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November 05, 1952 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1952-11-05

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The Importance of Don Juan

(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following article by
Mr. Faber is an exposition of G.,B. Shaw's phi-
losophy in "Don Juan in Hell," which will be
presented today and Thursday by the Oratorical
M IX THE DESIRE for companionship
with sexual attraction, add compatible
economic interests and a little genuine af-
fection, pour in a few similar states, then
obscure the whole with a generous dose of
sentimentalism. And what do you have? I
don't know, but it's usually called love. From
this mess Shaw isolated sexual attraction
and wrote a play about it. Here's why.
In 1809, before the Battle of Waterloo,j
Lamarck, a French soldier turned zoolo-
gist, declared that all species were an illu-
sion produced by the shortness of our
lives-they were in fact constantly chang-
ing and merging into one another. The
determining factor in this evolution was
use or disuse, things changed because
they wanted to, by Will.
Fifty years later Darwin published the
'Origin of Species,' and by the turn of the
century virtually the whole Western world
believed in the hideous callousness of the
survival of the Fittest by Natural Selection.
But not Samuel Butler, nor George Bernard
"lSw. Butler cried in his agony that Dar-
win had banished mind from the universe,
and Shaw wrote 'Man and Superman.'
Neither the neo-Darwinism that develop-
ed, nor Shaw's adaptation of Lamarck were
exactly new. When Aristotle grouped ani-
nials with backbones into blood-relations,
he began the sort of, classification which
Darwin extended to monkeys and men; and
Shaw's ultimate Superman is clearly noth-
ing but a Platonic ideal approached through
a slow process of evolution. Theologically
Lorenz Oken had defined this process long
before as 'the everlasting transmutation of
the Holy Ghost in the world.'
The mechanics of Creative Evolution are
relatively simple. The driving force is the
will-to-live, and to live as Christ put it,
more abundantly. But just as experience
and learning can be transformed into ha-
bit and accomplishment in the individual,
so can the same process occur in the race.
By the 'miracle of recapitulated experi-
ence, the painfully acquired talents of our
predecessors are born in us as easily ac-
cessible potentialities, so that a young Pa-'
ganini could be an expert violinist by the
age of seven, and a young Macaulay had

written a compendium of world history
by the time he was eight. Already the de-
velopments of millions of years are packed
into nine months, and many more devel-
opments may yet be packed into an even
shorter time.
Shaw had a decided opinion as to the
the roles of man and woman in this evolu-
tion. The man's concern is nutrition and the
maintenance of social position, the woman's
concern is propagation. Their religion, their
morality, their principles, their reputation,
their honour and so forth can be relied on
more or less efficiently to advance thesej
Only the genius has a distinctive role.
He is the means by which man in nature
advances towards self-consciousness, so
that the complete superman will be com-
pletely self-conscious. The genius is cer-
tain to find himself in conflict with those
social institutions to whose purposes he
is alien.
Thus it is not so much the vulgar liber-
tine that attracted Shaw to the character
of Don Juan, but the portrait of a man in
battle against existing institutions-a man
following his own instincts without regard
to law, .a Promethean foe of the Gods. And
we admire him for his courage. Already in
Mozart's Don Giovanni he has become the
hero-the active advocate of freedom in love
and morality mocking at our slavery to
them. He is a reformer and, as the genius
must always be, a revolutionary.
Like Chekhov, who also wrote a 'Don
Juan' play, Shaw was sexually timid and
excessively fascinated by the idea of being
pursued by women, even in the interests
of superior eugenics. But in the Don Juan
episode he is solely concerned with sexual
attraction or'the 'Life Force' as the in-
strument of Creative Evolution-not Dar-
win's chance survival through the or-
deals of hunger, death, stupidity, and
delusion, but Lamarck's adaption through
Life, will, aspiration and achievement.
Don Juan is important because John Tan-
ner, of whom he is a facet, speaks more of
Shaw's own passionate opinions than anyj
other character he created. And by those
who are bold and energetic enough to ques-
tion the dogmatic assumptions of their own
beliefs, not all of his paradoxes can be
laughingly discarded.
-Mike Faber

The Van Fleet Letter

WASHINGTON-As the U.S.A. emerges
from the hottest political campaign in
20 years, some people may be rubbing their
heads and wondering whether we can ever
get back to an even keel and pull together
as a united nation.
The answer is that, although feelings
have run high, the current bitterness
hasn't anywhere near approached the
mud-slinging of many other notable
elections. And out of all of these, with
the exception of Lincoln's election, the
nation emerged united and proceeded to
forget the name-calling of the campaign.
Take one of the lesser elections of the
past-the 1880 campaign when James A.
Garfield, Republican, defeated Gen. Win-
field Hancock, Republican. Garfield got
smeared for supposedly receiving a $329
dividend from the ill-fated credit mobilizer,
was accused of stealing bedding from a
southern widow and of refusing to pay a
tailor's bill in Troy, N.Y.
The Democrats even forged Garfield's
name on a letter proposing the immigra-
tion of Chinese to California, while Han-
cock, in turn, was described by the Chi-
cago Tribune as doing nothing "but eat,
drink and enjoy himself sensually."
Garfield and the Republicans won by a
small margin.
* * *
HOTTEST CAMPAIGN of all followed four
years later, by which time the Republi-
cans had been in office 24 years, and the
Democrats put up Grover Cleveland in an
all-out effort to recapture power. The GOP
candidate, James G. Blaine, was immediately
attacked as tainted by corruption and hav-
ing "wallowed in spoils like a rhinoceros in
an African pool."
Specifically the Democrats charged that
he had accepted bribes from the Little
Rock and Ft. Smith railroad in Arkansas,
and they also unearthed a letter to a
business associate, WarrenFisher, which
closed with "kind regards to Mr. Fisher.
Burn this letter."
From this came the Democratic campaign
"Burn this letter, Burn this letter!
Kind regards to Mrs. Fisher."
Also: "Blaine! Blaine! James G. Blaine!
The Con-ti-nen-tal liar from the state of
The Republicans countered with the
charge that Cleveland had carried on illicit
relations with a 36-year-old widow, Maria
Halpin; who bore him an illegitimate child."
Cleveland admitted this, countered by stat-
ing that he had paid for the child's support.
Whereupon the Republicans chanted:
"Ma! Ma! Where's my Pa?
Gone to the White House. Ha! Ha! Ha"
At the height of this mud-slinging which
far surpassed any modern campaign, &
group of clergymen called on Blaine and ac-
cused the Democrats of "Rum, Romanism
and Rebellion." Blaine was immediately
charged with being anti-Catholic; this tip-
ped the scale and cost him the election.
* * *
NEAREST APPROACH to the attitude of
some people toward President Truman
today was during the midterm of Andrew
Johnson, who took office after Lincoln's
assassination. There again, however, the
American public was farmore vindictive,
more intolerant and more bitter than it is
Touring the country during the con-
gressional elections in 1866, Johnson was
called a "traitor," "renegade," "great
apostate." Unlike the children which have
heckled Truman, his crowds meant busi-
ness, and in Indianapolis, Johnson was
driven from the platform by an angry mob
yelling "we want nothing to do with trai-

4ors!" and which tore down his banners
and killed several people.
Hatred of Johnson was at white heat be
cause he, a former Democrat, proposed that
Southern Civil War leaders be forgiven.
Bitterness against Lincoln during his elec-
tion campaign was of course worst of all.
The Charleston, S.C. Mercury described him
as "a horrid looking wretch . . . sooty,
scoundrelly in aspect, a cross between the
nutmeg dealer, the horse swapper and the
night man ... he is a lanksided Yankee of
the uncleanliest visage and of the dirtiest
complexion. Faugh! After him what decent
white man would be President?"
* * *
THOUGH THE Lincoln election touched
off rebellion, some of the other cam-
paigns preceding it hit well below the belt,
especially that between Andrew Jackson and
John Quincy Adams.
One newspaper reported that the issue
was "between the people and the aristo-
cracy," Adams representing New England
and the aristocracy;-Jackson the growing
west and the people. The chief issue
against Adams was corruption. They
charged him with waste, wanton use of
patronage, and even accused him of at-
tempting "to make use of a beautiful girl
to seduce the passions of Emperor Alex-
ander and sway him to political purposes,"
when Adams was in Russia.
The Adams forces countered by calling
Jackson an adulterer, a gambler, a cock-
fighter, a bigamist, a Negro trader, a drunk-
ard, a murderer, a thief, and a liar.

In The Bag

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WASHINGTON - Gen. James A. Van
Fleet's demands for the training and
equipping of more South Koreans were re-
fused by the Pentagon because General Eis-
enhower demanded and got first priority for
the NATO forces which he then commanded.
This statement was made by an author-
itative Pentagon source. The source added
that the NATO program had now advanc-
ed to the point where more South Korean
divisions can be put into service and that
this was being done. It was said that Gen-
eral Ridgway understood the situation
when he commanded in Korea and has
given his assent to the altered plans from
his new post as General Eisenhower's
successor in Europe.
The Pentagon has another point of view
about such developments as the Van Fleet
letter. They think it's bad for them and
for the principle of civilian control of the
defense establishment. Some bitterly assert
the letter was a plant, not the accident of a
wife's desire to help General Eisenhower.
(Mrs. Van Fleet said General Eisenhower
asked her for the letter which her husband
wrote to an associate here and that her
husband "wouldn'tmind being hurt if it
would help" (Eisenhower).)
It so happens that the Secretary of De-
fense, the gifted Robert A. Lovett, and
his deputy secretary, William C. Foster,
formerly with Paul Hoffman in ECA, are
Republicans. The 80 per cent or more of
Democrats who occupy the other top ci-
vilian defense posts have cooperated with
them wholeheartedly in the effort to de-
tach the defense department from the
presidential campaign.
All agreed that, as a minimum standard,

they would not make political speeches.
They decided also to take special pains not
to act or comment in such a way that the
politicians could make use of them.
This effort was very successful. Incidents
occur in every campaign of course but until
the Van Fleet letter, the Pentagon who's
who was rather preening itself on its non-
political record.
General Van Fleet, who commands the
Eighth Army in Korea, has reached re-
tirement status. At his own request he was
not retired but his service of course will
not be indefinitely continued.
It took a long time for the civilian author-
ities, despite intense provocation, to remind
General MacArthur how the American sys-
tem works. Generally speaking, however, he
was a special case and the defense heads
have maintained their control very well. In
the Van Fleet instance they felt mouse-
trapped by the presidential campaign but
they resent it and so do many within the
military itself.
These are unusual times. United States
commanders have never been in quite the
position they are today, where the na-
tion is not quite either at peace or war
and the policy being followed is the sub-
ject of virulent debate between the two
major parties.
It is perhaps not surprising that one of
them at least appears to have succumbed
to the emotional tensions of the extraordi-
nary era in which they must operate. It
will still be calamitous if the Defense De-
partment goes the way of the Truman State
Department and ends up, in any Adminis-
tration, the captive of its critics.
(Copyright, 1952, by the Bell Syndicate)

(Continued from Page 2)
semi-technical sales and also for foreign
COMPANY, of Youngstown, Ohio (Com-
merce or LSA graduates for Semi-Tech-
nical Sales); the YOUNGSTOWN SHEET
AND TUBE COMPANY, of Youngstown,
Ohio (Commerce or LSA for semi-tech-
nical sales). For appointments with the
representative contact the Bureau of
Appointments, Ext. 371.
The Inland Steel Company, of East
Chicago, Indiana, will have a repre-
sentative here on Tues., Nov. 11, in the
morning to interview chemists and ac-
countants, February graduates with a
B.A., M.A., or Ph.D.
Equitable Life Insurance Company of
Iowa is sending an interviewer from De-
troit on Wed., Nov. 12, to speak to men
in Business Administration, LSA, and
other departments. Those interested in
this type of work should arrange for an
Michigan Bell Telephone Company, of
Detroit, will be here on Thurs., and Fri.,
Nov. 13 and 14, to interview February
graduates in LSA for their Management
Training Program.
The Radio Corporation of America,
Camden, New Jersey, will be at the Bu-
reau of Appointments on Thurs., and
Fri., Nov. 13 and 14, to talk to February
and June men interested in their Spe-
cialized Training Program in Accounting
and Sales.
The Campbell Soup Company, of Chi-
cago, Illinois, wil be here on Thurs.,
Nov. 13, in the afternoon, and is inter-
ested in seeing men graduating in Feb-
ruary with a degree in Accounting (for
Accounting and Office Management),
Business Administration or Industrial
Management (for Personnel Administra-
tion), and Chemists.
Western Union Telegraph Company,
from New York City, will have a gentle-
man here on Fri., Nov. 14, in the morn-
ing at the Bureau of Appointments and
is interested in February and June gra-
duates of Industrial Management and
Accounting for their Management
Training Program.
Joseph T. Ryerson and Son, Inc., of
Chicago, will be at the Bureau of Ap-
pointments on Nov. 14 in the afternoon.
They are interested in interviewing Feb-
ruary men in Business Administration,
Economics and Liberal Arts.
For appointments and applications
contact the Bureau of Appointments,
3528 Administration Building, Ext. 371.
Academic Notices
Preliminary Examinations in English:
Applicants for the Ph.D. in English who
expect to take the preliminary examina-
tions this fall are requested to leave
their names with Dr. Ogden, 1634 Ha-
ven Hall. The examinations will be giv-
en as follows: English Literature from
the Beginnings to 1550, Tues., Nov. 18;
English Literature, 1550-1750, Sat., Nov.
22; English Literature, 1750-1950, Tues.,
Nov. 25; and American Literature, Sat.,
Nov. 29. The examinations will be given
in 1402 Mason Hall, from 9 am. to 12
Preliminary Examinations in Lingu-
istics. The next set of preliminary ex-
aminations for the doctorate in lingu-
istics will be given on Fri. and Sat., Nov.
14 and 15. All students who wish to
take one or more of the examinations
are asked to see Professor A. H. Marck-
wardt at his office, 1609 Haven Hall.
Engineering Mechanics Seminar. On
Wed., Nov. 5, Dr. J. Carr will speak on
"The New University of Michigan High
Speed Digital Computing Machine-
Midac" at 3:45 p.m., in 101 West Engi-
neering Building.
Language Examination for the A.M.
in History. The results are now posted
in the History Office.
Seminar in Applied Mathematics will
meet jointly with the Department of
Aeronautical Engineering Seminar on
"The Hydrothermodynamis of Flows in
Channels," Thurs., Nov. 6, 4:15 p.m.,
1042 East Engineering Building
Bacteriology Seminar on Wed., Nov. 5,
at 4:30 p.m., 1520 East Medical Building.
Speakers: Dr. F. G. Novy and Mr. Russell
T. Jordan. Subject: "Recovery and Char-
acteristics of the Novy Rat Virus."
Course 401, the Interdisciplinary Sem-
inar on 'the Application of Mathematics
to the Social Sciences, will meet on
Thurs., Nov. 6, at 4 p.m., in 3409 Mason
Hall. Dr. William Estes of the Psycho-
logy Department, University of Indiana,
will speak on "Development and Test-
ing of a Statistical Theory of Predic-
tion: A Progress Report."
Analytical-Inorganic Seminar. Mr.
Richard E. Anderson will speak on "Nu-
clear and Electronic Closed Shell Ef-
fects," Thurs., Nov. 6, 7:30 p.m., 3003
Chemistry Building.
Seminar on "The Hydrothermodyna-
mic fF lnws in Chann." ,, b K.Phl

ence Building. Dr. Stephen Spurr will
talk on "Recognizing Plant Communi-
ties from the Air."
U. of M. Aviation Club will meet at
7 p.m., 1500 East Engineering Bldg. All
those interested in learning how to fly
and in getting cross-country time at
reduced rates are cordially invited.
Flight instruction will begin this week
end. For any additional information call
Dick Fox, 3-0521, Ext. 310.
The Newman Club is having a coffee
hour from 4 to 5 p.m., at St. Mary's
Chapel. All Catholic students and
friends are invited.
The Hillel Social Committee meets
at 7:30 p.m. at the new building's
Lounge. It is important that all mem-
bers be there.
Congregational-Disciples Guild. Break-
fast meeting to explore the techniques
of meditation, 7 to 8 a.m. Everyone
welcome. Mid-Week Meditation, 5:05
to 5:30 p.m., Douglas Chapel. Supper
discussion on The Mature Mind, 5:45-
7:15. Those who want the discussion
without the food should come at 6:30.
Student Players Alumni. All former
members of Student Players who wish
to usher for "Brigadoon," please call
Joseph Gadon, 3-2583, after 10 p.m. to-
night or Thurs. Ushers needed for any
evening Nov. 12-15.
Faculty Luncheon with President
George N. Shuster, Hunter College, who
will discuss Religion in State Univer-
"Don Juan in Hell," starring Charles
Boyer, vincent Price, Cedric Hardwicke,
and Agnes Moorehead, will be presented
tonight and tomorrow night, 8:30 p.m.
in Hill Auditorium, sponsored by the
University Oratorical Association. Tick-
ets may be purchased today and to-
morrow at the Auditorium box office
which is open from 10 a.m.-8:30 p.m.
Pershing Rifles. Meeting for all Ac-
tives and Pledges, 1925 Hrs., ROTC Rifle
Range. Bring gym shoes.
Intercollegiate Zionist Federation of
America, IZFA, executive meeting at
8:30 at the Hillel Building. Open meet-
The Board of Representatives will
meet at 4:30 p.m. at the League. It is
requested that representatives be there
promptly at 4:30.
Coming Events
The Geological-Mineralogical Journal
Club will present Willard H. Parsons,
lecturing on the Geology of the West-
ern Huron Mountain Area, Michigan,
Thurs., Nov. 6, at 4 p.m., 2054 Natural
Science Building.
Alpha' Phi Omega service fraternity
will hold a pledge meeting at Lane Hall
Fireside Room 7 p.m., Thurs., Nov. C. All
pledges are requested to attend.
Ukrainian Students Club. There will
be a meeting of all Ukrainian students
on Thurs., Nov. 6, at 7 o'clock, at the
Madelon Pound House, 1024 Hill. Guests
are welcome.
Graduate Student Council Meeting
Thurs., Nov. 6, 7:30 p.m., West Confer-
ence Room, Third Floor, Rackhain
History Department Coffee Hour
Thurs., Nov. 6, from 4-5:30. All students
are invited.
La P'tite Causette will meet tomorrow
from 3:30 to 5 p.m. in the North Cafe-
teria of the Michigan Union.
Kappa Phi. Supper meeting Tnurs.,
Nov. 6, at 5:15 for all active members
and pledges. Please wear a light short-
sleeved sweater and bring your knitting
needles for project work.
U. of M. Sailing Club will hold an
important meeting Thurs., Nov. 6, at
7:30 in 311 West Engineering Building.
There will be sailing at Whitmore this
coming week end.
"IT IS A wonderful thing to see
the semblance coherence of
his men's spirits and his; they, by
observing of him, do bear them-
selves like foolish justices; he, by
conversing with them, is turned
into a justice-like servingman ...
It is certain that either wise bear-
ing or ignorant carriage is caught,
as men take diseases, one of
another; therefore let men take
heed of their company."

'Birth of a Nation',.
To the Editor:
AS I RATHER expected, vehe-
ment protest has been made
over the Gothic Film Society's
scheduling of the old silent movie,
"Birth of a Nation." Mr. Sharpe's
letter, I regret to say, no doubt
reflects the feeling of quite a few
Michigan students, and it is in-
deed a sad commentary on the
intellect of a student in an insti-
tution of higher learning.
For one thing, Mr. Sharpe is
apparently ignorant of the history
of the South immediately follow-
ing the Civil War. In the state of
South Carolina, for instance, the
legislature at one time was made
up of almost ninety percent Ne-
gro. If these people were reason-
ably educated, such a situation
would be quite democratic, but al-
most all of them were quite illit-
erate, with no concept of orderly
government. That legislature was
a farce, full of drunk, disorderly
and ignorant representatives of
the people who busied themselves
(when they were not drinking
themselves under their desks or
indulging in fisticuffs)' with such
earth-shaking decisions as pro-
viding themselves with an unlimi-
ted supply of free cigars. When one
protests against illiterates run-
ning his state, if the persons in
question happen to be Negroes,
does this necessarily mean racial
prejudice? One can certainly for-
give the white faction, which was
decidedly a minority group, for
becoming enraged and expressing
their dissatisfaction in the Ku
Klux Klan, which began as a
largely peaceful group designed to
scare the Negro from voting.
Unfortunately, as is the case in
too much of history, we hear more
about the few exceptions than the
rule. True, the Klan later degen-
erated, as many such idealistic
groups do, but the film does not
deal with this phase of history.
Let us remember that the Carpet-
bagger was at this time just as
much of a blight on our history as
the Klansman later became. Re-
member also, the film "Gone with
the Wind" takes much the same
As to the picture itself, it is be-
ing shown for historical purposes,
not for the story involved. By pre-
sent standards, "Birth of a Na-
tion" is laughably inept, but its
importance in the development of
American film art cannot be de-
nied. Surely the Gothic Film So-
ciety has no ulterior motive of
race prejudice in showing this in-
teresting cinematic curio.
In conclusion, let me add that
when 4 person allows his political
prejudices to rule his artistic judg-
ment, his esthetic principles are
worthless. No doubt, if I may read
between the lines of his letter, Mr.
Sharpe does not approve of the
present popularity of Kirsten Flag-
stad in this country and would
have gladly shouldered a picket
sign in front of the Metropolitan
Opera any time she performed.
However, something tells me that
he might not object as strenuously
to the works of Picasso and Rivera,
despite their well-known political
leanings. Am I right?
-William Zakariasen
** *
'Unfair' Press..
To the Editor:
IN AN election year one expects
the overwhelming majority * of
American newspapers to support
vigorously one of the two major
political parties. Needless to say,
it is always the same party which
received this gratuitious support
regardless of candidates, platform,
or past accomplishments. Ever
since I can remember, this country
has had a one-party press. In the

last five elections, the results were
contrary to the desires of a parti-
san press. It would seem that this
fact clearly indicates a marked
difference of opinion between the
press and the majority of voters.
In short, it is obvious that in some
areas, especially some of the large
urban centers, the press neither
recognizes nor respects the politi-
cal opinions of the majority of its
readers. In those areas, it does
not properly represent the people
as a whole. Can such an attitude
on the part of important mediums
of information be termed truly
democratic? In some extreme
cases, such as that of the venerable
"New York Times," the decision to
support the Republican Party was
made even before the campaign
had begun and the attitudes and
opinions of the candidates cotnmu-
nicated to the electorate.
In the case of "The Ann Arbor
News," a single point of view is
presented to its readers during the
entire year by full-time propa-
gandists, such as David Lawrence
and Mark Foote, and, on special

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

to serve the whole community. Is
it in the best American tradition
of fair-play to disregard in this
manner the feelings and oinions
of a minority which some day, if a
miracle should occur in Washte-
naw County, might become a ma-
Antoine J. Jobin
* * *
H.R. Committee.,..
To the Editor:
AT PRESENT the Student Legas
lature has a Human Relations
Committee,dwhose purpose, gener-
ally stated, is to implement
through education and other avail-
able means the improvement of
student life here at Michigan.
However, I believe that our whole
idea of a Human Relations Com-
mittee here at Michigan is wrong,
and perhaps the following will ex-
plain why it is wrong, why I made
a motion in the Legislature ask-
ing for the abolishment of the
Committee, and why subsequently
I withdrew this motion.
The Human Relations Commit-
tee's main objective seems to be
the removal of all bias clauses
through the use of educational
methods. While I agree this is a
good objectice to work for, I do
not believe that with the reputa-
tion and tradition of always having
the more radical elements of the
Student Legislature as its members
that it will ever accomplish any
good in this direction. It is an
admitted fact also that there has
been too much soul searching on
the part of the Committee this
semester and too little action. Per-
haps this lack of action may ao-
count for the reason why half the
committee and its previous chair-
man resigned from Human Rela-
tions work completely disillusioned
as to the effectiveness of the Leg-
If there is a need for any im-
mediate action on a discrimina-
tion issue, the Campus Action
Committee could handle it. If
there were any real far reaching
projects concerned with human
relations, the Culture and Educa-
tion Committee would be best
equipped to solve them. The Leg-
islature needs all the help it can
get, especially from the more ex-
perienced members, and it seems
a waste of personnel to have one
committee sit around and talk
about the wonderful things that
could be done, but which they can
not find any real proposals to im-
Now, why I withdrew my motion
to abolish this Committee. The
Legislature at its Wednesday
meeting passed a proposal stating
that "we accept the National Stu-
dent Association subcommittee on
Human Relations." It is my hope
that from this our Human Rela-
tions Committee will be able to
formulate some ideas as to a few
concrete projects on which to
work. Also, they finally came up
with a specific proposal on dis-
criminatory scholarships here at
Michigan. Even though this was
brought to the attention of the
campus by the Daily editors sev-
eral weeks ago, it is at least en-
couraging that at this late date the
Committee has finally come out
with a recommendation to the Leg-
islature. It is to be hoped that in
the future, if the Human Relations
Committe is continued that it will
come out with proposals which
will be somewhere near the date
at which they are first'brought to
the attention of the campus. May-
be then, there won't be any need
to abolish the Committee.
-Fred Hicks
1Mi4 w u~





At the Or pheum .. .
Richardson and Trevor Howard.
OF THE THREE movie versions of famous
novels in town this week, this one is
certainly the most successful. An excellent
adaptation and an equally good cast combine
to make it a powerful closely-knit film.
The picture's unifying force is the cap-
tain, who, as an embodiment of morality,
delivers justice tempered with mercy.
Ralph Richardson gives the role the
stature and dignity it demands. Stern,
compassionate, he is as compelling to the
audience as he is to the movies, other
charaters. Trevo. Howard. as the out-

that she never talks at all in the movie. One
gets a genuine sense of smoldering emotion-
al fires behind her enigmatic Oriental mask.
Quivering, bombastic Robert Morley is su-
perb as the trading post manager who is
almost destroyed by Howard's viciousness.
The children in this movie are really re-
markable. Mobs of them are continually
underfoot, but their impishness never
seems contrived. The wistful, naked or-
phan who trails Howard about is used to
secure a subtle parallel of Howard's deso-
late loneliness. Morley's daughter, played
by a little girl who actually looks like him,
is sheer delight.
The authentic Malayan setting and careful

Sixty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of
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Student Publications.
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Crawford Young. Managing Editor
Cal Samra........... Editorial Director
Zander Hollander.......Feature Editor
Sid Klaus...........Associate City Editor
Harland Britz........Associate Editor
Donna Hendleman.:.. Associate Editor
Ed Whipple....... ...... Sports Editor
John Jenks ....Associate Sports Editor
Dick Seweli.... Associate Sports Editor
Lorraine Butler....Women's Editor
Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor
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rom Treeger.......irculation Manager

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