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November 15, 1952 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1952-11-15

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Election Reactions

Don Juan

"For Extraordinary,.Endurance- "

GOP View
DISSATISFACTION with the Democratic
Administration and confidence in the
man who led the Allies to victory in Europe
during World War II combined Tuesday to
bring about the much needed change in the
White House.
General Dwight D. Eisenhower deserves
congratulations on winning the election and
extra plaudits for the convincing manner in
which he did so. Reservations must be made
at this time, however, until Eisenhower
proves to the nation that he will fulfill his
campaign promises.
For along with his great personal ap-
peal, Eisenhower swept to victory because
of his pledges to fight Communism both
here and abroad.
The American public has not endorsed iso-
lationism as some Democratic pundits say.
Instead they have chosen a man for Presi-
dent who campaigned on an internationalist
level and who has proven himself to be
vitally concerned with stopping Communism
in Europe and in the Far East.
In selecting Eisenhower they bypassed a
great administrator and an intellectually
honest man. Stevenson's loss did not stem
from his own acts, but from the record of
he current Administration which was rid-
den with corruption, 'infiltrated with Com-
munist sympathizers and unable to create
national security.
The defeat of Stevenson is also due to
the low morale of the nation. Inflation,
the Korean War and general distrust of
the Administration added to the above
factors to create this mental state.
Eisenhower's tremendous victory will do
much to restore the nation's confidence. But
only by waging a vigorous fight for those
things he has promised to do will he main-
tain this confidence.
Therefore, as the nation awaits his as-
sumption of duties, he must work toward
achieving these goals. He, must not bow to
the powerful midwest block of reactionaries
headed by Senators Jenner, McCarthy, Taft,
Bricker and Ecton.
If Eisenhower should succumb to their
pressure he will have repudiated the wishes
of the public. The announcement of men to
fill his cabinet will be the tipoff as to the
course he will follow. He has men like
Dewey; Lodge, Hoffman and Duff to choose
from. If these men are appointed, Eisen-
hower will have made a start on fulfilling
his calling.
-Diane Decker
Harry Lunn
Eric Vetter
Mike Wolff

Democratic View
ADLAI E. STEVENSON talked sense to the
American people. But apparently this
approach of political sanity backfired.
To the many who wondered whether an
intellectual campaign would appeal to the
nation at this time, the election returns
poured in a discouraging "no."
In contrast to President-elect Eisenhower,
Stevenson deliberately refrained from mira-
culous promises. He based his high level
campaign on a deeply honest philosophy, the
crux of which was that the problems facing
the nation and world today are complex and
intricate and must be explained to the peo-
ple as such. Polarization and personaliza-
tion of the issues were consistently absen4
from Stevenson's remarks.
In his final campaign speech Stevenson
pleaded with the American people to dedi-
cate themselves to a belief and trust in
themselves "on which the greatness of
our country rests."
But the time was not agreeable to such
a faith. The Republican victory was only
on the surface a reaction to the Truman
administration. It was perhaps a desperate
groping for relief from fears and insecurities
grounded in and intensified by the pres-
sures of the cold war. Without a prior con-
demnation of the next administration, it is
not difficult to speculate that if world ten-
sions mount, the psychological tendency of
the citizenry to seek orthodoxy and to
place its faith in the hands of a protector
wil increase to frightening proportions.
But for the moment these considerations
are negative. This is hardly the time for the
disillusioned to get bogged down in at-
tempts to reconcile the democratic process
with what may appear to be irrational elec-
tion returns. The liberal must avoid the
tendency to join forces with the extreme
left out of desperation or discouragement.
The problem of presenting a strong, sane
opposition to today's pressing threat of re-
action, is the most solemn challenge which
has ever faced the American liberal.
-Alice Bogdonoff and Virginia Voss
"OUR PERSONALITY shoots, grows and
ripens without ceasing. Each of its mo-
ments is something new added to what was
before. Indeed it is not only something new,
but something unforseeable."
-Henri Bergson
viduality is precious and things must
be used for the sake of man rather than
man for the sake of things.
--D. E. Trublood

In Hell

. ,

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the


"DON JUAN IN HELL" is a testing piece-
testing for the author because it is
theatre without any of the theatres essen-
tials, testing for the actors for they all re-
main under a microscope for every minute of
the act, testing for the audience because it
is drama without plot or action. Authors,
actors, and audience survived last night's
performance triumphantly.
Twenty years after his play had been pro-
duced, Shaw wrote, "I took the legend of
Don Juan in its Mozartian form and made it
a dramatic parable of Creative Evolution.
But being then at the height of my inven-
tion and powers, I decorated it too brilliantly
and lavishly. The effect was so vertiginous
apparently that nobody noticed the new reli-
gion in the center of the intellectual whirl-
Even shorn of its surrounding comedy,
its preface, its Revolutionary's Handbook
and the final display of aphoristic fire-
works, the effect remains bewilderingly
brilliant. There are so many startling di-
versions-such as the diabolical diatribe on
man's prediliction for the arts of war, and
an address from Don Juan on the subject
of marriage, which if properly understood
but a spiv intelligent enough to match
Don Juan argument for argument in dia-
Heaven in contrast is a place of realism
and hard work-the work of helping nature
to achieve perfect self realization in the
superman the cause of which Don Juan is
the passionate advocate. As Don Juan, Char-
les Boyer is a truly sensitive preacher. After
a life in the world being disillusioned with
just those things to which hell is dedicated,
he seeks relief from boredom in this arduous
heaven. Dona Anna's father, a military com-
mander who retains in after-life the form
of the statue which commemorated him in
death, bored with the teleological serious-
ness of heaven, seeks relief in the senti-
mental frivolites of hell. Sir Cedric Hard-
wicke does all, and more than all that can
be done with the lines of this minor part--
his beautifully timed coughs are as eloquent
as the sentences of Don Juan.
Nature works through love towards its
own ideal.-Shaw interprets love, Schopen-
hauer did, as the Will of the Race ex-
pressing itself through the desires of the
individual often contrary to his or her hap-
piness. It is the deep instincts of the wo-
man that select the eugenically most de-
sirable mate, and therefore it is the wo-
man that is the true pursuer. Byron said
once that he had never seduced a single
woman, but that he had been a victim more
often than anyone else in Europe. Dona
Anna is Everywoman, and therefore her
chief attributes are an urge towards fecun-
dity and infinite hypocrisy. Needless to
say, Agnes Moorehead plays her beauti-
fully-again the words are wonderfully
spoken, and the silences are literally graced
by a series of postures on a stool that
should make every young American girl
arch her back in envy or in emualtion.
But the secret of the Quartet's power to
hold our attention is in theskill with which
that attention is switched from one char-
acter's ideas to another's. All who are in-
terested in the English language at its most
vigorous, all who are interested in the pos-
sible beauties of the speaking voice, all who
are interested in the stimulating clash of
conflicting ideas should go to hear them. And
all who are interested in none of these
things-they above all should go, and be-
come infected with the lasting pleasures of
these interests. -M ike Faber
The 'Dirtiest'
Campaign Ends
AP News Analyst

A GOOD MANY commentators have been
bemoaning the low levels to which some
of the politicians stooped during the cam-
paign. Most of them seem to overlook one
The mudslinging and bitterness, the tor-
turing of issues, the misquoting, the ap-
peals to prejudices, were all tactics cal-
culated to win. Thus they represent a cyn-
ical evaluation of the American people
and what it takes to appeal to them.
"There has been a lot of talk by and about
men who do not, or should not, matter.
It was the dirtiest campaign since 1928.
Both Eisenhower and Stevenson started
out to keep the campaign on a level of a
reasonable discussion of the issues. Step by
step, they were led by their partisans into
immoderation and villification.
Both candidates were nominated as men
of outstanding character. One was a great
national hero with a record of successfully
administering some of the world's most dif-
ficult tasks.
The other had intellectual qualifications
designed to hold the confidence even of
people who would vote the other way, and
a political record far better than many.
Now the new president goes into office
with a certain part of his original standing

.-- i

Xis ° I? _
X OF 1952
do LY


WASHINGTON-In the turmoil of the
campaign, the most important fact of
all has been virtually forgotten. All the great
policy decisions of the recent past have been
subjected to venomous partisan debate. But
the new President of the United States,
Dwight D. Eisenhower, is going to have to
make just about the hardest decisions for
the future any President has ever been call-
ed upon to make.
In these last heated months, these im-
pending decisions have been ignored. Yet
two closely related, vitally important, se-
cret struggles about these decisions were
wracking and agitating the American gov-
ernment, even while the Presidential cam-
paign was reaching its climax. The most
important of these struggles centered
around an attempt to draft a new paper
on certain aspects of defense policy for
the National Security Council and the
This paper was supposed to define "Soviet
capabilities and intentions." Assume, for ex-
ample, that in the fairly near future the So-
viets could knock out the American indus-
trial potential, at the same time over-run-
ning the Eurasian land mass. Does this mean
that the Soviets would do so?
This question goes to the very heart of
American defense and foreign policy. Do So-
viet capabilities equal Soviet intentions, and
if so, what do we do about it? In the end,
the disagreement within the government was
so wide that this vital question was glossed
over by a wordy formula. To understand why
the issue was thus muffled, it is only neces-
sary to consider the second crucial struggle
which has been dividing official Washington
in a warring camp.
Sometime ago groups of eminent scien-
tists and highly qualified experts were
asked to consider, coldly and objectively,
the ability of the Soviet Union to deliver
an atomic attack on this country, and this
country's ability to defend itself and re-
taliate. The scientists and experts con-
cluded that the Kremlin would almost
certainly be able to deliver -a "crippling"
atomic blow against the United States
within two to three years. They further
reported that improvements in Soviet
air defenses would make it impossible for
us to repay the Kremlin's crippling blow
by crippling the Soviet Union in our turn.
At the same time, the scientists and ex-
perts also reported that "technological
breakthroughs" have made possible new
kinds of American defense and offense. We

by the National Security Council and the
President, has generated a first class row
.for several reasons. On the one hand, the
Air Force has charged that it was "by-pass-
ed" by the scientists and impartial experts.
On the other hand, the problem of air of-
fense and defense has become involved in
the argument about Soviet capabilities and
intentions. As a result, everyone has agreed
to leave the final judgment to the man who
will occupy the White House in the next
four years.
Thus, on the very day he takes office,
Eisenhower will find on his desk papers
demanding decisions which will in turn
require a root-and-branch recasting of
American defense policy. These decisions
will intimately influence his domestic eco-
nomic program. And meanwhile, he will
also be confronted with urgent demands
for many other decisions on other prob-
lems reaching right around the globe,
from Korea to Iran, from Tokyo to Paris
and London.
Again, the new President will find that
these problems of foreign relations will in-
fluence his domestic program. For example,
the most difficult and most complex of all
the local situations which will confront the
new President is in Western Europe.
This threatened breakdown involves the
relations of the European powers with the
United States and with each other. The
Europeans are becoming just as disgusted
as we are with the frustrating system of
propping up the European economies with
American money subsidies. They are begin-
ning to demand an entirely- new economic
approach, including some sort of interna-
tional stabilization fund, to hold their cur-
rencies in a firm relationship with the dol-
lar, plus a lowering of American tariff bar-
riers, to permit them to export more pro-
fitably to this country. Prime Minister
Churchill is plainly already planning to
come to the UnitednStates to discuss these
matters with the new administration. Pro-
jects for a great new departure in American
policy are also being studied within our own
These projects, if adopted, may be counted
on to touch off .unholy rows in Congress but
if such projects are not considered and
adopted, the whole Western alliance may
well succumb to the strains which are be-
coming increasingly unbearable.
Energetic action can still solve all these
vast problems. And in this respect, at least,

WTASHINGTON-With the hectic election period over, the United
States will have to give some attention to our badly neglected
field of foreign affairs, particularly to the wave of anti-American pro-
paganda now sweeping the various parts of the world.
For some time, due to the charges and countercharges of the
!candidates, positive policy by the State Department has been
pretty much suspended. So, likewise, with some of our most im-
portant Allies. Both Foreign Secretary Eden an Foreign Minister
Schuman have delayed any important pronouncements on foreign
affairs until after elections; in fact, even urged other United
Nations members to postpone the General Assembly meeting un-
til after November 4.
One of the most shocking developments which the United States
will have to do something about is the barrage of scurrilous propa-
ganda in Korea, charging us with atrocities against Korean women.
The details in some cases are almost too revolting to be printed in
family newspapers, but Russian and satellite publications are spewing
this poison every day.
While the Voice of America is trying to counteract it, its bud-
get, thanks to the pruning of irascible Sen. Pat McCarran, has
been drastically cut.
Here are illustrations of what the North Koreans are telling
Asia about us.
N ORTH KOREAN newspaper Minchu Chosen reports this eerie ac-
count of UN troops in the district of Echu:
"American soldiers picked all the young women out of the
crowd (of natives) and locked them in empty warehouses. All the
women were then raped. The American butchers began to brand
patches on the women's bodies with heated irons and nails.
"All the women who resisted the ravishers had a wire put through
their nose by the Americans and they were led b this wire through
the village. The monsters gouged out the eyes of many women and
hacked lumps of flesh out of their bodies.
"The Butchers disembowled several pregnant women who fell into
their hands during the temporary occupation of the town of Sariwen."
The Journal New Korea also reported in a recent issue that
Americans "tortured more than 700 patriots near Mount Mirosan"
This lying article, obviously dictated by a higher Communist Echelon,
went on to say:
"The murderers seared them with heated irons, knocked out their
teeth, cut off their noses, and gouged out their eyes. They led the
women naked through the streets and then shot them. In the village of
Duchen, Pyonyang district, the American bandits arranged a so-called
exhibition of Reds.' After tying the hands and feet of 130 patriots,
they bound them to trees and for a long time gave them no food. All
the 130 people died.
"Once," the Communist article continued, "the American but-
chers led out more than 30 young women and girls on the street
in this village. Many of the women had children. The American
monsters brought this group to the Nekyagor Gorge, where a pit
several meters long was already dug.
"The women were placed at the edge of the pit. One of the es-
corts went up to a woman with a child in her arms and bayoneted
her from behind and then kicked the body into the pit. Seeing this,
the remaining women attempted to save themselves by flight, but the
enemy bullets overtook them. All the women were killed and their
bodies thrown into the gorge."
W ITH TYPICAL Communist relish for mixing gore and lies, the New
Y1Korea added: "in the village of Saphenni, senen rural district,
about 200 women were subjected to mockery. Outraging the defense-
less women, the butchers stripped them naked and tied them up in
groups of five and ten. The butchers used these women as live targets
for pistol shooting.
"During the withdrawal from the district of Yanyan, the oc-
cupiers took With them a large group of the inhabitants of the dis-
trict. These exhausted people were told by the Americans that they
were being evacuated to a safe place. The Americans then called
up aircraft by radio.
"Fighter planes dived on the defenseless people and brutally be-
gan to machine-gun them. In this way more than 300 guiltless people
We know, for instance, that the Communists long ago trademark-
ed the brutal practice of leading Koreans and Chinese they considered
"traitors" or "pro-American" down a village street with a wire through
their noses. This also happened to American officers captured by the
Communists in Seoul.
T HE CUSTOM OF tying victims together in groups and to trees be-
fore murdering them also is a Communist practice. The above-
mentioned "gorge" murders near Duchen, falsely charged to Ameri-
cans, also have a striking parallel in the brutal mass murder of 12,000
Poles by the Russians in Katyn Forest early in World War II.
Many of the Poles were tied to trees and shot through the
head before being dumped into a huge burial pit. The number and
pattern of bullet marks in the execution trees indicated the vi-
tims were used for pistol-shooting practice by the Russians, a-

Please, Mr. Editor.. .
To The Editor:
THIS IS THE first letter I have
written to you or any other col-
lege newspaper editor. Please don't
feel that I have been ignoring you
deliberately. The only reason I
have never written before is that
I was quite satisfied with your pa-
per and I was unable to find any
articles so distasteful to me that
they warranted my criticism.
Today, however, I must criticize
you for permitting a change in one
of the best humor articles in your
paper. I refer to the movie review
column which is usually written
by Mr. Tom Arp.
When I first read one of Mr.
Arp's reviews, I thought it was
an honest attempt to criticise one
of the features playing at a local
movie house. But as I continued
to read Mr. Ar's "reviews" I was
gradually convinced that Mr. Arp
was really a very clever humorist
and satirist who was adeptly lam-
pooning those movie reviewers
on the, staffs of the supposedly
sophisticated and cosmopolitan
newspapers and magazines.
Once I realized that Mr. Arp
was not really seriously reviewing
movies, I read his column with
unfettered joy. I chortled, I
chuckled, I guffawed at the contin-
ual bitter attacks Mr. Arp directed
at almost every movie he discussed.
Of course my immense pleasure
arose from the fact that I under-
stood the true purpose of Mr. Ar's
reviews. Mr. Arp was, in my esti-
mation, a very clever fellow. He
was clever, his humor was clever,
his satire was clever, and he cer-
tainly merited my praise for the
amusement I received reading his
article. At least he did until Tues-
Mr. Editor, in today's "Daily"
Tom Arp reviewed the picture
"Ivanhoe." In that review, Mr.
Editor, the picture was almost
praised. Do you hear me, Mr.
Editor? Praised, praised, praised!
Tom Arp resorted to praise.
Please Mr. Editor, resolve my
confusion, dispel my doubt, restore
my faith in. Mr. Arp. Reprimand
him, cut his salary, or better yet,
the next time you assign him to
report a movie, give him some
lemons to suck on while he watch-
es the picture. Perhaps this is all
the inspiration Tom needs to re-
sume his old caustic, satirical,
acidic, humorous ways. If you do
this, Mr. Editor, I and all the rest
of Tom's faithful fans will once
again be amused by the best hu-
mor article appearing in your fine
-Malcolm Lawrence L'54
**y *
Anti-Absolutist .,.
To The Editor:
WOULD LIKE to make a few
comments on a letter which
appeared in The Daily of October
30 by Mr. Marc Laframboise. Marc
seemed interested in a "This I
Believe" article by a graduate stu-
dent in physics. I did not read
this article, but some of Mr. La-
framboise' remarks seemed quite
unreasonable and made without
too much thought on the subject.
He states, "Man cannot make
binding laws upon his own moral
behavior. That obligation must
come from a higher authority."
This is not true. Man has made
and will continue to make his own
moral laws. That they do not
come from a 'higher authority'is
evidenced by the many systems of
moral laws prevalent around the
world in various cultural groups.
In the same paragraph, Mr. La-
framboisef states, "As for the im-
mortality of the soul this is a view
held not only by Christians in the
main, but also by peoples of eras

prior to the birth of Christ." This
is no argument for the immortal-
ity of the soul. People of eras
prior to the birth of Christ were
generally ignorant, superstitious,
and entertained beliefs almost
none of which we would adhere
to today; e.g. the earth being cen-
te rof the universe, or the "rain-
spirit" causing rain.
Next, Marc poses a question:
"Are we to assume that the most
virtuous saint and the most vic-1
ious reprobate both fall into the
same blissful oblivion after their'
departure?" Though it may be
somewhat unfair to the saint, the
answer is yes. Death has long
been considered the hand, under
which all are equal.
Which leads us to Mr. Lafram-
boise' final point. He says, "Sup-
pose there is no God and no after
life? Why should humans bother'
at all about moral behaviour or,
succeeding generations?" The an-
swer is simple : people are con-
cerned about this life on earth;
life is both wonderful and enjoy-
able. Moral behavior makes for a
better life on earth. The joys of

This I Beliee...
To The Editor:
WOULD LIKE to question Prof.
Slosson's premises in reasoning
toward the conclusion of the im-
mortality of man. Prof. Slosson
writes, "His (man's) personality
which through a long lifetime
(during which every cell of his
body has been repeatedly replac-
ed), seems to be something other
than his body, and not destined
to the same fate. Therefore, I be-
lieve in immortality." Without
questioning the logic sequence It-
self (which is questionable), I
would point out that every body
cell has not been replaced and
particularly no cell of the cerebral
cortex of the brain. We neither
gain nor replace these cells after
their psysiological death.
But more important, although
personality is something other
than body, as Prof. Slosson main-
tains, it is none the less common
knowledge today that personality
is intimately associated with cere-
bral cortical function as evidenced
by the striking personality chang-
es evoked by brain destruction,
even to the point of reducing a
man to a vegetable state. There-
fore, a man's personality must die
with his body, and if Prof. Slos-
son did not mean personality,
what did he mean? Was he afraid
to say soul? I would be too. In
short, I believe it is a mistake to
attempt to rationalize mystic be-
liefs on the basis of our knowledge
of life experience, and since this
is the only knowledge we possess,
I submit that speculation in this
realm is intellectually interesting
but pragmatically futile.
-Henry LeBost
* * .
This I Believe ...
To the Editor:
READ with much pleasure your
This I fBelieve" series. Miss
Polk's discourse on "Strong Faith"
is the kind of writing that does
much toward preservation of the
American ideal of freedom of er-
ligion. When religious convictions
are stated in the first person sin-
gular, with no attempt made to
generalize, then there is no pres-
sure on the reader either to accept
or reject those convictions. I know
of no better way to preserve the
ideal of religious freedom.
-Sherman Poteet
'Thanks' .. .
To the Editor:
THE VARSITY Committee of the
Student Legislature thanks all
those whose support helped to
make "Autumn Nocturne" a suc-
cess. We regret that we were un-
able to accommodate all those who
wished to attend the dance; our
apologies to those whom we had
to turn away, due to the fire regu-
latons at the Intramural Build-
ing. Thanks again to all those who
helped us; we hope you enjoyed
the dance.
-Cris Reifel
Ticket Chairman
Autumn Nocturne
The Great Midwest ...
To the Editor:
thought-provoking book, "Mid-
west at Noon," states: "The mid-
westerner always distrusted intel-
lectually outstanding people, geni-
uses of the mind . . " It is clear
to me, after the Republican vic-
tory, that the Midwest now extends
to the Atlantic ocean, to the Gulf
of Mexico and to the Pacific ocean.
-E. M. Zale



Sixty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of
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Cal Samra-.......... Editorial, Director
Zander Hollander.......Feature Editor
Sid Klaus........Associate City Editor
Hariand Britz,........Associate Editor
Donna Hendieman.....Associate Editor
Ed Whipple. ............. Sports Editor
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