E FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY VL/.;},k.+.}~ } 1.M V'tu faaiua4 .Z 1, 1N./3 _____________________________________________________________________ U To the Intellects THE SCORE OF disillusioned Democrats who have been flooding the campus with their futile tears since election night are remindful of babies crying over spilt milk. These are the "intellects" who voted for Gov. Stevenson. Most of these omniscient gentlemen can- not bear the fact'that their omniscient can- didate was defeated at the polls. They re- fuse to credit Dwight D. Eisenhower with any intelligence. Yet, ironically enough, these are the same individuals who in 1948 helped elect Harry S. Truman, the paragon of intelligence. They also charge the American voter with "hero worshipping" as regards Eisenhower, when they themselves bowed down before the pedestal of the Roosevelt Administration for 13 years. For them, FDR was the hero par excellence. How these Democrats manage to resolve such inconsistencies is beyond comprehen- sion. At any rate, it is significant that their own candidate has urged unqualified sup- port for the president-elect, a gesture which does testify to his intelligence. Per- haps his followers, in the interests of in- telligence, should do likewise. At the least they might be sportsmanlike and let Ike into the White House before they try to convince the American public . that he does not measure up to their .wn intellects. -C. Thomas Nakkula Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writer only. This must be noted in all reprints. NIGHT EDITOR: JERRY HEIMAN I + MUSIC + " oCĀ¢iteri ito the 61itop I ON SUNDAY EVENING George Szell and the Cleveland Orchestra presented a program of romantic and post-romantic mu- sic. The rather short program consisted of Berlioz's Overture to "Benvenuto Cellini," Schumann's Sec.ond Symphony (actually his third), and Sibelius' Second Symphony. Mr. Szell is a superb musician and his approach is clean and a little cool: I feel his Haydn and Mozart are more convincing than his Berlioz and Schumann. But matters of temperament aside, his handling of the or- chestra was magnificent; if his readings of romantic music sometimes lacked passion, they never lacked taste nor revealed de- fects in sensibility. The Overture to Benvenuto Cellini was played with power and color, but too de- liberately, too precisely. Such treatment reveals the flaws in the music, and Berlioz does not stand up under that kind of close scrutiny. What seemed chiefly evi- dent was the thinness of the musical tex- ture: if you keep the parts as immaculate- ly clear as Szell did, you show how want- ing in flesh and blood the harmonic and contrapuntal writing really is. Berlioz's virtues are not closeness of texture nor clarity of structure; his appeal is to the visceral, to the secret places of compas- sion and terror. Mr. Szell's reading tried to show that the greatness of Berlioz is the greatness of a Beethoven or a Mo- zart. And this seemed less than complete justice for Berlioz. The juxtaposition of Schumann's Second and Sibelius' Second was interesting in that it offered an opportunity to see (at least partially) what has happened to the sym- phony since Beethoven. Unfortunately the impression was largely negative: Schu- mann's Second is the least inspired of his four symphonies, and Sibelius' Second is a romantic dinosaur-a musical beast which impresses through sheer bulk and lack of intellectual force. These remarks apply es- pecially to the last movement of the Sibel- ius which left me stunned, deafened, and bored: stunned and deafened by the volume of noise and bored by the nearly insane repe- tition of obvious thematic material. Eliot has remarked that there occured in the seventeenth century "a dissociation of sensibility" which made it impossible for the poets who followed Milton and Dryden to successfully combine fineness of feeling and refinement of language. I sense a dissociation of sensibility which set in after the symphonies of Beethoven, and made it impossible for Schumann, Bruckner, Mahler, and Sibelius to succeed as symphonists: while the means of- mu- sical expression expanded, musical ideas and emotions became cruder and lost their spiritual force. Only Brahms escaped and at immense cost; it is not accidental that Brahms' best works are either reactionary in form (the Variations) or else express despair and longing (the Fourth Sym- phony and the Clarinet Quintet). The above theory is empiric, provisional-- formulated during Mr. Szell's admirable per- formances of Schumann and Sibelius. That these thoughts occurred testify to the ana- lytic and critical qualities of Mr. Szell's conducting: the work of a disciplined heart. -Harvey Gross ON THE Washington Merry-Go-Round with DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-I would like to urge fel- " low newsmen, radio commentators, and the American public generally to undertake a voluntary news blackout on General Eis- enhower's forthcoming trip to Korea. In brief, the time of his departure, arrival in Japan, departure from Japan to Korea, ought not to be published. While the first lap of the trip across the Pacific to Japan carries no great dan- ger, the second lap behind the battle lines of Korea could be one of the most dangerous ever undertaken by a President- elect of the United States. When President Roosevelt took similar trips to Casablanca, Teheran and Yalta, the time of departure, arrival, and even the fact that he planned such trips were military se- crets. No word was published in the press. Danger to Gen. Eisenhower is not from any deliberate Communist attack. Pre- sumably the menmin the Kremlin don't want to plunge the world into war. But the suicidal mania of Oriental warriors is all too well known to risk a drunken pilot or group of Chinese Kamikazes who, fly- ing only a few miles, could create a crisis leading to demands for World War III. While Gen. Eisenhower will be meticu- lously guarded, there is no use taking chances by giving away the details of his itinerary. * * * 1932-1952 T'S A LOT tougher shifting administra- tions than it was 20 years ago. As a re- sult, Eisenhower and advisers will have to burn a lot of midnight oil. Twenty years ago, when Herbert Hoover handed things over to Franklin Roosevelt, there was no atomic energy, no Korean war, no military draft, no threat of Rus- sia, no foreign-aid program, no radar ring defending the U.S.A. There wasn't even a Pentagon in 1932. The State Department was a fraction of its pre- sent size, and the War Department shared the same building. Major Eisenhower had an unobtrusive desk in that building in the outer office of Gen. MacArthur-extreme outer office. He was a ghost-writer for the Chief-of-Staff. The budget was only $4,659,000,000 in 19- 32, and the Government collected only -1,- 924,000,000 in taxes. Today the budget is $79,000,000,000 and the annual tax take is $68,700,000,000. Labor unions had only 3,- 226,000 members then; today they have 16,- 000,000. There was no television, not much radio, no big commercial airlines, not much air mail, no Tennessee Valley Authority. But there was a depression. And FDR, facing the same personal tensions with Herbert Hoover that Eisenhower does with Truman, came to Washington for confer- ences which yielded nothing. The time elapsing between the presidential takeover was longer then-November to March. But the economy is now gigantic, dynamic, and delicate. Indecision, crossed- up cooperation, or even such a thing as a small increase in the interest rate on gov- . ,. w .... i~,A n~~ a fl - -.r -.i- n- 'Y-n ir him to sidestep the McCarthy probe. Hen- nings is chairman of the elections commit- mittee, and West is afraid McCarthy will turn the tables and go after Hennings. Hen- nings is not buckling .... Adlai Stevenson has confessed to friends that his original plan was to run for President in 1956. He figured from the first that 1952 would be a tough year. That was the reason for his re- luctance at Chicago . . . . It looks like Re- publican senators were much more 'anxious to probe the election of one of their own number than any Democrat, namely Sena- tor-elect Fred Payne of Maine. Behind this is seen the hand of defeated Sen. Owen Brewster. If Payne is blocked, a Republican Governor would appoint Brewster back to the Senate .... Said 6-year-old Nickie Clark, daughter of Reader's Digest Blake Clark: "I didn't know Ike's last name was 'Land- slide'." * * * NEW PALACE GUARD THOSE CLOSE TO Eisenhower claim one of the most significant things about his campaign was that the last three weeks wound up with Republican moderates and liberals closest to him. The isolationists were on the outside looking in. And they attribute Ike's big pick-up at the end to the fact that he followed these men, publicly disclaimed McCarthy's tac- tics, and announced he was "the same old Ike." Here is the roll-call of the Eisenhower ball club as they finished the season in their relative closeness to Ike and home plate: Gov. Sherman Adams of New Hamp- shire, responsible for the first crucial Eis- enhower primary victory; Sen. Fred Sea- ton, progressive Nebraska publisher; Ro- 'bert Cutler, Boston banker and friend of Justice Felix Frankfurter; Sen. Frank Carlson of Kansas, a great moderator and conciliator; brother Milton Eisenhower, former New Dealer; Gen. Wilton G. Per- sons, an old army friend; Governor Dew- ey, kept in the shadow, but a potent ad- viser; Arthur Summerfield, GOP nation- al chairman, the man who put across Ike's endorsement of McCarthy. Toward the end, an early Ike-rooter, Paul Hoffman, who had been strangely silent, flew in from California and reaffirmed his support. Also GovernorkWarren of Califor- nia teamed up with Ike in the last week, made a special broadcast to California. Earlier, Warren had gone through the poli- tical paces, but they seemed perfunctory. Another GOP liberal who did his bit was Sen. Charles Tobey of New Hampshire. These are some of the men who will carry a lot of weight in the new administration. MERRY-GO-ROUND GEORGE McGHEE, U.S. Ambassador to Turkey, who has oil on both sides of his family, may be one ambassador who'll keep his job. While he contributed to the Democrats, his wife contributed to the Re- publicans .. .. Japanese newsmen met at the national press club just before the elec- tion to discuss which candidate would most benefit Japanese-American relations. Their DORIS FLEESON: Democrats To Revamp SPRINGFIELD Ill.-"In the long run, the judgments of mankind and history are pretty sound." Thus, Gov. Adlai Stevenson in defeat. Being human he is a little wistful about Illinois. He is sad that he did not carry it. He is more sad, much more, that the pro- gram he put in operation during his first term as Governor is done for, not to be re- vived for four or maybe more years. He does not say it but it is apparent in his discussion of the Illinois situation that he believes he could have won the state again as Governor had not a rudderless convention in Chicago named him in the closest approach to a presidential draft in modern times. At the time he protested he had a duty to Illinois and there was no doubt he was torn from it reluctantly. This does not prevent him from a tho- rough understanding and acceptance of the fact that he is titular leader of the Demo- cratic party. He has in front of him already a vast pile of letters and telegrams in which he will seek for light on that path. As his campaign speeches made so clear, Adlai Stevenson knows what year it is. At whistle stops and in the major auditoriums of the nation he has written a textbook for our times which is thoroughly in keep- ing with the professed aspirations of his party. Its execution, as he well knows, will not be easy. He is dealing with a party in transition from green pastures to the arid lands of the outsider. Democrats have thrived on cen- tralized power; they must rebuild at the grass roots. They have deliberately built their leaders in the great-white-father image; Republi- cans captured a hero they helped to make and offered him in the same capacity. The most immediate problem of the party so soon to be out of power after 20 years is organization. In all candor, it must be stated that neither the outgoing President nor the defeated nominee has shown a remarkable capacity in this respect. But drift, during which factions quarrel over who was to blame and ambitious newcomers strive for advantage, will only give the Republicans valuable time in which to consolidate their power. The question the Governor is most of- ten asked and which he will not answer is: "Did President Truman help or hurt?" Perhaps a cool analysis of the returns can shed light on it. Right now it has more divisive than illuminating power; there are plenty of people around looking for alibis who will answer in aself-serving way. One of the most sage politicians of the era suggests that the President both helped and hurt, but that, in any case, the Demo- cratic nominee was inevitably saddled with the record of the Administration. There can be no doubt that in important, though min- or, easily understood aspects, the record hurt. History must take care of President Truman with respect to his major decisions. The only campaign development about which Governor Stevenson feels deeply is Korea. It is generally felt that it was the dominant cause of the Eisenhower land- slide, a major factor in the desire for change. Stevenson frankly did not expect Korea to arise in the way it did; about it some hurt remains. Practically speaking, perhaps the imme- dliate central issue for the Democrats is: Meisel's Letter,... To the Editor: PROFESSOR MEISEL'S letter to Stevenson expressed so much of what I've felt for so long, but have been unable to write down, that I shall save it and show it to the generation yet unborn so they might know what the Uni- ted States gave up in 1952. This statement has no doubt produced a loud laugh from the "Masses," but it isn't going to stop me from strengthening my viewpoint. When Stevenson lost the election at about 1:55 a.m. November 5, I lost someone I felt closer to than most of the people I've known all my life. He was, by far, the greatest man to show his face in politics in many a year, and when he lost the election to a man whose brain is filled with glittering generalities, my faith in democracy and the voting public went down below the gutter. If a man shows such under- standing of our times and hope for the now dwindling strength of a people, it is a major catastrophe that this man does not have the country behind him, that the country cannot see the necessity for such a man in the office of President. Time is supposed to heal the dis- tress caused by losing someone, but this is one loss that time will not heal. It can only grow worse as time goes on. My only hope now is that Adlai Stevenson will not give up and leave the public scene al- together, because if he does Amer- ica and the world has lost a much needed leader. -Ann Lewis, '53 ... Meisel's Letter... To the Editor: ALETTER to Prof. Meisel Your "thesis" on the qualities of the defeated candidate is one to admire; at least in its compo- sition. However, to millions of real Americans General Eisenhower is "The Man of the Hour" and this no one can deny. The courageous, calm and se- rene man you spoke so highly of is nothing more than a bundle of nerves timed to explode any min- ute. His "front" was confusing and again convincing to some extent, even for a man, who would rather be dead, than be President of the United States. One can understand some eym- pathy for a losing candidate but your "compassion" is beyond me. The people of America have re- pudiated your idol and thrown out the corruption, waste and scandals that have built up under Truman and replaced it with a man clean in thoughts and sin- cere in action. One mustn't fear collapse in our government in the years to come but thank our God in Heaven that the people came forth with so just a choice. .-Bud Vasu Meisel'g Letter ... To the Editor: REGARDING Professor Meisel's letter to Governor Stevenson, may I respectfully suggest that the American voters did not re- ject Mr. Stevenson. Rather, they repudiated the Democratic party in general and Trumanism in par- ticular. There need be no shame, revulsion, or terror over this. -James H. Bahti Lecture Committee .. . To the Editor: IN A MOVE last Wednesday night the SL passed a recommenda- tion which would end the banning of speakers. In this recommenda- tion the qualifications of a speak- er are to be judged by the group sponsoring said speaker. Just what are the criteria for the group to base its judgement on? 1-Shall be "in spirit and. ex- pression worthy of the University." This means that if a speaker talks on such subjects as "rights of Ne- groes," "free expression for pro- fessors," or "positive actions for peace" he will not be expressing himself in a manner worthy for University approval. This has been proven by the banning of such speakers in the past. 2-Shall "serve the educational interests of the academic commu- nity." Do not speakers who point out certain inadequacies of gov- ernmental policies serve the edu- cational interests of everyone? In the past speakers have been barred from this campus for talking about such inadequacies which in their opinion should be corrected. 3-Shall not violate the "recog- nized rules of hospitality." What are these rules of hospitality? They are the social graces that a person has acquired before rising to a position where they would be asked to speak anyplace. 4-Shall not advocate "the sub- version of the government of the United States nor the state." The term subversive has become so broad that even Adlai Stevenson just about got himself on the roles as subversive. It is beginning to seem as if anyone who talks against McCarthy and his follow- ers is now being called 'pro-sub- versive.' 5-Shall not "advocate or jus- tify conduct which violates the fundamentals of our accepted code of morals." Is our code of political morals one which subjugates the minority groups? Then why have peoplewho advocate the rights of minority groups been kept off cam- pus? Is our code of social morals one which condones obscenity in a paid gathering? Then why are people who provide us with obsen- ities allowed to come to campus? What the SI/s recommendation is actually saying is that we will let any group bring whoever they want to campus then if a speaker dares to advocate any of the above mentioned ideals the group who brought the speaker to campus will be put on probation or forced off campus so that the administra- tion will not have to be bothered by that group anymore. -Don Van Dyke * * * Intellects & People .. . To the Editor: SURELY, out of some 23 million voting Americans, there must be several who are not victims of "irrational drives"! Why are many voters whose candidate lost the election, so quick to characterize their politi- cal opponents as devoid of "rea- son"-implying that the former have an unquestioned monopoly of intellect? Why do they protest so much? After a democratic election car- ried out in accordance with the Constitution of the United States of America, why should anyone feel "shame, revulsion and-ter- or"? 'Both candidates were men of stature. One had to win; the other had to lose. Why assume that "this nation, this mass civili- zation, will not be ruled by gentle- men"? Are we, then, to be "ruled" gWTI "'Take This One Out And Burn It" c.V CiI, F ? PN fir:' _ t5 .u , w _ _ "fey C a .. '3 , 1 { :. aTat 4.OC)C. r ft7 7 ls v141 rw Arfr tw rather than to govern ourselves through duly elected representa- tives, in approved Constitutional ways? Those who are accused of "ir- rational" hero-worship may well, wonder if the informal, collegiate type of slogan, "We like Ike," com- pares unfavorably, emotionally speaking, with the invocation which appeared in The Daily, No- vember 7, under the caption, "Sa- lute to the Loser": "You do not, therefore, need us; it is we who need you, and I know that you will not deny us your presence ... Help us build the Republic." After saying, "Never has a peo- ple looked so critically at a super-l ficially successful present and vot-1 ed so overwhelmingly for a more solidly based future," even Time magazine (November 10) goes on to comment: "There is a wide and unhealthy gap between the Amer- ican intellectuals and the people." I simply don't understand how anyone can assume that there is no political intelligence or ration- alism among 32 million people. -Alethea H. Whitney ** * * Attn: Coeds .. . To the Editor: T WOULD be greatly appreciat- ed if you would mention in The Daily that two marines in Korea would like to correspond with co-eds at the University of Michi- gan. Thanking you in advance, we are- -Cpl. S. Valentino Messina 1248927 U.S.M.C Cpl. Reino O. Huttunen 1194008 U.S.M.C. Hq. Co.-1st Serv. B 1st Mar. Div. FMF c/o FPO San Francisco, Calif. * * * She Was There.. . To the Editor: THIS LETTER is in reference to the article in Sunday's paper about the 'Deke' meeting place. It specifically refers to the sentence, "Reportedly, no women or non- "Deke" has ever set foot within its doors." One day about a year ago, I was walking down Williams street when my eye spied an unlocked gate, slightly ajar. This particu- lar gate had bothered me for sev- eral years, being naturally curious I walked in. (Being a history ma- jor I thought I was on the verge of entering a place of historical importance.) One unlocked door led to another, and the second door was the entrance to the "Deke" Temple. First I entered a vestibule, it was a small dingy place with an odd old odor about it. There was an open door leading from the vestibule, from which came the sound of a vacuum cleaner, I peered inside this door and saw a reasonable bear room, with an old rug on the floor and a high backed chair on one side, and what I recall as a Confederate Battle Flag along one wall. No sooner had I gotten a quick glimpse of this, than a young man ushered me out very quickly. I al- ways wondered why he looked so worried and actedso quickly, and now I know, not only was I not a member, but I was female as well! Now I have another problem. with no electricity how did the vacuum cleaner work? --Laura H. Kawecki * * * Clemency Asked .. . To the Editor: IN APRIL of 1951 Ethel and Ju- lius Rosenberg were condemned to death charged with conspiring to obtain A-bomb secrets for the U.S.S.R. This is the first time in the his- tory of American civilian courts that the death penalty has been pronounced for such a crime. We fear that this will set a dangerous precedent since we feel that the death sentence is inadmissable for any political crime in peace time. Furthermore, there is ap- parently some reasonable doubt about the -judicial propriety of the trial proceedings as the Supreme Court rejected'the petition for ap- peal by a very narrow margin.- We therefore urge that the President immediately use his powers of executive clemency. We would also urge all students and faculty to add their protests and pleas for clemency by writing to the President now. -Joe Savin-chairman, CLC Mayer Zald-vice-chairman Paula Levin-secretary Sam Davis-treasurer * * , Not a M*enace..* To the Editor: I WAS RATHER startled by Jack Danielson's letter to the Daily on November 8. Mr. Danielson seems to think that because I sup- port Senator McCarthy, I am "a greater menace to democracy than any Red." I have never quite pic- tured myself as Public Enemy No. 1, and it is a novel experience, to say the least, to sit down at the dinner table and have my friends refer to me as THE MENACE. All kidding aside, Mr. Daniel- son, I appeal to your sense of fair play. Are you going to set your- self up as a defender of democracy in one breath and in the very next, impugn the motives and shatter the reputations of all who disagree with you on the McCarthy issue? Don't you believe that people have the right to express their own point of view, or must they con- form to yours, for fear of being labeled "a menace" to society? Furthermore, you state that "there is no one so criminal as he who openly supports a criminal." If one accepts your statement, the logical consequence of it is that we must say Dean Acheson is a "criminal" because he said that he would not turn his back on Al- ger Hiss. Are you prepared to go that far, Mr. Danielson? All in all, however, your letter has afforded me amusement, and I will try to get hold of the book you recommend. -William G. Halby, '55L Wants Bernie .., To the Editor: HOW COME The Daily neglect- ed to print Bernie Backhaut's Confederate Newsletter several times last week? Is The Daily dis- criminating against his column? I agree that Senator McCarthy is one of our greatest men, and I want to keep on reading more of my views in print because Back- haut is one of the most astute col- umnists I have read. Why not sign up to run his column Sundays, also? The South shall rise again. -Andrew Kehoe Sixty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Crawford Young.......Managing Editor Barnes Connable............City Editor Cal Samra........... Editorial Director Zander Hollander......Feature Editor Sid Klaus.. .. Associate City Editor Harland Britz.......Associate Editor Donna Hendleman.....Associate Editor Ed Whipple ............Sports Editor John Jenks.....Associate Sports Editor Dick Sewell.....Associate Sports Editor Lorraine Butler.......Wowen's Editor Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor Business Staff Al Green..............Business Manager Milt Goetz.......Advertising Manager Diane Johnston.... Assoc. Business Mgr. Judy Loehnberg......Finance Manager Tom rTreeger.......Circulation Manager I DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) Vera Micheles Dean, Editor and Direc- tor of the Foreign Policy Association, on the subject: "A Foreign Policy for Peace." Reception at Lane Hall fol- lowing the lecture. Literary College Conference. Steering Committee meeting, 4 p.m., 1010 Angell Hall. Civil Liberties Committee will meet at 7:30 p.m., Union. Ali those interest- ed are invited. Young Pogressives. Meeting tonight at 7:30 at the Michigan League. Room Room 3-B, Union. Discussion program by students from Germany. La Tertulia will meet from 3:30 to 5:00 in the Rumpus Room of the League. All those interested in speak- ing Spanish invited. Interhouse Council will meet tonight in West Quardangie Dining Room 1 at 7:15. Important matters will be dis- cussed. The meeting is open to the public. Square Dance Group meets at Lane Hall, 7:30 p.m. All students invited. Coming Events the meeting, and candidates for SL will speak. Fortnite plans will be made. All Ann Arbor girls in the University are welcome. U. of M. Aviation Club. Regular meet- ing on Wed., Nov. 12, at 7 p.m., in 1500 East Engineering Building. Hillel Social Committee. An import- ant meeting will be held Wed., Nov. 12, at 7:30 p.m., in the new building. Room will be posted. It is imperative that you be there. Wesley Foundation. Morning Matin Wed., Nov. 12, 7:30-7:50. Do-Drop-In Tea, 4:00-4:30. T. - .;.A.A T .... s,... ...flti ,.A 44..c