Y CONGRATULATIONS See Page 4 4bo 4* 1Mw uj tau fla ii4 cCa Latest Deadline in the State CLOUDY, WINDY AND COLDER VOL. LXIII, No. 31 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1952 SIX PAGES 'THIS I BELIEVE': Strong Faith Brig Peace EDITOR'S NOTE: In conjunction with the coming lecture series, "This 1 Believe," The Daily is presenting statements of belief of prominent mem- bers of the University community. Miss Polk is an active member of the Newman Club. By DILLY POL"K Member of the Student Religious Association Council Having floundered for several years in the lukewarm seas of agnosticism, I was suddenly presented with the notion that man is not a creature with a number of oddly assorted feelings about what he i) and where he is going, but a rational being with a mind capable of learning final truths and sticking to them. I had long been assuming that I knew more about God's nature than I actually did, and I realized that I had better do a little concrete investigation into so important a subject. (I believed in God because He seemed obvious to me-both from the beauties of the natural world and from my personal contact with Him.) Upon investigation, I found that traditional, orthodox Christianity was inescapable as the proper manifestation of the relationship between Creator and creature. Since my conversion, I have come to realize more and more fully the abiding and overwhelming .love of God for each of His children, and the delight He takes in the careful arrangement of details so that, no matter what the evil event, good comes of it. I have come to realize the point and the value of suffering, whether mental or physical. Now I know from experience that the Beatitudes, far from being im- practical aspirations, are the only possible way of governing one's life. By taking Our Lord seriously and literally, seeming chaos is resolved into beautiful order, and one can at last tell where to begin in life, as well as where one is going. Now that I've found my way, I can spend all my time and energy in getting there, rather than in finding out directions. I believe that love of God must manifest itself in love of man; he, after all, needs us, while objectively speaking, He does not. "God does not require us all to go out and be martyrs," someone once said, "but He does require us not to lose our tempers when the toast burns." Even if I were some great statesman in charge of foreign affairs, it would make very little real difference to the world at large if I sud- denly dropped dead. But perhaps ten or twenty people in Ann Arbor would be concerned if something happened to me, and are made happy, sad, or cross by the way I say good morning or the one moment I spend asking how that test went. What do I want, then, from life? To do God's will. For I know that nothing else can make me happy for long, and that He, who is my Father, will Inot leave me comfortless. I can trust all to Him. "I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year, 'Give me a light, that I may tread safely into the unknown.' SRA Series Opens Today At Rackharn Prof. Ashley Montagu, chair- man of the anthropology depart- ment at Rutgers University, will open the "This I Believe" lecture series at 8:30 p.m. today in the Rackham Lecture Hall. His talk on "Man and His Uni- verse" is sponsored by the Student Religious Association and the Campus Religious Council. PROF. MONTAGU is also sen- ior lecturer at the Veterans Ad- ministration Post Graduate Train- ing Program in Psychiatry in Philadelphia, lecturer at the School of Social Research in New York and a consultant to UNESCO. In addition to writing, produc- ing and directing the film, "One World or Nine," he has written "Statement on Race," "Coming Into Being Among the Austral- ian Aborigines," "Adolescent Sterility," and many other books. Two of his recent books, "On Being Human" and "Darwin: Competition and Cooperation," And he said to me, 'Go out int into the hand of God, and it will b and safer than a known way. " Alumni Fund Drive Planned By New Group Pro-tem committee members of the recently set-up Development Council yesterday released prelim- inary plans of an annual alumni fund drive which would comple- ment legislative appropriations in providing for future University ex- pansion. The appointment of former pres- ident Alexander G. Ruthven to an advisory position as council con- sultant was announced at the group's initial organizational meeting Sunday. * , * OUTLINING possible financial sources for the systematized fund- raising program committee sub- chairmen reported plans of an in- dividual "special gifts" program; a procedure to encourage alumni to include bequests to the Univer- sity in wills; a committee to con- sider needs specifically for sup- port of foundations; and a pro- motional program to publicize the development set-up. Distribution of funds collect- ed under the drive will be deter- mined from an analysis of re- ports submitted by every school and college as to their current and long-term expansion needs, according to Council director Al- an W. MacCarthy. The newly dedicated women's swimming pool unit would be an example of such a need-one that must be supported through private subscription and not through ap- propriations or public grants, MacCarthy explained. The Development Council also plans. to call a committee of stu- dent leaders who would be respon- sible for informing the campus of development objectives and build- ing up alma-mater loyalty among future alumni. SL To Orient 4ll Candidates The first training meeting for Student Legislature candidates will be held at 4:15 p.m. today at the SL Bldg., 512 S. State. Atthri Aa in is~ rnvnunjrv fo~r all1 o the darkness, and put your hand e to you better than a bright light SL Referenidum Anyone desiring to submit a referendum question for the Nov. 18 and 19 all-campus elec- tion must turn it in before Wednesday, Nov. 5 at the Stu- dent Legislature Bldg., elec- tions director Robin Glover, '53, announced yesterday. A referendum question must receive a vote of approval from SL to be placed on the ballot. garines Retake Key Korean Hill SEOUL, Korea - (P) - Battling with fists, bayonets and rifle butts, U. S. Marines wrested back the crest of a major Western Front hill position yesterday. About 1,500 Chinese Reds at- tacked the position and were forced to withdraw after dark under intense artillery fire. An ac- curate estimate was lacking, but one reportssaid300 Reds died in the fierce struggle. Regulation City fire department officials last night urged strict observ- ance of the city ordinance re- garding the burning of leaves in public streets. "Unusually dry weather con- ditions have made automobile fires a definite hazzard from uncontrolled leaf fires," a fire department source commented. The Ann Arbor department has responded to an average of six calls a day during the past week due to indiscriminant leaf burning. Police Find Dormitory TheftClues Ann Arbor police detectives yes- terday were following clues dis- covered in connection with two thefts one of $81 from Phi Kappa Tau fraternity, the other of al- most $70 from Martha Cook Resi- dence Hall Saturday night. The fraternity theft, fourth in a series of such robberies, follow- ed the same pattern as the pre- vious ones in which money was taken from billfolds lying on desks and bureaus in the rooms. TOM RICKETTS, '53BAd, pres- ident of Phi Kappa Tau comment- ed on the brazenness of the thieves in entering the house with many homecoming guests on hand, and expressed little hope of recovering the money. A second student robbery took place at Martha Cook when a thief, who was seen but not iden- tified, slipped in at the dinner hour before the homecoming crowds had left the dorm and went through several rooms tak- ing bills amounting to almost $70. A woman resident of the dorm reported seeing a strange man whom she claims she could iden- tify, in her room late Saturday afternoon. Taking him Q pi an- other of the many fathers then in the residence hall for the Home- coming festivities she thought nothing of it. UPON QUESTIONING, the man claimed he was in the wrong room and left. Sometime after he left it was noticed that a number of bills were missing from her wal- let on the dresser. Previously hit in the present series of house robberies were Chi Phi, Theta Chi, and Phi Gamma Delta fraternities where a total of $328 was taken. Last weekend's thefts brought the total to almost $479. Detective George J. Simmons of the Ann Arbor police department, who is in charge of the case, ad- vised students not to leave purses and billfolds lying about and to take every precaution to protect their property. Professors Hold Foreign Policy Debate Speaking in a dimly lit ward of University Hospital, Prof. Henry Bretton, of the political science de- partment, and Prof. Preston Slos- son, of the history department, waged a battle of, words on the Democratic foreign policy. Taking the affirmative side of the question, "Resolved: that the foreign policy of the Democratic administration has been inade- quate," Prof. Bretton charged that once the administration had com- mitted innumerable blunders "it then failed to stop the already bloated Communist colossus." Prof. Slosson defended the Roosevelt-Truman policy by cit- ing seven achievements of the Democrats: the UN charter, the Marshall Plan, NATO, the Truman Doctrine, Korean intervention, the Point Four Program and the re- ciprocal trade agreements. He went on to say that "Repub- licans must be judged by their past record in which they have consistently tried to cut down aid -designed to check Communism." "Although we won the war, we have lost the peace," Prof. Bret- ASHLEY MONTAGU , - - to open series - * , have presented his widely discussed thesis that cooperation, not con- flict, is the natural law of life. Born 47 years ago in London, Prof. Montagu studied for three years at the University of Florence before coming to Columbia in 1937 to earn his doctorate. He served with the British Museum of Nat- ural History, New York University and Harvard University beforej teaching at Rutgers. An informal reception at Lane Hall will follow Prof. Montagu's lecture. Other speakers in the series will be George N. Shuster, president of Hunter College, Nov. 4; Vera' Micheles Dean, research director for the Foreign Policy Association, Nov. -11 and James A. Pike, Dean of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, New York City, Nov. 18. DISCORD-Crying three-year-old Mark Mitchell is held by Gov. Adlai Stevenson as the boy's father tries to get a picture of the two at Pittsfield, Mass. The father gave up the idea when he couldn't get the flash bulb to go off. m * * Candidates Slam Each Other As Election Nears Eisenhower.,! PITTSBURGH - ( ) - Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower proclaimed all across Pennsylvania Monday an unshakable determination to go on to Korea, if elected president, and try to "diminish this flow of American blood." The Republican presidential nominee, attacking his Democratic opponent, Gov. Adlai E. Steven- son, as "completely untutored in the tough business of world rela- General Dwight D. Eisenhow- er will speak at 9 p.m. today on the NBC radio network. tions," told cheering Pennsylvan- ians he is going over "no matter what anybody says." AN OVERFLOW crowd fought to get the 11,000 seats in the Hunt Armory but many thousands never made it. Those who did gave the General a tremendous roaring wel- come. He got a big hand when he said almost at the outset of his speech: "So long as a single American soldier faces enemy fire in Korea, the honorable ending of the Kor- ean War and the securing of hon- orable peace in the world must be the first-the urgent and unshak- able purpose of a new administra- tion." But he said earlier at Johns- town there is "no quick patent medicine cure" for Korea,. al- though we can do better than we have done. Stevenson has suggested the place to settle the Korean War is in Moscow. Eisenhower had this come back: "It betrays again the mentality that is completely untutored in the tough business of world rela- tions. It is the cry of men whose formula for dealing with Soviet aggression has been openly stated in terms of 'give and concede.' "IT IS THE CRY of a candidate who before this campaign changed his tune and who only last May called for what he himself de- scribed as a 'prolonged public dis- cussion of what it will be neces- sary to concede' to Soviet Russia. McCarthy Blasts Stevenson, Aides Declares Election to Decide Whether Anierica or Communism Triumphs CHICAGO (/P)-Gen. Joseph R. McCarthy, in a slashing attack on Gov. Adlai Stevenson and his advisors. said last night that the Nov. 4 election will decide whether America or Communism wins. The Republican senator from Wisconsin also charged: 1. That Democratic presidential nominee Stevenson "is part and parcel of the Acheson-Hiss-Lattimore group." 2. Endorses "suicidal Kremlin-shaped policies for America." 3. Once had a plan for foisting Communism" on the Italians after Mussolini's fall. "I do not state that Stevenson was a Communist or pro-Commu- nist, but I must believe that some- Stevenson . NEW YORK-(P)-Gov. Adlai E. Stevenson brought his new fighting campaign into New York Monday and met a rip-roaring re- ception in populous Harlem. Stevenson arrived after a stren- uous day in New England where he charged Gen. Dwight D. Eis- enhower with promising some- thing he can't deliver-an early peace in Korea. THE GENERAI, he said, has taken a "bewildering variety of positions" on the major issues of the campaign. As the crowd cheered, Stev- epson said Eisenhower "speaks with every voice in the Repub- lican party except his own." The Illinois governor teed off on Eisenhower's Korean views before a throng, estimated at 14,000 per- sons by the Providence Journal, in Providence's City Hall Square. STEVENSON said Eisenhower had "led the people to believe that if they will trust him, he will find a way out" of the Korean stale- mate. Having told a Brockton, Mass., crowd earlier in the day that no one knows when th'e war will end, he added: "Americans are distrustful of men who tell them 'follow me' and won't say where they are going." Stevenson told a howling, cheer- ing crowd estimated at 5,000 pack- ed into the railroad station at Gov. Adlai Stevenson will broadcast at 12 noon today on CBS radio. He will also be seen on television at 10:30 p.m. to- day over Dumont-TV, NBC-TV and CBS-TV. New Haven, Conn., that the Re- publicans had resorted to "abuse and vilifications" in the campaign. ASSERTING that the only Re- publican refrain was "it's time for a change," the Democratic nominee said: "I don't think I have to talk to the American people in words of one syllable or in generalities -like some generals." He said Eisenhower had recom- mended that the voters return to the Senate "the worst collection of isolationists the country has ever known." thing was wrong somewhere," he said. McCarthy's "coldly documented background of this man who wants to be president" was prepared for deivery before 1,150 persons at a $50-a-plate dinner. THE SPEECH, broadcast and televised nation-wide, was spon- sored by a private group headed by Gen. Robert E. Wood, chairman of Sears, Roebuck & Co. McCarthy made these charges in his long-awaited "Stevenson Story" which he had said would show Stevenson's connections with known Communists and Communist causes. McCarthy said the Daily Work- er eight days ago "damned Eisen- hower" and then went on to say "that they did not like Steven- son too well, either, but that if Communists want to vote for Ste- venson-okay, vote for him-but vote for no one else on the Demo- cratic ticket-elect local Progres- sive party candidates and pile up a big vote for those Communist candidates who are in the field. McCarthy also charged that Stevenson, while in the State Department in 1943, had a plan for "foisting the Communists upon the Itlaian.s" In this connection, McCarthy referred to a book written by Gen. Walter Bedell Smith, head of the Central Intelligence Agency. In that book, McCarthy said, "the policy for Italy was given as name- ly to "connive' to bring Commu- nists into the Italian government and to bring the Italian Commu- nist leader, Togliatti, back from Moscow." Lewis Orders Hiners Return PITTSBURGH - (P) - Go-to- work telegrams sent by John L. Lewis to aides throughout the na- tion's soft-coal fields ended the week-long coal strike yesterday. The president of the striking United Mine 'Workers told his miners to resume production in the best interests of the public and themselves pending a final decision on the pay increase. Coal production stopped just a week ago following a Wage Stab- ilization Board ruling that $.40 should be taken off the $190-a- day pay boost which Lewis recent- ly negotiated with the industry. When the WSB action cut min- ers pay from the expected $18.20 for a basic minimum day to $17.85, they promptly refused to work. They took the stand that the Gov- ernment had nullified their con- tract. Lewis sided with his men and said they wouldn't work unless they got the full $1.90. There is no official indication of how the pay issue will be resolved finally. Local Rally To Bring Kvey Democrats A concentrated drive to line-up votes will bring ahost of key men on the Democratic ticket to this area at 8:30 p.m. today. In a swing through this part of the district, Gov. G. Mennen Wil- liams, Sen. Blair Moody, congres- sional candidate Prof. John P. Dawson, of the Law School, and seven county candidates will speak at a series of rallys. The local rally will be held at the Mary D. Mitchell School, Pitts- view Drive in East Ann Arbor. * * * THE GOVERNOR, Sen. Moody and Prof. Dawson will begin their evening at a Chamber of Com- merce dinner in Chelsea. Follow- ing this, all the candidates will appear at the rallys. The county candidates will speak in two teams, which will rapidly move from rally to rally and the three Stat, canddat will travel together from place to place. The first team of county candi- dates comprises Leonard D. Ben- nett, candidate for State Senator; prosecuting attorney candidate, Louis C. Andrews, Jr., and Law- rence Oltersdorf, who is running for sheriff. The second team is made up of Mrs. Viola B. Blackenburg, hope- ful for a representative post in the State Legislature, Roy Merrill, candidate for drain commissioner, and William H. Dickson, candidate for coroner. Meetings will be at Willow Vil- lage, at the Trailer camp on U. S. 23, here and in Ypsilanti Demo- cratic Headquarters. All meetings are open to th public. 'U' Chest Driv Exceeds Goal Although the Community Ch Drive lacks $3,720.67 to reach goal, the University division l gone over the top and has tur in 100.26 per cent of its goal still more returns coming in. The University, the largest tributing division of the dri one of six divisions which ha. lected more than 100 per ce its goal. If the campaign does go o top, as officials predict, 'mark the first time in fo that the Chest has achie goal here in Ann Arbor. The drive officially closet day but returns from the v divisions are still being cour The latest totals show that 9/ per cent of the goal, or $158,799. has been returned. Mrs. Ceclia Craig, chairman of the drive, said that the drive has never before been completed in only a two week period as it has this year. Guards Seized As Prisoners Rebel CHESTER, Ill. - (P) - Convicts at Menard State Prison, scene of NO COVER CHARGE: Evans Arrives To Take Reins as Opera Director By BOB APPLE Fred Evans, the high stepping, fancy dancing New York chore- ographer arrived last Monday to take the reins as director of the new Union Opera, "No Cover Charge." Evans, who is making his third appearance as the Opera's direc- tor boasts a background of many years of show business experience. Starting as a chorus boy in a IN THE COURSE of his life- time he has been an assistant stage manager, stage manager, perform- er, choreographer and general stage director. His versatility has carried him to stages, cafes, ra- dio and television studios and stagings of motion picture produc- tions, or what he calls "flesh show." Primarily, 'vans has worked in musicals thus fulfilling the requirements for a good Union Opera director. When asked how the new Op- era show looks so far, Evans stat- ed that he considered the music wonderful and remarked that "it doesn't sound amatuerish at all." HE ALSO said that the large response to tryout meetings and the quality of talent auditioning shows not only a greater intterest by University students than ever before but that all around ma- terial should be better than it has $6,000,000 COLLECTED: Phoenix Project in Sight of Goal A campaign fund total of more than $6,000,000 -reported yester- day put the Michigan Memorial. Phoenij4 Project in sight of its $6,500,000 goal within the year. In the first financial and re- search meeting in a year, 50 mem- bers of the Phoenix National Exe- cutive Committee from all over the country heard reports of a fund total of $6,003,653, which has ac- cumulated since 1950 from nearly 30,000 contribotors. * * * the corporation field. Industry has accounted for a major ($3,- 135,628) part of total figures and has become "vitally interested" in the project according to Mac- Carthy. The bulk of Phoenix contribu- tions were solicited during the 1950-51 period; only $692,577 was recorded since October, 1951. BUT IF Phoenix's financial pro- gress is entering the final stretch, th racarnhMrnframIla h~ac Phoenix's accomplishments in the near future. As outlined before the execu- tive committee's meeting, the detailed report will include re- suits of study in food preserva- tion, radiation effects on bac- teria metabolism, the tracer technique in medicine, along with a practical analysis of the project's goal-peacetime use and applications of nuclear en- ergy. QrM l _renn nl IM 1,_" im