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November 05, 1952 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1952-11-05

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.ull Settles

Vigilantes in the Night -The Long Watch

Over Korea
Battle Front
Calm May Stop
'At Any Moment'
SEOUL, Wednesday, Nov. 5-(R)
4--An uneasy calm settled over the
frost-nipped Korean Central and
Eastern Fronts Tuesday.
An Eighth Army headquarters
spokesman reported the Sniper
Ridge and Triangle Hill sector was
the quietest since the Allies
launched their limited offensive 23
days ago.
* s
DESPITE THE lull, renewed
fighting could erupt at any mo-
ment, front dispatches cautioned.
Associated Press Correspond-
ent John Randolph on the Cen-
tral Front said artillery fire
by both Allied and Commun-
ist sides dropped off sharply
after daylight Tuesday and
-:there was no ground contact.
The last fighting of consequence
came early Tuesday when Allied
defenders hurled back 300 Chinese
Communists assaulting Sniper
Ridge in the center and a battalion
of North Koreans who attacked
Heartbreak Ridge in the east.
s * .
pondent William C. Barnard on
the Western Front reported in-
creased interest in the last two
days in the presidential contest
aut "home.
Chilled GIs from seven Amer-
ican divisions and their sup-
porting forces back of the front
lines huddled around portable
radios in bunkers and at head-
quarters sets. A stream of ee-
tion bulletins, beamed by the
armed forces radio, was trans-
mitted as soon as they became
Interest in the election was
sharpened by the prominence of
the Korean War as an issue in the
closing days of the campaign
The lull of the fighting front
also extended to the air war over
Northwest Korea. Sabre Jets, pa-
trolling MIG Alley near the Man-
churian border reported no con-
tact with the Red Air Force.
jets Intercept
Soviet Plane
'TOKYO-(MP-Two U.S. Thun-
derets patrolling Northern Japan
intercepted a fighter with Soviet
markings yesterday and escorted
it eastward to toe Russian boun-
dary, Far East Air Forces head-
quarters announced.
No shots were exchanged.
The incident took place over the
Nemuro Peninsula of Eastern Hok-
kaido Island where an American
B-29 with eight persons aboard
was believed shot down by Rus-
sian fighters Oct. 7.

Early Ike
Lead Cracks
(Continued from Page 1)
Capturing an almost instantan-
eous lead last night Gen. Eisen-
hower rode on to greater and
greater vote margins as the whole
GOP ticket throughout the coun-
try turned up surprising Republi-
can strength.
Long before midnight it became
apparent that the GOP were go-
ing to break the solid South for
the first time since 1928 as first
returns showed commanding Eis-
enhower leads in Virginia and
TEXAS, South Carolina and
Tennessee also swung over to the
Republican column initially al-
though South Carolina eventually
went Democratic.
Then came the New England
sweep with Rhode Island going
GOP for the first time since
1928 and doubtful Connecticut
landsliding to Ike by, huge mar-
One after another the big city
states, classified in the "doubtful"
group for most of the election,
were conceded to the Republicans
or developed strong GOP leads.
* * *
THIS WAS the straw that broke
the Democratic back, for Steven-
son's greatest hope had been to
gain huge city margins in these
states to offset traditionally Re-
publican rural areas.
Added to the victories in New
York, Michigan, Illinois, Califor-
nia and the others was an Eisen-
hower landslide in' Arizona and
Oklahoma, states which had al-
ways gone down the line for Demo-
And it was clear that the GOP
swing might include victory in
boh houses of Congress-an even-
tually that almost no one was
willing to predict prior to the great
Eisenhower triumph.

(o SbortSAoM.


- O

a a f4 a

.-Daily-Larry Wilk
ELABORATE SETUP-Complete with adding machine, score-
board, telephone calls from crucial areas and a direct radio line
to Cook County, Illinois, University students (from left to right)
Roland Trogan, '54SM, Larry Pike, '54, Robert Becker, '55 and
Chuck Richter, Grad., maintain an all night vigil in order to
gather election results.

-Daily-Larry Wilk
TELEVISION COVERAGE-Journalism students collected in the
new journalism department headquarters in Mason Hall to watch
the election coverage on television and as it came in over the
Associated Press wire service.


BritishU.S. Harmony
Pledged by Elizabeth
LONDON-W)--Queen Elizabeth II, glorious in gold and ermine,
met her Parliament for the first time yesterday with a speech from
the throne pledging closer British-American ties and full support of
the United Nations effort in Korea.
The young queen outlined a score of points as the aims of her
Conservative government in foreigand domestic affairs, including
-- - - -- - - - 'TQ 1 6fi i f R ioitc c na

U.S. Orders
South Korean
Army Buildup
TOKYO -tM -The American
commander of the Korean military
advisory group said Wednesday
Washington. had ordered a "sub-
stantial" increase in the size of
the present 10-division South Ko-
rean Army.
BRIG. GEN. Cornelius Ryan
said in a telephone interview from
his Taegu headquarters:
"The exact size of the increase
... is classified information, but
it's going to be substantial,"
The Defense Department con-
firmed last week that it had ap-
proved a recommendation by Gen,
Mark Clark, Far Eastern com-
mander, to increase the Republic
of Korea Army by "several divis-

waenazionanizatioforbritain's steei
and transport industries.
spoke, Prime Minister Churchill
announced he will put a bill to
denationalize transport before the
House of Commons today.
A throne speech opens each
new session of Parliament Ac-
cording to tradition, it reflects
the thinking of the party in
The Laborites, In power from
1945 to 1951, are pledged to try to
keep steel and transport national-
The 26-year-old queen, still un-
crowned, reported a sound eco-
nomic foundation at home, in-
creased cooperation within the
British Commonwealth, strength-
ening of European unity and full
support of the North Atlantic

Proofs Due
'Ensian senior proofs will still
be accepted from noon to 5:30
p.m. and 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. to-
day and tomorrow at the Stu-.
dent Publications Bldg.
After tomorrow the 'Ensian
reserves the right to choose
which proofs will appear in the
End to Edison
Strike. Seen
By Officials
DETROIT-WP)-Possibilities of
settling the 14-day old strike of
4,000 Detroit Edison Co., workers
were seen yesterday by state and
federal mediators.
Talks between company, Union
and mediation representatives re-
cessed for election day after a sev-
en-hour bargaining session Mon-
day night. They will be resumed at
2 p.m. today.I
And though mediators would not
predict a quick ending to the wage
dispute, Chairman GeorgeBowles
of the State Labor Board said,
"This is the first time in weeks
that we see a possible settlement."
In another development, Feder-
al Judge Arthur F. Lederle, on
consent of the CIO-Utility work-
ers unions, postponeduntil Fri-
day hearings on the union peti-
tion for an injunction against a
company-asked strike election un-
der the Bonine-Tripp act.
Plant Design
Meeting Set
Industrial plant design will be
the topic of the Tenth Ann Arbor
Conference, to be sponsored by the
College of Architecture and De-
sign tomorrow and Friday.
Themain portion of the meet-
ing will be devoted to four panel
discussions on plant design, the
architect's response, plant and
community relations and a sum-
mary of the conference.
An informal one hour session
with interested students is planned
for 4 p.m. Friday.

Capture All
Local Posts
(Continued from Page 1)
Although final figures were not
in when The Daily went to press
early this morning, it looked like
a clean sweep for county candi-
dates on the GOP ticket.
Prosecuting attorney Edmond
F. DeVine piled up an early lead
over his Democratic opponent,
Louis C. Andrews, jr. Sheriff
John L. Osborn was returned to
office as were County Clerk Lu-
ella M. Smith and Coroner Ed-
win C. Ganzhorn. Mrs. Smith
was not opposed.
Other GOP candidates placed
in office were Register of. Deeds
Thomas A. Fitzgerald and Drain
Commissioner Murray J. Knowles,
jr. County Treasurer 'William F.
Verner was also elected.
** *
AT THE American Legion Hall,
where most of the Republican can-
didates and supporters were gath-
ered for the all-night stand, in-
cumbent Rep. George Meader
could foreseehvictory by 1 a.m.
today. At that time, the vote
stood 30,831 as compared with
17,358 for his Demicratic opponent,
Prof. John Dawson of the law
Commenting on the election
results shortly after Gov. Adlai
Stevenson conceded, Rep. Mead-
er said, "I think this has been
a milestone in American pro-
gress. The Republican party now
has a terrific responsibility and
challenge ahead of it.
"I believe," he continued, "that
the end result will be to the ad-
vantage of the American people
and the American system of gov-
He declined comment on his own
imminent victory, since "Washte-
naw County always goes Republi-
"The important thing is the na-
tional trend," he maintained.


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Your Picture Proofs
MUST be turned in
before 9:00 P.M., Nov.


Tretycommuity mn
goals of her ministers.
Of Congress
Still in Doubt
(Continued from Page 1)


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Whether or not President-elect
Eisenhower will have a Republican
majority in the House of Represen-
tatives was still very much in doubt
as slow returns came in from the
nation at 3 a.m. today.
Based largely on early returns
from the South, Democrats
chalked up 165 seats in the House
while Republicans were climbing
ahead of last night's reports with
127 seats to their credit.
Democrats won their House
seats in Arkansas, Alabama, Geor-
gia, Louisiana, South Carolina and
Texas. A clean sweep for the par-
ty was recorded in RhodeIsland.
Gubernatorial election results
also trickled in gradually with most
of the nation's 29 governor's posts
at stake in the electipn still in
doubt as of this morning.
Prior to yesterday's election, the
strength of the two major par-
ties in the state capitals was about
equally divided-there were 25 Re-
publican governors in office and 23
Democrats. Fifteen Democratic
and 14 Republican governorships
were at stake in the elections.
In one of the few out-state gu-
bernatorial reports compiled, in-
cumbent Ohio Democrat Frank J.
Lausche led Republican Charles
P. Taft by a 380,827 to 311,711 vote
with more than 2,000 polling
places out of 10,877 recorded.

f -

____SEE SAM____



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