an entirely different°
igromman," Soetsu Yanagi THURSDAY-
bomein deDr. Marion W. Parker of the U. S. Department of Agriculture
amphitheatre. will speak on "The Effect of Light on the Flowering of Plants," 4:15
Yanagi, who is founder and di- pam., R6,ckham Amphitheatre.
rect o t ok t e Prof. Percival PriceUniversity Carillonneur will give a carillon
in Tokyo, went on to say in his recital at 7:15 pm:, Baird Carillon.
lecture on the Buddhist idea of Student Players production: "Brigadoon," 8 p.m., Lydia Mendels-
beauty that the Buddhist believes sohn Theatre.
every human being can himself Choral Union Concert Series: Danish National Orchestra. 8:30
become a Buddha. p.m., Hill Auditorium.
THERE ARE two ways of ac- FRIDAY --
complishing this: by reliance with SL Cinema Ouild Movie, "The Affair Blum," three showings: 5:30,
others, the method of the average 7:15 and 9:15 p.m., Architecture Auditorium.
person, and by self-reliance, the University Museums Movies, "Strands Grow," "Strand Breaks."
way of geniuses and true artists. ' 7:30 p.m., Kellogg Auditorium.
The self-reliant artist pro- Student Players production: "Brigadoon," 8 p.m., Lydia Mendels-
duces individual work which sohn Theatre.
creates a tradition, while the Purdue Pep Rally, 7:15 p.m., in front of the Union.
average worker follows these SATURDAY --
traditions, adding nothing. Football-Purdue (here at 2 p.m.)
Only the man who enters the SL Cinema Guild Movie, "The Affair Blum," three showings: 5:30,
realm where strife between beauty -7:15 and 9:15 p.m., Architecture Auditorium.
and ugliness exists is the artist, Students Players production: "Brigadoon," 8 p.m., Lydia Men-
since this distinction is artificially delssohn Theatre.
Following the lecture under the SUNDAY -
auspices of the Departments of University Choir Concert, 8:30 p.m., Hill Auditorium.
Fine Arts, a movie illustrating the
differences between the traditional
hand method of making pottery
and the modern combination of R flTTT\TPERVIC
hand and machine was shown.
Daily Classifieds
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Just Phone 23-123
Varsity Laundry will
to Road Dean Bacon
Gives Views
x 3{ On Morals
° Charges of moral irresponsibil-
ity leveled at today's college stu-
dents are "merely the froth on a
much more important wave," Dean
'aof Women Deborah Bacon told a
gathering of foreign students Sun-
day night.
Speaking at the International
Center on "Boy-Girl Relationships
on Campus." the dean said the
reputed promiscuity of the colleg-
< tiate set is outweighed by a new
? sense of adult responsibility.
* * *
SHE NOTED a general increase
+< in political interest, practical at-
4 titudes toward money and earlier
marriages as indicative of a trend
toward maturity in the younger
To alumnae who maintain
University girls' morals are hit-
ting a record low, Dean Bacon
says she answers, "Those who
do-do, and those who don't-
Commenting on statistical re-
ports showing the high rate of
nated at, Michigan State College, pre-marital intercourse among
where it was felt that it would be America's young adults, Dean Ba-
of interest to both art department con voiced doubt on the validity
faculty members and students. of such studies: "I doubt if the
It was also felt that such an figures have changed much since
exhibition would help enlarge the 4,000 B. C."
audience of a number of artists of
outstanding ability whose oppor-
tunities for exhibition are fre-
quently limited. STAEB
Showing an unu
Small Schools MEN'S FINE CLOTH
and HATS
Impose Few
Lecture Rules The famous
Hyde Park
(Continued from Page 1) Topcoats 64.50
ulations at all. Within three weeks others at 49.50-55.00 ..
of each other MIT professor Struik
and Sen. Joseph McCarthy spoke
on the fllinpis campus with no
administrative comment.
In terms of newspaper inches,
McCarthy provoked more student
objections than did Struik who
spoke on "Academic Freedom and The Winston
;he Road to Conformity." Suits 61.50
Stanford University in the West
reported a more restricted policy
than any of the private schools. STORE HOURS DAILY --
Hampered by a founders' provision
that no political activity shall take THE DOWNTOWN STORE
place on the California campus,
students began agitating for more
liberal policy.
As a result, a Student-Faculty
Political Committee was set up to
arrange debates in which two op- 3 09 South M.
posing speakers could be balanced
against one another with no one "Your Store for Qf
partisan view prevailing.
Indian, European Works Expert Links
Featured at Alumni Hall Safety,_Health
"Southwestern Textiles and Re-
tablos" and "Europe: The New
Generation" are the subject of two
new art exhibits now on display
at Alumni Memorial Hall.
The collection of textiles and
retablos illustrates work done by
New Mexican Indians during the
time of Spanish rule. Known as
"Santero" art, these retablos are
religious pictures painted with
primitive materials on hand-hewn
wood. The compositions are simi-
lar to those done in Europe dur-
ing the medieval period.
* * *
E. BOYD, curator of the Depart-
ment of Spanish Colonial Art at
the Museum of New Mexico, has
written that these pictures are an
anachronism in the history of
Christian art since they were be-
ing made at a time contemporary
with the development of steam and
the industrial age and yet remain
quite primitive.
Both the textiles, which in-
clude Indian rugs, garments and
blankets, and the wood-paintings
reflect the influence of Spanish
rule. Retablos were no longer
made after the Spanish were
forced out of New Mexico and
remain today as examples of
American folk art.
The display of modern art rep-
resents some works of the most
famous contemporary French, Ital-
ian and British painters.
One of the highlights in the col-
lection, being circulated by the
Museum of Modern Art in New
York City, is a 1948 painting by
the controversial German artist,
Hans Hartung.
Speaking on
tion to Public
Liam P. Yant,e
safety, pointed
"we now need
vent accidents
Dr. Yant, add
health school, s
sary to instill "a
child" that w
"live with mod
L"Safety in Rela-
Health," Dr. Wil-
an expert in mine
out yesterday that
a vaccine to pre-
to children."
dressing the public
aid that it is neces-
a philosophy in the
ill enable him to
ern hazards."
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