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November 15, 1952 - Image 1

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Latest Deadline in the State

VOL. LXIII, No. 40









Lecture Motion'
With only two dissenting votes the Student Legislature decided
last night to submit to the Regents a Lecture Committee recommenda-
tion which would end "bannings" of speakers.
Instead of the present system of prejudgment of speakers by the
Lecture Committee, the plan would substitute postjudgment of speeches
uider existing 'Regents' criteria on speakers.
IF PASSED, the proposed plan would be on a trial basis with
re-evaluation after two years.








Senior Class
Holds Contest
For U' Seal
The Class of '53 will sponsor an
art contest to select an appropriate
design to replace the seal on the
Diag which was removed this sum-
mer, the Senior's Gift Committee
announced yesterday..
The Seniors decided to- present
a new memorial to the University
after they learned that the old seal
had been torn out and plain side-
walk put in its place.
THE GIFT Committee outlined'
the following rules governing the
1. Contest open to all members of
the Senior Class of '53 who have
paid their dues.
2. The design must keep to
University tradition.
3. The size of paper used in the
contest shall be 12 by 18 inches.
4. All entries must be neat and
5. The size of the memorial
is a maximum dimension of four
feet square.
6. The design must be so worked
out that the memorial may be cast
in either bronze or granite, and
must not be planned so as to ob-
struct traffic.
r 7. The memorial must be in-
scribed with the statement "Pre-
sented by the Class of 1953."
8. The Gift Committee may alter
the design of the memorial with
the approval of the artist.
9. The contest will be supervised
I and judged with the aid of the
faculty, student groups, and the
approval of University officials.
The contest will close December
1, 1952. All contributions should be
submitted to the Senior Class box
at the Student Legislature Bldg.,
it was announced. For further in-
formation call 24624.
1IFC To Hold
The fifth annual fraternity
pledge banquet will be held at 6
p.m. today in the Union ballroom.
The main speaker will be Donn
Miller, '54L, winner of the 1951
Balfour award for the most out-
standing -undergraduate in Sigma
Chi fraternity. Miller, who acted
as toastmaster at the House Pres-
ident's dinner, is a graduate of
Ohio Wesleyan.
Interfraternity Council scholar-
ship chairman, John Baity, '55 will
present the Sigma Chi foundation
scholarship award to the pledge
class with the highest scholastic
Assistant to the Dean of Stu-
dents, Bill Zerman, will be toast-
master at the dinner.
Chambers Stricken
By Heart Attack
BALTIMORE -(P)- Whittaker
Chambers, the man who put the
finger on Alger Hiss, lay seriously
ill of a heart attack in St. Agnes
Hospital yesterday.
The 52-vea.r-nd Chamhers. ad-

The proposal provides that stu-
dent organizattons, fully recog-
nized by the Student Affairs Com-
mittee and not on probation, are
free to sponsor speakers of their
choice, and be granted impartial
permission to use University prop-
erty if the group, prior to sponsor-
ing the speaker, informs the Lec-
ture Committee of the proposed
speech and submits a signed
pledge that the talk will not vio-
late the Regents' criteria.
* * *
THESE priteria as listed in the
motion ask that the speech:
1) Shall be "in spirit and ex-
pression worthy of the University."
2) Shall "serve the education-
al interests of the academic
' 3) Shall not violate the "recog-
nized rules of hospipality"
4) Shall not advocate "the
subversion of the government of
the United States nor of the
5) Shall not "urge the de-
struction or modification of
government by violence or un-
lawful methods."
6) Shall not "advocate or justify
conauct which violates the funda-
mentals of our accepted Coue of
* *, *
Should it be alleged that this
pledge was broken the Lecture
Committee would recommend that
the student Joint Judiciary Coun-
cil hold a hearing and forward
recommendations for disciplinary
action to the Sub-Committee on
Last night's action climaxed
a three-week waiting period dur-
ing which SL's original motion
of last May 21 was studied by a
special re-evaluation committee.
The major change suggested by
the group and approved by the
Legislature was in the pledge that
the sponsoring group would sign
before bringing a speaker here.
Last spring's motion only pro-
vided a pledge that "the speaker
will not advocate violent over-
throw of the government and that
the meeting will be orderly."
* * *
MAIN DEBATE last night cen-
tered on several of these criteria.
At the outset, study committee
chairman Dave Brown, '53, com-
mented that the group had felt
the criteria were worthwhile, but
several-members attacked the cri-
terion that a speaker shall not ad-
vocate "subversion'' on grounds
that this term was too nebulous.
Sondra Diamond, '53, moved
deletion of this provision saying
that it "is the loop-hole in the
motion which will defeat our
Her motion was voted down as
was one by Bob Perry, '53, which
would have deleted all criteria ex-
cept that no speech can be given
"which urges the destruction or
modification of government by
violence or other unlawful meth-
However, members did vote to
eliminate a clause which would
have prohibited speeches which
might serve "the political inter-
ests" of a party or candidate.

Alger Edged;
'Soapy' Near
Moody's Election
Drive Falls Short
DETROrI-(MP-For the second
straight election, Gov. G. Mennen
Williams has ridden out the field
of GOP rivals and come down to
the tape for a photo finish while
Sen. Blair Moody appeared to have
lost by 40,000 votes.
With a handful of scattered out-
state precincts uncounted in the
unofficial tabulation from Tues-
day's election, Williams held a lead
over Republican Fred M. Alger, Jr.
of 3,948.
count in such a finish was widely
accepted. Alger refused to com-
ment till the entire score was
known but he was expected to de-
mand a recount if he trailed at the
end by under 10,000 votes.
Williams race, whether he
winds up behind or ahead, was
amazing in the light of the
light of the smashing state vic-
tory by Dwight D. Eisenhower
and the apparent election of
state Republican ticket by good
Eisenhower captured Michigan's
20 electoral votes with a plurality
well on its way over 325,000 and
which gave indications of reach-
ing 500,000 Votes outstate. He lost
Wayne County by 165,000 votes,
compared to the 167,781 lost by
Thgmas E. Dewey in 1948. Dewey
carried the state by 35,000.
* *, *
THE OTHER star in the Dem-
ocrat's crown, U.S. Senator Blair
Moody fought a dogged uphill bat-
tle in his first appearance before
the voters but appeared to have
peen beaten.
Moody, after an amazing race
for an underdog, was licked by
Cong. Charles E. Potter of Che-
boygan, legless World War II
veteran who left the House to
meet Moody at the polls.
The entire state GOP ticket
seemed to be safe, running more
like Eisenhower than Alger.
The closest was Senator Clar-
ence A. Reid of Detroit, the GOP
nominee for lieutenant governor,
who was heading fromer Lt. Gov.
John W. Connolly of Detroit by
about 55,000 votes with 220 pre-
cincts missing.
-' * *
ATTORNEY General Frank G.
Millard of Flint won reelection on
the GOP ticket with a majority
crowding 255,000 over his towns-
man, Democratic John Damm.
State Republican Chairman
Owen J. Cleary was elected sec-
retary of state over Robert S.
McAllister of Grand Rapids by
about 218,00.
State Treasurer D. Hale Brake
of Stanton won his sixth term by
defeating Democrat William L.
Johnson of Ironwood by 200,000-
Auditor General John B. Martin,
Jr., of Grand Rapids was reelected
with a margin of 120,000 over Rob-
ert J. Baker of Adrian.
The only other Democrat to es-'
cape the Eisenhower landslide was
State Supreme Court Justice
Clark J. Adams of Pontiac, who
ran on a non-partisan ticket for'
the high court.
Proposals No. 1 and No. 3 passed'
and No. 2 was soundly licked.
The unofficial count indicted;
that Michigan cast an unprece-
dented 2,780,000 to 2,800,000 votes.
The old mark was 2,200,000 in








Nine House Places'
Remain Undecided
Republicans Elect 219, Dems 206;
Hold Two Seat Margin in Senate
By The Associated Press
Control of both houses of Congress passed into Republican hands
last night, but by slender majorities which failed to match the electoral
landslide which swept Dwight D. Eisenhower into the White House.
With only nine House contests undecided, the GOP had elected
b19, or one more than the necessary majority of the 435-member
House. Democrats elected 206.




-Frank Barger
CELEBRATING--Michigan students and members of the Fiji Marching band whooped it up late
last night after Gov. Stevenson conceded victory to their favorite, GOP President-elect General
Dwight D. Eisenhower

Proofs .Due
This is absolutely the last day
that Seniors may return their
picture proofs to the Student
Publications Bldg.
After today, ghe Ensian re-
serves the right to select the
print that will appear in the
yearbook. Proofs may be re-
turned from noon until 5:30
p.m. and from 7 p.m. to 8:30
World News
By The Associated Press
MOSCOW - Russia last night
gave notice that she refuses to
recognize as legal a U. S. naval
defensive zone in Korean waters.
She said the U. S. naval order
of Sept. 27 was an extension of a
1950 blockade which violated
freedom of the seas.
The note called the order a "new
aggressive act" and said Russia
put full responsibility for "the
consequences" on the United
States government.
* * *
SEOUL-Allied leaders ordered
courageously charging South Kor-
ean troops to break off their sev-
enth frontal attack on Triangle
Hill during daylight yesterday
and let artillery power take over
the brunt of battle.

Voters Pass Proposals
For County Courthouse

Washtenaw County voters yes-
terday gave the final endorsement
for erection of a new Courthouse
on the site of the present one by
approving two financial measures
for the project.
The bonding proposal, which
calls for. issuance of $3,250,000
worth of bonds to finance con-
struction, squeeked through by a
vote of 16,816 to 13,914.
However, the companion pro-
posal, which raises taxes on Coun-
ty property in order to pay off the
bond issue, passed by a more
healthy 24,160 to 18,917 votes.
* * * '
CONSTRUCTION on the court-
house could begin within six
months, according to architect
R. S. Gerganoff.
Mayor William E. Brown said
he was very happy that the
Courthouse would be erected,
and was glad Ypsilanti support-
ed the proposals as well as they
Election night, he expressed
fears that the proposals would be
defeated by a few hundred votes
has happened in 1950. Early elec-
tion returns seemed to bear out
his worry, but the Ann Arbor vote
was heavy enough to overcome the
Ypsilanti turnout.

Ypsilanti voted against both
proposals in a four to one ratio.
In 1950, however, Ypsilanti turn-
ed in a plurality of nearly nine to
one against similar proposals.
Passage of the proposals marks
the climax of one of the most
heated controversies in the his-
tory of the County.
* * ,
IN THE COUNTY election of
officers, the expected clean sweep
for the GOP became a reality when
the final votes were counted yes-
terday. All candidates swung into
early leads, and the votes contin-
ued to pile up throughout the
The only Democrat who was
successful was Coroner William
H. Dickson, who was unopposed.
Washtenaw County, in tradi-
tional fashion, heavily supported
both State and National GOP
candidates. By a margin of two
to one, the voters approved State
Proposal Three for reapportioning
the Legislature and, in nearly the
same ratio, turned down the CIO
plan for reapportionment.
State Proposal One passed with
only token opposition. The pro-
posal deals with evidence in nar-
cotics trials.

At this point in all-but-com-
plete tabulation of Tuesday's
balloting, Republicans had scor-
ed 23 House gains while the
Democrats had overturned six
Republicans for a net GOP gain
of 17.
The surge of the Eisenhower
sweep carried Republicans to a
hairline edge when Rep. Charles
Potter, legless war veteran, late
yesterday upset Democratic Sen.
Blair" Moody to win Michigan's1
junior Senate seat for the GOP.
Potter's victory gave the Repub-
licans 49 seats if Sen. Morse of
Oregon is counted and left the
Democrats with 47. This exactly
reversed the Democrats 49-47 edge
in the present Congress.
Forty-nine is a bare majority.
But the degree of Republican con-
trol was obscured by the tantaliz-
ing question posed by Oregon's
insurgent Sen. Wayne Morse.
4, * *
MEANWHILE President Tru-
man Wednesday proposed a quick
White House conference with the
man who will take his place-a
meeting to convince the world,
Truman said, "that this nation is
united in its struggle for freedom
and peace."
The outgoing President, hid-
ing any disappointment under
a manner of jauntiness, dis-
closed at a highly informal and
rather sad session with photo-
graphers and onlooking report-
ers that he had telegraphed this
invitation to Gen. Dwight D.
Truman had little more to say
- that the Democrats, though.
they have suffered a crushing
election defeat, will try again an-
other day.
* , *
licans captured at, least four gov-
ernorships from the Democrats in
Tuesday's voting, while holding
onto all of their own.
Of the 30 governors' seats up in
this year's elections, the Republi-
cans elected or re-elected their
men to 19. Democrats succeeded
Democrats in nine other states.
Counting holdovers and Re-
publican Burton M. Cross who
was elected governor of Maine
Sept. 8, the GOP could rely on a
minimum of 29 statehouse foot-
Illinois voters rejected Goy. Ad-
lai Stevenson's candidate to suc-
ceed him in the Springfield capi-
tol. Democrat Lt.-Gov. Sherwood
P. Dixon bowed to William G.
Stratton by more than 200,000
In Ohio, however, Democrat
Gov. Frank J. Lausche took the
measure of Republican Charles
P. Taft, brother of Ohio's senior
senator. It was a fourth term
for Lausche, an independent
Massachusetts' Gov. Paul A.
Dever, keynote speaker at the

many Issues
Face New
ly chosen Congress faces half a
dozen major issues, including a~
thorough revieW of the nation's
machinery for war mobilization.
The next session, beginning Jan.
3, may be stormy and probably
will be of fundamental importance.
IN ADDITION to major interna-
tional and military problems, the
legislators must decide whether to
continue the present high tax rates
and what to do about wage and
price controls.
They probably will consider
changes in the controversial
Taft-Hartley Act. The Senate
may argue about altering its ,.
rules to allow civil rights legis-
Congressional investigations are
likely to be stepped up, with heavy
emphasis on uncovering waste in
military expenditures and explor-
ing Communist activity. A new
probe of tax-free institutions is
expected to begin next year.
* , *
THERE ARE the main issues be-
fore the 83rd Congress:
Military expenditures-the ad-
ministration last March requested
51 billion dollars which was cut to
$46,600,000,000 for one year's re-
armament. Pentagon officials are
talking now of asking between 41
and 46 billion for next year. Con-
gress is expected to contend, as in
the past, that the buildup can be
accomplished more economically.
Two House and two Senate
committees are due to continue
exploring alleged waste and to'
insist on administrative changes.
Foreign assistance-Congress re-
duced President Truman's foreign
aid program for this year from
$7,900,000,000 to $6,031,000,000.
Officials say the new budget will
approximate the 1952 requests.
Taxes-All major tax increases
voted in 1951 to help finance de-
fense will expire by law in 1953
and 1954. These include the boost
of 11 per cent and more in per-
sonal income taxes, now effective
until Dec. 31, 1953. The 83rd Con-
gress must take action if these
increased rates are to remain in
Druids Struke
Deep in Night
DRUIDS, sons of magic
Foretellers of the future
Judges-very knowing, wise-
The fires in the stonehedge
Are set alight
With flames to heaven raised;
Look upon thy awends

Doni Juan' Per formed
On Bare Concert Stage

Political Experts Give Election Views

A stage bare except for a red
carpet, stools, microphones and
script stands was the center of
the undivided attention of a ca-
pacity audience at Hill Auditorium
last night.
The brilliant wit of "Don Juan
in dell" as acted by the famed

man seeking a husband is the most
unscrupulous of all the beasts of
After the performance, . Vin-
cent Price commented that play-
ing without props is "wonder-
ful." "It leaves everything dlean
in a work of brilliance and wit."
Miss Moorehead. removing her

Mixed emotions permeated the
political science department yes-
terday, as University professors re-
acted strongly to the outcome of
the presidential, Congressional,
and Gubernatorial races.
The department had substan-
tially supported the candidacy of
Gov. Adlai Stevenson before the
Nov. 4 ballot had been cast.
* * *
CHAIRMAN of the department,
James K. Pollock, former member
of the Hoover Commission and ad-

and organizing his relations with
the new congress before passing
Gloom ind a feeling of shock
manifested itself in Democratic.
,supporters as the nation wide
GOP sweep became- clearer as
the day progressed.
Prof. N. Marbury Efimenco, ex-
pert on Near Eastern affairs in the
department said he was completely
surprised by the absence of a
strong Northern vote for the form-
er Illinois governor.

powerful in the new congress than
in the last.
Cuts in foreign expenditures, re-
duction of taxes, and a possible re-
alignment of parties were predict-
ed by most of the Democrats.
Prof. Effimenco summed up
the reason for Stevenson's loss
by saying, "It doesn't always pay
to talk sense to the American
people. An intellectual does not
always appeal to the voters."
Prof. Robert E. Ward, Far East-
ern specialist said- that he was

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