FOUR. THE MICHIGAN DAILY SLNL)AY, O(A t 46 Z, 1h#52 U The Case for 6 (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first of two partisan editorials relating to the'candidacies of Prof. John P. Dawson and Congressman George Meader, who are presently campaigning for the position of representative from this district.) MEMBERS OF this Congressional district are fortunate in having two well quali- fied candidates running for the House of Representatives. Both George Meader, the Republican incumbent, and John P. Daw. son, his Democratic opponent, possess excel- lent educational backgrounds and have prov- en their competence in public affairs. Thus one can concentrate entirely on the two candidates' programs. Considering the positions taken by the candidates on FEPC, the Taft-Hartley Act, UMT and foreign aid, " this writer feels that George Meader is the prefer- able candidate. Meader would work at problems of dis- crimination through education and under- standing:rather than the coercive method inherent in compulsory federal FEPC leg- islation, which Prof. Dawson favors. A giant commission with huge powers of investigation and punishment would prove extremely impractical and would probably retard progress toward removing discrimina- tion within business. Such a commission would be a huge expense if it were to do any sort of an adequate job and would raise considerable antagonism towards the Fed- eral Government. Further, as regards Prof. Dawson's stand that the Taft-Hartley Act should be re- pealed and a fresh approach made to the problems it covers, this writer is more inclined to believe, as Meader does, that the TH law as it now stands with the amendments recommended by Senator Taft is the best solution to the labor problem. Unfortunately the labor bosses and a num- ber of politicians have attacked the mea- sure in a blindly partisan manner and turn- Leorge Meader ed it into a management monster for the benefit of the workers. The "slave-labor" charges are complete falsehoods and reflect an attitude on the part of labor leaders which precludes serious consideration of their remarks, Adopting the position that selective ser- vice legislation fills manpower needs, for' the present, Meader is opposed to over-em- phasis of UMT as a solution to our defense problems while Prof. Dawson favors the measures Under current conditions it is to be seriously questioned if a brief period of training will accomplish anything toward preparing American youth to defend their country. Instead of interrupting them for a year of basic training, and sending them back into civilian life only to be recruited again during an emergency, it would be better to combine training and service'into one term in the armed forces. Both Meader and Prof. Dawson have ex- cellent positions on foreign aid. The incum- bent Republican, however, has approached the problem with an interest in cutting down unnecessary expenditures in this area. He is interested in seeing that internal prac- tices in foreign countries do not result in waste of our appropriations. Meader has also pioneered in submit- ting legislation to provide for development of underdeveloped areas throughout the world. Working on this problem with the view of making projects self-liquidating, he has emphasized the need to utilize pri- vate capital to the fullest extent before giving any federal blank checks for this aid. These provisions would permit more extensive development of the areas and would fight Communism by methods of free enterprise rather than federal doles. On the basis of these points, George Meader should be re-elected to Congress.- -Harry Lunn (Tuesday: The Case for Prof. Dawson) CR-REf NT AOV ITES 'f At The State ... SON OF PALEFACE, in technicolor, with Bob Hope, Jane Russell, and Roy Rogers. S OME YEARS BACK, Bob Hope rode across your favorite screen as "The Paleface," the "mangiest, low downest, crookedest" scound- rel in the West. Now he returns in the livery of a Harvard man of- the 1890's; the son of the ol Paleface. Returning with him from the oll, format are Jane Russell and "But- tons and .Bows," (with some hilarious new lyrics.)) An added attraction is the hard ridin', guitar strummin' Roy Rogers, who in typical cowboy fashion prefers his faithful horse to any woman. The plot, if anyone is interested, con- cerns Junior Potter, who in search of his late daddy's inheritance, becomes involved in a conventional western potpourri, com- plete with barroom brawls, highway rob- bery, shapely femmes, and a very nasty tribe of disgruntled redskins. The robust leader of the band of West- ern badmen is none other than Miss Russell herself. Many words have been written about her acting talent, or rather her lack of it, but Junior best evaluates her by saying "I don't know what she has, but if we could bottle it, we would make a fortune." Hope is at his wisecracking best in a vehicle, well suited for his variety of gags and facial gymnastics. Esp~ecially noteworthy is the final chase to which the whole film seems to build up, and which is refreshingly reminiscent of the memorable Mack Sennet farces of the 20's. The adroit use of the slapstick form more than compensates for the mediocre tunes and Rogers' prefunctory antics. --Tom Harris MATTER OF FACT By JOSEPH and STEWART ALSOP WASHINGTON-Despite their very grave national significance, there are two facts which are rarely mentioned by any candidate, simply because it is in no candi- date's interests to mention them. The first is that the Hatch act, with its unrealistic limitation on campaign expenditures, makes legal liars out of all major candidates. The second is that both major parties are now most dangerously dependent on large con- tributions from a tiny, wealthy minority of the total American electorate. These facts suggest why a little noticed experiment by Beardsley Ruml, Democra- tic finance chairman and a brilliai t idea man, may, have a lasting effect on the future of American politics, whatever hap- pens on Nov. 4. Ruml's idea, like most good ideas, was simple enough, He caused to be printed some 2,000,000 booklets, each containing five "certificates." These certificates, each with a polite hand- written thank you note from Adlai Steven- son printed on it, cost $5 apiece. The coun- try, according to Ruml's idea, was to be blanketed with ten man teams, each team member with a book of five certificates to sell. Ruml's notion was that many people would be willing to contribute to the Steven- son campaign, if this was made easy and convenient, and if the sum was small. The results, Rumi says, have been spotty in places, but on the whole better than he dared hope. In retrospect, Ruml thinks he should have started earlier, and that he should have set aside more money for pro- motion. Even so, he still hopes for a ".400 batting average." This would mean about 2.4 million dllars for the Democratic war chest. It would also mean some 800,000 voters with a personal stake in the cam- paign. And under any circumstances, Rum believes that he has already proved that "the thing can be done." If Ruml is right-- if very large sums can indeed be collected from very small contributors-there is one way to indicate the importance of this de- velopment. This is to cast the mind back to the campaign of 1948, when the Demo- cratic coffers were wholly empty, until Louis Johnson was called in to labor in thefinan- cial vineyards. Johnson himself, who was disastrously rewarded with the Secretaryship of De- fense for these labors, was one of Tru- man's worst ensuing troubles. But there have been others, less conspicuous, includ- ing some rather nauseating diplomatic appointments, and certain concessions to special interest groups which need not otherwise have been made. If it were not for the Rum five dollar scheme, Adlal Stevenson would face much the same dilemma as Truman faced in 1948. Collections from big contributors to the Democratic party have, to be sure, been higher than in that year but at the same time, campaign expenses have almost doubl- ed, thanks in part to the hidious cost of national television hookups. Even the Eis- enhower campaign managers have had their anxious moment. One of the things that worried them most, in the early days before Gen. Eisenhower's peace pact with Sen. Rob- ert A. Taft, was that the former Taft sup- porters at first showed a tendency to keep their check books firmly closed. The presidential candidacies are only part of the story, moreover. A closely contested campaign for a seat even in the Lower House may run as high as half a million dollars. It is safe to say that not a single Senator in either party, in any fairly close state, has obeyed the spirit of the laws gov- erning campaign expenditures. Obviously these laws, including the Hatch act, should be rewritten to conform with the political realities. But this will not overcome the fact that the generosity of rich men is not always disinterested. Rumil himself divides contributors into three categories: "White" - those who really expect nothing in return; "Gray" - those who have a hankering for an ambassadorship or other post of honor, but expect no flat commitment; and "Black" -- those who expect a flat (and profitable) commitment from the future administration. Ruml shows all would-be "black" con- tributors to the door, and he lets "gray" contributors know in no' uncertain terms that they should expect no quid pro, quo. Presumably the Eisenhower managers do the same thing. Yet the whole system is deeply unhealthy all the same,, as is sug- gested by the way many officers of large companies now make a practice of contrib- uting to both parties. These contributions are regarded essentially as simple business investments, from which a reasonable return in the form of a sympathetic ear in the new administration is expected. The Ruml scheme is no cure for this unhealthy situation, simply because five dol- lar contributions cannot possibly cover the whole tremendous cost of a modern cam- paign. But, until a real cure is found- perhaps the limited underwriting of cam-. paign expenditures by the Federal govern- ment-Ruml's method of tapping the small contributors may at least prove to be a long step in the right direction. (Copyright, 1952, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.) Editorials printed In The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff JOHN P. DAWSON ... challenger A member of the Law School faculty since 1927, the Demo- cratic candidate John P. Daw- son has also had considerable experience in governmental work. In the early years of World War II he served with the OPA drafting and interpreting rent control regulations. Later, he directed the economic program for the Middle East, serving first in Washington and then as director of the American field staff in 17 Middle East coun- tries. After the war, Prof. Dawson' went to Greece as administra- tor of Greek foreign trade. Born i Detroit, the con- gressional nominee graduated from Detroit's Central High School and earned his law de- gree at the University in 1924. He also studied law and po- litical science at Oxford Uni- versity. Long active in local and state politics, Prof. Dawson made an unsuccessful bid for Congress against Rep. Meader in 1950. 3! By HARRY LUNN and ERIC VETTER WITH THE election campaign going into the home stretch, The Daily is presenting a summary coverage of the local Congres- sional race. Both the Republican incumbent, George Meader, and his Demo- cratic opponent, John P. Dawson, have answered a series of 10 ques- tions on key issues in the current campaign. Selected in the August primaries, the nominees have been pre- senting an active campaign throughout the second congressional district which includes Washtenaw, Jackson, Lenawee and Monroe counties. They have engaged in several campus appearances and debates. THE CANDIDATES' complete answers to the following questions appear below: 1) Do you favor Universal Military Training? 2) Do you believe the military assistance and economic aid- plan for foreign allies should be reduced, maintained at the pres- ent level or increased? 3) Do you believe Point Four aid should be reduced, maintained' at the present level or increased? 4) Do you favor construction of the St. Lawrence Seaway at this time? 5) Do you favor the Taft-Hartley Act as it stands now? If not, would you repeal it outright or merely make revisions? What amendments would you suggest or on what basis would you write a new bill? 6) Do you feel the Administration is adequately handling the corruption problem? What suggestions would you make to curb cor- ruption? 7) Do you think the Administration is doing an effective job in removing subversives from the government? What measures do you think are needed to alleviate the Communist menace in government and the country? 8) What is your position on civil rights? Do you favor com- pulsory FEPC, cloture and anti-lynching legislation? 9) Do you favor state control of tidelands oil? 10) What is the one major piece of legislation that you would like to sponsor and see passed by both houses of Congress? DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN WASHINGTON-Some Republicans have blamed Sen. Cabot Lodge for putting Robert Cutler, the busybody Boston banker, aboard General Eisenhower's train. Cutler -is the would-be speech-writer who demand- ed that other Eisenhower ghost-writers get up at 4 a.m. to write another speech when they had hit their berths only after mid- night. However, Senator Lodge is in no way to blame. The man who put Cutler on the Eisenhower train, believe it or not,. is none other than Justice Felix Frankfurter of the U.S. Supreme Court; Only a few people know it, but Frank- furter, who is considered a product of the New Deal, and who was elevated by FDI to the highest court in the land, has been flirt- ing with the Republicans. In fact, he's been more than flirting. Never happy unless he has his finger in politics-despite his position on the Supreme Court-Felix has been an expert in putting his men in key positions in government. And following this pattern, he put his man on the Eisenhower train. W Frankfurter's flirting with Eisenhower came about largely through the fact that two of his key friends-Kenneth Royall, former Secretary of War; and Jack Mc- Cloy, former commissioner to Germany, are now working for Eisenhower. Note-Some Republicans fear that Frank- furter's dabbling in the Eisenhower cam- paign will boomerang. They recall that he not only testified for Alger Hiss, but was the man who brought Hiss to Washington in the first place. - TAFT AND IKE - ICE PR;ESIDENT Barkley, whose wit is famous, has a new story on General Eisenhower, Senator Taft, and who is run- ning the Republican Party. "A young lady," according to the veep, "was fishing for catfish down near Pa- al.onh_1.Who - ..nt a . Pnn a n 41.. a . n the Republicans. And the midwest, as re- cently revealed in this column, isn't the only place where the squeeze is being put on. Despite what happened in Michigan in 1948 where 18 auto dealers were convicted for violation of the corrupt practices act, word now has been passed down by both Ford and General Motors to Michigan dealers to go all out for Congressm'an Charles Potter, the GOP candidate against Sen. Blair Moody. The money collections, follow somewhat the same pattern as that put across in earlier years by Arthur Summerfield, now chairman of the Republican national com- mittee. This time, however, the political collections are not -based on the number of autos sold, but on cash quotas. Bigger deal- j ers are told they must contribute around $1,000. Smaller dealers are given quotas nearer $200. And it is made clear that the number of cars they receive in the future will depend on the gifts they. give to the GOP now. Details of the money raising are left to branch managers. However, John Bugas, right-hand man to Henry Ford II, has been contact man for the branch man- agers, while Harry Anderson, vice presi- the same for G.M. Harlowe Curtice, executive vice president of General Motors, and the man expected to take over the G.M. presidency, is close to Arthur Summerfield, who in addition to be- ing national chairman is the biggest Chev- rolet dealer in the world. 'Summerfield is sometimes described among Michigan poli- ticians "as Curtice's messenger boy, and it was General Motors that switched him from Taft to Ike just before the Chicago conven- tion. MAC ARTHUR VOTES WILL HURT IKE FEW PEOPLE realize it but General Mac- Dawson, Meader Give Views O - (Continued from Page 2); Lectures University Lecture, auspices of the Department of Anthropology and the Women's Research Club. "various Con- cepts of Culture and Their Bearing on Problem Solving." Dr. Cora Dubois, Re- search Director, Institute of Interna- tional Education, New York, Mon., Oct. 27, 8:15 p.m., Rackham Amphitheater. University Lecture. "This I Believe"{ Lecture Series, sponsored by the Stu- dent Religious Association and Cam- pus Religious Council. "Man in the Universe." Dr. Ashley Montagu, Rut- gers Anthropologist and UNESCO con- sultant. Tues.,Oct. 28. Rackham Lec- ture Hall, 8:30 p.m. Remaining lectures in the series: Nov. 4, President George Shuster. "Ethical Problems in Public Life"; Nov. 11, Dr. Vera Micheles Dean, "A Foreign Policy for Peace"; Nov. 18, The Very Rev. James A. Pike, "The In- dividual and his Faith." Academic Notices Qauifying Examination for Graduate Students in Botany, Oct. 28, 7 p.m., 2033 N.S. Bring Blue Books. Mathematics Colloquium. Dr. charles Titus will speak on An extension the- orem for differential matrix operators on Tues., Oct. 28, 4:10 p.m., 3011 Angell. Hall. Seminar in Mathematical Statistics. 2-4, Tues., Oct. 28, 3217 Angell Hall. Mr. R. K. Getoor and Mr. R. W. Royston will continue their discussion of the Non-parametrical Methods. Order Types Seminar, Mon., Oct. 27, 3:15 p.m., 3217 Angell Hall. Mr. Prins will continue his discussion of Sier- pinski's paper. Orientation Seminar in Mathematics will meet Mon., Oct. 27, at 3 p.m., 3001 Angell Hall. Mr. Paxson will speak on the Last Fermat Problem. Game Theory Seminar. Mon., Oct. 27, 4:30 p.m., 3220 Angell Hall. -Doctoral Examination for Herbert Sil- verman, Psychology; thesis: "The Pre- diction of Consciousness of Conflict in the Self from the Rorschach." Tues., Oct. 28, West Council Room, Rackham Bldg., 9:30 a.m. Chairman, M. L. Hutt, Events Today Gamma 1Delta, Lutheran Student Club. Supper-program, 5:30 p.m. Stu- dent-led Reformation Program. Lutheran Student Association. 7 p.m. Prof. Paul Kauper of the Law School will speak on "Luther and the Refor- mation." Wesley Foundation. 9:30 a.m. Discus- sion Class "Understanding the Chris- tian Faith." 5:30 p.m. Fellowship Sup- per. 6:45 p.m. Worship and program. Mr. Albert G. Watson, Midwest Execu- tive Secretary of the Fellowship of Rec- onciliation will speak on "Being Rec- oncilers in an Unreconciled World." Unitarian Student Group. There will be no regularly scheduled meeting this Sunday. Informal discussion of Pates ton lecture at the church, 7:15 p.m. for those interested. Canterbury Club. 6:45 p.m., regular Sunday night get-together featuring Prof. Preston Slosson as speaker. 8 p.m., Evening Prayer Service followed by refreshments and social hour at Canterbury House. Westminter Guild will hold an in- - - * Dawson.,. 1- Yes. 2. Our aid should be continued at present levels so long as. it is clear that the European countries can- not take on the full burden of their rearmament. 3. Increased, as our cheapest remedy against the spread of communism and as a wise in- vestment in our own future prosperity. 4. Yes, immediately. 5 I beive the Taft-Hartley addi- tions to the Wagner Act should be repealed and a completely fresh start made on seven or eight prob- lems dealt with by Taft-Hartley and omitted from the Wagner Act. Of the issues that need com- pletely new treatment, the most important are the national emer- gency strike, abusive forms of sec- ondary boycott (such as the strike of an outside union to compel re- cognition by an employer already dealing with a union certified as representative), strikes in breach of contract, and measures to equa- lize union and management du- ties by requiring unions as well as employers to bargain and by expanding the employer's right to petition to the' NLRB , . . I believe the Administration did not act fast or decisively enough but is now moving along a wide front. The remedies are: first, secur- ing highly qualified personnel (a matter very difficult with salaries much lower than in private indus- try and in an atmosphere of at- tack and distrust to'which McCar- thy has cofitributed greatly); seo- ond, continuing the efforts made by Congressional committees un- der strong leadership from Demo- crats in Senate.and House to ex- pose those guilty or susceptible to improper influences; third, pub- licity for those aspects of govern- ment operation that have proved to be exposed to various influences, especially the RFC; fourth, exten- sion of civil service in the post- office, customs service, and other branches now subject to political appointment; fifth, extension of the criminal law, particularly by penalties on briber as well as bri- bee; sixth, limitation of the pow- er to appear before government agencies of employees who have left government service (described by Senator Douglas as a "delous- ing period"). 7.. Yes, most emphatically. The measures needed are improve- ment and support for counter- intelligence work; plus a cessa- tion of irresponsible firing of buckshot in all diretctions, a pro- cess that has unearthed no sin- gle communist. 8. I favor a national,, enforceable FEPC, with an exemption for those states that themselves un- dertake adequate action. As Con- gressman I would have nothing to say about cloture in the Senate, but I strongly support amendment of Senate rules to permit action by a majority after a time limit ensuring full debate. I favor anti- lynching legislation. 9' Federal control, since the mar- ginal seas have been held by the Supreme Court to belong to the United States and the land be- Meader .. . Universal Military Training has been exaggerated in its import- ance. It is merely one of the many factors in a sound defense estab- lishment. Trained manpower is necessary. I favor a method of ac- quiring a reserve of trained man- power through utilizing to the full- est existing educational and train- ing facilities. I would avoid vesting control of our manpower in the hands of bur- eaucrats. I would not give the ex- ecutive department a blank check to write its own program for training the national youth. Any permanent system of military training the nation's youth. Any permanent system of military training should be spelled out in legislation by the Congress it- self. For the present, selective ser- vice legislation fills military manpower needs. Efforts should be directed toward the prepara- tion by the Congress of a sen- sible peacetime military train-' ing program. The administration and the press should not belabor Congress to grant the executive department more power than it ought to have. 2. Both econmic and military aid are provided in the Mutual Se- curity Act. I voted for this act -in both the first and second sessions of the 82nd Congress. In my judgment the goal of es- tablishing a free world can be more certainly achieved by smaller but better administered economic and military aid programs. A part of the weakness of allied nations is due to internal deficiencies, such as regressive tax structures and extravagant social programs. If friendly countries are to con- stitute a real bulwark against Communist aggression, our aid should not be the means of per- petuating these deficiencies. The danger in excessive generosity on our part is that both we and' those we are seeking to aid will become weak and thus be vulnerable to Communist imperialism. 3. I favor Point Four assistance to underdeveloped areas. I have introduced legislation to take steps toward the accomplish- ments of this objective in line with our American pholosophy of government and our free en- terprise principles and tradi- tions. The Administration has been forced to give my idea token recognition, but has avoided realistic action in this direction. 4. I favor construction of the St. Lawrence Seaway. I favor retention of the Taft- Hartley Act with perfecting- amendments substantially as rec- ommended by Senator Taft and supported generally by the Repub- lican Party. The Administration has not stamped out, nor has it tried to stamp out, the corruption for which its officials have been re- sponsible. The need is not for new laws but for honest, vigorous, fgrth- right enforcement of the crim- inal laws now on the books. What is needed is an honest, able and aggressive attorney general. To police against corruption I advocated the establishment of a bi-partisan special committee of Cho Wnm n} RrPSPn .t o to ivPD GEORGE MEADER . .. incumbent Incumbent Congressman George Meader has had a long career in government both on the local and national level. Previous to his election to the House of Representatives in 1950, the 45 year old Republi- can served as chief counsel of the Senate Banking and Cur- rency Sub-Committee investi- gating the Reconstruction Fl nance Corporation. In the last 13 yars he has held a wide variety of other governmental positions includ- ing: counsel, Michigan Merit System Association; prosecut- ing attorney of Washtenaw County; counsel of the special Senate Committee investigat- ing the national defense pro- gram during World War I (the famed Truman Commit- tee) and other investigatig committees. In Congress he has been a member of the Committee on Expenditures in the Executive Departments and the subcom- mittee on Government Opera- tions. Graduated from the Univer sity in 1927, he received a Jurls doctor degree from the Law School 'in 1931. Administration has attracted- all degrees of left-wingers and par- lor pinks who never should have been hired in the first place. The most effective means of re- moving this class of federal offce- holder is by voting Republican in the election November 4th. 8. I have consistently opposed a national compulsory Fair Em- ployment Practices Commission Act. I believe we should progres in the elimination of racial prejudices and frictions by em- phasizing the common rights of all American citizens. We should desist from calling attention to their differences and from seek- ing to play upon prejudices for political advantage. 9. Since the Supreme Court de- cided that control of the tidelands should be vested in the federal government, I was unable to justi- fy a grant for the exclusive bene- fit of the inhabitants of the states adjacent to 'such areas However, it has come to my at- tention that the federal govern- ment has sought to use the' deci- sion to extend its jurisdiction and encroach upon the rights of state and local governments. I am in direct opposition to such a policy. 10. My bill to create a commission on aid to uder-developed areas. WILL never trust my wife again till thou art able to woo her in good English." -Ford in "Merry Wives of Windsor" 1Midigan~att { 1 i le ll i Sixty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Crawford Young....Managing Editor Cal Samra............Editorial Director Zander Hollander.......Feature Editor Sid Klaus........ Associate City Editor Harland Britz........Associate Editor Donna Hen dleman .Associate Editor Ed Whipple...........Sports Editor John Jenks.....Associate Sports Editor Dick Sewell.....Associate Sports Editor Lorraine Butler.......Women's Editor Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor Business Staf Al Green........,...Business Manager Milt Goetz........Advertising Manager Diane Johnston... Assoc. Business Mgr. Judy Loehnberg..... Finance Manager Tom Treeger.......Circulation Manager I