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November 02, 1952 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1952-11-02

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VOL. LXIII, No. 37




Bowl Hopes Fade:

Daily De ended
By UN Delegate
Special To The Ihaily
UNITED NAITIONS, N. Y.-The Byelorussian Soviet Socialist
Republic got a belated lesson in American satire yesterday when
Charles A. Sprague of the United States informed the Communist
satellite that The Daily was being funny and not warmongering in
an editorial last January.
The lecture on humor came up in a debate on freedom of infor-
mation in the UN Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural committee.
Earlier this week, White Russian delegate Mrs. F. A. Novoikov blasted
The Daily as an example of the "war-mongering" American press.
- .*

# *

s * *

s ' S '. . "s

IIST Claims
Dem Victory.
Is Assured
ST. LOUIS - (P) - President
Truman wound up the most stren-
uous campaign of his career last
night with a forecast of victory
for Adlai E. Stevenson-and a
S warning of national disaster if
Dwight D. Eisenhower is elected
"We would have the ultimate
ironyofa general who stood for
the defense of the free world when
he was in uniform, presiding over
fthe liquidation of our foreign pol-
icy," the President declared.
* * s
TRUMAN'S FINAL speech of the
1952 campaign came in the same
Missouri city where he ended his
own 1948 fight for his election to
the White House.
"I finished my 1948 campaign
in St. Louis and we won," Tru-
man said. "We're going to win
again this time."
Then in an address bristling
with barbed attacks on Eisenhower
and the GOP leadership the Pres-
ident summed up the case he has
made for Stevenson in some 18,-
000 mijes of campaigning through
30 states from coast to coast.
He accused the General of us-
ing campaign tactics on Korea
which "have already begun to un-
dermine our unity in the struggle
against communism."
He said Eisenhower had been
using "the same kind of innuendo
and distortion" in his speeches
that have come to be known as
'McCarthy-ism-a shocking and
terrifying thing."
* * *
speech a new side-swipe at Eisen-
hower, saying the General as re-
cently as four years ago favored
lower pay for new soldiers.
"Back in 1948," Truman said,
"He (Eisenhower) testified before
a committee of Congress that he
thought draftees should not re-
ceive any pay except cigarette
Triangle Hill
Duel Continues
SEOUL, SUNDAY, Nov. 2-0')-
South Korean troops fought with-
in 25 yards of the crest of Triangle
Hill in determined day-long at-
tacks Saturday but stalled at dusk
under a hail of fire from Chinese
Front dispatches said doughty
eighth army troops, now in the
20th day of indecisive action,
pulled off the exposed 2,000 foot
slopes to stronger positions.
Allied and communist artillery
dueled sporadically through the

BUT YESTERDAY, Oregon edi-
tor Sprague, armed with several
relevant copies of the paper, spell-
ed, out-in simple words with few
syllables-the facts which The
Daily has communicated to the
Soviet bloc at least three times
before: the editorial, entitled""I
Killed the President," by former
senior editor Rich Thomas, was
intended as a takeoff on the rash
of anti-Soviet fiction then cur-
rent in American magazines.
Sprague poined out, more-
over, that the "editors felt the
editorial was not fully under-
stood and an explanation 'was
printed by the newspaper the
following day." That explanation
was in the hands of the Byelor-
ussian delegate when she made
her original attack-but she did
not mention it at the time.
Mrs. Novokov's onslaught had
charged that The Daily accused
the White Russian Republic of
building submarine bases at Minsk,
a well-known inland city.
In rebuttal Sprague explained
once more that The Daily had as-
sured him this obvious impos-
sibility "was Inserted in the edi-
torial purposely to add to the ridi-
cule intended by the satire and
with the knowledge that there
could be no such base in Minsk."
Potter Speaks
DETROIT-(A)-Rep. Charles E.
Potter, GOP nominee for U. S.
Senator, declared last night that
Communism is one of the issues
in the election next Tuesday.
Election News
Be sure to , read Tuesday's
and Wednesday's Daily for
complete election' coverage.
In Tuesday's edition The
Daily will print a score card for
election enthusiasts to keep up
with the latest returns. Full
instructions on how to use a
voting machine will also be in-
cluded in this issue.
Experts from the several Uni-
versity departments will make
their forecasts in Tuesday's
Daily of who is going to win the
presidential race.
The Daily presses will be held
Wednesday morning until the
last possible minute in order to
give readers the latest election

-Daily-Malcolm Shatz
, HOWELL BREAKS LOOSE-Michigan's right halfback Frankie Howell cuts in behind his blockers and shakes loose for a first down.
Ted Topor takes out Illinois end Lawrence Stevens.
Ike, Adlai Blast in Final Wind-up Tours

Eisenhower Outlines Plans

Stevenson Predicts Victory

NEW YORK-()-Gen. Dwight
D. Eisenhower pledged last night
to carry out a 10-point "program
of progress' for America if he wins
the presidency in Tuesday's elec-
1. That as president he would
serve "all the people, irrespective
of their race, their creed, their
national origin, and irrespective
of how they voted."
2. That the social gains achieved
by the people "whether enacted by
a Reiublican or a Democratic ad-
ministration are not only here to
stay but are here to be improved
and extended."
3. That he would work for "res-
toration of integrity and compe-
tence in our national government."
4. That the full resources of a
GOP administration would be
thrown into the battle against in-
flation. He said the steady "whit-
tling away of the value of the dol-
lar" must be stopped.
5. That the Republicans will
eliminate "waste, inefficiency and
'Birth of a Nation'
Tickets Sold Out
Season tickets for the Gothic
Film Society are completely sold
cut and no single seats will be sold
for the showing of ":Birth of a Na-
tion" at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the
Rackham Amphitheatre, Gothic
Film manager Bill Wiegand,.
Grad., announced last night.

duplication in government," along
with taking steps that will make a
tax cut possible.
6. That he would 'support and
strengthen, not weaken, the laws
that protect the American worker."
7. That he will support pro-
grams to promote, a healthy,
prosperous agriculture; based on
the present law calling for gov-
ernment price supports of basic
8. That he would devote himself
"to making an equality of oppor-
tunity a living reality for every
American." He said there is "no
room left in America for second-
class citizenship for anybody."
9. That a Republican admini-
stration would "stamp out disloyal-
Final Speeches
Tomorrow night will be the
end of campaign speeches for
the presidential election.
In major addresses Gen.
Dwight Eisenhower and Sen.
Richard Nixon will speak from
10 to 10:30 p.m. over WWJ and
TV and from 11p.m. to midnight
over WWJ, WWJ-TV; WJR,
and CKLW.
In Chicago, Gov. Adlai Ste-
venson, and his vice-presidential
running mate, Sen. John Spark-
man will speak from 10 to 10:30
p.m. over WJBK-TV and WJR;
TV and WXYZ and CKLW,
while President Truman and
Vice-President Alben Barkley
will be speaking during the same
half hour from St. Lbuis.
Traditionally, no campaign
speeches are made election day,
ty in government" without engag-
ing in "witchhunts or character
10. That a Republican adminis-
tration would pursue a "firm con-
sistent foreign policy with one pri-
mary goal-the attainment of
peace in the world for ourselves
and for all people."
LATER IN A television, radio
address, Eisenhower called Korea
an important symbol of communist
aggression but said the free world's
attention must never be diverted
from the possibility of a Soviet at-
tack on western Europe.

CHICAGO-(k')-Gov. Adlai E.
Stevenson wound up 32,000 miles
of campaign traveling in 35 states
with the declaration last night
there is an "electric feeling of
victory in the air" for the Demo-
crats Tuesday.
At the same time, the Demo-
cratic Candidate delivered a slash-
ing attack on his Republican op-
ponent, Gen. Dwight D. Eisen-
hower, charging that he has of-
fered a "strange picture" in the
IN A SPEECH at a rally in Chi-
cago stadium, which was preceded
by a motorcade through the down-
town area, Stevenson pictured Eis-
enhower as "An anguished, reluc-
tant, respected figure reciting dis-
tasteful words, shaking hands that
made him shudder, walking in
Police Hold
Edison Pair
DETROIT-(IP)-Police investi-
gating suspected gunfire sabotage
in the Detroit Edison Co. strike
detained two men last night after
the pair refused to submit to lie
detector tests,'
Lt. Jack Warner of the state
police said the two were "excel-
lent suspects." No charges were
filed, however. Both have denied
any misconduct.
The police action, bearing on re-
ports of rifle shots fired into power
stations in Oakland county, came
as the strike of 4,000 employes
moved through its tenth day.

First Half Collap
Inspired Illinois
Daily Spo
A flood of ineptness in the first
Rose Bowl hopes and washed the
Ten lead.
ILLINOIS' 22-13 upset of the
Purdue in sole possession of first p
record. Michigan tumbled into a ti
have a 3-1 mark. The victory was
Guilty of every miscue in th
utes, the Wolverines spotted inspr
Bennie Oosterbaan's team made
a stirring about face after in-
termission to shut out the visit-
ors, 13-4, only made the defeat
more heartbreaking.
In the nightmarish first half
Illinois blocked two Michigan
punts in succession for a safety
and its first two points. After Full-
back Ken Miller slanted 25 yards
to make the score 9-0, the flini
intercepted a pass and recovered a
fumble and turned them into two
more touchdowns.
At that, the margin might have
grown considerably bigger during
the first two periods except for
some stout Michigan defensive
play. Illinois first downs on Michi-
gan's 27, 7 and 21-yard-lines on
three different occasions in the
initial quarter but failed to score.
ILLINI PUNTS and a stout line
kept Michigan deep in its own ter-
ritory most of the first half. More
than 26 minutes ticked by before
the Wolverines broke into Illinois
territory. Through the whole first
half Michigan gained only 27 yards
on 17 rushes and 19 yards by com-
pleting 3 of 13 passes.
So futile were the offensive
gestures that Michigan's best
scoring chance before intermis-
sion was a defensive maneuver
by safety man Lowell Perry. He
made Michigan's only pass in-
terception of the half on his own
30 and returned to the Illinois
20 just as the second period end-
Illinois by contrast ran the ball
24 times, with fullback Miller car-
rying the load, and gained 98 yards
in the - first half. Quarterback
O'Connell completed nine of 21
passes for another 110 yards in
that half.
It was another story as soon as
the third quarter started. Mich-
igan kicked off, Illinois fumbled
the kick back to its two, and Wol-
See O'CONNELL, Page 3
Painting Ends
Because the Fresh Air Camp
painting project was completed
yesterday, it will not be neces-
sary for pledges to work today.

strange, dark alteys, caught in a
clamor of conflicting voices."
"That picture, I fear, appeals
not just to soft hearts but to
soft heads," the Illinois Gover-
nor asserted.
He scoffed, at what he said
were the views, held by some per-
sons that the Republican nom-
inee will be the "old Eisenhower"
after the election.
"Well, I don't believe it and
neither do they," Stevenson said.
"This suggestion that he will
double-cross his new-found friends
as soon as he gets into office does
credit neither to the . General's
integrity nor to Senator Taft's
Stevenson said that when Eisen-
hower was in the middle west he
identified himself with "the most
reactionary and isolationist wing
of the Republican party."
"But he recognized that the
songs he sang in what he consid-
ered isolationist territory would
not be music to the ears of east-
ern Republicans. So when he came
east he summoned a new ghost
from the Republican haunted
house and asked for a new script."
STEVENSON chose the windup
of the campaign to make one of
the most blistering assaults on
Eisenhower that he has made in
all the campaigns.
He said the Republican party
had "taken a bewildering variety
of positions" during the campaign
and then he said: "And in the
Republican choir the General has
shown an admirable capacity to
sing bass, baritone and tenor all
at once."

ies Lose
ice Lead
se Beats Michigan;
Leads 22-0 at Half
its Editor
t half yesterday doused Michigan's
Wolverines right out of the Big
S *
Wolverines in the Stadiumn leaves
lace in the Conference with a 3-0
e for second with Wisconsin. Both
Illinois' first in four Conference
book during the initial 30 min-
red Illinois 22 points. That Coach
* * *
'U' Rooters
Wage Loud,
Fierce Battle
Daily Associate Editor.
Visions of a New Year's in Cali-
fornia faded in- the unseasonal
sunlight yesterday for thousands
of eager fans who all but shot
into the field themselves in an'
effort to back the team to victory.
Providing some of the most in-
tense cheering in many a mroon,
the Michigan rooters screached
with unaccustomed vigor to the
bitter end.
afterwards was most reminicient
of the post-game aura three years
ago when Michigan lost to Army,
ending a 25 game winning streak.
Only relief from the dejected
stillness was provided by a gre-
garious bunch of Illini backers
who pranced away from the Sta-
dium and back to Campus Town
with all their enthusiasm in tact.
They went completely uncon-
tested, even when they went so far
as to parody "The Victors."
Before the game, tickets were
obtainable for practically nothing,
or nothing at all, as if some stu-
dents had a foreboding that there
would really be nothing to cheer
* * s
BUT THERE were a few bright
spots in an otherwise disappoint-
ing afternoon.
The Block-M section finally
proved itself with some sharply
executed half-time antics which
ranged from a traditional"'UM"
to an Autumn Nocturn ad fea-
turing "TD" enclosed in an oak
And the Michigan Marching
Band, aided by some Boy Scout
tribesmen from Detroit, greeted,
the visitors with a thrumming In-
dian routine. This included a sen-
sational flaming-hoop dancer, an
unidentifiedl member of the De-
troit contingent, who twisted in
and out of the circle of fire in tra-
ditional form.

Boner-of-the-week was provided
by bandleader Tommy Dorsey.
With the score a wilting 22-0,
Dorsey got on the PA system for
a short half-time "hello."
"I can only say," he remarked,
"I hope you're all enjoying the
game as much as I am."
Evicted Widow
Of LapeerDies
LAPEER, Mich.-(P)--Mrs. Eliz-
abeth Stevens, a 62-year-old wi-
dow whose eviction from her farm
homestead gained nationwide at-
tention last spring, died yester-
day at the home of a daughter in

Gargoyle Seeks To Heal
Rift With Russian Bloc

Political Races Fail To Stir Campus

* * *

Gargoyle has made a bold move
to better relations between the
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
and the Student Publications Bldg.
IN A LETTER written last se-
mester, the campus magazine of-
fered to exchange issues with Kro-
kodil, official Soviet humor publi-
The letter, an all-staff export
expanding on the concept of uni-
versal humor urged the Russians

Wild demonistrations and cam-
paign hoopla that have marked
past election nights throughout
most of the nation have been no-
ticably absent in Ann Arbor's his-
The Truman-Dewey scrap of
1948 aroused little enthusiasm
other than that found at a down-
town Republican "listening party"

Noontime on election day 1940
found a group of boys and girls
from seven to nine years old in-
volved in a hectic brawl outside
one of the city's voting places.
Aside from this Lilliputian bat-
tle Ann Arbor was fairly quiet.
When the news of Roosevelt's
victory became assured early the
next morning, a waiter in a down-
town beer hall was heard shout-
ing: "hurray. no more prohibi-

the Roosevelt landslide being'
chalked up on huge bulletin
Election returns were harder
to obtain during the early part
of the century than today. A
Union tap room listening party
was made possible for the 1921
election when a local hardware
store undertook the installation
of a radio set.

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