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November 04, 1952 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1952-11-04

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* i



Defense of a'Warmonger'
. Or, He Didn't Really Kill the President

(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is a con-
densed transcript of remarks Friday by the
Honorable Charles A. Sprague, Alternate United
States Representative, in Committee Three on
the Convention on the Right of Correction,
including a defense of The Daily in regard to
Communist charges of "warmongering."
Mr. Chairman:
HAVE LISTENED to the persuasive ap-
peals of the sponsors of this resolution
and I have a very high respect for them and
for their sincere interest in this proposal.
So it is with some reluctance that the dele-
gation of the United States takes a position
contrary to the view which they espouse.
I want, first, to make plain that the
United States Delegation is in full sym-
pathy with the desire for the promulgation
of truth and the correction of error. The
Delegation of the United States has been
impressed with the feeling which is manl-
'est among many countries that the press
of the larger powers, and among them
would be included the press of the United
States, ferquently commit errors of fact
or errors of interpretation with respect to
conditions in their own countries, and that
the' feel helpless when it comes to ob-
taining a redress, and therefore that this
right of correction would be a very valu-
able thing for them. However, sympathy
* with them in their situation does not con-
vince mie and the Delegation of the Uni-
ted States that this is a very practical way
to obtain correction. For, as certain of the
Delegations have emphasized, this invokes
governments in what is or ought to be
primarily a professional obligation and
You are aware of the history of the two
conventions on Gathering and Transmission
of News and the Right of Correction. They
were separately conceived at the Geneva
Conference of 1948, but were joined in the
period of gestation at the Third General As-
sembly. They were born as Satmese twins
and now a surgerey is proposed. Medical
history shows that separation of Siamese
twins is usually fatal and my delegation very
much fears that such would be the result
in this case.
Moreover, the proposal attempts to sus-
tain the life of the weaker member of the
pair. It seems to the Delegation of the Uni-
ted States more logical if severance is desir-
ed to advance the first convention, as was
proposed by the distinguished Delegate of
China. As he remarked, that is affirmative,
that is designed to facilitate the collection
and transmission of news. Moreover, as the
principle of rights of correspondents for
travel, reporting, and use of facilities is es-
tablished, there should be far greater accur-
acy in reporting and hence less need of the
right of correction.
'here are so very pratical difficulties in
carrying out this convention, as the dis-
tinguished Delegate of Canada has already
noted. Within a domestic jurisdiction, there
are laws and courts to police the press and
punish libel and slander. No such agency is
contemplated in this proposal. Governments
become involved and any government is giv-
en unlimited right to initiate the correction.
The other government, which may have had
no responsibility for the reporting of its
nationals, thus is made a messenger boy. Its
burdens are increased and there is no as-
surance that the publication will pay any
attention to the demand for correction.
There is no determination that the original
article is in truth false, and of course there
are no sanctions.
One can see the dawn of a new paper
age with a huge volume of correspondence
to correct every sort of .mistake in a for-
eign publication, even to correcting an Ann

Arbor daily that moved Minsk to salt
water. Parenthetically, I should like to ad-
vise the distinguished delegate from Byelo-
russia not to be greatly disturbed over such
errors. In my own state of Oregon, we are
constantly having to stand guard because
writers in American newspapers and maga-
zines occasionaly rob us of our own lovely
Crater Lake and give it to the neighboring
state of California. Or, they move the
mouth of the mighty Columbia River to
have it empty into Puget Sound up in the
State of Washington, some 200 miles away.
Errors, to be sure, but they do not change
Now, I should like to continue with a ref-
erence to that particular error, which was
contained in "The Michigan Daily," as re-
ferred to by the distinguished Delegate of
Byelorussia. It was disturbing to the Dele-
gation of the United States to learn that this
daily, which is in face related to the great
University of Michigan, would be so ignorant
as to put Minsk on salt water, or where it
might have access by a navigable stream to
salt water.
Accordingly, the Delegation of the Uni-
ted States contacted that publication and
received the following information. A sa-
tirical editorial containing references to
a submarine base in Minsk was carried in
the Michigan Daily on January 15, 1952.
It was entitled "I Killed the President,"
and was intended as a take-off or a satir-
ical rejoinder to the Collier's article on "I
Killed Stalin." The hope was to take off
what was reputed to be warmongering on
the part of Collier's. The editors felt,
however, that the editorial was not fully
understood and an explanation was print-
ed in the succeeding issue of January 16,
The city editor explains that the submar-
ine base at Minsk was inserted in the .edi-
torial purposely to add to the ridicule in-
tended by the satire, and with the know-
ledge that there could be no such base in
Minsk. Alas, it appears that even our at-
tempts at satire, inorder to confute and con-
found those who may be accused of war-
mongering, are misunderstood.
But in that instance, note the nachin-
ery that might be invoked by using the
right of correction. The organs of Byelo-
russia would institute correspondence with
the United States Government to make
sure that this was corrected, that Minsk
was not on salt water, and that communi-
cation would go to the "Michigan Daily"
and would have to be processed there. You
see, this adds greatly to the volume of
work on the part of governments without
the slightest indication that it would have
any favorable consideration on the part
of The Daily, or the paper, which commit-
ted the error.
It is a further matter of concern to my
government that the one-sidedness of the
right of correction articles may lead to their
abuse as an instrument of propaganda.
To summarize, if the present convention
is to be divided, the part that might well be
advanced would be the one on the gathering
and transmission of news, which is a posi-
tive step toward the free flow of truthful in-
formation. Second, submitting the conven-
tion separately will result in. only partial
acceptance of the two, with its ensuing con-
flicts. Third, the right of correction offers
little prospect of achieving its objective. It
would result in friction and impose unneces-
sary burdens on governments, and invite
abuse by propaganda organs of governments.
Fourth, our reliance should continue to be
on building professional integrity to seek,
report and print the truth.

GARGOYLE, etc., etc.
GARG, if you want my opinion, is getting
sneaky. Like all people, he has his ups
and downs and we don't hate him for it.
But up until he got himself involved in poli-
tics, most of us did not suspect what a two-
faced person he is. Nw, however, we have
documentary proof. Crag is a secret con-
Let me expose, point by point, Garg's piti-
ful masquerade, his eager drive toward re-
spectability. It is a sad record.
First: Garg's cover this month. Few
can deny it is a shocking representation of
impartiality. Done in royal blue, it pays
hidden homage to imperialistic alle-
giances. In satirizing not only the Prohi-
bition and Vegetarian, but also the Blanket
Party, it displays a blatant disrespect for
progressive American ideals.
Second: it art. On the surface, the conti-
butions of Mr. Stu Ross, Mr. L. H. Scott, and
others appear as free and undisciplined as
always. However, one cannot help but notice
the names of certain commercial establish-
ments reappearing between and beneath
their superficially carefree representations.
One can only suspect the apparent confu-
sion of make-up to be deliberate deception,
calculated to draw attention from what must
be recognized as the names of-merchants.
Third: the editorial content. And perhaps
the most serious indictment, though some-
thing I have long suspected-the jokes are
Among the least deceptive of these works
was a drab playlet entitled "Birth of a Baby"
or "All the King's Kong." This depicts,
quite frankly, a Fascist putsch led by one
"Son," evidently some kind of Oriental.
A rather involved treatise called "Malice
in Blunderland" is the key piece in the issue,
and is disgustingly restrained, even for Garg.
It is, in a word, dignified, and in its course re-
fers, not unfavorably, to eminent American
conservatives. Also, regrettably, it has,,
what has been called, "class." I hardly need
to point out the original was the favorite
work of that friend to the Czars, Victoria of
The remainder of the issue was fraught
with reactionary pap. "I was a Red Cell"
is of a quality that ten years ago would
have been unpalatable to the masses. One
senses that he has read it before. The
pernicious fable "Dunderhead, Son of
Snicker" by Joseph and Stewart Aesop
gives thinly-veiled publicity to the Re-
publican Presidential candidate.
On this day of decision, I call on Garg to
consider the effect on the proletariate of ar-
ticles like "Take Your Ballot Box and Stuff
It." I call on Garg to pull its head out of the
sand. "Oy vay" is passe. "Wuzzle wuzzle goo"
is for Calvin Coolidge. Be forward-looking,
Garg; find new horizons, seek brighter vistas.
Repent. The only thing you have to lose is
your Joe Miller.
-Bill Wiegand
Merr y-Go-Round
WASHINGTON - As one of the hottest
presidential campaigns in years comes
to a close, here is the confidential survey
prepared for General Eisenhower, Governor
Dewey, and the top echelon of the Republi-
can Party. It shows the Republicans confi-
dent of winning 213 "certain" electoral votes,
plus 128 "probable" votes, or a total of 341.
It requires 266 to win.
The GOP survey puts the two key states
of New York and California in the "prob-
able" column, though the Democrats claim
they will carry both. Illinois, Stevenson's

home state, is placed in the "certain" GOP
column, while Massachusetts is placed in
the "possible" column.
Texas, on the other hand, where Ike<
spent so much time and effort, is conceded
to the Democrats. Michigan, though con-
sidered "probable," is listed as "slipped
during past week," while Minnesota, also
listed as "probable," carries the notation
"removed from sure column because of
effectiveness of Democratic speaking cam-
paigns in Minnesota." Truman, Kefauver
and Sparkman; besides Stevenson, have
toured Minnesota recently.
New York is tabbed: "Expect to win if up-
state organizations get the vote out."
HERE IS THE breakdown state-by-state:
Alabama 11 electoral votes; Arkansas 8;
Georgia 12; Kentucky 10; Louisiana 10;
Mississippi 8; North Carolina 14; Okla-
homa 8; Rhode Island 4; South Carolina
8; Texas 24; West Virginia 8; total 125.
Colorado 6; Connecticut 8; Delaware 3; Ida-
ho 4; Illinois 27; Indiana 13; Iowa 10; Kan-
sas 8; Maine 5; Maryland 9; Nebraska 6;
New Hampshire 4; New Jersey 16; North
Dakota 4; Ohio 25; Oregon 6; Pennsylvania
32; South Dakota 4; Utah 4; Vermont 3;
Wisconsin 12; Wyoming 3; total 212.
--California 32; Michigan 20; Minnesota
11; Missouri 13; Montana 4; Nevada 3;
New York 45; total 128.u

- - ECErCC P to 11w Ieilor

Luce's View ...
To the Editor:
NOT ONLY for the Young Re-
publicans, but for all the
American people, the Number One
issue in this election is peace in
Korea. But coming from the back-
ers of the party of Dulles, a chief
engineer of the bipartisan war pol-
icy; McArthur, who would extend
the war to Manchuria and China;
the Old Guard in the Senate who
supported our armed intervention
in Korea and Formosa and clam-
ored for more; and Eisenhower,
promising to "liberate" Eastern
Europe by military force, the YR's
ad in Saturday's paper leave a
foul taste in the mouth.
When Truman ordered Ameri-
can troops into Korea, there was
only one voice raised in Congress
against that unconstitutional act.
It was the voice of Congressman
Vito Marcantonio (American La-
bor Party, N.Y.) The Republicans
who now, at election time, cry
about "Truman's war," were then
silent. Nay, they applauded this
new show of "toughness." Republi-
cans and Democrats alike share
the burden of a bipartisan foreign
policy that has led the nation to
the brink of disaster.
The Progressive Party from the
first opposed the waging of an un-
declared war in Korea. We said
then, that it would not do the
American people any good, and we
have been proven correct; we said
that it would not do the Koreans
any good either, and the ravaged
Korea of today-one third of her
population annihilated - is un-
happy evidence for that. Today
theProgressive Party is campaign-
ing on a platform with "Cease Fire
in Korea" at the top of the list,
and is the only party on the bal-
lot demanding peace instead of
"total diplomacy."~
As the Progressive candidate for
Congress in this district, I point
out that Messrs. Dawson and
Meader both nt only favor the
bipartisan war program, but
would (if they had their way) si-
lence and stifle all opposition to
this program by governmental
suppression-the Smith Act, the
McCarran Act, Michigan's Trucks
Bill, were all intended for that ul-
timate purpose. Clearly, a Progres-
sive vote is the only vote marked
unmistakeably for peace and for
civil rights.
-David R. Luce
. * * :
An Open Letter .. .
To the Editor:
THIS IS AN open letter to Gen-
~eral isenhower:
You charge in your recent cam-
paign statements that the "war,,
in Korea is the result of Adminis-
tration blunders and you promise
that, if elected, you will seek forth-
with to correct said blunders by
going in person to the scene of ao
tion. This approach, it seems to
me, completely misses the point
involved in the Korean conflict.
It is really not an action on the
part of the United States, as you
imply; it is basically an enforce-
ment of the United Nations Cove-
nant which pledges the commit-
ted nations to oppose unprovoked
aggression-by force if necessary.
It is the first time in the annals of
history that an international or-
ganization has with force of arms
confronted an international crim-
inal and commanded him to halt.
Within each nation, each city, the
world over, humanity has long
since provided a police force as a
protection against the local crim-
inal. Countless thousands of moth-,
ers have sacrificed, are sacrificing,
their sons in this "war" against
crime-a war that never ends.
We are now on the threshold of
creating a police force on the in-
ternational level-on which level
we have until now (Korea) still
been living in utter savagery. Un-

til Korea the Neanderthal nations
(excepting none), each, with club
in hand, could-upon due regard
for the toes of rival savages-roam,
about with impunity seeking whom
the might destroy or enslave.
There was no one, there was no
law, to say them nay-until Ko-
rea. ,
The "war" in Korea, from my
viewpoint, is an international po-
lice action-the first of its kind.
But you may be sure, my dear gen-
eral, that it will not be the last--
whether you are elected or not,
(Continued from Page 2)
Wed., Nov. 5, at 7:30 p.m. at the new
building's Lounge. It is important that
all members be there.
The Newman Club is having a coffee
hour Wed., 4 to 5 p.m., at St. Mary's
Chapel. All Catholic students and

Weather Clear, Track Muddy

whether you go to Korea or not.
Humanity's mothers, and wives,
and sweethearts will continue to
give up their loved ones in this
critical battle for protection
against humanity's criminals-lo-
cal or international. There is, as
I see it, nothing else we can do.
-Arthur Witting
* * *
3rd Mistake .,..
To the Editor:
I WAS more than a little surprised
while reading The Daily for
Oct. 30 that one James McInerney
was included in a list of those stu-
dents supporting Gov. Adlai Ste-
venson for President. After check-
ing the student directory I'find
that I am the only student by the
name of James McInerney.
I was not aware that casting
one's vote for Gen. Eisenhower
made him a Stevenson support-
er. I don't know how my name
came to be connected with this
advertisement, but I should like
to ask Mr. Al Blumrosen and/or
Mr. Al Lowenstein; perhaps they
can render some light on the sub-
ject. The names of those two gen-
tlemen were mentioned in some
sort of appeal for student contri-
butions to the Stevenson campaign
fund, which appeal appeared at
the bottom of the page, below the
afore -mentioned advertisement.
Of course it is conceivable that
they are in the same fog in which
I find myself; in that case perhaps
those on The Daily who are re-
sponsible for that advertisement's
being published can render some
At any rate, there is one thing
above all else that I wish to make
clear: I do not intend to have my
name associated in any way with
that of Gov. Stevenson or of the
Democratic Party.
James L. McInerney, '54 BAd.
* * *
To the Editor:
S'TUDENTS for Stevenson hereby
apologize for erroneously in-
cluding the names of Mr. Harold
A. Holt, Mr. William G. Hampton
and Mr. James L. McInerney in
their Stevenson ad. The method
of getting the names was to circu-
late on campus about thirty copies
of the endorsement. In an opera-
tion of that size it is almost in-
evitable that someone will sign a
false name. We hope and believe
that the practice was kept to a
minimum, but it is probable that
Mr. Holt's and Mr. McInerney's
names appeared for this reason.
We will retain the original signa-
tures for a few weeks for anyone
to examine.
To facilitate arranging the
names in order and avoiding spell-
ing errors, the names were checked
off in a student directory (itself
subject to error) and then typed
from the directory. A reexamina-
tion of the directory shows no
mark beside William G. Hampton,
but there is one beside the adja-
cent name of Victor H. Hampton.
We therefore also apologize to Mr.
Victor H. Hampton for not includ-
ing his name and to all whose
names were not included because
of illegibility.
Mr. Holt wonders how many
"other unfortunate students" were
misquoted. The answer is as few
Tas human limitations permitted. It
t is a deplorable commentary on Mr.
Holt that he attacks our integrity
by not admitting the possibility of
an honest mistake and stating
that the error was willful. That

Voss' editorial of October 30 ("The
Fallacious Propagandist") in
which she depicted Senator Mc-
Carthy as a liar.
The Daily has repe ate dly
smeared Joseph McCarthy without
ever offering the slightest shred of
evidence to refute what he has
said, and to point out specifically
where Senator McCarthy has lied.
I have yet to find a single per-
son who will deny the connection
of John Stewart Service with sub-
versive activities (see the Amer-
asia case); or who will attempt to
refute the volumes of evidence
which have been submitted on
Owen Lattimore to prove that he
"has been a conscious, articulate
instrument of Soviet imperialism."
The fact remains that when all
the smears have been flung
against McCarthy's reputation
that these specific charges still
stand undenied.
If people would spend as much
time cleaning up Communism in
our government as they spend
baiting McCarthy, things in this
country would improve.,
-William G. Halby
*, *
'New Principle'.. .
To the Editor:
ON SUNDAY morning, Novem-
ber 2nd, at 10:15 a.m., it was
my good fortune to happen to
hear Professor James K. Pollock,
Chairman of the Department of
Political Science, make a fifteen
minute speech over WJR in favor
of the election of General Eisen-
hower on Tuesday.
Mr. Pollock proceeded to give
several spicfic reasons for voting
for-Eisenhower. One of these was
presented in the following man-
ner: he placed on the record his
conviction that it is important
that we have a two-party system
in this country, a conviction with
which few will quarrel. Then Mr
Pollock said that as a consequence
of being out of power on the Na-
tional scene, the Republican par-
ty has "become divided and irres
ponsible and if not elected to pow
er this year it will fall into the
hands of the most reckless and
dangerous elements."
Therefore (I paraphrase) w
must elect Eisenhower to the Pres-
Let me make the point that thi
reason was presented along witi
several others which were spe-
cific to this time. I do not want t
convey the false impression tha
this was Mr. Pollock's sole reaso
for urging Eisenhower's election
but it seems to me that this state
ment must be taken in deadly se
riousness, especially in view of thi
Mr. Pollock does make quite a
admission for an Eisenhower.sup
porter, to wit: that the Republi
can party has become irrespons
ible. Unmentioned is the unfortu
nate fact that the General ha
undertaken to support unequivo
cally the most irresponsible ele
ments in the Republican party.
More important is the new prin
ciple of politics which seems to b
inherent here, let us call it th
principle of therapeutic election
if, because it has been long out o
power, a party (quite naturally an
justifiably!) becomes divided an
irresponsible, then give it responsi
bility. Elect it to power. This prin
ciple, heretofore applied primaril
in the area of child-rearing,M
something new in politics. M.
Pollock is to be acclaimed for hi
-Robert J. Wolfson
. *

time we know that there are no
limits to the demagogic smears,
lies, and innuendo of this megal-
omaniacal rabble-rouser."
Apparently Mr. Wheeler is ac-
cusing Senator McCarthy of smear
tactics, but it looks to me like Mr.
Wheeler is engaging in a little mud
slinging himself. But after all he
is a Democrat and a liberal so
that, as Mr. Harriman said in his
speech here, "he is only pouring
it on."
--Ronald E. Seavo
'Treason!' . ..
To the Editor:
THE Republicans have been de-
nounced a hundred times in
the last month for "playing poli-
tics with lives" by injecting the
Korean war into the campaign
when it should remain in the
realm of bipartisanship. If it is
partisanship to plead for an end
to idiocy and treason-if it is not
already too late-then it is long
In the year before the end of
the War, the Russian Far Eastern
armies received over a billion dol-
lars in American arms and sup-
plies. Late in 1945 all our forces
and missions in China were re-
moved. An embargo was placed on
all aid to Nationalist China at
the very time Russia was giving
Mao's Communists the two billion
dollar stockpile of war materiel
in Manchuria. We assumed a neu-
tral position as between Chaing
and Mao, which was disastrous
during 1946, when Chaing could
have crushed the Communists en-
tirely, and set the stage for all
which has followed. The Wede-
meyer report of late 1947 was han-
dled as follows: In a letter to Tru-
man-Gen. Marshall said, "I think
this should be supressed." Truman
noted in the margin, "I agree.
Time after time in the two years
following the Wedemeyer report,
the U.S. could lave stopped Mao
by firm stand, but instead re-
buffed Chaing at every turn.
How could such a series of blun-
ders have taken place? I think it
is because for the last seven years
there has been a deliberate, cal-
culated program carried on not
only to protect but to advance pro-
Communists in the State Departl
ment. Acheson has surrounded
himself largely with dolts and trai-
tors who have, if results are to be
the test, far outnumbered the men
who have striven to reverse our
foreign policy.
For seven years men. of recog-
nized wisdom and judgment have
fallen as they criticized Acheson's
policies until now the traitors,
their dupes and allies are fright-
eningly well entrenched in Wash-
ington. All'this has gone on under
the nose of a President who, for
> whatever reason, has been blind
to the catastrophe in the making.
Stevenson is in a different ethi-
cal league from Truman, but he
has been strangely silent on Ache-
son and his policies; moreover
" there is a limit to what one man
-however diligent, intrepid and
untiring-can do to unseat his own
party's administrative machine
after a twenty-year reign. Perhaps
not even Eisenhower can accom-
plish the enormous job ahead; bt
what little hope I still have for
our chances to avert the War To
End Civilization I place in him.
George Broderick, '50
"THIS MAKING of Christiana
will raise the price of hogs;
if we grow all to be pork eaters we
shall not shortly have a rasher on
the coals for money."
-Launcelot Gobbo in
"The Merchant of Venice"


Greer A ltruism

APPROXIMATELY 200 fraternity pledges
and 60 sorority pledges gave the Uni-
versity Fresh Air Camp a sparkling new
paint job last weekend. Under the able di-
rection of the Inter-fraternity Council and
with the full cooperation of the University,
this useful project was performed without
the foul-ups that might have been expected
in such a large-scale undertaking.
Carried out through the machinery of
the newly-formed junior IFC, the job of
painting the ten frame cabins that house
the camp's children during the summer
was even finished a day ahead of sche-
Most of the credit, however, probably
should go to the, fraternities themselves.
Apparently some fraternity men on this

campus are beginning to realize that there
can be little to justify the existence of a fra-
ternity system that considers itself separate
and above the rest of the University com-
It is to be hoped that the "Help Week"
idea (which has been carried out by some
individual houses) will eventually become as
firm a tradition among Greeks as their in-
ane pledge "pranks" have been in the past.
To accomplish this, however, it will be neces-
sary to carry out more projects of the Fresh
Air Camp nature. This will enable new pledge
classes to gradually accept the theory of
useful community work as an integral part
of fraternity life.
-Mike Wolff

Fc uRRFab.E


ff iirlPuniu

At the Michigan ...
IVANHOE, with Iobert and Elizabeth
Taylor and George Sanders.
FOR SOME obscure reason this is a very
enoyable film. The story is by no means
a new one for the movies; Richard the Lion-
Hearted seems to be one of the favorite
topics of current scenario writers. Sir Walter
Scott's romance might have been novel for
his time, but any schoolboy who regularly
attends matinees could relate the story of
Richard and his evil brother John.

es melodrama; but even he can be forgiven
if one keeps the overall impression in mind.
Elizabeth Taylor is beautiful but wooden;
since her beauty is her only really neces-
sary characteristic she too is adequate for
her part.
What really sells the picture are the
battle scenes-the siege of de Bois-Guil-
bert's castle and the duel between him
and Ivanhoe. These action scenes have a
flavor of authenticity not usually encoun-
tered in such films; and the final per-
sonal tournament with hand-axe and
mac-ndI-chain is superb.. The Judicious

Sixty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Crawford Young...M..Managing Editor
Cal Samra............Editorial Director
Zander Hollander.. Feature Editor
Sid Klaus ......... Associate City Editor
Harland Britz..........Associate 'Editor
Donna Hendleman.....Associate Editor
Ed Whipple ........ Sports Editor
John Jenks. Associate Sports Editor
Dick Sewell.....Associate Sports Editor
Lorraine Butler..W....omeh's Editor
Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor
Business Staff
Al Green............. Business Manager
Milt Goetz.......Advertising Manager
Diane Johnston..Assoc. Business Mgr.
Judy Loehnberg..Finance Manager


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