DEFENSE OF A WARMONGER See Page 4 C, - r Sitr 4puha Latest Deadline in the State 4aiibj CLOUDY AND WARMER VOL. LXIII, No. 38 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1952 SIX PAGES THIS I BELIEVE: _ _ _ ,:.. * s * s s* s * lb * Mans Destiny 'Seen as Unity EDITOR'S NOTE: In conjunction with the current lecture series, "This I believe," The Daily is presenting statements of belief of prominent mem- bers of the University community. Today's writer, Robert J. Wolff, is chairman of the Ann Arbor Bah'ai' group. Thesecond "This I Believe" lecture will be given on the subject "Ethical Problems of Public Life" by Hunter College president George N. Shuster at 8:30 p.m. today in Rackham Lecture Hall. By ROBERT J. WOLFF Graduate Student in Social Psychology I believe that there is a God, and that there is but one God, by whatever name we know Him. I believe that it is impossible for man, being mortal and limited, to imagine or even conceptualize God, Who is absolute and infinite. We can know (of) God, but not understand Him. And yet 'through the ages there have been men who had a perfect connection with the Creator. Men who "conversed with God." Men who exerted an immeasurable influence on their contemporaries through the examples of their lives, and on later generations through the wisdom and inspiration of the Holy Books they left. In the many years of history these Men were few, but as Toynbee points out, the religions They founded were the corner- stones of a progressing civilization. And looking back They seem to form a strong chain of Messengers, each giving a Message that reiterates the previous one and re-states its truths, building fur- ther on the structure of moral laws that forms the skeleton of hu- man society. And there is no reason to assume that this chain has ended at any time, It stretches into the future as it extends into the past. What these Men taught was essentially the same, although ex- pressed in different tongues at different stages of man's understand- ing. They gave mankind a deepening understanding of man's rela- tionship to God. Guiding man's quest for the absolute they pointed to the pitfalls, the dead-end streets-and stressed that knowledge of God can only come from seeking, supplicating and meditating. And They gave mankind a continuously expanding insight into man's relationship to man, and a "prescription for living." And, perhaps even more important, They give man the inspiration -a faith based on experience as well as "belief"-to live according to Their teachings. The rules of conduct They propagated are not only expedient and workable, they are basic to the very nature of man and his place among men; and they are truly universal because man's relationship to man Is one aspect of man's relation- ship to God. These Messengers also give man a glimps of his destiny: "Man has been created for an ever advancing civilization." Every created thing has in it a potential for development and growth. Man has made a remarkable development in the way he has learned to adapt his environment to his needs, but man cannot progress (or even exist) alone. Civilization is but the expression of our concerted and inter- dependent mental and spiritual development. The many barriers that we have erected between man and man prevent us from realizing our innate potentialities. The destiny of man, in the immediate future, cannot be but the unification of the human race. I do not believe that man has been created to extinguish himself by turning his powers over his environment against himself. On the contrary I believe that man has been admonished over and over again to exert all his efforts for the supreme task of uniting, because only then will we have time to devote to progress rather than to wars and preparations for war. Since I believe this to be man's destiny, and I believe it is a Divine destiny, revealed by God through His Messengers, my role in this has to be: to promote the oneness of mankind, in whatever small way that may be. This means breaking down the barriers that exist: national, racial, religious prejudices; misunderstanding; hatred. And this means to actively promote concord and the brotherhood of man. And in this way to worship God, Who created me to know Him and to worship Him. b lb lb Large State, City TurnoutLikely Weather Good Throughout Nation As Record 55 Million Predicted By The Associated Press A record 55 million voters, who should be the best info'med in American political history, decide today whether Dwight D. Eisen- hower or Adlai E. Stevenson deserves one of the world's biggest jobs: President of the United States. On the local scene 18,000 Ann Arbor voters are expected to turn out at the polls to vote for their favored candidates and voice attitudes on the proposed building of a $3,250,000 courthouse and the increas- 'ing of property taxes on all county -Daily-Jack Bergstrom EISENHOWER ? ? ? b - * -Daily-Alan Reid -Daily-Don Campbell THE POLITICAL FATE OF EACH WILL BE RECORDED HERE STEVENSON ? ? ? -b l lb lb * lb * lb Final Peace' Pledge Ends Ike's Drive By the Associated Press Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower pledged last night in Boston in the final hours of his campaign that as president he would dedicate himself to "one supreme cause- the winning of world peace." And the fight, said the Republi- can nominee, is against "the men- ace of Godless communism." IN AN ELECTION eve address televised and broadcast nationally from Boston Garden Auditorium, Eisenhower called peace "the dear- est treasure in the sight of free men,' and added: "I have learned this the stern way: from the sight of war." Eisenhower's address came aft- er a warm welcome to Boston on his arrival yesterday morning. * *b * DURING the day, Eisenhower toured the city and received an enthusiastic greeting from a crowd which police estimated at 100,000 persons. In his Garden speech, Eisen- hower said the traditional way to wind up a campaign was to talk in "the lusty language of a booming rally." He added that he was not going to do that because: "I face this oc- casion -this moment - with the conviction that this is not just an- other election, not just another clash of political personalities or political parties." Talking of peace, Eisenhower declared: "Because I have learned that peace is the dearest treasure of free men, I have dedicated my- self to one supreme cause: to strivej to keep war from ever again wounding the bodies and scarring the spirit of America's youth." Meanwhile, one American youth, former University student and past Student Legislature president Leonard Wilcox was interviewed at a University of Pennsylvania student rally last night. Ques- tioned about his political views, Wilcox declared that he will vote for Eisenhower. '1y An Editorial With the noisy blasts of a hectic political campaign ring- ing in his ears, the American voter today retires to the peaceful seclusion of the polling place. Whether he marks his ballot by pencil or pulls the lever of a machine, his deci- sions will shape the destinies of people, not only in his own land, but in every corner of the globe. As America has attained the burden of world respon- sibility, the duty of her voters has become increasingly signifi- cant. The power inherent in each vote is indeed an awesome factor and there are those, both at home and abroad who would prefer to see it diminished. As power is only as strong as the base from which it is derived, it is imperative that every voter take that short trip to his own voting booth today and lend his support to the ideals that have shaped America. We sincerely urge every qualified voter who reads these pages to exercise his franchise by going today and carefully and thoughtfully marking his ballot. The Senior Editors: Crawford Young, Cal Samra, Zander Hollander, Sid Klaus, Harland Britz, and Donna Hendleman. Army Asks for 48,000 Men Stevenson Ends Drive,. AsksUnity, By the Associated Press Gov. Adlai E. Stevenson told the nation's voters last night he has kept faith with himself during the presidential campaign and awaits their verdict today "in good tem- per and sober contentment." The Democratic nominee placed his White House bid in the hands of the voters with a final appeal in a nation-wide television and radio speech. STEVENSON said that he wants to win and believes that Demo- cratic party should be continued in office because "it is the party of no one, because it is the party of everyone." He asserted that he did not believe "the economic well-be- ing" of America could be safely entrusted to the Republican party-" the party of fear, in- action, boom and bust." However, because his television- radio time ran out, he was not able to deliver this statement and another portion of his talk.. A PART of his message not car- ried on the radio-television hook- up was a plea to the American people to dedicate themselves to a belief and trust in themselves "on which the greatness of our country rests." . - Because "time cut short his speech, his audience did not hear the closing paragraph of his pre- pared text, which said: "If your decision is Gen. Eisen- hower, I shall ask everyone who voted for me to accept the verdict with traditional American sports- manship. If you select me, I shall ask the same of the Republicans, and I shall ask our Lord to make me an instrument of his peace." Meanwhile in Kansas City, President Truman said last night that today's voting may decide whether this country's civil lib-j erties fall before "a wave of smear1 and fear" and whether the coun- try itself moves into "a third world; war." NewC Annexation OK'd by City By ERIC VETTER A major hurdle in University expansion was cleared last night when the City Council formally voted to annex the new North Campus territory. The Council action apparently removes the last major obstacle before annexation is complete. Final approval now rests with the three-member Ann Arbor Town- ship Board, which is slated to meet Monday. * *b lb BOARD ACTION is expected on the issue although it is not certain they will give their approval. If they fail to do- so it may be a month before further action is taken as the next Board meeting is slated for December. Two months of delay preceed- ed the Council approval last night. During this time all phases of the issue were aired in Council meeting or in reports submitted by various city de- partments affected by the an- nexation. City annexation means the ex- tension of police and fire protec- tion to the area as well as service provided by the various city de- partments. Under plans worked out with the city, most of the cost of these services will be met through University funds. Later the City Water Depart- ment was authorized to begin con- struction on sewers in the North Campus area as soon as possible. Construction, if weather permits, is expected to start after the Township Board approves the an- netgation. University vice-president Wil- bur K. Pierpont expressed pleas- ure over the Council action and said University plans for further development on the new campus would wait until the Township Board makes their decision. IFC Assembly The Interfraternity Council House Presidents' Assembly will be held at 7:30 p.m. today at the Acacia house, 1923 Geddes Ave. SRA Lecture To Be Given By Shuster George N. Shuster, president of New York's Hunter College, will give the secofid in a series of "This I Believe" lectures on the subject "Ethical Problems of Public Life" at 8:30 p.m. today in Rackham Lecture Hall. The series is sponsored by the Student Religious Association. Formerly a member of the state k department, Shuster has served as a delegate to UNESCO and re- cently completed service as land commissioner for Bavaria. He is a member of the Board of Trustees of the National Council of Christians and Jews, and past president of the World Student. Service Fund. A reception will be held follow- ing the lecture at Lane Hall. SGad, Garg Gets Election Winner. In BigJanuary WASHINGTON - (P) - The Army yesterday asked for 48,000 more men. Its draft call was for January- Quad Stations Plan Election Broadcast In its initial network broadcast the radio stations of the East, West and South Quads will combine fa- cilities to bring to the campus local and national election returns be- ginning at 10:45 p.m. today. This marks the first time in Quad history that WEQN, WQRS, and KVSQ have broadcast over the same hook-up. The new radio network is under the auspices of the Inter-House Council. Draft Call bringing to 1,202,430 the number of men drafted or marked for in-. duction since selective service was resumed in September, 1950. The January call is the highest since last January, when 59,650 men were inductea. Other draft statistics: the monthly average for 29 months- 41,460; peak calls-80,000 in Jan- uary, February and March, 1951;, June, 1952, call-10,000. iThe recent draft calls have been for the Army. The Marine Corps discontinued drafting men last spring, after taking in 81,430. The Navy and Air Force, like the Marine Corps now, depend on voluntary enlistments to maintain their strength. land. LOCALLY and otherwise, the weather forecast is generally good. This makes it almost certain that the national turnout will break the old record of 49,829,000 votes in the 1940 Roosevelt-Wilkie con- test. Some predictions have run as high as 60 million. In addition to naming a pres- ident and vice-president, the voters will elect 432 members of the House of Representatives, 34 Senators and 29 State governors. Nine presidential tickets are on the ballot for voters decisions to- day. The two major tickets-Demo- cratic and Republican-are listed in all 48 states. * l E IN MICHIGAN a record turnout of 2,500,000 voters is expected to choose either Republican Fred M. Alger, Jr. or Gov. G. Mennen Wil- Chart your own election re- turns on The Daily's scoresheet, page two. liams, Democrat, for governor of the state. GOP Representative Charles E. Potter, and Democratic incumbent Blair Moody will be fighting it out for senator. George Meader, on the Repub- lican slate, is opposing Demo- crat John P. Dawson, for a seat in congress from the second Congressional district. Ann Ar- bor voters will also be asked to vote for eight county officers. Two state legislature reappor- tionment proposals are also on the ballot. In the first election returns re- ported, Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhow- er carried the little town of Sharon, N. H. The vote was 32 for Ike and 13 for Stevenson. Large Profits Chalked Up At SL Dance A late-hour but entirely welcome sale of 800 tickets Saturday night made the difference again this year between big profits or dismal loss for the Student Legislature's fall dance "Autumn Nocturne." Preliminary estimates by treas- urer Bob Neary, '54, place profits at a whopping $2000 to $2200, a figure considerably higher than the $1750 profit forecast in SL's budget for the year. Last year a similar photo finish added up a $1250 profit after legislators sold 600 ducats at the door. The fall dance makes or breaks SL for the year as far as finances go since it accounts for a third or more of the revenues. But pessi- mism pervaded meetings early last week, for as dance night ap- proached only a few hundred tick- ets were sold in advance. Union Opera PetitionsOpen Petitions will be accepted for the student road show committee, a new organization of the Union Opera, Mike Scherer, 54, an- nounced yesterday. Proofs 'Ensian senior proofs will still be accepted from noon to 5:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. to- day through Thursday at the Student Publications Bldg. After Thursday 'Ensian re- serves the right to choose which proofs will appear in the year- book. NATIONAL POLLS GIVE EDGE TO EISENHOWER: University Experts Forecast Stevenson Victory Today O By HARRY LUNN With nearly every expert in the country straddling the electoral fence by reporting a highly tenuous Eisenhower lead as of last night, a Daily survey of key University faculty members and research work- ers revealed a seven to three forecast for Stevenson. Selected for their knowledge of the national political scene the experts were promised anonimity in return for, their opinions on national trends and the situation in key states. Of the 12 men polled, 10 committed themselves, one "could not say" and one did not return his questionnaire. All1P TE ffi oun * j* rs--Gallum Rouen Crossle THE NEW YORK TIMES yesterday presented a comprehensive summary compiled from reports made up by staff members all over the nation. Commenting that the "safe" sections of the nation are sparse, the Times noted that Eisenhower seems sure of 11 states with 73 electoral votes while Stevenson holds a similar bloc of 10 states with 100 votes. However, when the areas where the two candidates appear to be holding some lead are thrown in, Ike has control of 256 electoral counts with Stevenson holding 165, according to the Times. It re- quires 266 to win. These figures still leave a balance of 110 votes distributed among Potter the winner over incumbent Blair Moody by a six to four vote with one undecided. The Princeton survey finds Michigan favoring Eisenhower by a 51 per cent to 49 per cent vote as of Saturday. Ike's lead here was also confirmed by the New York Times. FOLLOWING is a condensed report on how the pollsters rate other key states: NEW YORK-University men say Stevenson, New York Times finds Ike ahead, while Gallup sees even vote. ILLINOIS-Ten to one for Adlai according to local experts, with Times survey finding similar trend. CALIFORNIA-Six to four Stevenson say University men with