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November 07, 1952 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1952-11-07

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0 The Need for a New Coalition
By CAL SAMRA permit a saner approach to the nation's
Daily Editorial Director problems.
4INCE THE ELECTION of Dwight D. Eis- Secondly, it would seem that President-
enhower, the imprecations and vows of elect Eisenhower realizes that McCarthy-
heart-broken Democrats have 'been numer- Taft & Co. do not reflect the sentiments
ous; many, it is reported on good authority, of the majority of the American people.
have been making preparations to depart Accordingly, in his selection of a cabinet
for far-off places, notably Switzerland and and other advisers, he will no doubt lean
the North Pole. heavily on such men of the caliber of
Perhaps some anxiety is warranted, at Morse, Ives, Adams, Hoffman, Dewey,
least when one considers the surprising Warren, Tobey, and Stassen. These men
number of incorrigible rascals who were nominated him; these men will be heard.
swept into Congress by virtue of the Gen- By the nature of his campaign speeches,
eral's popularity. It is now clear that the Eisenhower has also explicitly stated that
right wing' of the GOP-the Taft's, Mc- the advances made under the New and Fair
Carthy's, Jenner's and Capehart's - will Deals will not be abandoned. Though it will
be in control of both houses. be conservative, the General's administra-
With the collaboration of the Southern tion will apparently strive to consolidate,
Democrats, the power of the GOP Right rather than to destroy, these gains.
should be even more effective. If all goes as Finally, whatever one might think of Eis-
these two forces dictate, the 83rd Congress enhower's pre-election promise to go to Ko-
should be the most reactionary Congress in rea, it is undeniable that Ike is profoundly
the history of the nation-to the detriment concerned with securing peace. His methods
of the country's domestic and international are none too clear; but the desire is there.
health. National unity today means a great deal.
On the other hand, there are several glim- It can be attained only if the leadership
}Hers of hope. One of these is the not too of the nation is in the hands of the sen-
improbable formation of a new coalition sible and the independent.
within both legislative bodies-namely, a The burden of responsibility is now on
common front of moderate and liberal Re- President Eisenhower. This writer earnestly
publicans and Democrats. If such a coalition hopes that he will not kowtow to those who
crystallizes, it will outweigh the reactionary might conceivably make a mockery of the
elements by force of numbers, and perhaps United States' position of world leadership.
A Letter to Stevenson.
(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is a letter and organizational framework of the past,
which Prof. James i. Meisel, of the political because there is as yet no other. It is my
science department, despatched to Gov. Adlai
E. Stevenson yesterday.) quiet conviction that you knew this all along
the trail, and also that, in order to combat
Dear Governor Stevenson: the Eisenhower "myth," a counter-myth was
GENERAL EISENHOWER may be the needed, something that cannot be manufac-
" "Man of the Hour," he may even be the tured in as few weeks as you had. Truman
man of the next four or eight years; but I tried to do just that, but he knew only how
would like to express to you my belief that to debunk. You, however, must have known
you will outlive him, not only in the mem- that irrational drives cannot be debunked-
ory of those who love you for saying what you did not have to read Pareto and Sorel to
you have had to say in these past weeks, but learn that. And so you could "talk sense"
also as the voice of our conscience in the only up to a point; and it is beyond that
bitter years to come. The Lippmans will point that a realistic appraisal of our situa-
tell us why you lost out-why you had to tion must begin.
lose. To ponder the reasons for defeat is You could not tell your voters that the
interesting, but it is not really important. age of Caesar has dawned upon the Uni-
What really matters is the answer to the ted States of America, although you told
question: Where do we go from here? them of the things that are Caesar's and
I do not want to join the chorus of of those that are God's. You did not risk
those (there must be many) who, under telling them that they have to fear not
the pretext of giving you their sympathy, so much "reaction" (although that too),
are eager to smother you with advice, but rather a regime of mass manipulators
How can we dare to commiserate you who whose power will be based on the very
must be suffering now so much more masses they are going to exploit-in short,
deeply than we possibly can, since you a regime of "legal fascism" domestically,
gave so much more of yourself than we and, abroad, of "limited isolationism." It
have given. Also, I feel that you do not would be, you must have known, a popu-
need to be comforted since yours is the lar dictatorship, using the very mechanics
long view, the view of calm and serenity. . of the constitutional process to offer to
You do not, therefore, need us; it Is we the pent-up frustrations of a generation
who need you, and I know that you will craving for the "normalcy" of yesterday
not deny us your presence. You will not the triune victims of Corruption, Com-
withdraw from the fight which is so much munism and Korea, and, as an antidote
more than the vindication of a party, a for all their fears thus externalized, the
program. triune consolation of Miracle, Mystery
It is because I feel that you really under- and Authority. You knew all that, but,
stand what is at stake that I had to write though you realized that the Father-
to you on the "morning after" with all its Image offered to the voters was a mirage,
shame, revulsion and-terror. You under- you refused to offer them yourself as the
stand, although not even ,you, so blessed true father. You had to refuse, since you
with speech, could speak out baldly, bru- believe in the Brotherhood of adult men,
tally, the full truth of our time, not in any Big Brother; it would, you
for you are a gentleman. And you sensed, knew, not have been you. Was it possible,
you feared, the crass fact: this nation, this still possible, to head off the iron age
mass civilization, will not be ruled by gentle- for this Republic, and to attempt to lay, in
men. True, Franklin Roosevelt was also a four short years, the foundations for a
gentleman, but he was at the same time a republic of adults?
demagogue, while you are not. You must You must have hoped that it was, some-
have sensed,. although you could of course times with a hope against hope, but then
not say, that this is no longer the Age of m with_ ,.hp g he b

Reason, but rather the age. of sub-articulate again wichwlacc a tnoner
man with the vote without the wisdom. Was son which will accept defeat now D order
I wrong when I sensed in your repeated in- relay your faith to the future. Do know-
cantation-"the people are wise"-an almost but you do-that you are not alone in that
desperate attempt on your part to believe belief in the Republic-a society of public-
dwshrateoumust sometimes doubt; abat- minded, disinterested leaders who will flat-
whptat musomems oubt at- ter no one except by appealing to the ener-
tempt atmesmerizing the masses into tak- gies, as yet untapped, Of the young, tired of
ing the "exalted view" not of "politics" but th et nhaseand theo geal.rermit
of themselves, into once more becoming the old phrases and the old deals. Permit
Locke's, and even Rousseau's individual selves foral aroundyou, oprepare them-
communing with himself? To the extent thatsayw wilcome whente
you tried to "educate,"you were indeed, in Gods conjured up by the panicky nation
youtrid t "eucae,"youwer ineed in will become frantic before they fade away.
Lippman's happy phrase, that "classical, au- w . f.oa w
thentic American" in the great tradition of Permit us to plan for that day, with you,
a Jefferson and Madison, a Wilson. unconcerned with the tactics and expedi-
But you also knew that the classical for- encies of the politician, but, rather, intent
mula of democracy has become as inopera- on visualizing and conceptualizing the world
tive, qs obsolete, as the old distinctions be- After the Deluge, and thus engaged in an
tween "left" and "right " "conservatives, adventure which will prove to be, in the
and "liberals," "Republicans" and "Demo- long run, the better and the more effective
crats." In a sense, in that sense, you were politics. Help us build the Republic: to stand
really a "captive," and in that sense only, in ready when the present wave of an unaris-
that you tried to express a ' new sense of tocratic commercialism has spent its fury.
contemporary reality, within the conceptual -James H. Meisel
Highest Degrees of Intellect'

The Congress
Ilse Faces


. p Y SAD r~r4

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

AN ENRAGED and senseless GOP masto-
don has charged wildly through the na-
tion,. uprooting and destroying indiscrimin-
ately every political animal which dared to
get in its path.
Candidates for senatorial posts either
withstood the general stampede or fell
victim to the panic created by the ram-
paging elephant.
There is little doubt that the men in the
new Senate will form the most conservative
block of voters seen in the upper chamber
for the past twenty years. Part of the com-
position of this incumbent group will re-
present the greatest accumulation of iso-
lationist thinking witnessed in Congress
since tl'e League of Nations was repudiated
after the first World War. On the other
hand, another element of this collection of
politicos will be quite willing to follow the
aggressive "roll-em back" policy recently ex-
pressed by John Foster Dulles.
Here is a brief run-down of how the new
Congress will shape up:
William E. Jenner of Indiana will con-
trol the all-important Rules and Adminis-
tration Committee in the Senate. The
committee is the dominant group which
reports legislation to the floor of the
chamber and determines the rules that
will govern Congressional action in the
Jenner's only claim to fame was his smear-
ing of both General Marshall and State De-
partment officials with charges of subver-
sion, though neither he, nor Sen. McCarthy,
were able to back up their accusations with
Jenner has consistently opposed the con-
struction of the St. Lawrence Seaway, has
called for reduction in flood control funds
(even after the disaster in the Mississippi
basin last year), has attacked all sane legis-
lation to speed up the building of homes
throughout the nation, and has constantly
voted to slash economic aid to Europe.
This is the man who will have a power-
ful voice in determining the type of legis-
lation to be considered by the Republi-
can Congress.
Senator McCarthy will now control the
committee on Expenditures in the Executive
Department. This committee regulates
monetary outlays for the State Department,
as well as other departments and agencies.
The nation can look forward to an indis-
criminate house cleaning of any men who
have nerve enough to challenge this gentle-
man's "patriotism."
McCarthy's specialty is cutting aid to Eu-
rope, claiming that government is infested
with Communists, and smearing every de-
cent American from ex-Governor Adlai Ste-
venson to General Marshall.
One of the most ironical things about
the committee chairmanships in the new
Congress is the fact that Sen. Robert A.
Taft of Ohio is in charge of the Labor
and Public Welfare Committee.
Most critics of the Taft-Hartley Act have
overlooked one important provision in the
original bill. When the bill was first passed
by Congress it included a provision limiting
the rights of labor unions to actively cam-
paign for a candidate or to publish any
political material. This clause was ruled un-
constitutional by the Supreme Court. It may
be re-introduced by Taft.
Taft's political philosophy can do nothin
but antagonize labor.
* * *
MICHIGAN'S Homer Ferguson will most
likely take over the Appropriations
Committee, with Styles Bridges at the helm
of the Senate Armed Services Committee.
Senator Ferguson is noted in govern-
ment for what he might term "economy"
but what others have called indiscriminate
and disastrous reductions of necessary ex-
penditures. Ferguson was one of the num-
erous Republican senators -to vote for a
cut in foreign aid and against adequate
flood controls.
The author bf the Capehart Amendment
is now to lead the Senate's Banking and
Currency Committee. This amendment pro-
vides a loop-hole so that price ceilings could
be virtually ignored, a situation which could

produce one of the greatest inflationary
problems yet to face the country.
In the Foreign Relations Committee,
another Wisconsin Senator, Alexander Wiley,
will rule. Again, Wiley is no exception to the
political outlook held by the other gentle-
men just mentioned. The American people
can expect a "get tough" policy toward both
our allies and enemies.
Two other important committees will
see Sen. George D. Aiken in charge of
Agriculture and Forestry (Aiken also vot-
ed against effective flood controls) and
Senator Charles Tobey wielding power in
the Interstate and Foreign Commerce
Committee. In the latter field we can ex-
pect higher tariff rates, a tradional Re-
publican policy which might conceivably
ruin the economics of our allies who need
American markets for many of their ex-
Even before Eisenhower takes office, it ap-
pears then that both he and the American
public are due for a rough time at the hands
of the Republican Congress.
-Mark Reader
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writer only.
This must be noted in all reprints.

*g%& YIU vP'.web"QU POW a..

WJASHINGTON-President Truman has fairly definite ideas as to
what he wants to do when he leaves the White House, but they
may be hampered by problems at home.
The chief thing he hankers for after January 20 is a leisurely
trip around the world. He wants to go to Europe and return the
visit of the heads of states who have called on him, also attend
the coronation of Britain's 'new Queen Elizabeth on June 5.
However, there are a couple of complications. One is the health
of his 90-year-old mother-in-law, Mrs. David Wallace. The public
hasn't generally realized it, but Mrs. Wallace has been living with the
President and Mrs. Truman during most of their sojourn in the White
House, and Mrs. Truman has been quite firm that she would not leave
her mother for a long trip out of the United States as long as she is
in poor health.
Another, though lesser, complication is finances. The President
has not been able to acquire any monetary backlog during his seven
years in office, and some way will have to be found to finance the trip.
One or two embassies have already discussed whether he could
be entertained as an official visitor at the expense of their govern-
ments, even though by that time he will have lost his official
Mr. Truman wants to visit India, Japan, and various Asiatic
countries and some consideration has been given to the idea of his
making a series of speeches on the peaceful goals of the American
There has been so much Russian propaganda to the contrary,
abetted in part by rash statements by American generals, that a good
part of the world is sold on the idea that the United States wants
war. State Department officials believe that a man of Mr. Truman's
simplicity and directness might carry considerable impact in nullifying
this propaganda. They have even been considering the idea of his
making a whistle-stop tour abroad in favor of peace.
HERE'S WHAT some of the Truman cabinet members are going to
do, come January 20.
Dean Acheson will go back to his law firm: Financially hard up,
he might have retired earlier except that he was under fire . . .
President Truman has promised his Secretary of the Treasury, John
Snyder, to help find him a job. Snyder was offered a job with the
Bank of America four years ago, but turned it down . . . . Secretary
of Labor Maurice Tobin will return to his Boston 'law practice, per-
haps enter politics again . . . . Secretary of Commerce Charles Sawyer
is returning to Cincinnati. He had planned some time ago to resign
from the cabinet come what may . . . . Secretary of Defense Robert
Lovett will return to his Wall Street firm. Lovett has been in Govern-
ment now ever since the war days, as Assistant Secretary of War,
Undersecretary of State, Undersecretary of Defense, and now Secre-
tary of Defense. A Republican, he has served steadily in Democratic
cabinets . . . . Postmaster General Jesse Donaldson is looking for
something in private industry. The first nonpolitical career postmas-
ter General, thousands of postal employees will celebrate his exit.
(Copyright, 1952, by the Bell Syndicate)

Boomerang? ..
To the Editor:
NOW WE wait for Eisenhower's
spectacularly-announced trip
to Korea to materialise. But a
question arises which was left un-
answered by the Republicans dur-
ing the campaign. That is, what
will Ike do when he does finally
get to Korea?
Are we to suppose he likens him-
self to King Canute, who believed
his mere presence on the beach
would stop the rolling of the waves,
and that by presenting himself at
the front in Korea Eisenhower will
stem the tide of battle. Canute got
his feet wet. The same could hap-
pen to Eisenhower.
The most he would probably do
is make the Communists laugh at
his vain glory. It will prove a sur-
prise to find out that the Republi-
cans have no magic formula for
the ending of the conflict. (If they
do why haven't they let the Unit-
ed Nations in on it?)
The proposal of this trip could
prove to be a boomerang that will
return to embarrass the good gen-
eral, not to mention the propagan-
da possibilities it presents to the
C.-John G. Davies
*$EO * *
Stunned.. .
To the Editor:
WAS stunned to hear the verdict
of the people in our recent na-
tional election. How short are the
memories of the people? Can't
they remember it was this ,same
Republican Party that they elected
yesterday that led the nation to
depression and despair only twen-
ty years ago? Do they not recall
the man and the party which gave
them hope again?
These same people may come
to regret their choice before the
next four years have past. They
may regret rejecting one of the
most competent, intelligent, and
unselfish men in Ameria, Adlai
Stevenson. My family will never
forget the debt we owe to the Dem-
ocratic Party.
Congratulations to The Daily
on its support of Governor Steven-
son and the party of the people-
the Democratic Party.
-Larry L. Bachman
* * *
Plain 'Drivel'.. .
To the Editor:
THE CAMPAIGNS and election
are over; in accord with the
practices. of our democracy, the
country is governed by the will of
a majoWIty that in many cases is
enormous. I'm sure, therefore, that
I speak for sportsman-like and in-
telligent Democrats as well as Re-
publicans when I ask you to spare
us such juvenile, whining tripe as
the letter titled "The Great Mid-
west ... " by E. M. Zale, and the
only slightly less irritating edi-
torial by Alice Bogdonoff and Vir-
vinia Voss in Thursday's paper.
If Mr. Zale feels along with oth-
ers that the Americans who elected
Mr. Eisenhower are fools, his cry-
ing it abroad isn't likely to make
him any more popular;they seem
to be all around him. If Misses
Bogdonoff and Voss feel that the
choice of the vile GOP capitalist
bourgeoisie is an indictment of
the democratic system, and that
they are noble martyrs in accept-

ing the "solemn challenge" to
spurn the forces of "the extreme
left" in their "desperatiof or dis-
couragement," they'd better keep
such drivel to themselves.
One of the criteria of maturity
in Mr. Zale's "intellectually out-
standing people" is the trait of
gracefully accepting defeat.
-Jas. E. Brodhead III
* * *
To the Editor:
YOUR WRITER reporting on the
campaign of that fearless can-
didate, Pogo, in Sunday's Daily has
made a serious error in the identi-
fication of his campaign manager,
the penultimate P. T. Bridgeport.
The error is, however, understand-
able, since Bridgeport has been
confused with another famous
showman, who was born in Bridge-
port, Conn.
This error should be "rapidly
rectified" as Bridgeport would con-
sider this a "gross blow," to use
his words.
Remember when you go to the
polls, Go Pogo, Stop Bunko.
-John E. Lauer
The Passing Years ...
To the Editor:
"IF THE DAILY has any politi-
cal leanings, they have obvious-
ly been for Norman Thomas,-So-
cialist candidate."
The motives that prompted the
editors of The Daily to make the
above statement (editorial, Nov.
4) is not clear. But regardless of
motive, this astounding statement
throws considerable doubt upon
the sincerity of The Daily's editor-
ial staff.
Perhaps The Daily has had a
change of heart, if so it is to be
congratulated, but the whole-
hearted support it has given the
capitalistic parties makes it im-
possible to infer that the policy
of The Daily has even approxi-
mated non-partisanship.
It should be obvious to the edi-
tors of The Daily that newspaper
propaganda consists, not neces-
sarily of editorilizing pro or con a
particular candidate, but in ap-
portioning the greater part of the
political news to articles giving
statements, speeches, and activi-
ties of the favored candidate.
Those candidates held in slight
respect by the editors are disre-
garded and given little if any
mention in the columns.
This is the subtle, but decidedly
effective method of propaganda
utilized by the American newspa-
per. For, to the layman, conform-
ity to public opinion, "as mirrored
by the newspaper," is the safest
and most desirable way.
On this basis, then, let us see
just what direction, whether in-
tentional or unintentional, the
subtle propaganda of The Daily
has taken. Does it reaffirm the
contention that "If The Daily has
any political leanings, it has been
for Norman Thomas," or does it
Taken as a whole, approximate-
ly 93 per cent of all political arti-
cles of national importance ap-
pearing in The Daily have rep-
resented the viewpoints of the two
capitalistic parties, while seven
per cent is left to the Socialists.
This is decidedly not non-parti-
sanship. It is conceivable to see
how the Michigan students can
choose between Capitalism and
Socialism when not only the met-
ropolitan but even the student
newspapers present but one side
of the question.
Herschei Zackheim, '35
(Editor's Note: This letter was
taken from a 1932 edition of The
Michigan Daily, and was published

immediately following the election
of former President Franklin Delano
Sixty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Crawford Young......Managing Editor
Cal Samra............Editorial Director
Zander Hollander.......Feature Editor
Sid Klaus..........Associate City Editor
Harland Brits........Associate Editor
Donna Hendleman....Associate Editor
Ed Whipple............Sports Editor
John Jenks.....Associate Sports Editor
Dick Sewell.. Associate Sports Editor
Lorraine Butler........ Women's Editor
Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor
Business Staff
Al Green..........Business Manager
Milt Goets....... .Advertising Manager
Diane Johnston...Assoc. Business Mgr.
Judy Loehnberg. Finance Manager
Tom Treeger. Circulation Manager

r '






(Continued from Page 2)

Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Donald
Robert Baer, Chemistry; thesis: "A
Study of Certain Limitations of the
Demianov Rearrangement," Fri., Nov.
7, 3003 Chemistry Building, at 3 p.m.
Chairman, P. A. S. Smith.
Doctoral Examination for Dora Alice
Henley, Bacteriology; thesis: "An In-
vestigation of the Pneumococcidal Ac-
tivity of Extracts of Tissues From Re-
sistant and Susceptible Host Species,"
Sat. Nov. 8, 1564 East Medical Building,
at 9 a.m. Chairman, W. J. Nungester.
Doctoral Examination for Robert
Lundquist Chapman, English; thesis:
: An Edition of the Middle Scots Ro-
mance Clariodus," Sat., Nov. 8, East
Council Room, Rackham Building, at
10 a.m. Chairman, J. R. Reinhard,
Psychology Colloquium Fri., Nov. 7, at
4:15 p.m. in Auditorium D, Angell Hall
Annex. Professor William Estes of In-
diana University will discuss "Interpre-
tation of Cognitive and S-R Laws with-
in a Formal Theory of Behavior." Re-
freshments at 3:45 in 3415 Mason Hall.
Doctoral Examination for Mead Wil-
bur Killion, Education;nthesis: "A Study
of Some Relationships between Delin-
quency and School Experiences," Fri.,
Nov. 7, 4015 University High School, at
3 p.m. Chairman, S. E. Dimond.
The Cleveland Orchestra, George Szell,

Composers' Forum, under the direc-
tion of Ross Lee Finney, 8:30 Mon. eve-
ning, Nov. 10, in the Rackham Assembly
Hall. Compositions by David Tice, Karl
Magnuson, Reginald Hall, Barbara
Scholl, William Doppman, and Alean-
der Smith, students in the School of
Music, presented by the following:
Paul Willwerth, Donald McComas, Don-
ald Haas, trumpet; David Green, Jer-
ald Bilik, Allan Townsend, and Les-
lie Bassett, trombone; Richard Thurs-
ton, timpani; Barbara Garvin, violin;
David Ireland, viola; Camilla Heller,
cello; Leslie Bennett, tenor; Karl Mag-
nuson, William Doppmann, and Lucille
Stansberry, piano. The general public
is invited.
Events Today
Congregational Disciples Guild. Sup-
per hike from Guild 5:15-7:30. Inter-
Guild Square Dance, Congregational
Church, 8-12.
The Near East Studies Department
invites all students interested in Islam-
ic Theology to discuss the problems of
Modern Islam with Professor Louis Mas-
signon of the University of Paris on
Fri., Nov. 7, 7:30 p.m., Kalamazoo
Room of the Women's League.
Deutscher Verein CoffeeHour, Round-
uip Room, League. Informal Germaiu
SRA Coffee Hour, Lane Hall, 4:15-
5:30 p.m. All students welcome.
Department of Astronomy. Visitors'
Night, 7:30 p.m. Mr. Gordon A. Newkirk,
Jr. will speak on "The Northern Lights."

Sophomore Cabaret Central Commit-
tee meeting at 3 p.m. in the League.
Positions are still open for those in-
terested in working on Soph. Cab., par-
ticularilyfinance and refreshments.
Those interested can sign up at League
in the Undergraduate Office.
Roger Williams Guild. "I G Whirl"--
Meet at the Guild House at 8 to go in
a group to the Congregational Church.
As this is a square dance, dress accord-
ingly. Admission charge.
Wesley Foundation. Inter-Guild
dance. Meet at Methodist Wesley Lounge
at 7:45 p.m.
Coming Events
U. of M. Chapter of the American So-
ciety for Public Administration invites
all students of public administration,
political science, and their friends to
its social seminar on Mon., Nov. 10, at
7:30 p.m. in the East Conference Room
of the Rackham Building. Mr. Joseph
Warren, City Manager of Jackson, Mich.,
will speak on "Some Experiences of a
Neophyte City Manager." An informal
coffee hour will follow.
~The Russian Circle will meet Mon.,
Nov. 10, at the International Center at
8 o'clock. All members are urged to at-
Faculty Women's Club. Square dance
section will hold its November dance
this coming Sat., Nov. 8, at 8:30 p.m.
at the gymnasium of Tappan Junior
NiahCnhnl T~urtT nla mll .. h

LIBERTYVIL LE, Ill. - All passion spent,
the quadrennial presidential election
gave way the first Tuesday after the first
Monday in November to the American sys-
tem of free elections.
Gov. Adlai Stevenson, an eloquent
spokesman for our times, offered his con-

freckle-faced, redheaded boy stole the show
from him.
The Governor laughed too, but it was
plain that his thoughts were far away as
he explained what was going on there
today could not happen everywhere in the
world. Your parents and your neighbors,


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