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October 31, 1952 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1952-10-31

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Politics Causes No Rise
In Local Business' Sales

Ann Arbor seems to be taking
election year in its financial stride
according to reports of campus-
town shop owners.,
Several State Street merchants
were queried yesterday as to how
much the presidential campaign
has affected their volume of busi-
ness. They generally agreed that
people have done lots of talking
about it, but not much buying.
Only a few could report any ap-
preciable rise in sales.
* * *
NEWSPAPERS and new maga-4
zines show a substantial increase.
Book sales, however,. have risen
only slightly.s

* * *

One book salesman, recalling
previous election years, said that
Ann Arborites have never shown
any great interest in political
literature during presidential
battles. Ann Arbor is a predom-
inantly Republican town, it was
pointed out, so that people tend
to be set in voting habits.
One book of sorts, though, has
become very popular. "I go Pogo,
myself," is the byword in one book-
store where an euployee reports
that Pogo outsells any one candi-
date about 100 to one.
In fact, all humor books have
sold well.
"People don't know what's going
to happen and they're trying to
get into a good frame of mind," is
the explanation offered.
* * *
LAPEL PINS, stuffed animals
and clothes with political- signifi-
cance are few and far between on
most shop counters. Lack of in-
terest on the part of buyers has
virtually halted sale of such nov-
elties, most people seeming to pre-
fer the more conventional "I Like
Ike" or "America Needs Steven-
son" buttons.
One men's clothing store is
faced with a unique problem.
Last summer it received a ship-
ment of political neckties, pat-
terned with tiny donkey and
elephant heads. All the elephant
ties have been sold and now only
the donkey head ties remain,
scorned, on the racks.
Most conspicuous effect of the
election has been impromptu poli-
tical debates among shoppers
which begins at the drop of an
As a result, almost all store em-
ployees seem to feel qualified to
predict election results from over-
heard opinions.
Typical is one barber, who is
positive Stevenson will win, just
from listening to numerous under-
the-shears arguments. Reason?
"There are more underdogs than
Use of Geiger
To Be Shown
A clicking Geiger counter will
be used to illustrate an analysis
of the origins and properties of
radioactive radiations on the Uni-
versity Television Hour at 1 p.m.
Sunday over WWJ-TV.
Prof. Ernest F. Barker, chair-
man of the physics department
and teacher of the Modern Phy-
sics telecourse, will demonstrate
the use of the Geiger counter.
Prof. James M. Cork, also of the
physics department, will be Prof.
Barker's guest.
On the second portion of the
TV hour the rapidly eroding Great
Lakes shoreline will be discussed
by Prof. Shirley W. Allen of the
School of Natural Resources Join-
ing in the discussion will be Prof.
Ernest F. Brater, of the engineer-
ing college.
Forest Research
Society To Meet
Representatives of the packag-
ing industry will be at the Rack-
ham Amphitheatre today and to-
morrow for a meeting of the
Great Lakes Section of the Forest
Products Research Society.
The program is entitled "Wood-
en Boxes, Crates and Pallets-Ma-
terials and Methods." It will in-
clude discussion of military and
domestic packaging.
Prof. L. A. Patronsky of the
School of Natural Resources is

chairman of the Great Lakes sec-
tion of the society.

Bible Quotes
Cited As Key
A panel discussion on "What
About Eethics in Buying and Sell-
ing" was presented by the Market-
ing Club to a capacity audience
last night at the Business Admin-
istration Building.
Moderating the discussion, Wil-
bur Horsch, director of the De-
troit Sales Executive Club, pointed
out that his criteria for ethics in
business is the application of the
Ten Commandments, the Sermon
on the Mount, and the Golden
Rule. "A man can't gain the world
and lose his soul," he stated.
Following his lead, business
executive David Crawford high-
lighted ways in which the pur-
chasing agent for a business could
make or break his company by his
ethical handling in buying.
William Pierce, Staff Assistant
of The Detroit Edison Company,
cited examples of the lucrative re-
turns ethical business practices
have brought to his company, and
another businessman, F. D. Sickle-
steel in his talk applied ethics to
the practical level in business pol-
HJopwood Play
Continues Run
"The Shadow and the Rock,"
a three-act 1950 Hopwood win-
ning drama on life on the Maine
coast, will continue its run at 8
p.m. today and tomorrow in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
The speech department play,
which was given its premier per-
formance last night, was writtten
by University graduate James
Murdock and is directed by Prof.
Valentine Windt of the speech de-
partment. The story is of a mother
who lives in the shadow of her
dead war hero son, but who is
ultimately forced to give up the
past in order to salvage the lives
of the other members of the fam-
Tickets are on sale from 10 a.m.
until curtain time today and to-
morrow at the Lydia Mendelssohn
box office.

SL Cinema
To Present
Wilson Film
At a time when political inter-
est is at its height, the Student
Legislature Cinema Guild is bring-
ing to campus the technicolor film
presentation, "Wilson."
The movie, a biography of the
28th president of the United States
showing his significance in his-
tory will be presented at 5:30,
7:30 and 9:30 p.m. today and to-
morrow at the Architecture Audi-
torium. A single showing will be
given at 8:30 p.m. Sunday.
SPONSORED by the Displaced
Students Committeehthe movie
presents a dignified picture of
Woodrow Wilson in an era which
closely merges with our own.
It depicts a rich and colorful
record of high points in his ca-
reer, from his presidency at
Princeton to the tragic close of
his public life. Against this can-
vas have been pictured more in-
timate scenes of Wilson in the
role of husband and father. The
cast includes Alexander Knox,
Vincent Price, and Geraldine
SINCE 1951 the displaced stu-
dents Committee has worked in
conjunction with the Ann Arbor
Council of Churches to raise money
to place refugees in school and to
give them a job and a place to live.
This original idea of providing
not only economic support but
also educational opportunities
has spread across theacountry
and several colleges have put
forth similar programs. With
the committee's help five stu-
dents have already graduated
from the University and at pres-
ent the committee is giving fi-
nancial aid to two students here.
"However, there are still many
displaced students on campus who
are not attending the University
due to lack of funds," Regina Gibbs
'54, chairman of the committee
said. The Cinema Guild is practi-
cally the sole financial support of
the scholarship program.
Williams Wins
Gov. G. Mennen Williams was
the only victorious Democrat in
Tuesday's mock election at Mich-
igan State Normal College as Re-
publican candidates won all other
state and national contests.
A total of 1,118 students, some
40 per cent of whom will be eli-
gible to vote officially Tuesday,
gave the governor a slim 37-vote
margin over GOP candidate Fred
M. Alger.
General Dwight D. Eisenhower
and running-mate Richard Nixon
won comfortably over Gov. Adlai
E. Stevenson and Sen. John J.
Sparkman, 602 to 412. All Repub-
lican candidates for state offices
won by similar margins.
Arthritis Grant
The University chapter of the
Michigan Chapter of Arthritis and
Rheumatism Foundation has re-
ceived a grant of $27,500, it was
announced in Detroit yesterday.
According to the announcement,
the foundation obtains its funds
from the United Health and Wel-
fare Fund of Michigan, Inc., and
the United Foundation (Torch
Drive) in metropolitan Detroit.

Wash tenaw's


* *


* * *

Death and destruction.
That's the prospect Washtenaw County voters will be called upon
to prevent when they go to the polls on Tuesday.
As the sole local issue on the referendum ballot, citizens will have
the choice of replacing the present crumbling courthouse with a
$3,250,000 new county building.
Condemned many times as a firetrap, the courthouse has long
outlived its purpose. Today it stands, a 75 year old monument to
anotfier generation which is costing Washtenaw county taxpayers
extra money because it cannot house all county departments.
Thousands of valuable county records and the lives of all who
.use the building are in danger should fire break out. On Aug. 13, the
chief of the Fire Division of the State Police reported the building
"totally unsafe" for the type ofjf * * *
job it must perform.

Worry -

A FIRE was responsible for the
construction of the present Court-
house i 1877. In 1874 flames rav-
aged th first county building and
laid waste to records and docu-
ments kept there. It was three
years before the present structure
was built.
Plans for the new courthouse
call for a three story building
with three times the amount of
office space now available and a
much needed 200 car parking
Financing the new courthouse
would be done through a special
bond issue covering the $3,250,000
cost of construction. Payments of
the bonds would be met through a
millage increase of $1.25 on every
$1,000 of county property evalua-
Construction of the building
would begin immediately and
would last about 14 months. While
construction is going on the old
courthouse would be usable as the
new building is designed to fit
around the present one.
Voters will have to decide on
Tuesday if they want a new mo-
dern fireproof courthouse or the
retention of the present run-down
disgrace to Washtenaw county.

Her Crum-bling Courthouse

75 YEARS OLD-Above is the main entrance to the present County Courthouse which was built in
1877. Voters are finally being given the opportunity on a special referendum ballot Tuesday to have
a new structure replace this weather-beaten building. A two year fight over location of the proposed
new Courthouse ended in May, paving the way for the vote.

fighting equipment in the build-
ing is very inadequate. Two ex-
tinguishers of the type shown
above and two hand pumps, in
questionable operating condi-
tion, are the only noticeable fire
fighting apparatus on the first
and second floors.

LITTLE USE-The third floor of the building is marked with
cracked plaster, dim lighting and discarded material. The sole
stairway leading to the floor is a one person-wide affair which adds
to its uselessness.

HIGH FILES-Anna Douvitsas,
deputy registrar of the probate
court, is forced to use a -long
hook to reach files. Nearly every
office has files extending to the
ceilings forcing clerks to use
chairs, ladders or hooks like this
to get to vital records.

Ideal Working Conditions
Top Wages
Willow Run, Michigan

Story by
Pictures by



o I

EXTERIOR-Broken masonry on the Courthouse facade is typical
of the weather-beaten condition of the building. Cracks in walls,
broken cement and run-down steps fail to impress visitors and are
a danger to those using the Courthouse regularly.

COURTROOM-An example of over-crowded Courthouse condi-
tions is seen in this picture of the Probate Courtroom. William
R. Stagg, registrar of the court, is seen seated in the dingy room
which has a partition built through it to create an office for the
court judge.

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RAMSAY when you want a job done quickly, efficiently, and

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