I THE MICHIGAN DAILY L~Aj., (~.ju'z~A2~ab h , O m ______________________________________________________________________ The Korean War GOP Outlook N. DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER, in his announcement Friday that he will go to Korea in an effort to end the war if he is elected, came forth with the greatest single constructive suggestion of the current election campaign. In contrast to the temperate statements of Adlai Stevenson on the Korean "police action," the General has offered a sug- gestion which may well be an answer to the stalemate, and which would repre- sent the first positive step taken by the United States since American troops en- tered the battle in June of 1950. Taking the initiative to end the war via the President, the United States and the UN could explode the Soviet-created myth that Western Imperialism and American ag- gression are reseponsible for the Korean situation. Both Stevenson and the Truman adminis- tration have yet to offer one concrete so- lution to the problem. The Democratic ad- ministration seems to have written off the war as the "indefinite war" . . . one which they had no part in creating and one which they have no solution for ending. The interminable stalemate of the pre- sent armistice talks, while UN casualties in Korea have risen steadily until they now stand at some 150,000 stands as a pathetic monument to the present administration's lack of determination to end the conflict. In view of this, Eisenhower's pledge re- veals his fundamental hatred of war and a grim resolution to end the Korean con- flict. His pledge represents the more active and positive enactment of foreign policy promised by the Republicans as opposed to the ambiguities of the Truman-Acheson decisions and the naive generalizations about "mankind's war" and "the high purpose of collective action" by Stevenson. It is signiffcant that the man who re- putedly is too inexperienced for public of- fice should offer a possible way out and a sound determination to end the greatest problem facing the country today. -Eugene Hartwig IF BY THE mere moral force of numbers a majority should deprive a minority of any clearly written constitutional right, it might, in any moral point of view, justify revolution *. - LINCOLN, First Inaugural Address, 1861 Democratic View GENERAL EISENHOWER'S promise to go to Korea if elected is just one of many of his inconsistent, naive solutions towards the Korean war. Up to now Ike has spent more time and energy damning the 'bungling of the Tru- man Administration' than he has offer- ing any feasible solution to the Korean war. For the sake of politics the Gen- eral has blamed the entire situation on the Administration's withdrawal of Ameri- can troops from Korea prior to the 1950 Korean invasion. What Ike and his sup- porters have conveniently forgotten is that Eisenhower, as Army Chief of Staff prior to the war, actually initiated the proposal to withdraw American troops. (But it would be just as senseless on this basis to coll the Korean War 'Mr. Eisen- hower's war' as it is to call it 'Mr. Tru- man's war' when indeed it is this country's war.) Then the General promised voters that American troops will be withdrawn from Ko- rea so that "Asians will be fighting against Asians." However, many fail to read the fine print on Ike's tailor-made promises. Eisenhower himself has admitted that the RKO troops are not ready to fight the battle themselves and that these troops must first be trained before we can even consider ending Am- erican military support. Eisenhower has obviously read the reports that show how disastrous it would be to withdraw our troops now, and yet he persists in giving the American people the impression that if elected he will withdraw American troops immediately. Last week the General said that we can- not "wait and wait and wait for peace." In direct contrast, Stevenson has been honest enough to admit to the American people that the only hope for peace both in Korea and throughout the world is to wait for a conference table settlement with the Communists, Now Ike promises to go to Korea and, in the eyes of his worshippers, to settle this 'mess' once and for all. It is difficult to imagine what form the General's latest crusade will take. Perhaps this miraculous healer of all that ails Amer- ica will charge into Asia on the proverbial white horse and in one magic sweep of his charming smile, solve all the complexities and intricacies of a crises which has puzzled and stalemated the most able minds for over two years. -Alice Bogdonoff In Re:* Stacy rditop Ilte By CRAWFORD YOUNG Daily Managing Editor THOSE GOP STALWARTS who shelled out $50 a plate at the long-awaited McCar- thy dinner Monday night were treated to the customary McCarthy menu of distor- tions, irrationality, and downright lies. That the intrepid Wisconsin Senator would exhibit his customary disregard for the factual record is not surprising and perhaps renders the speech no more alarm- ing than any other pronouncement he makes. However, other implications of the highly-publicized address make it pecul- iarly distressing. The question that inevitably arises is what part the Eisenhower headquarters played in the fantasy in red. On the surface, it might appear, as the good grey New York Times editorially maintains, that their role is in- nocent enough. The GOP National Commit- tee disavowed any direct connection with the speech; the radio and television time was purchased by Robert E. Woods of America First fame for $78,000. But it is not that easy to remove one- self from responsibility for such dema- goguery. If the General disliked this type of travesty on the truth as much as his apologists would lead us to believe, cer- tainly he was in a position to do some- thing about it. The address, scheduled at a key moment'in the campaign, billed as a major speech, and delivered by an im- portant GOP Senator, cannot help but bear the authority of the Republican par- ty. Or, on the other hand, are we to believe that the General has absolutely no influence over the Chicago Tribune wing of his par- ty. And if there is no control now, how could he later hope to keep in line the rambunctious cross-section of nineteenth century thought that would control the key posts in a Republican Senate or House? Sen. McCarthy, in a GOP Senate, would head the all-important Executive Expenditures Committee, would control the pursestrings of the State Department, and, inevitably, would have a large voice in its policy. The endorsement of the unsav- ory Senator was a blunder for which Gen. Eisenhower must pay by association with the slime of McCarthyism. It would seem that the General has no alternative but to squirm in the untenable position he has created for himself by his discarding the crusade of courage, honesty and enlightenment which won him the nom- ination in favor of a campaign of appease- ment, insincerity and reaction which this writer profoundly hopes will lose him the election. Overheard Before Election "6WHO'RE you voting for?" "And you? I really couldn't say. I think I'll wait until I hear The candidates today." "My man's the good one now, you know-. Campaigner to the end. He'll put the country on its feet- He's everybody's friend." "I think you're quite a little wrong. My candidate's the one. I see right now you don't belong. Best change your mind, old son. "My candidate's a brilliant man. A man of rare good sense. He states his facts specifically, And doesn't climb the fence. "Specific facts will do more good Than accusations will, And my party's not used five gold stars To garner up good will." "That malarky doesn't go with me, I'll tell you that. If* we can't get along without Mink coats, I'll eat my hat. "Our refrigerators all were Paid for fair and square. My candidate's the choice of all Who do not want taxed air." "This argument could go for hours. I think we should adjourn To the Union for some coffee And meet some boys who'll help you learn. Jean D. Keeler THIS I BELIEVE QUOTATIONS from Ashley Montague's latest writings: "iWHAT MUST be realized is that every hu- man being is a problem in search oft a solution. Some are merely parts of the prob- lem, while others constitute part of the so- lution." "The prejudices of a class have often been mistaken for the laws of nature." "The answer to (the) question, 'what is the nature of life?'4can be expressed in one word, co-operation-the interaction between organisms for mutual support in such a way as to confer survival benefits upon each oth- er. Another word for the same thing . . .is love. Without co-operation, without love, it is not possible to live-at best, it is possible only to exist." "If mankind is to be saved, it can be done FATHER, DEAR FATHER, COME HOME WITH ME NOW. Euwi ~ - 4_. VOTE £TRA169 TREPUBUaCAM RAll TAI AI O REALISTIC :r"VNETE STAND. 4M It4 -Repr ntedFrom V '$,fl RAS ,,. pi,. :i .; rAND 04 RARE 'EAISM rAv4N04 L ABO the Ark==asG Courtesy GOP National Committee -Courtesy Democratic National Committeo eCettePJi to the e6t t01 9O By ZANDEI HOLLANDER Daily Feature Editor T HE DETERMINED FEW who have taken an honest interest in helping Robert Stacy, former University teaching fellow convicted of arson in the Haven Hall blaze. will find substantial encouragement in the resolution passed last week by the Wash- tenaw County Bar Association. The resolution-which summarily dis- poses of ill-advised and politically-inspired attacks against the justice of the trial proceedings-for the first time publicly holds out the hope that "if new evidence can be found . . . which will support a request for a new trial, there are channels through which such a request can be made." Implicit in this delicately worded state- ment are a host, of suggestions. It is known that in drafting the resolution the Associa- tion's Legal Aid Committee studied carefully a wealth of material amassed by friends of Stacy and a group of law students who work- ed for nearly a year in compiling an infor- mal file on the case. This file, Stacy's friends believe, contains several leads which-if de- veloped-could become the "new evidence" called for in the Bar statement. But more, much more, important: the resolution clearly underlines the fact that this is the time for anyone who has in his possession knowledge-known at the time of the Latin scholar's conviction or since acquired-which Stacy's attorney didn't know at the trial to come forward with his information. There are "channels," as the resolution says, by which this information will be plac- ed in the hands of those sincerely attempt-. ing to help Stacy. These channels can be entered by transmitting any useful know- ledge on the case to The Daily. B.B.'s Defense.. . To the Editor: WITHIN THE last few weeks, a storm of letters have been printed in The Daily, deriding Ber- nie Backhaut's courageous st'ep in joining the Young Republican club, after formerly being associ- ated with the Young Democrats. One of the primary reasons for the numerous resignations of life long Democrats has been their dis- -gust with the sheer hypocricy of the party. For over 20 years, the Democratic party has been attrac- ting minority groups into its fold with promises of civil rights legis- lation, fully aware that the south- ern wing of the party would pre- vent such legislation. However, this year the Democrats have reached the epitome of hypocricy by nomi- nating for Vice-President, Sen. John Sparkman--a long time fol- lower of the "white-supremacy" line. Sen. Sparkman has consis- tently voted against Anti-lynching and Anti-poll tax laws, against the FEPC, and has even opposed the abolition of segregation in the Armed Forces and in public hous- ing. Thus, many Democratic vot- ers who have yearned for effect- ive civil rights legislation, to no avail, have joined the Republican party, whose platform pledges a Federal Anti-lynching law, abo- lition of the poll-tax, and to fight for effective state action in elim- inating discrimination. A second reason for Democratic dissension, has been their anti- pathy toward the widespread cor- ruption within the party as shown by the disclosures of RFC and 5% scandals and the numerous in- come tax evasions. Many Demo- crats, tired of the chicanery in public office, have realized that the Democratic nominee would be powerless to remove such govern- ment officials from office when it was these same office holders who fought for Stevenson's nomination, and have therefore joined the Re- publican crusade for honesty in government. A third cause for dismay among former Democrats has been the tragic foreign policy, or rather lack of policy, of the Administration. The blunders leading to the crisis in Korea have been painful enoughI for the relatives of 122,000 Ameri- can casualties, but when the Democratic nominee has failed to massacre.of an English garrison in Glasgow, nor the total absence of English influence over a period of ten years-unless, of course, Mr. Ramzi retreats 900 years in his- tory where his analysis of Egyp- tian-Sudanese relations might have more validity as well. No doubt Egypt's rule or rather misrule over a period of 12 cen- tury was a contributing factor to the Mahdi's influence. The Khe.- dives' adventures in fantastic ex- travagance .far outweighed their interest in the common Behlahin and native Sudanese. The estab- lishment of a Sudanese slave mar- ket in Cairo left little if anything said of Egyptian benevolence. Yet.I am led to believe .there is a greater reason for the mainten- ance of British forces in Ismailia. Mr. Ramzi speaks of a "Middle East defense" once Britain removes her troops from the Sudan. Yet in the light of past history, such a move by British foreign office would be most incredible. Even the most optimistic of foreign observ- ers cannot overlook the great re- bellion of 1916 during World War I. Hardly ten years ago when the Suez Canal and all the implica- tions of its capture were at stake, one can recall Farouk's gleeful attitude when Rommel's panzers arched within 70 miles of Alex- andria or Prime Minister Ale Ma- ker's undercover negotiations with the Italians. Nor does one easily overlook Haj Amin El-Husserni's visit with Hitler at Berlin matched in infamy only by the Rischid Ali rebellion of August 1941. During the course of the second war, not one Arab nation save Hashimite Transiordan contributed token forces to the Allied cause, though failure to do so in the dark days of 1941-2 almost precipitated a swift success for the axis. Thus in the final analysis and. rightfully so, we expect great sus- picion on the part of 10 Downing Street towards any Arab offering that includes the removal of Bri- tish troops from the Sudan. -Jacob Lassner Swimming Pool... To the Editor: T IS UNFORTUNATE that the Daily completely missed a most important point in its coverage of the ground-breaking ceremony for the new women's swimming pool. At the ceremony, it was clearly The Builder cial superiority, depicting the Ne-t gro people as alternatively docilec and childlike, or scheming andr conniving. When it was first shown in 1915, it incited race riots in Bos-s ton and other cities. Since then,t its showing has been .the onset of Klan terrorism in numerous places. To show this film today then cana serve no good aim. We are livinga in a time when the embattled Ne-c gro people are striving for equal- ity, for dignity, for the truth about1 their great history. Those whot show such a film as the "Birth of A Nation" are working against the Negro people. They are furtheringf misconceptions, furthering slan- ders, furthering lies. They areg denying the Negro people their ba-; sic right to dignity, to an honest portrayal of their past. Bigotry feeds on such lies as are containedr in this film.I It is a crime falsely to vilify a single person. How much more sot an entire people?t The honorable thing to do for1 white students is to side with thea Negro people, and get rid of seg-t regated housing, jim crow jobs and barbershops, discriminatory faculty hiring, and racist text- books. Let us protest the bringing of a film which justifies this veryI practice of racism in Ann Arbor. --Mike Sharpe African Union ... . To the Editor: THE AFRICAN union has been extending invitation to the Egyptian Students on this Cam-' pus. Unfortunately non, except one non-citizen student from Egypt, has accepted the invitation; nei- ther has any one of them given any tangible reason for his passiveness7 to the. invitation. The following may be the cause for their action: It is possible that the Egyptian students regard themselves as non-Africans, since the imperialist Britain has con-- sistently segregated them from the rest of Africa in her attempt toj "divide and rule." Historically Egypt is inhabited in the main by non-Negroid races especially the Semitics. But Egypt is geographi- cally an African country. For the latter reason the Egyptians en- croached on the Sudan, although they claim cultural affinity with the Sudanese. However, the attitude of these students towards the African Union illustrate the fact that ei- ther the Egyptians exist in Africa as imperialists and as such com- parable to the foreign imperialists, or the Egyptians here do not know that African Union means an or- ganization for all students from all parts of Africa, colonial or free. If Egyptians are imperialists in Afri- ca, then their students do not de- serve becoming members of our Union, just as any South African Malanist does not. If they are Africans,. nosmatter fromwhere they descended, they will join the African Union. I am therefore appealing to the Egyptian students to understand the purpose of this union, and to make good use of this opportunity; or else face the paradox of "sitting on two stools at the same time." -F. Chigbu-Ememe . . s Free Press .. . To the Editor: THE FOLLOWING quotes are from Monday's Detroit Free Press covering of the impending coal walkout: "When the W.S.B. ruling came through it chopped off 40 cents." Even the Artists Are Bitter the Democratic Party. The Demo- cratic administration supposedly represents a coalition in which lib- erals and labor leaders have a strong voice. In this concrete ac- tion, however, it has taken up the sword for the coal operators, the international trusts of Morgan and Mellon who own the mines and steel mills, the traditional foes of labor and the liberals. If: a Truman elected on a Fair Deal program in '48 has given us this, what can we expect of a Stevenson tied to the same party who promises far less in '52? I, for one, cannot rationally and "in good conscience be guided by a grasping faith that perhaps Gov. Stevenson, standing in the .sha- dows of a reaction rampant con- vention and a Senator Sparkman,. might turn out to be another Roosevelt. There are indications that after this election the C.I.O. might band together with the A.F. of L., Inde- pendents and Progressives to form a genuine labor party in the Uni- ted States. Lewis has repeatedly called for this. Until such a party matures, and to speed the date of its arrival, a protest vote is man- datory for all honest liberals and progressives. For such a vote we cannot choose within the frame- work of the Democratic Party. There is only one principal reform party into which this protest sen- timent can flow. This is the Pro- gressive Party. -Vincent E. Giuliano * * * 'Our Error' .. . To the Editor: I[N ORDER TO confine character assassination to the political realm, we wish to explain that the wording "surly students" printed in our letter of October 17, was a typographical error (ours) and should have read "sur- rounded by students." The said students are really quite pleasant and our letter had only humorous intent. -Jay Faily Janie Faily Sonja Janich De Vee Janich I ON THE Washington Merry-Go-Round with DREW PEARSON f WASHINGTON-Here is a rough idea as to how the cabinets of the two presi- dential candidates will stack up if elected: * * * THE EISENHOWER CABINET Secretary of State-Thomas E. Dewey. The Governor of New Yoik went around the world to get up to date on foreign affairs, has been conferring with Acheson on foreign policy and has his heart set on this post. Since he was the best brain in putting across the General's nomination, he will probably get his reward. Secretary of the Treasury -- Winthrop Ildrich of the Chase National Bank. Brother-in-law of John D. Rockefeller and a power in GOP politics, Aldrich has been one of the key men behind Ike. Secretary of Defense-Sen. Henry Cabot Lodge. The original Eisenhower campaign manager, Lodge faces likely defeat in his Massachusetts race for re-election. He serv- ed in the Army and on the Senate armed services committee. Attorney General--Gov. Earl Warren of California. Secretary of Agriculture - Sen. Frank Carlson of Kansas, now one of Eisenhower's closest advisers. Secretary of the Interior - Gov. Dan 'hornton of Colorado; helped lead the fight at Chicago for Eisenhower's nomination. Secretary of Commerce-Sen. James Duff of Pennsylvania, one, of the earliest Harriman's withdrawal from the Brace at Chicago insured Stevenson's nomination, and he could probably have the important State Department post if he wanted it. If not, William Fulbright of Arkansas, one of the Senate's best brains on foreign affairs, would have second call. Secretary of the Treasury-Dwight Pal- mer, head of the General Cable Co., one of the big businessmen vigorously behind Stevenson. Secretary of Defense-Tom Finletter, a Wall Street attorney now Secretary for Air. Attorney General-Senator Kefauver of Tennessee. Secretary of Agriculture-Some Steven- son advisers have suggested Milton Eisene- hower, brother of the General, who served \with Stevenson in the Agriculture De- partment under Henry Wallace. Milton also served under Secretary.of Agriculture Clinton Anderson. A more likely possibil- ity is Roy Turner, former Governor of Oklahoma. Secretary of the Interior-Oscar Chap- man of Colorado or Sen. Joseph O'Mahoney of Wypming. Secretary of Commerce-Phil Wrigley, the chewing-gum king of Chicago, a Republican who has been a personal friend of Steven- son's. Secretary of Labor-Wayne Morse, GOP Senator from Oregon. Postmaster General - Stephen Mitchell, present any advice towards Korea, stated by Prof. Crisler that the Formosa, or the Middle East, it is building was being erected with- no small wonder for the wide- out any cost to the taxpayer. The spread bolts among Democrats, million dollars donated by the long tired of war. Board in Control of Intercollegiate In addition, the growing domi- Athletics was raised from receipts nation of the Democratic party at from athletic events. Not one cent the hands of the socialist C.I.O., was appropriated by the State has encouraged many Democrats Legislature. who believe in our American sys- The University of Michigan is tem of Free Enterprise to leave the only state institution that has the party. The claws of Murray, an athletic department that is Reuther, & Co. have now found completely self-supporting. Stu- their way around Adlai Stevenson, dents here should be pleased to as shown by his demand for repeal know that all of the finances re- of the Taft-Hartley Act, after ad- ceived by the University are used vocating only slight modification for purely academic purposes. of it before the convention realiz- i-Bob Perry ing its vital role in preserving the* * * balance of power between Labor Birth of a Nation . . . and Management. -George Zuckerman To the Editor: * * THE FILM "Birth of A Nation" is ,., . ..s rh rici 2jLL. t ri rn) tI* LNU. . LW I f 1 T Sixty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Crawford Young...Managing Editor Cal Samra.........EditorialDirector Zander Hollander.......Feature Editor Sid Klaus.........Associate City Editor Harland Britz ......... Associate Editor Donna .Hendieman, ... Associate Editor Ed Whipple.............Sports Editor John Jenks.....Associate Sports Editor Dic Sewel..... Associate Sports Editor Lorraine Butler........ Women's Editor Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor Business Staff Al Green...........Business Manager Milt Goetz ........ Advertising Manager Diane Johnston.. . Assoc. Business Mgr. Judy Loehnberg..... Finance Manager Tom Treeger.C.... Circulation Manager MEDC? , 0. To the Editor: ALTHOUGH I have never sup- ported British colonial action -in the Near East, I feel forced to comment on Mr. Ramzi's reply to some comments originally stated; by Prof. Slosson. scheduled to appear Nov. 3 un- der the auspices of the Gothic Film Society. This film is based on the novel "The Klansmen," by Thomas Dix- on. Dixon, a southern gentleman, attempts to justify the slave-own- ing point of view of the Confeder- acy. He writes about the Recon- struction period, typifying it by R