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October 31, 1952 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1952-10-31

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tws ujian'
Latest Deadline in the State






Ethi*cs Based.
'On Experience'
EDITOR'S NOTE: In conjunction with the current lecture series, "This
I Believe," The Daily is presenting statements of belief of prominent mem-
bers of the University community.
The second lecture in the series, "Ethical Problems in Public Life," will
be presented by George N. Shuster, president of New York's Hunter College,
at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday in Rackham Lecture Hall.
Professor of History
There are not only many philosophies but many approaches to
them. Some depend on authority, of a church, or a book, or a tradi-
tion. I do not blame them; we take most things on authority, for life
would be too short to test everything we are told. But religion and
politics are two things that I have always wanted to puzzle out for
myself. Some have, or claim, a mystical revelation. They may be right;
but I have not shared their experience, so that road is not for me. My
beliefs are based solely on reason and experience.
I find a universe, which is a puzzle in all ways and a mystery in
most, but it contains marvels and beauties beyond reckoning and,
on the planet we know best, a course of evolution from unconscious
matter to thinking men, who are capable of transcending exper-
ience by reason, imagination, and sacrificial devotion to an ideal.
I do not believe it possible that such a result is a chance by-
product of blind mechanical forces, any more than an earthquake
would shake stones together in the exact form of a Gothic cathed-
ral or a hammer falling repeatedly on typewriter keys would turn
out a great poetic drama. Hence I believe in an intended cosmos;
in short, God.
I find man contributing to his own evolution by his decisions from
minute to minute, as well as from century to century. He does not seem
to be a vessel of clay shaped by a divine potter, but' rather a self-
creator, a minor partner with God. His personality, which develops
continuously through a long lifetime (during which every cell of his
body has been repeatedly replaced), seems- to be soitething other than
his body, and not destined to the same fate. Therefore I believe in
I find in the long course of human history that ethical conduct is
not an arbitrary code imposed on us from without, but that it is the
very principle of life itself. The highest good is the enhancement of
personality, the "more abundant life" mentioned by Jesus; everything
which raises the ape over the oyster, man above the ape, the civilzed
man above the savage, the saint and sage above the ordinary man.
This development is favored by health, happiness, knowledge, and all
other good things, but most of all by kindness, integrity, fair dealing,
and mutual consideration. Those who have forgotten or ignored this
have invariably harmed themselves, their neighbors, their country,
and the whole human adventure.
Detailed Plans for Phoenix
Memorial Lab Announed

Daily Called
In UN Halls
Satiric Editorial
Quoted in Session
Daily Feature Editor
The Daily tucked away a new
laurel this week-it was blasted
by the Soviet bloc in the hallowed
halls of the United Nations.
Source of the attack was Mrs.
F. A. Novikov, Byelorussian dele-
gate to the UN Social, Humanitar-
ian and Cultural committee, who
Tuesday singled out The Daily as
an example of the "warmonger-
ing" of the American press.
* * *
MRS. NOVIKOV'S onslaught
was part of a battery of Red-sat-
ellite attacks backing up Soviet
delegate Arkady A. Sobolev's earl-
ier charge that the United States
press was "monopolist-controlled"
and trying to incite world conflict.
The attack came during a ses-
sion discussing the drafting of a
controversial global pact on
freedom of information.
Mrs.Novikov claimed that The
Daily had accused the White Rus-
sian Soviet Republic of building
submarine bases at Minsk. But
Minsk, she pointed out triumph-
antly, is far inland.
The Byelorussian charge pro-
voked at first only mystificatiqn
locally but racking of memories
dredged up the recollection that
The Daily had once referred to
Minsk. The mention came in a
satire called '" Killed the Presi-
dent" by Rich Thomas, '52, a
former senior editor.
Thomas, in parodying the spate
of anti-Soviet fiction then current
in national slick magazines, told
in an editorial page story of a
Red commando force which put
out from a Minsk submarine base
to kill "President Eisenhower."
Thomas, now with the United
States Army Intel igence, said at
the time that "Minsk" was thrown
in "strictly as a gag."
LOCAL misunderstanding of the
satire's purpose brought an ex-
planatory note the next day from
Managing Editor Chuck Elliott.
But even this did not prevent an
Ann Arborite from forwarding the
piece to the Moscow Literary Ga-
zette-minus the explanatory note
and with the hint that the article
was a deliberate forgery added.
The Gazette fell for it. They
came out with a scathing excor-
iation of the article, The Daily,
and the University. For the Ann
Arborite who had deliberately
misled them (initials D.L., ac-
cording to The Gazette) they
had nothing but praise.
The Daily reprinted the Ga-
zette's attack in full.
The rehashing of the old lie
brought swift response from the
United States delegation which
wired The Daily last night for
full particulars on the case. The
material is now on its way.
Meanwhile rebuttal of the gen-
eral charges against the American
press went on yesterday led by
Charles Sprague, United States
delegate and the publisher of the
"Oregon Statesman," a small pa-
per in Salem, Ore.

Block 'M'
The Block "M" flashcard sec-
tion plans to put on a colorful
display at tomorrow's Michi-
gan-Illinois game.
Visiting Illini will be greet-
ed with "Hi I" while Michigan
fans will see their colors in a
block !'M" and "UM." Since
election day is near, the section
will urge everyone to "VOTE."
As a salute to Tommy Dorsey
who will provide music at the
Student Legislature sponsored
dance, "Autumn Nocturne," the
letters "TD" will appear inside
a yellow autumn leaf.
A llies Win
Back Kvey
Korean Hill
SEOUL - (P) - Allied troops
early today won back the crest of
Triangle Hill in Central Korea
less than nine hours after over-
whelming numbers of Chinese
Reds had seized it.
SEOUL-(P)-Chinese Reds in
human sea attacks seized Triangle
Hill early today, handing the Al-
lies their worst setback since the
battle of the Central Front heights
broke out 18 days ago.
A front dispatch said the Reds
broke through Allied lines so swift-
ly that one company of defend-
ers was trapped on the height.
2 * * *
THE ONSLAUGHT by 2,000 Chi-
nese was pressed relentlessly
through an Allied artillery barrage
so withering that one of three at-
tacking Red battalions was cut to
pieces and withdrew.
It was the heaviest loss of ter-
ritory the Allies have suffered in
the 18-day-old battle on the front
north of Kumhwa.
The U. S. Seventh Division had
seized Triangle Hill Oct. 15.
Call Courses
The major complaint voiced
about freshman courses at last
night's Literary College Confer-
ence, was the claim that they fail
to stimulate student interest.
This was ascribed to two factors,
the narrow scope of subject matter
included, and the quality of in-
structors teaching them.
The need for integration and a
less "compartmentalized" student
attitude was stressed by Prof. Wil-
liaf B. Palmer of the economics de-
Another student complaint, that
on the quality of teaching fellows,
was answered by John Weimer of
the English department; who
called the teaching fellow in Eng-
lish, 'the most maligned person on
campus.' He cited past years,
when it was attempted to have
English instructors of higher rank
teach elementary courses, and it
was found that they had little op-
portunity for such important
things as conferences and grading.

Give Major
Addresses .
Ike, Adlai Talk
At KeyRallies
By the Associated Press
Both Gov. Adlai E. Stevenson
and Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower
lashed out last night against their
political opponents in major
speeches on the last leg of their
Stevenson, speaking in Pitts-
burgh, won a tumultous reception
in the steel center last night and
declared the "great crusade" of
Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower has
become "the great masquerade."
The Democratic Presidential
candidate told a cheering crowd
of 13,000 that -filled the Hunt Ar-
mory that his Republican opponent
had abandoned the GOP principles
of Abraham Lincoln.
He said that when Eisenhower
was in the Mid-West one saw the
hand of Sen. Robert A. Taft of
Ohio "and all associated isola-
tionists" in the general's pro-
Later in the evening Stevenson
announced he is suspending his
presidential campaign temporar-
In major political addresses
today, Gen. Eisenhower will
speak at 1 p.m. over WWJ-TV
and Gov. Stevenson will talk at
9:30 p.m. over WWJ radio and

U.S. Now Winning Cold
War, Truman Asserts
In. Major Detroit Talk


ily to fly to Illinois in an effort
settle a state prison riot.'
. - * *, *


-Daily-Alan Reid {
* * .
Storey Stresses Acute
Demand for Lawyers

The University's North Campus
picked up speed yesterday with
the announcement of detailed
plans for the million-dollar Phoe-
nix Memorial Laboratory for
Atomic Research.
The projected 150 by 50 foot
three-story reinforced concrete
building will be erected just off the
southwest corner of the Cooley
Memorial Laboratory, now near-
ing completion.
THE LABORATORY is the first
building to be financed by the
$6,500,000 Michigan Memorial
Phoenix project.
Details of the proposed new
laboratory were described by
Henry J. Gomberg, assistant
director of the Phoenix Project
and chairman of a special build-
ing planning committee.
Union Forum
Panel Debates
The sizzling issue of government
corruption was debated by two
students and two professors at the
first Union Forum last night.
Taking the affirmative side of
the question, "Resolved: that cor-
ruption prevalent in American
government is a threat to Ameri-
can democracy," were Prof. Win-
ton Bevan of the speech depart-
ment and Ned Simon, '55, Young
Republicans president. Prof. Pres-
ton Slosson of the history depart-
ment and Lyn Marcus, '53, of the
Young Democrats upheld the neg-
ative stand.
Simon, mentioning mink coats
and deep freezes, charged the ad-
ministration with corruption in
the White House, administrative
agencies and the Justice Depart-
The American public has lost
confidence in the present govern-
ment, Prof. Bevan stated because
of a "permeating atmosphere of
corruption, therefore calling for a
repudiation of the administration.
Admitting the existence of cor-
rntinn in the aministration Prof.

Atomic research will involve ra-
diation studies relating to biologi-
cal and physical sciences. High
energy radiation other than that
produced by large accelerators,
such as cyclotrons and synchro-
tons, will be utilized.
ORIGINALLY the University's
cyclotron and synchrotron were to
be housed in the -new laboratory
but it was found that there was
not enough space. A separate
building to house them on the
North Campus has been proposed.
The first floor of the labora-
tory will be devoted to either a
betatron or a Van der Graff
generator. Both electrical accel-
erators will be used to produce
high energy Xrays and to study
the effect of high energy elec-
trons and protons.
Gomberg said that all plans
would be complete by next Janu-
ary and construction will get un-
der way as soon as a contract can
be awarded.

MEANWHILE in New York,
Eisenhower accused President Tru-
man and Gov. Adlai E. Stevenson
of "unrestrained slander" and said
the Democrats are waging a "dir-
ty" campaign-"The most scurri-
lous in American political history."
Eisenhower did not call the
President and Stevenson by
name, but he left no doubt he
was talking about them in an
3address prepared for delivery at
a Madison Square Garden rally
and for nation-wide television
and radio.
In angry language, Eisenhower
declared that in his life time he
has been worked over by "poison
pen" experts in Nazi Germany
and Russia.
Van .Fleet Case
By the Associated Press
The White House denied last
night a published report that Gen.'
James A. Van Fleet is being re-
lieved of his command in Korea
as a result of writing a recent let-
ter that figured in the political
Irving Perlmeter, assistant
White House press secretary, said
he had checked the report with
President Truman's party in De-
troit and was told "there was noth-
ing to it whatsoever."
Van Fleet's letter, as made pub-
lic Wednesday night by Gen. Ei-
senhower, said the South Korean
Army is in "apple-pie" order.

Integrity, energy, and ability
must be developed in law study
and carried over into legal prac-
tice, Robert G. Storey, president
Speaker Rule
To Be Studied
A recommendation to set up uni-
form regulations for outside speak-
ers on 39 national and Canadian
campuses was set aside for study
by the American Association of
Universities in a Chicago meeting
this week.
The proposal was briefly dis-
cussed by the nearly 40 college and
university presidents attending the
two-day conference and then re-
ferred to a special study commit-
tee. According to University rela-
tions director Arthur L. Brandon,
the uniformity plan will be aired
in the next Association of Ameri-
can University Presidents meet-
President Harlan H. Hatcher
repesented the University at the
Chicago conference.
Rally Called Off
There will be no pep rally to-
night. Larry Bloch, '53, president
of the Wolverine Club announced
last night.
A rally will be held the Friday
before the Purdue game.

of the Amnerican Bar Association
told law students last night.
These attributes are especially
necessary at present because the
demand for young lawyers is more
acute than ever, said Storey, dean
of the law school at Southern
Methodist University and a prac-
ticing lawyer.
. * *
ADDRESSING a joint meeting
of the Student Bar Association
and Michigan Crib, Storey empha-
sized the need of gaining the con-
fidence of clients, fellowlawyers,
and the public.
"When we take oath as a law-
yer, we become members of the
American judiciary, and on our
shoulders rests the responsibil-
ity of maintaining the impartial
administration of justice," he
The organized bar has long
recognized this need, he main-
tained. For many years, effprts
have been made to prepare tu-
dents better, to improve the ad-
ministration of justice,
Previous to the address, Dean
of the Law School E. Blythe Stas-
on presented six law students with
awards for outstanding scholar-
Recipients were: William A.
Bain, '53L; Richard D. Rohr, '53L;
James W. Callison, '53L; Donald
C. Droste, '54L; Robert H. Bloom,
'54L, and John J. Namenye, '53L.

Slams Ike's
'Loose Tal'
About Korea
Deplores GOP's
By the Associated Press
President Truman said last night
in Detroit the nation is reaching
a turning point in the world-wide
struggle against communism and
"the balances are moving in our
But the President, campaigning
to put Adlai Stevenson in the
White House as his successor, add-
ed a quick warning that progress
toward peace would be imperilled
by "Republican isolationist poli-
cies of withdrawal, of feeble half-
measures, of appeasement and sur-
* * *
THEN IN A speech prepared for
a big crowd at the Michigan State
Fair Grounds, Truman resumed
his running offensive against GOP
presidential nominee, Dwight D.
Eisenhower, declaring:
"He has put fear in the hearts
of free people all over the world
by his loose talk about the fight-
ing in Korea."
"His campaign tactics are in-
uring the unity with which this
country is supporting the brave
and necessary effort of its fight-
ing men there."
"HE HAS TALKED his country's
policies in such a way that Soviet
delegate Vishinsky .has been able
to use his statements while at-
tacking this country in the United
At Grand Rapids, home of the
late Republican Sen. Arthur A.
Vandenberg, Truman launched
still another attack on Eisenhower.
He said the General calls him-
self a "Vandenberg Republican,"
and supports policies of interna-
tional cooperation while in Mich-
igan but "talked like an Isolation-
ist, a Dirksen-Taft-McCormick
Republican in fllinois."
Adlai Group
Ends Career
With Forum
The Students for Stevenson club
last night bowed out, at least until
1956, with a round table discus-
sion of "Presidential Elections in
the Final Week."
Panel members, including Prof.
Sidney Fine of the history de-
partment and Prof. Samuel J. El-
dersveld and Prof. Frank Grace
both of the political science de-
partment, agreed that Stevenson
needed to carry New York state to
insure his election.
* * *
ALTHOUGH none of the trio
cared to go out on a limb with a
prediction, by their own admis-
sion, each felt that Stevenson has
an excellent chance of winning.
Prof. Fine, who opened the
discussion, said, "If Stevenson
wins, it will be by a very small
majority vote, possibly even by
less than a majority of the pop-
ular vote."
He further maintained that
"the issue of corruption and taxa-
tion will not swing any Republi-
can votes. If Eisenhower wins, it
will be because of his personaljty,
a gnawing suspicion that the Re-
publicans can do more to clean up
Communism, and the Korean War

THESE sentiments were second-
ed by the group's sponsor, Prof.
Eldersveld, who added that there
are six or seven key states, of
which a candidate must carry at
least three to win. He believed the
governor could carry this many.
The final speaker, Prof. Grace,
expressed pleasure at the way the
cards seemed stacked for a Dem-

County Campaign Headquarters Bustle with Activity

* * * *



* * * *

Long hours, constant re-shuffling, and a final mad scramble
before election day-these are the earmarks of local party campaign
Functioning chiefly as a co-ordinating body for a large network
of activities, the Republican and Democratic headquarters in Ann
Arbor serve as the nerve center behind the majority of county
political action.
The two groups are located about a block apart on Fourth Avenue
and carry on many similar activities. Both are responsible for the
smooth operation of the party campaign throughout Washtenaw
* * * *
THE PARTIES are organized along similar structural lines. Each
has an executive group overseeing the main operations of lower level
bodies. They both have four or five committees set up to carry out the
major load of work.
On a lower stratum precinct heads and committees under
them make the valuable personal contacts with voters.
Headquarter activity began for the Democrats on Aug. 8 when
they held a public open house. A week later Republican workers rented
their nace and han fnrmnaml nfnriainn nn Aio 19

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