TUESDAY,, NOVEMBER 4, 1952, THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE rM TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1952 PAGE FIVE Annual Teas To Be Given By Hatchers Students May Attend First of Year's Series At President's Home President and Mrs. Hatcher will once again open their home to stu- dents from 4 to 6 p.m. tomorrow for the first bi-monthly tea of the semester. Kappa Alpha Theta, Prescott House, Theta Chi and Chicago House will be special guests for the tea. All University students, however, are cordially invited to attend. FRESHMEN ARE given a spe- cial invitation to come and meet Dr. and Mrs. Hatcher and see their home, which has recently been re- decorated. 4The annual tea for freshmen during Orientation Week was unable to be held because of the redecorating. This year the League Social Committee has appointed perpa- nent representatives from every residence on campus to act as hosts and hostesses at the teas. IT IS FELT by members of the committee that this will make for a much1 smoother running system. The president's teas have be- come almost a tradition on the University campus. In 1935; the League Social Committee organ- ized and took charge of the teas.; Since then, the bi-monthly teas have become quite popular with students who wish to meet and talk with the president and his wife. w e.* * * SPECIAL RESIDENCES and groups on campus are usually in- vited to the teas, but they are open to all students and faculty members of the University. The entire Hatcher residence will be open tomorrow afternoon. Students are free to visit any part of the house they wish, with or without the aid of hostesses and hosts. An informal atmosphere will prevail so that every student may feel completely at home. Marilyn Hey is chairman of the League Social Committee this year, and Dick Pinkerton is in charge of the Union tea committee, which provides the male hosts. Junior assistants in charge of the teas include: Tula Diamond, Peg Kennedy, Barbara Matison, and Ann Petrie. Soph Cab There will be a short meeting for all members of the Soph Cab floorshow and all commit- tee members at 7:30 p.m. to- night in the League. Indian Student Holds Six Degrees GRAND SLAM TRY: Union To Continue Social, Competitive Bridge Nights -Daily--Ken Tootell TEA TIME-Student hosts and hostesses, representatives from each campus residence, met recently to make plans for this year's Hatcher teas. These students will be on hand from 4 to 6 p.m. tomorrow at the Hatcher home to welcome guests. These teas will be presented twice a month. Favorite Candidates Backed By Politics-conscious Coeds,, Enjoys Living In America By ROZ SHLIMOVITZ Recordholder of college degrees -this distinction could possibly go to Miss Jer Dosabhai DaBoo of Bombay, India who is new resi- dent assistant and night chaperone of Helen Newberry Residence. While the alerage student is satisfied with a bachelor's degree, Miss DaBoo already has 2 bache- lor degrees, 2 master degrees, a Ph.D., and has completed her the- sis for a Ll.D. at the University of Bombay. * * * AT THE University she is study- ing for the degree of Doctor of Education, with vocational guid- ance and juvenile delinquency as her special fields of interest. With such a rich background of learniig, it's no surprise to the majority of people that Miss DaBoo now holds the Barbour Levi Scholarship given by the University. She also holds the Fulbright Scholarship from the United States Government and the Tata Award, sponsored by Asia's biggest iron and steel firm. * * * MANY SURPRISES greeted the student on her arrival to Ann Ar- bor. Here Miss DaBoo experienced her first taste of chilly weather, since Bombay has only two sea- sons, one hot, when the temper- ature fluctuates between 95 and 110 degrees and the other'rainy. Now she anxiously waits to see snow for the first time in her life. IT IS THESE white flakes and winter's low temperatures that prompted her to buy her first coat and sweater a few weeks ago. Another surprise came the first week of school when the night chaperone was "just amaz- lieve in good thoughts, good words and good deeds. To show how highly the peo- ple think of the Parsi's, the In- dians say "Parsi, thy name is charity." These people, who all wear the traditional shirt and sacred girdle, worship in fire temples. As fire is a sacred element, the orthodox Parsi's don't smoke. * * * ONE PROBLEM that feces the new resident assistant is the food situation. She is a vegetarian and has never tasted meat or chicken. Miss DoBoo exclaimed, "I do not like the idea that animals should be killed so that I should be fed." However, other mem- bers of Miss DaBoo's family eat meat every day. Miss DaBoo feels that Commun- ism *is gaining ground in India and is especially popular with stu- dents at the University of India. Before coming to this country the American Consulate investi- gated to ensure that she had no sympathies with the Communist party. Realizing the low status of her country's women, Miss DaBoo hopes to find time to speak before various women's clubs in the area for the purpose of sending aid to India. Speech Pledges Zeta Phi Eta, National Pro- fessional Speech Fraternity for women, pledged the following new members on Saturday, Nov. 1. They are Patricia Texter, Joan Heiderer, Carol Cregbaum, Marilyn McWood, Sue Spurrier, Melba Abril-Lemarque, Vonda Genda, Diane Halbrook, Bever- ly Arment, Sylvia Coplow, Jac- queline Shiff, Margaret Pays- ner, Gwen Arner, Mary Ann Al- exander and Barbara Carse. Daily Classifieds Bring Quick Results With more than 50 students par- ticipating in last week's bridge night, 40 of them men, League and Union officials hope more coeds will reveal their plating skill from 8 to 10 p.m. tomorrow night at the third floor of the Union. Marilyn Hey and Art Bublitz, so- cial chairmen of these groups, in- vite all students to come either stag or with a date to take part in an evening of friendly competition. Players will again be divided in- to two groups with those mainly interested in meeting new people and playing socially in the first group and the real bridge fans participating in a duplicate bridge tournament in the second section. Last week popular records were awarded to the winners of the du- plicate tournament and the team with the highest rubber score in the social group. Four fellows will be on hand to help inexperienced players bid dif- ficult hands. Because of the many enthusias- tic bridge fans on campus the Un- ion and League hope to initiate house and group competition, with the mens' groups challenging the women. This plan, which calls for each resident house to have'a team of four players, is still in the plan- ning stage. Letters explaining the system will be sent to all house groups for their approval. A great deal of the bridge en- thusiasm here can be attributed to the weekly bridge classes sponsor- ed by the League, which for the last three years have been taught by Ed Simmons. These classes offer beginners an opportunity to learn the funda- mentals of the game by first lis- tening to detailed instructions and then putting the rules into opera- tion by playing. Bridge Lessons Another in a series of weekly bridge lessons will' be held to- night with beginners meeting from 7 to 8:30 p.m. in the Lea- -gue and the more advanced players meeting immediately after them. Evidences of political conflicts that have been mounting since the Republican convention last summer and will climax at the polls today have been very visible on the campus recently. During the past six months hot- ly contested arguments by both Ike and Adlai supporters have rocked tle nation so that even the most neutral citizen will demand his rights on this election day. Coeds on campus 'who have reached the voting age of 21 years conscientiously mailed absentee ballots last week to exercise their rights as citizens for the first time. ever, that they exercised their own ideas when marking the ballots. "I wouldn't think of asking my date for his political opinions," one indignant coed retorted. The series of local bond issues also was the source of much con- fusion to many voters. With over 40 bond proposals up for public consideration confronting one co ed, the student sought the advice of her parents. By air mail came the reply in three words, "Vote for sewers." She got the picture. JER DA BOO * * * ed" at the American dating cos- toms. As she explained, "In India girls can't go out after eight o'clock with men they don't know well, and after 9 o'clock it just is not allowed." SIMILAR to the old European custom, marriages in India are usually arranged by both sets of parents before their children are 18 years old. Miss DaBoo believes Ann Ar- bor is an ideal place because of the kind, helpful and obliging people. In this way, she feels that Amer- icans mostly resemble Parsi's, the faith which she follows. PARSI'S BELIEVE in the Zor- oastrien religion, one of the oldest religions in the world, founded by the Prophet Zoroaster. They be- ONLY 43 SHOPPING DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS It is time now to place orders for Crested and engraved gifts. Christmas deliveries guaranteed on merchandise ordered now. Compacts...... . . . ... Cigarette Lighters...... Evening Bags ......... CigaretteCases ....... Rings ........ . .. .. . .. Necklaces........ . .. . Stationery............ Party Napkins, Favors.. Personalized Gifts of all types. Shop early and avoid late delivery disappointments. "Home of the Official Michigan Ring" L. G. Balfour Company ... 1321 South University b.71 I I IL make your own beautiful handbag for only $6.50* with the s WIPPIT-BAG KIT Worth $13.00* if you bought it factory- finished . . . yet you can hand-make it in less than 2 hours with no tools ..,. even if you've never done handcrafts beforel * kit includes feather faces with metal tips, leather parts with metal parts at- tached, simple instructions - makes 10" bag with adjustable shoulder-strap - soft giant calfskin in tan, brown, gold, red, navy, black, beige . perfect with tweeds, for spectator sports; for gifts, too! *plus 20% Federal Excise Tax ,,: , ";. ra: - -> 5.<: '': Kg6R a:::" .{:ti::c Vii::::. ".; .:.;, ... .; tn -m o s; vcc:; ;r:, -.... ;, ;;.' ;: " IA-v &-er ;4-a P ( .-42 arti va I a.,i t I (®i I1 we nave %,amDTIOge STICK- I